CUP Gedney ParcelsE FHiBIT A I.] X'3AI. T}T:.k{1R1PTTDN; Parcel 1= Thal pari 0- the Northwc�rt Quartcr of Scetion 3,-16wnship 115, Rangt 23, Carvur County, Ali nne de."hed as; i u1 ic}w:s; Beghudng at a pout in the West li ne of said See-1-3orr '� di,)144nt 17953 fist d uc South of the Northwest earner thereof, sari poirll b6cag in the Southeasterly right of day 1i rre of the M i1iraeapol is & St. Louis Radroad: thcnce ming Northea d altmg ;;xid right of way line 997.8 feet; thence ru„ni ng 41oc Soulb parraltci with t1Fc West l ine of said See&m 3, 272,18 1 L to a point m the centerline of the i ndtistry sput rr k, mid point being tic actual point of begivning of the trw-t ofhod to bc. described, said point also being i n a uurvr' hawing a rMius of 694.61 feet, the radi us point -o C Mid ciirv-t: bring South 46 do farces -57 minutes 1 694.6{) ftet &vm said actual point of beginning; thence runni-ng Ni)rht:v61cr1y along the centerline of said industry spur track and aiurrg lhv arc of said curve to Im right a distance of $9.72 1-=t to the mid of said curve_ thence running North :50 degp=s 27 Minalcs East tangent to said Curve and alcmg the cadtTlinc of said industry spur track 1270_56 fejt to tic bcginuing of a curve to the left havi ag a radim of 599.39 Rot: the mn c n mmng Northea swrly along the mv of id crave to Rhe 1cft and alon.0 the center] iiie of �d indu6t spur track. a distance of 3+J7_2 l fejt to the end of sail curve; Lhuu" nurr,i„g Forth 21 degrees 0:5 mirw[ek; I -;ext Langcnt to said curve and along the centcdine -of said indastr�r spur truck,. 151,69 Fact to the ic&,rinnin,-, of a curve to the right haviiog a rddius of 532.18 fleet thence mmn i ng Northea:!�t-erly along Lhc ran~ of said eimre to the right and along the cr:ntcrline of said industry spur track 142.42 feet to itS Int f;(-3 n with the Southcasterly right of way I i ne of the frim poles & St. Louis railroad_ sand point being 4#1_93 Celt SouthwcstcAy lium the North line of said Section 3 as m urcd along said Southeasterly right of way Iine, thenbe running NQ hcagcTly along said Scutheaswrly right of way line 48.93 feet to a point in The North lirbe of said SqL!1luTL 3; thcnoc n ung East along said North Jim 146,4 Jit, mare ur less to the Noyflm-tet corner -of the parcel of land cunvr.Tcd to St - John ts t_Jahns Lvange.l ieal 1,utlieran Chureh a_t recurdcd -a Book 46 Deeds- Page 19, filed August 23, 1950; thence. 2„maing South at right angles 513.85 feet; ihrncr drlWing 53 deg mes 47 nihi=s to the right and running Southwesterly paraM with the Northerly right of virav ] Inc -of lho Claska and Shakapae Road, 150 feet; thence defleu6ng 53 de s 47 minutes to the left and running Southerly 175 feet to a paint in the NoFdwrly right of way li-ut� of thr Claska and 4hakopee Road; Ibca c rumling Southwes6crly along said Northerly right of wLy ]i nc 1676.9 feet, more or less, to a poi nt in a I ine drawn p llel With the WLst line of said Scetion fmin the aC kLd rx)int ul-Tir.giiuu-ng, thence n m� NoTth along said para)1ei I ine 367-62 fisc , more uz less. to the wtua l po I nt of hegi rining- For the purposc: of Lhis description the West line of Se tion 1, Township 115. R' angc 2.31 i5 con--f,idered to br H due Ninth amj South line. Except that part lying WeLq afthe Fkil lowing d ribc d Line A. Commencing at a paint can the: We.q I Inn ok;�dd Tv tatlbwcst Quarto distant 1655-37 Ecce SvudhcTly from [hc Ni orthwest corner thereof, said gest line has an assun a beirring of-Soi. li 0 degrees 33 mi nates 32 571 conds Wv1 !jtid point heing ern the Northcrly Ling of tbLc Chicago and North Western Rai Iroad C'omparry right of way, thence North 51 &gars US in -mutt-, ld x—cunds Eml along said right of way lime 1218.17 feet to the actual point Gf beghi ning of [Atie A to he des&xilomL Ownee Skmth 23 rJugere6 43 minute 37 srxonds East 9.72 feet: thence Southerly 228-75 feet along a tangential curve concave to the Vest having A TOOIE36 Q1' �5 1(),()0 fQC1 and tj c vol angio iZ25 fA--gmcii 41 minutes 55 seconds; thcrrcx Forth 8$ degrees 01 minutes 42 sounds Wcs t and not tangent to said curve 5-00 fret; therwe Snuther1-1y 96.91 f v. [ along -a non- tangcntial curve concave tD the West having a radius of 505.00 feet and a central angle of 10 degmes 59 ar rwle5 41 stconds and a chord beming of South 07 deuces 2.8 minums 09 seconds WM thence South 12 degrees 57 m i mutes 59 -.;�&,-nnds Wen, UvigcnC to last d ibed curvc. 143,07 fit; thence Southerly 330-26 feet along a tangential cuyre oone-ave it) thtr I?asL 3 avmg U radius of420-00 and a oegiral wglt: of 45 d�grms 03 mbautes 1 a seconds, and there termi rrating- AND Excepting therefrom the foilovarig de;�cri bed tract - Thai part of the N ordi st QL=Ler of the N(w hwe,,L QuArtcr or Section a, Township 115 North, Range 23 West of the. 5Lh Principal Meridian, descn1ed a<s follows: Gommenciag at the northwest comer of the NoTdiwe-.�;t Quarttr 0rWld Seutron 3.Ownec cm an assumod bcankg of South 8 S degrees 52 m.inutcs 27 seconds East along the north I ine of said North%.,L—_,t Quarter a dktaric.e of 220-69 f t; thcmx South 01 de e: 21 minutes 25 9cconds 'Fest a distance of 195,90 frct to the point of beginning of the land to be described; rhenot� South 52 dc * 44 minutes 44 wuunds Wcsl -a disUmn c of 41115 feet thence South 34 degrees 48 m i nates 12 -.ecofids h;aet to Ore it te, ,tion wilt tk we terly l int. of Lhe panel cunNcycd to Northern States Po%rr Company bf the document recorded in Book 6l of page 53, in the WE= ul-the, Carver { ouTtty RGrcor&r: thenen northerly along said westerly line to the nortbwesterly line of said conveyed parcel; thence northea-sterl - along said noFo eoy hate 1.0 the int _r Rion. with the wcstudy line of the pawcl camvezycd to St. John's Evangelical Lutheran, Church by the document. rnccwdtx1 in Bc}ul{ v F Dvu&, paw 19, in tlsc ofiec of the Czrvcr County Recorder, flwA ce northerly along mid wit I i ne Lo the interymlion with -a line bearing Nurth 52 &-gccs 44 rninrateb 4.4 sceonds East from the point of beginning; thence South:52 dq rees 44 minutes 44 fleo mds We%t to the point of innintg_ (Absent Property) Parcei2: That part of ffic Northwost Quartcr of Section 3, Township It 5 North, Flange 233 gest_ Carver County, -Minnesota, demri bed as. follows, Bcpirrning at a paint in the Wast 1 hn&� of said Scclian 3 distant 1795.7 feet ti�iulEt oaf the North,.&= cx)mr-r tbm-o V. said point being in the Southeasterly ri t-c}t Wdy line of the Chicago and Northwestern Jlt. ilmadimpa ny; thenQc running Nor[hcast xly along paid right-vf--way ]ince 7.8 fce is a point (which lx,i rn i s the Northwest corner of the tract previoudy conveyed zo Amert;a„ 5 o ur C umpumy as described In Book 44 M' Deeds at J'a : 9 Lhorcof), which point is the true point of beguim Ting o F Ihr 1 onvcycd, thence cunni ng Scarth Parallel with ffic W -est ]Fac of said Section 3.272.18 feet to a poi nt (which point is the North west corner of the 1 rwi previously wnueved to fol_ A. •dncy Company as dewri bed i rt Rook 61 -of Dec& at page 257 the f) in a curve having a radius of 694-69 1it-L, Lhe n0lus poirn of said curve bei rtg Suuth 4k5 degrees; 57 mi�utcs East 694.69 fit from said point thm" rUT ning NorthcastMy alon- the Northwevwrly line of the Uul previously conveyed to M_ A_. OWTley Company as described in Book 61 of Dcods at Page 2.51 thereof and along the mT of said curve to the right a distanw of :99.72 t�5eL lu the and of said curve: thence rune i ng Nc vrth 50 k1cgrces 27 minutes haat tangent tr, said curve 1270.56 feet to the ticghnring of a eurvc to t1w_ left havi np. a rad -3 us of 599.39 feet; tai r1G zunni ig I T thcast rly along the arc of said wrve to the left a distance of 307.21 fret to the end of said curve; then[N-_ runrairrg North 21 dcpexs 05 minutes 1 tangent E.0 mid car c 151,69 fcct to the beginn i ng of a curvy to thf, rigid having a raditiq of .5.32-18 1 i; Jbmcc run -mg North ttAy .01ung tJhe ars: of said curve to the right 142.42 fust to its intersection ih ith the SoutJteaswrly ri- L -0;l1 : y I inc of Chicago and Northwestern Railway Company railroad, said point being 48.93 feet Soighwesterly from the North line of said Seetion 3 w. rnra'iured''long paid Southeasterly right -of --way Linc; thcnee runn Ing SoutG westcrly along said Southeasterly right-of-way line of Chicago €end Nurthwesk= Railway Company rai I road lu the point of 1�&Tang. E cx pt that part lyin We q ofthe I O1i(Pw1Ttg JL ribcd Linc A, Commencing at a poi rit (in the Wusl cmc of. said NorthmTnt Quarrer di 3mTit 1655.37 feet Southerly from the Northwest corner thewuf, said West linW has an assumed bewing d Smith 0 degrees 33 mWutcs 32 seconds Wcst, said point Ixeing oin thr NoFibrAy line of the Chicago and North 11+ tern Railroad C=ompany righl of way; thence North 51 degrees 03 minutes 10 seconds T. pmt alb said right of way 1 ine 1219.17 feet to 1 b,: ac4 ual point of beginning of Li r e A try be described; thence South 2,3 degrees 43 minutes 37 seconds Fast 8.72 feet; thteTwc Sou LTaeriy 228.75 feet along a tangential carve crin"vc Iu thu West ha;bg a radius of 510.00 i:"d aml n =nth plc of 25 degrees 41 mi mutes 55 %e rn ; Ihrmce North 88 degrees 01 m i nutes 42 sewrids West and root tangmn lfj said curve 5.00 feet; thence Southerly 96.91 bucE along a non- tangcntial curve con, ve to the We.q havi ng a auto us of 505.00 fact and a cenuaJ angEe o1" 10 degrees 59 m inult� 41 smonds and a chord bearing of Somh 117 Jep=s 28 minutes 09 seconds Wcst thence S&n>th 12 degrees 57 Mir►uits� 59 seconds WcsT, tangent to last d dbCd curvk�, 143,07 foot; thence Southerly 310.2 feel along u tangcnU curve concave to the Ha_�t having a rWius of 420.00 fact and a central angae of 45 dtegrtes 03 I=- utcs 133 sceon,ds- and there term inati ng_ (Abstract f'roperty)