CC Staff Report 7-13-20CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Monday,July 13,2020 Subject Approve Revised Preliminary Plat and Amendment to the Avienda PUD Section OLD BUSINESS Item No:F.2. Prepared By Kate Aanenson,Community Development Director File No:Planning Case No.2017-10 PROPOSED MOTION A.The City Council approves the Rezoning of 118 acres from Agricultural Estate District,A-2,to PUD Regional Commercial including Exhibit A,Avienda Design Standards"and B.The City Council approves the Amended Subdivision Preliminary Plat creating 19 lots,3 outlots and dedication of public right-of-way,as shown in plans prepared by Landform dated May 1,2020,subject to conditions in the staff report"and The City Council also adopts the attached Findings of Fact and Decision.” Approval requires a Simple Majority Vote of members present. SUMMARY The developer is requesting to amend the Preliminary Plat for the subdivision to 19 lots,3 outlots and dedication of public right-of-way,as well as amend the PUD.The Conditional Use Permit and Variances for development in the Bluff Creek Corridor and the Wetland Alteration Permit to fill 4.4659 acres of wetland were approved with the original preliminary plat dated June 10,2019 and the standing remains. BACKGROUND This item was discussed at the City Council meeting on June 22,2020.The minutes from that meeting are included in this packet.The Planning Commission held a public hearing on June 2,2020.The Planning Commission recommended approval of the PUD Amendment and the Preliminary Plat. DISCUSSION At the City Council Work Session on June 22,2020,the developer and staff reviewed the changes to the plat and PUD.The Council asked for a drawing showing the proposed pedestrian connections. RECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL STAFFREPORTMonday,July 13,2020SubjectApprove Revised Preliminary Plat and Amendment to the AviendaPUDSectionOLDBUSINESSItemNo:F.2.Prepared By Kate Aanenson,CommunityDevelopmentDirector File No:Planning Case No.2017-10PROPOSEDMOTIONA.The City Council approves the Rezoning of 118 acres from Agricultural Estate District,A-2,toPUDRegionalCommercialincludingExhibitA,Avienda Design Standards"andB.The City Council approves the Amended Subdivision Preliminary Plat creating 19 lots,3 outlots anddedicationofpublicright-of-way,as shown in plans prepared by Landform dated May 1,2020,subject to conditions inthestaffreport"and“The City Council also adopts the attached Findings of Fact and Decision.”Approval requires a Simple Majority Vote of members present.SUMMARYThedeveloper is requesting to amend the Preliminary Plat for the subdivision to 19 lots,3 outlots and dedicationofpublicright-of-way,as well as amend the PUD.The Conditional Use Permit and Variances for development intheBluffCreekCorridorandtheWetlandAlterationPermittofill4.4659 acres of wetland were approved withtheoriginalpreliminaryplatdatedJune10,2019 and the standing remains.BACKGROUNDThisitemwasdiscussed at the City Council meeting on June 22,2020.The minutes from that meeting are includedinthispacket.The Planning Commission held a public hearing on June 2,2020.The Planning CommissionrecommendedapprovalofthePUDAmendmentandthePreliminaryPlat.DISCUSSIONAttheCityCouncil Work Session on June 22,2020,the developer and staff reviewed the changes to the platandPUD.The Council asked for a drawing showing the proposed pedestrian connections. RECOMMENDATION Staff and the Planning Commission are recommending approval of the revised Preliminary Plat and Amendment to the Avienda PUD. ATTACHMENTS: Staff Report PUD Ordinance Narrative Development Review Application Development Plan Pedestrian Network Plat and Engineering Plans Part 1 5/1/20 Plat and Engineering Plans Part 2 5/1/20 Plat and Engineering Plans Part 3 5/1/20 Plat and Engineering Plans Part 4 5/1/20 Avienda Design Guidelines Pages 21-End Avienda Design Guidelines Pages 1-20 Letter from MnDOT Letter from Carver County Wetland Banking Findings of Fact and Recommendation Affidavit of Mailing CITY OF CHANHASSEN PROPOSED ACTION: A. “The City Council approves the Rezoning of 118 +/- acres, from Agricultural Estate District, A-2, PUD Regional Commercial including “Exhibit A Avienda Design Standards”; and B. “The City Council approves the Amended Subdivision Preliminary Plat creating 19 lots, 3 outlots and dedication of public right-of-way, as shown in plans prepared by Landform dated, May 1, 2020, subject to conditions in the staff report; and The City Council also adopts the attached Findings of Fact and Decesion.” PC DATE: June 2, 2020 CC DATE: July 13, 2020 REVIEW DEADLINE: June 30, 2020 CASE # 2017-10 BY: KA PROPOSAL: Amended Preliminary Plat, Regional Mixed-Use Planned Unit Development PUD), 118 acres of land for the establishment of a mixed-use development. LOCATION: Southwest corner of Powers Boulevard and Lyman Boulevard APPLICANT: Landform Professional Services, LLC Level 7 Development 105 South Fifth Avenue, Suite 513 4600 Kings Point Road Minneapolis, MN 55330 Minnetrista, MN 55330 PRESENT ZONING: A-2 Agricultural Estate 2030 LAND USE PLAN: Office or Regional Commercial ACREAGE: Approximately 118 +/-acres DENSITY: Assumes 70% of site commercial with a floor area ratio (FAR) of 0.3 and 30% of site residential with a density of 16 units per acre. SUMMARY OF REQUEST The developer is requesting to Amend the Preliminary Plat for the subdivision into 19 lots, 3 outlots and dedication of public right-of-way; as well as amending the PUD. The Conditional Use Permit and Variances for development in the Bluff Creek Corridor; and the Wetland Alteration Permit to fill 4.4659 acres of wetland were approved with the original preliminary plat dated (June 10, 2019) and their standing remains. Planning Commission Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development – Planning Case 2017-10 June 2, 2020 Page 2 of 23 At this time there are no site plans being approved. This application amends the framework for the plat (subdivision lots) and the PUD (uses and development guidelines). Any proposed developments will have to come back through the city process for approval. Parcel and Site Information Parcel ID Taxpayer Acreage 25.0230500 Level 7 Development, Inc. 22.89 1.66 25.0230300 Level 7 Development, Inc. 54.07 25.0230410 Level 7 Development, Inc. 20 25.0230430 Level 7 Development, Inc. 16 25.0230420 Level 7 Development, Inc. 4 Total 118.62 BACKGROUND November 1, 2016: The Planning Commission recommended conceptual approval of the PUD. November 28, 2016: The City Council gave conceptual approval of the PUD. February 27, 2017: During its Work Session, the City Council reviewed the significant issues of the Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR). February 28, 2017: An open house was held. March 7, 2017: The Planning Commission held a public meeting to review the proposed update to the AUAR document. The Planning Commission forwarded their comments to the City Council. March 13, 2017: The City Council authorized publication in the Environmental Quality Board (EQB) Monitor for April 3 and closing the AUAR comment period on April 17. May 8, 2017: The City Council adopted a final resolution for the updated AUAR and Mitigation Plan. May 6, 2017 and June 6, 2017: The Planning Commission held pubic hearings on the plan. June 20, 2017: The Planning Commission recommended preliminary plat approval. July 10, 2017: The City Council approved Preliminary Plat creating 17 lots, 3 outlots and dedication of public right-of-way for public streets (115.519 acres); and Rezoning of 115.519 acres of property zoned Agricultural Estate District, A-2, to Planned Unit Development- Regional Commercial District (PUD-RC). Design Standards; and a Conditional Use Permit to encroach into the primary zone and required buffer for development in the Bluff Creek Corridor; Wetland Alteration Permit to 4.897 acres of permanent wetland impacts as shown in Planning Commission Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development – Planning Case 2017-10 June 2, 2020 Page 3 of 23 plans dated April 14, 2017 and June 13, 2017, to request to construct into the primary zone and required buffer for development in the Bluff Creek Corridor. June 25, 2018: The city approved the final plat and grading permit. April 8, 2019: The Chanhassen City Council approved the extension of the final plat and grading permit to December 31, 2019 and extinguished the final plat for Avienda but allowed for grading. December 9, 2019: The Chanhassen City Council approved the extension of the preliminary plat until June 30, 2020 and permitted grading as stated in the conditions listed below and in accordance with the preliminary plat approvals. The applicant is proposing a mixed-used development. The following is from the applicant’s Development Plan. Planning Commission Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development – Planning Case 2017-10 June 2, 2020 Page 4 of 23 VISION The land use change to either Office or Regional Commercial District as a part of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan was based on the city’s vision for a lifestyle center. The Comprehensive Plan states: 2.7.4 Regional/Lifestyle Center Commercial Planning Commission Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development – Planning Case 2017-10 June 2, 2020 Page 5 of 23 Definition/Vision: A mixed commercial district with retail and entertainment uses of a scale and function that serves a regional market. The physical environment emphasizes an attractive, comfortable walking experience for shoppers and visitors and is designed to serve trail users and mass transit as well as automobile traffic. Centers of this type have at least two major retail anchors and are characterized by the diversity and mix of retail and service uses within their boundaries. Uses within this district should complement existing retail users in the other commercial districts. Development of these centers shall be planned as a group of organized uses and structures to accommodate a sensitive transition between commercial activities such as loading, parking of automobiles, lighting and trash collection, and surrounding residential uses. Such centers shall be designed with one theme, with similar architectural style, similar exterior building materials, and a coordinated landscaping theme. Vehicle and pedestrian access is coordinated and logically linked to provide a comprehensive circulation system. Goods and Services Examples Entertainment Department Store Comparison Shopping Specialty Retail/Boutique Restaurants Hotels Residential A new zoning district Regional Commercial (RC) will be created in the City Code to implement this land use. The city has given a dual land use of the 118+/- at the southeast corner of Powers and Lyman Boulevards to accommodate this use. PLANNING DEPARTMENT COMMENTS When the city was considering the land use change on the site in 2006-07, there was much discussion about this area having uses different from the downtown. The downtown area is intended to be the uses that meet the daily needs of residents, and the regional mall site was envisioned to be those uses that would be more of a comparison shopping that would serve a regional market including: Goods and Services Examples Entertainment Department Store Comparison Shopping Specialty Retail/Boutique Restaurants Hotels Residential Planning Commission Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development – Planning Case 2017-10 June 2, 2020 Page 6 of 23 The intent of this district: The use of planned unit developments for regional/lifestyle center commercial purposes should result in a reasonable and verifiable exchange between the city and the developer. This district is intended to provide for the development of regional and community scale integrated retail, office, business services, personal services and services to the traveling public near freeway interchanges. The most significant changes from the previous plan is the increase of housing units from 20 to 30 percent. The permitted uses in Avienda Village are all uses that would be part of a vibrant lifestyle center and as anticipated in the Comprehensive Plan. The following categories of uses were anticipated in the Comprehensive Plan and the listed uses should be permitted to ensure the success of the lifestyle center (see attached Exhibit A for PUD Design Standards): Developers District Master Plan The development Master Plan identifies five distinct sub-districts within Avienda. Each of these sub-districts (outlined on the plan above) is defined by specific site development patterns and perhaps a distinctive character or image. The sub-districts complement one another as part of the overall plan. They include: Planning Commission Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development – Planning Case 2017-10 June 2, 2020 Page 7 of 23 Sub-District 1 - Retail - Provides a location for larger-scale in-line and stand-alone retail and entertainment uses. Sub-District 2 - The Village - Provides the broadest variety, highest density and greatest intensity of development, encouraging both vertical and horizontal mixed use. Sub-District 3 - Mixed Use - Provides a location for smaller-scale retail, service and other auto-oriented uses as well as hotels and medical/technology related uses Sub-District 4 - Multi-Family- Provides opportunities for high density senior or rental apartments. Sub-District 5 - Low Density Residential - Provides opportunities for small lot homes. AMENDED PRELIMINARY PLAT Avienda encompasses 118.00 acres. It includes 19 buildable lots and 3 outlots. Planning Commission Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development – Planning Case 2017-10 June 2, 2020 Page 8 of 23 TRAFFIC STUDY The traffic study completed with the AUAR Update indicated that the following intersections will meet signal warrants with the development: Lyman Boulevard and Audubon Road N., Lyman Boulevard and Sunset Trail, and Powers Boulevard (CR 17) and Pioneer Trail. The developer shall work with Carver County on the installation of these signals and any other improvements necessary. The developer shall fund the installation of these signals and improvements per Carver County’s cost share policy. STREETS The proposed street plan is consistent with the AUAR Update, although modifications have been made to Avienda Parkway. Previously, Avienda Parkway looped around the inside of the development. The modification cut the loop in half. After review, staff finds that the required Planning Commission Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development – Planning Case 2017-10 June 2, 2020 Page 9 of 23 connectivity addressed in the AUAR Update is still being met with the proposed street layout, and the modification decreases the amount of right-of-way the city would have to maintain. Bluff Creek Boulevard connects to the intersection with Powers Boulevard and the TH 212 ramp. The connection to Sunset Trail is made to the north, and the connection to The Preserve at Bluff Creek development is made by extending Mills Drive. These connections are tied together by the proposed Avienda Parkway. The applicant shall show the road profiles and a horizontal alignment table in the plan set for all public roads prior to final plat. The plans for public streets shall be deigned to Municipal State Aid Standards and approved by the Minnesota Department of Transportation. The public roads constructed with this development are: Bluff Creek Boulevard, Avienda Parkway, Sunset Trail and Mills Drive. All other roads and drives constructed with this development will be privately owned and maintained. All public streets are proposed to have a speed limit of 30 mph. As large, landscaped boulevards are proposed, the applicant shall add a note to the typical sections to identify a corridor for installation of private utilities such as buried power, communication, gas, etc. Bluff Creek Boulevard The extension of Bluff Creek Boulevard is proposed to have a similar cross section to the existing segment it connects to; one lane each direction with a treed median. The thru lane width varies with turn lanes at intersections. Roundabouts will be constructed at the intersection with Avienda Parkway along with a roundabout for the future build-out of private accesses just west of Powers Boulevard and Bluff Creek Boulevard. These roundabouts promote traffic calming while carrying the anticipated volumes of traffic. The extension of Bluff Creek Boulevard will be a minor collector, per the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Avienda Parkway Avienda Parkway is proposed to be a 36-foot wide roadway with a two-way left-turn lane. A roundabout will be constructed at the intersection with Sunset Trail. Staff recommends the applicant look at adding traffic calming measures to Avienda Parkway at Lots 1 and 2, Block 3 and Lot 9, Block 4. Specifically, the applicant shall look to incorporate pedestrian-friendly crossing features to the intersections at Mills Drive and Avienda Parkway, and where private drives intersect Avienda Parkway. Mills Drive The applicant shall ensure the width of Mills Drive matches with the existing Mills Drive section in The Preserve at Bluff Creek. The extension of Mills Drive is required to provide a secondary access to The Preserve at Bluff Creek development, which is an approximately 2000-foot long Planning Commission Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development – Planning Case 2017-10 June 2, 2020 Page 10 of 23 cul-de-sac that currently has a temporary emergency access onto Lyman Boulevard. The developer of The Preserve at Bluff Creek 6th Addition will remove the temporary emergency access onto Lyman Boulevard once the Mills Drive connection is constructed. Further review of the final design and alignment of Mills Drive and any proposed private drives will be evaluated prior to final plat. A traffic study may be required to ensure adequate access management guidelines are adhered to. Sunset Trail Sunset Trail is a 44-foot wide roadway that consists of two 15-foot thru lanes and a 14-foot turn lane and serves as the northern access to the site off Lyman Boulevard. The east and south leg of the roundabout will be private streets to accommodate access through the center of the development while the west leg is the connection to Avienda Parkway. When future lots apply for site plan approval, these private streets will be constructed. STREET LIGHTING The applicant has not submitted a street lighting plan at this time. The project shall include street lighting per City Code. Decorative street lights are permissible with a maintenance agreement. SIDEWALKS AND TRAILS The applicant proposes a series of public and private trails and sidewalks throughout the development. All proposed trails and sidewalks within the public right-of-way will be owned and maintained by the city and shall adhere to the city’s standard specifications and details. All other pedestrian walks and corridors will be privately owned and maintained. ADA-compliant pedestrian ramps shall be constructed at all intersections and median refuges per the MnDOT standard details. RETAINING WALLS No retaining walls are proposed with the initial phase of this development, however it is possible that several retaining walls will be required around two perimeter locations to the north in subsequent phases of the development. If retaining walls will be installed in subsequent phases they shall be privately owned and maintained. As these potential retaining walls would be greater than four feet, they must be constructed in accordance with plans prepared by a registered engineer and be constructed of a durable material (smooth face concrete/poured in place, masonry/mortared, railroad ties and timber, and boulders are prohibited). Also, a fence or other barrier is required at any location where a wall is greater than 6 feet tall and within 10 feet of a public right of way. Staff recommends the applicant work with residents of The Preserve at Bluff Creek to remove the retaining wall along the shared property line and replace with a graded berm. Planning Commission Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development – Planning Case 2017-10 June 2, 2020 Page 11 of 23 SANITARY SEWER MAIN The plans show two separate sanitary systems to service this development. The first will ultimately service portions of Block 4 and the homes proposed for Lot 1, Block 2 and Lot 1, Block 3 from a stub constructed near the northeast corner of the site. The homes shall tie-in to the 8-inch PVC sanitary main proposed under Mills Drive and the abutting private street. An 8-inch stub will be constructed to Sunset Trail and Lyman Boulevard for future extension to service the existing parcels on Sunset Trail north of Lyman Boulevard. The rest of the development will be serviced by sanitary sewer that will extend from the stub under existing Bluff Creek Boulevard. The sanitary main will be constructed under Bluff Creek Boulevard and Avienda Parkway and will consist of 8-inch diameter PVC. Sanitary structures along Bluff Creek Boulevard shall be moved out of the landscaped median and into the center of the eastbound travel lane for future maintenance access considerations. Further review of the final placement of the sanitary sewer main and its appurtenances will be conducted prior to final plat in order to ensure adequate easements for future maintenances activities. All sanitary sewer main constructed within the right-of-way in this project shall be publically owned and maintained. Private sanitary main must be constructed to meet the city’s requirements for public utilities. The plans shall use the most recent Chanhassen standard detail plates and specifications, which are available on the city’s website. The previously proposed design grades for sanitary pipe were set at the minimum slopes per the 10-State Standard for design. However, staff advised that setting the design grade to this minimum is not advisable. The plan must have a design grade that the developer and engineer are confident that the construction process will achieve the minimum. If the grade is flatter than the 10-State Standard at the time utility acceptance is requested, the city will require the sanitary sewer be excavated and reconstructed to meet the grade requirement. Staff recommended use of design grade 0.10% above the required minimum, which the new plans have incorporated. WATER MAIN Water main for the development is proposed to connect from a 12” stub under the existing Bluff Creek Boulevard. The developer proposes 12” PVC C900 water main to be extended under Bluff Creek Boulevard and Avienda Parkway, with an 8” main constructed under Sunset Trail for future extension. A 12” connection from the intersection of Bluff Creek Boulevard and Powers Boulevard will loop the internal water system. The development will be required to complete the water main loop abutting the north property line along Lyman Boulevard which was previously stubbed pending future development. Additional water main stubs to serve the interior of the development have been proposed and shall be provided by the developer. Planning Commission Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development – Planning Case 2017-10 June 2, 2020 Page 12 of 23 Water main constructed within the right-of-way in this project shall be publically owned and maintained. All water main throughout the development must be constructed to meet the city’s requirements for public utilities. The plan shall use the most recent Chanhassen standard detail plates and specifications, which are available on the city’s website. Further review of the final placement of the water main and its appurtenances will be conducted prior to final plat and/or permitting in order to ensure adequate easements for future maintenances activities. STORMWATER The applicant has submitted a stormwater management report produced by Steven E. Sabraski, P.E. (MN License No. 47165) with Landform, dated May 1, 2020. The applicant proposed treatment of stormwater runoff with the use of pretreatment devices such as hydrodynamic separators, sump manholes with baffles, or water quality settlement basins prior to discharge to open air filtration/infiltration basins. As development continues to build-out and as parcels are developed, the basins will be converted to underground rock beds with distribution piping to provide the requisite filtration/infiltration capacity. The developer is proposing to take ownership and maintenance responsibilities of all stormwater facilities throughout the entire development. The report provides analysis and modeling results (HydroCAD, P8, etc.) that illustrates the feasibility of the overall design and meets the most restrictive rules of the underlying jurisdictional bodies (city, Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, etc.): Rate Control – proposed discharge rates do not exceed the existing rates for the 2-year, 10-year, 100-year, 24-hour rainfalls and the 10-day, 100-year snow melt. Water Quality – design modeled to illustrate the city’s non-degradation rules are met along with MPCA requirements for removing TSS and TP. Volume Abstraction – the design abstracts 1.1 inches of runoff from the impervious areas ultimately 60.81 acres) of the site. Storm Sewer Pipe – sized adequately to convey for a 10-year storm. Emergency Overflows – sized adequately for extreme events. Low Floor Elevations – at least 3.0 feet above the 100-year HWL and 1.5 feet above the emergency overflows. The applicant has submitted the updated plans to Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District RPBCWD) to ensure their previous approvals from the district are still met. Ultimately, all conditions, comments, and applicable permits required by RPBCWD and other underlying jurisdictional bodies shall be adhered to, including Article VII, Chapter 19 of the City Code. ASSESSMENTS The home units must pay a water and sanitary service partial hook-up fee when Lots and Blocks are replatted at the rate in place at that time. The remaining hook-up fees would be paid with the building permits. Planning Commission Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development – Planning Case 2017-10 June 2, 2020 Page 13 of 23 The developer shall work with the Building Department to determine the city SAC and WAC fees for commercial and multi-family buildings. The hook-up fees for commercial and multi- family buildings are due with the building permit at the rate in place at that time. The developer shall escrow any required funds for the installation or improvement of traffic signals as required by Carver County, and based on Carver County’s cost participation policy as published on their website. WETLAND ALTERATION PERMIT Level 7 Development, LLC, received a Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) permit from the City of Chanhassen as the Local Government Unit (LGU) for the WCA. The developer was approved to impact 4.4659 acres of WCA regulated wetland. Information on the Wetland Alteration Permit can be found on the city’s website in the Avienda Development page. The project impacts the following wetlands: Wetland Number Wetland Type Wetland Acreage Impact Acreage (fill and excavate) Fill or Excavate Wetland Management Class Wetland 1 1, 3 1.001 1.001 F Manage 2 Wetland 1/2 1, 2 0.1860 0.1860 F Manage 2 Wetland 2 1, 2, 5 2.2569 2.2569 F Manage 2 Wetland 3 1 0.6696 0 NA Manage 2 Wetland 4 1 0.1253 0.1253 F Manage 2 Wetland 5 1 0.3483 0.3483 F Manage 3 Wetland 6 1 0.2514 0.2514 E (for pond) Manage 2 Wetland 7 1 0.0150 0.0150 F Manage 3 Wetland 8 1 0.0844 0.0844 F Manage 3 Wetland 9 1 0.0985 0.0985 E (for pond_ Manage 3 Wetland 10 1 0.0740 0 NA Preserve TOTAL 5.2095 4.4659 ARTICLE XXXI. - BLUFF CREEK OVERLAY DISTRICT Planning Commission Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development – Planning Case 2017-10 June 2, 2020 Page 14 of 23 With the approval of the 2017 Preliminary Plat, the City Council approved the CUP to allow grading for the connection of Bluff Creek Boulevard. This CUP will be reaffirmed with City Council approval of the revised preliminary plan and PUD. Properties within the Bluff Creek Overlay District are subject to the following requirements: 1. A conditional use permit is required prior to all subdivisions, site plans, land alteration and building within the Bluff Creek Overlay District. 2. Bluffs must be preserved as set forth in Article XXVIII of City Code. 3. Density transfers can be used to cluster development in areas where the location of the primary zone makes portions of the site unsuitable for development. 4. Natural habitat areas within the primary zone must be preserved as open space. 5. The primary zone must be 100 percent open space. 6. All structures must be set back at least 40 feet from the primary zone. 7. The first 20 feet of the setback from the primary zone cannot be disturbed. 8. Development projects. City Council approved the following conditions: a. The developer shall dedicate the Conservation Easement containing the Bluff Creek Primary Zone to the city. b. The developer shall provide the city with a management for this area and submit to the city for review. c. Monuments indicating the Bluff Creek Overlay District shall be placed at every other property corner and at an angle of deflection greater than seven percent, but in no case shall they be greater than 150 feet apart. d. The development shall not encroach into the Bluff Creek Primary Zone except for access driveways. e. All buildings and other structures including parking shall be outside the Bluff Creek Overlay District. The developer shall comply with the with the 40-foot primary zone setback and preserve or create a 20-foot buffer from the primary zone. f. The buffer will be required to have a vegetation management plan and soil amendments. Landscaping Comments The design narrative submitted by the applicant references resilient plantings and responsible resource use as goals and standards of the development. To this end, it is expected that proposed landscaping and preserved green space exemplify the latest best management practices. In this regard, tree preservation, boulevard and foundation plantings, turf expanses, and irrigation needs should demonstrate a higher standard than the average residential/commercial/office development. Including topsoil and soil amendments to insure healthy plantings, specifying landscape plants that are suited for the site conditions, installing a reuse irrigation system, including specifications for the irrigation system, incorporating parking lot raingardens, and Planning Commission Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development – Planning Case 2017-10 June 2, 2020 Page 15 of 23 minimizing impact to the Bluff Creek Overlay Primary Zone will all assist with elevating the project standards. The lower southwest corner of the site is part of the Bluff Creek Overlay District, an area intended for preservation and restoration. This wooded corner within the Primary Zone contains a native upland forest dominated by oaks, but also filled with elms, basswood, black cherry and ash. This area serves as a stormwater, habitat, clean air and carbon sequestration management area. According to city ordinance, ‘the purpose of the District is to protect the Bluff Creek Corridor, wetlands, bluffs, and significant stands of mature trees; promote innovative development techniques such as cluster development and open space subdivisions…’ With this intent, the developer has placed a Conservation Easement over the area to protect it in perpetuity and is in the process of recording the easement. Staff recommends that monument signs indicating the Bluff Creek Overlay District be placed at every property corner and angles with no more than 150 feet apart. The proposed landscape plan submitted includes boulevard plantings within and along the public collector roads. The existing Bluff Creek Boulevard incorporates landscaped medians and roundabout as well as boulevard trees along the trails. The city’s experience with the existing landscaping along Bluff Creek Boulevard has proven to be a higher maintenance input than other streets within the community. The landscape medians work well enough when they are planted with trees and mulched. Including shrubs and perennials creates maintenance needs that burden ongoing management for streets and parks. Trash that becomes trapped in the plantings, weed growth among the plantings, pruning and plant replacement all become continuing maintenance issues and frustrate the neighbors and the city. Staff recommends that any median landscaping be kept simple and low maintenance if it is within the public right-of-way. The boulevard tree landscape plan will need to be expanded to meet species diversity as guided by city ordinance. The city allows no more than 20% of the total trees should be from any one genus and no more than 10% should be from any one species. Additionally, species selection should be based on the site conditions – clay, alkaline, droughty soils. Parking lot, perimeter, foundation, and open space landscaping will need to meet minimum city requirements and, ideally, exceed those requirements. As drawn on the submitted plans, the parking lot design is denoting only half as many landscape islands as would be required by ordinance. Installing only 50% of the landscaping leaves large expanses of unadorned, heat- accumulating, blank pavement. The intent of city ordinances is to eliminate vast, unaesthetic parking areas. This site is ideal for incorporating resilient landscaping that serves to create a pleasing environment, trap stormwater and reduce water use. Large planting beds that can act as stormwater features and allow for optimal tree and plant growth as well as elevated aesthetics should be incorporated. Maplewood Mall should serve as an example of parking areas that endeavor to minimize the detrimental effects of impervious surfaces. For a local example, the Chaska Curling Center has successfully designed a parking lot that includes aesthetically pleasing landscaping treatments as well as stormwater management. Planning Commission Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development – Planning Case 2017-10 June 2, 2020 Page 16 of 23 If the proposed plan remains committed to individual landscape islands, then silva cells, engineered soil or other accommodations must be used in order to insure the survival of the trees. A reuse watering system should be considered to irrigate plantings. With the amount of impervious surface on site, adequate reservoirs of stormwater runoff will exist to serve the irrigation needs of the site. Foundation plantings will be expected for all buildings on site and residential landscaping requirements will also need to be met for those specific areas. To meet the design goals as stated in the narrative, overall tree cover should be at least 20-25% or higher in commercial areas and a minimum of 30-35% or higher in residential areas. Carver County Comments (from letter dated May 21, 2020) Carver County has submitted a letter regarding compliance addressing access controls on to county roads. This letter is similar to the letter from the 2017 preliminary approval. The developer will be required to adhere to the county’s conditions. Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDot) Letter (dated May 20, 2020) The Minnesota Department of Transportation has submitted a letter regarding compliance with their Noise and Water Resources (drainage requirement). This letter is similar to the letter from the 2017 preliminary approval. The developer will be required to adhere to MnDot’s conditions. Park and Trail Planning Commission Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development – Planning Case 2017-10 June 2, 2020 Page 17 of 23 1. Incorporate meaningful park-like places, including the provision of appropriate recreation equipment, site furnishings, and landscaping adjacent to residential components. 2. Preserve the woodlands identified in the Bluff Creek Overlay District. Provide a blanket trail easement over the entire preserved area to accommodate the installation of natural surface public trails. 3. Provide an attractive public trail connection from the north entering the Bluff Creek Overlay District. 4. Incorporate traffic calming into all pedestrian crossing locations. 5. Full park dedication fees shall be collected per city ordinance in lieu of requiring parkland dedication. RECOMMENDATIONS The City Council recommends approval of Planning Case #2017-19 to rezone 118+/-acres of property zoned A-2, Agricultural Estate District, to Regional Commercial – PUD Subdivision contingent upon final plat approval, as shown in plans from Landform dated April 14, 2017 and June 12, 2017 and adoption of the Findings of Fact and Recommendation” PUD The City Council approve the Rezoning of 118+/- acres, from Agricultural Estate District, A-2, to PUD Regional Commercial including “Exhibit A Avienda Design Standards”. SUBDIVISION The City Council approve the Subdivision Preliminary Plat creating 19 lots, 3 outlots and dedication of public right-of-way, plans prepared by Landform dated May 1, 2020, subject to the following conditions: Engineering 1. If subsequent phases require retaining walls they shall be privately owned and maintained. 2. As large, landscaped boulevards are proposed, the applicant shall add a note to the typical sections to identify a corridor for installation of private utilities such as power, communication, gas, etc. Planning Commission Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development – Planning Case 2017-10 June 2, 2020 Page 18 of 23 3. The applicant shall show the road profiles and a horizontal alignment table in the plan set for all public roads prior to final plat. 4. The public roads constructed with this development are: Bluff Creek Boulevard, Avienda Parkway, Sunset Trail and Mills Drive. All other roads and drives constructed with this development will be privately owned and maintained. 5. The applicant proposes an Ultimate Plan for the Bluff Creek intersection with Powers Boulevard that includes two-lane entry into the roundabout. The city requires this Ultimate Plan be constructed at this time, but the roadway can be striped for one-lane only. 6. Staff recommends the applicant add traffic calming measures to Avienda Parkway near the residential areas of development. Specifically, the applicant shall incorporate pedestrian-friendly crossing features to the intersection at Mills Drive and Avienda Parkway. 7. Trails and pedestrian walks not located within public right-of-way shall be privately owned and maintained. 8. ADA-compliant pedestrian ramps shall be constructed at all intersections and median refuges per the MnDOT standard details. 9. Sanitary and water main structures shall not be located within landscaped medians or roundabouts. Final review of the location of sanitary sewer mains and water mains, and their appurtenances, will be conducted prior to final plat and/or permitting. 10. All sanitary and water mains constructed within the right-of-way shall be publically owned and maintained. 11. Private sanitary and water mains shall inspected and constructed to meet the city’s requirements for public utilities. 12. The developer will be required to complete the water main loop along Lyman Boulevard. 13. Permanent stormwater management controls and the associated permits are required in accordance with all underlying jurisdictional authorities, including but not limited to the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District, prior to construction activities. 14. The applicant must provide a figure clearly identifying the areas to be irrigated with areas quantified, which is not included in the current plans. Planning Commission Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development – Planning Case 2017-10 June 2, 2020 Page 19 of 23 15. The portion of the development with single-family housing must pay a water and sanitary service partial hook-up fee at a rate in place at the time of replat. The remaining hook-up fees would be paid with the building permits. 16. The developer shall work with the Building Department to determine the city SAC and WAC fees for commercial and multi-family buildings. The hook-up fees for commercial and multi-family buildings are due with the building permit at the rate in place at that time. 17. The developer shall adhere to all conditions and comments associated with the Carver County’s review memos (dated May 9, 2018 and May 21, 2020), including to escrow any required funds for the installation or improvement of traffic signals as required by Carver County. 18. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that permits are received from all other agencies with jurisdiction over the project (i.e. Army Corps of Engineers, DNR, MnDot, Carver County, RPBC Watershed District, Board of Water and Soil Resources, PCA, etc.). 19. A drainage and utility easement shall be placed over any outlots. 20. The developer shall dedicate the Conservation Easement containing the Bluff Creek Primary Zone to the city. Landscaping 1. Parking lot islands shall be linear areas incorporating planting area and stormwater management. 2. If the applicant chooses to install the minimum requirement sizes of parking lot landscaping islands, then silva cells, engineered soil or other accommodations must be used. 3. No more than 20% of the total trees should be from any one genus and no more than 10% should be from any one species. 4. A reuse watering system should be considered to irrigate all plantings within the site. 5. Drought tolerant plants shall be incorporate into the overall landscape plan. 6. Proposed landscaping plant materials shall be selected based on site conditions. Planning Commission Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development – Planning Case 2017-10 June 2, 2020 Page 20 of 23 7. At a minimum, overall tree cover should be at least 20-25% or higher in commercial areas and a minimum of 30-35% or higher in residential areas. 8. Any landscaping located within the ROW shall be covered by an encroachment and maintenance agreement. Park and Trail 1. Incorporate meaningful park-like places, including the provision of appropriate recreation equipment, site furnishings, and landscaping adjacent to residential components. 2. Preserve the woodlands identified in the Bluff Creek Overlay District. Provide a blanket trail easement over the entire preserved area to accommodate the installation of natural surface public trails. 3. Provide an attractive public trail connection from the north entering the Bluff Creek Overlay District. 4. Incorporate traffic calming into all pedestrian crossing locations. 5. Full park dedication fees shall be collected per city ordinance in lieu of requiring parkland dedication. Building Official Comments 1. The buildings are required to have automatic fire extinguishing systems. 2. A final grading plan and soils report must be submitted to the Inspections Division before permits can be issued. 3. Retaining walls over 4 feet high require a building permit and must be designed by a professional engineer. 4. Building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. 5. Building plans (when submitted) must include a code analysis that contains the following information: Key Plan, Occupancy Group, Type of Construction, Allowable Height and Area, Fire Sprinklers, Separated or Non-Separated, Fire Resistive Elements (Exterior walls, Bearing walls - exterior or interior, Shaft, Incidental Use), Occupant Load, Exits Required Common Path, Travel distance), Minimum Plumbing Fixture Count. Planning Commission Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development – Planning Case 2017-10 June 2, 2020 Page 21 of 23 6. Detailed occupancy related requirements will be addressed when complete building plans are submitted. 7. Structure proximity to property lines (and other buildings) will have an impact on the Code requirements for the proposed building, including but not limited to allowable size, protected openings and fire-resistive construction. These requirements will be addressed when complete building and site plans are submitted. 8. Every building, containing any plumbing fixtures and/or receptors, must have its own independent connection with a public or private sewer, except that a group of buildings may be connected to one or more manholes which are constructed on the premises and connected to a public or private sewer. (MSPC 713.0) 9. The developer must submit a list of proposed street names for review and approval prior to final plat of the property. Fire Department Comments At the time of site plan, review the design for the private street, adjacent to the preservation area that accesses the Senior Housing and Townhouses needs to accommodate for emergency apparatus. Conditional Use Permit The Conditional Use Permit was already approved and will be reaffirmed with the revised preliminary plat with City Council approvals. The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve the Conditional Use Permit to encroach into the Primary Zone and required buffer for the construction of Bluff Creek Boulevard subject to conditions in the staff report: 1. The developer shall dedicate the Conservation Easement containing the Bluff Creek Primary Zone to the city. 2. The developer shall provide the city with a management plan for the area and submit to the city for review. 3. Monuments indicating the Bluff Creek Overlay District shall be placed at every other property corner and at an angle of deflection greater than seven percent, but in no case shall they be greater than 150 feet apart. 4. The developer shall not encroach into the Bluff Creek Primary Zone. Planning Commission Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development – Planning Case 2017-10 June 2, 2020 Page 22 of 23 5. The developer shall comply with the with the 40-foot Primary Zone setback and preserve or create a 20 foot buffer from the Primary Zone. 6. The buffer will be required to have a vegetation management plan and soil amendments. Wetland Alteration Permit The Wetland Alteration Permit was already approved will be reaffirmed with the revised preliminary plat with City Council approvals. The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve the Wetland Alteration Permit to 4.4659 acres of permanent wetland impacts subject to conditions: 1. The applicant needs to supply the needed additional information to the city. The additional information is needed to determine if the project meets the WCA requirements. 2. A Technical Evaluation Panel (TEP) meeting is needed to review the application. 3. If the application is deemed to meet the avoidance and minimization criteria of the WCA, a mitigation plan that adequately replaces wetland functions and values is needed. 4. City staff has reviewed mitigation options. City staff recommends the applicant provide wetland mitigation via the purchase of wetland bank credits, at a ratio of 2:1, in accordance with WCA requirements. This condition has been met - see attachment. 5. The applicant shall contribute $300,000 to the city for water quality improvement projects within the watershed. FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission also adopts the attached Findings of Fact and Decesion. ATTACHMENTS 1. Development Review Application 2. Application Narrative 3. Development Plans 4. Plat and Engineering Plans 5. Exhibit A – Avienda PUD and Sign Details 6. Avienda Design Guidelines 7. Memo from Minnesota Department of Transportation 8. Letter from Carver County Planning Commission Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development – Planning Case 2017-10 June 2, 2020 Page 23 of 23 9. Wetland Banking 10. Findings of Fact and Recommendation 11. Affidavit of Mailing g:\plan\2017 planning cases\17-10 avienda preliminary plat & pud\pc staff report.doc CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. XXX AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 20 OF THE CHANHASSEN CITY CODE, THE CITY'S ZONING ORDINANCE, BY REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN ORDAINS: Section 1. Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code, the city's zoning ordinance, is amended by rezoning the following described property below from Agricultural Estate District, A-2, to PUD Regional Commercial Avienda. Legal Description THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (S 1/2 OF SW 1/4), SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 116, RANGE 23, CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA, EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING 2 DESCRIBED TRACTS: LINE 1. COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 116, RANGE 23; THENCE RUNNING NORTH ON SECTION LINE 30 FEET; THENCE IN A STRAIGHT LINE TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH SECTION LINE OF SAID SECTION, 30 FEET EAST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE WEST 30 FEET TO SAID SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION AND PLACE OF BEGINNING, BEING A THREE CORNERED PIECE IN THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 116, RANGE 23; AND 2. THAT PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER AND THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER, BOTH IN SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 116 NORTH, RANGE 23 WEST, CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA WHICH LIES EASTERLY OF LINE 2 DESCRIBED BELOW. LINE 2. BEGINNING AT THE SOUTH QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 23; THENCE RUNNING WEST ON AN AZIMUTH OF 271 DEGREES 56 MINUTES 13 SECONDS ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 23 FOR 1634.23 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE ON AN AZIMUTH OF 00 DEGREES 43 MINUTES 24 SECONDS FOR 500.11 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE ON AN AZIMUTH OF 91 DEGREES 56 MINUTES 13 SECONDS FOR 1173.46 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE ON AN AZIMUTH OF 29 DEGREES 19 MINUTES 18 SECONDS FOR 152.11 TO A POINT; THENCE ON AN AZIMUTH OF 352 DEGREES, 57 MINUTES 23 SECONDS FOR 709.36 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER; THENCE ON AN AZIMUTH OF 91 DEGREES 23 MINUTES 02 SECONDS ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER FOR 475.37 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER AND THERE TERMINATING. Page | 2 ABSTRACT TOGETHER WITH PARCEL 1 THE NORTH 420.00 FEET OF THE EAST 414.86 FEET OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 116, RANGE 23, CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA. PARCEL 2 THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 116, RANGE 23, CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA EXCEPT FOR THE SOUTH 658.24 FEET THEREOF; AND ALSO EXCEPT THE NORTH 420.00 FEET OF THE EAST 414.86 FEET THEREOF. PARCEL 3 THE SOUTH 658.24 FEET OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 116, RANGE 23, CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA. TOGETHER WITH THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (NE 1/4 OF SW 1/4) OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 116 NORTH OF RANGE 23 WEST, CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA, EXCEPT THAT PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER NE1/4 OF SW1/4) OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 116 NORTH, RANGE 23 WEST, SHOWN AS PARCEL 64 ON MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO. 10-19, FILED 10-19-2004 AS DOCUMENT NO. 39930. DEVELOPMENT DESIGN STANDARDS A. Intent The use of planned unit developments for regional/lifestyle center commercial purposes should result in a reasonable and verifiable exchange between the city and the developer. This district is intended to provide for the development of regional and community scale integrated retail, office, business services, personal services and services to the traveling public near freeway interchanges. It shall strive to create a self-sustaining pattern of land uses with cultural, employment, entertainment, housing, shopping, and social components. The regional/lifestyle center commercial district is a mixed commercial district with retail and entertainment uses of a scale and function that serves a regional market. The physical environment emphasizes an attractive, comfortable walking experience for shoppers and visitors. It shall be designed to serve pedestrian and mass transit users as well as automobile traffic. Centers of this type, generally, have at least two major retail anchors and are characterized by the diversity of mixed retail and service uses. Uses within this district should complement existing retail users in the other commercial districts. Development of these centers shall be planned as a group of organized uses and structures to accommodate a sensitive transition between commercial activities such as loading, parking of Page | 3 automobiles, lighting and trash collection, and surrounding residential uses. Such centers shall be designed with one theme, similar architectural style, similar exterior building materials, and a coordinated landscaping theme, but shall avoid monotony in design and visual appearance. Vehicle and pedestrian access is coordinated and logically linked to provide a comprehensive circulation system. B. Design Standards Unless otherwise provided in the PUD, the design standards shall follow the Chanhassen City Code Chapter 20, Article VIII Division 1. 20-509. - STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES FOR REGIONAL/LIFESTYLE CENTER COMMERCIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS and Article XXIII, DIVISION 7. - DESIGN STANDARDS FOR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OFFICE-INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENTS. Applies to District 1, 2 and 3. Chapter 20 DIVISION 9. - DESIGN STANDARDS FOR MULTIFAMILY DEVELOPMENTS and the Avienda Development Design Guidelines. Applies to Districts 4 and 5. The Master Plan identifies five distinct districts within Avienda. Each of these districts outlined on the plan below) is defined by specific site development patterns and perhaps a Page | 4 distinctive character or image. The sub-districts complement one another as part of the overall plan. The districts are shown on the attached District Map above. They include: District 1 - Retail – provides a location for larger-scale in-line and stand-alone retail entertainment uses. District 2 - The Village – provides the broadest variety, highest density and greatest intensity of development, encouraging both vertical and horizontal mixed use. District 3 - Mixed Use – provides a location for smaller-scale retail. Serve and auto-oriented uses as well as hotels and medical/technology-related offices. Sub-District 4 - Multi-Family – provides opportunities for high density senior or rental apartments. Sub-District 5 - Low Density Residential – provides opportunities for small lot homes. C. Development Plans and Regulations The PUD must be maintained in accordance with the following development plans which are on file with the city and which are incorporated herein: 1. Preliminary Plat dated May 1, 2020 2. Development Plan dated May 1, 2020 3. Avienda Design Guidelines dated May 1, 2020 Permitted Uses 1. Entertainment: Amusement and recreation services or substantially similar as reviewed by the Design Review Committee (DRC) and the Community Development Director. 2. Retail sales: a. Department stores not to exceed 25,000 square feet per store, stores that carry an assortment of merchandise from all the other categories. Such establishments may include but are not limited to department stores, discount stores, and similar establishments. b. Supermarkets and other food and grocery stores such as butcher shops and fish markets, fruit and vegetable markets, dairy products stores, candy, nut, and confectionery stores and retail bakeries not to exceed a total of 98,000 square feet. c. Apparel and accessory stores not to exceed 20,000 square feet per store. d. Home furnishing stores selling interior decorating supplies, such as paint, light fixtures and décor. Such stores may not exceed 40,000 square feet for any single store. e. Clothing and apparel stores, including shoes, jewelry, accessories, etc. f. Drug stores and pharmacies. g. One home and furniture store which includes furniture store, home improvement center, electronic store, appliance store, and similar establishments not to exceed 50,000 square feet. h. Farmers market. Page | 5 3. Hospitality and food service establishments including: a. Bars and taverns. b. Cafes, delicatessens, food catering establishments. c. Coffee shops and cafes. d. Patio/al fresco dining facilities; Accessory to a principal use. e. Restaurants. 4. Hotels: a. One hotel is permitted in the Mixed Use District. 5. Services: a. Personal Services i. Professional offices: banking, insurance, legal services and real estate, etc. ii. Financial institutions. iii. Health and recreation clubs, instructions and services. iv. Health services: Offices of doctors, dentists, optometrists, etc. v. Dry cleaning, laundry and garment services. b. One daycare center, childcare centers, preschools and Montessori school, not to exceed a total of 16,000 square feet for all such uses. 6. Housing: Residential development in the regional/lifestyle center commercial PUD may only occur in multiple-family dwellings. a. Senior housing developments are limited to two sites and are not to exceed 150 units per building. Senior housing (55 Plus) includes owner, rental or service enriched. b. Low Density Residential homes, District 5, shall be a Density of 3-6 units an acre and can include detached townhomes and twin homes. 7. Other uses: a. Retail businesses or service establishments that generally provide commodities or services and that are judged by the Community Development Director (1) to be similar in character and operation to the permitted uses described above; (2) to be closely complementary and to enhance the permitted uses; and (3) to be compatible with the intent and purposes of the Avienda Village Regional Lifestyle Center PUD. b. Drive-through accessory to a permitted use. (A maximum of four shall be permitted in Avienda. One drive-thru associated with the supermarket use and two drive-thrus in the Mixed Use District and one in the Village Retail District.) 8. Prohibited Uses a. Auto related including gas stations, tires repair etc. b. Truck, motorcycles, boats, etc. sales. c. Club warehouse including wholesale. 9. Other comparable or superior materials may be approved by the DRC and the Community Development Director. Page | 6 D. Minimum Setbacks Building setbacks shall follow Chapter 20, Article VIII Division 1. 20-509. - STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES FOR REGIONAL/LIFESTYLE CENTER COMMERCIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS. Setbacks may be waived by the City Council when it is demonstrated that environmental protection and design will be enhanced. E. Development Site Coverage and Building Height 1. The PUD standard for hard surface coverage is 70% for the overall development. Individual lots may exceed this threshold. 2. More than one (1) principal structure may be placed on one (1) platted lot. 3. The maximum building height shall be: a. Retail District - 1 story b. Village District Apartment - 5 stories (excluding underground parking) Retail - 1 story Restaurants - 1 story Entertainment - 1 story c. Mixed Use District Hotel - 3 stories (excluding underground parking) Retail - 1 story Offices - 3 stories (excluding underground parking) d. Multi-family District - 3 stories/40 feet (excluding underground parking) e. Low Density Housing District - 35 feet F. Parking Requirements 1. Parking shall follow Chanhassen City Code ARTICLE XXIV. - OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING. 2. There is no minimum parking setback when it abuts, without being separated by a street, another off-street parking area. 3. Code Drive-Thru Facilities. Drive-thrus must comply with the standard of the City Code 20-963 and where appropriate, the city and developer may prepare a vehicle stacking study to determine whether more of less stacking shall be required for a particular use. G. Landscaping Plan An overall landscaping plan is required. The plan shall contain the following: 1. Boulevard plantings. Located in front yards shall require a mix of over-story trees and other plantings consistent with the site. Landscaped berms shall be provided to screen the site from major roadways, railroads and less intensive land uses. In place of mass grading for building pads and roads, stone or decorative blocks retaining walls shall be employed as required to preserve mature trees and the site's natural topography. 2. Exterior landscaping and double-fronted lots. Landscaped berms shall be provided to buffer the site and lots from major roadways, railroads, and less intensive uses. Similar measures shall be Page | 7 provided for double-fronted lots. Where necessary to accommodate this landscaping, additional lot depth may be required. 3. Foundation and yard plantings. A minimum budget or plan for foundation plants shall be established and approved by the city. As each parcel is developed in the PUD, the builder shall be required to install plant materials meeting or exceeding the required budget or prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy or provide financial guarantees acceptable to the city. 4. Tree preservation. Tree preservation is a primary goal of the PUD. A detailed tree survey should be prepared during the design of the PUD and the plans should be developed to maximize tree preservation. 5. No fences shall be permitted between the required landscape buffer and arterial and collector roads. H. Signage The intent of this section is to establish an effective means of communication in the development, maintain and enhance the aesthetic environment and the business’s ability to attract sources of economic development and growth, to improve pedestrian and traffic safety, to minimize the possible adverse effect of signs on nearby public and private property, and to enable the fair and consistent enforcement of these sign regulations. It is the intent of this section, to promote the health, safety, general welfare, Page | 8 aesthetics, and image of the community by regulating signs that are intended to communicate to the public, and to use signs which meet the city's goals: 1. Establish standards which permit businesses a reasonable and equitable opportunity to advertise their name and service. 2. Preserve and promote civic beauty, and prohibit signs which detract from this objective because of size, shape, height, location, condition, cluttering or illumination. 3. Ensure that signs do not create safety hazards. 4. Ensure that signs are designed, constructed, installed and maintained in a manner that does not adversely impact public safety or unduly distract motorists. 5. Preserve and protect property values. 6. Ensure signs that are in proportion to the scale of, and are architecturally compatible with, the principal structures. 7. Limit temporary commercial signs and advertising displays which provide an opportunity for grand opening and occasional sales events while restricting signs which create continuous visual clutter and hazards at public right-of-way intersections. 8. All sign shall comply with the city sign ordinance ARTICLE XXVI. – SIGNS unless otherwise permitted in this document. 1. Project Identification Sign A Six project identification signs shall be permitted for the development. The location of the Project Identification signs shall be as follows: a. Southwest and southeast of the intersection of Sunset Trail and Lyman Boulevard. b. Southwest of the intersection of Powers and Lyman Boulevards. c. Northwest and southwest of the intersection of Powers and Bluff Creek Boulevards. d. The most southeasterly corner of the development facing the Highway 212. The design and dimensions of the sign shall be identical throughout the development with exception the larger sign sign facing south on to Highway 212. Page | 9 2. Off-Premise Directory Sign B Three off-premise directory signs shall be permitted for the development. The location of the off- premise directory signs shall be as follows: Southeast of the intersection of Avienda Parkway and Sunset Trail. Northwest and southwest of the intersection of Bluff Creek Boulevard and Sunset Trail. The sign architectural structure shall not exceed 19 feet in height and shall be built in accordance with the dimensions and design shown and labeled below. 1. The individual tenant sign panel area shall not exceed 8 square feet, 6 feet wide and 1’ 4” high, no more than three panels per off-premise directional sign. 2. The overall sign area shall not exceed 58 square feet. 3. The sign shall be located outside of the sight triangle and shall not interfere with the driver’s intersection sight distance. 4. The sign shall maintain a minimum of 10 feet from the back of the curb. 5. The sign shall maintain a 1.5-foot separation from trails/sidewalks. Page | 10 6. The sign shall not interfere with snow removal operations. 7. The sign shall only include the names and logos of the businesses. 8. The sign design shall compliment the design and materials of the proposed buildings. Project identification sign area shall not exceed 80 square feet in sign display area nor be greater than eight feet in height. The sign shall be setback a minimum of 10 feet from the property line and be located outside the sight distance triangle. 3. Monument Sign C a. Each lot shall be permitted one monument sign. One monument sign shall be permitted per lot with the exception of Lots 1 and 2, Block 2. These signs shall not exceed 24 square feet in sign display area nor be greater than 5 feet in height. If more than one building is on a lot, the sign must be shared. b. All monument signs shall maintain a uniform architectural design that complements the architecture of the buildings. c. These signs shall be set back a minimum of 10 feet from the property line and be located outside the sight triangle. d. All monument signs shall face the internal streets (Avienda Parkway and Bluff Creek Boulevard). Page | 11 4. Wayfinding Signs D Wayfinding signs shall be permitted along the internal street located within Lots 1 and 2, Block 5. a. The sign shall not exceed 8 feet in height. b. The sign area shall not exceed 32 square feet. c. The sign shall be located outside of the sight triangle and shall not interfere with the driver’s intersection sight distance. d. The sign shall maintain a minimum of 10 feet from the back of the curb. e. The sign shall maintain a 1.5 foot separation from trails and sidewalks. f. The sign shall not be illuminated. g. The sign shall not interfere with snow removal operations. h. The sign lettering shall not exceed 6 inches and shall have a uniform style. i. The sign shall only include the names and logos of the businesses and a directional arrow. j. The sign design shall compliment the design and materials of the proposed building. k. The sign shall not obstruct drivers’ views of any city-owned street signage or railroad signage. l. The sign will be owned and maintained by the developer. m. The applicant shall construct the sign. Page | 12 5. Wall Signs a. The location of letters and logos shall be restricted to the approved building sign bands, the tops of which shall not extend above parapet height. The letters and logos shall be restricted to a maximum of 30 inches in height. All individual letters and logos comprising each sign shall be constructed of wood, metal, or translucent facing. b. Second story illuminated signs that can be viewed from neighborhoods outside the PUD site, are prohibited. c. Tenant signage shall consist of store identification only. Copy is restricted to the tenant’s proper name and major product or service offered. Corporate logos, emblems, and similar identifying devices are permitted provided they are confined within the signage band and do not occupy more than 30% of the sign area unless the logo is the sign. d. Wall signs are limited to two elevations per building unless the area of square footage exceeds 25,000 or above in a single use. e. Single tenant buildings shall be permitted wall signs on two elevations only unless the area of square footage exceeds 25,000 or above in a single use. The size of the sign shall be based on Table 1. f. Halo Lit signs are permitted consistent with the wall area criteria, including maximum nits and only white. Page | 13 6. Projecting Sign (Wall) a. Shall be limited to the Village Retail District. b. Sign area shall not exceed 2 square feet and not project more than 2 feet from the building. 7. Festive Flags/Banners a. Flags and banners shall be permitted on approved standards attached to the building facade and on standards attached to pedestrian area lighting. b. Flags and banners shall be constructed of fabric or vinyl. c. Banners shall not contain advertising for individual users, businesses, services, or products. d. Flags and banners shall project from buildings a maximum of two feet. f. Flags and banners shall have a maximum area of 10 square feet. g. Flags and banners which are torn or excessively worn shall be removed at the request of the city. 8. Building Directory a. In multi-tenant buildings, one building directory sign may be permitted. The directory sign shall not exceed eight square feet. 9. On-Premise Directional Signs a. On-premises signs shall not be larger than four (4) square feet. The maximum height of the sign shall not exceed five (5) feet from the ground. The placement of directional signs on the property shall be so located such that the sign does not adversely affect adjacent properties including site lines or confusion of adjoining ingress or egress) or the general appearance of the site from public rights-of-way. No more than four (4) signs shall be allowed per lot. The City Council may allow additional signs in situations where access is confusing or traffic safety could be jeopardized. b. Bench signs are prohibited except at transit stops as authorized by the local transit authority. c. Signs and Graphics. Wherever possible, traffic control, directional, and other public signs should be consolidated and grouped with other street fixtures and furnishings to reduce visual clutter and to facilitate vehicular and pedestrian movement. A system of directional signs should also be established to direct traffic within the commercial area and away from residential areas. 10. Prohibited Signs a. Pylon signs. b. Back lit awnings. c. Window signs are prohibited except for company logo/symbol and not the name. Such logo shall not exceed 10% of a window area. d. Menu signs. e. Signs on roofs, dormers, and balconies. f. Billboards. Page | 14 g. Interchangeable letter boards or panels. h. Flashing signs. 11. Sign Design and Permit Requirements a. The sign treatment is an element of the architecture and thus should reflect the quality of the development. The signs should be consistent in color, size, and material and height throughout the development. A common theme will be introduced at the development's entrance monument and will be used throughout. b. All signs require a separate sign permit. c. Wall business signs shall comply with the city’s sign ordinance for the neighborhood business district for determination of maximum sign area. Wall signs may be permitted on the “street” front and primary parking lot front of each building. I. Public Realm, Streetscape The site development, streetscape character, building placement, pedestrian realm, material expression and color, stormwater utilization, building interest, lighting and walking paths shall be consistent with the Avienda Development Guidelines Dated May 1, 2020. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Chanhassen City Council this 13th day of July, 2020. ATTEST: Todd Gerhardt, Clerk/Manager Elise Ryan, Mayor Published in the Chanhassen Villager on ) g:\plan\2017 planning cases\17-10 avienda preliminary plat & pud\amended pud and concept 2020\pud ordinance amended 2020.doc Level 7 Development, LLC Chanhassen, MN PUD / PRELIMINARY PLAT AMENDMENT SUBMITTAL May 2020 PUD Amendment Narrative May 1, 2020 2 INTRODUCTION On behalf of Level 7 Development, LLC, we appreciate the opportunity to be back in front of the City to give you an update on Avienda and to request amendments to the previously approved project. As a reminder, the City Council approved the following on July 10, 2017: Preliminary plat Rezoning to PUD Conditional use permit Wetland alteration permit Level 7 Development has made strides to solve for the condition of approval for the project, secure financing and user interest, and prepare the project for grading and infrastructure improvements, but the economy and demand for specific uses have changed. Complicating these changes are the changing demand in the retail industry for bricks and mortar spaces along with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in the ownership group’s desire to propose minor site plan changes. This will help prepare the site for Phase 1 land development. To be clear, although the ownership is seeking new approvals, the commitment to a high-quality regional lifestyle center remain steadfast. This narrative outlines the major changes to our updated plans and visions for the project and seek approval for the amendment back in front of the Planning Commission and City Council in June / July 2020. SITE PLAN Level 7 Development continues to work with the City to develop a plan that fulfills the City’s vision of a high- quality regional Lifestyle Center while creating flexibility to meet the demands of the current marketplace. A Lifestyle Center creates an experience that goes beyond the traditional retail shopping experience by creating a sense of place with activity generators throughout that draws the community throughout the week for multi-purposes, not just for typical shopping trips. The project will provide opportunities for Chanhassen residents that are not currently available in the city and also draw people from the region to the city. Our plan includes a mix of high-quality detached villa homes, multi-family and senior living residential facilities, office, medical and professional services, retail, entertainment, restaurants, and hospitality. This combination of uses promotes a live, work, and play theme that will be desirable for Chanhassen and surrounding communities. Since our previous approvals, the site plan has been modified to locate the key retail activity center all within the north and central portions of the site. Residential and the office uses are strategically situated around the perimeter of the site to provide a softer transition to the adjacent residential uses. In addition, after we received feedback from retail users and in an effort to create a more pedestrian oriented retail experience, the new site plan eliminates the ring road concept in the northeast area, resulting in less public PUD Amendment Narrative May 1, 2020 3 infrastructure for the City to maintain. This also allows the project to maximize pedestrian con nectivity between the residential and retail uses, while providing for more cross -parking utility and capacity. The other key backbone infrastructure, specifically Bluff Creek Boulevard and Avienda Parkway remain intact as previously approved, providing the City with better connectivity to the neighborhoods west of Avienda. Within the retail area and into the transition area to the residential uses, Level 7 has added a “Village Green” concept that will continue to be developed as the project progresses but is envisioned to become a privately owned public outdoor gathering area for the patrons of Avienda and the public. Programming of the Village Green could range from passive landscaped uses, casual gathering or seat ing areas, or all the way to a fully activated and programmed space for outdoor fitness, a farmer’s market, music venue, or other community-based events. As this area begins to develop and users are identified, Level 7 will bring back specific design and programming proposals as part of the site plan review for this area. The final key change is the relocation of the office uses to the southeast area of Avienda, which can be developed into multiple office users and buildings or provide an opportunity for a larger scale corporate headquarters office user. Through placing the office buildings in this area, structured parking within the buildings can be efficiently designed by using the site grade change and thus resulting in the removal of the large retaining wall that was previously required for the retail uses. These office buildings are planned to be 3-4 story buildings and shown as 75,000 sf per building, resulting in a total of 225,000 sf of planned office space. Overall, the new amended PUD and planned uses results in a net reduction of approximately 170,000 sf of commercial uses from the 2017 approvals, including a net reduction of 100,000 sf of retail space, which aligns with the nationwide trends as the market demand as bricks and mortar retail is reducing. The preliminary plat showed 18 lots and three outlots. The three outlots were proposed as permanent open space. Ownership continues its plans to preserve approximately 20 acres in the southwest bluff area in a conservation easement as previously agreed. Phasing This project will be phased over time with a series of final plats to support the phased development project. All public streets will be platted with the initial plat and future phases will be platted in response to market demand. Level 7 Development is finalizing plans and securing the necessary financing to commence the Phase I work over the next 18 months, which will plat the public right-of-way and will allow mass grading and construction of all new public streets and trunk public utilities infrastructure, specifically the Bluff Creek Boulevard and Avienda Parkway connections Currently, plans for Phase II will begin with the residential areas in the western areas of the site, as these uses are in high demand. Future phases will be added and PUD Amendment Narrative May 1, 2020 4 details will be finalized as part of the site plan and final plat process to ensure consistency with the design vision for Avienda. Bluff Creek Overlay District The Council approved a conditional use permit to impact Bluff Creek Overlay District (BCOD) primary and secondary zone for construction of Bluff Creek Boulevard. The remaining approximately 20 -acres of the BOCD will be placed in a conservation easement. Stormwater Management The plans were designed to maintain the existing drainage patterns. Stormwater improvements to serve the proposed development scenarios have been designed to and will be constructed to meet the requirements of the SWMP, RPBCWD rules, and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NPDES) Phase II storm water requirements for the site as a whole. The applicant has been working with city staff on the final designs for the initial infrastructure phase. The project has previously received approvals from Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District on its stormwater permit. As part of our PUD amendment, the team has also provided RPCWD with its new plans, and will gain approvals concurrently. Wetlands – Wetland Alteration Permit A wetland delineation was completed with the original approvals for the property and the LGU (City of Chanhassen) concurred with the delineation. Wetlands 3, 4, 6 and 10 will be preserved and will comply with the wetland buffer requirements. The ownership group has previously purchased the wetland bank credits for the wetlands that could not be reasonably saved or mitigated. PUD AMENDMENT The major site plan modifications have been described in previous sections. In addition, attached to this application is the Avienda Design Guidelines, which establish the design parameters for the project to create a consistent design theme for future owners and users of the project. These guidelines will be used to describe design preferences, illustrate design intent, and set the framework for review of future site plan and architectural reviews. The guidelines are not intended to be a prescribed solution but promote creative design options for the variety of uses throughout Avienda. Some of the key components of the Design Guidelines are: Streetscape Parking Architecture PUD Amendment Narrative May 1, 2020 5 Signage (building and site) Public spaces While each use within Avienda has different design and operational requirements, the Design Guidelines tailor the design approach in each district, while providing a consistent theme throughout the project. The district areas are shown below in the graphic and further definitions of our appro ach can be found in the Design Guidelines: Finally, the Phase I plat will simply be to allow construction of the public infrastructure and complete mass grading to the allow those improvements. Future phases and plats will be brought before the planning commission and City Council for approval as projects begin to develop. SCHEDULE Level 7 Development’s had full intention to begin grading and constructing public infrastructure this summer, but as we all have been impacted by the pandemic, so has the potential end users. Level 7 already owns the property and with your approval of this PUD Amendment, it allows the flexibility to move forward with the project into Phase 1, either in late summer / fall 2020 or early spring 2021. The key dates are as follows and we ask for the Council’s help to keep the project moving so that we can break ground yet this year: 1. City Submittal for Phase 1 preliminary plat (public infrastructure and grading) a. Submit to the City – May 1 b. Planning Commission – June 6, 2020 PUD Amendment Narrative May 1, 2020 6 c. City Council approval – July 13, 2020 2. Final Plat Submittal for Phase 1 a. Submit to City – August 12, 2020 b. Planning Commission – September 15, 2020 c. City Council Approval – September 28, 2020 3. Anticipated City Submittal for Phase II plat, site plan a. Submit to City – June 15, 2021 b. Planning Commission – July 2021 c. City Council Approval - August 2021 SUMMARY We look forward to providing an update to the Council at the June 22nd Work Session and look forward to continued Council support for Avienda at the Council meeting on July 13th. CONTACT INFORMATION This document was prepared by: Kendra Lindahl, AICP Landform 105 South Fifth Avenue, Suite 513 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Any additional questions regarding this application can be directed to Kendra Lindahl at klindahl@landform.net or 612.638.0225. APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPTENT REVIEW Subinflal Dale s/' lJo R*t aottP A,qri.h rgp,{'tb| Ch'{trd tu n ComPnah€rrsiv€ Plan Anorldm€nt.' E Minor MUSA lha for [EiliE oo{:ib 8€}E s ..... E Corditional Use Po.mit (CUP) qi!d 600 31m 3325 9125 lufrd ffi*n drer rrrla @rwv,rtbffiit E srtdivb.m (suB) tra Create 3 lols or less s300 trtr Sirlgle Family Resuence cr€ato ovd 3 loG....-................3600 + l't5 Por bl t2_totsllbr6 & Bourb (2 lots).........................-.....'..3300 cor'.olidste Lc"' """"""'3150AllOlh€rs E lr*e.ln Us. P€'ti[ (UP) E ln cqrJrnctiott wiot ShoFFstfy R.sir$ce.. E A[ otte6........ E R.Ddng (ReZ) Lot Line Ad,usfn€nt. Filal Pbt.................. 150 700 s325 s425 lndud€s 349) escrow lor stlomey cosb)' ilddirc e* ,ry b. t!$r!d b odEr l,otcaair.rs tlrcrrfh tha da,.a$,t rf coor.ct Pbnd Unit Developm€nt (PUO)3750 E vacdio.r d Easdrr€.tts/Ri9t*d*av (vAC)"""" 3300 31OO (r\.t(fr.tlrE*re lgmry.9dy) Mino. tuiendmenl to oristing PUD All Ohers """"'-""""""" " "" t50o E variance Nea)........................................-........... $m E W€dand AlErdio.l Pormit (w E Sfrgb-Famfy nosk ence E el ouprs........ AP) E Sne Pbn Revi€u (sPR) 100 s00 0150 327strtrAdmiislraliYo..-....Commerciaulnrrusfial Districts'O zoniu lppeel s100 Plus 310 p€r '1,0O0 squar6 ft€t of hrilding area:( thoGsnd squara bet) rrcfrb .rrnb.. oaf&ll! dtlt.o}!6. D ZoniU OOinanca Arn€ndn€nt (ZOA)$500 lrfrb tlt dOE qrrbtlra: tr necden0d rrlficls- .......35@ Pfrs 35 Fr drtlE urrl ( uttts) I{qIE: fxll llrdd?l. TDfc.6qE ,! FoG."'d 'dtottutfy'E-mrqrrrr rrr ol b. cltfd to...ch ' ePlc'ton' 0 ProPedy Oxnors' Li6t witfn 5O0' (crv b grrE* Jb. F Pdi'io' nE tl') t 153 aOOresses) 350 perdocumentEEEcrilbfR@.ditg Oocumofits (cfi6d( ax thtl El Conatond Usa Par* D vacaon E uaes a gomds Subdivico.t (3 &c..) Permit trtr D( eassrn€nts)OccdE 31.489.00TOTALFEE: Doscridion of Proposal: Am€ndm€nt lo 0l€ epprovsd PUD #2017-10 Prop€rty Address or Location: SA, Corn€r of Pourors Bhd and Lyrllan Bh,{ Parcd ,t]ryl@!g!- Logal O€scriPlbn So€ Atlscfied Total Acreage:115.50 W€dan.1" Prss€r ? El Y65 E No Plann d Unit O€vsfrprneflt (PUD) Pr6€nt Land Use O€signation:Comrn€rci8l Requ€stod Land U6€ D€signatbn: Exbting Use ol Proporty:Single lamily home and agriqjltural uses ElCtrecf Uox it seperato narralive is atiach€d Comrnercial OO XUI{ITY DEVELOP El{T DEPARTTET{T Planning Division - 7700 Mafi€l Boulevard Mailing Addr6s - P.O. Box 147. Chanhasson. MN 55317 Phone: (952) 227-130O / Fax: (952) 227-1110 CITYOTCHNHASSII{ rc *, !2tp'cc o.", l-.,/a3u.llL|> Goo.v R,kr orr:t lzc,I,v Sito Plan Agrc€ment Woltar|d Altsrstbn Permit pr€sont zo.{ng' Planned unit oevBloPmot (PUo) Rsqu€st'ed zooing: Section 1: Application T pe (check all thal apply) Section 2: Req urred lnlornratrotl sc1i.ll,l:3 AppLlcAl{T oTHER THAN PROPERW OWNER: ln signing this application, I, as aPplkEnt, rePresent to hav€ obtained aulhodzatbn from the property owler to fib this apglirxlion. I agree to be bound by conditbns of approval, subject only to th€ right to obj€ct at the hiarings on the application or during frl appeat period. lf this appli€tio.n has not b€€n sEnod by fre p6perty owner, t trave attined $parate Oocumentatixi of full legal capadty to fil€ tho apPlicaton. This apPlk tion snoirfa'Ue frocesseO in my name and i am ttre party wtrom lh6 City should contad rogatdlng any mattet porlaining to this ppf*mn i witt feep mlaett intormed of the d'eadiines for submissbn of matorbl 8nd f|e progress of lhis application. I fuiiher un<brstand tnit aioitional rees may b€ chargod fo. consulting foos, feasibility studi{ts' etc. wfi an oslimate Prior to ni j,rtnorir"tion ro proce€d with th€ studi. I codfy that the inlotmaton 8nd €xhibits submitted ars tru€ and cottecl. Name:Contaci: Phon6: Kendra Lindahl 612) 638422s Address:105 S sth Av6nue, Suito 513 citylstatezip:Minnoapolis, MN 55,+01 Cell: Far: 612) 290€r02 6121252-9071 Email: KLindahl@Landlorm.n€t Signature:Kendra Lindahl, AICP o{aar rt- t r.rt ucr A'CPo- 2@0.0. $ ttrL.Lc@ Date:Snno LoY6l 7 Oevoloptnorn LLC Contacl:Bahram Akradi Address 4600 Kings Point Rosd Phone:( 952) 22+7477 Citylstatezip:Minnerida, MN 353:il c6ll: Far: 6121812-1212 Email: BahramA@lt-lito Signature: D€le' This appli:ation muli be comPlet€d in ftrll and mus{ be applicabl€ Clty Ordinanco provisions. B€fo.B filing thb anO confur wittr the Planning Department to d€tetmin€ accofipa.*rd by aI inb.matir and plans rgquitBd by apf*cat on, tsEr b fle approPriate Appliution Chocf,ist the spodfic ordinance and appli:aua Procodural Eqdr€nsrGrdha. A dsbnohdbn of coflpbteit ss d tt3 4plcarion $d b. m.da x,[rh 15 blrshds oave of apercamn .ubmi[d' A ffi;;E; " ppti..'tbt defidencbc Jtiall bc meled to th. aPPftatt withh '15 bush'ss dels d apdicati'n' PRo.TECT ENGINEER (if aP9licabb) Landform Protsssbnal S€Ivices, LLC Contacl:Steven Ssbraski Nama: Address:' 105 S sth Strs€{, Suite 5'13 Phone:( 612) 638{243 City6tateZip: Minn€apolb, MN 55401 Cell: Far:SSabraski@Landform.n€t ( 6121252-9077 Email: Who 3hould rstv. co9b. ot 3f.|I rapo.b?'Othcr Cont ci lftfotmttlon: aa @a Propetty Own€I Vla: Applbant Vla: Engins vta: O0lef Ma:trtrtrtr Mail6d Papr Copy Maitrd Pap€r Copy Mailod Paps Copy Maibd Pap€r CoPY Addr€ss: City6tatezip: INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT: Complete all necessary form lields' 6vie.-- a;d deliver to city along with required documents th6n sebct SAVE FORM to save a copy to your end paymont. SUBMIT FoRM to s€nd a digltel copy to th€ dty fo,r Procassing.SAVE FORT PrurI FORI SUBIIT FORI Email Email Email Email Email: Mark Nodland 17 Owner and icantlnlormationSection3: Landform Professional Servic€s, LLC PRoPERw our ER: ln sEning this sppli€tion' l' as property osner' har'€ frll l€gal capadty to' and heroby do' auriorize $e fllng of ttb apdi-tion. f LirOersand Ur8i condnio.rs of epproval at8 tinding and agroe to b€ bound by tltce co,r(ftbrrs, srbj"ci onty to ti* rgtrt to oOpa at th6 hoariE6 o. drlilg tho sppeal perids. I wi[ keo9 mysef inlo'rn€d of ffr. OcaOfir.s f6, uOmission ot material and the progress of Uis applicalbn. I frJrtEr undorslsnd that additionel ioos may b. d.r"rd frr -*ultirg fe€s, feasbility studi6s, etc. wiot an osumalo prix lo any authorizztion to Proco€d with the stu<!y. l-cenify thal the iniomatim and exhbits 3ubmitted afs tuo and co('€'n' Name: @ @ @ @ Name: Section 4: Notilication lnlormation AppucAt{T oTHER THAI{ PROPERTY Otflt{ER: ln aigning thi! spplirbn, l, a3 .9pli:ad, r.pfB.d to hare obt inGd autho{iz.tion trom thc prop€dy o*n€r !o fib thb applicdbn. i agrc to be bound by condtinBd applov.l, tubicrl only to the right to obiac{ at ttri tr&trigs on Ue applicrtion or during thG epp€al pcrird. lf thb app[catirn har nq b.an 41n€d by Arc property qrner, I traw UctrcO separae docrrmentation of fuI hlsl caprcity lo filc ti6 applirlbn. Thb.sPpliriln shoir|d'b. i.oc68 d in my nane ard I en flE party whom thc City should cofltad r.esrditE any mlttrr. p..tainiry to thb ticatsr'. I wrll kco my:clf inbnrlcd of tra dr'dih.3 fo. 3lb.nbrim cll mda.t{ 8nd tho Fogr€s3 of thb applicdbn I i iritterunoctsono t ir aioitionat tq ,!y b. dt!.!Ed br corrlriling 86, i!.3bfly 3ttdic3, ric f,th rrl ..timrlr p.ix b any adhortaton to proc..d with fl. studi. I carriry tl'8t thc infotmatbn end od$ls sub.n ed ef? truG and conrd Addrcss: Name: Emeill L.ndform Pro{baslonal Salvit3 105 S 5t! A\,filJ., SuiL 513 tLr.r.Tol!, Il{ 5$Or l0lr.lilo.Irdfol'n.ttd K.trdl Litxbhl 612)836dul5 612) 29GE1@ BJIrnAHi g,2rzl}7177 812) E12-1212 gn .l S-rdd Glattte.3 612)2524Or, Contrcf Ptsn : Ciyr$lt ZD: 1812t?52-Xn slgrsr!: m:a Ccl: Fax: PROPERTY OWI{ER: ln roring thi! appEtim, l, a p,pp..ly owr|er, irat,€ tull lGg6l clP&ity b. .nd ti|lby &. auifiotse tre flia d 0rb afobfoon. t LnOccfnO oat cooOtims ol +9ru41 rg binding and trE to b. bourd by t 6. co.rdlk r". 6j"e mry b ii rtht b obi.d et thc headng. o. duthg t16 rpp.d pc.b6 I will k A my$I hlbrmcd d Urc OceO[nca t& a$"ifrirn d mei{'and $a prog[!33 o, lhb .prrf:abn. I futlhGr rndeEta t tlti .4ltbn l fi... mey b€ c|.rg.d fo. consulting h.s. iacbitty studas, aE. wfi rn oalinate p(ix to any authorizstion b Pr@ad tfllh lrE shrdy. [carlity fd tho irfo.metirn and G!6Ditr submltad a'r t rt tld coflcct Nam6:l5d 7 Da,rlopfl.nt tLC Arldrcar:a8mtclg!PoilR6d cryrst brzi,: lttn'tb' lil 5ffl3r Ermfl: Sie nrtur.: PRATEGT EI{GINEER (ir .PPli$b) Ntm€:L.ndblm HEtas*rorl Scrvira l(E S slh Sr..l, Suilr 513 City/StltlEip:Uiur8pot , lrN 55a01 Tha .gp0ceiirn mid b. cofl"Ed h tl .nd msta b..Gco.rp-bd by.l iirbm.lio.r Id pEl. itqd6 br. fpfi6s Cfy ooiu,rcc pniisio,B B.to1p trrE thit ag1rin' ttrbtrTp.og.gr1ppffin ch.clat riri cong wftr Uc p,1nnilg 1hprrtnstt b 1;1hflil1a thc tp.cfrc o6htr end ryEb ptoc.dtt!, rlafrrurErta and bGa. A dct minsticn of oornpLicoG.s d tlr Tplicrtbn .h.I b. m-. ur rin 15 burlr..a dr}t d Slirixl sut a al A w1bn dice ol .ppttiOn Ocncf65g rh.I be mabd b th. .pptc.nt u,Atin 1 5 brniE s ey. of +P0cibn. Contect: Phal€: C.al: F& Dde: Codscr Ptsre: Ss$raf(Urtxilo.m.nd Cct F!rEmail: W.ho .houLl t*.|v. copb. d.ffi rQorla?'oiir.r Co.it ct hlbl1lldon: mdy Ofil.r V.: egflirrnlVleEnehsrVr: O0lGr \re: Email Emal EruiI Emd otrtrtr tlailc<l P+er @y Maibd P.per @y M.f.d P!p.i Copy Mabd Pepg Copy l{tne: Addr€33: City/Slabzip: Emil: lU( tlo.dbnd II{ETRTTCTTO|i|8 TO APPUCAIT: Cdn9Lb dl h6..ry bm fi.I&, th€n dc.nbolRl-if FORI and &lire. to city rlong wfi Ilquitld (borrfiit3 rr$ Lct SAI,E FO b .ar! r cQy b }!utpryncnlgUilTFOIUblJld ! dbital copy b tlr cty br prEaino tAT'E F PIT'T FOII ]IYFd a o a Section 3i Owner and Applicant lnlormation Addr.3s: Scctroll.1 Notrlrcation lnformatioo 13, 000 S. F. x 3 STORIES6, 000 S.F.41,000S.F. x3STORIESU S H wy2 1 2 LymanBoulevardPowersBoulevardBluffCreekBoulevardBethesdaCircleLymanBoulvevardRiverRockDrive Internal Connections Public Connections Off-Site Connections Legend Landform® and Site to Finish® are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC. 07.08.2020 AVIENDA • Chanhassen, MN Pedestrian Circulation A A A A B B A B Typical locations highlighted on map Typical locations highlighted on map Landform® and Site to Finish® are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC. AVIENDA • Chanhassen, MN Pedestrian Circulation - Streetscape 07.08.2020 C C C C C C C Typical locations highlighted on map Landform® and Site to Finish® are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC. AVIENDA • Chanhassen, MN Pedestrian Circulation - Streetscape Amenities 07.08.2020 D D D D D D Typical locations highlighted on map Landform® and Site to Finish® are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC. AVIENDA • Chanhassen, MN Pedestrian Circulation - Destinations 07.08.2020 NORTHNO SCALEAREA LOCATIONMAPAt@FaceofCurbF.C.FloorDrainFoundationGalvanizedFull BasementGrade BreakFlaredEnd SectionFull Basement Walk OUTLOT BLOT2LOT1LOT3LOT4LOT5LOT6LOT7OUTLOTAOUTLOTCLOT1LOT2LOT1LOT2LOT3LOT4LOT 5LOT 1BLOCK 3LOT 7LOT 6BLOCK 2BLOCK 1BLOCK 4BLUFF CREEK BOULEVARDPARKWAYVariesLOT8LOT9C.S.A.H. NO. 18C.S.A.H. NO. 17AVIENDA781.260.0356.7343.0154. 8836. 2101. 6 68. 052.0161.630. 985.1107. 844.9160.721.5318. 881.7219.838.6255. 856.337.030.326. 650.7 43.8 8 3 6244. 338.614. 689.0109.285.589.283.5105.417.1106.1128.9195.7206.824. 15" RCP COCOOE OE OE OEOECOCO SIG.BASESIG.BASESIG.BASESIG.BASESIG. BASESIG. BASECMP24IE= 884. 1CMP 24IE= 894.2CABXHHCABXCABX54" RCPIE= 894. 554" RCPIE= 895. 7IIIIIIOEOEOE OEOEOEOE15" RCP15" RCP SSMHRE=936. 6IE= 925. 3( E) IE= 925. 2( W) SSMHRE= 937.7IE= 925.9( W) 18" RCP15" RCP12" RCP12" RCP15" RCP15" RCP15" RCP15" RCP15" RCPHHSIG. BASESIG. BASELTSIG. BASEEMSIG.BASESIG.BASESIG.BASEHHSIG. BASESIG.BASESIG. BASECABXLTLTMB12" RCP 12" RCP18" RCP18" RCP12" RCP15" RCP12" RCP21" RCP18" RCP18" RCP15" RCPGMEM21" RCP15" RCP21" RCP15" RCP12RC P 12" R C P 2.4" DIA. CAPBOULDERRET. WALEDGE OF PLOWED FIELDEDGE OFPLOWED FIELDEDGE OFPLOWED FIELDEDGEOFPLOWEDFIELDEDGE OFPLOWEDFIELDEDGE OFPLOWEDFIELDWOODFENCEWROUGHT IRON FENCEGUARDRAILX XX XX XXXCHAINLINKFENCEFOFOFOFOELECTRICTRANSFORMERCHAIN LINK FENCEELECTRICTW ELEV. 921.2BW ELEV. 918.07TW ELEV. 930.8BW ELEV. 927. 19189259309359409459509509009159159109 0 5900895890885880 9 20915 890890895900905910915920925930935940945945940935930925920925925929920915910905900895890895900 900925920915910945885875911911910910910910 90591 0 910 915915920910 918 947 952890895900915920925924930915920925930935 895900905910915915920920910915SSMHRE=903. 6X915910905900895890 920915910905900895I> PIPESSMHRE= 909. 0IE= 883. 6SSMHRE= 915. 2IE= 884.115" RCPBM-2 ( TNH) 913. 82BM- 1 (TNH)921. 3215" RCP15" RCPMETALCOVERTOP= 912.8IE= 910. 3( NW)IE=909.0( S)15" RCPMETALCOVERTOP= 914. 2IE=910.3(NW) RIPRAPCBRE= 913.9IE=909.8CBRE= 913. 9IE=909. 0 (NW) IE=908.8 ( NE)IE=906. 0 (SE, SW)CBRE=909.0IE= 901.3CBRE=935.9IE= 931.4( S) IE= 931.3(W) CBRE=936. 0IE=931.8CBRE= 925. 0IE= 919.4CBRE= 924.8IE= 920.715" RCP15" RCP15" RCP18" COCOOE OE OE OE OESIG.BASESIG.BASESIG.BASESIG.BASE0SIG.BASESIG.BASE00219CABXCABXIIIIIIOE OE OE OEOEOEOEHHSIG. BASESIG. BASELTSIG. BASEEMSIG. BASESIG. BASESIG. BASESIG. BASESIG. BASESIG.BASELTLTMBGMEM2. 4" DIA. CAPEDGE OF PLOWED FIELDEDGEOFPLOWED FIELDEDGEOFPLOWED FIELDEDGEOFPLOWED FIELDEDGE OFPLOWED FIELDEDGEOFPLOWEDFIELDWOODFENCEWROUGHT IRON FENCEGUARDRAILX X X XXXXXCHAINLINKFENCEFOFOFOFOELECTRICTRANSFORMERCHAIN LINKFENCEELECTRIC91892593093594094595095090091591591090 5900895890885880 92 0915890890895900905910915920925930935940945945940935930925920925925929920915910905900895890895900 900925920915910945885875911911910910910910905910 91091591 5 920910918 947952890895900915920925924930915920925930935895900905910915915920920910915X915910905900895890920915910905900895I39239139038838938738638538438238138338037937837637737537337437237137036936836736636536436336236136042742842943043142642542442341941841741641341441541241141040840740640540940340440240140039939839739639539439342242142043243343443543743643943844044144244344444644545245145044744844945345445545645745845946046146246346846646546746446947947847747647547447347247147048148448248348548648748848949048028728625325225425525625725825926026126226326426526626726826927027127227327427627727527827928028128228328428512345789101112131415161718192021222324252627282931303233343536383739404142434445464748495028828929029129229329429529629729829930030130230330530430630830730931131031231331431531731631831932032132232332432532932832732633033133233333433523823723623523323423223924024124324224424524624724824925025151525354555657585960616263646566676869727071737475767778798081828384858688872202212222232242252262272282292302318990919293959496979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128336359358357356355354353352351350349347348346345344343342341340339338337132129130131133134135137136138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166168167169170171172173174175176177178179180182181183184185186187188189190191192193194195196198199197200201202203204205206207208209210211212214213215216492491BM- 2 (TNH)913.82BM- 1 (TNH) 921. 32UEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEB- 3B-2B-1B- 4B-5B- 6B-7B-8B- 9B- 10B- 12B-11B- 13B-14B- 15B-16B-17B- 18B-19B- PROJECT NO. 30' BUILDING SETBACK30' BUILDING SETBACK 30' BUILDING SETBACK30' BUILDING SETBACK30' BUILDING SETBACK20' PARKING SETBACK 10' PARKING SETBACK10' PARKING SETBACK20' PARKING SETBACK10' PARKING SETBACKBLUFF CREEK BLVD.AVIENDA PKWYSUNSET TRAIL OUTLOT BMILLS DRIVEB L O C K 3B L OC K 4B L O C K 2LOT 1LOT 2LOT 1LOT 2LOT 3LOT 4LOT 5LOT 6LOT 1B L O C K 1LOT 3LOT 1LOT 5LOT 4LOT 2OUTLOTABLUFFCREEKOVERLAYDISTRICTSECONDARYBOUNDARYBLUFFCREEKOVERLAYDISTRICT PRIMARYBOUNDARYLOT 6LOT 7OUTLOT CLOT 7LOT8LOT9COCOXXX XXXX X XXCOCOSIG. BASESIG.BASESIG. BASESIG.BASESIG.BASESIG. BASECABXHHCABXCABXHHSIG.BASESIG.BASELTSIG. BASESIG.BASESIG. BASESIG.BASEHHSIG.BASESIG.BASESIG. BASECABXLTLTMBWOOD FENCEWROUGHT IRON FENCEGUARDRAILX XX X X XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXCHAIN LINKFENCECHAINLINK FENCEXW. LINE OFTHE SW1/4 OFSEC. 23, TWP. 116, 30' BUILDING SETBACK30' BUILDING SETBACK 30' BUILDING SETBACK30' BUILDING SETBACK30' BUILDING SETBACK20' PARKING SETBACK 10' PARKING SETBACK10' PARKING SETBACK20' PARKING SETBACK10' PARKING SETBACKBLUFF CREEK BLVD.AVIENDA PKWYSUNSET TRAIL OUTLOT BOUTLOT ABLUFF CREEK OVERLAYDISTRICT SECONDARYBOUNDARYBLUFF CREEK OVERLAYDISTRICT PRIMARYBOUNDARYOUTLOT CCOCOXX X X X X X X X XCOCOSIG.BASESIG.BASESIG. BASESIG.BASESIG.BASESIG.BASECABXHHCABXCABXHHSIG.BASESIG.BASELTSIG.BASESIG.BASESIG.BASESIG.BASEHHSIG. BASESIG.BASESIG.BASECABXLTLTMBWOOD FENCEWROUGHT IRON FENCEGUARDRAILXXXXXXX X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXCHAIN LINK FENCECHAINLINKFENCEXW. LINEOF THESW1/4OF SEC. 23, TWP. 116, RGE. 23N. LINEOF THES 1/ 2OF THESW1/4S. LINE OF SEC. 23N. LINEOF THE SE1/ 4OFTHESW1/ 4SEC. 23E. LINEOF THE NW1/ 4OF THESW1/ 4W. LINE OF THE SUNSET TRAIL BLUFF CREEK BLVD.AVIENDA PKWYSUNSET TRAIL OUTLOT BMILLS DRIVEOUTLOT AFFE= 924. 0FFE=921.0FFE= 918.0FFE= 918.0FFE=914.5FFE= 920. 0FFE=919. 0FFE=918. 0FFE=918.0FFE= 918.0FFE=918.0FFE=918.0FFE=920. 0FFE=921.0FFE=921. 0FFE=923. 0FFE= 922. 0FFE=912.0FFE=910.0FFE= 908.0FFE=908. 0FFE= 915. 0FFE=905. 0FFE=904. 0FFE=903.0BLUFF CREEK OVERLAYDISTRICT SECONDARYBOUNDARYBLUFF CREEK OVERLAYDISTRICT PRIMARYBOUNDARYOUTLOT CCOCOCOCOSIG. BASESIG. BASESIG. BASESIG. BASESIG. BASESIG. BASECABXHHCABXCABXIIIIIIHHSIG. BASESIG. BASELTSIG.BASESIG. BASESIG.BASESIG. BASEHHSIG. BASESIG. BASESIG. BASECABXLTLTMBXX X X X XXXX> B- 3B- 2B- 1B- 4B-5B-6B- 885885890890895895900900900905910915920925930935890895900905910915920925930935940945910910915915920920925925930930935935935940940940900905910915920920 910 915920925930935940940945945950950900 905 910 915 920 9 2 5 9259309309359359409409 4 5945950 950910910915 915920925930935925930935940945920925875880885890895895895900900900905910915920925910915920925885890895900905910915920925885890895900905910915920925930935940895900905910 915920925930895900 905 8758808858908959009059109158808858908959009 0 5 91 0 910 910 91 5 915915915 920920 905905 910915COCOOE OE OE OEOECOCOSIG.BASESIG.BASESIG.BASESIG.BASESIG. BASESIG.BASECABXHHCABXCABXIIIIIIOE OEOE OEOEOEOESSMHRE=936.6IE=925.3( E)IE=925.2( W)SSMHRE= 937. 7IE= 925.9(W) HHSIG.BASESIG. BASELTSIG.BASEEMSIG.BASESIG. BASESIG. BASEHHSIG. BASESIG.BASESIG. BASECABXLTLTMBGMEMWOODFENCEWROUGHT IRONFENCEGUARDRAILXX XXXCHAIN LINK FENCEFOFOFOFOELECTRICTRANSFORMERCHAIN LINK FENCEELECTRIC> SSMHRE= 909. 0IE= 883.6SSMHRE=915.2IE= 884. 1BM- 2 ( TNH) 913.82BM- 1 ( TNH) 921.32>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>UEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEB- 3B- 2B- 1B-4B-5B- 6B- 7B- 8B- 9B- 10B- 12B-11B-13B- 885885890890895895900900 900 905910915920925930935890895900905910915920925930935940945 910 910 9 15915920 920925 9259309309 3 5 935935940 9 4 0 9 40900905910915920920935930 935940945OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OEOESSMHRE=937.7IE=925. 910 915 920925930935940910915920925930935 940940945945950950900 905 910 915 920 9 2 5 9259309309359359409409 4 5 945950 950910915 905905 X X X IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUEHHSIG.BASESIG. BASELTSIG. BASEGMEMFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOBM-1 ( TNH) 921. 32>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> UEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEB-3B-6B- 910910915 915895900905875880885890895900905910915 8808858908959009 0 5 910 910 910 91 5 915915915 920920 905910915X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XXXXSIG. BASESIG. BASESIG. BASESIG. BASESIG. BASESIG. BASEIIIIIIIIIIIUEUEUEUEGUARDRAILXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXCHAIN LINK FENCEELECTRICTRANSFORMERCHAIN LINK FENCEELECTRICBM- 2 ( TNH) 913.82>>>>> B- 7B- 10B- 12B- 18B- 19B- 20B- 21B- 22B- 23B- 28B- 29MNDOT WETLANDM0920' CITY 915920925 930 935925930920925 87588088589089589 5 895 900900900 905 910 915920925910915920925 885 890 895900905910915920925885890895900905910915920925930895900905910915920925930895OEOE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE X X X XXXXXXXXXSSMHRE=915.2IE= 884. 1B- 8B- 9B- 11B- 17B- 18B-24B- 930920915925920925920920920915 920915910 910915915915920930935940910925930935 9 4 0 9 4 5 9 5 5 9 5 0 950945940935945940935950945925930935940940935930 92592092 5 920 915 910 905900 905910910915910930925920915910905900 915910 9 10915 9 1 5 9 109159109059 0 5 910915920905900895890885900900895890885880880885890895900895895900905910915920925915915910905900895890885880 875875915895900905 910915 920 925925930935940945940940935930925920915910905900895890885890895900905890895900905910915920925930935910940935945950940945COCOSIG.BASESIG.BASESIG.BASESIG. BASESIG.BASESIG. BASEIIIIIISIG. BASESIG. BASELTSIG.BASESIG.BASESIG.BASESIG.BASESIG. BASESIG.BASESIG.BASELTLTMBXX X XXXX>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> B-3B- 2B-1B-4B- 5B-6B-7B-8B-9B-10B-12B- 11B-13B-14B-15B- 16B-17B- 18B- 19B- 20B-21B-22B- 23B-24B- 25B-26B-27B- 28B- 29B- 30B-31B- 32C.S. A.H. NO. 18LYMANBOULEVARDPOWERS BOULEVARD U. S T R U N K H I G H W A Y N O 2 12BLUFFCREEKBLVD.MILLS DRIVERIVERROCKDRIVEN.SUNSETTRAILC.S.A.H.NO. 17C.S.A.H. NO. 17U.S T R U N K H I G H W A Y N O 2 1 2 C3.2DC3.2AC3. 2BC3.2C91 0 910915915915920880885890895900905915920880885890895900905910915900905880885890895900915920930935910915920890895900905910910910915910915 920 9359 3 0 93592 0 915920925930895900905910915910915920925920925930915915920920 910 910910WETLAND 3NWL=920. 58100-YRHWL=922.01WETLAND4BTM=884100-YR HWL=884.77WETLAND10BLUFF CREEKBLVD.AVIENDAPKWYSUNSETTRAILOUTLOTBMILLSDRIVEOUTLOT AFFE= 924. 0FFE= 921. 0FFE= 918. 0FFE= 918. 0FFE= 914. 5FFE= 920. 0FFE= 919. 0FFE= 918. 0FFE= 918.0FFE= 918. 0FFE= 918. 0FFE= 918. 0FFE= 920. 0FFE= 921. 0FFE=921.0FFE= 923. 0FFE=922.0FFE=912.0FFE=910. 0FFE=908.0FFE=908.0FFE= 9109159209259 3 0 93 5 930 925 920930935935940945940935930925920915910905900895890885885890895900940 9409359309259209159109059009008958908958908908959009059109159109059008959059109159209259309359359309359359 3 5 9 4 0 9 4 0 93593092592091 5 910 920 9259159 2 0 910915920925930945 900905910915 920 925 930 9 3 5> ILT>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>B-2B-1B-4B-5B- 6B- 13B-14B- 31WETLAND #6C.S.A.H. NO. 18 C7.11CATCHBASINSEDIMENTTRAP(TYP.) 915915915920920920915915920920 905910915920920925925925 925930 930905910915920925 895900905895900905910 895900905910915915920925930920925930920920920925930930 915 920915920930935AVIENDAPKWYSUNSETTRAILMILLS DRIVEFFE=920. 0FFE= 919.0FFE= 921. 0FFE= 921.0FFE= 923.0FFE=922.0NORTHWEST BASINBTM=892.50100-YR HWL = 894.42AVIENDA PKWYNWBASINBTM=912.53100-YR HWL = 913.82WEST NORTH BASINBTM=915.43100-YRHWL = 918.15 STS>>STS>>STS>> STS >>STS STS>>STS>> STS >>STS STS>>STS>> STS >>STS STS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>9169179189199299289279 26 92 5916917918919923922921921922921919923922921921922923922923924925926927928929930931932933934937936935934933932931929930925930933932931929928919917916922922921913918919 9 17921922922 921900895893893893895894892891890896 89291191291391491691791 8 9 1 993193393193593993894093493293089790090891192092534. 5% 37.2% 37. 9%22. 7%22. 7%22.7%32.2%32. 4% 13.1%36.4%33.5%12. 5% 8.3% 8. 3% 8. 3% 8.3% SWALEX X X SIG.BASESIG. BASELTSIG.BASE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> B-3B-6B- 7B-15B-16B-17B-32POWERS BOULEVARD B L O C K 4LOT 1LOT 2LOT 3LOT 5FFE=924.0FFE=921.0FFE=918. 0FFE=918.0FFE=920. 0FFE= 919. 0FFE= 918. 0FFE= 918. 0FFE= 918. 0FFE= 918. 0EAST PONDBTM= 904. 00 100- YR HWL = 905. 01 EAST CENTRAL BASINBTM= 906. 43100- YR HWL = 910. 63LOT 7>> STS>> STS91091592092590890 9911912913914916917918919921922923924926915920916917918919919919916917918918919919 910909911 911912912913913910915 920 907908909911912913914916917918919920925917918919921922923924926927928929930931932934933935936937938938938938937907910912915917920919918917 907910907 910905904907 91091190590490890590991191291191291 3 9 1 491 6 9 17 9 18 9 2 0 91992092192292392492592 6 92 7 92 Powers BoulevardBLUFF CREEK BLVD. FFE= 914. 5FFE= 918. 0FFE= 920. 0FFE= 912. 0FFE= 910. 0FFE= 908. 0FFE= 908. 0FFE= 905. 0FFE= 904.0FFE=903. 0BLUFF CREEK EAST BASINBTM= 898. 15100- YR HWL = 899. 95SE TEMP BASINBTM= 879. 00100-YRHWL = 883.95X X X X X X XXXXXXX X X XXXXSIG. BASESIG. BASESIG. BASESIG. BASESIG.BASESIG.BASEIIIIIIIIIIXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXB-7B- 10B-12B- 18B-19B- 20B-21B- 22B-23B- 28B- 29MNDOTWETLAND M0930' CITYWETLANDBUFFERSETBACK20' CITY WETLANDBUFFERWETLAND BOUNDARY(TYP.)C.S.A. H. NO. 17 C7. 12ROCKCONSTRUCTIONENTRANCESTS>> STS>> STS>> STS>> STS>> STS>> STS>> STS>> STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>> STSSTS>>STS>>STS>>STS>> STS>> STS>> STS >> STS >>STS>> STS>>STS>> STS>> STS>>STS>> STS>> STSSTS>>STS>> STS>> STS>> STS 930925920925925920915910915925920915910 920910905900 925930935930920915910905900895 89 0895900905910915920925930 890885880880885890895900900895885895900905910915920WETLAND 3NWL=920.58100-YR HWL=922.01WETLAND 4BTM=884100-YRHWL= 884.77BLUFFCREEKBLVD.B LOCK2LOT 1BL O C K 1LOT 5OUTLOT AFFE= 920. 0FFE=921. 0FFE=912. 0FFE=915. 0FFE=905. 0BLUFFCREEK WEST BASINBTM= 911.00100- YR HWL = 914.62SOUTH CENTER TEMP BASINBTM= 875.63100- YR HWL = NORTHWESTPONDCROSSSECTIONA-A880885890895900905910915920880885890895900905910915920898.54898.00896.09897.4892.50895.06892.50893.2892.50891.42892.50890.8892.50890.31892.50890.0892.50890.10892.50890.3892.50890.63892.50891.4892.50892.04892.50892.4892.50893.11892.50893. 8892.50893. 47895.90893. 5 902. 58 894. 23 910. 05 895.3 911.49-0+25 0+000+501+001+502+002+503+003+504+004+505+005+505+75EXISTING GRADEFINISHED GRADEBTM = 892.502.8'SEEDETAIL6/C7.2OE OE OE OEWETLAND #6126' - 8" PERF. PVC @ 0.0%133' - 8" PERF. PVC @ 0.0%133' - 8" PERF. PVC @ 0.0%133' - 8" PERF. PVC @ 0.0%138' - 8" PERF. PVC @ 0.0%146' - 8" PERF. PVC @ 0.0% 153' - 8" PERF. PVC @ 0.0%163' - 8" PERF. PVC@ 0. 0% 98' - 8" PERF. PVC @0.0% 83' - 8" PERF. PVC @ 0.0%38' - 8" PERF. PVC@ 0. 0%24' - 8" PERF. PVC@0.0% 18' - 8" PERF. PVC @0. 0% 15' - 8" PERF. PVC@ 0.0%16' - 8" PERF. PVC @ 0. 0%16' - 8" PERF. PVC@0. 0% 17' - 8" PERF. PVC @0.0%17' - 8" PERF. PVC @ 0.0% 14' - 12" PVC@0.0% 45' - 18" RCP @ 0.7% 8' - 12" RCP@0.0% 378' - 8" PVC @ 0.0% 8" X 8" TEE (TYP)20' - 8" PVC@ 0. 0%W/ 2 - 45d BENDSAABB911912913895900905 910895900905910890895900905895890893893893 893NORTHWEST BASINBTM=892. 50100- YR HWL =894.42NORTHWESTPOND CROSSSECTIONB- B880885890895900905880885890895900905889. 16896.36895. 48 STMH 522RIM: 895.45INL (SE): 889.70INV (N): 890. 50INV (NW): 889. 7048" DIAR-1642PERCITYDETAILC7. 1-4STMH521RIM: 895. 42INL (S): 890. 50INL ( W): 889.70INV (N): 889.70INV (E): 892. 7448" DIAR- 1642PER CITYDETAIL C7. 1- 445' - 18" RCP@ 0. 7%14' - 12" RCP@ 0.0% FES 520INV= 889.38PER CITY DETAILS: C7.1- 5 & 7. 4-58- 12 CU. YD.RIP- RAP CL. III88' -8 P E R F P V C @ 0 0 118'8 P E R F P V C @ 0 0 147'8 P E R F P V C @ 0 0 155'8 P E R F P V C @ 0 0 110'8 BLUFFCREEKWESTBASINCROSSSECTIONA-A900905910915920925930935900905910915920925930935929.40919.51929.95911.00929.6911.00929.10911.00927.5911.00925.74911.00923.9911.00922.13911.00919.1911.00917.57913.84916.3916.53914.69917.76913.4917. 93910.83917. 53-0+ 25 0+ 000+501+ 001+502+ 002+503+ 003+504+ 00 4+ 25EXISTING GRADEFINISHED GRADEBTM = 911. 00STMH 706ARIM: 917.50INL ( NW): 908. 20INL (SE): 908.20INV ( S): 909. 0048" DIAR- 1642PER CITYDETAIL C7.1- 4STMH 706RIM: 917.71INL ( NW): 911. 24INL (N): 909.00INV ( NE): 908. 20INV ( SE): 908. 2048" DIAR- 1642PER CITYDETAILC7. 1- 414' - 8" RCP@ 0. 0% 2. 8' SEE DETAIL 6/C7. 2124' - 8" PERF. PVC @ 0. 0%131' - 8" PERF. PVC @ 0.0% 137' - 8" PERF. PVC @ 0. 0%144' - 8" PERF. PVC @ 0. WEST - NORTHBASINCROSSSECTIONA-A905910915920925930935940945905910915920925930935940945925.65921.47929.57915.43931.0915.43932.03915.43932.8915.43933.33915.43933.8915.43934.09915.43934.1915.43935.85915.43937.2915.43937.90915.43937.9915. 53938.64919. 79-0+ 25 0+ 000+501+ 001+502+ 002+503+ 003+504+ 00 4+ 2514' - 18" RCP@ 1. 8%STMH 512RIM: 921. 06INL (SW): 915.42INV ( NE): 912. 6348" DIAR- 1642PER CITYDETAIL C7.1- 4FES 513PER CITY DETAILS: C7.1- 5 & 7. 4-58- 12 CU. YD.RIP- RAP CL. IIIEXISTING GRADEFINISHED GRADEBTM = 915. 43AA920920925925930930 920916917918919 925930921922923924926927928929931932933WEST NORTHBASINBTM= 915.43100- YR HWL = 918.15EAST CENTRAL INTERIM BASIN & EAST POND CROSS SECTION A- A890895900905910915920925890895900905910915920925910.36 918.82 913. 34 913. 59 913. 1 910. 78 912. 79 906. 43 913. 1 906. 43 913. 05 906. 43 912.7 906. 43 912. 27 906. 43 911. 8 909. 57 911. 41911.65 909.8 TRIANGLEBASINCROSSSECTIONA-A875880885890895900905875880885890895900905892.51895.02892.99887.17892.1887.19890.93890.78889.5888.19886.8884.54-0+250+000+501+001+ 502+002+ 50 2+ 75111' - 18" RCP@ 0. 3%15' - 12" RCP@ 0.0% STMH 701RIM: 890.99INL ( NW): 885. 00INV (N): 887.41INV ( S): 884. 3748" DIAR- 1642PER CITYDETAIL C7.1- 4FES 700INV= 884.00PER CITY DETAILS: C7.1- 5 & 7. 4-58- 12 CU. YD.RIP- RAP CL. IIIEXISTINGGRADEFINISHEDGRADEBTM = 887.17WETLAND #4AA15' - 12" RCP @ 0. 0% 111' - 18" RCP@ 0. 3%100- YR HWL = 884.70890895900905895 900905888880885876877878 WETLAND 4BTM=884100- YR HWL= 884.77TRIANGLE BASINBTM=887. 17100-YR HWL =890. 77SOUTH CENTER INTERIM BASIN CROSS SECTION A-A865870875880885890895900905910865870875880885890895900905910900. 62903.67 901.53 891.14 901.3 883.61 900.22 876.02 898. 1 875. 63 895. 40 875. 63 893. COCOX X X X X X X X X XCOCOCABXIIIIIIIIIIII>IHHCABXWOOD FENCEWROUGHT IRON FENCEGUARDRAILX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXCHAIN LINKFENCECHAINLINKFENCE> I>>WETLAND #6WETLAND #3WETLAND # 4WETLAND #10MNDOT WETLAND M10C. S.A.H. NO. 18LYMAN BOULEVARDPOWERSBOULEVARDBLUFF CREEK BLVD. MILLSDRIVERIVER ROCKDRIVE N.SUNSETTRAILC.S. A.H.NO. 17C.S.A.H. NO. 17U.STRUNKHIGHWAYNO 2 1 2 MN/DOT SEEDMIX 33-261 ( TYP.)MN/ DOT SEEDMIX 33- 261 (TYP.)MN/ DOT SEEDMIX 33- 261 (TYP.) MN/DOTSEEDMIX33-261 (TYP.)MN/DOT SEEDMIX 33-261 (TYP.) MN/DOT SEEDMIX 33-261 (TYP.) MN/DOT SEEDMIX 33-261 (TYP.)MN/DOTSEEDMIX33-261 (TYP.)MN/DOTSEEDMIX25-141 (TYP.)MN/DOTSEEDMIX 25- 141 ( TYP.) MN/ DOT SEEDMIX 25-141 (TYP.)MN/DOT PROJECT NO. FES:897. 8924" RCP@0. 6%FES:897.11FES:895. 0360"RCP@0.6%FES: 896. 27RE:904. 73IE:SPOUTRE: 905.28IE:SPOUTC. S.A.H. NO. 18LYMANBOULEVARDPOWERSBOULEVARDU. S T R U NK H I G H WAYNO21 2BLUFF CREEKBLVD. MILLS DRIVERE: 937.71IE:925.96RE:915.15IE:884.0510057915.73HYD@GRNDSUNSETTRAILC. S. A. H. NO. 17LOW FLOOR ELEVATION ABOVE 883. 5MIN. LOW FLOOR ELEVATION = 925.5MIN. LOW FLOORELEVATION = 925.5LOWFLOORELEVATION ABOVE897.112" WAT 12" WAT 12" WAT 12" WAT12" WAT12" WAT12" WAT12" WAT 8"WAT8" WAT8" WAT12" WAT8" WAT STMSTMSTMSTM STMSTM STMSTMSTMSTM >>>>>>>>> SANSANSANSAN SANCOCOXXX XX X XX XXOEOEOE OE OE OE OE OEOE OECOCO SIG. BASESIG.BASESIG.BASESIG.BASESIG.BASESIG. BASECABXHHCABXCABXIIIIIIIIIIIIUEOEOEOE OEOEOEOEOESSMHRE= 936. 6IE=925. 3( E) IE=925.2( W)SSMHRE=937. 7IE= 925.9( FES:897.8924"RCP@0.6%FES:897.11FES:895.0360"RCP@0. 6% FES: 896. 27RE: 904. 73IE: SPOUTRE: 905. 28IE: SPOUTRE: 937. 71IE: 925. 96RE: 915. 15IE: 884. 05 10057915. 73HYD@GRNDLOW FLOOR ELEVATION ABOVE 883. 5MIN. LOW FLOOR ELEVATION = 925.5MIN. LOW FLOORELEVATION = 925.5LOW FLOOR ELEVATION ABOVE 897.1COCO X X X X X X X X X X X XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOE OE OE OE OE OE OE OEOEOEOECOCOCABXHHCABXCABXIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUEUEUEUEUEUEUEOE OEOEOE OE OE OEOE OEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOE>> II>HHCABXXX XX X XX XXXX X X X X XX X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOELECTRICTRANSFORMERELECTRICGXXX>>II>>>>>SSMHRE=909. 0IE=883.6SSMHRE= 915. 2IE= 884.1UEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUE UEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEB- 3B- 2B-1B-4B- 5B- 6B- 7B- 8B- 9B- 10B- 12B- 11B- 13B-14B-15B-16B-17B-18B-19B-20B-21B-22B-23B- 24B-25B-26B-27B-28B-29B- 30B- 31B- 32WETLAND # 6WETLAND #3WETLAND #4WETLAND #10MNDOT WETLAND M09MNDOT WETLAND M10X XC. S. A. H. NO. 18LYMANBOULEVARDPOWERSBOULEVARDU.ST RUN KHI GHWAYNO212BLUFFCREEKBLVD.MILLSDRIVERIVER ROCKDRIVES. RIVER ROCK DRIVE N. SUNSETTRAILC. S. A. H. NO. 17WETLANDBOUNDARY(TYP.)C.S.A.H. NO. 17U. S T 16+0017+00OUTLOT D>>>>>>STMSTM>>>>>>WATWATWATWATWATWATSTMCB110CB111CB205CCB205BCB206AOUTLOTCB-30-1+75-1+000+001+002+003+004+00921.5922.89922.0923.11922.5922.24923.3922. 71923.3922. 77923.6923. 09923.8923. 19924.5923. 40925.7923. 72927.4923. 93929.1924. 02931.3923. 98 933. 0 923. 84 934. 2 923. 69 935. 4 923. 54 936. 5 923. 38 936. 6 923. 23 937. 3 923. 08 938. 3 922. 92 938.1922.77 937. 6 922.62 936. 5 922.47 934.5 922.31- 1+50- 1+00- 0+500+000+501+001+502+002+503+003+504+00CB 110RIM: 921.98INL (W): 917.17INV (N): 917.1748" DIAR-3067-VPER CITYDETAIL C7.1-490' - 15" RCP CL. V @ 0.50% PVISTA: 0+75.25PVI 905910915920925930935905910915920925930935930.9 920.31- 0+25 0+000+ 50 0+ 75CB 107BRIM: 920.12INV: 915.852' X3'R-3067-VPERCITYDETAIL7.4-6CB107ARIM: 920.08INL (S): 915.82INV (E): 915.8148" DIAR-3067-VPERCITYDETAILC7.1-4CB107RIM: 920.08INL ( S): 915. 63INL (W): 915.63INV ( N): 915. 4448" DIAR- 3067-VPER CITYDETAIL C7. 1-437' - 15" RCPCL. V @ 0.50% 6' - 15" RCPCL. V @ 0. 50%EXISTING GROUNDWM905910915920925930905910915920925930917. 0 919.56 916. 0 920.11 916.6-0+25 0+000+501+ 00 1+ 25WMCB 105BRIM: 919. 38INV: 915.232'X3'R-3067- VPER CITYDETAIL 7.4-6CB 0+00 1+00>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> STMSTM STMSTM STM>>SANWATWATWATWATCB 122CB 121CB 120CB 120ACB 102CB 102ACDS 101CB 103CB 104FES 100OUTLOT DOUTLOT CSTMH 503ASTMH 50214+ 089+0010+ 0011+0012+ 0013+0014+ 00STMH 5038" GATE VALVE & BOX W/ EXTENSIONS16 LF 8" PVC, C-900@ 0.0% W/ 2 - 45dBENDSB-1411LF8" PVC@0.0%C7.26895900905910915920925930913.5922.68923.19917.96-0+250+000+501+00CB 102ARIM: 921. 75INV: 917. 462'X3' R-3067- VPER CITYDETAIL 7.4- 6CB 102RIM: 922.43INL ( E): 914. 61INL (W): 913.51INL ( N): 917. 11INV (S): 913.3148" DIAR-3067- VPER CITYDETAIL C7.1- 4CDS 101RIM: 922.44INL ( N): 913. 22INV (S): 912.8248" DIAR-1642PER CITYDETAIL C7. 1- 435' - 15" RCPCL. V @ 885890895900905910915920893.94892.50895.22905.82897.68917.27904.43920.98911.98920.36915.24921.32 913.53 921.78 910.75 922.18 913.67 919.97- 0+ 25 0+ 000+ 501+001+ 502+002+ 503+003+ 504+ 00STMH 501RIM: 915. 75INL (SE): 906.81INV ( NW): 892. 9248" DIAR- 1642PER CITYDETAIL C7.1- 485' - 18" RCP CL. V @ 0.50% FES 500INV= 892.50PER CITY DETAILS: C7.1- 5 & 7. 4-58- 12 CU. YD.RIP- RAP CL. III134' - 12" RCP CL. V @ 1.00% WMSANSTMH 502RIM: 920. 88INL (E): 908.15INV ( 895900905910915920925930935940945924.88923.37926.27923.77931.87924.30938.08923.41 939.32 925.51 939.61 927.62 937.86 929.23 934.34 930.78 931.79- 0+25 0+000+501+001+502+ 002+503+003+ 504+00WATERMAINSAN GRADE BREAK STA = 2+ 18.55 ELEV = 926.392 GRADE BREAK STA = 3+ 39.43ELEV = 930. 438 GRADEBREAKSTA = 3+79.05ELEV = 931.7373.28%3.35%4 97% 0+001+ 002+003+004+004+38OEOEUTLTFOFOFOFOFOFO>>>>>>UEUEUEUEUEUE>>>>>>>>>>>> FES751 - FES750895900905910915920905.4906.43908.9912.61910.0912.60910.0911.98910.0911.37910.0910.76905.5908. 34902.0904. 000+000+ 501+001+502+002+50 2+75OCS 911890895900905910915890895900905910915905.9 905.87- 0+25 Southwestbasin865870875880885890865870875880885890881.6875.63875.5-0+25 0+000+501+00 1+25FES 821INV : 875. 63PER CITYDETAIL 7.4- 5FES 820INV= 875.00PER CITYDETAILS: C7. 1-5 & 7.4- 58-12 CU. YD. CAP SANITARYSEWER STUB 21AINV= 910.83FINISHED GROUND905910915920925930935940905910915920925930935940937.0 922.84 935.2 923. 56-0+ 250+000+501+00 1+25SAN MH 21RIM: 923.18INL (N): 910.26INL (E): 910. 26INV: 910.1648" DIAR-1642CITYDETAIL7.3-549' - 6" PVC@1. 16%EXISTING GROUNDPLUG WATERMAIN STUB8" PVC C900 WATERMAIN>>>>>>>>>>>>>> STMWAT WAT>> SAN SAN MH 21SAN MH 46" CAPSANITARY SEWERSTUB 21AINV = 910. 838" PLUGWATER MAINSTUB10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTBLUFF CREEK BLVD- 1+75- 1+000+ 001+002+ 003+0012" - 11.25dBENDHYDRANT& VALVEW/ 6" PVC C900LEAD8" G.V. 12"x8" TEE8" - 11. 25d BEND0+ 00 0+ 70SAN MH 20SANMH312"x6" TEE12"x12" TEE12" G.V.12" G. V.12" G.V. 8" PLUGWATER MAINSTUBWETLAND 312" 900905910915920925930935900905910915920925930935932.4 920.82 930.0 921.51 928.6 921.33- 0+250+ 000+ 501+001+ 25SANMH22RIM: 921. 16INL ( E): 912.00INV: 911.9048" DIAR-1642CITYDETAIL 7.3-559' - 8" PVC @ 1.12%STORM SEWERCAP SANITARYSEWER STUB 22AFINISHED GROUNDEXISTINGGROUNDPLUGWATERMAINSTUBMIN. 1.5' SEPARATIONBETWEENWATERMAINANDSTORMSEWER8" PVCC900WATERMAINWESTNORTHBASINBTM=915.43100-YRHWL =918.15>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> STMSTMSTMSTMSTMWATWAT>SAN MH 2210' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTPLUGWATER MAINSTUB8" CAPSANITARY SEWERSTUB 23AINV = 912. 664+005+ 006+007+ 008+0012" - 11.25dBEND12" - 22.5dBEND12" - 22.5d& 11.25dBENDHYDRANT& VALVEW/ 6" PVC C900 LEADHYDRANT& VALVE8" G.V. 12"x8" TEE8" - 11. 25d BEND0+ 000+79 8" G. V.12" x6" TEE12"x6" TEE8" PLUGWATER MAINSTUB8" P V CC9 0 0 W A T E R M A I 890895900905910915920925890895900905910915920925911.1 920.57 911.1 922.49- 0+25 0+000+ 501+ 00 1+2556' - 6" PVC @ 1. 00%SAN MH 34RIM: 922.49INL ( N): 909.00INL (E): 896.26INV: 896.1648" DIAR-1642CITYDETAIL7.3-7CAPSANITARYSEWERSTUB34AFINISHEDGROUNDEXISTINGGROUNDPLUGWATERMAINSTUB8" PVCC900WATERMAINAVIENDAPKWY0+001+00 STMSTMSTMSTMSTMWATWAT >>SANSANMH 348" PLUGWATER MAINSTUB8" CAPSANITARY SEWERSTUB 34A14+ 088+00 9+0010+ 0011+0012+ 0013+0014+ 0012" - 22. 5d& 11. 25dBEND12" - 22. 5d& 11. 25dBENDSHYDRANT& VALVE12" x8" TEE8" G.V. 12"x6" TEESAN MH 35PLUG WATERMAIN STUB12"x6" TEE 56' - 6" PVC @ 1. 00%8" PVC C900 WATERMAIN SANSANMIN. 1.5' SEPARATIONBETWEENWATERMAINAND STORM SEWER7.5' 890895900905910915920925930935940890895900905910915920925930935940EXISTINGGROUNDFINISHEDGROUND7.5' MIN. COVER924.9923.37926.3923.77928.8924.30931.9924.30937.5923.65938.1923.41938.2924. 26939.3925. 51940.0926. 63 939. 6 927. 62 938. 3 928. 43 937. 9 929. 23 936. 6 929. 98 934. 3 930. 78 932. 0 931. 60 931.8 932.3-0+250+000+501+001+ 870875880885890895900905910915889.20890.37892.52897.86896.66904.03899.31900.03900.48896.59902.61 894.65 905.18 894.67 907.63 896.11 909.60 896.67 911.12 897.25 913.04 898.73 914.95- 0+250+000+ 501+001+502+002+503+003+ 504+004+ 505+005+5099' - 8" 898.73914.95899.36917.57901.56920.22903.40921.38906.07921.55907.25921.63 910.78 922.385+506+006+507+007+508+008+ 50328' - 8" PVC @ 0.50% SAN MH 33RIM: 914. 79INL (E): 894.52INV: 894.4248" DIAR-1642CITY DETAIL 7. 3-5STORM SEWERSAN MH 34RIM: 922. 49INL (N): 909.00INL ( E): 896. 26INV: 896. 1648" DIAR- 1642CITY DETAIL 7.3- 7WATERMAIN>>>>>> STM>> SANSAN MH 348" PLUGWATER MAINSTUB8" CAPSANITARY SEWERSTUB PROJECT NO.FILENAMEBYDATEDATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWLANDFORMc PROJECT NO.FILE NAMEBYDATEDATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWLANDFORMc CONTACTENGINEERFOR ANY PRIORHISTORYIFTHESIGNATURE, SEALORFOURLINESDIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN PROJECT NO. PROJECT NO. PROJECT NO. FILE NAMEBYDATEDATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWLANDFORMc CONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANYPRIOR PROJECT NO. FILE NAMEBYDATEDATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWLANDFORMc CONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE BENI 31 BETULA NIGRA / RIVER BIRCH70` QUBI5QUERCUS BICOLOR / SWAMP WHITEOAK50`HX50`W 2. 5" CAL B & BSALT TOLERANTTIMO 16 TILIA 4 TIMO2 TIMO2TIMO7BENI4 QUAL1 QUBI4 TIMO5 QUBI4TIMO4TIMO4TIMOWETLAND #3R.O. W. R. O. W. R. O.W.PROPERTY LINE CONCRETER. O. W. R. O. W.R. O.W.OUTLOT DOUTLOT COUTLOT DECIDUOUS TREESCODEQTYBOTANICAL / COMMON NAMEMATURE SIZEPLANTING SIZEROOT COND.BENI 9 BETULA 28 SEDU20 CAKA10 PERO14PERO4MALU22 CAKA30RHGR37PERO15CAKA33RHGR48 FINISHED GRADE6"MULCH SHALL BEMAXIMUM ONE (1) INCHBELOW PAVING DEVELOPMENT DESIGN GUIDELINES Avienda Overall – 21 Pedestrian Circulation Model Swamp White Oak Pink Spires Crabapple Red Jewel Crabapple RedOakRiverBirch NorthwoodMapleDiscoveryElm Street Trees Pedestrian Interest Eastern White Pine Crimson Spire Oak Sub-Districts – 22DEVELOPMENTDESIGNGUIDELINES Part Two: District Guidelines Overview The Master Plan identifies five distinct districts within Avienda. Each of these districts (outlined on the plan below) is defined by specific site development patterns and perhaps a distinctive character or image. The districts complement one another as part of the overall plan. The districts are shown the attached District Map (Figure 5). They include: District 1 - Retail – provides a location for larger-scale in-line and stand- alone retail and entertainment uses. District 2 - Village Retail – provides the broadest variety, highest density and greatest intensity of development, encouraging both vertical and horizontal mixed use District 3 - Mixed Use – provides a location for smaller-scale retail, service and other auto-oriented uses as well as hotels and medical/technology- related office. District 4 - Multi-Family Housing – provides opportunities for high density senior or rental apartments District 5 - Low Density Housing – provides opportunities for small lot homes Development plans must respond to the overall Avienda Design Guidelines described in Part One, but also the following detailed framework for each sub- district. To further clarify and illustrate proposed features in the Master Plan, these sub-district guidelines are organized under the following categories: Public Realm / Streetscape Site Design Architectural In all cases, the sub-district framework must be applied in harmony with the overall Avienda framework and with other existing city, county, state codes, design criteria, plans and studies that support broader goals for regional growth and development. Public Realm/Streetscape The developer shall be responsible for construction of all streetscape improvements along adjacent streets. These improvements include all hardscape and landscape improvements, such as trails, sidewalks, street trees, benches, bike racks, litter receptacles and plantings. Plazas Except for District 5-Low Density Housing, all properties with principal buildings should have some public plaza space. The public plaza space should include benches, trash receptacles, lighting fixtures and other amenities to create a welcoming space for tenants, residents and guests. These plazas spaces should be visible from the main site access (front door) or well aligned with the project’s public frontage. MIXED USE DISTRICT VILLAGE RETAIL DISTRICT RETAIL DISTRICT MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING DISTRICT MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING DISTRICT LOW DENSITY HOUSING DISTRICT Sub-Districts – 23DEVELOPMENTDESIGNGUIDELINES BUILDING CHARACTER Providing a creative mix of building types, scales and expressions ARCHITECTURAL EXPRESSION contemporary “timeless” design that translates to all aspects of the development Sub-District 1 – 24DEVELOPMENTDESIGNGUIDELINES District 1 - Retail Public Realm/Streetscape The Retail District encourages a mix of large and small floor plate buildings comprised of retail and entertainment uses. With opportunities for in-line retail development comes auto-related infrastructure such as easily accessed surface parking lots. Again, this suggests that equal attention be paid to public realm and streetscape improvements that not only accommodate vehicles, but also invite bicycle and pedestrian traffic through surface parking areas. Site Development Buildings in this district should orient towards surface parking, with primary entries provided to animate these façades. Architectural Character Massing and rhythm define the overall feel of an individual building. Massing and rhythm in this district should include breaks in the roof line and vertical transition lines that articulate separate tenants in the same building. Massing and rhythm should continue around corners and buildings should not appear to have a “rear” facade. Maximum heights for buildings in this sub-district are limited to three stories. Sub-District 2 – 25DEVELOPMENTDESIGNGUIDELINES District 2 - Village Retail Public Realm / Streetscape Public realm and streetscape improvements define the character of Avienda and create a memorable signature for the Village District. Great plazas and great streets encourage intensified levels of activity, support the proposed mix of uses, invite community gathering and accommodate special events throughout the year. Provide gracious sidewalk width to support intensity of pedestrian traffic in the Village District Incorporate durable, high quality amenities including unit pavers, integral-colored concrete or scoring patterns, additional plantings, ornamental fencing and other features Trees and planters along Village District streets to create an inviting space. Wide sidewalks and logical connections to the Avienda trail system. Outdoor dining is encouraged Plaza space is strongly encouraged at key development nodes. A variety of plaza uses have been explored to support the needs of residents and guests to gather, play, relax and eat Architectural Character Buildings should be composed of a visually distinct “base”, “middle” and “top”. Adopting a visually-distinct base will support the relationship of the building to the pedestrian experience. Adopting a visually distinct middle will create locations to provide signage as well as architectural massing and overall proportions that enhance the character of the development. Adopting a visually-distinct top will create consistency and will uniquely identify where the building meets the sky. Heights in this zone are restricted to a maximum of two stories above grade. Village Characteristics CHARACTER Natural Urban MAINTENANCE Low High PLANTING DENSITY High screening) Low visibility) PRIMARY USERS Pedestrian Automobile Long Term Impact SITE PRIORITY Immediate Impact Sub-District 2 – 26DEVELOPMENTDESIGNGUIDELINES Corner tenants are allowed to match primary entrance signage at two storefronts. Blade Sign(s) to be calculated as part of total allowable signage. Blade Signs to be a min. of 8’ AFF, may not extend above the cornice line, and may have a max. signage area not to exceed 4 sf per face. Wall-mounted signs shall not project more than 10” from the building. Cabinet signs are prohibited. Storefront” refers to the first 12’ above each tenant floor of lease area building frontage with public access. Elevation” refers to the first 12’ above each tenant floor of lease area building frontage without public access. Office tenant signage will be allowed on a building directory near the primary entrance and ability to use monument signage locations. Design Review Committee approval shall be based on sign design quality, attractiveness, scale appropriateness and compatibility with the building to which attached. Service/secondary signage maximum area is 2 sf. Outlots will be allowed (1) freestanding ground monument within their property that conforms to the overall development materials and aesthetic, with a maximum size of 5’-0” (H) x 10’-0” (W) with approval by the Design Review Committee. Signage Village Project Sign areas: Large tenant signage #1, 15 sf, 4’-0” wide x 3’-8” tall, (1) one sign per Project Sign Large tenant signage #2, 8 sf, 4’-0” wide x 2’-0” tall, (2) two signs per Project Sign Village Tenant Signage Criteria: Tenant signage calculations apply to tenants with less than 10,000 sf of leasable area. Maximum signage area is calculated at 15% of storefront area for each elevation of the storefront. Optional signage allowance on rear elevation. Signage to be no more than 50% of primary entrance. Length of the sign shall not be more than 75% of the overall tenant storefront measured linearly in width. Signage may be calculated for each storefront or elevation facing a designated pedestrian corridor. Maximum area calculation may transfer to other storefronts or building elevations leased by the same tenant to increase tenant visibility to surrounding streets. The body of the sign shall not exceed 30” in height. Enlarged initials, capitals and extended typographical elements (e.g., such as the up and down strokes of “g” and “h”, etc.), are acceptable up to a maximum of 36” in height or width. Stacked signage or logos must not exceed 48” in height and must fit other signage criteria. Sub-District 2 – 27DEVELOPMENTDESIGNGUIDELINES Streetscape Character Sub-District 2 – 28DEVELOPMENTDESIGNGUIDELINES Gathering space related to adjacent retail that encourages lingering, gathering and connection. This setting identified as LIVE/RELAX is a peaceful area with small seating groups and options for an overhead canopy, fire feature, kinetic art, calming water features and lush plantings. LIVE/RELAX is comfortable and shady on a hot day and a welcoming place to cozy up to the fire in the cool season. Gathering Space - Live / Relax Sub-District 2 – 29DEVELOPMENTDESIGNGUIDELINES Gathering Space - Work/Play Outdoor space connected to adjacent retail that encourages gathering and supports lively energy. Active areas with movable seating, these spaces appeal to a wide range of users and provide alternative work spaces for the office tenants of Avienda. Sub-District 2 – 30DEVELOPMENTDESIGNGUIDELINES Sub-District 2 – 31DEVELOPMENTDESIGNGUIDELINES PEDESTRIAN REALM place amenities with regularity along walkable streets. Create comfortable outdoor places, in a variety of scales, to meet, shop and relax. BUILDING PLACEMENT align buildings with the pedestrian environment. Encourage window shopping. MATERIAL EXPRESSION use a consistent high-quality palette of materials that is consistent with Avienda’s brand. Sub-District 2 – 32DEVELOPMENTDESIGNGUIDELINES Sub-District 2 – 33DEVELOPMENTDESIGNGUIDELINES Sub-District 2 – 34DEVELOPMENTDESIGNGUIDELINES MATERIAL COLOR palette drawn from earthtones and natural elements ANIMATED STREET PRESENCE vibrant pedestrian experience along street, providing opportunities to relax and gather STORMWATER UTILIZATION using stormwater as an amenity with ponds and water features Sub-District 2 – 35DEVELOPMENTDESIGNGUIDELINES LANDSCAPING create new, attractive design and landscape features BUILDING DESIGN VARIETY variation in character and expression MATERIALS high-quality natural materials Sub-District 2 – 36DEVELOPMENTDESIGNGUIDELINES LIGHTING inclusion of lighting elements to help articuate and illuminate the site BUILDING INTEREST thoughtfully-placed signed and utilization of awning and overhang features WALKING PATHS meandering walking paths that connect the site and adjacent trails Sub-District 3 – 37DEVELOPMENTDESIGNGUIDELINES District 3 - Mixed Use Public Realm / Streetscape The Mixed Use District accommodates office, hotel and auto-oriented retail uses in a mix of large and small floor plates. These auto-oriented uses suggest even greater attention be paid to public realm and streetscape improvements that not only accommodate vehicles, but also invite pedestrian and bicycle traffic. Surface parking lots provide convenient access to office buildings and storefronts but present an additional challenge to the overall visual character and aesthetic appeal of this area. Plazas adjacent to main entrances are encouraged. Architectural Character Multi-story buildings in the Mixed Use District should have a ground-floor level that is visually distinct and proportionally larger than individual floors above it. Buildings in this district should not appear to have a rear façade, and building heights are restricted to four stories above grade. Sub-District 4 – 38DEVELOPMENTDESIGNGUIDELINES District 4 - Multi-Family Housing Public Realm/Streetscape A large preserve area and access to regional trails supply the informal green space for Avienda, and more specifically, provide the valuable park frontage and mix of amenities needed to support housing development within the Multi- Family District. Site Development The Multi-Family District emphasizes residential development. To support the proposed housing, a well connected project will link residents to the Village Retail District (activity center of Avienda) and adjacent recreational amenities. Residential front doors will connect with public walks along each of these streets promoting the urban character of Avienda. Special attention should be paid to welcome adjacent existing neighborhoods into Avienda. Architectural Guidelines Buildings in the Multi-Family District should have uniformly proportional floors. Architectural expressions on the facade should relate to the units behind and should create a distinct seperation of the individual units in a generally uniform design style. Heights are restricted to six stories above grade. Sub-District 5 – 39DEVELOPMENTDESIGNGUIDELINES District 5 - Low Density Housing Public Realm/Streetscape A large preserve area and access to regional trails supply the informal green space for Avienda, and more specifically, provide the valuable park frontage and mix of amenities needed to support housing development within the Multi- Family and Low Density Districts. Site Development The Low Density District emphasizes residential development. To support the proposed housing, a well connected project will link residents to the Village Retail District (activity center of Avienda) and adjacent recreational amenities. Residential front doors will connect with public walks along each of these streets promoting the urban character of Avienda. Special attention should be paid to welcome adjacent existing neighborhoods into Avienda. Within this district a minimum driveway length of 20-feet is recommended to limit conflicts between vehicles parked in the driveway and street or sidewalk users DEVELOPMENT DESIGN GUIDELINES May 1 2020 DEVELOPMENT DESIGN GUIDELINES Version: 2020 May 1 Contents Overview— 5 Introduction To Design Guidelines Application Implied Responsibility Part One: Overall— 7 Overview Context— 8 Overview Recommendations Objectives Street Hierarchy— 9 Overview Recommendations Streetscape— 10 Overview Recommendations Objectives Street Lights Parking— 12 Overview Recommendations Objectives Minimum Standards Loading Areas Architecture — 13 Overview Signage— 14 Overview Objectives Definitions Standards Stormwater Management— 19 Overview Objectives Recommendations Public Spaces— 20 Overview Recommendations Objectives Part Two: District Guidelines— 22 Overview Public Realm/Streetscape Plazas Sub-District 1 - Retail — 24 Public Realm/Streetscape Site Development Architectural Character Sub-District 2 - Village Retail— 25 Public Realm / Streetscape Architectural Character Signage Streetscape Character Gathering Space - Live / Relax Gathering Space - Work/Play Sub-District 3 - Mixed Use 37 Public Realm / Streetscape Architectural Character Sub-District 4 - Multi-Family Housing— 38 Public Realm/Streetscape Site Development Architectural Guidelines Sub-District 5 - Low Density Housing— 39 Public Realm/Streetscape Site Development DEVELOPMENT DESIGN GUIDELINES Introduction – 5 Purpose These guidelines set basic parameters, describe preferences and illustrate design intent. They serve as a framework within which creative design can and should occur. There is no one prescribed solution, but many options that can meet the basic requirements and intent of this document. Application The format and content of these guidelines are specifically tailored for use as a reference workbook that is organized into two parts. The first part outlines issues and recommendations that apply to the entire project area. The second section highlights specific guidelines that apply to each sub-district. Implied Responsibility All participants in the development of this project area must recognize the local and community impacts of this project and the various systems that play an important role. Each building must fit within the context of the entire plan. Individual projects must complement, not compete with, adjacent development in terms of public space, walk and trail connections, stormwater management solutions, street layout, parking strategies, land use mix and building design. Projects in this development will also need to comply with City of Chanhassen planned unit development (PUD) standards. Overview Avienda (Pronounced: Ah-vee-EN-da) is a district with “elegant vitality”, fulfilling the City of Chanhassen’s vision to become one of the region’s most vibrant, prosperous communities. Located at the confluence of Highway 212 and Powers Boulevard, Avienda offers a desirable, diverse shopping and lifestyle destination with convenient access. As a gateway to the City of Chanhassen, development in Avienda should blend the best of residential, retail, office, medical and hospitality. It should support high quality, attractive design that is compatible as a whole with forms and materials that are authentic to the region. Design Drivers Timeless architectural features and forms A color palette drawn from earth tones and natural elements A safe, balanced network of pedestrian, bicycle and automobile access Inclusive opportunities to relax and gather Lush, resilient plantings with multi-season interest Responsible resource use Introduction To Design Guidelines This document is intended to help direct design solutions and define character for this project. It is also intended to provide concepts for future development that will establish and maintain the aesthetic character of Avienda. DEVELOPMENT DESIGN GUIDELINES Avienda Overall – 7 Part One: Overall Overview There are a number of standards that apply to the entire Avienda development including recommendations for stormwater management, parks, streets, land use, parking, transit and other development components. Many of these overall Avienda guidelines overlap, or are integrated with one another. For ease of discussion they are categorized according to the same list of “layers” that formed the basic structure for the Guidelines: Context – local, city, regional Street Hierarchy – access, circulation, arrangement Streetscape – preferred design, location Parking – quantity, location, type Architecture – preferred uses, horizontal/vertical mixed use, built form, character of development Signage – design, location, quantity, type Stormwater Management – surface water features, stormwater management Open Spaces – trails and plazas It is essential that proposed design solutions for development projects and other improvements within Avienda demonstrate an understanding of the interplay between these layers. DEVELOPMENT DESIGN GUIDELINES Avienda Overall – 8 Context Overview Avienda is a unique area within Chanhassen; but it is a part of, and connected with, a variety of local, city-wide and regional systems (See Figure 1). Each development project, whether a single building, one lot, or a series of blocks, must provide reasonable links to these systems as a primary design objective. Recommendations To ensure that Avienda takes full advantage of local and regional systems, development should: Provide safe, easily-recognized connections to city, county and state trail corridors Make provisions for public amenities and encourage their use Tie into, and improve, the Chanhassen utility network Integrate with and complement the existing (and future) street framework Become an integral part of the city and county drainage/stormwater management plan Objectives Stormwater shall be managed to the maximum extent practicable to meet the requirements of the watershed, city and other agencies. Where stormwater features are visible, they should support the aesthetic design of the development Bikeways and pedestrian routes in Avienda must be designed for safety and ease of access. DEVELOPMENT DESIGN GUIDELINES Avienda Overall – 9 Street Hierarchy Overview The Development Master Plan defines a strategy for the layout of public and private streets in Avienda. The size, type and configuration of this street hierarchy is based on a combination of projected traffic volume, level of service at intersections, proposed adjacent land use and desired aesthetic character. These guidelines promote a system that balances pedestrian and vehicular use. Recommendations The proposed street pattern reflects an opportunity for residents and visitors to park once and enjoy the shops and amenities on foot. Methods to achieve this include: Provide a street network that distributes pedestrian and vehicular traffic throughout Avienda (many choices or travel paths) Promote improvements that invite pedestrian and bicycle use including wide sidewalks, streetscape amenities and designated bicycle trails DEVELOPMENT DESIGN GUIDELINES Avienda Overall – 10 Conceptual RoadwayLightingConceptualPedestrianLighting Objectives Creative design solutions for streetscape improvements should include: Streetscape improvements that provide traffic calming Inviting streetscapes that balance the needs of automobiles and pedestrians, and draw you into and through Avienda A marriage of building design and streetscape design that encourages active spaces near the streets Street Lights Decorative street lights are desired for Avienda and the developer will work with the City and Xcel Energy to finalize the luminaire and pole types. Lighting design: Conceptual Roadway Lighting - Traditional Style Lamp in Bronze, offered through Xcel Energy, has been chosen for its aesthetic coordination with existing street fixtures in the neighborhood. Conceptual Pedestrian Lighting - BEGA brand 84 483 K3 (pole top luminaires) has been chosen for its quality and aesthetic. Select a style of similar character and quality. Streetscape Overview Amenities within the public right-of-way – and private portions of the pedestrian realm – play an important role in the aesthetics and placemaking of the Avienda streetscape: Plazas and public gathering spaces Street/sidewalk character and streetscape elements Pedestrian/bicycle connections Residential courts and other private green space The goal is to foster a safe and welcoming public realm that will invite pedestrian activity, promote traffic calming and encourage community gathering. Street trees, lighting and decorative fencing frame corridors and outdoor rooms. Special pavements, street furniture, public art and layered plantings will enhance points of interest and transition. Recommendations Give pedestrian scale to otherwise vast open parking lots, streets and plazas by: Incorporating boulevard, median, and parking island trees to frame space and provide shade Installing street lighting that meets all safety standards and design criteria, while creating a signature character for this district Providing bike parking and pedestrian connections as part of each project within Avienda Placing benches, seating, wayfinding kiosks and litter receptacles with regularity along trail loops DEVELOPMENT DESIGN GUIDELINES Avienda Overall – 11 SidewalkBoulevardMedian Street Street Boulevard TrailBirds eye of Bluff Creek Boulevard Section STREETSCAPE CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTER Natural Urban MAINTENANCE Low High PLANTING DENSITY High screening)Low visibility) PRIMARY USERS Automobile Long Term Impact SITE PRIORITY Immediate Impact Pedestrian Landscape enhancements at intersections Consistently planted median with thematic tie-ins to Avienda brand Swamp White Oak River Birch Street TreesRedOak Northwood MapleDiscovery DEVELOPMENT DESIGN GUIDELINES Avienda Overall – 12 Lush plantings with year round interest and low water use. Avienda District Map Comfortable pedestrian connections within parking lots. Screen loading areas with high-quality materials that are consistent with the principal building. Parking Overview Balancing the realities of auto-related necessities and the desired character of Avienda is a significant challenge. The goal is to provide adequate parking – both quantity and location – while promoting new strategies that support the overall needs of Avienda. Parking will be provided through a combination of on-street spaces, off-street surface lots and structured ramps to support the mix of uses at Avienda. Parking structures should be below ground in high-density residential buildings or be lined with store/units or other street-level uses that are integrated into ramp design. Recommendations Parking guidelines encourage the following: Provide a combination of fencing and landscaping to minimize the prominence of parking areas from important views Explore options to integrate stormwater management requirements into parking area design Landscaped parking islands intended for tree plantings must include adequate soil volume for healthy tree growth. Generally, provide one to three cubic feet of soil volume per one square foot of tree canopy area Objectives The primary objective is to provide a balance of surface lots, on-street and structured parking, with ample quantities and close proximity to serve the mix of uses in Avienda. In addition to providing adequate space, quality design is crucial. The framework for Avienda encourages creativity, innovation, quality and attention to detail in the project development, including parking solutions. Minimum Standards Parking in Avienda is intended to be shared to the greatest extent practicable in all mixed-use areas. Parking shall be provided under any of the following arrangements: Shared parking arrangements between nearby uses are encouraged in all districts, including across Districts 1 and 2 Within District 2 parking on individual parcels serving individual uses may be provided if designated and approved as part of the master plan The development team will work with the City to identify opportunities for reduced and shared parking throughout the project Loading Areas Loading areas and docks shall be placed on the building’s least visible elevation. Loading areas shall be screened from public streets and residential areas through landscaping and building design measures. DEVELOPMENT DESIGN GUIDELINES Avienda Overall – 13 Architecture Overview The architectural guidelines are intended to encourage an integration of both traditional and contemporary design. Buildings should have a balanced horizontal/vertical rhythm of windows, offsets, roof lines, materials and entrances. Buildings should be highlighted by massing variety that includes transition lines. Main entrances of buildings should be clearly identifiable and timeless architectural materials, features and forms should be integrated into the design. Architectural designs should provide high-quality design, measured, to a great degree, by the pedestrian experience along the street and sidewalk and by an architectural expression that provides character without being obtrusive or artificial. The quality of the materials selected shall be guided by the design drivers and classified in the Material Classification table. Recommendations Of all the layers that combine to form the project master plan, architecture will typically be the most prominent development component. Both visually and physically, architecture will play a major role in defining the overall design character and mix of uses. It is crucial that the design and location of buildings address these architectural guidelines with specific emphasis on the following: Promote an animated street presence with a mix of street-level uses, interesting building facades, doors and windows on the street where appropriate, careful design of lighting, awnings, signage and other elements that animate the pedestrian experience Promote variety in building design, character and expression; not one theme or building style, but a thoughtful integration of many design solutions Promote a variety of building types, including a range of height, scale and proportion that supports an integrated mix of shopping destinations, food venues, service businesses, commercial office options and other mixed uses Building location is as important as building style; special architectural elements, character, transparency and a higher level of materials and detailing should be used to highlight corridors and crossroads throughout the project Encourage the use of high-quality materials (as listed under the material classifications), suggesting a preference toward native materials, with respect for local building techniques Minimize the impact of all mechanical equipment, as viewed from ground levels at a variety of locations. All mechanical equipment located on the roof or around the perimeter of a structure shall be screened naturalstonestucco/eifs greenscreen steel structure and “greenscreen” mesh infill creates living scrim walls of vines storefront system clear anodized aluminum storefront system with green tinted glass and spandrel glass copper roof and facade panels copper metal panels steel structure and angled louvers create filtered shade shade trellis Material Classification* Class I: Brick Natural stone Glass Copper metal panels Specialty concrete Architecturally precast textured concrete panels Class II: Opaque panels Ornamental metal Architectural rockface cmu Masonry stucco Exterior insulating finishing system (EIFS) Wood Other comparable or superior materials may be approved by Design Review Committee (DRC) by a raised parapet, by comparable and compatible exterior building materials, or painted to complement the building materials in order to diminish its impact. Incidental rooftop equipment deemed unnecessary to be screened by the City shall be of color to match the roof or the sky, whichever is more effective. Equipment used for mechanical, processing, bulk storage tanks, or equipment used for suppressing noise, odors and the like that protrudes from a side of a building or is located on the ground adjacent to a building shall be screened from public view as much as practical with materials matching the design of the building. Where miscellaneous exterior equipment cannot be fully screened with matching building materials, landscaping may be used as additional screening. DEVELOPMENT DESIGN GUIDELINES Avienda Overall – 14 Sign Master Plan Signage Overview Signage within Avienda should provide a system for clear wayfinding for all modes of transportation and should ensure successful business operation while maintaining Avienda’s brand. The Master Sign Plan identifies key sign locations. Developments shall apply to the City of Chanhassen for sign permitting. Objectives Signage should be used as a tool to help identify businesses and neighborhoods within Avienda and should have elements that are focused on its pedestrian nature as well as the signage needs for businesses. Signage and lighting which is integrated into the design of the building is encouraged. Definitions Project Identification Sign means a permanent ground, low profile sign which identifies a specific residential, industrial, commercial or office development and which is located on the premises of the development which it identifies. Off-Premise Directory Sign means a sign which identifies the names of specific businesses located in a shopping center, medical center or commercial, industrial or office development project which is located on the premises or entrance of the center or development so identified. Monument Sign means a low profile sign to identify key tenants on the parcel upon which the sign is located. Wayfinding Sign means a sign containing descriptions of major points of interest and businesses. DEVELOPMENT DESIGN GUIDELINES Avienda Overall – 15 Project Identification Sign with Off-Premise Directory Sign in background Off-Premise Directory Sign Wayfinding Signage Off-Premise Directory Sign The Off-Premise Directory Sign is allowed as part of a holistic design coordinated with the Project Identification Signs at the Powers and Lyman entrances locations. The sign shall coordinate with the materials of other signage on site. Tenant sign panel may be 8 sf, 6’-0” wide x 1’-4” tall, up to (3) three signs per monument. Wayfinding Signs The pedestrian-oriented nature of Avienda requires unique signage that will build on the design concepts for the development. These types of signs include street signs and wayfinding signs. Such signage shall be allowed on public spaces as needed to provide information and wayfinding. Standards Project Identification Sign Project Identification Signs are located at the following locations as shown on the Sign Master Plan: Two at the Powers Boulevard entrance One at the Lyman Boulevard entrance One at the retaining wall facing Highway 212 One at the corner of Lyman Boulevard and Powers Boulevard One at the intersection of Bluff Creek Boulevard and Avienda Parkway These signs located around the periphery of the Avienda development are allowed as shown on the signage plan and shall have consistent materials and colors. DEVELOPMENT DESIGN GUIDELINES Avienda Overall – 16 Below and Right: Natural stone materials are preferred for sign bases of all scales Above: Monument Sign with multiple tenants Avienda District Map Project Identification Sign, view from highway 212 Monument Sign One sign is allowed per building in Districts 1-5 provided that the following standards are met: The signboard shall be constructed of wood, acrylic, aluminum or metal and shall be architecturally compatible with the style, composition, materials, colors and details of the building No part of the sign shall encroach on the right-of-way and its location shall not interfere with pedestrian or vehicular circulation Projects with multiple tenants in a single building shall coordinate project signage as part of a holistic design. Monument signs within District 2 should incorporate the Village brand identity of Avienda. Prohibited signs The following signs are prohibited: Signs employing mercury vapor, low pressure and high pressure sodium and metal halide lighting; plastic panel rear-lighted signs. Signs on roofs, dormers and balconies Billboards Back-lit awnings Interchangeable letter boards or panels Flashing signs DEVELOPMENT DESIGN GUIDELINES Avienda Overall – 17 Building Signs The following parameters apply to building signs. Local authority review, approval and permitting are also required. All storefront signage and graphics are to be first reviewed and approved. All sign packages are to include: Locations Sizes Style of lettering Materials Types of illumination Installation details Logo design No roof-mounted signs are permitted. Store identification signs shall be limited to the Purchaser/Lessee’s trade name. The Purchaser/Lessee must use a crest, shield, logo or other establishment corporate insignia, the area of which shall be included within the allowable sign area. Any sign, notice or other self-illuminated signs, located in the interior of the premises and easily legible from the exterior, except those which are required by law, code, ordinances or regulations, will be allowed only if permitted by the City of Chanhassen. All attachment devices, wiring, clips, transformers, lamps, tubes, bulbs, light sources, manufacturers labels and plates and other mechanisms for signage shall be concealed from public view. Letters may be interior-illuminated with lamps wholly within the depth of the letter. Only the following types of storefront signage will be permitted: Individual dimensional work or metal back-lit (“halo effect”) letters. Internally-illuminated channel letters with opaque metal sides and translucent plastic faces. No exposed crossover, raceways, ballast boxes or transformers will be permitted for wall-mounted signs. Raceways needed to support otherwise floating letters (not mounted to a wall) shall be painted to match adjacent buildings. All penetrations of the building structure required for sign installation shall be seating in a water tight condition and shall be patched to match adjacent finish. The following types of signs and sign components and devises will not be permitted unless otherwise approved: Moving, rotating, or revolving signs Exterior changeable letters or signs Noisemaking signs Signs painted directly on the storefront sign band Signs employing flashing, flickering, changing or moving lights of any kind Inflatable signs Examples of some features that align with this intent are shown at right. DEVELOPMENT DESIGN GUIDELINES Avienda Overall – 18 Large Tenant Retail Signage Large Tenant Retail Signage Calculations apply to tenants with more than 10,000 sf of leasable area Signage shall be integrated into the architectural features of the façade to which they are attached Maximum signage area is calculated at 15% of wall area for each building Maximum area calculation may transfer to other storefronts, leased by the same tenant to increase tenant visibility to surrounding streets Wall-mounted signs shall not project more than 10” from the building. Cabinet signs are prohibited. Service/secondary signage maximum area is 2 sf Table 1 Max. Percent of Wall Area Wall Area in Square Feet (sq. ft.) 15%0-600 13%601-1,200 11%1,201-1,800 9&1,801-2,400 7%2,401-3,200 5%3,201-4,500 3%, not to exceed 275 sq. ft.4,500+ DEVELOPMENT DESIGN GUIDELINES Avienda Overall – 19 Stormwater Management Overview Stormwater management will be handled with a mix of surface ponds, raingardens, permeable pavement, filtration and underground chambers. The mix of systems will provide an environmentally responsible, visually pleasing strategy to manage stormwater while providing focal amenities. Detailed strategies for managing stormwater within Avienda can be found in the Stormwater Management Plan. Objectives Stormwater shall be managed to the maximum extent practicable to meet the requirements of the watershed, city and other agencies. Integration of water and landscape, use of high quality materials and providing a safe environment supply the overlying objectives. Recommendations Stormwater management facilities will be for the most part installed and maintained by the master developer. Individual development projects should implement additional management features, as feasible, depending on their specific situations. DEVELOPMENT DESIGN GUIDELINES Avienda Overall – 20 Public Spaces Overview Avienda healthy living brand seeks to incorporate a full menu of activity choices for visitors and residents. The plan links the existing neighborhood and trails through Avienda, creating interesting gathering nodes along the way. Of equal importance is the contribution from each development project to this network of green, adding a variety of private, semi-private, and perhaps some additional public space throughout Avienda. Private development will share the responsibility to provide inviting, innovative and usable green space as integral parts of individual parcel site design. Recommendations The Design Guidelines encourages the following: Private development should provide inviting gathering space as integral parts of each development project Create signature features (ponds, fountains, plazas) as major visual amenities throughout Avienda Small pedestrian nodes should highlight transition points within Avienda and provide respite along particularly long stretches of trail Objectives Based on the Development Master Plan for Avienda, a variety of public and private green space is proposed including: Each project within Sub-Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4 will provide intentional plazas or green areas as integral components of site development and building design A pedestrian node should include seating, a litter receptacle and shade with proportional understory plantings to anchor the area comfortably within the context of the trail or sidewalk. Pedestrian level lighting and wayfinding should be considered depending on the node location PEDESTRIAN NODE CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTER Natural Urban MAINTENANCE Low High PLANTING DENSITY High screening) Low visibility) PRIMARY USERS Pedestrian Automobile Long Term Impact SITE PRIORITY Immediate Impact Views of plantings and pedestrian nodes along primary pedestrian routes Avienda District Map Metropolitan District Waters Edge Building 1500 County Road B2 West Roseville, MN 55113 An equal opportunity employer MnDOT Metropolitan District, Waters Edge Building, 1500 County Road B2 West, Roseville, MN 55113 May 20, 2020 Kate Aanenson Community Development Director City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvd P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55359 SUBJECT: MnDOT Review # P20-029 Avienda Preliminary Plat and PUD Ordinance NW Quad US 212 & Powers Blvd Chanhassen, Carver County Dear Ms. Aanenson: Thank you for the opportunity to review the Avienda Preliminary Plat and PUD Ordinance. MnDOT has reviewed the documents and has the following comments: Noise: MnDOT's policy is to assist local governments in promoting compatibility between land use and highways. Residential uses located adjacent to highways often result in complaints about traffic noise. Traffic noise from this highway could exceed noise standards established by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the U.S. Department of Transportation. Minnesota Rule 7030.0030 states that municipalities having the authority to regulate land use shall take all reasonable measures to prevent the establishment of land use activities, listed in the MPCA's Noise Area Classification NAC), anywhere that the establishment of the land use would result in immediate violations of established State noise standards. MnDOT policy regarding development adjacent to existing highways prohibits the expenditure of highway funds for noise mitigation measures in such developed areas. The project proposer is required to assess the existing noise situation and take the action deemed necessary to minimize the impact to the proposed development from any highway noise. If you have any questions regarding MnDOT's noise policy please contact Natalie Ries in Metro District’s Noise and Air Quality Unit at 651-234-7681 or Natalie.Ries@state.mn.us. Water Resources: A Drainage Permit is required for any development that discharges stormwater to MnDOT right- of-way/drainage system. The permit applicant shall demonstrate that offsite runoff coming to MnDOT Metropolitan District, Waters Edge Building, 1500 County Road B2 West, Roseville, MN 55113 MnDOT drainage system and/or right-of-way will not increase as a result of the proposed project. The drainage permit application, including the information below, should be submitted online to: https://dotapp7.dot.state.mn.us/OLPA The following information must be submitted with the drainage permit application: 1) A grading plan showing existing and proposed contours. 2) Drainage area maps for the proposed project showing existing and proposed drainage areas. Any off-site areas that drain to the project area should also be included in the drainage area maps. The direction of flow for each drainage area must be indicated by arrows. 3) Drainage computations for pre and post construction conditions during the 2, 10, 50 and 100 year rain events. 4) Time of concentration calculations. 4) An electronic copy of any computer modeling used for the drainage computations. 5) See also the attached Drainage Permits Checklist for more information. Once a drainage permit application is submitted, a thorough review will be completed and additional information may be requested. For questions regards these comments, contact Jason Swenson, Metro Water Resources, at jason.swenson@state.mn.us or 651-234-7539. Permits: In addition to the permits mentioned above in Water Resources, any use of, or work within or affecting, MnDOT right of way will require a permit. Permits can be applied for at this site: https://olpa.dot.state.mn.us/OLPA/. Please direct questions regarding permit requirements to Buck Craig of MnDOT’s Metro Permits Section at 651-234-7911 or Buck.Craig@state.mn.us. Review Submittal Options MnDOT’s goal is to complete reviews within 30 calendar days. Review materials received electronically can be processed more rapidly. Do not submit files via a cloud service or SharePoint link. In order of preference, review materials may be submitted as: 1. Email documents and plans in PDF format to metrodevreviews.dot@state.mn.us. Attachments may not exceed 20 megabytes per email. Documents can be zipped as well. If multiple emails are necessary, number each message. 2. PDF file(s) uploaded to MnDOT’s external shared internet workspace site at: https://mft.dot.state.mn.us. Contact MnDOT Planning development review staff at metrodevreviews.dot@state.mn.us for uploading instructions, and send an email listing the file name(s) after the document(s) has/have been uploaded. MnDOT Metropolitan District, Waters Edge Building, 1500 County Road B2 West, Roseville, MN 55113 3. Mailed or hand delivered documents in PDF format on a flash drive or CD-ROM to: MnDOT – Metro District Planning Section Development Reviews Coordinator 1500 West County Road B-2 Roseville, MN 55113 4. Printed documents via mail or hand delivery to the address above. Include one set of full- size plans. If you have any questions concerning this review, please contact me at (651) 234-7797. Sincerely, Cameron Muhic Senior Planner Copy sent via E-Mail: Buck Craig, Permits Doug Nelson, Right-of-Way Diane Langenbach, Area Engineer Mohamoud Mire, Area Coordinator Almin Ramic, Traffic Lance Schowalter, Design Hailu Shekur, Water Resources Jason Swenson, Water Resources Natalie Ries, Noise Jordon Olson, Surveys Mackenzie Turner Bargen, Multimodal Jason Junge, Transit Russell Owen, Metropolitan Council Carver County Public Works 11360 Highway 212,Suite 1 Cologne,MN 55322 Office 952)466 5200 Fax 952)466 5223 www.co.carver.mn.us CARVER COUNTY May 9, 2018 City of Chanhassen c/o Paul Oehme Director of Public Works/City Engineer 952-227-1169 poehme@ci.chanhassen.mn.us Re: Development/Access Review Comments: Avienda – Progress Set Plans dated 4.25.2018 (Preliminary Plans) – CSAH 18/Lyman Blvd and CSAH 17/Powers Blvd/ US 212 Thank you for the opportunity to review the subject development plans in the City of Chanhassen. Consistent with the County Comprehensive Plan and County Codes, the following are comments and recommended conditions of approval and as potential requirements for any necessary permits to be issued for the project: 1. As an overall comment, prior to the next stage of plans and plat / site plans approval, the County would like to review and approve plans of detailed intersection and related segment geometric design plans with phasing and planned implementation steps and schedules. If the opportunity is not allowed for a reasonable review of such, this could lead to delays in the permitting process and potential major revisions to plans and right of way. The County is available to meet on project management or design meetings. 2. Plans for Bluff Creek Blvd at and from CSAH 17 / Powers Blvd look adequate as long as 2- lanes are maintained on the ingress side to the local roundabout, and 3-lanes are maintained on the egress side to Powers Blvd and the traffic signal intersection there. The exact width for the ingress should be a minimum of 28-ft face-to-face and preferably closer to 30-ft to accept dual LTs in. A cross-section detail should be provided for Bluff Creek Blvd as well as a plan and profile showing the vertical profile from the center-line of Powers Blvd to the internal roundabout. 3. As a note, the geometric design of the internal (City) roundabout (ICD=125 ft) could be (or should be) improved—contact the County if the City would like additional feedback. 4. The Bluff Creek Blvd connection to the existing traffic signal at Powers Blvd/ CSAH 17 and US 212 will require traffic signal modifications and upgrades. Some form of contract / permit and surety with the County will be required for design, construction, re-timing / re- programming, and final inspection for the traffic signal and roadway approach and loop detection facilities. Striping and restriping of lanes and/or crosswalks may be needed to be incorporated into the project. The modification of the existing pedestrian push buttons / APS system may also be needed. Please contact the County and MnDOT to set up a scoping and design meeting. In addition, an intersection detail and traffic signal layout and wiring plan will be required to update the current record traffic signal plan. 5. The intersection of Sunset Trail / Lyman Blvd will need to be reviewed in detail for intersection control alternatives. Intersection traffic operations at this location are a concern and it may be that access needs to be restricted to right-in / right-out until such time that higher order intersection facilities are available and/or provided for. 6. The proposed cross-section of Sunset Trail from Lyman Blvd (CSAH 18) to the south will need to be widened five (5) feet to account for this access condition as well as for two turn lanes out and enough space for truck turning movements in. The cross-section should be 22- ft in; and 27-ft out (10-17-ft). A cross-section detail should be provided for Bluff Creek Blvd as well as a plan and profile showing the vertical profile and alignment plan from the development’s internal street intersection to the far side of Lyman Blvd intersection, to include the existing street on the north side of the intersection. Further changes to Sunset Trail and its alignment may be required. 7. A full right of way intersection detail of the Sunset Trail and Lyman Blvd will need to be provided to show plans for a future traffic signal layout, wiring, loop detection, and corridor interconnection plan. In addition, numerous utilities are in place in the NW quadrant and some are being looked at to be relocated, such that a utility plan may also be required. Pedestrian ramps and other improvements will be required including pedestrian push buttons APS systems. In addition, intersection lighting will need to be reviewed and included if not adequate as determined by the County. Contract / permit and surety with the County will be required for design, construction, and final inspection for the intersection connection, and if approved traffic signal and roadway approach facilities. Striping and restriping of lanes and/or crosswalks may be needed to be incorporated into the project. 8. The proposed vertical profile of Sunset Trail from Lyman Blvd (CSAH 18) to the south looks overly steep and will need to be revised to provide 100-feet of 2% max profile and match to the existing Lyman Blvd grade. A check for future loops and/or video camera signal detection may also be required. 9. The contour and grading of the site will need to factor in additional roadway width to include a right turn lane from Lyman Blvd to Powers Blvd. with the existing right turn lane converting to a through lane in future plans. The plat and the separate site plans’ final grading plans and right of way along both CSAH 18 and CSAH 17 will need to be reviewed and approved to show how this is set up for the planned future CSAH 18 future plans. Prior to next stage grading and plat approval, the County would like to review and approve an exhibit drawing showing a cross section of Lyman Blvd on both ends of the plat edges. The cross sections would show the future road improvements and how these improvements might affect the subject lots and any other plat or lot proposed improvements. The two cross sections should be referenced to a plan view at 1:40 scale from center of existing ROW and existing grade, with notes on proposed grades for the roadway and subject lots. 10. The field entrance on the south side of Lyman Blvd approximately 400 ft. east of Sunset Trail must be removed and replaced with full B curb. 11. As part of our review of the preliminary plans, the following are also noted: the City stubbed in a new water main at the SW quadrant of Powers Blvd and Lyman Blvd (NE quadrant of the property). County has fiber conduit and vaults along the south side of Lyman Blvd the entire length of this property. Utility plan shows the casing outside of the roadway on Sunset Trail. Proposed grading plans and utility plans will need further review to show and resolve these conflicts. 12. Prior to any work affecting or on County highways or in County right of way, the applicant shall coordinate plans with the County Engineer and obtain a Utility or Excavating/Filling/Grading Permit(s) from Carver County Public Works: http://www.co.carver.mn.us/how-do-i/apply-for/a-permit). Final details of locations, grades, and profiles affecting County roads as well as any utility connections will need to be reviewed and approved prior to any permits. 13. Any damages, modifications, or changes incurred on County highways from current or approved conditions will need to remedied or updated at development expense, including costs incurred by the County. These are comments at this time. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at dmccormick@co.carver.mn.us or by phone at (952) 466-5208. Sincerely, Dan McCormick, P.E. PTOE Transportation Manager Carver County Public Works CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND I{ENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION Application of Landform Professional Services LLC - Planning Case No. 2017-10'IN RE: Avienda Request for amending the Preliminary Plat creating 19lots, 3 outlots and dedication of public right-of-way, plans prepared by Landform dated May 1, 2020; and amending the Planned Unit Developnent of 118+/- acres of property zoned Planned Unit Development-Regional commercial District @uD-RC) including ExlriDit I Avienda Design Standards and reaffirming the Conditional Use Permit for development within the Bluff Creek Overlay District and the Wetland Alteration Permit for the property located at the southwest comer of Powers Boulevard and Lyman Boulevard. On June 2,2020 the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Landform Professional Services LLC, for a Preliminary Plat and amending the zoning to Planned Unit Development-Regional Commercial (PUD-RC). The Planning Commission conducted public hearings on the proposed development preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak. b. The proposed subdivision is consistent with all applicable city, county and regional plans including but not limited to the city's Comprehensive Plan; c. The physical characteristics of the site, including but not limited to topogaphy, soils, vegetation, susceptibility to erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding, and stormwater drainage are suitable for the proposed development; FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Planned Unit Development - Regional Commercial District (PUD-RC). 2. The property is guided in the Land Use Plan for Office or Regional Commercial. 3. The legal description of the property is: See Exhibit A. 4. STJBDTVISION The findings necessary for approval of the preliminary plat have been satisfied: a. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the zoning ordinance; d. The proposed subdivision makes adequate provision for water supply, storm drainage, sewage disposal, streets, erosion control and all other improvemenls required by this chapter; e. The proposed subdivision will not cause environmental damage, but will preserve the Bluff Creek Primary Zone within the parcel; f. The proposed subdivision will not conflict with easements of record and will dedicate all appropriate easements; g. The proposed subdivision is not premature. A subdivision is premature if any of the following exists: l Lack of adequate stormwater drainage, which will be provided in the development. 2. Lack of dedicated and improved public streets, which will be constructed as part of the development. 3. Lack of adequate sanitary sewer systems or no ISTS (individual sewer treafinent system). Sewer service will be extended within the development. 4. Lack of adequate oflsite public improvements or support systems. h. Preliminary plat approval creating 19 lots, 3 outlots and dedication of public right-of- way, plans prepared by Landform dated May l, 2020 is contingent upon the conditions of approval in the staff report. 5. REZI)NING The proposed amendment meets the required standards for approval: a. The proposed zoning has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions ofand has been found to be consistent with the official city Comprehensive Plan. b. The proposed zoning is or will be compatible with the present and future land uses of the area. The proposed zoning conforms with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance. d. The proposed zoning will not tend to or actually depreciate the area in which it is proposed. e. The proposed zoning can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the city's service capacity. c f. Traffic generation by the proposed use within the zoning district is within capabilities of sfieets serving the property. g. The planning report #17-10 dated June 2nd,2020 prepued by Kate Aanenson, et al, is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve the proposed development including an amended Preliminary Plat creating 19 lots, 3 outlots and right-of-way for public streets (approximately I l8+/- acres) subject to the conditions in the staff report; and the Amendment of Planned Unit Development - Regional Commercial, PUD-RC; and reaffirms the approved Wetland Alteration Permit for the grading and filling of wetlands; and Conditional Use Permit for development within the BluffCreek Overlay District, as shown in plans dated May l, 2020. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 2nd day ofJune, 2020. Chanhassen ity Council BY: teve Weick, EXHIBIT A The south half fthe southwest ouarter. Section 23. Townshio 116. Ranee 23.Carver Countv. two described trac Line 1. C ncins at the southwest comer f Section 23. Townshio I 16.se 23: thence north on sect thence in a int on the south section li of said section, 30 feet east of the southwest comer of said section : thence west 30 feet to said section and D of besinnins. beine a three-co mered piece in southwest of said Section 23. Township 116 . Ranee 23: and 2. That part ofthe southeast quarter of the southwest quarter and the east halfofthe so uthwest ouarter ofthe southwest quarter. both in Secti 23. Townshio I 16 North. Ran se 23 West. Carver Countv. Mi nnesota which lies easterlv of Line 2 descri bed below. Line 2. Bee ns at the south ouarter corner of said Section 23: thence run west on an azt muth of27l deerees 56 minutes I 3 seconds along the south line of said Section 23 for 1634.23 feet to a no lnt : thence nan azimuth of 00 de srees 43 minutes 24 seconds for 500.1 I feet lo a noint: thence on an azim uth of9l desrees 56 minutes 13 seconds for 1173.46 feet to a Doint: thence on an azimuth 29 19 minutes 18 seconds for 152.1 1 feet 1o a pointl thence on an azimuth of 352 deerees. 57 minutes. 23 seconds for 709.36 feet to a point on the north line f said southeast o uarter of the ouarter: thence on an azimuth of9l degrees 23 minutes 02 seconds alone the north line of said southeasl quarter ofthe southwest quarter for 47 5.37 feet to the northeast comer of southeast ouarter ofthe southwest quarter and there terminating. Abstract. Parcel The north 420.00 feet of the east 414.86 feet ofthe northwest quarter o fthe southwest ouarter of Section 23, Townshi n 1 16. Ranse 23.Carv er Countv. Minnesota. Parcel 2: west uarter of the so f ection 23 Townshi 116 County. Minnesota for the south 658.24 feet thereof; and also ex the north 420.00 feet fthe east 414.86 feet Parcel 3: The south 658.24 feet of fte northwest ouarter ofthe southwest quarter f Section 23. Townshio 1 16. Ranee 23. Carver Countv. Minnesota. Tosether with Toeether with The northeast quarter ofthe southwest quarter of Section 23. Townshio 116 North. Range 23 West. Carver County. Minnesota except that part ofthe northeast quarter ofthe southwest quarter of Section 23. Township I 16 North. Ranee 23 West. shown as Parcel 64 on Minnesota Department of Transportation riehrof-way Plat No. l0- 1 9. filed I 0- l9-2004 as Document No. 39930. CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF CARVER I, Kim T. Meuwissen, being first duly swom, on oath deposes that she is and was on May 21,2020, the duly qualified and acting Deputy clerk of the city of chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy ofthe attached notice of Public hearing to consider a request an application to amend the preliminary plat and the PUD Ordinance for Avienda located at the SW corner of Lyman and Powers Boulevards. The amended request for pretiminary plat creates 16 lots,3 outlots and dedication of public right-of-way for public streets (120 acres) and a rezoning of 120 acres of property zoned Agriculturel Estate District (A-2) to Planned unit Development-Regional commercial District PUD-RC), Planning Case Fite No. 201?-10 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses ofsuch owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. Kim T. Meuwissen, Deputy Clerk Subscribed and swom to before me Seal) JEIil M SMCruNG iaoltty h/bbilfn€ota ry*rfF.fiLldla SS. thiol+ day of ,2020. N otary Public SUBJECT AREA Di.cLftnar This map is neilher a legally re@ded map nor a su.vey and is not intended lo be us€d as one. ihis map is a comfilaton of records, info.matioal and dala loaaled in Erious city, countv. strte and fedelai olfices aod other sources regEding lhe area sh(,wn, aM is to b€ u;d tor rebronce purposes only The City does nol wananl thal the Geog6phtc lnformation System (GlS) Data used lo prepae lhis map ale er.or fee. and the City does not reoaeseni hal the Gls oata can be used ior nauoatonal. tracking or any other ouDo; reauiring erGctng measuremenl ol dbtance or drrecton or rrecr3ron rn the d€piction of geographic features. Th€ p.eceding discjaimer is provi(bd pu6uanl to Minnesota Stahll€6 S486.03. SuM. 2'l (2000), and the user of this m.p ackno.,ledges lhat fie Crty shall not be liable tor any damages and expEssly waives alldaims. and aorees to alefend. ndemn v. and hold hamless the oty lrorn any and alldarms brought b; User. lts employees ot agents. o. thrd panies wtlrch anse out ol tle users access or use of data provided. TAX_NAMED TAX-ADD-L1r TAX ADD L2r rNert Record>aTAX_NAMET aTAX_ADD-Llr TAX-ADD-L2tt, SUBJECT AREA Ditchlllt This map is neither a legally leco.ded map nor a survey and is nol intended to be used a3 one. This map 6 a comFihtion ot records, inlormstioo and data located in Yarbus city, counv. stats and fede6l offices end other sources reg6dang the area shorm. end is to be used br reblence purpos$ only. The City does nol watrant that the Geogtaphic lnbmalion System (GlS) Dala used to prepare $i9 rnap ale ero. ftee and tm Ciy does not lepre€ent $at ttE Gls Data can b€ used for navioatboal, tractinc or any olher purpose requiring exacling measurement ot distance o. clircction or p.ecision in the depiclion ot g€ographic fealur*. The p.ecedano disdarmer is provaaled pu6uant to Minnesota statlrt6 y66.03. subd. 21 (2000). and the usea of tlis map acloo ledlps that $e Crty shall not b€ liable for any damages. and expressly waives all daims, and agre6 to debnd, indemnify, and hold llarmless the City kom any and all claims brought bt lrser. its employees o. agents, or third pades wfiach arEe ost of lhe usefs acae$ or use of data provided. I l tL-) l/ l I H l 1 l c; a o) o E oE E o! Eo- oE o B $ 6q ees;Ei; 9 FE Eidr'6 ct oE 9-o i r i: gs:5 3;6€ es $g-= cl >oGr:= r, E EIE€E *i iIg*IEEEEt E;IrEE;EE5 ifl: fl;".; *: telE*ri E:* i aIIEcilE iEi oE a 9o. 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