JUNE 9, 2020
Chairman Sanford called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Sanford, Kathleen Donovan, James Ebeling, Steve Stamy and
Adam Schaefer
STAFF PRESENT: Greg Sticha, Finance Director; and Jake Foster, Assistant City Manager
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Donovan moved, Ebeling seconded to approve the Minutes
of the Economic Development Commission meeting dated May 12, 2020 as presented. All
voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0.
Greg Sticha reviewed highlights of a power point presentation by Ehlers and Associates at the
previous meeting before asking for questions or comments from commission members. Adam
Schaefer asked for clarification of the current business subsidy policy versus program. He
suggested a forbearance bullet point could be beneficial. Chairman Sanford asked for
clarification of what the City charges businesses currently. Adam Schaefer discussed
establishing something to help historic entities, establish long term care opportunities in the city,
and possibilities to enhance marketing the City of Chanhassen in the future. Chairman Sanford
asked about the status of the proposed regional lifestyle center, Avienda and revitalization of the
central business district with the use of tools associated with business subsidy programs. James
Ebeling discussed enhancing entertainment type businesses in the city i.e. Top Golf type,
community centers, and curling center with the use of micro loan programs, and ways to
encourage development of affordable housing available for employees in these type of
businesses. Stephen Stamy asked for clarification on the status of the current business climate
due to the pandemic, how the City can enhance recruiting businesses to locate in Chanhassen,
clarification of the use of TIF Districts, and the possibility of retail development in southern
Chanhassen after completion of Highway 101. Kathleen Donovan agreed with what has been
suggested previously regarding affordable housing, recruiting businesses to relocate in
Chanhassen, and the possibility of the City providing vouchers to residential and small business
retail properties to frequent local businesses. Greg Sticha summarized what he heard from
commission members regarding affordable housing, incentivize more entertainment type
businesses in Chanhassen, some type of small business relief mechanism, and attracting
professional office businesses to locate in Chanhassen with the use of some type of small
business subsidy programs. Stephen Stamy asked who markets the City of Chanhassen
currently. Greg Sticha explained that there is no one staff person in charge of marketing.
Economic Development Commission – June 9, 2020
Chairman Sanford discussed the use of a Chamber of Commerce or inviting someone from Buy
Chanhassen to a future commission meeting. Greg Sticha asked for further clarification on how
commission members want to incentivize entertainment and new small businesses to locate in
Chanhassen and what tools and criteria will be used.
Schaefer moved, Donovan seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the
motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. The Economic Development Commission
meeting was adjourned the meeting at 8:25 p.m.
Submitted by Greg Sticha
Finance Director
Prepared by Nann Opheim