Bluff Creek Primary Zone Boundary Ltr 2-5-20CITY OT CHAI'IHASSXN Chanhassen is a Community for Life - providing for Today and Planning for Tomonow February 5, 2020 Mr. Tim Erhart 961 I Meadowlark Lane Chanhassen, MN 553 I 7-8695 Re: BluffCreek Primary Zone Boundary Dear Mr. Erhart I am writing to respond to your request to modifl the BluffCreek Overlay District primary zone boundary map as it relates to your property east ofPowers Boulevard (PID 251550022\. The city hired WSB to review your property to determine ifa primary zone boundary adjustment was appropriate. Based on their review ofthe information you supplied, City Code, applicant request, and city and Riley Purgatory BluffCreek Watershed District documents, and rules regarding the definition and determination for a bluffoverlay district and available GIS mapping and information, the consultant recommended that a small portion ofthe site be removed from the primary zone from the east side ofthe primary zone, but the westem boundary not be modified. (See attached Memorandum from WSB dated December 10, 2019.) This recommendation is consistent with the city's review dated May 19,2016 (attached). Ifyou do not agree with this interpretation, then you may appeal this decision to the Board ofAppeals and Adjusments pursuant to Section 20-29 ofthe Chanhassen City Code. A development review application and $ 100.00 appeal fee must be submifted for an appeal. Ifyou have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at (952) 227 -1139 or kaanenson{7 c i.chanhassen.mn. us. Si v Kate AICP Community Development Director Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Bob Generous, Senior Planner Charlie Howley, City Engineer/Public Works Director Matt Unmacht, Water Resources Coordinator Andi Moffatt, WSB The city will implement the revision of the Bluff Creek Overlay District primary zone boundary removing the area shown in green and correcting the map to show the area shown in blue, which is within the subwatershed zone draining west ofthe ridge top, on the attached Map 3, Potential Exclusion Area. Enclosures PH 952.227.1 I 00 . www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us . FX 952.227.1110 3lblro\bluff.re.k\.rlwt btdff cr..l primrry roo. r.tporE. btt.r:dod 77OO MARKET BOULEVARD .PO BOX I47. CHANHASSEN .MINNESOTA 55JI7 E.*WSbo g:\pl.n\bluff creet\erhan bluff cr.€l primary lone response lett€r.door r It,d Ef *rr*r ErrnoE -acr- or.rE tr6 !euat"rl-cEtoctt 116 !a1r':sEr*ri-Bla-rrac- { u r ri, t$ ,, 4 -/7 E ;rr .)t) )I a / rEe i:r I t T 'l s ( iii I.p s - Potd t l Erotura.rn &!. t tn trEL Ct d Ch.rtEl. ir i WSb Memorandum To: Fron: Date: Re:Review of BCOD br Erhart Property \rtBB Project No. 15183-{D0 On behalf of the Gity of Chanhassen, please see the review and determination of the Erhart Property adiustment requesl as it pertains to the City's Blufi Creek Overlay District ordinance d. Foster the creation of a greenway conn€c{ing Lake Minnewashta Regional park and the Minnesota River Valley. The greenway will serve as an unintenupted pedestrian hail, bikeway system, and wildlib conidor afioding opporhrnities for recreation, education, physical fitness and nonmotorized transportation. Bob Generous, Cig of Chanhassen Oecember 10, 2019 =oo oz lrl @ = ! z =6 o o- u,z2 = UJF IUDz ul s2 u, Background lnformrtio0 The Citfs Blufi Creek Overlay Disfict (BCOD) was developed in March 1997 as the end product of the Blufi Creek Watershed Natural Resources Management plan. The purpo€e of the BCOD is to: Protecl the Blufi Creek Conirlor, weflands, bluffs, and significant stands of mature fees through the use of careful site design, probctive @venants, sensitive alignment and desbn of roadways and utilities, incorporation of natural batures, landscaping, techniques outlined in the cit/s surface mter management plan, and the praciices delineated in the civs surhce water managemer plan. b. Encourage a development patbm that allows peopb and nature to mix spanning multiple ecosystems. Development in the coridor should be ecologir=lly desened and built around natural featurE suct as fees, wethnds, and blufrs. SEnificant natural batures should impac-t devslopment ralher han development impac{ing significant nafural Eahlr€s. The natural qualilies of the conidor should be preserved to ensure suffcient habitat area br wildlib. c. Promote innovative developrn€nt tecfiniqu€s sudl as duster development and open space subdivisions to measurably reduce the arnount of impervious cover compared to traditional de\relopment practices resulting in s(rnificant portions of a site being retained as pemanent, protecied open spsce. a e ,. lmphment the polft:ies and recommenddions bund in the Blufr Creek Watershed Nafural Resources Management Plan. Encourage cost efiective site development. Op€n space design practices can reduce infrastructure engineering and construction costs because of lot configurations, shortened strBets, and reduced utility runs. Long term cost savings can also be realized by the City of Chanhassen associated with infrastructure maintenance costs. Kr015183& .ffiDoc.tr/Euo - 120a19 - BCOO R4i(!* Coiduadt .doc( tuidi Mofiatt, WSB lratt Unmac-ht, WSB December 10, 2019 Page 2 3. ThemapoftheBcoDiscurren0ymaintainedbythecityasa.Glslayer.Alandownerdeveloper, ;,ty ;t;;il"&", or offrer may present eviden-ce as.to why the boundary should be placed in a specifi; bcation. This argument must consider the following: l.Drainageboundaries-ifthesitedoesnotdrainintotheBluffCreekthenitshouldnotbe inciuOel in he BCOD. Drainage does not need to be a direc't connection but must simpty have a hydraulic nerus _ cuMert, ditch, overland, sheet llotv or other @nveyance. Existence of natiye communities - does the area have a unque or potected nafural ,"*rra"t"ta"t"stomeettheobiec{ivesoffreBlufrCreekNaturalResourc6 Management Plan?'-'-'a."-wenanos provide surface wdar dstention, watef quality, fiood abatement habitat and educdional opPorhinities O. Wooatanos provid absbaction and decreas€ runofi to Blufi Creek They limit- "noi* ""0'p.t*e infibaton whidl can bonefit bas€ iox's within the deek' They abo provue habitat and a€!fiGtic velue' c. Praiirle and meadow areas also prornote infilffiion thereby decreasing runofi'- td;, ;."i.", and llashiness within the ctannel and other beneffis sucfi as bse flor within Blufi Creek. Topography - are blufrs, sGep slop€s defned as areas with av-erage slopes exceeding ZS'pe-dnt, or o$er hnd mat'are iuscedible to erosion and mass soil movernent presenO 2 Findlngs Drainage boundaries: The City's subwabrshed mapping is attacfied in X'p {' This ;hil"tt-p",1i"" ort," pat"ir rt"t It within thG Blufi Creok vrdershed, Bc-As' 12 iru;".riii. it e topolraprry uased on LiDAR datBd 2012 h6 et o been reviewed and [-Jt,i" "" tr.p i. rfis-subv;tgrshcd appea]s b drain to l co .nstuded pond adjacent to Fowers Boulevard and then overllow t6 the south, wtri*r then b direc'ted under a curveri unoer ure rcao b ur€st. Ther€fore, th€re is a hydrologic connection to Blufi creek. i;;;;;;ih". t a srnal .edion within 6,€ BCOD th;t does not drain to Blufi Creek and 166r"i O.iinjto ne east to Lake Rilsy, and is within the Riley Creek Subqratershed. This small area that drains east is highlighted on th€ f.P 3' The findings br the drainage boundary-a]e thet the P9OP and the portion of.this parcel n&J in Ol ACOO do€s dAin to Btuftoro€k, except br the small erea that drains to Lake Riley. Thb area could be removed from the BCOD' Native communitbs:---'". -w"una": Based on National Wotlind lnventory, city mapdng' and aif .plgtog'- t "r" i.i r.rg" wefland on the east of the efea in quGtion within the PlD, but ttra ls not w#rin tre Blufi Cre€k drainage area' There appeas to be a storm . ffid ulat;;-a*at"d imrnadiately a-diacent to Porcrs Boulevard - this area b h& consltered yr€[anO. There Oo-not Lppsar to be any other wetlands within the abr Creek suhmte|Ehed within Orb piriet. Aas€d on $is infomatbn' here do naappeartoUeweUandswithinslbper6l'ssubu'atershedthatprovUebenefit to Blui Cteek, so this land cover is not apPlicable' 1 2 K\015183{00\AdminEocs\tulEMo-'l2O41S-BCODReviewConclusionsdocx December 10, 2019 Page 3 b. Woodlands: Air photos show various areas of wooded areas or scattered trees. The landowner provided a tee inventory dabd August 2, 2019. Based on the hee inventory within the existing blufr overhy disfbt there are difiering tree specbs within the parcel. Th6e trees primarily include red oak, bur oak, aspen, basswood, easEm r6d cedar, and elm. Thes€ are native species to Minnesota. Based on the inbrmation proviled in the tee survey, it appears there is suffcient native rvoodlands that would provide valuable habitrat wilhin the Blufi Creek watershed. c. Grasslands: Ba6€d on a review of aerbl phob6, there arc grasslands in the BCOD arBa. These areas promote infiltration and reduce runofi creating benefits within the BCOD. The findings fur the presenoe d native mmmunitbs are that the area within Ore BCOD does contain native woodhnd phnt communiti€s, as well as grassland areas hat provide ben€fits to fl€ BCOD. 3. Topography: The ordinance states that slopes exceeding 25 percent shall be preseNed in a nafural state. map 2 shows arEas that have slopes greater than 25olo Addibonally, soils that are erosive in nature should be consirered. rp 4 shou6 the soils categorized based on their erodibility. There are erodible soils and steep slopes within the BCOD area within the parcel. Scils infumation uas also reviersd from the County Soil Surwy. Th€ soils wihin the exbting BCOD are a8 bllow5: . HM - Hamel Loam. KB - Kilkenny-L€sbr loems The findings regarding topography and eoils show that there are highly erodible or pobntially highly erodible soils and sGep slopes within the BCOD area wihin the parcel. Protecning and defining tfi6e areas wihin the BCOD b appropriate per the BCOD ordinance. Goncluslona The property in questbn was revieryed wih respect to tle above criterie. The PID contains a numb€r areas that uould qualiry it to b€ indud€d in the Blufi Creek Overlay Disfict. The majority of the aree in question drains to Blufi Cre€k. Of th€se ar€as, the majodty contain ether excessively steep slopes, erodible soils, or u/oodland or grasshnd habitat. There is one small area that is within the parcel but not within the Bluff Creek Suhratershed, and topography shows this area would not drain to Blufi Creek. As su€fi, thb area can be consUered for exclusion ftom the BCOD. The remaining areas appear to qualify to remain in the BCOD. lf you have any questions, please call fiE al76!287-7196 or email me al amo fat@ 6beno.corn. K1015183-000\Admin\Docs\t\rEMO - 12U19 - BCOD Review Conclusions.docx tapl -PrclectLocatlon E{h.ft PmPCttY Clty dCh.nhet, tlt{ t N A 0I 1 ind /IRflOA/ [M8,00 [ffifl [na8p trlG-,l&C2 BSflA{@il60ts+83 B0c"\a00 &M&3B&tua!{ [Rfl84 -Z L-.utdgffi&€rB @dE@ &*tuftrd&B@4ei8 &130 B@45,(7 @.AA{0 BCd5.{3 m46,{5 ftinEastEs E@4e{84 //,,l _//ru I % a3 I \ @ \ ,//,'# -@ @ @ 856 I' @@ @ e8c €@.--,----- ) €FT , 7/ -@- ,.@ @ 8S EBBS ID ) .c9d \"*- - \,'-@ --€@ n 7/ Z @sBm l I a j a,'r;l @r ,/---=-J --- - \l'----: t.-. - ', ) . EP d3.H'/p \t/ / @ I I "(9.-. i. I BBB / ili ,,i 1 {V===_-_-tl ----=----,--------- Z \ti \ll @ llt>I [nilg{ ) "o g"" Z %,ri 928, str' il't a' eo" $s6 A. i. 89?, a-:, I sp 886 ,2,./t , /:ni/ \\\\F"* @ sN@ @ q @ @ @ ,7-- 856 % @ '2 ..f,O w --r-{I €03@ SEBE z II @ '/ :.= ',;i'$1Y I tl @ 67 I7/ lt- ,-- May 19, 2016 Mr. Tim Erhart RE: Bluff Creek Overlay District Dear Mr. Earhart, This letter is meant to be illustrative of the purpose and delineation of the Bluff creek overlay District' especially as it pertains to your property located east of Powers Boulevard and north of Pioneer Trail' The Bluff creek overlay District first came into existence in March of 1997 as the end product of the Bluff Creek Watershed Natural Resources Management Plan. The plan identified five primary goals and these goals were further resolved based upon a variety of factors' They are as follows: 1. protection, restoration and enhancement of natural resources. This goal sought to divide the watershed into regions and set management goals and techniques for these regions to protect habitat and water quality. 2. Acquire and develop a continuous greenway corridor for aesthetics, recreation, water quality protection and wildlife habitat preservation' 3. Minimize and/or avoid the impacts of development pressures' 4. Provide educational opportunities for all ages' 5. Development of a Natural Resources Management Plan that spans multiple jurisdictions' These realizations were supported and/or expounded upon in the 1997 Bluff Creek Corridor Feasibility study and then again in the 2oo9 Bluff creek TMDL BioloSical stressor ldentification Report, the 2013 Bluff creek watershed Total Maximum Daily Load Report: Turbidity and Fish Bioassessment lmpairments and lmplementation Plan. Allthese reports supported the basic underlying premise that the cause for the degradation of Bluff creek is the urbanization of the contributing watershed and subsequent alterations to the flow regime. The last identified The map currently maintained by the city as a Gls layer as well as contained within the Bluff creek Natural Resources Management Plan is prima facie evidence but is not considered the definitive boundary.Alandowner,developer,cityrepresentativeorothermaypresentevidenceastowhythe boundary should be placed in a specific location. This arSument must consider the following: 1. Drainage boundaries. lf the site does not drain into the Bluff creek than it should not be included in the BcoD. Drainage does not need to be a direct connection but must simply have a hydraulic nexus - culvert, ditch, overland sheet flow or other conveyance' 2. Existence of native communities. Does the area have a unique or protected natural resource that serves to meet the objectives of the Bluff creek Natural Resources Management Plan? a.Wetlandsprovidesurfacewaterdetention,waterquality,floodabatement,habitatand educational oPPortunities. b. Woodlands provide abstraction and decrease runoff to BluffCreek. They limit erosion and promote infiltration which can benefit base flows within the creek' They also provide habitat and aesthetic value' c. Prairie and meadow areas also promote infiltration thereby decreasing runoff, scour, erosion, flashiness within the channel and other benefits such as base flow within Bluff Creek. 3. Topography. Are bluffs, steep slopes or other land that are susceptible to erosion and mass soil movement present? 4. Connectivity. Will this site serve continuation of the green corridor, a trail corridor or other recreational or educational purpose? With the original 1996 plan, the BCOD was approximately as show in red in Figure 1. The shaded green shows the current BCOD per the proposed Fairview limits. These boundaries are overlaid upon the 1991 aerial photoSraph showing the conditions that existed at the time the BcoD was created. Figure 7. Site conditions io 1997 with cufient BCOD oreo in green, oiginalwestem limit oI BCOD in red ond proposed boundory lrom Westwood exhibit in yellow. Figure 2. Site conditions in 2014 with curreot BCOD oreo in gteen, originol westem limit ol BCOD in red ond prcWed boundory lrom westwood exhibit in yellow. Given the criteria set forth for establishing the boundary, I do not see the justification for moving the western boundary as shown. A i'\Si flID [ir.9, / J -t7 s\d \J \c -qd ,L. oJ ,o I t lht+zl,,r- 4c e1r o -)"'f F\ c,ll ItrI/'o 2 '*,..J arvi tcFl) City of Ghanhassen 4 o i t Bluff Creek Overlay District I ol C3 Pdmary Corrtoor I so' eurer secondary corddor rr,- Bluff cre6k f,, g,..rr# { \u, 4 February 27 ,2012 (cB Oqt rr+rg -_Jl)LiL,()! - r__-__-____--tF11rE +l--{- Lffi --trt-r ==r+ffiI UL-I LIE-' I t ,g EsdI iPaiIo ru t a "*- ?FAIRVIEW M ED ICAL CENTER REVIEED BCOD 20O8 AERIAL 7 i ffi ',\ --tt^r o . .":- J- '9'_ r r, -#:..,-,OA'18 Ll i I I t: I '-*t"- " 'b=tr ) 'l i & \ .2.- 1 F.{.tq#*t F \ J If;E +r L *.*I Approximate Area of Conservatlorr Easement grJ sld lv,.tlrft ) I dfirr? A aittER:luT t*\lrl,.tt',\ F! ,gL* \ -.tllt Aa i {-lE f IITJt i E I x ttl, 3J0 .J" Pt n A: Com.ct d Bhnftqqtycm,SLPbE Cr, d C!riel'. I{ ftlnt E E H-l !ItI z-- -x I l -/1 Preservcd Land a,/ l 7/ 7 qlail :':t " :.1 t N IITTITI --I-Ir-ll Minor Arteaial Mirlo Collec6. Sfeet Co.Yr€<tio.r Trdil Vr6Y Conidot N Mlnor Arta.ial Minoa Collector Prir.ata Stect T.all Yre Co.ridor ffi" Pb B: Conn cbdffi4dtu:.rrEfti Prqqly Ccr.?td Sft Hdrs A N IIIIIII -t----rr F$n 2 l N o 3d 60(y PlJl A: hd.parxhfit Eltt Prqrtc@tc Sr! PbsClrcri !,rffi III tI 4 : I tIIIE ,J tandPrer+rved t.-1\ { / IIt l" ,]f- 7 l A-- \ \ Zr f.r, t..Iv\. t' 1 - ?' I ! It tl Mirb. Arterhl Minc CdL<tor Privfie Sreet Trail vl6, Corrido. IIIIIII r-r----I Fei,l I Iz"*,-!9PGO() ru'E= o+rU I9,Q> IdoA,qt e.! mgfl6 tIEi'IiiiEUr!II,i : I 'I e t1 \ trl I r t!l r!\. _- .\:. 'ii:'. r- It t d :r:l r, f' I I) r, ll '; €l J-iJL l*I { I \ It v#. \ ) I it )J \-I i'i!l EIiIPooo y'E =; o, I,, .:YXLOOL5g3aeasE08> : Lo: o 9c'rriO *"z !; 59 tz"8TE ix ,i E! :! 5 $ a P II ts T <€ €EgE P 6 b,L \fr ..t .1 ( I ,,i I n --E:En POITEPS BLVO' -- -.t'-&' --'€:)t ST {z I t 7 : I I :a I -t a k_ .? \ ;i r :t \\ ::!"\ L L. i L 4 I7\ aE-.