Development Review Applicationcofxlril?Y DEITE OPnEil? EprFflEln Phnnlng [}vu€n - 77(n llE kd Boalarsrd Mdline Ad !.r -p.o. Box t,l7, chnrhllton, Mt{ 5s}17 PhonB: (9Sl) 22?-1400 i Fsx: (952) 227. i t r 0 fftT0rcfiAilHrx$[fl APPUCANOI FOR DEYELOPUET{T REVIEIi/1ln I slz>*o."8!3[e-."*fu]&I rslaa n,*,t b tr }#,WEA Ap#,du, Crt,ddrt tb.,tc,id clbafr frffi5t; 76,r w*Atnf lN WdD qomeld|.rlrlvs Pfrl tuncodrnod........,.,..............U tlf,no. HJSA trn. tr {at&le o&.t .of,r!..... I Cond$on:{ Us p.nnh (c{JP) Raidooe D tnbrtm tka Pumh (lUP)EtnEal *th Slnd+Fenly Rrrldence., t800 $1m tB25 t42t t325 0/.2t fl *E*c(REzlU PbnnEd Unlt DaaloEr.{a (pt,E) _.,.........-...tl fnnor Afirmdilffi !o dns PUD-..--.... . ..,.I ett orrxs....... . ...........,.....:....... -.... .....,....... u v.1€ion Aelanracnpm<r+iny (VAC)........ $m(.ffi '! rllt rf,Srrt8750tls t500 tr Sign Plrfi Rarkr .....-........... tiSO [] Seb Pbn Roybqr (sPR)oo Adnlnbft[n. Cdrurr{eiaut,1&ritrhl D6tIr!. g10o ll8o fi! vrtnor{vrn...-.............,........................ O Wethnu llrrdon Perrnft (WAP) Rooidonce 3150 ,215 BJ zonrre rppcet,. D Zontq OrOtnenot ArclrrtrrGrt eOA) .,,..... ........ $5OO !!SB rh?q*or9PE ,- -tE- Gt.l.lrr.rr tta rrPls.h b rll- h.irr..t td dr +caanD.\ ,....3$ p.. rddIm doalmanl Prrmit o H Alcrdiun Pcrrnl TOTALFEE: $673.P0 - Pir tto F 1,000 Em ttorlulrfrB rs:C- ltErerd tsrar!$it)aldd3flrnr srlb|E $laaqFE - 'tralll ar'rlr d ru tilttr:i nmua oom-I,,-... ...,.,....-.:--.- 'uA;Plrll ?3 p( dildhe tn[ (- unt8] E r{*u 8fi{qrilils, ts ftsady Omor!' Lld$filn EoO (crtblrrrtr,rtFr-Hc$r6{t............-. m Eacrg{rt tor Recording Oocrtm.dr (chact a[ E0 Coldftonsl U!3 Porrnit VacBli{x1 Vli€fbtd Daedsthb & Bouldr sub.ltvbloo (3 rb...)( r.l.lrrlnB) DcrcrlNon of Propolal: Proparty Addrolr or Loc{lon:6893 Elohover Dri va Par6lt 253490r 20 l€g D.rcn ion:Lot 3, Slock 3r Elghover Iot l Arrrgrra2rT@-5q.JEL wsrr6. Pr!..nr o Yc. B r,b PEssnl Zonkq:Scbcr Ou tS1 RGqu6bd Zoring:Sctacl Otr! Xgp Prsreirt Lrnd Ui! D@muon:Selccl Onr BSP R.qu!.r.d L.nd Utc Drshnltlon: Exirtng Ula ol SF Slngl,B fanll 320o ' Elchd( bor( u r0erc. mtr*,. h sthdr.d. v Resldent1al Sg&d Ons $HblOrlu tr Sit€ Alr th.t 5i.,:1;}i: l. qatl i.r,a..l lrrlr,r.'r1r. ri c.rtrol T-ir:eir. r I l!irccl.,.,ll ilr.rt rl),)l Namcr Adt ra53' C[Y/sh/zb: Enril: Cont ct Phone: Ceo: Frxsbn{urc: - o!b: FROPERfY O-yXEli !n :S{nC thE rppthrtion, t, as Eoparty oryner, haw tt I bgel cspEdty ro, end he8by do,authodro thc ,i{ng. ot s$s rpprcalbn. I lP?rsqfd ltot 9-dftoos or.pprova, &I' onaini roi :gjrc. ra ua ti".,a oy oorcfe.qqtl.sf.l mly 6uie{t{& lsdc{ht h..(bg*ordtt.tqe tr..F.t pcdodi.l rrfl l6+rnpa[ rnh,'rl|d d tha dcadlllEs lor .lomi$ion d m.b.ir! rnd hc progrG of thr epptcatioi. I tu;the. unddslrnd fiar ;dm*rar fa" mey b€ $8t9od lor consultt{ ba6, ftatbilty !tudb., eta wtth sn e3Iim.E prbr to sny euthori2irion to praceod u/ah lhestudy. I clrtty that the inbrmdiofl ed e)6bts sub.Diftld alB trrc and core<r Nsrn€: Joan Synstel i.e-n/f,arry Synstellen Addrcss 6893 Etgbover Drive ctty/SldZip:Chanhas sen, l,lN 553 17 Ernar: Co rct: Pioo.: _ Cat q 32-01 1-o6?q . Fer - Noo€ Oale: contsct - PllelE:_ 06x: - Fer: 1 Ttt appHon mua Dc oo.np&d h fu[ ard nIJ{ ba scconTrolrd by aI i&.lr&t &d plons rquirld bf .pplbible City frh.rca provblof:3. Bdon fl[U thts 8pptcaton. r.hr to h! Tproprt ts Apdb8tion Ch6&ist and cofitsr wih th. PbnnrB OoF.rtoant to (rat8frine th€ !p.cl0c ordinrnc. and appllcsbb proccduat Gquilurcnts 8nd fses. A detominston ol corplston.se ol fte Eppucathn sht[ bo mrdo wlhh 'l S bwlri66s dr],s of applcation eubmttrl. A vnittan no0c. d @Xssdon dddqndca drol bs maltrd b lhc applcrnt wihin I 5 budnrs dalB ot qpp&ceIoh . SEnatuIa: PRoTEC? E IG0{EER (if eppllcebh} 1tVt- Urho should rloctt't coplar ot ltrrf rDport?oltrffiIfrnDdbn: lur}lc ..._.-.--- Addllor:Cry/fuZlp:.-- Enul: --.- UtrtrD E Dtr :.Jtrtrtr Enuil Em.il Emsil Emall tllabd Prpar Copy Mailcd Papcr Copy Maibd P.Fcr Copy Malled Faper Copy : Comphts a8 neoesssry 6orm tLts3, lh€n sel6d SAVE. FORlrl to saw a aopy to tout to clty slong wi& rcquir€d documonts rnd payncrn. SUB IT FORiI to send a dtgltal INSTRUCT|o T TO AFPLICA'{T devEe. PRIXT FOA *'rd de0Ycr copy lo th8 city tor prcc€s3lr€,sAvE troftta tirxt toftr SUBTIIT FORi ApplicalltSecti()l) 3: IJ nlrdOu, r rer lntoruatlon APPLICAI{T oTltER IH I PRoPEf,IY-otry E8: ln sEning thb appticatirn, t, as sppfc nt, repraeont to haye obt8ir.dauthorizsuoi fmm rh. proporty ouner to fie tha ap,g{ixuon. iagrea io Oe OwnO Uy ,ii,Oiti""i .iq;;;,'il,i,g"a onry O'.hc right to obJod st liB hsr,1gB on 68 aDpricadon or during t-* apncal pctud. rihb sFpltcdron fiii nJ bui "En"O Uythe p.ororry orrE , r ha,e alhdrcd s.pente &qrrEfibtio;ot tuif 6gr ;+rdty to rn [i" qppijdi*.'ii,h [pri""rr-silouid ba procesrcd h my naflro .lE I 8rn $. parv rhom th€ cry lEodd contia cgaroia'iny ,r,"t1o, prr ,irg to ttruepplbdros. r r,ilroep nlEdirbrrEd o{ $', oedftcs rq rubrn[rftn or meoria afr ti ir"gie""-iiiic- ilpqorun. rturther undcrsBnd thel addidoflEr tu s rTny b: chipo-d q consu&n9i!c!, ibcsbuty srudll,iic. ;th ,, "ii,[ao p.io, roany autlrorizalion tD proc.ed rfi&| tic atudy. t Ertily thst Uts lnfwmition and txtriUitir rulmitica aro tui "nO ,r*"r. t{<lc; AaErBsr Cilyrgrtczs; E nail: .-.-_- Soction 4: Notrricatior nlcrl,luatio|r PrqpsrU O{r!, \iir:Applc.nt \fa: Eflginorr . Vis:oltlcr' ME: