CC Minutes 4-13-20Chanhassen City Council – April 13, 2020 10 Councilwoman Coleman: No further questions. Mayor Ryan: Councilman Campion? Councilman Campion: No questions at this time. Mayor Ryan: Alright I do not have any additional questions so with that I would stand for a motion. Councilwoman Tjornhom: I’ll make a motion. Mayor Ryan: Alright, Councilwoman. Councilwoman Tjornhom: Yes I’d like to make a motion that the City Council adopts the resolution authorizing a refund of a portion of on-sale liquor licensing fees and approves the 2020 liquor license renewals as listed on the attached sheet contingent upon receipt of all necessary documentation and satisfactory background investigations of new operating managers. Mayor Ryan: Thank you Councilwoman Tjornhom. We have a valid motion. Is there a second? Councilman McDonald: I’ll second. Mayor Ryan: Thank you Councilman McDonald. We have a valid motion and a second. Resolution #2020-23: Councilwoman Tjornhom moved, Councilman McDonald seconded that the City Council adopts the resolution authorizing a refund of a portion of on-sale liquor licensing fees and approves the 2020 liquor license renewals as listed on the attached sheet contingent upon receipt of all necessary documentation and satisfactory background investigations of new operating managers. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. Mayor Ryan: Alright that motion carries 5-0. I saw Councilman McDonald give a thumbs up so that helps too. APPROVE A REQUEST TO REZONE PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH OF WEST 78TH STREET AND WEST OF LAKE ANN PARK FROM RURAL RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (RR) TO HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (R-16), LOT CONSOLIDATION AND SITE PLAN REVIEW WITH VARIANCES FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 48 UNIT CONTINUING CARE RETIREMENT FACILITY. Mayor Ryan: Next we have under new business the approval to rezone the property on the north of West 78th Street. Ms. Aanenson. Chanhassen City Council – April 13, 2020 11 Kate Aanenson: Yep that’s me, yep. Thank you. Members of the City Council, Moments of Chanhassen, the applicant Civil Site Group is Patrick Sarver and owner TMSC of Chanhassen LLC Elizabeth Wright and they’re both on, following this item too. The property address is, there’s two properties. 1620 and 1660 Arboretum Boulevard. This item did appear before the Planning Commission on February 4th. So they’re asking for a couple items. Rezoning of the property from Rural Residential District to the High Density Residential District, lot consolidation and site plan review with var iances and the intent is to construct a continuing care facility. So the property is located on West 78th Street and located here. The park is just immediately to the east of it and access via West 78th Street. I just want to give a little context for this site. So this property was formerly in 1989 owned by Natural Green Landscaping and the business was moved and the site was restored to more of it’s natural state. With the upgrade of Highway 5 and the construction on the frontage road there was excess right-of-way that was actually acquired by Southwest Transit which is one of their rights they can do when there’s excess right -of-way from a MnDOT project. So in looking at this site the development is very challenging because of the topography, the wetlands, the shoreland district, access to sewer and water and access also off of West 78th Street which is challenging here. So while Southwest Transit, they owned it. They brought in a number of applicants. There was potential for a entertainment center. Kind of a venue. We saw a lot of different things that really didn’t fit on the site for a lot of different reasons. Sometimes it was traffic generations. Sometimes it was the hard surface coverage so having said that when this project came forward we felt like this really was best suited for the site based on trip generation and their ability to kind of model the site, or mold the site to fit on the property. So the developers made a number of compromise and the staff has supported it with some of the variances. So again it’s a continuing care facility. So just to go through the rezoning because I think sometimes we forget how that works so the rezoning has to be consistent with the land use designation so right now it is currently residential low density, or excuse me agricultural but it is guided for high density residential which is what this application is. I also wanted to show our Comprehensive Plan because we get asked this a lot. Are we following how many senior housings do we need so this is what in our recently approved 2040 Comprehensive Plan when we looked at service enriched projects. So this will bring our total to 159. As you’re aware the Avienda project is also advancing and they’ll have some senior housing too so there’s about 157 available as we look for the year, out to the year 2040. Again we’re trying to diversify our different housing stock so this we call service enriched so it falls in that bucket. So again there is sufficient capacity in the City’s plan for that. So the existing conditions. Again the site, as I mentioned before is complex. There’s multiple wetlands. A creek within it so that falls within the Shoreland District which also limits the hard surface coverage and then there’s also height requirements within that so the parcel’s, the project includes two parcels. So one of the things that we’re requiring is that it be consolidated into one parcel. So this illustrative drawing just shows how the building sits on there with kind of the creek and the wetlands are on the site so again that was some of the complexities of working on the project. Again the site plan itself. So the 65,000 square foot continuing care facility takes up about 34.5 percent of the 35 percent so it’s, it was very, very close to meeting the hard surface coverage but they made it work. Again there was a lot of work put in through their engineering Chanhassen City Council – April 13, 2020 12 and architectural staff to make it work and again we’ve been working with the watershed district on this and multiple meetings as did the applicant too to work through some of the balancing of the wetlands in the back and I’ll show you that in a little bit too. So one of the variances was also the front parking. We reduced that in order to allow the site to work and that was one of the variances too and I’ll go through those in a little bit more detail. So this is the front of the building. Again it’s a highly articulated building. The Planning Commission unanimously really thought highly of the architecture and I’m going to ask our AV person to see if they can show the materials sample on the table top. We practiced this. We’ll see if we can make that work. I do have the actual materials. Wait for it, yay. So there’s the material samples there. Again high quality materials. So it ’s a terraced style again kind of working at the grading. Because this is memory care there’s a lot of visual aspects out the back of the building which I’ll show here. The landscaping in the back and the wetlands so again fitting in the needs of the end user of the building. So here’s a little bit more detail of the materials. Can we go back to the camera? There we go. So the back of the building is really again for the end users of the building. Materials. Signage. So access coming off of West 78th Street, I’ll show you a little bit more detail on that. The parking. So this again is some of the area that was compromised here and a variance given to make that fit on the site. Again this use fits well in that the number of parking stalls is minimal as compared to when we looked at the event center when you had a lot more traffic coming in and also when you’re looking at some of the peak hours coming down West 78th and peak demand, it fit in really well so they accomplished it by surface parking and then also some underground parking to meet the standards. So the only variance then would have been on the frontage. The landscaping itself. So the parking, that was one of the issues that was brought up and the Planning Commission discussed it too while they were giving the variance. It’s very well landscaped and articulated. We’ve done this in other areas where we’re, on Highway 5 frontage where we’ve asked or the applicant has asked for relief and through additional landscaping created that buffer so staff felt good about that. So again the nexus for the variance would be that they put additional landscaping in there. So the access management, that was one of the things that was looked at too and in accordance with the city code driveways have to, having access off collector roads require a turn around so again that was one of the things that they spent a lot of time working on. One of those things that we thought we were there and then we realized you know how are we going to make that work for emergency vehicles and the like so that also was accommodated and you can see how that works on the site plan. A little bit more detail. So utilities. This was one of the challenges that was out there too for sewer and water connection. The sewer actually has to tie into the Metropolitan Council’s sewer so it’s a little bit longer run to actually connect to the sewer but sewer and water are available and so that can be accomplished and again meeting the city ordinance. Storm water. There’s stormwater treatment on the site via infiltration pond and so they’re meeting all those standards and have met with the watershed district and gotten their approval. So the one other variance that we talked about was the averaging. So the buffer averaging is supposed to be, is proposed to be 20 foot minimum width adhered to so that’s, you can see this, what made it difficult to get the side in. Be able to provide the turn arounds. Eliminate the parking so this was the impact, wetland impact and then the buffer averaging there to meet the setbacks. Depending on the type of wetland, the Manage 1 or 2, it’s 30 feet for the primary structure and then the staff was Chanhassen City Council – April 13, 2020 13 recommending the 5 foot setback be adhered to. So the fire department also wanted to make sure there was a controlled access point coming out the back of the building. That there was a hard surface landing to com out the back so a lot of little changes that were, that had to be made so you can see where that, they wanted to make sure there’s a 5 foot clear zone there to be able to, if they had to get to the back of the building. So again one of the little changes that was made. Mayor Ryan: And how would they access that? Kate Aanenson: Through the back there, looking at a sidewalk to the back. Hard cover. Todd Gerhardt: So they wouldn’t physically drive back there? Kate Aanenson: No. Todd Gerhardt: It would be hauling hose or. Kate Aanenson: Yeah, yeah. So grading proposed in a wetland buffer, we talked a little bit about that. Landscaping plan has to be updated to address the reforestation of the buffer and then the grading proposed outside limits, temporary construction easements. Those are requirements are in the staff report again for adherence and then these are standards that would go into our site plan agreement for disturbance of more than an acre they need NPDES permit and their SWPPP. Those are standard construction practices. So with that the applicant are here. Elizabeth, the owner is also on the line and she’s got another pro ject in Lakeville so I’d like you to hear a little bit from her but we are recommending approval. We’re excited to bring this project forward because we’ve been working on this site for a long, long time and I think it’s a good fit but I think if you have questions they’re both available. Mayor Ryan: Okay thank you Ms. Aanenson. Normally we would go to council questions first but you said that Ms. Wright has to get to another meeting tonight. Kate Aanenson: No they’re available tonight. Mayor Ryan: Oh they’re available tonight, okay. Sorry. With that then council are there any questions of Ms. Aanenson before we ask the applicants to speak. Councilman McDonald? Councilman McDonald: No. Mayor Ryan: Councilwoman Tjornhom? Councilwoman Tjornho m: No. Mayor Ryan: Councilwoman Coleman? Chanhassen City Council – April 13, 2020 14 Councilwoman Coleman: No. Mayor Ryan: Councilman Campion? Councilman Campion: No. Mayor Ryan: I have a few but I’d wait to, let’s hear from the applicants and then I’ll follow up with some of my questions. Welcome Ms. Wright and Mr. Sarver. Are you both there? Elizabeth Wright: Yes I’m here. Mayor Ryan: Welcome. If you would like to share a little bit about your project we’d love to hear from you. Elizabeth Wright: I would love to. The first thing I want to do is take a minute and thank everyone involved on the city side of getting us to where we’re at right now. It was truly a partnership. I guess working together and understanding what the needs of the City are and we’re thrilled that the Planning Commission passed us forward and I believe at this point we’ve tried to clear up as much of any of the outstanding issues that may have existed at that Planning Commission. I want to tell you a little bit about the Moments. Moments is a memory care community but it’s more than that. Where do I start? Back in 2014 I was presented with an opportunity to potentially get into the memory care industry and it was, seemed to be a perfect fit. I had two grandparents who both passed away due to dementia and I was in real estate for a number of years and I own a construction company so it provided me an opportunity to try to make a change and one of those changes was seeing what really needs to go into memory care and it’s not just about the beautiful building that we have down in Lakeville but it’s about the people that work in that building and the residents and their family members. I think of this process as a partnership which I said earlier and when I say that I mean that when we had the opportunity to build in Lakeville, going through that process with the City of Lakeville was amazingly, it was informative. It was really a great process and we really built a great partnership and we feel like we’re a part of that community. For me coming to Chanhassen is something that I’m thrilled about in part because for probably about 15 years I was a resident of Chanhassen so it feels like coming home again. So for me the opportunity to build in Chanhassen is something I look forward to. But The Moments itself, when I had the chance to go tour around the country and look at a number of other communities and really try to pick and choose what we wanted to see, we landed on several items that we see as being carried forward throughout any one of the Moments as it gets built. A lot of that is natural light circulating rhythm type of things where we have in the new, or the existing building in Lakeville we’ve got our high vaulted ceilings with so much natural light and if you ever go to the website that’s all natural. We also believe in infloor heating throughout for the residents and up to 6 air changes an hour which what’s going on right now having that clean air is extremely important so we’ve been as technologically advanced as possible. But like I said for us, for me it’s a beautiful building. It’s a beautiful building but if you don’t have that staff inside taking care of those Chanhassen City Council – April 13, 2020 15 residents it’s just another building so what we enjoy and what I’m forward to is the opportunity to bring this to Chanhassen and provide that level of care and that level of love that we showed the residents of Lakeville and as a matter of fact the City of Lakeville just approved at the end of 2019 and we started construction on an expansion of our existing campus to add 60 additional memory care units so we just started that construction last month. But what we look forward to is bringing that and bringing jobs to Chanhassen. We believe in, we don’t have anything less than a CNA for direct caregiver which is important for you to understand. We also have 24 hour nursing. We’ve got LPN’s on 24 hours a day and we’ve got the resident, or I’m sorry the Director of Nursing is an RN so we look forward to it. Again I appreciate everything that’s been going on with these strange times we’re living in right now for you all to get this on your agenda and hopefully allow us to bring the Moments to Chanhassen. I’d truly appreciate it. Mayor Ryan: Wonderful, thank you Ms. Wright. Mr. Sarver is there anything you’d like to add as well before I turn it over to council for any questions? Talk about the design and architecture of the building. We’d love to hear your thoughts as well. I saw you earlier. Matt Kerr: Patrick I think you might be muted on your end there. Patrick Sarver: Okay am I here now? Kate Aanenson: There you are. Patrick Sarver: Can you hear me? Kate Aanenson: Yes. Mayor Ryan: Yes. Patrick Sarver: Oh excellent, alright. Technology on this side so, it’s going to tough to follow Elizabeth. She did such an elegant job explaining the process and it’s been an honor to work with them throughout their two projects that they have going there and then the opportunity to work on this one in Chanhassen. Can you hear me? Todd Gerhardt: We can hear you but we can’t see. Kate Aanenson: There we go. Todd Gerhardt: Now we can. Patrick Sarver: I think the challenge is the video, I’m going to take my headphones off and hold on. I apologize about this. Mayor Ryan: That’s okay. Chanhassen City Council – April 13, 2020 16 Patrick Sarver: It worked a second ago I thought. Well. Todd Gerhardt: We got you. Patrick Sarver: Now can you hear me? Mayor Ryan: Yeah. No put them back on. Todd Gerhardt: Put it back on, there you go. You’re good. Patrick Sarver: Okay. Alright thank you very much. It’s been a pleasure working with Chanhassen, the staff and the Moments in adding to their projects. We’ve been working on this for a little over a year and a half and it’s been a thrill. Staff has been wonderful guiding us to where we’re at. Working with the Watershed. I’m convinced we’ve got a much better project for the amount of time that we’ve been involved in it and I’ll stand for any questions. Mayor Ryan: Perfect thank you. Council I’ll go through again and ask any questions of either the applicant or Ms. Aanenson. Councilman McDonald? Councilman McDonald: Not at this time. Mayor Ryan: Councilwoman Tjornhom? Councilwoman Tjornhom: Not at this time. Mayor Ryan: Councilwoman Coleman? Councilwoman Coleman: Yes just one question for Kate Aanenson was reading through the packet and I know it mentioned that a couple of members of the Planning Commission had some concerns that were addressed. Can you quickly go through those concerns? Kate Aanenson: Yes. Thank you. I actually had a slide on that too. So when it did come before the Planning Commission and the Minutes are a little more detailed of that but two commissioners voted no of not supporting the project. They all agreed in the architectural and overall layout but they were concerned about the variance request and I think the 3 that were in favor felt like they were warranted and again as I mentioned this is a remnant piece of property and it’s really pinched by a lot of other natural features so the property that’s surrounding it is over 100 acres so we felt like the, because of those constraints the lot remnants that the, and the rest of the Planning Commission did too so that was the vote on the 4 to 2. Did that answer your questions Councilwoman Coleman? Councilwoman Coleman: Yes thank you. Chanhassen City Council – April 13, 2020 17 Kate Aanenson: I meant to bring that up, thank you. Mayor Ryan: Before I get to you Councilman Campion I just want to follow up on Councilwoman Coleman’s comments. What specifically about the variance? Kate Aanenson: Well I think they felt like, because of the back of the wetlands that that impact, they didn’t want to see that happen on the other property. Mayor Ryan: Okay. Kate Aanenson: And so, and then the frontage one also, there’s so much more land that it didn’t need to have the same variances because there’s enough room to work there and this is really a pinched piece with the creek the way it touches down so they felt like they don’t want to give a variance that may set a precedent to the one next door. Mayor Ryan: Okay. Thank you. Councilman Campion? Councilman Campion: No questions. Mayor Ryan: Alright Ms. Aanenson could I just go back to that. I was obviously reading through the Minutes from the commission meeting and so I know that one of the bigger concerns was the, you know impeding into the bluff and some of the restoration that was going to take place. Is that, when Ms. Wright was talking about some of the things that they came back with and the change of their landscaping plan, I felt like that was one of the more contentious conversation points of the meeting is the landscaping. Kate Aanenson: I would agree and I think that’s, I think Ms. Wright addressed how that was being handled. I think part of it was the illustrations at that meeting weren’t probably not reflective of what they were trying to accomplish so working with the watershed district and working through the City’s Forester, getting that plan revised and the watershed district we believe met the intent of what the majority of the Planning Commission wanted. Mayor Ryan: And did they provide, I know there was somewhat of a design. What can you show on your power point what was changed or what was added? I know there was some on the front as well as the back and then around the perimeter of the building. Kate Aanenson: So I think illustratively that, so if you look at the back of the building, I think this drawing here. Let’s see from the back here. This is that edge of the wetland so that was some of the wetland characteristics that they wanted to enhance. So I think this is larger than, so if you look at this drawing there’s not that much space. It’s more like this and so and those will all be, those are some, when we put the site plan agreement together they’ll have to put security Chanhassen City Council – April 13, 2020 18 in place to make sure that that covers the replacement that they have to put in place and that will be inspected and we hold the security for that. That they have to be built as drawings show. Mayor Ryan: Okay. Kate Aanenson: So there’ll be a definitive plan showing all that. Mayor Ryan: So the top picture isn’t correct. It’s the bottom picture. Kate Aanenson: Correct. Mayor Ryan: Is what is the correct vision. Kate Aanenson: Correct. Yeah, yeah. Yep so one’s more looking at the building. One’s more looking at the landscape. Mayor Ryan: Okay gotch ya. And then there was a lot of conversation I think that had to do with the turn around in the parking lot and pinch points. There was a lot of question on that. How was that remedied with the parking lot? Did any of the, did the design actually end up changing? Kate Aanenson: Yeah so this is showing how it works. So that one has to be reviewed by the City Engineer or the Fire Department to make sure that that turn around radius works and we believe that meets that so. Mayor Ryan: So by approving this tonight are we approving that drawing or is it going to then be reviewed again? Kate Aanenson: It’ll be reviewed again before they issue the permit, correct. Mayor Ryan: Okay, okay. Todd Gerhardt: Mayor and council members what this does, it’s a drawing that engineers use to show that a semi or a normal vehicle can make the maneuver into the site without going to oncoming traffic so if you could show that drawing again. So that shows the movement of each of the automobiles that it can make the maneuvers within their lane to get into the site. Mayor Ryan: And is that the access to the underground parking or is that just a parking lot there? Kate Aanenson: There’s additional parking. Mayor Ryan: Okay. Chanhassen City Council – April 13, 2020 19 Kate Aanenson: And access to the underground and kind of the service area. That would be on this. The mic’s not on. That would be going this way to the underground service area. Mayor Ryan: Okay. Kate Aanenson: But as the City Manager said that would allow us so you don’t have to back out onto this. So you can back up here. Mayor Ryan: And is that for staff parking? Resident parking? Kate Aanenson: There is staff underneath. There is guest parking over on that farthest end so. If you go back to the original parking and maybe Elizabeth or Patrick may want to address. Mayor Ryan: I just thi nk it’s the ease of parking for elderly visitors possibly. You know it’s hard to turn your neck and see behind you and I guess I get a little bit nervous about some of the movement. Kate Aanenson: Sure, maybe Patrick or Elizabeth could answer that question. Patrick Sarver: I’d be happy to. This is Patrick. The graphic that we were referring to or we were pointing at earlier, that was proving that the fire truck, that the Chanhassen large size fire truck will be able to drive into the site and that’s essentially what that graphic was showing. From an operation standpoint the parking that’s nearest the front door, those will be maintained to open so that there convenience to the visitors and the guests that do come so that they’ll be able to utilize the closest access to the doors. Employee parking is available underneath and then we’ll also be whatever extra parking is needed, those employees will be encouraged to park at the farthest spots away. Mayor Ryan: Okay perfect, that makes sense. I appreciate the clarification on how that, how the parking was laid out. Kate Aanenson: Yeah I think the Planning Commission discussed too. There’s a sidewalk in front here too to get so if there is. Mayor Ryan: There is okay. Kate Aanenson: Yeah to the front door, yeah. Mayor Ryan: Okay. And you said there is a sidewalk in the back as well? Kate Aanenson: Well they talked about a landing for the. Chanhassen City Council – April 13, 2020 20 Patrick Sarver: There will be, this is Patrick again. There will be a sidewalk that’s added to the back again at the request of the Fire Marshal for exiting from the rear door. That was the concern and so I mean if you look at the site the pinch point, it’s that elevated wetland in the back that really constricts. There’s a lot of elements that need to happen through the middle. It’s the wetland piece. It’s the building. It’s two way traffic and parking at an entrance that all, that pinch point is essentially in the, it bisects the site and so the challenge, this has been a challenge for the entire site is how can you get everything, how can you make it feel accessible and easy to get in and out of as much as possible while responding to a natural feature that you’re trying to, and it’s been a credit to the staff and to the watershed and to the Forester and everybody involved to be able to come up with a compromise solution that I think fits the site really well. Mayor Ryan: Perfect thank you and then my final question just has to do with the, you know there was some concern about just the water. You know the runoff I know with a lot of, I think it was Commissioner McGonagill who mentioned that the development to the north and then eventually other t hings getting developed in this area, the impact to the watershed and what were some of the comments from the watershed? Kate Aanenson: Sure so this is the stormwater basin on this side and then there’s also a proposed rain garden so they worked through the watershed district on that and I believe that’s what Mrs. Wright talked about too is getting a better project by going back to the watershed district and refining that. Mayor Ryan: Okay, and that was one of the changes that was made since the commission? Kate Aanenson: Yep and then how they’re treating that for the abstraction correct. Mayor Ryan: Okay perfect. Thank you. Thanks for the clarification on all those points. Council any other questions? Councilman McDonald? Councilman McDonald: No further questions at this time. Mayor Ryan: Councilwoman Tjornhom? Councilwoman Tjornhom: No further questions. Mayor Ryan: Councilwoman Coleman? Councilwoman Coleman: No further questions. Mayor Ryan: Councilman Campion? Councilman Campion: No questions. Chanhassen City Council – April 13, 2020 21 Mayor Ryan: Alright with no further questions I would stand for a motion. Councilman McDonald: I’ll do the motion. Mayor Ryan: Alright Councilman McDonald. Councilman McDonald: I propose that the Chanhassen City Council approves an ordinance rezoning property from Rural Residential District to High Density Residential District (R-16), lot consolidation and approves a resolution for site plan review with variances for the construction of a 48 unit continuing care retirement facility, The Moments of Chanhassen as shown in plans dated January the 6th, 2020. Revised February the 18th, 2020 subject to the conditions of approval and adopts the Findings of Fact and Recommendations. Mayor Ryan: We have a valid motion. Is there a second? Councilman Campion: Second. Mayor Ryan: Councilman Campion with the second. We have a valid motion and a second. Councilman McDonald moved, Councilman Campion seconded that the Chanhassen City Council approves an Ordinance rezoning property from Rural Residential District to High Density Residential District (R-16), lot consolidation and approve Resolution #2020-25: for site plan review with variances for the construction of a 48-unit continuing care retirement facility (The Moments of Chanhassen), as shown in plans dated February 18, 2020, subject to the following conditions of approval and adopts the findings of fact and decision: 1. REZONING The City Council approves an Ordinance for Planning Case #2020-02 to rezone 3.5 acres of property zoned RR, Rural Residential District, to R-16, High-Density Residential District, and adoption of the Findings of Fact. 2. SITE PLAN APPROVAL The Chanhassen City Council approves a resolution for site plan consisting of a 65,000 square- foot continuing care facility with wetland and front yard setback variances, Planning Case #2020-20, for The Moments of Chanhassen as shown in plans dated January 6, 2020, revised February 18, 2020, and including the attached Findings of Fact and decision, subject to the following conditions: Engineering Chanhassen City Council – April 13, 2020 22 1. A turning movement analysis utilizing the largest anticipated design vehicle shall be provided to ensure there is adequate spacing and no conflicts within the required turnaround, the driveway entrance/exit, and with the traffic control devices located on West 78th Street (raised median, pavement striping, etc.) prior to the issuance of building permits. 2. An updated existing condition survey shall be submitted with revised plans that include the full extents of the construction limits for review and approval by the city prior to recording of the Site Plan Agreement. 3. A minimum five-foot setback shall be adhered to at all times along the wetland buffer. 4. Revisions and updates to the erosion control plans and SWPPP shall be submitted to meet the requirements of the NPDES Construction Permit and Sec. 19-145 of City Code prior to the commencement of grading activities. 5. The applicant shall submit updated plans and modeling to provide for the required abstraction and obtain a RPBCWD permit prior to the issuance of building permits. 6. The applicant shall provide an operation and maintenance plan (O&M) for the private stormwater BMPs. The O&M of private stormwater BMPs is required in perpetuity and must be approved by the Water Resources Coordinator, or their designee, to be recorded against the benefiting properties, prior to building permits being issued. 7. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure and submit proof that permits are received from all other agencies with jurisdiction over the project (i.e. Army Corps of Engineers, DNR, MnDOT, Carver County, RPBCWD, Board of Water and Soil Resources, PCA, etc.). 8. The applicant will be required to enter into a maintenance agreement with the city for the proposed inside drop within the MCES’ manhole prior to issuance of building permits. 9. All proposed sanitary sewer lines will be privately owned and maintained, thus no manholes shall be located within public right-of-way. Environmental Resources 1. The applicant shall remove the existing trees within the grading limits along the west property line. Fire Marshal 1. Show any lower level exit doors and egress paths outdoors away from the building. This type of development cannot omit lower level exit doors. Planning 1. All rooftop and ground equipment must be screened from views. Chanhassen City Council – April 13, 2020 23 2. The applicant must prepare a lighting plan and include photometrics. Light levels for site lighting shall be no more than one-half foot candle at the project perimeter property line. This does not apply to street lighting. The applicant has not submitted a light fixture design. This fixture must be downcast and the light cut off at a 90-degree angle. The City Code requires all fixtures be shielded. 3. Approval of the site plan applications is contingent upon approval of the rezoning and variances. 4. The monument sign may not exceed 24 square feet in area nor be higher than five feet. The sign shall be located 10 feet from the property line. A sign permit is required before construction of the sign. 5. Sign illumination and design shall comply with ordinance. 6. Recycling space and other solid waste collection space should be contained within the same enclosure as the trash. 7. Approval of the site plan is contingent upon consolidation of the two parcels into a single zoning lot. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. Mayor Ryan: We have approved the motion 5-0 and thank you both for being here, Ms. Wright and Mr. Sarver. I appreciate you being here and Ms. Wright welcome back to Chanhassen. Welcome home. Elizabeth Wright: Thank you so much. I’m very excited. Patrick Sarver: Thank you so much. It’s been a pleasure. Kate Aanenson: I also want to thank Sharmeen Al-Jaff who really, really worked hard on this. This was a very complex project and both the developer and the staff worked really hard to make this happen. There was a lot of work put into it from all the departments including engineering so a lot of work on everybody’s part so very exciting. Mayor Ryan: Well great team effort again so thank you for staff’s hard work and thank you both for your interest in being in Chanhassen. We’re happy to have you. Elizabeth Wright: Thank you. Have a good night. Mayor Ryan: Alright thank you for joining us. Have a good night.