ALTA Commitment for Title InsuranceFirstAmerbafitl{lssuEoSY First American Title lnsurance Company COMMITHENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE l$ued By FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY NOTICE l X)RTAfi--iEAD CAREFUUY: THE COMMIIUENT lS AN OFFER TO ISSUE ONE 0R MORE TIILE INSURANCE POLICIES. ALL CLAIMS OR REMEDIES SOUGHT AGAINST IHE COMPANY INVOLVING THE CONTENT OF THIS COMMITMENT OR THE POLICY MUST BE BASED SOLELY IN CONIRACT. THIS COMMIIUENT IS NOT AN ABSTRACT OF TITLE, REPORT OF lHE CONDITION OF NTLE, TEGAL OPINION, OPINION OF TIILE, OR O'IHER REPRESENTATION OF lHE STATUS OF TIILE. lHE PROCEOURES USEO BY THE COMPAi.IY TO DEIERMINE INSURABILITY OF THE TITLE, INCLUDING Al'lY SEARCH AND EMlrlNATlON, ARE PROPRIETARY TO THE COMPANY, WERE PERFORMED SOLELY FOR THE BENEFIT OF IHE COMPANY, AND CREAIE NO EXTRACONTRACIUAL LIABILITY TO ANY PERSON, INCLUDING A PROPOSED INSUREO. THE COMPANYS OBLIGAflON UNDER IHIS CoIIMIIUENT lS T0 ISSUE A POLICY TO A PROPOSED INSURED IDENTIFIED lN SCHEDULE A IN ACCORDANCE WlH THE IERMS AND PROVISIONS OF THIS CONTMIIIIENT. IHE COMPANY HAS NO LIABILITY OR OBLIGATION INVOLVING IHE CONTENT OF IHIS COI,IMITI,IENT TO ANY OIHER PERSON. CO NflE]{T TO ISSUE FOUCY Subirct b 0E Notice; Sd€dule B, Part HequirBolerlb; Sdedule B, Part ll.-€xceplbns; and he Commihent Condilions, Flst tunf*tun fltle 1siruw Cmpaay, a Nebrasta Coqoralion (tre 'Compann, commib to issue he Poliry acmding b Ure t€ms and pmvisions ol bb Commitrpnf This CommitlEnt b eftcliye as of tls Commitn€flt Date slpwn in Sdledule A for sadl Pdiry d€scribed in Sddule A, only Yrhen the Company has eflte{ed in Sdretfub A botr tne specifie<l dollar arnuflt as the Proposed Pdkry A,nount and tle narp of tl€ Progosed lmured lf all of the Sdedu,s B, Pad Hequiremenb havo not boen met wittin six nontrs afrer the Commitnent Dab, fiis Commitment termimles and the Companys liability ard obliga60n end. Fl,s,t Amertcan nda lnsuranco Company countersuned by: 125149118G0 A.^- Dennb J. Unger, Vica Plgsitent 1,2x&#Donnis J. Gilrnore, PEsident Gr€g L. Smith, Sectetary Authoriz€rl Count66iga6fu ra Land Trde. lnc. Coanpany tlame Ro66ville. MN City, State It dtb ,ad(.t ras cIlad .hcronbally, it conau'htba an slglnal docum.nt co9yrlght AlOG2Ot6 Am.dc$ l'3nd Tltl€ altocbdon. All dghtt rt .rY.d. ]ihe use of this Form (or any derivalive theleo is lBsficlod to ALTA licons€as and ALTA membeG in good standit€ as of tl|e dals of use. All other us€s aro prohibited Repaint€d und€r li>eos€ frorn lhe Arne.ican l3nd Title Associatitt. Fo.m 503O0(x) (131-17) L-r. Page I of E Ll Filo No.: 61,10i12 ALTA Conmitrnont fo. Tide lnsurance (&1-16) ALTA Commitment for Title lnsurance Commitment )* Dr'?- ThE paga is ooly a part of e i016 ALTA. Cotunibnod,ba ,?t a ,nsrr-arrca issrred by Fir{l Alttoli@n Tlde lnsurarl.€ Cotri,€,ny. lhis Comnibnent is rcl uam'*inatt Uo'tt"ite; he CotunitnE to lsslre P.W; tho Col/n/I,ittp,t boditbtls; Scrr€d/ute A: Sffiule B, Pan l-Rquiqrrants; S.hedde B, Pdd l4r.€pttons;, an<t a @or./.er-sttnafure by the Cotnpahy or is issrrrp agerrl tial nay be in ole(,t,lic lotm- ; conIIIEt{T CO{DlIrOf,S 1. DEFI{IpIS (a) 1fioryl€dge'or'Known': A[tJal or knpubd knowl€dge, hn not consfudive noli:s impart€d by flo hruic Rsods. (b) 'tand: The land &sctilred in Sdo&le A and atrued imFo'/sn€r'b UEt by law const'tjb rcal Foporty. The tsrm 'Lsnd' &os not indudo any flopedy beyqd ths lin€s ol fte at€a d€scrbed h Sdr€djle A nor any n$t tX6, hbr€st estab, or 66ern€i in abutiu sfeeb, mads, avenu€s, all€ys, lan6s, rEys, or Ebffays, but hb do€s not modiry or [nlit fle aGr{ tEt a (rtt of ac8ss b and forn Ule Land b to be krsucd by uE fui;y. (c) 'MorEage': A mo@ag€, M of hd, o. o0l€r s€oxity iosEunent irdrx,ing ons ovireicsd by slectDnic rnoans auhodzod by law. (d) 'Pdiqf: Ead confad ot tiue irEuanoe, h a bm ado@ by Ure Arneri:& Land IiUe Associartim, issuod or b b6 is$€d by he Cornpany pusrant b hh cofidullenl (e) 'PtopceO lmur8d: Eadl peGon kenlifi€d h Sd€d'ie A as Ure Pmpos€d kEurBd of eadl Pdiry b bg isued BJ6uant b his Cormihenl.(0 'Popo6€d Policy Artunf: Eadl ddh, amounl sp€dfi€d h SdEdule A as tle Pmpo€sd Poliry tuDtmt of eadr Poliry b be is$€d pur$ant to $b Co nifn6nt. (g) ?ublic R€cods': R€cods €dauished under sbb sbtubs at hs Commihent Date fur fie pllpGe of iryarting cor}shlclive nolbo of matbrs tBlattg to Gal prop€rly to p$dEse6 br \ralue and Yli[nn Knodedge. (h) Trt€': The oshb d inbrst doscril,od in SdEdis A Z f all of ths SdE le B, Part H€quir€menb have rbl been m6t wihin t\e lim€ p€rin spsified h the CoimihBnt b lssr fuic1, 0rb Commitn€nt bnimEs and the Comparj/s liatilily and obli]albn ond. 3. Tho Companys liability a , obligath b linited by dd hb Cofini[rEnt b not valu witlout (a) he Nolic6; (b) $e Comll itnent to ls$a F'|diry: (c) tro Com trEnt Condilins; (d) Sdrctulo A (e) Sded,le B, Pa(t Hsqnromonb;(0 Sdr€duls B, Parf lHxc6plibns; ard (g) a coont€r€(pat c by hs Co'rparry or iB itsuing ag€il hat may be in el€ttonic fum. d CO PAITS ruGHT TO ATEI{D Th6 Company may arnord hb Coflnifn€nt at any ttne. t Srs Company amends fiis Cmfiftnent h add a dsfrd, lbn, onoirtrance, adrErse daim, ff other rEthr recoded in tia P$lic R€orG Fiff b 0le Cqmifnent Dab, arry lbbiity of tl€ Carpany b limitod by CoflmiElBnt Conditbn 5. TtE Coflparry stEll rlot be liat e fo( any ooEr aflEft,mqlt b hb Cormihn€x[ n urr noils 0F ut8turY (a) TtE Companys lkrbility under Coflmittlont Cdrditbn 1 b limiEd b the Propooed lnsurcd's sc0ral oqonss incured in t\€ inbval bctr€€n he Companys d€livory to lhe Ploposod Insrrsd of U|e Cormifn6llt a.d tl€ deliwry of f€ ancndod Cdnmih€nt, r€sulting fom he Pjoposed IrEUr€d's 9@d faih rdbnce to: 0) corndy wfi tle Sdodulo B, Pad Ho$*E icnb; (i) elir mb, wih &e Collpan)/s ffiUBo cons€nt, any S#rr0 B, Part lF-ErcepliolB: 0r (iii) acquiB tE Tide or crsato the l,@Egp co\relBd by hb Cofi[nihent (b) Tlr Corpany stull rnt bo lkruo rxder Comr|i[lEnt Co.xfilbn 5(a) if the Pmpced lnsur€d rowsdod tl€ amfitnent or had Knoxl€dge ol t|e matsr ard di, not notity f|e Company abod it h wiling. (c) The Company will mly ha\B liab{ily urd$ Comihent Co.dilidr 4 if he Pmpo6€d lruur€d wodd not lEr.o imllled the experBe had the Cormibnent irduded tl€ addod mater u,hsn h6 ColTnlihEnt y€s ffi ddiv€r€d b tie Proposod ltlsur€d. (d) The Co.rpanfs buity sMl not oxcood t\€ l€ss€r of tle Propc€d lnsur€dl actEl ere€nso indrted in good fafi and d6scribdl in Commi[nent Corx,ilins s(axi) tmugh s(axiii) or 0a Proposod Pdlry tuumL (€) Th6 Company shdl nd b6 lksle ftr he conbnt of tio Transadion ld€nlificalbo Dab, if any.(0 ln no ovmt $all he Compary be ouigaed b b$F fl3 Policy IoM b in hb Cormitmnt unhss all ol t\e SdEdule B, Part F- R€qrirsmenb have boen rEt b fte salishctbn of the Comp&y. (g) ln ary event tle Companys liatdity b liflibd by tr t€.rns ard prwisixls oftts Policy. C IJAAUTY OF IIIE COTPAI{Y IUST BE BASED OI{ I}IS C ]TIEiIT This page is odty a pql ot a 2016 ALTA. Cod nlnwn ht fide lnstr8y'.a irE,ud by Fitd A/'ia,tiflt Ttde hsnanca C.bi$any. Th/6 Mient is not va/d witto.Jt he l,tcIic€: lrre Co.rrrrtononf b ,qqrg tulicy; Ab bt vnit,l6f.rl Corrdiirrrs; Sdodub A Sdtdt,o B, P.rt H.'equiI-el7-wrfs; Scfiotule B, P.tl l xc,dions; d,rt o @u*e,.si)aahte by tlto CooNDy q its i$uhg ageal that n ay be b ffiorric b,771.. Cogyrlga AloGeOrC Am.rlc.ll Llltd Tllb attocldofl AX tleht r!.rttd. The use of t|is Fdm (0. arty &rivdrf6 ttl€ Ef) b r€rtir.d b AITA lbrEes ar$ ALTA .n€n$oB h gpod .leding a o{ t€ dab d u8€. Al oOEr u3a6 8.9 p.ol t}ibd RAaftd udoa lirns6 frqn tho Anlo lcan Laard T56 Assoaialhn. Fo.m 5030000 (1{1-17) PagB 2 of 8 LT Filo t{o.: 61,(X2 ALTA Corhmifiteot for Tido lnsuranco (8-1-'16) (a) Orly a Propc€d lrlsusd ktonlified in Sdedul€ A, and m offE persm, may malo a daim under hb Comritrlsnt O) Any dain mtlst be based h sffi and mlat ba rssticbd sol€ly b the bmrs dd Fovisbns of fib CommifiEnt (c) Unlil t'le Pdiry is issuod, hb Comi[n€nt as lad Gvisod, b UE €xdr,sivs and er{irB agrBcnEnt b€6'v*n he padh vrih respect b he suuect mathr of $is ComiEnent and sf€rsodes all gkr commitn€rt n€goliatiorB, r€g€senblixls, ard pIWGals ot 8ny kind, whothsr wi[on or oral, exprsss o( imdi$, rdating b tlg suued rnatat of hb CommitlE{tt (d) Ttle del€lbn or rnodificalirn of any Sdedule B, Part ll.-Ercoptbn doss not comlihrts an aglBement o. obliFtin b ptovide covBrage boyond he bnns and Fwisins of hb Cdnmiunent or tt€ Pdicl. (e) Any am€ndrEnt or sdolsdmnl h 0B Comiunent mls1 be h $iling ad arth€nticabd by a p€rson authodzod by the Coflpany. (0 WtBn fle Poliry b tfl,od, dl li{Stity ad oubatioo urxlor t$ Comdtn€nt ufl ond and tho Ccrnpatys onty liaulity will be urd€, the Poltcy. 7. IF THIS COflf]IIErIT HAS BEEI{ ISSUED BY AI{ ISSI,IIIG AGEI{T The issuhg agent b tl6 Componys ag€nt only ftr tr limited purpoee ol isuittg lit6 iEurance commiun€flb and pdir€s. Tho issuing ag€t( is not the Companys agent fur tre prpce ol povidiltg dG{ng or s06qnenl sewiE. 8. PRGFCf,TA FOI-ICY The Cornpany may poyite, at t E t€$€st of a ftoposed ksured, a po-h.ma policy iltusiratE UF co\,6rage fi8t the Cornpany rnay Fovile. A pGlbma policy neiher tsi€cb Ule shtrs of It6 at the lim€ trut tr pofoma poli:y 6 &livst€d b a Propooed lnsursd, nor is it a commihool b imurs. 9. ARBTTRAIrc ru Pofiq @nbim afl abr'hatim dause. Al atitsatte matec wtlen t\e Poposod hicy ArDut is $2,000,000 or lsss sha[ be aoitabd at tlE optir ofoitle he Company a t\e Propeed lnsrsd as the exdusive rernedy of $e padils. A PDp66d ln$t8d trEy rBvieJw a copy of tie aru'balbn rul€s at t!&!64!!,alb.oEiratgiEliE This page is oaty a pad ot d 2016 r''LTA. Co/'fiialmont tur Titla hrsi,//.ah.€ issud by Fls/ Anad@n fido lnslu/'aoc€ b.hpany fhis C.bmniiiant is not vdd wtuod to I'loti@: lha Co/,/fitttule to lss/,/e Hicy: tho Colml,itfirent Canditirns: sdtg.hlo A; S.,,edute B, Pdn H..quiertunls; Sche4no B, Pdn l4xc)ei./idls; and a @u ot-*hatura by fte CofiNny q its i$uihg ag&l that may bo in d&o,tic fodn. Coorrlfftf AoGloiC Am.ihrn l,..rd Tld. A.aod.OoG AI dglia rtaa.irt L The (,3€ of thle Fo.m (or atly dedr€liw th€.€o,) b,€leidgd b ALTA li:6rE€€ 8nd ALTA nErrlb6f3 h good si.di.E as of he dala o{ use. Al oth€r u8o3 a.o prcr!ilrbd. ft€p.ht€d ur&. nEns6 to.n tro Arlle icao Land Tnb Asocirlion. Fo.rn 5o3dx)0 (1-31-17) Pegs 3 oa 8 LT Fib t{o.: 61,{042 ALTA Co.nhitrEnt br l-rt€ lnsurance (&1-16) ALTA COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE A ISSUED BY FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY f,ansaclion ldenfiAcatlon Oat, to,,"ler?,ncc only: lssuing Agen[ Land Title, lnc. lssuing Ofrce; 2200 County Road C West, Suite 2205, Ros€ville, MN 55113 lssuing Ofnce's ALTAo Registry lD: Loan lD Numben Commitment Numbet 614U2 lssuing Office Fil€ Number:614042 Property Address: 901 Carver Beach Road, Chanhassen, MN 55317 1 . Commitrnent Da!.€-: May 7,2020 at 7:00 am 2. Policy to be issued: 2006 ALTA@ O,vne/s Policy (&17{6) Proposod lnsured: B€acfi Road LLC Proposed Policy Amount: $ 2006 ALTA@ Loan Policy Proposed lnsured: Proposed Policy Amount: $ _ ALTA@ _ Policy Proposed lnsured: Proposed Policy Amount: $ (a) (b) (c) 3. The estate or interest in the Land described or refened to in this Commitnent is FEE SIMPLE 4. The lrtle is, at the Commitment Date, vested in: Beach RD LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company 5. The Land is described as follows: See Attached Exhibit A. Tonens Property Certificate of Trtle No(s): 40257.0 Carver County, State of Minnesola This page is a y a pad ot a 2,16 ,[TA. Conm nl€,tt for Tide lnsu,aat.8 issued by fu Aibdcan Ttie lnsrral,t@ Conwny. fhis btunihrdll is Dot vdkl withod tl,€ I'loti.E,;lr,o Co.r,tri?r,e.,l lo ,ssrre Policy; lr'p Cottn nwt Corldi,irrs; Scr,odub l: Sdtodule B, Pa H..quiram?,l,ts: Sdedute B, Pan l4x6 iot1s: and a @ul,er-si$airo by llp Cotn8ny I ils issuing agent thal ,nay bo in e/€{ft,!//c fotu. Co9yrlght axrc20l6 Attl rlcar Lltd inc ABocHoo. A[ .lghL rr..n d. Th€ use ot tris Fo.m (q any dortvatvg the.Bof) b resfiic&d to &TA licorl8€6s a.d ALTA rnensers an gpod standing a8 olole dat6.f use. A{ olh6. us€e aro prohibited ReFinted ude. lh8n86 ftorn tho Am€rican Land Tido Assodatbn. Fo.m 5030000 (1-31-17) Page 4 of 8 LT Flle llo.: 61,+042 X ALTA Co.nmihEnt for Tite lnsurance (&1-16) ALTA COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE A ISSUED BY FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Commitment Number 61.4042 EXHIBIT A Parcel A: Lot 1, Block 1, Chapanal, Carver County, Minnesota. And Parcel B: Lot 1303, Carver Beach, Carver County, Minnesota. Tonens Property This page is only a p o{ a m16 y'y'.TAa Coo 'l,ilntE/tl ,br ?fue ,nsurarrca ,:r$r€d by Fits, fuDerican Titb lnsnar'fa Cnn$ny This C.bmmitrnont is nol vald wlthout the l,lotica: tho Commif,!€t to lsstb Hi.y; AB tutunlbfinl Co.dniMs; Scj,edu,b A- Sdred.rb 8, Palt l--foguiaernents; Scl6dule B, Pad l4t@p(tons; art a @unler-si,nature by the Cornpany ot'its i$uing ager'1,t lhat nay bo h olocnooic tom. Copyrlght Z'O0&201 6 Amsrlcan Land f b A5loci.tlon. All ilght3 r.a.ry!d. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is resficted to ALTA licanseos and ALTA nEmbers in good standing as of the date of u$e. All other usos al9 prohibited Roprintod under license frorn the American Land Title Association. Form 5030(00 (1-31-17) Pagg 5 of E LT Filo l&.: 614042 ALTA Commitn€nt for T'rde lnsurance (&'l-16) ALTA CO]TMITIUENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE B PART I ISSUED BY FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Commilment Number'. 61 40/.2 SCHEDULE B, PART I Requlromentg All of the folloving Requirements must b€ met: A. The Proposed lnsured must notify the Company in writing of the name of any party not refened to in this Commitrnent who will obtain an interest in the Land or who will make a loan on the Land. The Company may thsn make additional Requircments or Exceptions. B. Pay lhe agreed amount for the estate or interest to be insursd. C. Pay the premiums, fees, and charg€s for the Policy to the Company. D. Documents satisfactory to the Company that conv€y the .|-de or cr6at€ the Mortgage to be insured, or both, must be properly authorized, exeorted, delivered, and rocorded in tho Public Records. E. This is an lnformational Commitment only. There are no requirements. This poge is only a Fd ol a m16 ALfAo Co/,.rniatE,tt brf o hsl.ran,.E iss!fid by Fitsl Anlf,,dcan lb lnsuanc, C,,on$any. This co,,,mif,,6nt isr,E,tvolidvitholJd,eNoti@:thoCoturi,tl€,rltolss/Jetlky0loCo,r.I,r,ltn,palCond,ib.,s;Scr,odubA;Sdre<hleB,Padl-Reqdre/7'enls; Scho.tula B, Pan tl--{rc8ptionq adt a @u ot-siti/Idhtre by he Coowny q its i$urq agenl lhal nay be in elocnanic fo,m. Cogyrthf AXEAOIE Anla.kan LJd ttth A..od.doG A[ d!|*r ]t .rvrd. Th6 tl36 ot flis Fo.m (o. dry dern dil,3 tE oof) b rgsfkbd b ALTA lkEflsges atd ALTA nE rbo6 in good sBrdhe as ot rle dei. oa 1186. AX oth.r us6 aIr p.olrilibd R€p,int€d uider laco,no ft!.n fle Arno.tan Land T rs Assodalion- Fqm 5G)0000 (1n1-17) PaoE 6 o{ 8 LT File tlo.: 6'1.(}42 ALTA Co.nnifnent fcr Tide ln8urarrco (&1-16) ALTA COMilIITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE B PART II ISSUEO BY FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Commitment Number- 61 40/,2 SCHEOULE B, PART II Exceptlons THIS COMMITMENT DOES NOT REPUBLISH ANY COVENANT, CONDITION, RESTRICTION, OR LIMITATION CONTAINED IN ANY DOCUMENT REFERRED TO IN THIS COMMITMENT TO THE EXTENT THAT THE SPECIFIC COVENANT, CONDITION, RESTRICTION, OR LIMITATION VIOLATES STATE OR FEOERAL LAW BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, GENDER IDENTITY, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN. Th€ Policy will not insure against loss or damage resultjng from the terms and provisions of any l€ase or eas€ment identifiod in Schedule A, and will include the followirq Exceptons unless dearsd to the satisfaction of the Company: 1. D€fects, liens, encumbrancas, adverso claims or other matters, if any, creatod, first appearing in the Public Records, or attacfiing subsoquent to the Commitrnent Date but prior to the date th€ Propos€d lnsured acquires for value the Title or Mortgage covorBd by this Commiunent. I{OTE: Upon closing with Land Tltle, lnc., ltem I on Schedule 8, Part ll wlll bo deleted. The Flnal Policy will a(end covsrage as lo thc gap betwoen lhe Effectivo Date llsted in ltem 1 of Schodulo A and the dato of recording of the instruments creating tho interost to be insutsd. 2. Rights or claims of parties in poss€ssion not shown by the public records. 3. Any encroachment, encumbrance, violation, variation, or adverse circumstance afiscling the 'l-rtle that would be disdosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the Land. 4. Easements or claims of easements, which are not shown by the public records 5. Any lien or rEht to a lien for services, labor or material her€tofoIg or h€reafrer fumish€d, imposod by lary and not sho,vn by th€ public records. 6. Taxes or special ass€ssments which are not shown as existing lisns by the records. 7. General and sp€cial taxes and assessments as hereafter list6d, if any (all amounts shown being exclusive of interBsl, penallies and costs). 8. No coverage is provided for municipal code compliance matters and f6€s including, but not limited to, utilities, right of way maintenance, water or sower servi@s, or fees for tree, weeds, grass, and snow or garbage removal, police boarding, vacant building r€gistration and zoning. This pago is o y a pan o, a m16 ALTA. Coa,/i,,lhrlE,ll tor Tlfle lnsua,,ca isslred by Fid A/,er'?itan Tlde lhsuanca Comqny. fhis Cotr lihanl is tl,c/t vdd * hol,t the lJdic€; the Cofimibno,,t to lssr/€ Hicy; the hnm npnt Cotn bns; Sch€dub h Sdbdtlo B, Patl H.equl,orfianls; Sdrodde B, Pad ft-Ex@dio,rs: arrd a @@1ot-silaahra by the tunpny q ils i*uilg 8lgc,* that ney bo h etedrgnic fol,,. AITA CoontErEnt b. 'l-rde lmurance (&1-16) CoDyrlght 200G20f G Am.rlc.r La,rd Thb &$ardo.r An dghn d.trrtd. Thg use of trb Fdm (q a,ly defi.stvg ttl€ rot) it lEstirod b AITA lillt8€os 8rld ALTA.TET&ors in gpod slendhg I ot t|o dab of [rsa. AI ohgr u86 a.o prohlbned. Rep.ht6d undar llcois€ |torn the Arndlc.i l-rnd Tnb Assoditixr. Fo,m 5030000 (r-31-17) Pags 7 oa 6 LT Fie i5.: 61,a0,a2 ALTA COMTITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE B PART II ISSUED BY FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Commitment Number. 61 40/2 9. Tax l.D. No.: 2t2000O10 ParcelA Tares for the year 2020: $3,362.00, Total, are lsl 1l2Pard,znd 112 Due, Bass Tax: $3,329.00 (Homostead). Tax l.D. No.: 2$'1601'130 Parcel B Taxes for lhe year 2020: S30.00, Total, are'lst'l/2 Paid,2nd 112 Paid, Base Tar: 030.00 (Homestead). NOTE: lst Hatf Taxes are payabl€ on or beforB May 15th and 2nd Hatf Taxes aro payable on or b€fore October 15th. 10. Levied and p€nding special assessments, if any. 11. Drainage and utility easements over the subject properly as shown on the recorded plat 12. Excepting and reserving to the State ol Minnesota, in trust of the taxing districts concemed, all mineral rights, as provided by law, by instrument filed Novemb€r 6, 1987 as Document Number T54633. 13. Mortgage executed by Beach Rd, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, dated March 1,2019, liled March 15, 2019 as Documenl Number T209196 in the amount of $232,800.00, in favor of Merc*lants Bank, National Association. (covers additional property) 14. Assignment of Rents by and between Beacfi Road, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, and Merchants Bank, National Association, dated March 1,2019, filed Marcfi 15,2019 as Document Number T209197. 15. Rights or daims of tenants, as tenants only, under unrecorded leases, if any 16. lf there are any questions regarding this Commitment, please contacl Jon Edstrom at (651) 6975127 ot by email at iedstrom@Landlitelnc.com. Please reference LT File No. 614042. This pago is only a pan o{ a 2016 ALTA6 Cfinnilnbnt tor Title lnsu.,t'@ issu€d Dy Fri6t Arienbah Tttb lnsu.an@ Compatry. This Commitnent is not valid without the Notice; the Comtuihnent to lStt@ Polic!; the Commftn$ht Conditbns: Schedule A; Schedule B, Patt l_Requiremonts: Schedub A, Parl ll-Exca{ions: and a @lilor-sillnatu@ by the Co.npeny or its issuing ageht ihat may be in *ctooic {om. Copydght 200&20f E Arlr.rlcan lrnd Tid. A..ocLdoi. All rlghtr r€arvld. Th€ us6 of tnb Fo.m (o. any d6rivative lhereof) is r€3ri(,ed b ALTA licens€ar arld ALTA rlelr5er8 in good sranding c of &e dab o, use. AI ot]Er us€s ars prohibr'ted Regaintod und€r license lrorn tne Arnerican l-and Titl6 Atsock{irn. Fodr 503Om0 (1-31-17) Pag€ 8 of 8 LT File tlo.: 61,t{X2 ALTA Cornmitrnent for Tide lnsurance (&1-16)