Affidavit of MailingAFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) (ss COUNTYOFCARVER ) I, Kim T. Meuwissen, being first duly swom, on oath deposes that she is and was on May 21,2020, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Public hearing to consider a rcquest for setback variances to install a septic system in the Nw corner of property located at 565 Lakots Lane. Zoned Agricultural Estate District (A2), Planning Case File No. 202047 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses ofsuch owners were those app€aring as such by the records ofthe County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. U Kim Meuwissen, Dep u lerk Subscribed and swom to before me thisal6|day of l- o5-,2020. (Seal) JEAII Mt{mryhtb.lft,..eltEhH.fr'l,i(.a N otary Public CITY OF CHANHASSEN ' 9o , YE (!-tI E :isBi9E r 3 !H!rEEEtE EiiEIEI!iEe HqElf E ae-5 $.ElgHE;€!t E I dqfl5 3;E.8 EgilgE'igEEg EgiIHgugEEE -ors€ECE lfEE .gE H E€ti B*.* E a;5c EEg!E€r P bXEPRoOE i=ts6 5E gP E ffe; EgfE ;iHg ErE! iHET5E8; E.P5€q iii .c .= o a I l) o-lt!'- Or(E CLi 9 6f c,Fa: cL) urFN(Y)S E>o -1a 3gsq)co) otr([ 3#o -e t9 E€JefB e [3ot:6-E(!6EE9o.:(!ieE = olP;PE or .9 o-9Ha i_- o AEEor€ EEooF(,(J o .9.o o (5 tlJ 6 f=J .9 o2 c0 o o oof.-F. o-o EoEo cfoo GI E E .9 F E cioIt- ooNoN c.i oEf *(D! c,fF l c o o o c E 0 N oE oo =E CDO.:..:.eiEE4a .9oEo =Eo- .E oE6ro.9E OEza ao.cct! o E c6 t E o).c, rl.) lo .aE .9 9 0)coJ G o oJ(, (, ([ :o o).c ooI !co ,a(,co IL c :c Ec o., (DEco q'5 .I q, c, E C'tr oo =PE ola!, '=IE C'E =o€odg E-=osP:'Ed 66(!Etro o €..o9CEo0, o=OE:ooo -Goo CLo o- (,c 'o Eo CII o. : o GooJ E o,(L o G G or.io.=sEI6,t=.EO =5 iu i: c6 o oo o26 o).c, o o)-pc o 6co LL ! .E, o ot o e t cooSrJO sEo-(u; JO,ot(o-tr)< =P fi irt= e, ; E€Ee E H* g A;EE EEBf E; qH :=8EEtp E--P 9 Etx =;€E s_sB€ €;E T EE E 3 EEEE-if,st' ,€ tf. i$flisi a E E EE B* E *flEtEaE FEIEE a*"8 H"il: E e se EHEEEP9 eeEi;EF?ts e 3.E 5 ig[;{i!. ;!* c5;; E oE .,2 o o -e c; o Q) E Q)-c () o q, -o co! o.ro. 6D orQ g. o9 (!9taao =;oo(to6t i E o o (,1 '6tii o o o .; o rl) b E .g o" o : g E E -g -!) F E cioIt- (! oNoN oi 0) a-j (EE ofF 2 co 6) oEoot-t- C) Eoa,o c)oo oI -_o 5=o -=a 3esOcq)(!Eq E8;ai95.o g ;EE^ ah- (! i EEEHfeEi5f$Ftocxl,or.9 o-u SEAEP:b " EfiE.E .6 ..o9ECoo o=OE:oq(J o oo d) -o ID! -o '6 0) =o-o, oHg;' C,Oo,ao)]Esto6vrc 8EE->:'oEgtr(uO SHl.g '= (!E_c-o 6q tsE o,(0 o,c o) d) Ec c)E =c .9 ooE oc c) o Ec G o E c) () ,= IDoo o q.) .9 ct) =luz ui(t,otro iEiEiEEi:iiiiiii iiiiEiEEiiiEiEii ietEsiEsgEigiBiiE I EE a E E E € ,E o ltl() oJ oooo.o o- ii G' 'o t(, CL eo- >;E.O o-ltletqJ I ii) 6' .= =6' FE eOG.C =E i'; E F € o, oo o o GIJoJ ui(! E' o CD(! cDoce'EOOr^ EC, EEE9 !. .oEA6ooc) PE EErE>o ool'6o cab8 o, t,t<sidr: teBle= lc claDs la u; l=9 lHr Subject Area Disclainre, This map as neither a legally recorded map nor a suNey and is not intended lo be used .rs one This map is a compilation of recods, anfomatron and data locat€d jn various cly. county, state and federal offces and other sourc€s regadang the area shown. and is !o be us€d for reference purposes only. The City does not wa..ant thal the Geographic lnformatron System (GlS) Oata used to prepare tiis map are enor free. and lhe Crty does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigalional. t'acking or any other purpose requinng exacting measurement of clistance ol direction or preciSaon an the depicton of geographic features. The preceding disclaimer is provided puBuant lo Minnesota Statrtes 5466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map ac*nowledges that the Crty shall not be liable ior any clamages, and expressly waaves all dajms. and agrees to clefend, indemnify. and hold hamless the city from any and all claims brought by user. its employees or agents. or thid parties \a,ltidl arise oul ot the use/s access or use of dala provided Oisclaimel This map is neither a legally recorded map no. a survey and is not intended to be used asone. This map is a compilation of records, infomalion and data located in vadous city, county, state and federaloffces and other sources regarding lhe area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City does not warant that the GeogEtphic lnformation System (GlS) Data used to prepare this map are enor ftee, and the City does not represent that the GIS Oata can be used for navigational, lracking or any other purpose requidng exactrng measurement of dastance ol direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features The precedang disclaimer is provided pu6uant to Minnesota Statutes 5466.03, Subd. 21 (2000). and the user ot thas map acknowledges that the City shall not be liable tor any damages, and expressly waives all claims, and agrees lo debnd, indemnat, and hold hamless the City f.om any and all claims brouoht by lJser, its employees or agents, or third partres which arise oul of the useis access or us€ of data provided (Next RecordD(TAX_NAMED (TAX_ADD_LI D tTAX_ADD_L2r, Subiect Area 610 .F- d 7 I { aTAX_NAME> <TAX-ADD-L1tr <TAX_ADD_L2r t\El i a) I dd,d,E@ooo o Iooo 6 =ltf f, azOOQz.zzzzzAzdigggisiiSsuiEe===999999=96 =r.r.rssssss;lsrn o o O rJt ra O l.,l |J] ul aO lJ') l,l+rn(6i\6ln<l(oFolotio+ € 9 + + l. rn ul r.n ln to rg !-{ O) ct)FOg al-N rn r\ (n u) (o ..r rn..r aO Ult an ln t-.r Lr.t u1 lJ] O Ln -dtNBHH S -o <r<rr,l<t^ mhil:$$==E=iE=$gA$fiA rn :l = rn dl m dt m (r) r (n r! an .n d) ln rnY -2, z rri rn rn |n L,l rr! z ul u) Ln ur ui ln, 5 = > ,/i rrl u.r La rn u) r^ -r^r^r^r^r^rrtG.!L^z - = z z z z z z 4 z z z z z z 2-t- "i9 I = > > = > > n = = > > = = HR<Hltaaaddd3ddd<4dE<,I-9 e. 2;it;;d2; ; ; ; ; ; V f;6*=o6oo6Eoo5555-; :; =i E xxl 2 5d-F'i*,= o6o B o ^FY: 5lr !g lA ='o 2. z z Q o. 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