CUP SurveyALTA/ACSM LAND TITLE SURVEY 100 200 300 � — — N.W. CORNER OF LAND CONVEYED __--- ,---N.W. CORNER OF SEC. 3 Scale 1" — 100' TO ST. JOHN'S EVANGELICAL I I----- 2648.30 &V "--- FOUND C.I.M.- I I ',' --NORTH LINE SEC. 3, T. 115, R. 23 S88052'27"E ----------- " " IN BOOK 46 DEEDS, PAGE 19, AS ,�,�< I V_,____ --- .! I ___ I'll " , 2648.08 ______ 1, ) 1�� I I --- --- --- I --- 1, " , ------ R8901 1'32'E I", ", ,"� " ------ 2301.69 ------ I ----------- � " 304.49 NORTH LINE OF SEC. 3 --, " I ( I',----- --- — , ---- --- , " ___ "I 1, 1, ; I ; I — ___ --- --- It S88*52'27"g " '111'1___� I " 'I, 'I, 70- I — _111 1, --- - --- "A I : : : .0 9 ..'_ I __ I 1, " . _,'� - 11 - —_ - --- --- --- --- ___, 1 2286.69 DEED ----------- ____ I .- I I --- __;�:�KN ' - " � ____ __ �7`tW. 1;,�_ ___ ___ 1< --- --- --- I , I 1, ! � t. _l� V� ,/;.,k� ------- ", ' IF 1, , - z _�� 11 - I " I,--------- � , 1, 1, ]W154 __ __ __ I - " - " \\\ " - % I ­ - I 1 270.00 1 1, F� I . _FM - 1, %%\ I ------ "' I � I" I I I I I , * 'I, 1324.04 " " j 1� \\ I\ 1, \ "I I I I 1 1324.04 FOUND C.I.M. ,I "" ____ I I ; " PP \, to __ I I : I I( '� I'- FOUND C.I.M. 00 , W i; -1, , ______ I I 1, --- 0 N to I VICINITY MAP (NO SCALE) ------ 1/16 LINE, -,;� , �1'1 900 DEED----'\,(,, * .,--. ;: 1, I N 1/4 CORNER SEC. 3 101, I--,' 1, " I 11 I, \1 ) 1\ " OF SEC. 3 1 1 : SEC. 3 lt� " I " I , I " I 11 I : / / / , 1, TRIC L 1-4 14 " " '2 Q: - . "-*' - . ____V -A : I I : : I G:). I , , " I SUBSTATION, ELECTRICAL TRANS- . \, \\ I " I 11 t I 1, ; � I 1t::0 . i;`; I " , ;Goolo",. ---- I'll r : 1, I ��_ I_ . I i i ; I I I SITE PARCELS 4 , I, diP P: p ---':"-MISSION LINES, UNDERGROUND I,--,' W A I I I 1, 2, & 3 / / / ,,, -c -- - - X, , \, � : : , , gt, 0 I . ., , ,V � I " 0i --4 0: W ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION LINES ' I '� ---- I— - 11 ! ! " %,� , - UTILITY AND DRAIN GE _____ - 6 0 1 � PER DOC. NO. 432512 (11-11) "I" I �___ A _z.�::, : I� 0* <-) `0 " Ed CV 1�: 1:1 : z tT t� M V a?, 1$' I% in; 0 L.___� I 11 . 0 C,2 - PURPOSES PER DOC. I e ,> .§ C�I- V I V-4!.4 I % ,I I . "I I S *0 11 ,� b's.� ,, r-- I 11 0 ", 0i 'I-" NO. 108604 (131-10) ; : I a 1 �7)_,.,- :,r : i , " = . I C��,%, �§I' 4,; L% Cn "� V �0�; ' POINT OF BEGINNING,' 8. N . I . 4z� - OF EXCEPTION TO'---) f '' ; : 6� ,�p I SITE 11 V 'J,� " A.-4 -2 ,�I I-___ �,, % I-,' I = -1 PARCELS 1.3 __11 / / ,TO/ (!� -------- .� 1, 1, PARCEL I 0 ----- Is ,-_� 11 � : I � I ; Ap- . 4- �.�_4'le 1�. 11 ,It I I Iq : � 1 4 & 5 - __`I I k I ! 00 1W C6 -. - 0.52., \ 'I, 11 I ,---' P - : I :� 4�Z6� e I . *4 11 I 0 >_ 1\ NY NU I " Iq . ) 11 = 11 : co E- oil 4q'0'_ ,IV . " 0 ;2� 1� I--,' 4 1 . z - 1�p / / / X\ , 0 C5 , I 0 1 . 116 .q I �xrl : C\2 �:) .,e,� " �11 W : 0 0 MINNESOTA Ck. d- . C� t� " ,IV 141.) 11-; Q 5 5 coo = U) 1-11, � I ,,is. 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DENOTES CAST IRON MONUMENT. : - I I --- �8,q I All W : I I 'I, - I ,,,, " 'IF, , "d; I ,-t im &. �4, �7- 5-� M 66.0 1 ,tFA r- 1, __It: III, N4>> , 11� 01� " GR -N g� " , % 0 � ! . N 411?� I Ay es,4_ �__ 0 DENOTES SET IRON PIPE LS#13792. M : --------,------- 117,3.87 %�', z 0 11 "--' co : ; : I ___ " ) C - " \\ 01 � �Osj�q . I * ____ " r -1 44Y i L I __ _� \ � -------------- ��A , I , z I I 14, trj� >14 : I DENOTES IRON (FOUND). p: ; Z/� I 6 Z 1, " ZZ , I I", 0 ,,- I W : a LP " , � - I" Vzi- , x� 1, 01i, I 40-s-, 1 r- � rw,,�� : DENOTES LIGHT POLE. CQ ; ___ " , ,e 1, -) ,C4� - 1, & 0 I 04 ! I ,_ I- . ( I -.0 $,,t�; . " " : 01 , . , Nsl� __ ,,,, I QP 4;.4 -): 11 ,o�pp �� 0.4 1 It I'- dol 11 T-4 -4 10 N 3 4t " b�- ��'$'� 1 orv) ,--_"A,,,o I ,4 _<� ; : = SP DENOTES STAND PIPE. 1 ___7_-"--,"1* - .. ZZ r� I I I.; Z lb I OT ,t%.'5- W PP 11 211213 .14% q - I �Xz 0 � . C\2 S8005g,- , ___ 6) A$ , rVIeN ... " 'n -.� �� v --q > : 't W <> SEM DENOTES SEMAPHORE. . ----- , � v, V,- , 0 'I'v 1 0 05.9.qi I ik I I -!,io , � , 1, y -.7 I --- - 6W CV � ,,� W 0 , I \ a ______ 4 ;ON , I I I ,0: %"iov, 11 - �w -.4 0 : 6 = H BASIN SQUARE. 0 , - 0 - I I , , * : a I - -_ I -I------_ . T !��-, PC: t 14zp� ,__00� 13 I` 0 0 CBRD DENOTES CATCH BASIN ROUND. 02 ___ ------ i -k- . A z I 1 '1� I to . to . , � -4 1-4 ____1 to 11 / I , I N 10 1___' H WV �� . 0 b's �p ,11;N ,,* Iz � ".4 0 . DENOTES WATER VALVE. I I---- "I 11 OR- . 4�_ If . 1� 00 , I ,�: I T-4 I- : , !0_ ___1 �0 - II I � to;d, , ..I cr - ,,,,, ,j--� , -- . r- I N I- * HYD DENOTES FIRE HYDRANT. : : I " , - _� I I-V 'I, I A Z 4 � I I , . 0, , vz N � C\2 : I v-4 C\2 0 MH 11 : " " N -_ ___411'�, � __� . . `_ . : 11� ,$� N�3 * . V, �v - � T-4 � ! 1-4 GA DENOTES GRASS AREA. � 11 'I', r, % 0- 40", :j� ,Z ,,*,'�* , - I !N 04z;�', . I , __ , '1� . 'to " ..4 � - _� . ; ! : : -->-SS—DENOTES SANITARY SEWER LINE. I I 1�� " , X - OE__ 40" ---________________ ,,, 16 �1' : : , , . $ __1�2�� . >�,' , , . '� - "', ,4 : 'OF 6 .--" �P,'14� '.' . I I I " 'S, - , _ . q V_ 4V 'J ' 11,11 "�� * � " . I .,� " 01 lz�' (3. J _� , _ I IV e. C #4 F � 'S'l I I 1 ,,4 : � W DENOTES WATERLINE. L - I I I I - r.� , 1�' � �Vltl* - 6 % Cj : X x DENOTES FENCE LINE. I . - co " I , . . .0 I I k , ___ , N 1__�_"\ : : : z ,�$ . "I I Z , ;rd - 4 ---I-- Ir _� . --- __� . _$,� .------- , I 'Gj�+J��I_ - " 0 DENOTES WELL. 0-4 - // I � $, "b Cjj; - � I i _� Ir \ _____ ", I 0,01 1 C4 ,e I 'S�,,o 0�1 1, -, , I 1 5_� 1� __,��,__4____________ I I . . Iry - I I .$N 4 , . : : : I I ,� 0. z I ­_,:�1 --- . - 17, - �r5 L , , I I I : I RIPTION CALL IN DEED I I tp P __ 6�_l I ", -_ .1 OEI le % . � �� ej 15 - it; _____z____ -7 � , li> z ,0 �n �! . - - - 411`* - , �� em 9 I : : : I 4�� -"$ 1 C9 __� '(P 4 �� V "I #^\ " - 0 . _-� IV uON, - I I W - .$ '" C4 �%"V V fig%, 10" : 0 , 10. I 1�_ - T asp o1v - 1� , , I . 7 �� .t��' .O,F \ J r : : , X1- 4 �� 11 4q X (;::> . , ____ *c ,_ . \ 7mqR� , � I `�Iy ; I OR EASEMENT DESCRIPTION. I W I G; X I ", 4 ,_ : : I , IV Z � _<�____. ___ � _� - myrW40!�t4u . , I MEAS. DENOTES A FIELD MEASURED DISTANCE I 4 ____ 4, 1 0-4 .� '0 ,q, " 1, ! I - . I i R;�( - '\ I V 1�* I I � 45:� ��_ - I 1�q,5 * I � I 11�11 C.� N. %� S, �� - z = 11� 11�., - 14 .1b Z 'q __*' _4 O'. cz) bp 0 "I A - -- - : ------- ��l . - _OE I " I W I k lw\, ; I ,�- fa'& 1b 3 -, --,, __�_ ____ � _� I I I z " - - 11�; 'J ,- I 'N �1) - . . I __l ; W 1, 1 - z - . ��,, i li�­__ ��, S82'48'25 5s , = N %11 I � _-) I %_ . � 111�1 �, I , IN*' <� S +. I 1, 0: 'O z . _k$�� I— \ I , -1 - . ls� to, ;V I—, , 4 roq W W PQ n I -;.-W N 4�� rl�. " N �kp , I � . I --------------- .E : >-------< DENOTES CULVERT. I I , . - 11 : : = , v or * "I, It" " 0 e---- 0 _____G I - , _______1 - � C -d- "I - , , I I = ,..4 V . 1'_11� � C`_ 1�� I 0 1 �, — I I : I , X" --'�$, 11! , F -u- 0 I , : - "tt " \\ ) V -8 q,q C 0. mulvi7w 1 % — . I . FM DENOTES FORCE MAIN. �_ 00 I " 1, - 11�1 , Q - I - 11. ."C' . � . _� 1� , � or-_ . I : _ ROUND ELECTRIC LINE. W " , `�, I lip ...rZ \ .,;*---- -_ . � I - I I " — ELECTRIC LINE. 610 ,600 I I\ 1�� M r:-� I I-, , '� ` 0 I C ; . , $ __Zill `�__�_y � - -4- 56'5 to,, " LO r, I r e liz, k z , qfp I " I OE, _____i__ I — co I A 45OZ45 & DOC. - � 0 :j _1�14 " I "IV - MH - , �* __� () - -4r. , 1 7.5 _* ------ UNE EASEMENT PER Doc Xgp --3.b CENTERUNE OF TRANSMISSION PP . n N �� I A�O. 0 ,Z ,Z X CB' _y 0 "A �� " - ,3 -W 'u? " --t-1— - -_ No NO. : C\i I W r- ko 0 " Q IV '15 V� C P ----- cv; -_ . � _� � . _� -------- 11 (Bl -1,9) - T 1,1075 , I to , _� r- "I '110V �0 P I !�;b:s, _� . IR14, ENC. DENOTES ENCROACHMENT. > -,,t '.., co (n I/ C40� $�� 1, I " (�� IqR - I 11% A, co " . -- I __ OE I " : ,14 -4 1. N IV" le, -1 , - - tp, 1 ,7 4�3 , or ETE CURB & GUTTER. W v_4 , T MH J NA I di 1 �$ - . g_ � -_ to, _____ . _�. " : C� ko tr , t�v CS \)� __ I ( 101V ------------- � . __ " . I . 0 , � : ,� N I - I �,., 'a _ C\P � , � : ,0-t 0 ; ; ! �P " I=23*50'41" 1� ,� 00 , ��,�p , 11�1 'I % ", I �O R � - CQ r- , bp* I . -_ I _� IW I " � I I co " I --- ' : C4 , ,O M A : ; " " 1% , IV jv, I 1I.- '� �, I- 1101 - 61 t (P � OE �OEI : � cv a , ! ; , � .. I , : : z I X V 0 �� "IN; r�:111 6 , * +. lli� _Z-11 ',- Z , -_ — "' � * I " I., " 10� I I, , I I --- . ,w I "t r- C11 10- - L=212. I I C, 413. 'b' 11 I- � . 5 2._5_9� � I k 0 C1 n 3.4 ,,25 1'� ,o9 "I 13 --- ----I " % I � . : * � - I ------ 1, - Cn in " , - 1\ bro- " .\ "�, ­"' , � � _________1 I � . , I - ,tI.,0.4 7' CO C. 01, \\ A,0 - , -,,O . I q, e4� ,-, , " 0 .", , � .W --- 'A' I "- 7 Q� I I . _� _� \, W C) WALK LM " - , _� . ; , , Z ZZ I NIS, ��. ­ 'I \\& " MAIN . J : , 47 9 17 0*15� 100 .0. " � , 1 /-6" 1 � � OE , . � OE_� , 1, " - \ . U) ; I\\ ,Z .6.,R�, le, \\u , "I' . � I � , I z _ _"� "I IZP 10 , ��, 51�_ � , I I : 1, \\ - I ot) ;� ,� I "I FM -----t . � . _� : '\ N � . . le, I I , 'b'�� V � � �� ,p - 11�1 __�_ I - o% .\"-" -1 . _� . - 1 __: � . � -- : , � 1, I z z �N I 1� .0 I\), �.' Z�e . I - z , I \\ 1, x's CTUAL POINT_ _�� IV 10 - � �� , I . _-, 1� � 4,�, 'A�_�__� � � I % " . . I\ - ,z ot ,Z� !!4 A;? �p 4NN, 11 I COP 0$ ci � O.E : ------__ � . OE__ - : I A , "_�� V � .10 % I 19 '' Z_4;�� 0 () . 110, ----- __ ! NORTHERLY WIRE OF : " I _�� N> _V 111-3 4 q , I 1, I P A _# I . ,� 2�, . - : I I � � � � -_ \I ): 11� 0 ------- 10$ I - t " " I ; � , I -_ � /r TRANSMISSION LINE. : OF BEGINNING I: ; C, � t�� 012 = _Vs� -,Afv;� I " %IF I " z z 1;� < ,3 -, 44CI _k) web--bN, \, i . - 1\ L ,�� 'Vol I*- I ,I----- - - I I ,­,�iET__Vp - — - , ­_ � . _� . � _____ " I : " - * 'V' I I 11 I I _____ " I k3 CONC. - ,O a � J X IS,- I'D I - V. I A;�� - ----,I- � ------ LS 4�?� . -T-RAN — . _� - EASTERLY LINE, � I � . I I - ____ - - IFER � -_ . " I __ . , . I : _____ .* - I z � " :; WALK - - -10.1 9 zk­-, �� I " 01V I 11_p� \ 11 : 11 " __# E --___� �)JISSI 3N I _�___ EVIDENCE WIRE I I SET :IP 1, I -'d, 'y k; -.qt-- r" ", - "I 4- I� _� _� �OF , EE I I -P :! = 4.9 FT / L,BM)�, I ,�__ I - C, . , ,_1 I ; � I " . � 1008.95:t . IN _TR - I X z U - I -r- � ___i " ,� I % I ,_ --,-- I " , --,I ------ — , � -,, , ,,,L-- LS #13792 10111� "" . , I , ------- 1345.22 : 'I, � _______1 � � -------- " ) I � := =W it I lu- U:�Ou�,� O',� R�_ C,'<tv, I " % I PP I : " . _� -_ . I", l z : ;4 WPQ N 0 "I ,:b�b ,�y �� Pq I I � � .,,,� : PQ W= - - ()�w , .W I I --- .. I - — — . I - " E d,OR. OF NE ,�0 _V eA! , I h�� — ___ --- --- --- --- - . U., 'I- S � - , 0. I . � ( 44 �- \\ U '0. ) "Ill, I I I / ------_ � . I ___", I ,' 1/4 iOF THE NE I 0 �� I \ 0 I'll, " I � � _� ' � � " `71 1, IL- , \ � . -_ %' I., \, : = = M ; tJv U Z �� I , \ _0# , N� �11% I -, I - i I I 1345.22' __OE I � 09f '\' I - 4% " : , r,: I ',�W- '\I I$ 0 00 - CV \ 11 , _-" ---- ------ $1W ----------------_____---------- -_ . ----% I ______ 1 ----1/4,: SEC. 3 z = I � . DETAIL B (� ".4 � " I . - I " : co NCO No . NV -i '--NORTH LINE OF GOVERNMENT LOT 2 Ni 2690.44 ,\.-NORTH LINE OF GOVERNMENT LOT -1 ` . , , , , ,O - - U 51i, ',)'�,- � "� � � C, A t2 �e%' I z d::��H 0 c0t WESTERLY LI ----------- ��6-yj�dy ;P, S89032'32 . 111ANSAfIS 11 -4 -,d; & ,0,-.(, ,V- qw-t­� ,,- , � = 20' 1 ,.\r F \, � I— I - It : ; C� mm , I 0 ON-' - 1\ 11�0 1�) J, N I � IturrER Si0_N_____ - , < $1 -- �J , lu, " ,-* 1, I 13, -q 0 1 1 \, . . �, 7 : co to '.� 'O (cy . STEEL POST ', .\ - --- 14-� 1 = z L -ti, �_/ 0 'O (I 4A - . I " --- — . i t� ll ll,('- C_� I � - _�,­' % I I 1, C\2 0 � . \, \\ - ���_��:________ � 11 . --.i , 1-11 ,Q.X� ,0 ( I -,-,, > 1�-, \\ I" I I - 1. I , IV I I, \ , \\ - A ­ , � . , 354.96 VALLEY ENGINEERING 1\ --- 14d, . - ; 01�) z � : 7"�' ci Ir , k ki O-1 z * I NORTH LINE OF GOVERNMENT LOT I I f zz z X :I " ,I- I - __ ___ , V ,JC 9 �V- -el I ) '-PER 1965 SURVEY BY VALLEY 11�_' , . --- a �� : " I I U ��.l 0 1 11 I 11P 2i� 7�6 : ENGINEERING \\--SOUTHERLY WIRE OF \,- ,----j,w I z W . f % ,_ � -_ ��_ -, � ) 4 Q- . ,�) " I TRANSMISSION LINE. 11 __ z ,�z POINT "A"---, : I " 9 �_,�,-",' " " 10 -Or I'- : ;11 `I 'A�vl LAYING "I I � I �1 Aa,., 0 " � - V� zz ,��C,) : 90 to C4q�' ,V, WIRE ZZ ACTUAL POINT I I 1, V el ,_ I M M ----- , 5; � - V . - � .1 g> 11�� I , I . LAYING ON GROUND. X -.4 'I Q I I __ I -,, N -�y ----- , ,,� , , V ,3' ,_ , \.11, 6 . 1_1� - /1, OF BEGINNING I) _1�i tt�,��gtI * .. I.- q -'S, -,q. ��, . RE J A,� . V : FOUND WI : (n A� I '. . I IN STUMP cn C , - I "I I . ; WW 1� I 0.4 CO R I I , \ I M I IN* z z 1�4 I . ,ro - -,,� I - � ,�? . ,NY ��V� I 1, I -- �Z",__' f.d 4% C31 - ,�� I- I 1_� 94 0 F I " _�< " I 11 '� I I rX4 X - _,;� = C�7 1A I- - . " ", 'V> 1�_, , I , 0 � . , I' I C " , 0,6 _<1 I �_, 7% I- I %, ,'6 . - " I 14% 11�) � - P., I _o , PP z 1'1� 0 + W ­* z ,4� - -�� PO " N-1 ',�� .^blh,;�- -I' z 1-4 _* I WV I=42*53'13 - a - "� 3> __� I � V %, �0 = H " _,�, I 11 14; , " 1, I ,Ci> 0-4 ;4 E_ 1 -t -V C "I, '1�11 N 0. Or- MH TOP OF DI , - '1�ly ::I a� I ,-�-� �_3 �, n 4 o ---- R=420.00 ,,, ' , % ,,-* -� -\> I �._ . W . I A��_ I- " 11 I", .) C5 E I z I _� 7_1 L=314 38 1'�' M : , I I - — U = 0 LIA 'r, -,% . CD "04 = : /" , ci�> �Z'11 ,_4 W F - V;(-:, " -11 0 .*,N �11 0 ;10� ,Si, ,qd4 to Pq I , I P - -CJ.9 1 , " a . . � I " ( W U) -H - 1 E- 'I, 1* I " , N*A �4 1 1 , X �4 Z pwp,� P \, " " " . co I' - I I P'.. N I I I / :40 to M = I I , 0.4 4% �� " , �i�� 1�; X C4 0 Q0 0 zt�(M P 0 IS, I I to �) r . 0-4 0 P "I s 0 = E- u1ir-4 11;�' V 1b - " , I , � .I;. ��ok ,, , " --!� Pq \ _q , Z 5 ____ cc P-4 I 1 4!� . b "I 111�, C - . � P.4 z n I __ ___ - * k6 ,J_ . 1 0-4 1 87 IN , " "I 1 6 11 � z C-) 11 .87 1 I I . 0 " " " . 5�� � 0 "' r4 �4 I - " I , " '11c\ , I I , , " ! -, � -_ . " C I X � Z E., P4 _\ 11 4\�%' 1 O" .. 14-18 Ile lt:� , 0.4 M I To r, " W VIV / I Z " 1, I P -,� �- I ,__ 117 ; .1� \,\ TO PROP 18-33 ,I 1\ I I I - %, I :, I z 'Ll-, I 1_1� I . LINE '________I I - I , --- BUILDING � ,� \ I " , I , I I I S�� 1�_, , 1� z r- I r - I I 0 : /Oir_'� n 1 \----66.0 �� 0 1-111�i.) __1 r- r� ", E-4 14 : 11 (A)$. U "_4 I q CQ : .0 , " W C\2 N CQ I : . I CQ V-4 = 'r , : Az� '1� ( 'O ,-, co . ..... I I ! . % I ; : V-4 r4 11 CN2 I SET IP SET IP 1� : ti 91 V-4 1�4 '_� I LS #13792 ­,% " I POND A = T-4 500.PO % I , 'k co I 1, \, 'I', ------- N89022 OVE ------- I I 11 � : n 1__' = z ­ �N �l . N:� i E_ )� 0 4F� Ill 4 4 1 " 0 co �D 0-4 It ; 11% 11 � 6 ul� 0 E_ 10� I 11 1� 11 ".4 tc I 11 16 111� cn U '*%,�.) 11 11 % \, ; . 0 CQ T-.4 ; 'Itp . I PQ 01 \ I I LEGAL DESCRIPTION: = Cn : 000 I/ I,, EAST LINE OF SEC. 3 ---,\ I Parcel 2: E- I �", f : 0 0 I 1 P4 W *__� 11, 104.." q "-, 14 is I-' Parcel 1: That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 3, Township 115 North, Range 23 West, Carver County, z _-_ _-, ___ : 0 414 : That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 3, Township 115, Range 23, Carver County, Minn Minnesota, described as follows: 0-4 i I esota, Z .4 H' I described as follows: Beginning at a point in the West line of said Section 3 distant 1795.7 feet due I I � : ---ELECTRIC I . South of the Northwest comer thereof, said point being in the Southeasterly right of way line of the Beginning at a point in the West line of said Section 3 distant 1795.7 feet South of the Northwest comer I---- �1 : . VAULT I" Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad; thence running Northeasterly along said right of way line 997.8 feet-, thereof, said point being in the Southeasterly right-of-way line of the Chicago and Northwestern I I , \ thence running due South parallel with the West line of said Section 3, 272.18 feet to a point in the ce running Northeasterly along said right-of-way line 997.8 feet to a point I � = co centerline of the industry spur track, said point being the actual point of beginning of the tract of land (which point is the Northwest corner of the tract previously conveyed to American Sugar Company as . ;71 11�0* -1� to be described, said point also being in a curve having a radius of 694.69 feet, the radius point of said described in Book 44 of Deeds at Page 8 thereof), which point is the true point of beginning of the tract �D 6 11 curve being South 46 degrees 57 minutes East, 694.69 feet from said actual point of beginning; thence conveyed; thence running South parallel with the West line of said Section 3, 272.18 feet to a point 1, , 0 PQ I 11�) running Northeasterly along the centerline of said industry spur track and along the are of said curve to 'I -_ CULVERT 44 Cn (which point is the Northwest corner of the tract previously conveyed to M. A. Gedney Company as 4(-,) , 1�b� N the right a distance of 89.72 feet to the end of said curve; thence running North 50 degrees 27 minutes described in Book 61 of Deeds at Page 251 thereof) in a curve having a radius of 694.69 feet, the radius 'A *�/ E_ : = East tangent to said curve and along the centerline of said industry spur track 1270.56 feet to the 0 -, -�, point of said curve being South 46 degrees 57 minutes East 694.69 feet from said point; thence running I 0 V P I beginning of a curve to the left having a radius of 599.39 feet; thence running Northeasterly along the Northeasterly along the Northwesterly line of the tract previously conveyed to M. A. Gedney Company � ----CULVERT �F� 4 U I�K are of said curve to the left and along the centerline of said industry spur track, a distance of 307.21 feet 1 thereof and along the arc of said curve to the right a co 1, 9$c�l It, to the end of said curve; thence running North 21 degrees 06 minutes East tangent to said curve and distance of 89.72 feet to the end of said curve; thence running North 50 degrees 27 minutes East z 11 - ELECTRIC POND �� '__1 along the centerline of said industry spur track, 151.69 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right 0 BOX . tangent to said curve 1270.56 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left having a radius of 599.39 feet; 0-4 6 1." i i "-I having a radius of 532.18 feet; thence running Northeasterly along the are of said curve to the right and thence running Northeasterly along the are of said curve to the left a distance of 307.21 feet to the end E_ L4C� , 1, along the centerline of said industry spur track 142.42 feet to its intersection with the Southeasterly op =1 SET IP right of way line of the Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad, said point being 48.93 feet Southwesterly of said curve; thence running North 21 degrees 05 minutes East tangent to said curve 151.69 feet to the U I W1 1, W I 1. W1 � beginning of a curve to the right having a radius of 532.18 feet; thence running Ne-theasterly along the co I : = 1. ,--(TOP OF BANK) _� ___ from the North line of said Section 3 as measured aidng said Southeasterly right of way line; thence are of said curve to the right 142.42 feet to its intersection with the Southeasterly right-of-way line of 11 0 POND "B" - !, I I of said Section 3; thence running East along said North line 146 4 fee TOP OF BANK-,, II 11 running Northeasterly along said Southeasterly right of way line 48.93 feet to a point in the North line Chicago and Northwestern Raitway Company railroad, said point being 48.93 feet Southwesterly from VX4 : 0. -H I I - t, more or less to the Northwest I I , comer of the parcel of land conveyed to St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church as recorded in Book 46 the North line of said Section 3 as measured along said Southeasterly right-of-way line; thence running 0 1 = ko 0 .1 " ,% III NOTES: Southwesterly along said Southeasterly right-of-way line of Chicago and Northwestern Railway M to I 11 I FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT NO. Deeds, Page 19, filed August 23, 1950; thence running South at right angles 593.65 feet; thence = 0: PQ (M co 1 87.06 1 Company railroad to the point of beginning. W ; . PQ 11 N58*46'48"E -, - - - - - - _' 11 I � ALL BEARINGS SHOWN ARE ASSUMED DATUM. TED 7/06/06. minutes to the right and running Southwesterly parallel with the Northerly '.00 = 11 11 2 ALL UTILITY INFORMATION SHOWN IS BASED UPON AVAILABLE E_ 1. / 11 right of way line of the Chaska and Shakopee Road, 150 feet; thence deflecting 53 degrees 47 minutes to Except that part lying West of the following described line A: 4 11 ; in 0 "I "I I ',- < INFORMATION & PLANS PROVIDED BY CLIENT. the left and running Southerly 175 feet to a point in the Northerly right of way line of the Chaska and W 11 ; " _____ I I i ; 3) MINNESOTA STATE STATUTE 216-D REQUIRES NOTIFICATION OF SCHEDULE B EASEMENTS: -r, 6 -H /I I I i " I 11 Shakopee Road; thence running Southwesterly along said Northerly right of way line 1676.9 feet, more Q 11 11 M CQ 0 11 0 AN UNDERGROUND LOCATOR or less, to a point in a line drawn parallel with the West line of said Section 3 from Commencing at a point on the West line of said Northwest Quarter distant 1655.37 feet Southerly from %, /I 0 0 to " " Q.) I.$,, " � ___� I 'I"ll SYSTEM CALLED "GOPHER ONE -CALL" (651-454-0002) FOR BI -4 EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF N.S.P. CO. FOR ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION the actual point of the Northwest corner thereof, said West line has an assumed bearing of South 0 degrees 33 minutes 32 : 1, I 'I "_­__-_ 0 V-4 0 ;,*N ------ ", I',-.--- jjb 11 % LO I I " !Z� 1;9� UNDERGROUND UTILITY LOCATIONS PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. beginning; thence running North along said parallel line 367.62 feet, more or less, to the actual point of 11______, "I 1366.46 Ov ,_1 , , '�"' % ,(b I LINES PER DOC. NO. 102753, WHICH AFFECTS SUBJECT PROPERTY. oint being on the Northerly line of the Chicago and North Western Railroad .4', --- --- - - --- — z " 1366.45 ob r4 1 4) PARCELS 1, 2 AND 3 CONTAIN APPROXIMATELY 1,053,533 SQUARE beginning. i, - - - - --- --- — --- . 1i -, - - - �Qf - - - - - - - - - - 1, AMERICAN CRYSTAL SUGAR COMPANY (GRANTOR) RESERVED UNDIVIDED 1, _�� I FEET OR 24.186 ACRES. Company right of way; thence North 61 degrees 08 minutes 10 seconds East along said right of way line Q - - *It" - - - - - - "I'll' 5) PARCEL 4 CONTAINS APPROXIMATELY 489,510 SQUARE FEET BI -9 1218.17 feet to the actual point of beginning of Line A to be described; thence South 23 degrees 43 , 7 DISCHARGE ,--ELECTRIC �� 11 , , - I For the purpose of this description the West line of Section 3, Township 115, Range 23 is considered to : *--; � 2732.91 WATER IJNE---- VAULT I �,'�,--­ ,-, , HALF INTEREST IN OIL, GAS AND OTHER MINERALS, TOGETHER WITH minutes 37 seconds East 8.72 feet; thence Southerly 228.75 feet along a tangential curve concave to the : ­Z�_ I _____ , th line. 1%1� `::� S89052'53"W ----------- 5t - " I OR 11.237 ACRES. , , ------ !�� ------ -11 i 6) PARCEL 5 CONTAINS APPROXIMATELY 1,917,367 SQUARE FEET THE RIGHT TO EXPLORE FOR, MINE AND EXTRACT SAME OVER PARCEL West having a radius of 510.00 feet and a central angle of 25 degrees 41 minutes 55 seconds; thence 1\ i �� -, I OR 44.016 ACRES. 5 PER DOC. NO. 52851. nutes 42 seconds West and not tangent to said curve 5.00 feet; thence Southerl Am-� : -A.-; — SURVEY LINE ------I-,- -"- /_ y I ,_ '%.I- E R ," 7) THERE ARE PRIVATE UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINES CONNECTING Except that part lying West of the following described line A: 96.91 feet along a non-tangential curve concave to the West having a radius of 505.00 feet and a central ,��. IQAY - _, k� 0S OF SEC. 3 --' angle of 10 degrees 59 minutes 41 seconds and a chord bearing of South 07 degrees 28 mini, s 09 r -4 ; BI -1 GEDNEY COMPANY '0-1i�q I LIGHTS, EXACT LOCATION UNKNOWN. (0��N ,Q� 16 , %.69 8) THERE ARE MAIN ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINES CROSSING Commencing at a point on the West line of said Northwest Quarter distant 1655.37 feet Southerly from - & THE BUILDING AND PROPERTY. FOR ROADWAY, UTILITY AND DRAINAGE PURPOSES PER DOC. NO. the Northwest corner thereof, said West line has an assumed bearing of South 0 degrees 33 minutes 32 inutes 59 seconds West, tangent to last described curve, lk._�-.) 0 \ _� el's lau 9) PARCELS 1-3 DO NOT LIE WITHIN A DESIGNATED FLOOD ZONE THE SUBJECT PARCEL 4. 143.07 feet; thence Southerly 330.2 feet along a tangential curve concave to the East having a radius of 1.�_., 8" P.V.C.--,- TOP OF BANK--,' " " 6151" PER CITY OF CHANHASSEN COMMUNITY #270051 PANEL OOIOB seconds West, said point being on the Northerly line of the Chicago and North Western Railroad 420.00 feet and a central angle of 45 degrees 03 minutes 13 seconds, and there terminating. I , DATED 7/2/79. B1-11 EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF MINNESOTA VALLEY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE Company right of way; thence North 51 degrees 08 minutes 10 seconds East along said right of way line (Abstract Property) Q.� -� I I , 010*1*' 10� PROPERTY IS ZONED "IOP" INDUSTRIAL OFFICE PARK DISTRICT. FOR ELECTRICAL SUBSTATION, OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 1218.17 feet to the actual point of beginning of Line A to be described; thence South 23 degrees 43 lz� �1\ I ov 11 SETBACK LINES PER CITY OF CHANHASSEN: 30' FRONT, 10' REAR TRICAL DISTRIBUTION LINES PER DOC. NO. minutes 37 seconds East 8.72 feet, thence Southerly 228.75 feet along a tangential curve concave to the NOTE: A legal determination as to the location of the southerly boundary line of Parcels 4 and 5 is necessary. Q..) --I I 0c, t� IV Parcel 3: 14i� 15 V__ . & I O' SIDE. : The legal descriptions per the provided title commitment call "to the Northerly Bank of the Minnesota River". 55-�A,ey" 12� THERE ARE NO DESIGNATED PARKING AREAS ON THE SITE. A 432512 AND DOC. NO. A 432513, WHICH AFFECT SUBJECT PARCEL 1. West having a radius of 510.00 feet and a central angle of 25 degrees 41 minutes 55 seconds; thence Outlot D, Crystal Addition, Files of the Registrar of Titles, Carver County, Minnesota. I According to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Waters, they have not established an . Z.-1 14S North 88 degrees 01 minutes 42 seconds West and not tangent to said curve 5.00 feet; thence Southerly J I -"- lvs�l 13 DETAILS A & B ARE SHOWN IN ORDER TO CLEARLY DEPICT 96.91 feet along a non-tangential curve concave to the West having a radius of 505.00 feet and a central Ordinary High or Low Water Line for the Minnesota River in this area and they claim ownership to the top of the I Q� I -I---- -*N- -_ LOCATIONS OF IMPROVEMENTS IN THESE CONGESTED AREAS. angle of 10 degrees 59 uth 07 degrees 28 minutes 09 (Torrens Property) bank of the river. The U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management Manual of Surveying 6.1v I I \ - 1 14) BUILDING IS LEGAL NON -CONFORMING TO THE SETBACKS, POWER COMPANY, A MINNESOTA CORPORATION, D/B/A XCEL ENERGY, t-.:�_, __ - .0 6f - PER CITY OF CHANHASSEN. seconds West; thence South 12 degrees 57 minutes 59 seconds West, tangent to last described curve, Instructions, 1973 rules state that the shores of navigable waters, and the sofls under them are reserved to the 11�_, Issy, -5- , ,VVGT> . "o, r.ro PANY, A MINNESOTA CORPORATION, DATED 7, 1 , ""� 15) THERE ARE OVERHEAD ELECTRIC AND UNDERGROUND FORCE SEPTEMBER 29, 2006, RECORDED DECEMBER 8, 2006 AS DOCUMENT NO. 143.07 feet; thence Southerly 330.26 feet along a tangential curve concave to the East having a radius of Parcel 4: States respectively. In the case of Minnesota, In Carpenter vs. Board of Commissioners of Hennepin County, 66 .- - - - 5010" ------- .1�_ --- 0> �� 6ra.- Government Lot 1, Section 3, Township 115, Range 23, according to the United States " 446.1145" ---------- SO ro ., PER MAIN LINES SERVING PARCEL 4 THAT CROSS PRIVATE A455245 IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF CARVER COUNTY, 420.00 and a central angle of 45 degrees 03 minutes 13 seconds, and there terminating. Government Minn. 513, 58 N.W. 295 (1894), the riparian owner on navigable water takes title to the high-water mark. In 1 '4 V, z THERE WAS NO INFORMATION PROVIDED WHETHER BER 8, 2006, AS DOCUMENT NO. T161075 IN THE Survey thereof, Carver County, Minnesota. �� / I 0� -SI) "_� PROPERTY. addition, in "Clark on Surveying and Boundaries, Fifth Addition" it cites Barney v. Keokuk, 94 U.S. 324 (1877) 19 I I THERE IS AN EASEMENT OF RECORD FOR THESE LINES. OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR OF TITLES OF CARVER COUNTY. AND that the boundary is the "high-water mark." In some states, as in Cole v. Pittsburgh & Lake Erie R.R., 106 I,--- 11 I , ------ 01��C�l 16) THE ACCESS ROAD TO P ive appurtenant easements for roadway purposes and for utility and drainage 1� "-- I ___ C)C,N �,P '0� . I -_ THERE WAS NO INFORATION PROVIDED WHETHER THERE IS AN purposes established in Warranty Deed dated August 27, 1965, filed August 27, 1965 in Book 86 of Pa.Super.436, 162 A. 712 (1936) found that where the water is used as an abuttal, a call "to the bank" would carry 1� 192.41,, ' , 11 11 V o ,,,-, FOR THIS ROAD. THERE MAY BE Excepting therefrom the following described tract- Deeds, Pages 45-46, as Document No. 108604. to the high-water mark or the low-water mark, depending on the individual state laws. Minnesota may have other "I N80r 1,7142 S __:__________Gr�,:�_11_3 ____� � 1� V EASEMENT RIGHTS OVER THIS ROADWAY BY USAGE OVER TIME. cases concerning this matter. - - ��V 1 17) PARCELS 4 AND 5 LIE WITHIN A DESIGNATED 100 YEAR FLOOD That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 3, Township 115 North, Range 3±-,-14 I,-, I 11 I .,gV'o t� ------- e _____ -- ---- ��� , " 1 '16S LAI CHANHASSEN COMMUNITY #270051 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION AS TO PARCELS 1, 2 AND 3 ONLY: 23 West of the 5th Principal Meridian, described as follows: (Abstract Property) I - J,qt I lv� bf I There is also a conflict on the location of the North line of Government Lot 1. This survey shows the line as I - � ,-- ,-- --- ____:�___�, - " q _� 79. 1 15,07 %17,9V 1 " I i ,,, V _,� . To Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, acting through its Wells Fargo Business Commencing at the northwest comer of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 3; thence on an assumed determined by the county and also the line as surveyed in 1965 by Valley Engineering Co., Inc. 1. 11 'Bho sq(f 3,,,,11111111111l������ll _____ , " t I I I V - Gedney Company and First American Title bearing of South 88 degrees 52 minutes 27 seconds East along the north Parcel 5: -quarter of the Northeast Quarter % ,T0,F OV 4 13 _____� . _____ � 11 I I I Credit operating division, M.A line of said Northwest Quarter That part of Government Lot Two (2), The Southwest One We strongly recommend adjudicating the subject parcels to determine and fix the boundaries of the subject property. %%% ",__ "I'll"������l��������������Ill""I'lli�l��������l��ll,"Illll���������l�l���l����ilill""I�l�ll��-.�� ____ 14 .4 1� , 01 a distance of 2266.69 feet; thence South 01 degree 21 minutes 25 seconds West a distance of 195.90 feet (SWI/4NEI/4) and the Northwest One-quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NW1/4SEI/4), all in Section I % I'.% - - - - � "B X1 -a S.1t., 110 /I "__� % --------- 1_90�� .5y 'T V, D - -V EVV 11 to to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence South 52 degrees 44 minutes 44 seconds Three (3), Township 115, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota, described as follows: �.GAL �, �-- I -_ West a distance of 412.15 feet; thence South 34 degrees 48 minutes 12 seconds East to the intersection — I �� ____ I A, V 'yav, LE III '1____, Commencing at U:i�� " vl� --ill 11 ------- v 'To I , .?� vi_RTY - I hereby certify that this survey, plan, or This is to certify that this map or plat and the survey on which it is based with the westerly line of the parcel conveyed to Northern States Power Company by the North quarter comer (cast iron monument) of Section Three (3), thence Easterly along the North ____� ______ I -Y.- 28t ,SOFV 1XSE CL , 3 VA — 11 report was prepared by me or under my ance with the "Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for the document line of said Section Three (3), a distance of 1,324.24 feet to an iron pipe; thence Southerly along the ______ ----I,- 'BY S,TiiAl�l .0 I NOTE: THIS SURVEY CERTIFICATE IS NOT VALID WITHOUT A RAISED SEAL. ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys," jointly established and adopted by ALTA and NSPS re Deeds, page 56, in the office of the Carver County Recorder; thence northerly West line of the Northeast One-quarter of the Northeast One-quarter (NEI/4NEI/4) a distance of ------ — SET IP ---' (poiJNDA, 1) SJJ.BACT 1�t '1____t direct supervision and that I am a duly in 2005, and includes Items 1-4, 6 (as to setbacks only), 7(a), 8-10 and 11(a) along said westerly line to the northwesterly line of said conveyed parcel; thence northeasterly along 1,277.5 feet, continuing Southerly along the West line of the Southeast One -Quarter of the Northeast _____� ____� i31J,r NOT 0-F ble 11 __------ COPYRIGHT (K) 2007, C.E. COULTER & ASSOCIATES, INC. Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of of Table A thereof. Pursuant to the Accuracy Standards as adopted by ALTA and said northwesterly line to the intersection with the westerly line of the parcel conveyed to St. John's One-quarter (SEI/4NEI/4) a distance of 600 feet to the actual point of beginning. Proceed from the _____� ______ NK) . BOIJ-Simst, 11 1� ___------- DATE: 4/04/07 - SCALE: 1 " = 1 00' the State of Minnesota. NSPS and in effect on the date of this certification, undersigned further certifies Evangelical Lutheran Church by the document recorded in Book 46 of Deeds, page 19, in the office of actual point of beginning Westerly at a 90 degree angle to the West line of the Southeast One-quarter of ______ 11 that in my professional opinion, as a land surveyor registered in the State of the Carver County Recorder; thence northerly along said west line to the intersection with a line the Northeast One-quarter (SEI/4NEI/4) a distance of 500 feet; thence southerly at a 90 degree angle a _� ______ 11 __----- REVISIONS - C. E. COULTER & ASSOCIATES, INC. JOB NO. 12206C I Minnesota, the maximum Relative Positional Accuracy is 0.07 feet. bearing North 52 degrees 44 minutes 44 seconds East from the point of beginning; thence South 52 � /_ A \ ) 7e_ztP� .C*-U� 9AIME"-ft degrees 44 minutes 44 seconds West to the point of beginning. distance of 960 feet, more or less, to the Northerly bank of the Minnesota River; thence Northeasterly _____ J_� LICENSED LAND SURVEYORS IN MINNESOTA AND WISCONSIN Date:---- _4/04/07 along said bank to the West line of the Northeast One-quarter of the Southeast One-quarter I 19-1 __----- BK./PG. 819/128 4/04/07 13792 - (NEI/4SEI/4); thence Northerly along said West line and its Northerly extension a distance of 850 feet, JN _---- . - Date — Lic.No. - fA_zF%%*C:4 more or less, to the point of beginning. _r,_1 S 0 _____ -_ NVIN N V� 1103 W. Burnsville Pkwy, #200 John Coulter Peterson e Minnesota license No. 13792 ___� _______� Burnsville, hfinnesota 55337 _______� Phone: 952-808-9500/FAX: 952-808-9501 ______ E-mail: coulter@cecoulter.com " SHEET 1 OF 1 . I .