NarrativeMinneHemp is a hemp processor, making consumable food products from the hemp seed. The hemp seed is a small grain (about half the size of soybeans), comprised of a outer shell and an inner heart. The shell is high in fiber and the inner heart is high in protein and essential fatty acids. MinneHemp will erect 4000-6000 bushel, smooth-wall hopper bins to hold the grain as it awaits cleaning and processing. Farmers will have previously dried the hemp grain to 8%-9% moisture on their farm before delivering by the semi-load. Once delivered, MinneHemp will have a conveying system to unload the semi-truck into the grain bin, to be further cleaned and processed. Once in the bin, the grain is a stable, non-explosive product that will feed into the building for cleaning. The product will enter the building via flex-augers or drag-conveyors, feeding an air-screener, gravity table, and indent machine. The cleaned grain will fall back into a drag-conveyor and outside to a separate hopper bin for holding the cleaned grain. The clean grain hopper will feed back inside the building via drag-conveyor, dispensing grain at each station for further processing. Once the grain re-enters the building, it is deposited at different processing platforms. The first process will be a platform that squeezes the oil from the seed. This is process uses a enclosed screw-press that stays below 150F, ensuring that it is cold=pressed. The oil goes through filtering, refining, and bottling. The cake or hemp meal, is the by-product from the press. The cake is either augured outside to load a semi-truck, or goes on to further processing for protein powder and baking flour. The protein milling station will consist of grinding and sifting. This platform will have an enclosed dust system, exhausting to an outside dust collector. The dehulling platform will also have an enclosed dust system, exhausting to an outside dust collector. All platforms will be producing bulk quantities of finished product to be stored in bulk tote bags, drums, ibc totes, or semi dump trucks.