CC Minutes 5-26-20Chanhassen City Council – May 26, 2020 5 we needed something or wanted something you were there for us and for everybody in the city and a good chance… Mayor Ryan: Thank you. And last but certainly not least, Barbara Nevin. I know Barbara had hoped to be here tonight but there we are, we see her in Zoom so nice to see you Barbara. Our condolences. Barbara Nevin was appointed to the Senior Commission in 2006 and was it’s chairman and valued member of the commission. Her accomplishments include approached Chanhassen businesses and advocated for installation of the senior center parking spots. She volunteered at numerous city functions such as the 3rd of July Business Expo, Arbor Day tree planting, Memorial Day fund raising for the wounded warrior and many other social and service programs. Volunteered on the 4th of July bingo event sponsored by the commission and was a primary commissioner that contacted businesses asking for contributions for the 4th of July bingo prizes. She mentored students through the Strive program, volunteered as an active member of the Triad, a partnership between law enforcement, the community and the senior citizen community, all working together to keep our senior citizens safe. She facilitated meetings with the Rotary Club to raise funds for services geared towards seniors. She volunteered her time at numerous city events to serve as a greeter, server, or any way she might be needed. She served and promoted services for all of our veterans and especially the senior veterans. She educated herself on topics to better serve seniors by attending workshops such as Older Adult Mental Health. Your support to the senior center is evident and these are just a few of the things you did that made life better and more comfortable for our senior community. You’ve been an instrumental member of the commission. The seniors in Chanhassen were very fortunate. Very fortunate and honored to have you on their team. Thank you Barbara. Barbara Nevin: Thank you Elise very much. Mayor Ryan: And here is your Maple Leaf Award and we will get it to you. I don’t know if you can see it anywhere. Barbara Nevin: Thank you. I can thank you. Mayor Ryan: That is it for public announcements. Again thank you to all of our commissions. You are a valuable asset to both the council and the community at large. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman McDonald moved, Councilwoman Tjornhom seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendation: 1. Approve City Council Minutes dated May 11, 2020 2. Resolution #2020-33: Project 20-05 2020 Street Improvement Project, Approve Plans and Specifications; Authorize Ad for Bids Chanhassen City Council – May 26, 2020 6 3. Resolution #2020-34: Project 20-03 Lake Lucy Road Rehabilitation, Approve Plans and Specifications; Authorize Ad for Bids 4. Ordinance 654: Approve a Request to Amend PUD at 7801 Audubon Road (Paisley Park) 5. Ordinance 655: Adopt Slow No Wake Ordinance 6. Resolution #2020-35: Approve Labor Agreement with Local 49 International Union of Operating Engineers 7. Approve Temporary Outdoor Seating Policy 8. Approve Temporary Modification of the Licensed Premises to serve On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor in Tequila Butcher’s Parking Lot 9. Resolution #2020-36: Support for Construction of a Roundabout on TH 41 at Minnetonka Middle School West All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS. None. PARKS AND RECREATION PROGRAMMING MODIFICATIONS. Todd Hoffman: Thank you. Mayor Ryan, members of the City Council, tonight this is an update on the parks and recreation programming modification. The recommendation tonight is that the City Council authorizes the opening of all athletic facilities to groups of 10 or less effective June 1, 2020. The motion to serve smaller group interaction and training with no large practices, scrimmages or games allowed. User groups, and that would be athletic associations, sporting teams, baseball teams, other organizations that want to use the fields. User groups would be required to provide a return to play safe protocol document outlining safety for their players and coaches. Approval by the City Council is a simple majority vote. Little background of this. On May 11th the City Council authorized the cancellation of public recreation events, gatherings and closed public recreation facilities including athletic fields. That cancellation was in the best interest of the public and well being of our community. Athletic associations have stayed engaged with the community. They would like to see at least some small group practice. Some of them will take advantage of this. Some may not. On May 13th Governor Walz issued Executive Order 20-56 which included language related to public gatherings and athletic/sporting events. The current recommended use of the City of Chanhassen’s outdoor athletic facilities would include only small gatherings at this time. Larger practices, scrimmages would be prohibited. The City would wait for additional action from the State prior to forwarding a new recommendation to the City Council and again the recommendation given