05-05-20-pc-sumCHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING SUMMARY MINUTES MAY 5, 2020 Chairman Weick called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Steven Weick, Mark Randall, Michael McGonagill, Doug Reeder, Laura Skistad, Eric Noyes, and Mark Von Oven STAFF PRESENT: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director; Sharmeen Al-Jaff, Senior Planner; Erik Henricksen, Project Engineer; and MacKenzie Walters, Associate Planner PUBLIC PRESENT: Ken Ashfeld 6480 Yosemite Chairman Weick asked the two new members of the Planning Commission, Eric Noyes and Mark Von Oven to introduce themselves before reviewing guidelines for conducting the virtual Planning Commission meeting. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDER A REQUEST TO AMEND THE PUD AT 7801 AUDUBON ROAD (PAISLEY PARK). Kate Aanenson presented the staff report on this item. Commissioner McGonagill asked about the impact of outdoor concerts on the recently approved senior citizen facility, The Moments of Chanhassen, across Highway 5. Commissioner Skistad asked about the possibility of using Lake Ann Park for parking and capacity concerns with the HVAC system. Alan Seiffert, Executive Director of Paisley Park, provided his comments on this request. Chairman Weick opened the public hearing. Kate Aanenson noted that she did not receive any phone calls or emails on this item. Chairman Weick closed the public hearing. Randall moved, McGonagill seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the proposed amendments to Paisley Park’s Planned Unit Development (PUD) ordinance. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE SUBDIVISION OF 6.4 ACRES INTO TWO SINGLE-FAMILY LOTS WITH VARIANCES FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1641 WEST 63RD STREET (NYE ADDITION). Planning Commission Summary – May 5, 2020 2 Sharmeen Al-Jaff and Erik Henricksen presented the staff report on this item. Commissioner McGonagill asked if the cul-de-sac radius was adequate for fire truck maneuvers, the cul-de-sac length versus city code requirements, clarification regarding the sanitary sewer, and the narrow right-of-way between Wood Duck Lane and Yosemite. Commissioner Randall recused himself from this discussion due to a conflict of interest. Commissioner Reeder asked if this road connection is shown in the Comprehensive Plan and if a ghost plat was created with the Pheasant Hill plat showing how this plat affects development of the parcel at 6480 Yosemite. Commissioner Noyes asked if the Outlot A wetland would be affected if the road connection goes in in the future. Speaking on behalf of the applicant Ann Nye, Woody Love described their thought process in developing this parcel of land and noted he was available to answer questions. Chairman Weick opened the public hearing. Sharmeen Al-Jaff summarized the information contained in emails sent to the City regarding this item. A number of individuals living on Wood Duck Lane do not want to see this connection happen as they don’t want to see the through traffic and the intent is to keep the neighborhood as is. Neighbors on 63rd Street were in favor of the road connection as a means to take some of the traffic off of their street. City staff received an email today expressing support of the project and noted that some of the signatures on the petition to save Wood Duck Lane did not live in Chanhassen. Jay Meyer, 1611 West 63rd Street and the neighbor to the east of Ann Nye, asked for clarification on the status of the wetland and road connection if development occurs in the future and expressed favoring putting in a trail over the right-of-way. Ken Ashfeld, 6480 Yosemite discussed the expense associated with extending Wood Duck Lane to Yosemite. Chairman Weick closed the public hearing. After comments and discussion among commission members the following motions were made. Commissioner Reeder moved that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends approval of preliminary plat to subdivide 6.4 acres into two lots and one outlot as shown in plans dated March 27, 2020 subject to conditions and adopting of the Findings of Fact and Decision Recommendation and that future considerations of developing adjacent properties are given the option of a private road as an alternative to consider. The motion failed for lack of a second. McGonagill moved, Noyes seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends approval of the preliminary plat to subdivide 6.4 acres into two lots and one outlot as shown on plans dated March 27, 2020, subject to the following conditions and adoption of the Findings of Fact and Decision Recommendations: Engineering: 1. Private fencing extending into the public right-of-way or into the proposed subdivision shall be removed. Continued coordination with all affected property owners shall be the responsibility of the developer. Planning Commission Summary – May 5, 2020 3 2. The developer shall abandon all existing wells in accordance with all federal, state and local regulatory agencies’ standards, and obtain all necessary permits for said abandonments prior to building permits being issued. Prior to commencement of abandonment activities, a copy of all required permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies shall be provided to the city. 3. The applicant shall dedicate public right-of-way adequate for a 50-foot wide corridor for the possible future extension of Wood Duck Lane prior to recording of final plat. 4. Outlot A shall encompass the delineated wetland and also encompass the appropriate buffer determined by the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed prior to recording of final plat. 5. The developer shall reconstruct the temporary cul-de-sac located at the end of Wood Duck Lane in accordance with city Standard Specifications and Detail Plates, subject to review and approval by the city. The extension shall be owned and maintained by the city after acceptance of the public improvements by the City Council. 6. All retaining walls exceeding 4’ in height shall have plans and details prepared by a registered engineer prior to issuance of a Notice to Proceed. 7. The developer shall extend the existing public sanitary sewer main within Wood Duck Lane right-of-way. All extended sanitary sewer mains shall be public sanitary sewer mains, owned and maintained by the city after acceptance of the public improvements by the City Council. 8. The developer or their contractor shall schedule an inspection of the existing manhole in which the extension is to be had from (MH 04-110) to ensure it is in good condition and meets city standards. Any required repairs will be the responsibility of the developer. 9. The developer’s contractor shall schedule a preconstruction meeting with Engineering and Public Works Utilities prior to the commencement of any work to the sanitary sewer main extension. 10. All conditions, comments, and applicable permits required by the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District shall be adhered to. Parks: 1. Full park fees in lieu of parkland dedication and/or trail construction are collected. The Park fees shall be collected in full at the rate in force upon final plat submission and approval. At today’s rate, these fees would total $5,800 (1 lot x $5,800 per lot) for the one new lot without an existing home. Environmental Resources Coordinator: Planning Commission Summary – May 5, 2020 4 1. Tree preservation fencing must be installed at the edge of grading limits prior to any construction activities. Building Official: 1. Demolition permits must be obtained prior to demolishing any structures on the site. 2. A building permit/plans must be submitted and approved prior to construction. 3. Retaining walls (if present) more than four feet high must be designed by a professional engineer and a building permit must be obtained prior to construction. 4. Separate sewer and water services must be provided for each lot. Planning: 1. An escrow of 110% of the estimated removal cost of the existing accessory structure on Lot 2 shall be posted with the city prior to recording of the final plat. The accessory structure must be removed within four months of the approval of the final plat. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. Commissioner Randall recused himself from this item. ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR. McGonagill moved, Randall seconded to appoint Steven Weick as Chairman of the Planning Commission. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. Steven Weick recused himself from the vote. McGonagill moved, Skistad seconded to appoint Mark Randall as Vice Chairman of the Planning Commission. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. Mark Randall recused himself from the vote. ADOPTION OF BYLAWS. Commissioner McGonagill moved to approve adoption of the Planning Commission Bylaws. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Skistad noted the verbatim and summary Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated February 18, 2020 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. Planning Commission Summary – May 5, 2020 5 ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATION. Kate Aanenson noted the next Planning Commission meeting would be on Tuesday, June 2, 2020 before reviewing highlights of action taken by the City Council on planning matters. Commissioner McGonagill moved to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. The Planning Commission meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Submitted by Kate Aanenson Community Development Director Prepared by Nann Opheim