Conveyance of Forfeited LandssrATE oF HnnEsoTA )).. Orl,liy of nrrlr, ) Tir rE rffr - Ddrra ttr. @,r*.r.r a.-r- lr.rar,|.'ilr-I t6ta6 ttlrt ot IlxxItoTA IIE?AT BlfT OF IEVETUE COTWEYAIICD OF FONSENDD LTNIXI bd ?Eul To Xh-a. sa.rd., S..do- 2eaot ro !84f2 h.Ur' ^tF..a b, tlir A..dtt C-r.l , l9!l-. htrlin th.TflIS ItIDENTURE l.ar&&,Ocrober NOY, THEiEFORE, th. St.t o, Litu ot , puEr.nt lo t il aLtraaa, .nd ii cooidcrrlba of tlr lhe ,n0 Lot On. tto!..nd thr.! &rodreal 1tr.c (1,303) CawCr B€ech, lN TBSTtt ONY gltEREOF, th. St lG of tlid..or h.! c'rild thi! dc.d to h. crtr.rtcd in it, ]llo. h d|c City of Sr. Prd, Count, of RrtE y ild Stnc oa ltiirttc-tr, th. d.y nid y..r frd.bot ritrcn. In of 30th .+, $ oI o\9 \o c{ $.ac o, finn .or.,. Fty o,lta li, prr,rd- PhiIriD r. Gd..l!!d- ' F'lt-- o' llt' ..ood Fr, flTI{ESSEru, IHEIE{S. rhc hd hairdcr ddit d, h.vi| t .. drl, lo.tciLd b d!. St ac of trii.i.ol. ir lh. mtrp.y.or of trrc+ rr rold uria tf,c pmvlioi o, Xinta.o& Strlul.. Scdit .2a:I0l lo 282'12' hddE. ro dl. Ft Y ol li. -.ad Fl, -d. UHEBEAS. tb rid !.r Y o,lt E d Fr h.r- rrid in fl|l th prcl- F.G. ot.il hd d trl-orlEri; frIl coqlini rirf, ric codrinr of r'd rdr rnd -ir- 6ritLd lo n ?p.oFi{c @s.ree dEto,, m HAYE AND m HOLD THE SAtaE lol?ticr riti.[ lh. h.rqlt.tnarr. rnd +Frlaunc.. dracunto !aMr! or in ravric lo lt aaid Dd -r.- ol t[c eold F. nr! -' - '' i:in -md rilnr. to""ttt. iEfitt_dtrytt4r-- ibqE STATE Of IINXESO'A JOHII P. Jll(as B, (h rb--39!.\-&, of october , le-.&l-. i..o'. !. r.rDr.oy .DFrrqt DEIiIS J. EBIIO, A..t. Coutioli o, t i.E o{ lt Sn. ol Liual.,lo D terr t t ll. ,r!0 rb n qd.d ti. taQba .orr,tE h t td ot ltr sr.r. ol Liar-o .rd ..fDd.a!l lt l L .r.d.d tE .t ! lt llt. .c d a..., ol ..il a... Frtl,ri to ri. .lraEla i rat c..d...d Forid.d. ,aA\ P Tn ClA ZEtfTEil{'ffi;ffi\9ryor=rrtr.nrr _._.t.l h. l- .f : ,".t! crccptirg rnd .cqvi.I to 0. ra.l d.tr. h rrua fo. uxiq dir0icb co..riEd. d .iE l .!d nitlc'd .lhrt. . ptorlLd b, t r, aA. . --, [I-il EEEF =18Ei E* gSEE F! EE [[EEE >I ZI: = b ?+ { (ts ). 6-\ lt} BBo6|z2EgagPr.rF+&Fhi>bst!q.$t-s|rItI,alII tt rii$r Fiiilli., I { -!EIerl!E6,.T*EirllifiEllrl!lr csci!z =-asSri8= s ti tef i#,r l;' lir )sj € iin )o iT iTT iiirl;jl,;, G6 -.1 E'oxoriE't5o,l,coUEt{s) sle,EEBo!iriEiziziEio!lil!>IIeIE'rlriFiILtt atHE58".eEIiE6aFFttsI:te5tsl,ts IIIItrI 9 >{n€ mz'fr<oE >o =2otiE mo oa: =ot 2 C :tra ia 9 I l it{ =,, i8zt r9 Ei .P FE :!. iII \ /rn Oocurnent #: T209196 Date: 03-15-2019 Tirne:ol:,l8 PM Pag€s: 10 Cert * 40257.0 Filing Fee: $46.00 MRT: $535.,14 Conseffation F€e $5.m PaH ofl 03-15-2019 County: Carver State: MN Requ6tirE Party: METRO TEGAL SERVICES INC (aaren LewE Registrar of Titles MORTGAGE RECORDANO REQUESIEDBY: Lrthant' Bant taadoial Aaaccldon Wrno.r B dr IOZ E S.d 3t FO Bd 2/at Wnon., IX $*7-67f WHEN RECORDED UAIL TO: LrGhanta Ba . l{nbnal attoclaioa wlno Eaanch 10, E trd St PO &r 2i.! Wnon , Irl 5t38r-9977 UAX|MUU UEN. NOTWTTHSTANDIT{G AI{YTHI G TO T}IE CONTRARY HEREIN, THE IAXI UH INDEBTEDNESS SECURED BY THIS ORTGAGE IS I232,8OO.OO. THIS IORTGAGE dated Lrch l, 2019, b mrde and lr.cubd bdtreen Earch Rd, LLC, whG. .ddr.ri b 790 S.ntr VoI. Dr, Chanhe$.n, f,N 55317-96a3;.r. f,lnnc.otr Umlbd U.bllttry Compmy (Eferrcd to b.low.3 -Grantof) and xerchlnt3 Blnlq Lrtonal A.3ocl.0on, rfi6..ddrEs b lo2 E 3rd St, PO BoI 24E, Uvlnonr, UN 55987-9977 (ttfonld to bolow !!'Londe/'). GRATIT oF roRTgaGE. Fo, Y.lu.u. Gonalda'adoq Gr.l o' mone'o" lnd co'nEys to L'nd"' with pow'r of lab all of G"ntodo richt' dtb, artd intar!5t h snd to tha bllowing daaaribad rlsl pro0arty, toCalhar with an exialing o. $oaaql..nty dld or aitxad_ buildlngs. lmprovcnrnb md ftdur.a; alt aatan ilt. ,ighb of *ay, .id .lplrtanaicq: .ll watet. waiat rtghla, watercou6o5 afi, ditch qrhta ll65lT"i,l*I"i'15,flfl'fl.1,:B*tTtrliff,?i"Hi1i$!'"Ha"pa*[6$i$ffiiXt",mfl3fJH.j${lt ol llnn.3ot!: Lot 1303. Caler8each. .ccordlno to tho r"cordad pl.t the'lot, Carvor Cgunly, [bndote. Lot 1. Bldck I, ChaDan l, .c.ordlng to tha Ecordcd plat tharsof, clller county' xlnnGota- Th. R..l Pmoortr or lts rddltaa b commonlv known lt 9Ol Clrvor Bofth R4 Chrnha3asn, mN 55317'8572. i'hc Raal Proireni ter ldcndfrctdon nunbo? ts 25-20ooo10, 25-1601130. cRogg4oLraIER LizaTlox. tn a.tdioo. to tne NotB, this Mo.tgeg€.acrrls all obqlatirns. dcbt! and liebtliti.rs. plu! int€.lsl thor.on. of carr{oa to L6id€r, or arry ona or moa! of thcm. aa {rell I all daima by Laaldla ,gainail Gridor or any onc or more d ttEfi, whathot nol, exiging oa hallaller eaBing, *hathGr n$stad or unr!frd to tha purpolr ol th. Nde, whetfier voluntaty or othatuise, whelhar dua o( nol Oue, Oirea or inOirea, aotomifuO or uxbtermined. ab6olut or continoont, lhuirated or urlhurdaiad, wllcthar Grantor mey b. lirbb indMduatty or jointly with oth6lB, r,hctho. oblostsd a5 gua..ntor, 3ur€ty, .ccommodalbn pany or oth6 iae. .nd wheth€r lecorrory t4on sudt amorrnt'rnay b6 or h€rlafl.r mry bacoftg bared by tny stalulo ol limltafons, and whothGr thr ouillatioo to Epay luch atnotl' 6 msy ba or haa6eller may becorE otholwba uncnforceable. Granlor pl!!€o{y e$sirns to L.M.r Ct of Granto,,s rirht tid€. .nd int€rall ln .nd to .n prcsanl and fulur! loa6cs ot the Ptopody rnd .ll ncnfr tr6m ttre Froped. Thb.h.I conltiute an adual end prerent Gsle.xrEnt. provirod lhal tna Grsnto. shall have a k r}go to colloct, but not prio. to accruai. att d th6 RanB .nd lo relsin, !s€ and 6nioy lhs tarrc unless end untll an Etlnt ot Ocleull as deftEd hacin has ocqrncd tn sddalion, Granlo. gr.nla to Landor e Unibrm Commardd Coda saclnty intercst in thc PaEonal Propany and Renl3. Ill'o Lagd t rvlcas EDTRET 1303661 B 25001 2325095 MTG 66475 Loan No:15108'l40 TORTGAGE (Continuod)Pago 2 FUIUiE ADyAlcEi tn dditbfl to ltt. t{d, thE Mo.tcace !acr!! a! futul! adunca. mada by Laidar lo Gnrntor whathar or nol lltc a6,lnoaa da tnd! glrlruant to a cqfiit'tlEnt Spadfcaly: withod llmitation, thb MdtCaga !aor!., in addiboa to $c amountt 8pacl'iad in Ola Nob, all futuls amounta Let'|d.. ln ilr discrltton may lom to G[ntor. toocllra, witi all intactl thaltoo. flta lof,tc^oE txcluD|llc tHE astctmiar oF REIT3 arD fiE SECURITY IXIERESI n fiE REXI! AiD PERSO AI PROPERTY, t3 ctvEx To 3€cuRE (a, paylErr of IHE ttaDEBtEo esE ato lE) PERFOiI XCE Of AIY AtaD All OAUOAIIOXS Ui{oCR TllE {olE AXO tHlE rOf,lGAOE. T}I! X)RTSAOE E ONCI AXO ACCEPIEO Or TtiE FOIIOX||O rERrt: payE ft Allo PERFORTAICE Eft.gt !r oth.,rb. povld.d ln tfib Morlct , Gr.nto..h.I ply to L.id.r .ll rmourts .corrqt by thb Mo.tgtCa aa tioy baco.nc dua rnd lhau attiry pat orm at o, G,a ola oblieat ona oida. lhit Monoaea. polg€sgott arao I ,{tE tatacE ot THE tioPEnTY. GIrr or .el!6 thst G...rto/r poar.3Cm .nd u!. of th. Pro!.rty .fi.I bc lorlmad by ll,la blo*xrc provtlbnal Foa-dcn a.td t a.. Undl tha oca{rfie d an E6rI d Oat ult Gnantot may (l) l! min in palaaaio.l .,ld control d tha Prc9adyi (2) l.Ea, oparata or m$.06 tha Propady; and (3) colbct tha Ranb troan th6 Propart . oriy to blrlaln. Gr.nto. $tl mai ain tha Prog.ny in tanantabL condllion and prornptt partorm all Egaira. Epla6m.nla. ald manbnanca aEca6aaay lo pralaw! iE valuo, CqrpLEa Wlrr Envkouxital Lrur Grantor tlgrlaant3 rnd wdranta to Larxrcr ihat (l) Orirg tha pariod o, Gr.otoda oiiatlhip ol tli! propa.r. th..a tua baan no uaa. gan atlon, aoufactun., !iora!a. t aatrant. diapoaal, nbra or tlYr.t.nad llleaaa ol any Haran oua Subata.tca by arly oarun on. wld-, aboul o.lrorn Ula Progaff$ (2) Gaanto. ha! no lnolxLdlo of. o, tlalol'l to ballct a tlat thGro hss ban. aicaptar prwioudy diraroaad to and ad(nolil.doad b, Landar in writlne. (a) any b.lrdt or vbldion ol eny Environ[rntsl LnwB. (b) any !.., gararatirn, mandaobrE. tlollea. fsaErrnt, diagoaal, 6haaa or thEncn6d lrbaaa of any Haaardoua s|t6taatca on. undar. about or lrorn 0lr ProFrly by any prid ow@.r oa ocarpanla ot tha Ptoolily, or (c) any tclual ot Uroabmd tiuCatirn or ctaiin ot arv kirx, !y any Fton r.la0rtg to lucrl rnatbr!: and (3) Erpt D pawiorrtly dbdoacd to .nd aafno.,l6dg6d by Lortr.a in writing, (a) naltl.r G.adlor no. .ny lanant. contilctor. tr nl oa othar autho.iz.d uaar ol thaP.oparty lhafl u!c. a6riorata, nl.nufadutr, dor!. !rBi, dbgoaa oI o. l!Lr$ .ny Hazadoq! Subatanca on. undc., abol, ot ftonr tio Propcnyi and (b) -any trratr acuvity tllal ta corductad an co.nCbnca with .I applia.blc fucfal. stata, and bcal ler6. rreuhtlom .nd o.dimiia!. iid'/dino wilhout tinitaton af E rvironrEr al Larva. G..dor aulho.ira. Lalde. atrd itg .c.ita to anlgr upon lllc Proparly to |'|.kc luarr hlPGaont and E5t!. at Granto/a arpan a, at Lartdar may iraGm rpp.ogdaic to da{atmic co.rdiaoca ol trl. fto9.o with thia lc(ton ot thG [rro.6ag€. Any lnapadonr or tosta mrda by Lcrdrr &rll bG br Laidafa pu.Do663 only and th.l nol D. aonatctad to rrlat! sry ..aponriulily oi lrability o.r tha pan of Lcrdor to Graito. or lo a,ty olh6r pa.!d!. Tha rlp'raanta oo. md wrrEntia! coinainad triGa rn O$ct on G..nto/6 dua dtlg.nc. h hErligadnq lha P.opa,ty tor lhran olla Subatancaa. Grantot trcr*y 1i) rofrcor rna srvaa any ,utuE dains .grtral Laodar br iMamoity or conffillion in tha avtnt G6nlor baco.naa llabb ior acrnr.p or anqr coafr urdar aiy &dl Lwa; ard (2) aeraaa lo lrdamnily. dsiand. and hold hafiil.aa l..!ra. aCalLt arry and .ll deimt: b!aa. liabititia, damlei. paia[irt. and atDaaaa, ind'rdit rnomaya'hrt, conaulLata fo.3, and coGE whidt Lardar mty di rcdy or Indilctly t{ratain or tuila. 'latltho ho.n ! brltdr ol thia acdion of tha Mo.lgtga or ar a conaaqulrlo! ol llly ulc gofiriton, rl.nuftAuo, aloraea, dtapoaal. n/raaac or tlrlaL.rad rallala ocdnrlno p.i{x l,o Gl! o/a ofiLrtltip or intarqal ih {i6 Fropcny. *ttcttr., o. not ltL tima raa or amuE haya t{ran known to G.arioa. Tha p.ovilbna o, thb aadon ol tho t brleaCp. inctudli tha ouigstion to ind.mnify and t orand, lhall turviv! tha payflE rt O{ tha lrdabtadtl6a .nd tha aadaLctbo and ltco.lrlt anaa ot thc Eo ot thia-Mo,rCaoa aid ahal not !a afiad.d by Lardafa rcquirton ol aiy intoEat an lha Pmparly. whethar by lo6doau.6 or olh6 ae. xuLxtca, trraL. Granloa ,lall not carraa. aon(rucl oa Fnnlt any auiaanca nor commlt, patmit. or tulbr airy drippaalg of or wasle oal or to ths proparty or any po.tbn of fl. Prora.ty. lil/l[|out limillne lio eallr.laly ot llE ior.golne, Grantor will nol llnrovl. or g.anl to any oth.r pirty iha right to r!'nov!, sny tintcr. mlrE al. (inaludit dl and oaa), corl. cley. !co.ia. toil, gr.vd or lod( products wilhogt Lgrtdcia gnoa wrlllen conaanl. Rattroyal ot lmPl|oyr.ratlt. Gaa,rio. ah.l not ddioaalr o. n noea ..ry l,rDrcvlrrl€r{a ftom t}E R6C P'opa.ty lithoot Larldal'a prio. wrtttcn corucnt. Aa a oonditim to tha llrlEyal d ]ry lmpro66anta. Landar may Equir Grar{or to iaka amtrcsoanE ratafidory lo Llndlr to Ephca trrdl lmpaotqtlarfi wilh hproltt'larit d at laad aqual vafua. Larda/a ilglrt b E^br Lt'dlr and Laidar,a aernb aiid rar.taa.tathar m.y .'lt.f upon lhc Raal Pt!9.rly al aI nlaaooaDb tin.r! to aiorx, to L;ndaia inb.rdi and to lnaraat tha Rd Progarly br pupoaaa ot Grantois coivlianaa with tho icrrB arxl condiiona ol thir iio&r!6. Catnp{altca rl$ Cora.lt6antal Raqdtriar a G.lnlor dd prorriptly co.nply with al lasa. o.dinanc... &!d .cclrLtb,l.. ,low or hGr!it!. in elloat of Cl goyadnantal aulhor{taa apploabb to tha uaa or oca+ory c thc Prcgorty, hdrding uiulod fnitstion. ,le Arrrioana \rrrXh Oi{Utitar Act G.arnor l,l.y coibC in good taith.ny luah Lr, on lian€a. or Egulaton and withhold co.rplianca drdng my paldrE. Iriafurhe a0ercp.ida apgrab. ao lo.E aa G.antot har not'fird Lartar h rflin! prir io 6dne ao attd ao lorE .., tn LcnAcfr rao oplrton, tinadr inbrqlr ia Ua Protarty ar! nol rarrpardzrd. Lrdar rmy alqdr! Gra.rtoa to poc adaquda aac{aly or a 6rrllly bond, l!$drat y ..tiatactory to Lafirca, to plola}cl Laalda/l inba!3t- o$!, b Ptll.ct Granior aercaa naitrLr to abandm oa LaYr udtlandad tha Proparty. Grar{or ahal do all olhar actt. il a6difon to noic rar rcf lontr rtovc ln thla radbn, s,hici troan tha cia..ci.r .nd ua. ot tha P.opc,t ar. r!.to.lauy asaa.y to p.otad all.l Fraaava lt|. Paopa.ty. OUE Oll 8ALE . COltSEi{Y gY LE aoEi. Lcido. mry, it LGr|d.r'6 option, dcda6 irrnadLEly du. and paylbL ai lt,na aaqrtr, by lhb Mo.rgae. upon tho {h or t anab., yithout Larr(,ar,a prlo. u.itt n con&nt. ol all or any pan ot dr. Raal Prc9arty. or efiy intooat ln lh. Aa poperty. A.ssb o.Iran f.a mr.nt tha con6y..rc. of Roal Prop6.t or any rirht. titlc or idaI.at h tlra R.t.l Pro9artyi rtteth.t Llg.l. barEftr,t or'cquitabb: whatticr wlunisry or iftoluotrry: whatlor b, outrhht aab, daad, iaEtrllllanl laL contract. lati conlrad, conlaat ior d€d. b.lahoE tnt r.3t with s tarn er!.t r then th6a (3) ycars, blla-oplim @nlr.ct. o. by atl.. .3aigdrxnt. or tran br of.ny b.n lidet tntcost In or to any Lnd trult holding t[6 to tltc Raal P.op.ny. or by .ny othar,n€]hod o( co.rtaratlco of an lntaGst in $. Rral p.oparty. tf any cranto. i3 a corDo.albn. partrEnhlp or liritGd llability carnpany, lrsnrbr .bo ancludoa airy l!.irucluring of tlG Leal anfit (whothir by fiErgpr. diyiaion or oth6.rita) o. any che.Ea in own66hip (, fi'loro 'len trority-fve p6.ca (25t6) ol thG vding stoai. Lo.n o:16108140 TUORTGAGE (Continued)Poge 3 panr€rahip inblllb or Imlad liabimy conpariy hfrlaL. a! tr€ caaa may b.. ot trrdr G..ntor. Howlvrr. thE opton ahal nol !a oE daad by l-arda, il auan aE tiaa b p,ohibibd by bdarll llw o. by Minncaota law. T IE3 AxO uEl{!. Thc bllorylne Plovi.lorlt rddinC to lrr. t t . .nd lbnt o.| th. Progsrly .r! p.n o( thi. }lo.lg.!P: Parnaat Garnto. ahrll pay uhan dua (a,rd kr al ar,lnta pno, to rralm66cy) a[ tax6. payroll tsraE, aDacial larar!, tsararianla, witr dureo md srycr larvtoa drllca lcdar, aeahal o. ofi acaount ot th€ Propa.ly, and ahatl pay sh.n du6 a[ daalr. lor lro do.r on oa b. rawic.a Endarad or rnabrial fu.rirlEd to th. Propany- G.antoa aian mlltltlh tta Prooarly tla ot any fanr hauri0 priortt) ovcr or aquat to trlc lnt tat ot Ladlr wd.r thia llorleaeE. arcagt tor tr€a Lrn apacificai, .ollad to in h,riting by Laid6r, and axaad ,or th. lian o, trxaa and aaaaaarncnta nol dt a .t furthar agadfad in tl! RiC to Co.|t..l partcr.rh. Rtn & Co.|td, Grantor lnay wlt*rold payrrl.rn 0, ariy tat, a!!aar,'rrl. or dain in @orEction with a good fgit r dbputa ovcr thG ouioation to pry. !o tong .! Ladraaa hbroat in tha PrcOarty Ia not iaoparlrzld. lf ! lian ariaat or la fbd at a r!au[ ot noipayrncnl, caar o( ahatl wihin fffaan (15) d.)r atar tha liarl aritaa o., lr. lhn b fih, w nin fiiacn (15) dlyr aiar G.anlo. haa nolica ot lha fltino, !!clr! tha dtadLoG ot tha lan, or if rtq63Ed by Ldlda.. dapo3it wiur Lardar caah o. a &lfrdant co.PoGla auGty bond or o$ca raclrity satiafrdory lo Lcidar in an dnount rJfiqent to rrLdrlg. tho lair dU3 any coaB and rraaonabL attomaya' bt!. or ot rar dtarE€a lhat cosld acaiua aE a llrun d a blldoarll! or lale url.lar UE ln. ln any contall. G,antor $![ dahnd it8€lt and Llida. and $at aafbfy .ny advrGa iudomrri b.loo anloaamant aeairar tho Propa.ly. Gaamor lhan narna LandGr a! an additlonal ooliga. (rxlrr .ny aursly bood fumilhcd ln tho conbat procacdinCa. Evliloca ol Ptrmant Granto, ahal upoo doatlad fumidr to Landat iatiaLclory ar,Sa.r of 9tyntr ot lir tan.a o. taaalarllcnb and ahalt autho.iaa thr ar9rcpdat! gotrffifital aficiallo rraliEr to Llndlr al ariy dnr 6 r.itian drtarnant ol tic trxa! and aaa.a..lrnta Eailnt lh! Progcrly. l.oltca of Coiatr|ctlon. Grador r|.[ notify Lr5aa at lcart fit€en (15) d$a batoar any wod( b cormDlncad, aaly a6.vka! ara fumBhad, or sny mata.irb .r! &ppliad to tha Propao. if my ,rrchlnida lbn, m.brilknao.. lLn, or olhar t.n could ba aaaarLd on accounl of thc work. aarvlcat. or lnaLnals. Gr.,ilor will tpoo rlquod d Lardar lumllh lo Lalralar advanaa altunnca! aaliafrctory lo Loidar liat Gr.nior aan atl(l will pry lha colt of auarl lmprovlti.nta. PiOPEiTY DAIAOE lllauR l|CE. Th. toloryine prort &n r.l.tirre to imllIino th. Prop.rty ... r p.rt ot thi. lton0.e6: Ltntaiana. ol Ina.rrra.. Gaanto. atLl p.gat ! and mainaan poliLa o, i.a inatrlrca wtur atandlnt o.br|(Ld covooea ando..arn nta on a ..9hc.rnin bata for th€ full il3 abb varr covlrfte all lmg.ovatranta on lha Rd PEgao in an afilount alfficbnt to atoi(, a9glodo.r o{ any c()ilaur|rrca cLlraa. and wilh a aL.ldad mortalra d.rn h favo. of Lattd{. Gfanto, ClaI aLo p.ocrr. |rd |nair!|in co.rprtlia6i6 goltral labilit itErl! ca ln audr aovaragG .mouno aa Llndar rnry rlqlrat with Ld€ar bdng itanrcO o rOOnimet ili.trldt in audr llaDdity lrarraioa po0cira. Addtionrlt. Garnto( ahal mddah ludl othcr haurane, hdudino but not Enitad !o haza.rr. hrairr$ irtanuptb. and bolb. hErranaa aa Lardar may llguh Polltjaa ahall ba wrinlan by auch inacanca co.n9ad6 arx, i.l aucn fonn aa may ba o.aontbly Ecaaptabb to Lqriar. Gr.ntor ahd dtliEr to Land.r caAificaloa of cos.306 liofi racti i l,.6r containirE a lilpuLtbn that co,raraCo will not b cancaLd o, dLr niahad wfiorrt s minimur|l ol thirty (30) daya' prio, wrttan notca to tardar and nol contahitg a.ry dirdaimar ot th. inaurc/a llabllity for trilr! lo cira auch notic.. Edr lqrranc. poliry abo lt|.ll itduita D ardq|.itrr providhe $at @sqa ln tavor ot Ldnar wiu not bc inpafld in any vay b, any aci, imtaik n oa dahutt ot G,.nior or lry olhar pa[on. Shod tha Ral Progany ba locatad in m atla datilnatad by th€ Adminlrt ltor ol tno Fada.d Erarla.tc, lrua0afiGr{ Agancy aa a apcdal flood hatrd ar!.. C*antor trtaa to obLin ard maintah Fadard Flood lnjranca. if av.iLb5. fur th. fu[ U'paf, p,lnd9rl bahnca d lhc lorn ari, ary p.lor lLo! on tha progat9 laqring lha loan. up to lh€ tnarinun Dollcy limlt! aal und..lha t{a0qut Flood ln (lrica Ptleram. or a. olha iaa llqui.td by Larda.. aild to maintrain luctl iraur.na. fu. tht tam or lha loln. aDctcadon ol Ptlcaad.. G..nlo. thall p.olrpuy nodfy Lafldar of riy bar or damao! lo tha ProD6rt. Latrdar mty nrl(. ptoot ol lot! It c..nto, Llta to do.o wfiln filtaan (15) daF ol Sra caalalfiy. \ME!h!r or not L.rld.l't aao,rrtty b imp.i td, Laidar may, at La.rd.fl abcIirfl. l!cah/! ad ratain tha proca.da of any h.lrarrca a,rd lpply tha plocacrrs to tha rldudion ot lrL l ldauadnata, ply,nant ot any tion arhctinC UDa P@paity. o. tha rosto.atlon and 6pah ol tha Prop.rly. lf L.riar aLcl! to ap9ly lha p.!caCd! to tBdora0on lnd ,apa-. Gr.ntor ahat Ep.ir or l.rtaca $a damalpr, o. daatroyod hprot anEnul ln a tr. E aallahctory to La.da.. Lafltar ar[I. u9o.l aiudaafory proot ql tirdr arpcildltrl!. pay or rdr$r,ra G.ar{or trom lho prodda fo,r tha GlaoiabL cott ot .apair o E6tdaion il cranlo. ia not in d.Lu[ urdar thia fiaorota. Any poaaada r\4lich haln not bacn diabdaad within IEO deyi alta, thcir .lcaipl 6d uttirt L.r|dcr haa not co.nmltLd to ttE Epalr or ,latoaruon of th3 P.ogarty rhdl b. ua6d trlt to pay .ny rnrount orring to Latder undlr thir fibrtao., lhcn to pry acaru.d inbrlst. md tho Emairrl€., it a,ry. shal bG aprlltd to lh. pnllcipal baLnaa of lhe lrirebtadnarr rl LcnOcr trotCr tty procccOr a{tar payrna in fu of thc |trdcuadnalr, tudl p.ocaGdr ah.i ba pei, to 6r&lt0r .! Grantois intarsatl mry app€er. G,urto/a Raro.t oi truratrca. Upo.t rtqua{ ol Lrda., ho€6r nol nto,r thln 0116 a ya.r. G.anto. lhall lumiah to L.odar a Epo.l oo oadi axnam Doti, of lnaulro! rhowing: (l) tl,la mmc ot lha kraurlq (2) tl€ dal! frrutld; (3) $a rnouni ol$a pokry: (,1) tta p.opciy i ru!d, tha thGn qrarlnt ,ldacanFnt eal(. ot audr p.opa,ly. and trG flrflnar 0t rlatannloi E fltl valua; arld (5) Ule a4* jin d'.t! ot ttr poticy. Gianto. altall, '.po.r r!C€.t d Ldn6r, hal,. ao inda9ar$arn .rD.rilar aatiataalory lo L.flrcr (bLmil lha aaah vahr6 a€9lrorndrt coat o, ina ProParly LEXOCRS EXPET{Di URE3. lf.,iy ..tion o, p.!c..diE i. cornmenc.d thst vJould md.ndU sl5ect Lcrdoi. inlen t in lh. Prop.rly or ll Gr. or f.itr to campty with any povbion ol thB Mdloaec or any R.lrt d Ooorm.nB. includiig but not lh4.d lo Granto/a failu.. to disar[rga or pay whan duc any amoq t Grantor ia llqullld lo da.hso. or p.y wdca thi! Morlgaea or any RaLbd Doa!m.nt!. l-.rdd on Grmrofr Ufrdf mty (but shatl not ba obllalad to) l,aka .l|y adion that Londd dccrn3 rpFoprLL. indJdirg but nol lltnibr, to ditarL0ing or payino att irxes,li.na. aaarlrity int r.!ts. 6idrt$rllc.a rnd Oth6r daima. at any tltE bvier, or pLcrd on th€ Prop.rty and paying aI coit.'toi tmurinO. mainLirxm and p.laa.vine th€ Prop.rty. Al auarr arpendituG. inornad or pald by L.rdar br audi purpo..! wil $lrn balr int r.st at t-ha ..d!a cfrargaO unOor ttrc Xotc fiom thc data incu.rod or 9aU by Lordo. to thc dat ot ragayrnar[ by G.antor. All soctr 6,e.i.aa witl bocdtl. s prn of Ue frO*tanctr aad. at La'ldar'a optron. will (A) ba parabb oo d.m.rii (B) ba .ltd€d lo lha bahncc ol ttri ttotc rnC ba sgpo.tio.Ed amor€.nd b. prr.bL with ariy in3tsllrn nl p.FEnt to boco.rE dua dudry cithar (1) th. r..rn ol ary apir*ru. li.Uranca Folicy; o. (2) tfi. Em.inirC i.rn of tha ilob: o. (C) ba lr.lLd .r e balloon p.y''rr{ h,tlah Yrill ba dtL .nd payablo ai itrc ttolc'r matufi,. Th. Mortgage .lso will 66qrla payrncnt o, thc!. smounts. Sudr rtht ahtll ba an arrdltron to . o0l.r rthA and Loan No; 16108140 MORTGAGE (Continued) lrnl.da. to lhi,l Leoder may ba ontted r+on OaLuL WARMTaIY: t EFE aSE OF lTtff . Th. io{oah! provtioo. llLtrE to owmr.nip of th. ttop.ny !l! a pr.t of thb morE.gE: rlda. G.antor r.rlanL Olat (a) G..'lbr hold! eood rld nrtatabb tlua olrtcod to Ol. PrcpaO in h. 5imp5, ttBe .rld dear ol al [a.E and aiomb.rflcea ol'Er than th6a tal bltn in tha Rad Plopally daaaripdon oa in arly tilb iBulahca polr, tI{a Epon. or fnal tnb ofi.ion i$ood in fayo. ot, rld accadad by, Lar{rr in coolrcdon with thia frorEoga, and (b) G.anto. h.3 the full rioht. p ar, rnd althorily to er6qra 8nd dGlh6r lhL Morlc6ga to Ltrd{. DaLiaa ol Tltb. Subicd to lh. cxcaptoar in tha pa.aeopi alova. Gnrtor wanantr and wifl bllvlr dofrod tho titb to lhG Proporty roaiNt tha lqwful daimr of.l p..soB. ln th! el/.nt any acdoi or procaadiiro i! comdrocod lhat quoalion G..nto/3 iilL or tha iniarlat o{ Llrdlr srd€. thls Mongaga, Gra o. .td d.bnd Ot. action rl Grartor'r a)e.ns.. Grr.rlor lnay be tho ncnintl prrv in 6ud! p.oco€ding, buf Lerdar lhal ba onmbd lo padkipaL in tha p@cardhg afld to ba llplllanbd h tfu pioaa€ding by corrtaal ot Lslde/i orn drolce, a l G.srrtor will daliY.,, or cauaa lo ba dclir,6l!d, to Leltda, sldl inalrumant8 a! Loidor nEy ,rquad fro.n tinr lo tirrl. to pormit sudr Padt palioo- CompLrEr t|5tt L.}.. Grantor warrantt that the Porarty and Grantoia rra! ot tha Propany compla. with aI axi.tinC applcablo laws. ordihsncos. and reeuleliona ot eor/emihrital authorEaa. Swrlyd ot Raprxaitrtlo.r and Wa''rnlhc All rlpl.aant|toi3, war'.nli.r, lttd tCllrllld{3 mad6 by Grantor in thls Morteago ahall lrvive the ereqrlon and ddirtry ol lhl6 tl,ortoaoa. thal t,. contlnulng ln natul., arx, ahrll Emain in full Iorco and elbcl unlil tudl tirE ra G..nto/! lnd.bte6iE*r !ha[ ba pail h rull. COXOCIXAIIOX. Tlto follo*ino provisirr.ra lllallng to cdrdamnalim procaldinga a.a a patt of thk MortegE: Prlcaadhfa. tf rny procacdho in codcrydidl E fild. G.litor lhall pro.rptly notify Lardlr in writim, and Grarnor lrEll pro.yp0y tak9 tudt stapa - ,Dry b. arcslaay !o dabrd lha adirn aid oddn lhe .lrad. Grrnlor mry bo tho nornhal parly ln sudl Focaedirt, but Landcr afiat be enti[ad to panirpata in tha DrocaadhC aod to ba ,69.aaanLd in the proce€dhe by cou.rsel ot ll3 orn droica, and G6ntor will ddiva. o. calaa to bc rroh,trld to Laidar luch iraitturant6 and doqfiientation I mry bo rq6.tG.t by Lll1der from tlyr to tinE to pormit audr partbipatbn. Apf{cdo. ol l|at P!!c.adt. lt ai or arV pan ol tha Propa.ty i! co.xhnxEd by gnlrlrnl domin Fococdin$ or by any poaaodiE o. pt tiale h liir d cdrdofiiation. Lsnd6 may al itE aLcliqt rrqur! thal a{ or any portbo o, tho lrct procoa& o( lha 8rt.d ba apgliad to tha lnda&drBs oa fro t!9ai o. Ilrtoratbo ot $a Pro0arly. Tha ad p.oaaada of t E asard lrrall mea. tha .*ard .llor p.yrr6nt ot ai I! sonable cosls, er9ais6.. and attomaya' b!! Itrqrrrd by LarxLt h contrcoon w{tlt Ihc corial6mrutdr. IFOAIfto OF TAXEs, FEES AXO Cl{ RgEa EY OOVERiXE]ITAL AUlHOinne& I}le bllo*ing p.ovi.ionr Elafng to Co$mmtnial taraa. lL. and chargca ar! a part of lha MonCaC6: Cu.ttnt Ta!a1 Far .rd Chrf-. t Don 6qrraaf by La.rda., Granlor arral uaarrta $&fi dooltlent h ddilim to tii! MonCagc dd taka whdvor o0l€. ection a ,qr-tad by Llnd.r lo po,bcl rnd contnua L..rd.at lan dl tha Rd fto9arly. G6ntoa atial t*r$tr.aa Lrrdcr tor d t x6. ra d6.rib€d b.lo*. bed!. with .l .rp.ia.. in urld h llco.dirlc, ,arhcting o. conlinuiog lhb Uorlgaga. tnduding withost ltnit lion aI tar6. h.a. dooJnrntary dan?o, trd o0ror drargoa ior racordinC oa rBgiatrrhg thb MorEaea. Taraa Tl|. blowino Cra! conatluta tB!. to wltirl tnb aadon applia!: (l ) r lpacrnc tar upon thB ty9e ol Mo.toaea or uroo all o. aiy pen ot $e ldbbaea,,i.a! laorld b, thb ffoneaeo; (2) a apadfic tar m @antor wlldr G.anlor b rdisized o. llquirld to deduct trom paymeols oll th6 lixLbLdnaaa $qrrld b, $ia typo of frorEaeo; (3) a tar oo thb type o{ lro.tg.ga (r|.rloatb a0aiLt th€ Land€r or th. hold€. ol lha Noia: .fl, (4) a rpadfc t r o.r al or any po.lion of th. ln(Lbtaahcaa o. on payrneflE d princiFl and intgrB.l madc by Gralrtor. Subaqll.rrt Iar.G lf any tax to whkJt tha tcclioi applba ia anaciad traaaquarn to thc dalc o, this Mongage. lllis clrthi shat hal/! ths larD€ cfEct as an EFn[ ol Dahult trd L$dar mty aDrdaa any oa aI of lls availabb lrnadL! br an Eyant of Oafau[ a! provired beld u,{.3r Grantor el0Er (l} paya tha tar bab! t bacoarEa dalhq(,..tt. or (2) contlltg tha tar aa provired abolra h tha TaE! and LLrE 6cadon and d€po{rt! n,ith LariirlI cadr o, a auficLnt @Dolltc luGty bord or ot rar aeority rarisfaclory to L.ri.r. SECURITY AOREEEI{': FI}IAXCIXG aTAICI€XTS. It tollo{ine provl&n! lll.Une to t !b Mod$g. .! .8e.urity .Ol!.nl.nl .6 . p.,t ot lhi! MorlgagE: Sacudry Ae.utrnt Thia lnalrunronl alrall cDnrtitut! a S.cuity ACr.smcnl lo lhc cxtcnt aity ol thc ProFatty constilula6 fxtures, .nd Larder shall ha\re all of lha rEhts o{ . aaqrlrd party ihdor tha Uni'blm Cornmcrcial Cod. .3 .n idod hor.! linE to ljmc. Sacurfty lnbrrat Upon rsquad by Lqd6r. Grantor ahall taka s,hitavcr aaibn i! l!q(,.!t€d by Lridar lo p€rllgct rnd continue Lend6/a racurity intaEst in lhe Rcnta and P!..onal Pllp.rly. h addition lo r.cordinc thh Moatg€go in lho loal proo€rty r!co.ds, Lrri6. may. at iny &rlo and wi0rout furthar authdlzation ltorn Grmloa. nb araqld couniarparE, @9i!r or rrprodudio.ia ot thia Mo.lgae. aa . inaicilg ltaterient G.antor lhdl rdmbu.te L!id.' fur aI arpanaa! irlq rld in partHrrg or coflinulng tib 8aanrity inbr.al. Upon dgtau[, c.edor ahal not ,!movE, aa,or o. abtadr $a Paflorlal Propoo f.o.n Ole Prop€.ty. Upon dcfsrlt Grantor shall aalombL arry Paraonal Propar, not alfoed to tho Propady h a ,€narar and el e placa rlaldtebly coivonbnl to Gianlor and Llrda, and nlakc it .vaaabL to Leide. wiltrin thrt (3) daya atar racalpt ol wdllan darnand honr Lrndra to tfi! artent pelmitl€d by apdiaablo law. Addraat-- Th€ In.ilirlg add€Ea€a ol Gr.rno. (dablo.) a,ld Landrr (l.qrld p.lty) trorn $,hicn iofornallon coricaming tha s.srriv int r.!t gr.nted by this Mo(g.Ce trl.y bo 6trirl.d (a.dr a! raquGd by lh€ Unibrm Co.rrlrrEill d) are as siatad o.r iha 6.81 pag. ot this ftu$.0e. FURTHER A3SURAICES; ATTORtaEY{I+ACT. The ,ollowing prcvilio'tr clatirE to funhs. aarufrrE a rod .to.rlcyjn-facl arl a patt ot $b irorreE! : Fudrar Aaauraic* At arry timc. and tro.n tfna lo tIrE. r+oo l!qu..t o, Larrdlr, G.mor will mai.. cr,aqria and ddiver. or wn cauaa to b fiade. er€.rn d or d6lil,. d, to Lanitcr or to La.rdaat dclilyraa. and whan .rq6rt d by L.yxlcr. oar.[e to be flod. l!aad.d, rcfiled. or reccarded. at lrL csr rnsy ba, at audt ffr€a and in audr olFrcar and pLaaa aa Laidar may drom lppaopaitb, any ar,ld all 3udt moatgagEs. dc€dt o, fult '.Eldty daad!. aaoraily adtarnanta. linaictrC lrtslnents, contrnudon 6t enEnl.. ilr3tru,rEnL of Pag€ ,t Loan llo: 161oEltto MORTGAGE (Continued)Page 5 fu.thg. sssurEica, cerlificatea. artd d,|e. doqrrEnta a! rnay. h lh6 aoL opiaion Ol Landar, bo rEc€sary or deairbb in ordar lo eflbctuab. corDpl€t . porf.cl continu.. or D.radtr (l) Granto/3 ooli(ratloita urtbr tho ols. tlit ,tbdoaoB. ard Ul. Ralrlrd Oo<rrnars. eoa (2) th€ [a€ aid aacurtt ffiarlat. (,rdad by l'lla Mo.teqa o.!lha P.W.rt. wt€tiar nos ned or h!.!atar rcqdld by Grarfoa. Ur{ot! p]ohllibd by lsw or Landar aeraaa to thc conlrary ln writng, G.an[o. thall rt'mlxrtl. L6r6€r br .I co6t3 erd oecnsca i,lqrcd in contE(ton wilh tha dralb'r railnld to in thia Patagr.Ph. Attodr.ln"Faca f G.anbr hib to do aw o( t,la thiEr rrbfild to in tha palcadhg paraenph. Lairdat ,nay do ro br .nd ln th. mrno of Gia.ior sid at Gramoft a$6r*6. For &arr F Dolaa. Gflnlor hallly lrlllrooauy appohta Lender aa Gr.mo/s elbnray.in-lacl fo( tha purpco o, meldng, oroorthg. d.t!r6rim, ffing, rtco.dbE. rnd ddt0 an dr6a thhga a! may b. n€coaaty or d€.kabb. in Lddofa lole opinron, to accortlplhll fic n'tat€Ir rulbmd ro in Ul. P.lcading paragraph. FUL! PERFOiX XCE tf bramor pryr all thc tndGt ad,tsaa, lndudhc wlthout llmltatlon a[ firture ldvences, whln due. and olhelwb€ parlonnr al OE ouigations knpoaGd upo.r G6r[or urxhr lhb irtodeaF. Llridgr artall axaoro atrd &lillr lo Gf.nloa a suitabl€ lati3faction bt tnls XortgeOe am srflaUc staiamanta o, tlllnlnalion ol any inanclrE rtrtgrEnl olt fb cvldondm LandaiE saqrrity inier*t h tho Raru .nd thi Per6on.t Prop.rty. crar or wllt p!y. ll pednltcd by apdicabb law. any Gaaonabl6 terminatiotr lbo as (btarminod by Lendor frorn tinE to tim€. EVEi{I3 OF DEFAULT. Ea.fi ot tho bb'ring. .t L.ndals opuon, !h.ll consltui. |n Evant ol O.f.lrt t ldor lhi. litodC.g.: Prrmarl lrafaull. Gl.nlor raib to lhaka atly paytncr{ rhor dut undtr lha lndau€dao3a- D|(aul o.l Od|.r Parrn.rtlt. F.ifuiD of Grantirr rynnan thr ii.'! .!qdt(l by l,lb Mo.lgaoo to makc any pryflrent for tarc€ oa in6u?anca, or arly othor paynl.nl rl.ca6sary to ptlYlni filinC of oa to lthcl dbd.rla ot any lian. Odrar Datauh., Gdntor telL to comply wilh o. to pcrlonn any oth€r t€Im. ouioatbn. cownarn o. coidition cortained in lhla Mongaoa o. in eny ot tho Ralebd oodrmant! or lo compty with or to padonn any tarm. obli{lelltn, cot,.mfi or cordltbr cori.ilEd in any othcr agIeened belw€Gn Ldrrel attd Granloa, Oatautt tn Frro. o( Tht.d Paire Shodd GEnIo. d.fault un& arr, loan, arla.r.irl ot crldit, aaorrity a€E!nE'|t. purcmse o. aal€a .el!€.n€r( oi .ny olher aer€€rnen( h favo. ol any othar c,rdiior or paco.r Olat may matarLly all€d aiy of Graatol'3 paopar, or crantois abitity to npay ttre naotfcOncr o. Granto/r .bllty to parb.m G.anlo/t obltatioars utr(l.. this lrorQsgo or arry of th€ Rd&d Ooaurnenis. Fd.a SLt r!!nta, Any warranty. oprlar{ation oa daia,nrnt mada o. fu7rirH to Ldl(,or by Granlor or dr Ganto/s bah.r undc. thir Mort0ag€ or the Rdabd Ooorn€r{r 'L Llao or ddaadino in arry matarill r!.pad, riurr now or at tho titDo ma.tc or fumilhed o. baconEc fabe o. n*ledir{ at arly trrr Urc6aftar Ir.h.fin ColLb..Ir.do.r Tlir lrortC.O. 6 .rry of lh. R.h!., Ooofironi. c..ta to ba h tull brE .rd efled (tlddh0 f.llu.r of a,ty colLbrel doqrmait to cr€ab I valid a.d partcLd taqrdly hLtaal or [bn) al dlr litlo and lo( ,ty raalon. Dadt o. lrl.olyrq. The dirroMion of Granto/6 (rlgardLa! d wh€thrr abdion to conlirr,a L made), gny merrter wtthda8wt ttom tha limibd ti8bility-compary, or any othar tcirnndon of G.lntoi'a aratrnca aa a gring braiEaa or tha (b.lh of.tty ,l|embat, th€ hloh/rncy of c.irdor, tho appoint'rEnt d a rlcailrlr b( any pan ol 6ranlo!'r prog€rty, ,ly a6dermait br OE berbfit ol ctadlors, any typ6'of arerlitor to*olrt or tla coomaiaa rent of .ny p.Do..ding l,da. any bantru9tc, or in ohrltlq l3w3 by or aoaind Gler$ot. C|tdiba or Fcri.tbD Prlc-Cnea. Corfl.lcarni or blldoaul! o. biilitur! p.lcaadiEa. whather by i(dct l ptucacdine. sarftElD, Ilpd..sifi or any otEr dr$lod. by ,ry dlditor o{ Gr.ntor o. by any Cfttrtlrlntal agllrcl .CaiEt atty p.oporv aaoring tna tfit btrdrta!- TiE h.&rtca a gsnilah.ra.{ of arty ol Gnnto/r accounta. lndudim dlpait accourtE wilh Lcldrf. Hoslvor, thi! E!/on[ of D6fault EfiaI not rpdy tt troI! b I Cood lai& dbpub by Gr.rlo. ra to tha valldrty or oalombbirra of th! anim whidt b tie blir of 0tc arEt tor or torbltraa p.ocaditr aiid It Gra,{or e[vra Lc.rdar wriltcn nolba G, tha aredilor oa lorloituta FDca.dBU and daporits with L€.der mo.tea or . rurrty bord for tha Crldtor or b.tcltura procaa.ting, in an rnounl (biami.led by LLd6., ln iB $h diraratlon, ar t €irE an adaqurb lEsdt s or bo.a br thc dilpub. B'*fi d outaa Agt .rrfit Any b.ladr Dy Gnmtor u.rbr tha ianrE ot any odrar 4[tatrtnt b.trr6o G.idor &ld Lortlor t rat b not lonl6irkd within aiy erac. pariod p@vidad th!i!in. irdudhe without linil|tion aiy agllc onl coocarnlno .rry indebl.drEsl or otner obligatix o( Grartor to tatldc.. uhlthcr dbdng no, or latar. Ev.nta AH.tg Gua6rto.. Any ot tha prDcadhg eYlnta occrrc wlth r.tp€d to any Gusontor ot any of th€ lnd€bttd.Esl or any Guarantor db! or boco.rEs incofp€tenl or llwba or dlspo(as lh€ vallday of, or ,labllity undar. any Gua6nty ot th€ lndabledrEss. Adva,|. Chane., A mst!,ial adwEa dl.nC6 occu6 ln Granlol! finandsl coMil-ron, or Loidar boIoYB the plosped of pay.nent or p€dormrnc6 ot the lnd€Hadneaa ia lmprir€d. RGHXS AiO REIEDTES O[ OEFAULT. thon th. ocornric. ot r Evlot Ot o.hult .rrd .t .ny tkri thoEai.r. Llrd€r, 3t Lcrrd6i! option. may orords€ .ny oia or nbr. o, thr folorhg righL and ,an.dlca. ln additon to any otha. rchtt or Enediot 9.o/ided by law: AclaLrata tnirabdnd. lrrilr Cra{ hara dL deht rt ita optlon ultrhoul notca lo G'lnlor to d.cLre lhe enlkE lffbbledno66 Innadialdy dl, afi, paysbb. ltrddlte any Flpayria. pa.lalty lhgt Granto, would ba Equirld to pay. UCC Rrn ifbG Wlth l!606at to .I or any pan ot l,ra P..!onal P.!pady. L.nd.r 3hd h.E tll lhe rirf ! .nd l.irlcdar ot e soclrld pedy uflt r th. Unilorm Cotn.|Eri.l Coda. lf noti:. to Gaa o. ol tha hlrflrcd rriapoafibn o, th6 Per$.l.l Proea y i5 llquir6d by law in a-particr,a. irlst.nca. ssat noaaa,r.llb. dr.rrd commard.lly r.alonabL lt glvln lo Grt,ttor.t la.al ton (10) calordt dsya prio. to ttre OaU cf infnOcO diapostton. Grarto. lh.ll p.y on damand Jl coab rnd .)Aa.l!rs. hddhg but not lfified to retlonabl6 ettooGya'lbaa and lcgd a:9all!ea, incrrlld by Lcaaar In orcrtiaiilo tha3a rloht! 3rd rtrEdbs. Colbct Radr. Larder rfBI h.rc Ule rlOht to t k! pete6aidr ot tlr Prog€rly ,rd to co0acl .rxl .991y Rcnis. indudk! srmunta paat &ra and |,?air, in .cconiac. wfi ardaala bw and thla lil,o,Eaep. includlno dutinO tha a i! Erren9don perlod aiet llorldGurt oI dlb Uo{b.ge. tf 0le Raftta .r! coliactaal by L'ldd. thcn Ga.nior lrr.vocauy d..i{F.ts6 Lrridt I Grsr 0r'6 atto{rEy-in-red to ..tdo€c kBiu;Ents rr€ilrd in paynEot thorrof h th. na.rr d Cr&rtor rnd to n.gotistt li6 aai6 .nd coeed the p.oce€ds. Loan t{o:16108140 MORTGAGE (Continued)Pag€ 6 PayrEnar by |!aan|! or othar uadt to Lcidoa m l!3po|r!o to lari(,air damlrd drafl rltirty tha ouigdont ior which tha paymanta at! mt(b, uhatlE o. not rV paopar erounda br tha d€mand ordad. Londa. may ararcila it! dghE 'nrdar Brb 3dp$agraph alt t6r in paalon, by !CBt( oa lhao(4h a llcaivor. Appllcadon ol Rant] tandor will nrd ap9ly any Ranb L.ndar llcaivg3 in tho ord.r prlro{rd by Minn. SLt Sadion 576.25. Subd. 2, aa arndrdad, inchrdino ogcnrer lbr dn Plopcrty't nqtrlal tnailtananct. and thon. at Larldar'r 3oh dbcrltion, lo lh. Ind.br.d,ross and a,ly oth.r @aB (, lrranaghg. g.obcdne and p6aan&C $l. Prcpa.ty. All coata and atpanaaa kE rld by LaMar ln connccoon *ith th. Propc,ty 3htll b. ior Gmntoia accorJnt and Lgrdar may pay !u<rl costa md qp.olat tom th6 Ronta. Laarda.. in itg aol. discrEtion, !h.l d.blmira tha appllc.tidr of .,ly aid al Ranti lEcatt,ld by it atbr payrn r ot ma bllgoirE croanaaa. All oa.raitur.a mada by taod6r uibr thL MorEaoE and not rambur$d fro.n llra Rrnb t ull bacdrr a paal ot $c krdatrbdnaar aaqrld by thb ltortsacc. artr lhaI ba Dayolo on dcrnaid, with lntar!.l al OE lntlllal r.b lat iorti in lha Nob ko.n data ot.xpanditu6 unlil p.u. Aprotnt Racah.ar. L.odd. to dra naritrur Grfant panriu€d by lru. lrxll ba anmLd. .r a .n tcr ot ,ioht to $a lppoht nant of a rscah,ar of the Propcdy, wlthoul notlca or damlnd. and wfiout Egard lo th. adaquacy ol tho aaor.rty br lh€ lnd.bi.d.Eas or th€ tolvqEy ot th6 Grantor. by an adioar aaparata troan any bBcloau.c of lhb Mo.teaea pur.l,ant lo Mlniraola Statulea c}[pLr 58O or puraua.t to MlnrErota Stlhltoa Chaplar 5E1, or .t a part ot tha loodoxrna aadon ui(br a.kt ChlpLr sal (it bartD agllad th8t ttta .dr!anc. of s blldoaur! purlulnt lo aai, Chapbr 580 or a roEdoauE adion puBr.r lo lrd ChrpLr 581 b not. FrrlquLib lo any actbn for a rlcaivar lrt!(,ldar). Tlt Gcahrlr. who rhall ba an GFarbmad propaaty maraee.. lhall cofacl (untll thc |ttdabLdnaa! ia trrty pah afl, rtafiad ari, in tlE cala ol a bltdoaur! aal., durhC tha enli! rldanPtidl parioir) lhG Rt!t8. anll thal rntnag! tha Progdty, .xgorb bar.. rithin or bayo,rd thr padod ol th€ ,laahilrdIp if apgoEi, by th. coun rtd apply al onta. p.oftt ard othsr hco.tr cotbctod by him in thr oadaa apaciiGd babr. NonrbttaMinC t,lo appolntBnt d arly Ecalva., Larldlr arEl b. aditlcd aa ptadgpG to tha pooraaCoa aird control od ,ny c..h. d€poriE or incrunrcntr al tha tirr hcld by or pay.lb o. ir.tvcrabb udtar lho tanrE ol arry Rrlabd Do(r,fian0! to Llodar. Landar ahal ha,/. tha rbm, rl i.ry tima and without llmltation, a! p.o{irGd in MinrEaole Statutas, Scdbn 58:1.03. to advsrr n|olEy lo tho Gcal\r!. to pay any p.rl o. rll ot tho itanE whici tho rgcaha. lhotrld othlrwilt pay if aaah watr avaiabb nom tha ProFO .nd tuma ao advancrd, with lntarlat at tha hlghaal dttaun ..b 6at io.th ln the Notl. shatt ba acar/Ild hcllby, o. If advanoad durinC th. ponod ot radamptioo ahrll ba pad of th€ lum tlquilld io ba pai, to r.daem from thc ash. Any Roob .!c.ir,ad by th6 lE(.tvor haoundar ahal ba appll€d h tha o.d.r pralcribGd by Minn. Slal. Sad rn 576.25, SuM. 2, !t amcidad, irdudlre but nol limitGd to a4ana.a ior iha Propcrv. norrl.l mai tcnanca xrd rtaaonabb Ec.itlr.tip hGs. and than .o.iBt tho lndatlldrEa! lf rEc.hrld prto. to tha conmaocamant o, a b.!doa(,!, to bs an eu.h orda. aa L.tldc. tn y .b.1. .nd if Ilcai6d aicr tha co.ntnanc6|lad ot ! io.rdoaur€. to ba apPlLd lo lhc anouit llquilld to ba pal, to dbcl a Einataiamanl 9rlor to ioEdoaur! 3aL. oa. anar r bllcloaur! a.b to .ny daficbncy and tha,ldt r to lha .rrolnl lrqulltd to !a pai, to athcl e r.d.mpoon. a[ pur.u.ri !o Mhn lot St tubr. S€dionr 5€O.3O, 5aO.23 .rd 561.10. with r,ly arcar. to b. p.B to G..nto.. Plovidd, h't if this MoatlEoc L not rlinttitld noa tha Proparty rldaamld .a p.ov*rad by aair, s.cdorla 58O.3O. 560.23 o. 581.10. t |. !fiti.! rmourn p.td to adda. pu.auant h.rrto ahal ba tho p.oporly ot Lrndar toOpthr, wtth all or any part of o16 Proootly acquhd th.()ueh for.do!ur!. Fo.*lo.|ttt.nd EaL- Lqdar m.y. and b har*y autho.izad ard anrpo\Elld to.6€doaa thb Mortge!. by aalion o. aduani!.m.nt puEuant to ttta atatutat ot th. Sab o, Minnaaota prglirinC lor 3ucn fo.tclorura. Po lg. b !r9.!..1y e,.nlld 1o Laodar (1) lo 6dl ihq Propany at prblb auction and lo co.rvry lic Pro0arly. ln La rim9h. lo tha purltra!.na aI audr aab. attd (2) to pay, out of tha procacd! ol Ull€ !ab, al o, tha |idatErEaa t qrld by ma lfongagc. wifh IntaGtL .,rd .l hgal coala attd artar!€! of th. lorldo6uro indudine Itl. rnrdnun atlom.ya' haa parm[ad by llP and Gornor lollaa to pay al ruarl cott!. ltld dtarlaa and hG' OOrr Rlitadha. Llrda. al,tal haln aI o0ra. righls lnd Emadiaa p.oviLd in this MongsCa or tha l{olo or availabL rt }rf, or an 6qurty Sab ol th. Pio9afiy. To tl6 artant parmiuld by agplacaua law, Gaaato, haGby warvca .ny .rd .l right to har,r tll. Prop9,ly rna..tratad. tn ex.raiarE it! riohta arl(| rlrrl.dxlr, Laridcr ahall ba frr! to aatl rl or.ny p.lt ol thc Propalty tooath€, or t pa[lrly. in orf, taL or by aapcnlc a.La. Lartar lrral ba snlitbd to Ud at any public aaL on dl o. any podon of tha Propatty. i|otk ol SaL. Lardq lhall gir G.rtor rglaonabL notaa ot tha llyE and placa o, afiy puDlic asL o( lhc Parao.C Prog.It or ot tho tirr afbr whidt aat, p.ivab rab or odl.r htalr'.d dbporitbn ot tha Parioard Proparu b fo b ml(t . Ra6analL notlca 3h.ll rDa.n mtka eivan at l.ast ton ('10) dryt b.ror! llt. tkna ol thr aalo or diapo3itiro. Aoy taL ol thc Parao.r.l PEgorly mry ba mad! ln @aiuh(don wtth any taL of rra Ril Pro9atly. Etac{o.t o, RfradLa. El.qjo.r by Landar to F rl, .ny rrr.dy Cral llol otdJdo purturt of tny om, rumcdy, and en aLctjm lo mako arpaodit rs or to bka action to Frio.m aa obllgloon ot Gasdor urxrer thia liodoaop. allor Grsnio/s leilrc to pe.lbm, Cl.ll nol tfiad Ladcla .ieht to dadaE a doirult and ar! qla its raarcdioa. No0dng onda.lhls Mo.teaCc or olhatwbo 8ll.l ba co.lslrucd ao at to tlmit or ,ostrid th€ rirhta rnd lrnradLa avatabL to L.rdar tollouino an Elrnt ol tbfault of in aiy w6y to limit ot I!5t il1 tho riohtt .id abilty ot lrndar to Daoaaad dl.latry aeailtl GEntor andoa againat any othor cem*,ar, gutl.nlor. .{rroty o. andort ..n.uor lo proc..d .lairBl ally otha. collatrr.l diatctty ot hdildly aaqrnne thl lnd.u.dnda. Aionra!,a' Faaa; Errfia-. lf Lcrda. inalifuta! .ny auit or actiori lo an oaaa a'ry o( Ura t..ri! of thb tilortgaep, Lcl(la. lhdl b. anlrtLdio rscovlr s{arl aum at tha coui may aaliodce tttatoubL ar atloamys' fra! at trial and Lpon an, appaal. t'\tEthar oa nol any coun.dbn ir invol,ad, and to thG artant not prohibitld by law, all Eaaonabb Gxponaa! Lar6€r anqr.a lhat In Llnd€/! o,)|nion erc llccaryy at arry tint br tha gotacdon d ltt lntarllt or tll. cdorcarunt of it! qlhtt thdl Dacoaia r pan of fll hdalttdmaa PryabLq! drms,t a,rd lhal baar lnEllat !t tha Noia dta nom tha dtir ol lh! axpandilu! untrl llpald. EQa'naa coEard by thb paragraPh tnduda. wfiout lim[ltlon, holxav.r &t act to tny |trliB u ,.r app[cauc law. La.xlr/a tlaaombb atiornGrt' bat .nd Laldaru beal arpa.taar. thathar or not thar! n . b\rlult iridudlng tlllori.bb .ttom.ys' hcr and csaira.. br bankuptcy procaodi.EE (:ld'rhe ltbrt! to nDdiry or vacaia eny anornatic 6y or hjundbn), ap9.ah. lid .Iry anfltlpabd poauudem.d colclirn aarvkaa. tha colt ot t.ardit€ rlcads, obtrkine titb rlpona (hdlrdane ,ol!do3u'r rrpo.!3). suwayo6' rrpo,tl' .nd app(&al &€a .nd til5 insur&6. to tha extanl Frmi[.d by appf;€au! law. G..nlor alto wlll pry rny courl (,ata, ln addltim lo a[ orhar artn provir.d by lar. ltOTlCES. Any notic.6qu.od to b. Clvrn uidor llra! Mongsep, includnle without llmltatlon .ny notic6 of dalrult rnd any notbe ot lrb shril ba givoo ln wdfno. and ahrll ba .lL. vc rh.n ecn a y ddir,rrld, whan ,<lualt rlcaiv.d by t l.frcaimib {unltaa odL.waa llqut€d by taw). ihan dcporitad with a n.tion lty ,lcoodz€d oYlrnlghl courbr, or. il maihd. whan dapo.n.d h thc Unncd Slttat mril. .! liral Loan No:161081r1O TSORTGAGE (Continued)Fag€ 7 d!cs. aerttied o, rsgiderld mei po6ta0a p.apa!. dkid.d to tha addl.s.6 thoun llar tho beglnr*{ of Ub fth.tsEllc. AX co|i.'s ot notkas of b.Edo6ur. ho.n tle hoE6r ol eny lian rhich hlt prio.ity ovar thi! MorlCago ahal ba tari to Lot{afa .l(ldr.!a, e3 shown llar UE b€eir.le of thir MoltEeB. Any pa.fy nry arrarfa ita arrrkraa to. nollcaa undlr lhla Mo.lealo by gMrE tonrEl wtitlen noticc to lhe othor padaa, sp.dfynu that tho p{rDoaa c, th! nofa. b to dianeo lha paryi adrr!a!. Fo. notha F.rPGcs. Gr.ntor .0lla6 to kaap Lardar infolmod .t al tirn6 ol Gr.nto/s arrcnt aardlraa- Unaaaa otharwaa proyirad o. ,!q*rd by law. it thel9 b moro than ooo Gr.Btor, my noliae ClvE r by Lrndq io rny Gruioa a &amai, to Da rctha oiyan to rll Gnnto.r. G.sitor urdatttand! that if Lt td.r aLcls to foIrdoaa by at v€rlilenEit, m p6.aooal noiba t llqriq, lo ha lcrvad upoi Gaario.. G.rfl[or furtle7 w*hrstara! Ola udar thc cor|!ffinio|r of lhe Lhihd Staba erd lho Conatilvlion d lhc Srta o, Mhaaaoaa tt lrl.y hava tho rirht to notbe lld hoadt€ belo.r tha RoDarty .,rly ba iotd sa lhat tlc p.ocsdu! fua tbaldoarrE by rdslrdaamant drtarilrd tbola doca not ansur. thal nolh. will b. Chrsn to Graattoa ad noiihlr sai, procadrr! for blrdoarrrr by advlrUllnl.nl nor tha Codr G@iraa arly hoarirE or otEr jodhial Focsadlm. GRANTOR HEREBY RELINOUIg{ES, WANES AND GIVES UP ANY CONSTTTWIoMI. RIGHTS GRANTOR MAY HAVE TO NOTICE ANO HEARING BEFORE SA.E OF THE PROP€RTY At{O O(PRESSLY CONSENTS AND AGREES THAT THE PROPERTY MAY B€ FORECLOSEO SY AOVERTISEMEMI AND THAT THE PROPERW MAY B€ DISPOSEO OF PURSUANT TO THE COOE, ALL AS OESCRISEO ASOVE, GRANToR ACKNOVIiLEDGES THAT GM}TTOR IS REPRESEiITEO AY LEGAL COUNSEL THAT EEFORE SIGIiING THIS OOCU EI.IT, THIS SECTION ANO GRAMTOR.S CONSTTUTDML RIGHTS ',\IERE FULLY EXPTAINED AY SUCH COUNSEL AND THAT GM,{TOR UND€RSTANOS THE MIURE AND EXIENT OF IHE RIGHTS WAN/ED I{EREBY AND THE EFFECT OF SUO{ III,IAIVER. ngcELL^lEous PROvlSlOLS. Thc tollowlng t'bodhn oq. provition .t! ! p.n ot thl! llode.!6: Amandn.ntr. Thia ModeEga, loodioa with aoy Ratibd Ooclntcnl3, con6t irba tho 6nlirs urdarstardinC ard ao[renler ot lhe parti|a a! to tlle matieG 8al forlh ln thb ,lbrtlor. No alLaatl,on of or anr6$lrl.nt to this Mo,teegs rrrat bo efiecilve unlesE Clver h witing and sien€d by tho part or parfr3a !ol40rt to bG dta.E6d or bound by lrt9 altar.fion or tmandmanl. Annud Ragorta. tf the Prcpert ir uacd br parpo!.3 othar tlan Granto/! r66idanca. Grrrio. E}!S| fumish to Lende., upon requcat, a canified lrabrn€flt ol net ora.rlng hconc Gcair.od lrom th€ Propco dunng Grantofs pGvioua fiacal y6er in sudl form and datlil ll Lard6 sfEtl rEquirB. 'Net op..ali.E inooma' lhall moan all ca3h r.c.ipli tro.n tho Ptop6rty has al cesh .,)(pardit rls mrd. in conrEdi,on wilh the ope.ation ot lhe Prog€rly. C.Ddon Haadt||3.. Captjoft hoadiqga h $b Mo.taCp ar! br conrr6.rLnca purpoa.r o.*y and .r! not to ba u.6d to irlterP€l oa dcf,E lha Plurisiona ol rhE fforfe.ca. Gauto/a Co9, ct Oocumaria. Laralr agrq ro p,ov5a G.ar{o. with a coribrmod cogy cll bofr tho Nob eld tlb Moncao6 at ti€ tinE thcy rra eEorEd or s thin a GaronabL tlnc !rir. 6co.dine thia Mo,tgag6. corrr lrf Lar, Ihb lo.qre0 rlu ba govaaiad bt l*rd bw are{a$la to Land, ..l4 to rha .rtart nol prx Fl.d l,, trdrd hr, dra hrt of trx Sf.ta o, Ilfir-a(r tlfnlrrf reard to ha co.lfilcb of l.w p.oruo " IhL lorle.ga h- baa.l acaafhd D, L.otlr ln lha Sbta of llnn aon. Cholc. ot lraiu.. tt fide b a losnJit G.!rto, aol.aa rrqr Larldala .!qtl.!t to !ub.r{t lo tna iurildirbn ot the court3 ot \ /lnona Counv, SlaE ot Mir.r6sot.. Io Watvar h, L.nd.r. Lorxror $all not !a &anrad !o har,o uah,€d a7ry righL ur(br ljlb Moatgaga u.tl63s 3udl waivlt b dvefi ln uitirE &x rilxld by Lrtd.a. No doby or qri3tio.i on thc pan ot Larir ln ua.dai.E {ry riCht lrral opo.aG.!. w.iYEr of &rdl dghi or .ny dt6, llellt A yeiwr !y Lardar oI a provtion Ot thb Mo.loaga ald nol prtiudaa or constilute a walver of La.ldafr right othe a., to d$rnd strki compliaft. wt0r trat provtloo or any otrar proviaion ol thb i/brfgaelo. No nor walver by Lcnda.. nor atry cou6c of dcalha betr€ao Lrd.r aid Ga&to.. Clall condduL a walvar of any ol Larda/a rirhta or ot &ry o{ G6nloaa oblioetotta a! to ariy futula trensaaions. l'\iElrt a( tlr contcrt ol Lardrr b llailld undar uti! Moncecp, tha eranting d sudl aorEcnt by Landor in any inrtanas ih., not conatit to cor inuiag oo.Lar( to t.6acqlr.nt inatancar whara 3udl coolar{ L GquIEd end in tI c.3rr audr coBant mry ba gfallbd of Yrithhald in tha aolc dlaa,lton o, Ltda.. Sayaranflry. lf a courf o, conpatait ,urLdLtbo finda ary pllvition of thb MorS6eG to ba ihoal. invalid, or uEfiforEeablo a3 to arly drofit.fallics, that findh0 $af not lllka SrG oftandlng prcvLion ilaeel. inrrald. or utEibrc.abh ra to any oth€r cildlmsLnco. lf ha3ib5. th! ofroding p.ovt on dta{ Da corEit rld modllLd ao OlaI it bacorta LCal, va{d a|ld anbrcarbh. l, lh€ ofunding provirioo cannot to ao rnodified, it rhall bG cdlidarld daLtad fiorn thb Mo&a€l!. Uriba! otherwile r8quired by la!,, lho llloeality, invalirity. or un nfo.raautny of.ny p.oviaion ol thla Monelec shall nol alilai th6 Lgality. v.lirity or onbrceablity of any other proviEion of thB Mod0a€g. r.r!a., Th6ro shsll b6 no ,Dorg.r ot thr intarBat or .ttata arrrtad by thb Mo.leaga wtth any othor lntatBrt or a5telg in th. Proport at sry Ui€ h6H by or for lho bon6llt ol Latrdar in any capaciv, without tnc f,rittao conlcnl of L6ndor. Succ.aaort afld Ar.lfE S{ailct to.ny limilrtroaa aLbd ln thia Mo.tgsg. on tanafti o{ G,anbf3 intc.lsi, tiit Mo.Eag. shallbc btndhe upon and k!.r to tha banaltt of tha partaa, thair aucaaaao.! and [*1n!. l, oryr.Ilhh ol tha kDPGtly bccorllel vaai.d in e p.rson otEf than Gr.,nor, Leodar, rlthout notlcc to G..nlor, may daal wilh G[nto/! aucaoraoB with rrbrBnae to thb Modgaga end ih6 tnd.bt dn€as by wey of brt rrarica o. axbnrlon without lbLaalng Grlnlor fto.n thc obtoaliott3 of thk Mongaga or liabi$V ur'ldor lhc lfitebtadrEar. Tlna lt ol Ota Ea..lrc.. Ti m ls ol tha aaaanca ln thc parlonianca of thl! Ilo(gaoa. DEF mOl]S, TIE ,oftowing capit ilr.d woda arld trrrnr .h.ll h.ln lr|. tollowhe lr8 7*rCE rhor t.€d h tl a f/b.tgEo€. Unhaa soadlicaly 5t.t!d to tlo conrsry, all albllncaa ro ddLf amourla ahrll maan amolnta in l!*rlr, mon!, ol trc uniEd stalea oI ArEaica. titorts rii f.rn6 u..d io Ote aimda. ahau hdud. tha pE6l. and th€ pl(Irl rrEI induda thc attgda.. .t th. contlxt ft.y Equir. Wods and taflna not othcrwlia dd.Ed in thb Moaigalp dral h.vr tll. [.arirEa alhbutld to luch t€rrr. in the Utiibrm Conrncrdd Code: Borrosr. The e,ord'8orro..el. nEana 8c!.h Rd, ttc ar€ hdudaa all co-3igrErs aild 6mlko.3 signing tne Nota and all lheir sucaGaaoaa and e*srons. O.a.uL Th€ wo.d "Oefaulf m6ana ttE Oef.ult !€t b.th in ihi3 Mo,rCtrgo ln flc sGiiion titl€d 'Defaule. &vlrorimaital Larr. Tha woadS Envifimantd Lau!'rna|o my aid all atalo. tradcarl and local statut66. r€lijliliorts ard oldiiance6 Lo8n o:161081.0 MORTGAGE (Continued)Paga 8 6l.trE to th6 protrction of hunan haath o. tha atukondEnt. idudhg wnhoul limit tion lh6 Co.npGh.oiiv€ EnviurrEntrl R..po.r!.. CdrI.nr.ton. .nd Li.billty A.t ot 1960. .r ni.r!(t€(r, 42 U.S-C. S.dbn 9001, !t !aq. CCERCLA), th. Supor6rild AnendnEnts snd Re.uthqizdoi Ad d lgEE. Pub. L. No. 9$a0e rSAM'). tho H.z.rdo6 M.l€,ids T.anrport tirn Ad, 49 U.S.C. Scctbn 1801. el saq., t,la Ralourca CoilaNrdoar tnd Racovary Acl. 42 U.S.C. Scdion 6901,6t !oq.. or othsr rgplic.blo atib or fadoral laws. rul6. or lleuhlloara adoeLa, poralar{ tll.lllo, or co.nmon l&r, .nd .hall rho hdlda pollutanE. aontantnanE. polycrio.i.rEH UFf|en r, Gbarloa. w!. b.nxlddtyd.. p.t9hon ard 9atdaum Droduale. anir a0ridrltu6l dEntcaE. Evant o, DfruL TlE oda 'Evlnt of D€faulr ntaan aay o, ti6 orsrlr ot daraun !61 torh ln thlE Mo.tgaoa in lha evqt! ol dalault lodion of lhis llo.tC6g€. Gn or. TIE word "Granbr mosrE Baad Rd, LLC. Gua.rntor. The word 'Gu.Entof nraaia any Cuaranlor, 3uroty, o. ac@mmodrtlon pr.ty of any or a[ ot thc lrdabtGdnaag. Gu.rlnty- Tho word "Guaranly" mernr lh6 Cuaaanty trom Guar'nlor to Landcr, inafirdin! rithoot llnitalbn a Ourlanly ot all or pan of tho Nob. llea?dorrt Sub.tancaa. ThG words 'Hr4rdoua SubaLnoar" maan matadala thal, bacarrla ot th6i. quantty, conentrltion or phylia.l, alErnical or ln adioua drl..darlrdca. fily car[o or pora a p.laant or potantial haard to hrnan haani or tho otnilnmonl {llon lmprcplr1y !Ead, tEabd. ltood, dbpotcd ot, CCllcadld, fianutaduGd. tranapo,bd or o0tllwbe har|dlcd. Tha words '+lezldous strbtsncaa' a'! ulrd in lhcir yary b.oadaat aa.taa ar$ indlda riulout linitltbn arv and a{ hazardoG or loxlc subdarsa, matsi.b or wada !a rrafnad by or lblad r.dar tha EnviqrrErrll L.w!. Iho tcm tlazardou6 Subaitno.a" alro irdudo6, witlrout limitation. pefiobum .nd Ftrtl.utn by+roduct! o. ady Lactlon ticGof artd trbaaios. lm9rova6.nb. Tha uon 'lmp.ovarnont!' maana al oxialinC and fululB lmp.oEnEnta. building8, atnrdures. molib hories ofiixed on Urs Red Property, ladlili.r3, eddiliona. TrpLcarnank .ad olhar @oalruction on tha R€d PrlDCny. lidatbdn-a. Tha wgrd 1ndsbbdn6a' nrrna a[ prlrrclpal. inb't3t, and othd amountt. coatr aaal !rP.na.a ,.yabh urder thc Nolc or R6Lbd Doarlrl€ntr, boathcr with aI lrnaeal! ot, axbnlion! of, modmcauonr ol, contolldaliont of arxl subdlutio,ts br tha Notc or Rdabd Dooflleria ari cty amoutta @Gndad o. advrnd by Land.r to diidrao. Grado/r obllgatiofis or e)e.n!G. i.lcr Ed by Lsd6. to en6.E Gr€r{o/! olriedio,ra uda. $b iifonfE , togofhar witlr intarit o,i rJart amo(r.lt! .! F.!Yid!d h this Mongaec. Sporri€aty, vritho{d lin(lton. lndabE rat krdrdaa tha fvtrl.! ari anc.t !a( lodn h the Fl.ltr! Adva@a p.otllbn, toeEthar wim .n ir€r6t thereoi ar|d all amou{r thgl nray ba iMhaJ, raorcd bt $a ClDea-Co&larlnadoo proytlioat or lhb Mort0a{F. Lfid.r. Th6 rord "LendGr" itaara llaatianta 8r*. t{a0cd A$ocial6n, it! a{rcDasadlt rd lt{gmi Ionfaea. The wod "frortsa0e' meana lhb lro.teae. b.tw..n Gr.nlo. .'ld Lct5.r. Itoc.. The wor{t "NorE" dlesn the ,romis.ory nol. d.t d ulr.rr 1, 201s, ln tho original principal amount of t23a8OO.OO fro.n crlnior to Lcdc., bgrlh6r wtth all r$av.ala of. rxlanaloa8 ol. anoariltcalbna of, refii.ncirls of, coisolidatoi3 ol. arld aubatft.lions iba $o Flr aao.y rrc5 o. {r-nrar . Tha mat ity data ol tha Nob b lratdr 1. 2tI39. IOnCE TO ORATITOR: THE rcTE @|.IAI]€ A VANABLE IXIEiEIT RAIE ,|.raolll ProFrty. Itr ron s ?arE d Propary ltl.an al aqdpniant, ft(u,ra. arx, dl.r .rlidas o, pqso.l.l prcDerty noi, o. h€Ganar dnod by Grantor, and rEe o. harlat .barrad o. aitrad to th6 Rd P.o9a.tf toerth.. witrt a, eaa€niqrs, parta. and ad{nion! to, ail l€Dls..{iai[! of, and al rub!ffldioru toa. ..ry ot audr propady; .nd to96lrro. wi0r af pmc.€d! (ndudino *ithout limitaton ell i Brranca proca€da rld rttrd! d patniria) lrorn a.y ..lo or othar dbPoaidon o, tho Proocrty. Prcrarfy. Tha word "Propcry ltlcant collcatvaly $! RaC Proparty aM |ttc P!.!ooJ ProDGat. R- PrlFdy. Tha words -Raal P.opary nlcrn thc l.al propcrt, Inla,aata aod rEhtr. aa fudn.r delar5Gd in lhiE lrotlgage. taabd Documadt. Tha uord3 'RCalad OoornriL' mcari all FDmbaoay notai. caadil aorlarEnB. loan a0rBnle$tl. e,lvifoo.nantC ae.lanEnE. cuaaaitL3, $curlt ag!cm{l!. hoal€ac6a. daada of lrurt aacurity daada. coll.brtl rnoatages, arld r[ otl6r inauurrlnts, aoltanE t3 and doqlmcol3. rrhatlrar no, oa harlatar arEhe, araorad ln cofinadirn wfi $c lflreb{arrno6a. Rada. IIle *!rd 'R6nts" lrEana all prlaant ard fufurr r!nt3, nananuas. in@m., bru6., royatbt, ptEfil3, end other benofib deriEd trom the Propsly. GRAXTOR ACK}IOWLEDGES HAVIIIG REAO LL THE PROVISIOI{g OF IXIS ORTGAGE, A}IO ORATITOR AGREES fO lTS TERUS GRANTORi BEAC By gy Loan No: l61OEl/U, TORTGAGE (Continued)Page 9 ThL lortg.e. s- dnld br: funanda E Xarrgh6naq Crtdlt Ad'ttlnhlradon LrctanL gant. lldc l Aaaocldoi lO2 E l.d Sl ffnon , IIl attlr-L7, LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ACKNOWLEDGTI'ENT COUXTY OF This in6trurnant waa e.lno,vLdCd baloE m! orl 8.ach Rd, LLC tnd l.ry J.o. Bloryn, ltan$.. ol 8..ch ss (ila by Loal I Baorn, fanbaa ot Signatun Tltl.k) Hy conmladon arplna \-31-'7^>2020Ja!ag.6CdnlnEssoo TR-33707 PR-41 STAIE OF 3l Docurnent #: T209197 Date: 03-15-2019 TirE:01:rl8 Pl.l Pages:7 Wt* 40257.0 Filing Fee: $45.00 Par, on 03-15-2019 County: Caner state: MN Requesti.E Party: METRO IFGAL SERVICES ItlC Knaren LerYb R€gEtrar of l-rtl€s i ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS RECORDATION REQUESTED BY: ttarchai! Ldq llatlonrl A..ocLdoi Urlnooa garich 102 E lrd tl PO Bor 2/at mnon , Il{ 640E7-9977 WHEN RECORDED XAIL TO: Lichann aanlq Ldond aarocLdoat Wncl. B?.llch 102 C lnl & PO Bq 2l.8 wlnod, Il{ .6za7-gtlf THIS ASSIGNIIENT OF REIITS derod March 1, 2019, b made and erocubd brhtreen Beach Rd' LLC, wfios3 addrsss b 790 Santa Vsra Dr, Chanhasson, uN 55317-9643; as a flnmsote Umlbd Llsb[iry Company (rsiarred to bolow as "Granto/') and Uorchants Bsnlq Natonal Assoclrtlon, who3. addte$ b to2 E 3rd St , PO Bor 248, Winona, UN 55987-9977 (rsbrod to b.lolY as "Lendei'). ASSIGImENT. For yaluablo contldara0on, Gr.rtor haoby elg'E, gBntr t contnulng 33cutlty lnta'l t ln, and conwy3 to Lad.r .ll ot Gnnto/t dCht tith, .nd lnbm.t ln snd to tto R.]Itt Ao ft. bllotlng a.cdbod Propeny bcabd In Carv3r County, St b of flnn sota: tot 1303, Caryor€oach, .ccotdlng to th. ltcodcd Pht thcrrot, Cr cr County, Ilnn6otr. Lot t , Elock 1 , Chaparrel, rccodlng to tha ]tcodad plat theBot Carvor County, Inn6ota. Th3 Propoo or lt3 lddruss b coormooly known aa 9O1 CaTYer Bolch Rd, Chanhsssen, f,N 55317€572. The Proporry r.r ldontfit$on numbor h 25-20OOO10, 25-1601130. CROS3aOLIAIERALIZAI|O'1 ln addition to th. N6. this A.ai0nmanl r6curEs dl obleetion3, d€blt and liabina!. 9tu5 iri,.ra6t th6reon. of Gdntor to lgtdli, or any oale or nrolrt o, thom. a! \rcll a! tl dllrE by Lond6 aotliat Grantor or any o'la oa rroa! (r' thGm. f,helhsr no{, exklir! ot haiEallcr aaEing, whothar dalcd or unGlrtcd to thr porpoaa ol tha l{ob, *,halhcr voluntary or othelwl a, whathtr due or not dl]6, dirk or ifirirecl, d€tsrmi.Ed o. m(ratarmin d. .bsolrlo or codlingont. lquuatod o. udiqu6alod, whelher G.tntor msy bo liabb indivi&.lt or iolotly with oth€6, whcthcr oblioalod .i cual.ntor. surag. acaommodaton plro or othe be, aDd whathar rlcovoay LFon such amoiJnls l'lsy ba oa herEaltq may bccornc binld by any 3tsiula ot limitations, and whathcr lha oblaetion lo Bpay auci amounts may be or haraellor mary becorE othcirbc ulgnforcerbb. FUTURE AD\rA,{CES. tn addffon to th. Note, this Atslgnftrent !.orl!s el! futur! adv.nc6r m.dc by Lcnd.r l,o Gr.ntor whctha. or not lh€ ad\Encaa al! mada pur3rJlefit to s @.nmitmaol. Sp€cficelly. sithout linitation, tii3 Aaslgnmcnl lr'Clnea, ln addllion to tha al'loijlts s0edlied in the No&. all lirturB smounb Lar{6r In ils discralioa m.y lorl lo Gr.ntor. tqetllcr wllh all lnlerEst therDon. T}IIS ASSIGIflETT 13 GTVEX TO SECURE {I) PAYIEXI OF THE IXOEEIED'.E6S AXO (2) PERFORIAXCE OF AXY AXO ALL (ELIGATIOIS OF ORAI]iOR I,I{GR TI,IE I{OTE, T}IA ASSIGXIEi'T, Af,D IXE RELATEO OOCUICI{T3. t}Ts ASSIOI'IE,.T 13 GIVEX AXO CCEPTED O}I TXE FOIOSITG TERIS: Xaro Lred Saavlc.a EDTRET 1303681 B 25801 2325095 ASN 564726 I Loan No;16108140 ASSIGNTENT OF RENTS (Continued)Page 2 PAYIEII AXO PERFORIa CE Exc.pl as dl6rrE. provirad in $E alrlgnnEnt or a,ly Rdabd Ooernanta, G.]*o. rha pay to LoidGr d anlor{! aaotld by lhla Atlhnmant aa thay b€co.ra dl.r, and aha0 rlriclry parform al of Gr.nto/a oblh.0ona uldca tib Aasitnricnt Unb|. ard untit Lrridar arardaaa itt rthl to colbct o16 Rr.lr ar provirrad bolr, rnd 60 lolle aa tha.a b no datault un br lhb A3.ilrodEnt. Gratlor nray l! nah in poaGaalon arid conlrol ol Jd op..ai. and mdrtc thc Prop.rt .'d colbcl tha RaoL, p.orit d that f|€ orrrni E ot tha rEht to colbat tis Rmta lhall not conatituta Leidcia cort.a,ri to tha ula of cadr colatrfal in a bank uptcy paodditC- cR fiTOEB iE?iESElIlAnOl.3 Al.O w an InEg. Gr.ntorw.nrnt3 lrr.t: Orttaralrl,l. Gr.ntor b cnttLd to E€ivo fle Ranb t!. .rid d.l, ol .i ,ighE. loan3, llx'E. cnqr.nt,anca!. tnd dairl3 orclPl r. dardo.ed to and laaapLd by Latrdd h *;rill lg. Rhht to Aaahn. Grantor haa tll. full riirht poyrgr ard aulhority to anlar inlo this Assionmant and to alllgn md con\6y 1116 Rfit to Ladr€r. ilo Prbr At.lgrfiant G6nlo. h8 not pr€viouCy llllclrGd or conycyld the RariB to any olh€r poBo.r by .tty lostruricnt nol, in lorco. l.o fu.t.r Tr.ada.. Graitor rvill not a6I. a$hn, afirmbo., or othaMb€ di!9oa€ ol any g, Graalo/3 riOttta in th€ Ra.lts axcaPl aa provir€d in thir Aslhnnl.nt LET&IERS RTGHT TO RECCIIt AXO COLLECT REXTg. Thi. A.dgnm. !rr.l con.tlub .i .ct.l .n(, p.3..nl ..sionmi* p.wir.d lh6t tna Grldor rtl.[ hari! ! lioaoaa io colLd. hn nd pdo. !o acarual. aI ot lh. Rfiia {rd to .d.in, ula arr, d{oy lho la,'to u.l€5 and until an E!rn[ ol o.6uh aa dallnad harlh ha. ocurrEd- Foa thit FrDoaa, Larnar b h€&by given and g.antad thc io$o*ne riohta, pot!.E and iuthodty upo.l 3l Eltnt ol OaLult: Iotlca to ?al|.rb. l.ndar inay ard notice! to any and ai tananta of tha PropGry advning lhem ot lhb Ataionnrern and diteallne .ll RcnE to t6 pait diractly to l.lldor ot Londel6 aeanl. Entar t l. Pro!.rty. L6,rdar may mllr upo.l and t ka poslaacoi ot thG P.opart; d6mand, co[6cl snd l!c!iv! ttom the tenantt or from lny oth.r prEona liabL thoEfor. a[ of th6 Ronts: inltiluta and car.y o.r af hgal procoadinCa naaatlty lor the protedion of tha P.opedy, irldudhO ardr procadlaos as msy bo n€carlrry lo .!c.vcr pc!.$ion of the Prc0arly: aolLcl lh€ Rsnl! and llrnow atiy lcnant or tenanh oa otltar par&n! froar the Property, Xdnlrln ttl. Paopany, Laidar mry..rt . r.po.r tr6 Propcrt to mainlah lhe Property.nd kaap lia aama in rgPtllr to pay rho coats th6.Eof and of a[ aowrcaa ot rI amplryoes. indudhg tiolr oquipmont. and of all contjnuino coatr and arDantor of mairtaininC tho ftoparty in p,opar Ilptlr a,rd coodlion. and .tso to pay rll tarea. ltaaa.rnanls end wsE utlilbr. rnd thr Prlmiurtl3 oo ftrs .nd othcr iNuanae efted.d by Lrndor oo lh€ ProP!.iy. Co.Elhlra $$ l.I.. Lrilirar may do any .nd al thhgr to axaort! and co.nply wiul tha lt*! ot tr! Strb o, l,lhnalota rrd abo al oOEi br6. ruh1 o.dar!. ordlranaaa arid reqdllnl.ntr ot.[ otrar oovanrnanttl agcalcjaa dbdtlt $c Ftopart. Lda dr Pofarg. Lcadar mry rant or hso thc whob o. a.ry pai d lhc Propcrly toa srdr torm o. tanr!! .nd o.,t soah co.ldbona aa Lai$er ma, dcsln arp.optiaL. Enplo, Aoatnr. Land!, .ray aieaOa lr.rarl a€6nt or aoanb lt Laodar may dosn approp.ials. 6it]Er in Ldrda/a nanr€ or in G6nlol't narE. to renl .rd m.n 9. t l. Proo6rly. ir|.&rritg tho colbctlon .nd applc.tion o, Rcnt3. Othar Acta. Lc.dar rnay do an audr othcr lhinos arld aaL wlth rr!9ad to tha Propony aa Lorda. may dacrll approPriat6 srd may act axdusiEty and aoLly ln th! pl|ca and staad ot Gonlor and to ha\/. aI ot tho pocrGrs of G.a lor ror tha puPqrai atabd abo\6. l|o Raqulrr nt to Act Lloda, ahall not bq rlquirld to do aru o( th€ ioEloino acts or lhinCa, ind tha laci lhal Lond€r rhall h.v. perfo rad on or dlor! of tlE lbGgoirC .ct3 or lhinoa ahd nol llquit! Llndar to do arly olhat lpodfic ad or thine . APPUCAT|Oia Of REilTS, L.nd.. wjll fi.sr .pply .fly R.nb Larlbr ,!c.i!i. l'! ti. ode. pEtcrib.d by Uinn. St L Sc.lbn 576.25, Subd. 2. ar arrndad. indrdtrE qpanl.a lba tha Proporys idnC mairbnanca. ! , Orcn, et Lardcla aola dEcrltbn. io thc lriaraUld,Bs and ady oth€r co6t3 of naehg. paolading md p.rseflrino tha p.oparty. all coata rnd atpanraa inqrrrld by Landar h conrf,dion with th. P.op.rt $a! bo io. Grantoir accoont and Llnd6r may pry ararl coata a'rd erpan5q ftorfl tha Rarnt. La,tdar. in iE 3ol. discr.lbn, .l|.{ datamirE ,le applc.tiql ol an, and all RGnis raaahcd by n afiar payrnad ot OE torrgdng 3le..rd. All arpardit taa me.la by Ll}rdcr unaLr this A*sinmrnt tnd not rCmbt,$d lro.n $e Raota rrr.I b..sia . p.n d thc hdeobdraaa $o'|,!d by thla AisigrurErlt. rnd ahall bc p.yrbb oo damand, witrr lnl.ltat at tha iata.eal ..t! .cl bdn h t |. Nolr hom d.L d €lpatlditul! until Pait. FIJII PERFORI xCE tf G.anio( gayr aI of fE ln .hdrEa wlin dua id olharwaG pariormr d thr obltdirtt itpcad rpoo Gr'rno. uitdaa thb Asstn.Ert ih. t.ob. a,ld thc Rdrbd ClodJnErl|a. Landar ahal llcqrb aatd dGfitar to Gr.nior r tr.iau. aatisfactioi ol thia Aaaignmlnl ard luilablc atabrEnt! ot Lft$ation of any fnandrre atrtanEnl ol,l lila cviLncinC Lsrda/t soqrtty lntlr.st in the RanB .nd thc Pop6rty. Any Ermin.Uon lb. llquir.d by l !h.ll t p.U by Gn o.. il parmited by aPplic.bh l.w. LEID€rS EXPEi TIUREt. lf arry adion or procaldinC t! commancEd that would maiarlrlly atlod Landai3 inlatB6t ln tho f|'op€O or i, crantor falLr to comply with any povlrioo of lhb A8ionmant or any Rabtld Ooqlr€ntE. indudlng bul not Umllcd to G.ento/3 falbt! lo dladtaEe or pey wh.n duc rny amo$i. Grintor ia r€e[ild to dlrdra.ga o. pay udgr thb Asshnmr.{ or ahy RaLLd Docrrm€ot!, L.ad.r on 6ranto/a battrtt mly (but ahall not b. obgg.tld to) tata tny aaton thal Londor doems app.op.iat!. induditC but not lknf!.d to diadarline or pryirlg aI tuaa lh.!. to@rity lntrBlaa. lnqrlr$.llrlt and otrrr drlrnr. at any tirr llviar, oa placad dr lrrc Ranb or tlra Proparty and parrE al coata ioa lrlurirlg. manrt.inlrg lnd Flacrvhe tha Proparty. All sudr oear$huraa horntd oa pait by Landet ror auart Brpola6 wlll t En baar lnbrlat at tha rab clraEpd urlds dl. No$ lroln tho dato incrrlld or pak, !y Laidet lo tl6 dCe ot epaFrant by G..nto.. At iudt crpc.aaa will b.cdrE . psrt ot tha lriraoLdllar ari, at Landa/a oolbn, will (A) b. pay.lrb o. damand; (B) ba addad to th6 bahnos o, tlE Nora arn ba agporlbnad .lmne ..d b. pay&b witrr .ny hsbltrrnt payrnant to baco.ra drr. &rine .it Er(t) rhcEm ol.ny arfricati. ,!rr.nc. policyi or (2) lta rG|rainlrlo lrrn of $. tloL; or (C) ba trlal.d .. . b.Ioon plyrEflt whicn wil bG du. ar|d pay&L rt th. No!.'r maturity. Tha Aaionmar{ abo will .aclr! prym€nt cif th.6a .mour{3. Sudi rtht Cr.I be in .(Sllion to att dtrc. rtlit6 and rsnr.d-|3 to which Lardar may ba antiled upon DaLult OEFAULT- Eaarr of thc folloflinC, at L6dds oplion, ahall conalitutc .n Etlnt o, Oclault rrxLr lhi3 Alaiennant: t Loen o:161081/U) ASS]GNTENT OF RENTS (Continued)Page 3 Payriant Dalrul. Gr.rnor hib to ntake any f,ry.n€nt whan dua uidor lho llldebEdrEss othar D.Lulb. Grrnto. trib to colrply with or to partorm arry olhcr tclm. obligatbn. covrnanl o. @ndlior coolain6d in this Asatgnhont or in any of tha RCtbd Ooqrnrontr or to comply wlth or to pedofln any t6rm. obligslbn. covaoant ot condition cor ained ln any othor agtllrna batuoon Ldtdar arld Gr.nlor. t aftstt o|l O0rar Payrr.nta. Failu! of Gaartor withh the tillr rtquir.d by thb Assignme to rl.ho any paymant ,oa iu€ or itlur.noa, o. r.ry othar paynEnt nGc.a{ry lo ptlvrnl 6llno ol or to a{Lcl ditdLQp of eny lbn. o|,.ut h Faroa or ItH Pmh.. Any euaranto. or Gr.ntor dsttuL rndcr any loan. exlenabn of ctldit. lc@nty aCllemenl pu'l r.s€ or latat llttlncnt. or an, oOEr aOrlc,nont, In Lyor ot .ny othar craditor or pcllon that mry ,nawialiv Itflcl any ot any euar.ntoi! or Grantot ! grooorty or sbillty to p.rto.rfi tlrok.!tp.diw obllgaliorB uflror thia Arsionmcnt or arry of tha RrLH Ooo.rmanta- F&a Stab.Enta. Any w.mnty, r.prEtalrffion or alat .rr.t mada or furni.tad to tsd6r by G.lnlor or on G..nlo/a b.half urxr.. thb A$irnm.d oa th€ RdrEd ooolirnta b tatra or mldaadk{ h .ny mat ric rr+.ci, elllE. nfr or .l tl.c tilrE mda ot fumitlEd or bacqrEa raL! o rtblding at arly timo Utgllataa. ffiva Cothi..altsdor!. Tli! AsailDri.nl or arry of Ul6 RaLbd Doaurr{a c.as€6 to bo h ft forca and ct[act (xrdr/dilg failur! ot aiy collabrll dooJtlt.nt to aralle a vt{d a.rd Pariclrd laqr,xy lntarlll oa lbn] 8r 8ny linE std br any raaaotl. Dadt ar lrlCraarcr. TIE ditaoknim ot G.adofa (raeardlos ol eharE. eLdio.r to conthuo b maira), ,ry nst$ar wtthdra9s ho.n th6 limitrd liability cornparr, o. arry otlEr brtnindoat ot Gaantoaa arLbnca aa a grine bu*raa or thc datlh of aryEmba., f|. irl.olvoitc! ot Grantor. thr appointmo.[ ol a Ecdv€r lor arry pait ot G.ento/6 proporty. any ratlenflrru toa lha baiEfil ol cGdIorB. sny tyga od c.!dito, wortout, or the comlrElicantnt ol any prccaading urxbr any bank uptcy or lnaolvonc, lawa by or tCeinsl Gr. 6r. Cidltor or fo.''hln Proc-dlnga. ComnEncsme.i of brldoaur. or fo rituD proca€dinOs, wh€thcr by irrdidal prooa€di.tg. taf-halP, Gpoer&ioo o. tny oth6r nEtirod. by any cruditor ol Gaantor or by any go,Emmentrl rec.lcy aoaltat thc Ranb or any proparty raqlrim tho tndltiadnasa. Tlia lnafuda! a gamblvll.nl ol any oi Gaaator's a@ounts, inddkrg dogoal acaoun6. with Latder. Howlw', thL Evant o, Oefidt ahal not rpply tt thaG L . eood teitll diaaJta by G.antor a! to fia valk ly or raaaoaabldtaaa o, th€ ctaim whlcrl i. tll. batb o, ih. crlditor oa forfsttr,rr p,loaadi{ and lf Granlor Civ6 Loider *rtten notiqr ot the cradllor or brbnure prlcacdllC aid dapoafia with Llndrr rno.io. or . as.lly bond br lha qtdito. or brrerture piDcaadim, in an amou.( ddlnrtnc<, by Lefldlr, in its rola diaar6tirxr, at bsno an adrquaL r!aa.v. o. bond lor th. diapulc. PloFrt, O]tr.ia o. Loa. Th. Property b losl slobtt. sub.rt Llly d.nrlord. sold. or bono€d aeaiBt- Evanta Atrlbc{ng Oua,lnto?. Any of thG prEcadino avanta ocqrrl with rr:p€ct lo e.ry Glrs'..|lor of a,ly of lha lrxLblcdna$ or any Gua6rnor dtaa or b.co.tu lncompaLnl o. rr6k€. or dirpdaa thc valkrity of, or liebilily und6r, .ny Guaranly ol lha lndabdrE.a. Airvana. Clran{r. A mabrial advt !a airEa ocarrG in G6nto/E fn.lidal caddtion. ot Lerder bdaE tha pospcct o, paynonl or p..tomanc6 ol th€ lndbar,raaa a inpairEd. RlGllT! At@l iEIEUEE Ox O€FAULT, UDoi tlr€ occrr,rrnca ot rn, Elrr ol O6fault &d at .,|y lirr thrruftcr, Ldrdar m.y GrcrcE aiy o.la or riol! ot tha tollorylng ,Ehra rd ,€nEdie3. h addilion to a,r, olhar rhhB or l!fllodi.rs provided by la*: Accata.lt lnitattaatnaai Lcndcr sha[ hare llE doht at ilg oplion without notice to G6nlo. to drd.G thc cntlc lndaHodntls imrnedLt€ly dur and peyabS. and.xritg .ny prEPayiorn pcnalty that Granto. would b. rcquired to pay. ColLct liant.. Larldd ahall harro tna .ilhl to t t pGlc.Cm ot tha P.opar9 ,rd to coll€at lnd epply Rcnn. indudito amounb p.st du. .nd uipat(r. in accodaicc wlth applcaug L* and this Aa.|cnalcnt. lndudino durine th€ 6. ir! Edamplio.t pariod tilr brudoaull o, rry lllrtld lnortaea. lf t rc Rana at6 collccbr, by Land!., lhrn Gnnlor iftlvocably dcalgnrt.3 Llndlr !! Gr8nto/8 auo.nay-an-rad to attdo.tr inttrumanta Ecairad in plynlc thclBof In thr nlma of GEntorurd to ,rCdialc tha t.ma lnd colLal lha procotdl. Psyrrlt ty tlnrntt or oth6r ua6r. to Larda. in r!.port. to Lartdofr damard ahall 6rttsfy tn9 oblEdiona tor whictl tho paymafit! art m.d6. drcthGr o. not any propa. e.ound! b. th. darn€rd diaLd. Lardar may er(r.dle il3 dght! uidlr thia tubparagraph aithcr ln pa6oar, by lecnl. or throlgh a lrcaiE. Appolrlt Racalvar Ldtdaa, to th6 nExi'llm eltr p€.rn ad by lsu. alrall bG endtbd. as a matLr o{ rcht lo t,ta appolntnar( ot. rEc.ivlr ot tha Propa.ty. withoul notica or damand, and *itrol]l ltcad to trc adaquary ot rra rooJrity ior the li&btrd,raaa or th€ 3dvlllcy o, tha Gr.nior, by an aafbo aaparaL Lorn any iolldoeirrr ot any nilba, norbalg p(,a{lani lo Mhirrota Statutaa Chaptar 5r8O or porauant to Min rota Statuk Ch.pter 561, or rt r pan ot tha blldoauie adioo urd....id Ch.pb, 5Al (il tarle aeGcd that thc GdaL.tca ot r blrdoau,r puEuant to r.id Cft.pta. 5@ or a brldo.ur6 action pu6uant lo t id Cltad6r 581 b nol a prBlquiaib to arlr aalion b, a rac.iv.r harlardor), Tha .taaivrr. wtro dtd b. an oearaicad p.ogarv 'n nag.r, thall colbat (unlil tho trxtaotarrnaaa i! fufly p*, and rCifed d. in tna caaa ol a br€dosu.! !.L. 4ring the cnd! Edlttrptio.t pcliod) Utc R!rf3, and anal manag! th! Propcrty. aEqD b-.a sithin o. bqord tha panod o, thr rr(tvor$ip if apFot,.d by tha coun lixt apPly !t rcrts. profiL and o&ar incorna colhdad by hh in tha odar aDadiad babr. tlo ithatsnding lha appdrtnant ol all, r!o.i!6r. La.dat ahall bc cntithd aa pLdga. to tia pcaaaalo.r ard colitrd o, rny cacr. dagoar'L or hstn rEnls at th! linE hGl, by ot parabL ot ddirr!f.b16 u.xr6r the tarrr ot any Ralrbd OoqnrBnta lo L€ d6. Landar ahall hat6 thc rEm, at.ny tirE .nd witltqrt llmilttion, .! p.ovidcd in Min,E ot. Statubs. Sadbn 5E2.03. to advanaa mofia, to lha Eaai'rar to pay any psn or a[ ol tha itr.nr $rlch tho tcaaltrr ahould oitr€ b€ pry lf c.th f,rtB .v.lhbb trom thc Pror.rty .rd &mt so .(rvancsd, with interlat at th. hoh.al d.f.ut rata aat io.fr in lho Not , shrlt ba aaqrld hc6by, or if advrtoad dunng tha p6.iod o{ Gdamption ahall ba p.rl ol th. lum rlquirld lo b. p.rd to ,6dcam f.om tho rab. Any Rlnb ,rc.i\,cd by the l!a6ivo. harlundar ah.ll b. spgllcd in th6 order preacribod by Mlnn. Stat. Scailon 578.25, Subd.2. aa am.nacd. iidudiE bd nor [mn€d to.tp.fl..s br lhr Pop.rlyt nomal meint€nenc..ft, raitonablo r!cahar!]*p bos. arld then aoalrd $a l iabtdna$ it lEceiv.d prior to tlra comnEncanE?lt of a bredo3uae. to ba in audr oad.. Landar may Gbct, a , It rtca,rld aftar t,lr comrEocaiEnt ot. iorldoaul!. to ba a99L(, to the amou.rt rEquhd to ba pail lo eflkl a lr'lmlatllnenl p.*r t0 ior!c.16u.. iai.. oi, aliar a bradoauE aab to .ny dafajancy a.d lhelEslLr to lh€ atDunl rrqual.d to bo paE to olbct r r.demptbn. .ll puBuant to Mi leaota statuEs. S.dion. 5AO.3O. 5aO.23 and 581-10. with my .xc.aa to ba Pald to G.lnto.. P.gvih. that il any lEl.lld modg.Ca is not rDinataLd no.lha P.o9.rt,rd..lll€d as provrd.d by aai, S.crion3 560.30. 580.23 or 561-'tO. t,lG artilr amou.rt p.id to Lerder puBuont harsto thas h€ th.IroFto of Ldxle. tooelh6r wllh afl or.ny pr ottho Pro9cny Loan No: 16108140 ASSIGNiiENT OF RENTS (Contlnued)P.gs 4 aaquttd th.ough torcdoaul!. othar RairadL.. L!i&r *l.ll hai,e all ooLr dohia and rlrtadar g.ovit d in lhl5 Ar.lignnie oa the No|. or by law. tLcttcn ot RntdaG ELdirl ty Llidcr !o purqr rty alnlody ,rall nol ararlara pu,}ril o, any ot taa ttliady, atrd an aLdiorl to tnak! arDaidihroa oa to l,ak! adion to pario,n aai o gatlon ot G.ritor undar thb Arthnnrnt. atar Grado/r hilur! to parbrm. ,td nol afhd L.nda/r rirht lo d.ctara a dairul.nd .sti!. ilt ErEdi... Allcitart' Fa-; CrD.lrr It ttdrd intofuba Jry autt or adior lo lrrorE! aiy d tl. tartr o, Uia Aalirntllnt. Larnc, ahall ba artlad to rlcoGr rudl tlli aa tta coui rtay adiurrop llaaolrabb a! atomaya' taa at trbl xtd ugon fiy $o!al. l.ftattta. or nol any coun di b l.wolvad, drd to tha qlant not p.oliSibd Dy lau. all l.aoonall. alqanaaa tard€r incrn that h Larldeft o0arton art l1acaaary at any lit! toa lha Fotaadon of lt! lnta.lal o.li. lrfo.ranl.nl ol iL riehb tha[ bcco.E a patt ot tha l.datbd.Eaa p.y.blc ori d..iani, alid lhaa baar ldtarraat at tha Nob rrt! trom tlr data ot the opanditur! untl ra9an. ESarEaa oott !d by lhb pa.aenph tnclud., wlthout |tn[rtion, lErrvcr uliacl to ary ilfita unda. ap9{caua lru, Landar'a G.tonabb atlorncya' lbaa and Lardd! Lld .,oatE6. whalhar or not tiara ia a brartt indudnlg l!.tonabL tnomcya' &!. a,ld a)Qanra ,o. banhfi,,Pte, FocaadilCa (indodinC ctbatt io modily oa gacab ariy lutoriaoc atay or hlunalioo). appa.L. and a'ry an0cip.d pooljudln nl colbcrbn aarlka!. tht coll o, aaatrr*E Eco.da. ouakfrlo fll. lt9o.l. (inafrdhe brldoaur! Itpoda). alryayort' ,apofta, and aP9.abal a!a. tt'Uo holraanct. aridb.. b. tha Tn araa. to tha .xi.nt gandtaa, by applkaua l!r. Grarior .lro rvill pay ariy coun corta. in addruon io .l o0ra. .utu p.ot l&d bV lt*. IlSCEtlItlEOlrg Pio\rf8lol6. Th. blowing d.cdLrtoer p.ovi.lorB .rt . p.n of thb A..ientEnt: Anrndnanta. Thh A$hnnErt bCdnar with any RlhLd Oocu.rl.nt.. conalrtr lca tha antir! urdellt {im and rg.larnad ot tha p.rtas.a to tha mrtErr lat fonn h thL AaairnlrEnt. i,lo alLrltron ol o. anl.ndirlnt to thb A.aionfiant arrll ba athdtvo unloaa oi6n in wridno eid ahnad by tha parly o. parlb! aouehl to ba drarlad or bound by th. altar.lion or a,irarldnionl. C.Ido.t H-dll|e.. C.ptioar haaditea l. thlr Aaalgnrnani ar! for coovrnbnc. purpoea or|ly and r! nol to ba LEad to lnErp.tl ot da6nr tha povialrna c't thb &.ioEnncnt Oov.rdng Lar. thb A-lgnnrfir df !. lorin d l!' ,.frd hr .e9{c-a. lo btn . .nd, to dr. dt aa not p.ttrlaad b, lldr.l br, O! Lrt d dta fu ol lhl|-ot ulrEst rlfl'd lo ]a cotrlllct ot br !ryrb&na. lt{a Atalg.riri haa !-.r ac.ari.d b, L,ldr h dt. 3tt ot llnn cot . Cholca ol Vanua, lf tha,' L a l.lxluit, Gontor rgr*. rpoo Landclr llqucd to rubrnil to tha juriadilbn ol tho courta oa Wtnooa County, Slab of Miiiaaolr. Lrga.. Th.r! ahal ba no rErDrr of l,la ht!.!!t or aatab crldld by thia Atrirnlt!.nl with eny oth.f iota..at o. aatab in lha P,lratly rt a,ry tirE hGld by or ior tha baoafit o, Lild.. lo .ny c.p!cfr. whholt fra wrilton corEcnt ot Lariraa. lntaaDrrtadoo. (t) la al caa6a whal! rar! b mort l,ran o.a Borrortr or Grmlor, tl.n al uorda l.ad h tha A$hnmant h tha airluaar shCl ba rtaanad to liatt barr l!!d ln d|. plural whara lia conllxt and conalru(ron ao ltquk!. (2) lf nE ! t,lan o.la pa.Bar atera thb Aa4rtunani r 'G.anba." tha oblaalionr o, aadl G.ltlor rt idnt and aa!r!r.l. Thb rtarla Oral il Laida. br{.!a a Lu$/it Laardaa nEy trE ariy ma oa moa! ol llra Graatoa!. l, Eonol.r arl(l Gaaartoa .|! nol tha l.ma par&o. lrdar iaad not n Bono*tri rt ard thd Bonorlr nrd nol b. iotrd h ary bwllrlt (3) Tha onraa eiva.r to praeoDna o. !adio.r. ln lhL AsaiOnmarn arr lb. coolr.nanca purlroaca onry. fhay ll! nol lo ba 6art lo lntrDrrt or dcllno tha potialo+a ol thL AatignnEnt. Nc Walytr bt Lf,iar. Lrl.l€, ahal nol ba rracmad to hava w.ivrd .ny nght. urxr.. $b Aarignrna utibat audt waivltr b e fi in witloe ard ahmd by L.rda.. t{o diray or oniadon on tha pa.t ot taltar in cx!.rjdne rny.tght aha{ oF.aL.!. w.ivar d audt rloht or arry olhar dCht A u.lyar by lrrnaa of a p,oviaioo oa thiE fudenmant dial not plliudca or condjtut r ulhra. ot Landcls right othalwbc to damand tlrict co.ngliarca with thd provbidr or arly othar p@vidoo of thb Aade nnEnt No prior ralver by Larldr, noa alty oorrra ot daafu{ balsran t rdar llri, Garntor. .llal conadtub a eah'.r ol any of Landaia ,iehta or o, an, o, @antoi'a ob{eadont aa !o try fulul! tranaactbna. l^ita'l.vr. tia coruant o{ Lrrd!. ia Gqrru l,l(br $E Aaatnrtlnt. tha er,nffne of ludt corllan( by Lrd., in ary inamca aiat nol conatitula conliDline cont.ri lo !(..aqtr.l trataocar wh.G rrdr con .nl is llqrttd and in a! caaaa at{rl corl.anl ,iry ba eaanica, oa wlrrhald kr tha aola dlrcrtdon ot Ldrtd. l.odcra Any oot.. rlquild lo ba etvan l,da. thb Aalfnmant rfu$ ba grvln in w.ilim, aid t rall bc allBdlvo wllln adu.lly d€liyalrd, whan aalually .loailrld b! *tacaimiL (unLta olha iia Eqtircd by l8w). r,fun dagoailod wift a nalirxraly oaaeaiaad ovlmigtrt @uaar. or. ,l rnatLd. shrn d.Dolrld in tha UniEd Strt!! m!il. t! 6rtl dt$. oa ificd or rlCiabrld ndl po6l{6 p.lDrld. diGctad to tha lddr6r6 ahori .aaa $a bagi.vhe ot thia Aaltnrnanl. Any !,a.V rnay danla its tddoaa br notica! unda. thia Atrit nrnrnt b, CM.ro ioflral rn'ttln ,rdica !o 0E olh€. p.(i!a. rDadtyinC tltl 0l. pqDo.. o{ thr noric a to dr.ie! t r. p.rvs addrraa. Fd nooc. 9l pq.!. Gniloa .crla b krCD Landar hb.rllad at al f,riaa ol Granto/a orrllnl latdrtaa. Uriaaa otra iaa prorrirad o. Gquts., by law. lf lliar! ia nro,! lhan oia Gaanbr. any noLa Oiv.lr b, La.dd to aity G.ado. ia rhalrrd to Da nolha efi,.o io al Gontora. PoF,a ol Aioattay. TlE yarioua lelodaa md posll! ol anonEy co'lYt att oo Ltllalar u'xbr tiis Aaahnmaa !r! IrrnLd ,or ptnpoaaa ot -.rrrity rn may nol ba rar,ol(ld by Grartor until arrch lirl .3 tlia aml. alt lliorncad by Laidar- Saval|ufify. lf a coun ot conpatrnt iuridiiion fndt rny p.ovition of this Aaliedndi to ba ilLgal. iriva$d, or wl. orcaabL at lo any drEln|tLnca, t,ra fi,idiae ahall not maL thc o{irldln, provialo.l ilagal. hvald, or urslfoaEaabL a! to a.yy othar ctqrmaLnca. ll ta.it 5, ttl. otbridine plEvlrao.r rhal ha cdrddalld nroalfu ao that I bacorEa LoC, vald and anb.ratbb. lf tn ofiandim pro{iaicr can,lol b. to irodlticd. it ,ral ba cort.L,.tta, da5aa, lio.i Urb Aaaionmant. lrnbaa ollralliaa l.qrad by l'I. tha ibOality. inyaldity. or unar{orcaaulfy o, .ny Fovnioi of thb Asignm.'ll rllll not arlbct th. b!l![ty. v.lldly or cnbrc6adity ol any dlar p.ovi-on d ttrb AldonnEnf g!a....o- ..d Aaatgna Subioal to any lnr(rtiona dabd in thia AraagnrEnt q! lran6lb. ol Gr!,rloi. intrrc3t. thb Aii{nnranl $all!. birding Lpo.r and inrr! to tha borEfit ol lha partLa. tltair &ccaaao.t alr, aad8na. It o*nar$lp ol th. Prop.fiy b.co.rEr wd.d in a droo othar lhan G.rnlor, L.id.r. wilhoot ndic. lo Galntor. m.y d!.1 with Grx or'3 rucc.rao.a with r!(.rsraa to thb Aationnfil and tt|. lrxraucd.Eaa by f,a, ot to.baa...ro. o. .xt midr eithout rabll.g G.ado. lrom Ol. oblig.tiona of lhb AadgnnErn or li.birit Loan No: 151081.rc ASSIGNTENT OF RENTS (Continued)Pagr 5 undar tha lnda!(ld,l.at. tha b ol tha Eaaaicr. llnx b of lha aaaaoaa In ol. parlormrica ot tib Aatit ntrtnt Wdv.r ol ltsftt ot idc ort. taOtu/lTHSfAi[rlNG ANY Of THE PROVISIONi TO THE Coi{TR^RY cOaItAlr€O lN THIS ASSIGNTTEI{T, GR^,.,TOR }GREBY WA&€S ANY AT.D Al- RIO{TS OF REDE}PNON FRO SAI'E Uif)ER ANY OROER OR JUDGTTENT OF FORECLOSTRE oti GRAI|TORS AEH^rf ANO OII 8EHAI.'F OF EACH A O EVERY PERSO'{ EXCEFT JTJOGUEI{T CREDT(NS OF GRANIOR, ACOT,IRIM; ANY I}TEREST IN OR TIII.E TO IHE PROPERW STTSEOU€MT TO IHE DAIE OF THIS ASStGt{rEXr. OEF[$!IOr3. Th. blowine capltaa4d so,(! ]rd Hm! arrdl hrtr tha brorhg rrar*lc! {nrn Utad ln lhb AliltltrEnt Ulrbaa lgrcifclly drtcd to tta conmay, aI .!bl! r€a to aldbr arnoura rhal| maan .rnoullla h Lsrd nura, ot tha t ntad Stalrt o{ Atrr.ica- \rroda and tania utad an tl.' tingdaa dra, hdla tha plur.l. tnd tha plural ahdl hdna $a ahgura., aa tlt conlan nr.y rtqui!. \'Jofll3 and bnna not o&€rrb6 da&rad tn lhi! Atahnrllcll atra[ ha!,e tha llrarrtE att$utld to tudi ta]nra in tt. Unflt8n CalrIrrrdd Codai Ar.tfn|rl.nt Th. rgrd 'AtaiC,r.tErl" ,!t llt orb ASSIGII€I{T OF REI{IS, a. t}rb ASSIG}ltlENf OF R€NIS ntay h. .ar.r$d o, ftodfiad tto.i ert to urra, !oedr.. tltr a .$bL rrd tdrada. rI.dlad !o trir AssGNtrcNT oF REt{Ts lrsr tlr. to lxtl. to,rorar. TlE sqd 'gdrottl. ltElta Ba&rr Rd. lIC. tt.aut. Tha $t d -Dalrulf maana tha Oatut aat brln in ub Aarlonmcr in tho taaron tilrtd 'Oatgu}r. Ev.nl cl Oall|tl Tha wo.d! 'Eyant of Crailulr maln .lry ot th. a6nta ol (,.flult lat forttr h $i! Aadgnmctn in tha daftut aadion ot thb A..IlnrEnl O.antor. Tha sod 'Granbr. ,rta,t. Eatdl Rd, LLC. Os.ra o.. Tha rord -Guara of ntarna ]ly guannlo.. auGly. ot acao.tx.odalion P.rt of any or all ot tha |tldab|!da9 Ou.ianv. Tha rord rc(l.t.ny nEa.! Uia Curanly trom Guan loa to L!firr. inctirdho wi0roul limltrtha a gut'.nly o{ tt o, paal of tllo irob. ldatCr-. Tha *qt lndaDbdEaa' rrr.ana d Ftldpal, inblltl aard o0l.r amou{a. coata frr, atDaGaa payatb t taba tha t{oa or R!l.Ii, Oo.l,n.nn, logrthar wtth al lt'ltr& o{, qbruoaa of, moditcatona of co.lofdCir,ta of alri, aradiMiont br lha Nor or Ratabd Doaurnta and ary &E ,ita lre.narad oa artraicad by Llrdar lo dkdr.,lp Granto/t oulealiooa o. a,oart.at inarnttd by Lraar to anbrc. Gaanto/a ot Eadona urrb. thia Aalhnrrnl logcthG, wtth intarlat oar tudt arnorrl. ar Fovlt ad in $i. Aathnntcnt Spacrfaally. wilho{rt ll,tlltadon, tiatGdnoa hdudt. tha lrrlul! dvancoa lal iorur in tlE Fllirt Aarvartcaa 9roviaion. to4ctu wttr att htartal tldton and aI arnoor a lhal ,nay ba lndfacty aaorld by tha Croaa4olafa.dzadon PrDviddl o( thb Aasanmont Lndar. llta uo.d 'Ladcf taaia lrardl.nL Bari! taa0onal Aaaocjadon. ita lrcaaaaora md aaaitt la. aaob. th. 10.6 'Not ' nEr. th. Fond.lory rEb ddd Mtrd|t. 20t9. ln $a orlelnal Flnclpd anoultt ol lZt2,toO.OO ttom Onaor to Lrrdc. bCldrr uridi al trra-& or, adanaioara of. moarilcattona ot .!6na.ld.lca ol, co.rao5atiotta ol a6r, aubadtlrLoa [o,lha prunbao.y mb or aelrtdrl.ii. Prorrty. Ifa rc.d -Proparff nraaa al ot Gaanto/! rigltt, titb and inbltat in afi, to al th. RopGny rr daact5ad in th€ "Araa,rnEnf aacdoi ot thL Aaalgniant Ralad Ooqfianta. Tba word! 'RaLtad Ooqrmantt- lrl.an a[ p@.nbaory notaa. crldt reht.lnrnta, loan ae.!!tr tta. anr&umitll a0ruarltcna. cuaaarnba. aaqrrty {axrrlrt} mctgaeaa. daada d t ult aaorrty daadt. co[aiaaal noaoaoar, and all odraa intfirnl.rtr. tollcllura tad doqrrrnb, uhdnar rEw or hrlldtaa c[ding, aEqliaat h corrEcdoo wilh lha lflrabbdE. iJ|fr nr noad 'Rrotr' rtltta d oa (}Irntola prlatt d futult rbhia. tlt{c afi, lnbrlat h. to a,td urrbr ally and al prlaa.rt and ,d!r! Lataa. hdrrtlnc, Uftmi,t Lnllbn. dl rtnta. rartflr, !Enl.. b!l't. ro tlba, boturat. rcaounta tloivaua, caah oa lcclrty It.goaita. tdyaataa ,!r{alt, pagltL a.n Elcaad! toln tha PEearty. and odlar payrra.rt! nd banallt! da.i6d or io b€ dslttd ho.n ludr Laraa oa rvary :ird and nafuB, uhalhar d! now or L!ai, lndudkro ,it tout llmltattoli Granto,'t riol|l lo anbaEa $dt hataa and to Ilcai\D and colbd p.y|r|nl arld oaloaada fi.lundar. tHE UtaoERSGtCD ACtoEn EDOC! XAV|X6 iCAO ALL tHE PRovtslols 0f ?l{a ASAGrCral, AXO ror PEi3oi{ALLY BUr Aalx AutHoRlzlo stctct, xat c uSED llt! alaBtf,ctft to EE J{rrEo axo crEcutED ot{ 8€HALf ot GRAIIToR ot raicl{ I, 20tt. GRATITOR: By f,u ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS (Continued)Page 6 ltlL ASS{iIEffi OF REI{I3 wa d.ttt d byl LIiIITED LIABILITY COMPANY ACKNOWLEDGMENT tflnSTATE OF COUTTY OF Thb indrumonl was a&nowlsdgad befor? ma on Bar.h Rd, LLC .nd Lry Jana Brcxm, krnlar ol Ba.ch Rd, LLC. lYlMoh ^O rLo.t s B.trn, ttm!.r ot ss ( Slln tu.r ol l{ot ri.l Tlth (rd RrnQ Iy c.rnni-loll arrlr-t'3t-2"D LaserPro. Ver. 18 4 20 085 Copr Finaslra USA Corpodtron 1997. 2019 All Rlghrs Rese ed. - MN C:\HARLANO\CFI\LPL\G14 FC TR-33707 PR{1 Loan No:161081z{} Ananda E Xauphumrq Cltdll AdmlnhlraUon L.ltanta Eanlq tLdonal Aaaochlor 102 E Srd Sl non , Itl 65947-997, -D-- My PUSLIC 2@0