NarrativeVariance Application: Written Narrative Attachment Lundeen: 3920 White Oak Lane; Excelsior MN 55331 Lot 1, Block 1 White Oak Addition, Outlot A To Whom It May Concern: Our property is split into two separate lots and is divided by Minnewashta Parkway. Our home is on the west side of the Parkway and our lakeshore lot, termed an "outlot" is on the east side of the Parkway on Lake Minnewashta. We are requesting a variance to the no-building clause for an outlot. We would like to build a small 8' x 10' storage shed near the lake to keep water accessory equipment such as paddle boards, fishing equipment, life jackets, skis,tubes, a paddle boat, etc. The garage on our home is 300+feet from our lake shore and currently, we carry the kayak, paddle board,fishing rods and other equipment back and forth each time we use them. This is not only inconvenient, but it becomes dangerous at times crossing the road.The Parkway curves near our property and many vehicles don't adhere to the 30 MPH speed limit. Inevitably, our three children (ages 6, 9, 11) are involved in carrying the equipment to/from the lake.We would like to reduce the risk of a catastrophic accident occurring crossing the road. We have chosen not to keep the items unsecured, in the open,at the lakeshore for the summer due to potential theft.We are within eyesight of the public beach and pier, allowing many people to see us use the equipment during the day.We also don't have clear vision of our lakeshore from the house, making it more difficult to secure or keep an eye on our items or personal property. We have read and understand the code Section 20-481, "e" sub-section 2 "water-oriented accessory structures" In addition to this written narrative, we have included several photos of our waterfront and proposed location for the small water-oriented accessory structure.These photos will help demonstrate the following: o Show how the trees and growth will help hide the view of the shed when looking at the lakeshore from on the lake o There is currently a wood pile and paddle boat near the area we would locate the shed, and both are barely visible in a photo taken from the dock(in early May) o Show the proposed location is hidden from the road due to steep change in elevation o There is no problem meeting the setbacks of'10 from water and '30 feet from road o Sample structure with the desired look of potential shed o Show the existing patio and fire pit When we purchased the home and property in June of 2019,there was an existing patio and fire pit near the lakeshore. It is essentially shaped as two merging circles (see photos). After some careful math (A = Trr2) and estimates, we believe the total area to be approximately 260 square feet.Thus, we are requesting a second variance to the max area of 250 sq. ft.for such structures. Our new total would be about 340 sq. ft. This small shed would not change the character of this piece of land. It would simply help us to use the lakeshore for the appropriate recreation, as it was intended. Our goal is to have the same rights as any other homeowner on the lake,to have a water-oriented accessory structure near the lakeshore to store equipment such as life jackets,fishing poles, paddle boards, floaties and other items. The only reason we are prevented from having this right is because our lake lot is separated from us by Minnewashta Parkway and is defined as an "outlot". The city has developed rules to protect this open space and prevent someone from building a home or large structure on the lot, which makes perfect sense. As we go around our beautiful lake, we see many such structures, in varying shapes and sizes. Granting us this variance would not alter this rule or its intention. Granting us this variance would allow us to use our lakeshore as it is intended to be used and create a safer environment for our family in the process. Thank you very much for your time and consideration in this matter. Sincerely, 0:Le ivrkl ify e, LAI ) Efol 5 6 Chad, Lindsay, Eveyln,Titus and Eloise Lundeen 4' -s2 jam 4, N2 N O 3b"?/ Fao wa •j., s wLo o1111i 1A o1 TA-'q Iws05 -?,? moCUo . CD e1' line 1.0 rn x rD OSki 7;1 Oe fee tMNO•HRNO• k 19?9) uxiw IO- r+ cc On N CD0I III 0 CL III 1111 o' o O c CO F Q D n 1, au G eL r n r-f- Q a O m Q D D 2