Certificates of Survey/^d\\ \r\._ W\) '/',u1' -z&': -j\tt, ,-.gt'.\ ,& t at-1.r* 'rin- $TANHASSEN Pt lllttlt{G Dgt r. lL s-r rh s rrrdr b E rsEi-rr r -@.th-r.. Ec -.'r\ - --r. D, x a !r- 6, rttc .FrI6 Z X. r..n d heq.tbr no !-r F&-.d 6 ft lot l, lr. u\.r..[- -itdaltr., - ll .rFr r. t* lE tEd L El rrrry 4,dlrtt!.. 'L L -ulL.L .b- n a tir?dt t ar crr-. .lr'- tt r ad .t l 5. 9Eia. .lm o r-l o - -.trd &t^ l. h..6, -r,r, b rrEk .id |t-irE Sa- lEt Orb .,q C- , rredr E ,.ed b, d ( efi,d.1r..fl'!al.ndr- Lri Srry dr& a. rd or U! not .a o' ao Sir' =- rin-to tLr* t{c a2294 .iEa rrrniirlrdQtn*tr+.ff PI3NEERosh-nE',r ,aAhEDr. ^.{6aOcl.l9lablb.IrlsriD la€(tll6.lr.L 'ngr Certificate of Survey for: Francisco and Heather Silva ,:l20OJ70!O Lrt trlfttEt armoa occddhg to tha ,@dad dot thi6f caE Ca,rty, Ihnoto rrE- 545 ltot Lr.. chda Il -t. I /_r', ,/ L-\ $.,--. u./C \4..-.r-\rr.z/ rl '.?L-'..a tg IE (@o) D-.r- 4-- -o]..-.J'.r.r--!b I CITY 0F CHANHASSET'I RECEIVED MAY 01 2020 a EtiI \\\\.\\\'Qrv o)\\).\..-....\\\...t ri\\\. r &FfEl M\or.\\\\\\\\ \.rr\\\\\\\\\ \\ \\\\\\\\ .\\ .\ i' S\\ a\\\ \cflAiltuessnv \ .I -\ 'a\ f E \ ,F \ \ l l) I I I I A .rl t q ? gi.(. tl 11l l'-' \, \ (' E- 1 g ffi I I t \ \ ,6_ wd brld.Erssuo tu(65riar4.t.E-Fd.6 PI PA t:120OJ70m lrt t0-Lf,fiEr a8ro{ occsd&rg to tha r.cddod plot thmo, Cortr Cdrtty' llhn-oto rad.* 545 r.loto Lr., qt6*4 llrlot Certificate of Survey for: Francisco and Heather Silva Src.t HA ssEi, 020 mPr \lt/ \\$ i1 11r \\\\I \\\\\\\\ II \ LL"Ebibhi tt/lTiti I I \\\ \ iniir)' [^ ( \ \ /7 'r',/ / /, ./ / /.2< t./ / /'t/r //))/ tI CITY OF CHANHASSEII RECEIVED ilAY 012020 CHAI'JHASSEJ pl.Al,Jt{tiJc DEpf If I ) \ C) 3', D \--- \ E ? 1 C r c [:-+ Certifrcate of SurYey for: Frarcisco aod Hcalhcr Silva !$..t 2 ol 2 Lot !LrfFllEI AMMOI .c...tra t th. .wrLd ,lrt th,tdCdE ccrtr 9rn-oto ral'* !a5 r.bb r& 6-. I'-r. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ CITY OF CHA{HAS \ RECEtvEb - \N [,AY O, z{roI \ounMEnufiru ag \ \ t 9;oA, I I I 1 i I '1' \l \b L t I i €- fij .\ ----> Ie PI3NEERarci'eris,r :aabd.Elt tt : (6Jl) 6al-I9larbltb,I{tttr) rE(6rl)al4.n Certificate of Survey for: Francisco and Heather Silva $o.t 2 ot 2Jrqd , I 2OOJ7@O lFol- t:a.7olbn rr ror , EI{ DEgT s-t \- \ lEtt fii \ -)\\ti \ It{dl:rl ri 1 ,/l i? b:En i\ I\ Lot I E.IfTrlEU AIIIIXI{ ocE6*r9 to th. rEd.d M tn-.ofCcE Cq,tt!, llhtoto rAr- 5tg L4oto l6a Ch..Io, Eh-ta