Appeal NarrativeAPPEAL TO T}M BOARD OF APPEALS AND ADJUSTMENTS CITY OF CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA RE: 6893 HighoverDrive, Chanhassal MN 55317 Encroachment A$eement Partial Denial APPELLANTS: Joan and Larry Synstelieru owners of 6893 Highover Drive, Chanhassen, Minnesota 553 17, (hereinafter "Synselien Family".) COMES NOW, Appellants Joan and Larry Synstelien acting pusuant to Mn. Stat. 5462.157, SuM. 6, which provides for appeal to the city of Chanhassen Board of Appeals and Adjustments by a person affected by compliance with conditions imposed by the Municipal Zoning Ordinance. ADMIMSTRATIVE DECISIONS IN ERROR HEREBY APPEALED: Administrative Decision APPealed: Decision by City of Chanhassen Administrative Officer Charles J. Howley, PE' LEED AP' Director of Public Works/City Engineering, by letter of February 12,2020 ke: 6893 Highover Drive Encroachment Agreement for various areas of 6893 Highover Drive. Therein, the Synselien Family's Application for m Encroashment Aseement was approved in part and denied in part. Specificalty, the following items in Synstelien's Encroachment Aqreement Application were'denied: #1. Item "F'(Block Wa[)' and #2. Item "I" @ortion of Block Wall Wirhin Easement Area), (Modular Block Garden Wall) (See Exhibit "A".) 1 #l - Item "F' Glock Wall'l Mr. Howley's 02llA2O20 denial of an Enuoachment Ageement for Item "F" (Block Wall) does not state a reason for the denial. The city,s 02119/2020 Residential Permit/Survev Routine Form, Engineering sectiorl prepared in relation to this wall states as follows: "Wall in D + U ESMT. Needs to be moved out of D + U ESMT. Label top + bottom of walls including all elevation changes. Design does not address walls over 4' or staged walls nearby. Design is vizual only Bot Eng. Certificate of wall construction or operation."* @mPhasis added.) (See Exhibit "B".) * [The foregoing refertnce to walls over 4' and their construction fails to acknowledge that any issue related thereto berween the city and Applicants Synstelien was resolved last November after submission ofa civil Engineer's report veriling that the on-site walls over 4' were built to code, and that this no longer an issue.l "I" (Po on of Bl Wall Easement Area Mr. Howley's 02 tl2l2o2} denial of an Encroachment Agreement for ltem "I" (Portion of Btock watl) does no, state a reason for the denid. It only states: 'tall will need to be removed." The city's 02119/2020 Residential Permit/Survey Routine Form. Engineering section, prepared in relation to this wall states as follows: ..wall must be removed from D + U ESMT. @ Area regraded to keep overland flow in D + U easement on Foperty. will need encroachment for all walls atlowed to remain inD+uESMTareas. (See Exhibit "C".) SCOPE OF REVIEW The Chanhassen Board of Appeals aod Adjustnents has the power: (l)Tohearanddecideappealswhereitisallegedt}ratthereisanerrorinany 2 order, requirement, decision, ol determination made by an Administrative Offrcer in the enforcement ofthe Zoning Ordinance; and (2) To hear requests for variances from the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance including restrictions placed on non-conformities. REOUES TED RELIEF and VARIANCE The Synstelien Family appeals the above decisions of the Director of Public works/city Engineer Howley, and requests the chanhassen Board ofAppeals and Adjustnents: (l) ovemrle the above-described Administrator decisions as an error, and/or (2) grant, as needed, variances to applicable code to permit the walls at issue to remain in place, as built, and suppo( inclusion of said walls in the Appellants' requested Encroachment Agrcement. DISCUS SION - Item "F" (B lock Wall) Item "F" (Block WaIt) is a retaining wall, built of common sand colored landscaping blocks' used throughout the synstelien property and neighborhood, holding back the soil on the East sideoftheAppellants'home.Itwasbuilt,bycontractor,inconjunctionwithanexcavation oftheeastsideyardtoaddabasementwalkoutingressandegressdoor'anddeckbuilt under approved Building Permit. The Block wall, immediately east of the eastelly footings of the new deck, encroaches approximately l foot into the City,s l0-foot deep Drainage (9 footfromthepropertyline)andUtilityEasement.Thelocationofthewallwasdetermined by the third- party contractor, and not the Synstelien Family' Theneighborhoodisfullydeveloped.Allneededutilityservicesareinplace.Sewerand water service are in the street. There are no utilities located in the east Drainage and Utility Easement, or impacted, or obstructed in the construction of the Block Wall ' When the l0-foot Drainage and Utility Easernent upon the residential property to the East is takenintoconsideration,intotalthecityhasatleastlgfeetofunobstructedeasement 3 between these homes. In the remote possibility that the Block Wall might, at a future date' become an obstruction, the Synstelien's understand the wall is subject to removal by the city, which is reasonable and acceptable to the Synstelien Family. This Block Wall is essential to the functionality and serviceability of the newly installed East walkout door, an emergency exit mne, along with the newly built deck and should not be required to be demolished. The wall shields visual site line ofthe underdeck from view, hence, increasing visual appeal and security. The present demand that the Block Wall be demolished and removed from the easement, when an encroachment agreement providing for future removal - as needed, if needed - can resolve the issue, is per se unreasonable. Demolition of the wall is not dictated by city code, especially when code provides for encroachment agreements. Any conflict with city code can be answered by the grant of a variance. Failure to over-rule the administrative decision at issue, and grant the needed variance, will unjustifiably and unduly penalize the synstelien Family and adversely impact the surrounding neigbbors through the need for heavy equipment, lawn removal, side walk impedimurt,andnoise-terribleinconvenienceanddisruptionoftheirreasonable enjoyment oftheir property and incursion of considerable, needless expense WhentheSynstelienfamilyrelieduponitscontractortoplanandexecutetheeastsideyard walkorx improvement, they never knew or understood the Block Wall would be improperly located by the third-party contractor in the city easement' Nor did he know that an EncroachmentAgleement,toanswerstaffobjectionsastoitsplacement,wouldbearbitrarily denied. The final location of the encroaching Block Wall was made by the Applicant Synsteliens' contractor, not the Synstelien Family' TheCityinspectedtheDeckandGradingseveraltimesduringtheconstructionprocessandat notimeissuedastopworkorderonthewallduetoitspositioning.onlyseveralmonthsafter theendoftheconstructionandcompletionoftheprojectwasanissueraisedoftheneedfora possibleencroachmentagreement.TheCityapprovedtheencroachmentofthedraintile. The wall makes less of an impact to the easement than the drain tile' TheSynstelienFamilyrespectfi:llysubmitsthattheAdministrativeofficer'sdecisioninthat Item "F" (Block WalI) must be removed' and it cannot be ganted permission to remain in placeunderanEncroachmentAgreement.CityCodeSection20-908YardRezu]ations, 4 paragraph (6) provides: ,.... retaining wall... and other encroachments may be allowed within an easement with an Encroachment Agreement if they do not alter the intended use of the easement and at the discretion of the community development director or designee. The Administrative officer's decision denying an Encroachment Agreement for Item "F" (Block Wall) rureasonable. The Board of Adjusments should determine that the determination was unreasonable in that an Encroachment Agreernent for the synstelien Family property should include Item "F". Variances are permitted under the practical diffrculty standard of M'S' 5462.357 , Subd. 6. The Synsteliens meet that standard hereon' Manner of Use Appellants Synsteliens' planned manner ofuse ofhis residential property - a sidewalk out employing the retaining wall as located (above described) - is a reasonable manner ofuse of a residential property in the applicable residential zone. Item "F" Block wall is below the easement gmde. With only l-2 feet visible fiom the Synstelien house under the Synstelien's deck, it makes no noticeable visual prcsence and does not adversely impact the quiet and peaceful use and enjoyment of adjacent residential properties. In fact, it enhances the neighborsviewbyshieldingtheareabelowdeckfromview'Thisalsoprovidesenhance securitytothepropertybyshieldingviewoftheegressdoor.Thewall'slocation9feetback ftomthelotline,and2gfeetWestofresidencetotheEast'makesnoimpactontheadjacent property. Pliqht of the ADpellants TheplightofAppellantssynstelienwascreatdbytheirthird-partycontractor.TheAppellants didnotknow,approve,orrequestthewallwouldbebuiltonefootintothecityeasement'Mr' and Mrs. Synstelien have no training or experience as builder or surveyor. Their plight is not oftheirownmaking.Rather,itistheproductofdesignandconstructiondecisionsbya third.partycontractorreliedupontodesigil,locate,andconstructtheEastbasementwalk.out and overlying deck. I ofN Thevarianceifgranted,willnotchangetheessentialcharacterofthelocality.Thisis because,asnote4theBlockWallisbelowgradeandnotvisiblefromthestreet.Thewall 5 sits parallel and b€low the new deck. Consequently, the wall is subordinate thereto and does not appear as a separate stnrch[e and blends even with the grass line. . Lastly, built of standard landscaping blocks, commonly in use, and matching blocks used elsewhere upon the Synselien property, the wall blends in, and is not of an objectional character. DISCUSSION - Item "I'' (Portion of Block Wall Within Easement Area) (Modular Block Wall) Item 'f' (Ponion of Block Wall Within Easement Area) is a modular block garden wall built of common sand-colored landscaping block which defines the line between sod and gardens on the south portion of the Appellant's lot. This wall was built by a contractor in coqjunction with a regrading of the Synstelien yard and the installation of an in-ground French drain. The most southerly tip of the modular block garden wall incidentally encroaches upon the City's Drainage and Utility Easement along the south line of the Synstelien lot. This encroachment was not objected to by the Administrative Offrcer and will be permitted under the requested Encroachment Agreement. The most easterly tip ofthe modular block garden wall encroaches on the easterly Drainage and Utility Easement. The newly installed French drain, in the Easterly Drainage and Utility Easement, collects water which inundates the Synstelien property on a rcgular basis from water draining from the north. The French drain directs the water rmderground to a soft connect in the public street. Prior to the regrading of the lot water reaching the Synstelien lot drained orito the property to the east. This was an existing condition not created by synstelien. (See Exhibit "D"). with the regrading of the Lot and new French Drain, watel reaching the Synstelien property from the south - originally destined for the property to the East - is now drained rmderground to the street and is greatly reduced and is not significant' The synstelien,s request to include the Easterly terminus of the modular block garden wall under Encroachment Agreement, is necessary to avoid demolition and regrading of the Synstelien lot one more time. The Synstelien family relied upon a conmctor for grading and install of the garden wall and wasnotaware,didnotrequest,orapprovedtheinstallationofthewallwithintheeast Drainage and utility Easement. The synstelien family respectfirlly submits that the 6 Administrative Officer's decision that Item "I" (Portion of Block Wall Within Easement Area) be removed and not granted permission to remain in place under an Encroachment Agrcement is unreasonable and unnecessarily punitive to the Synsteliens and to surrounding neighbors who would unnecessarily have endure construction vehicles, noise and sod removal and replacement. . The City Code allows Encroachment Agreements for retaining walls that do not alter the intended use of the City Drainage and Utility Easement (20-908(6)). The easterly garden wall terminus does not alter the use ofthe City's easement. The denial ofan Encroachment Agreement her€on was arbitrary, capricious and punitive. An Encroachment Agreement is reasonable under the circurnstances and should be granted. The Synstelien family requests the City Board of Appeals and Adjustments ovemrle the Administrative Officer's decision regarding Item "I" (Portion of Block Wall Within Easement Area) and, as needed, grant Applicant Synstelien a variance. Variances are permitted under the practical diffrculty standard of M.S. $462.357, Subd. 6 Reasonable Manner of Use Appellants Synsteliens' planned manner ofuse ofhis residential property - a decorative garden wall as located (above described) - is a reasonable manner ofuse ofa residential propefiy in the applicable residential zone. The Block Wall is no more than 14" above grade, decreasing to no more than 6" above grade on the easterly tip. With minimal block wall visible above grade, and primarily visible ftom the Synstelien's backyard porch it makes no noticeable visual presence and does not adversely impact the quiet and peaceful use and enjoyment of adjacent residential properties. ln light ofthe new French drain, the wall's easterly terminus, as buil! makes no measurable adverse impact on the property to the East. Plieht of Aooellants The plight ofAppellants Synstelien was created by his third-party contfactor. The Appellants did not know the wall would be built in the City Drainage and Utility Easement. Mr. and Mrs. Synstelien have no training or experience as builder or surveyor. Their plight is not of their oun making. Rather, it is the product of design and construction decisions by a third- party contractor relied upon to desigrr, locate, in the consauction of the garden wall. of the Area 7 No Imoact on Essential Character No Imnaat ooEgsiotial Cttrtctsr of ths Arsa Tbc vaiuca if granls4 uiin nd changp thc e*seotial clrsacter of the locality. This is bocauoc il is a corrnou lmdscaping anrnity,largely below grade md notvisible whcre tbc gnde drops ald more u$ll blocks 8rc e)Qolad- Thc gard€o$l8il is subordioate to all oher lot struc$rcs. Buill of stmdardlardscrying blocks, comuonly iruse asd matching blooks usod else*hore upontte Syt#ticnproperly, tbevrall bleodsiq ondismt of an obitcticnal 8lchiEctural chEsstsr. cortcl.r.rsloN Aprpellonts Syustelio ralrests &at fre City 's Bmxt of AAcak ao'd Adjustoents rccopize rha tbe $ouine pnaoticaL diffiarlrieg bciog imposd upoe the Synstelien family by the rmreasonable aod unfrir dcrnad tr6 they now dencolkh thr aa ecfuting Item 'f" Bbck \tralt atd ltqn *I" fb ca*edy tenninug of tre gflrden uall and thd 6c &mily sbould not bear the bwdcn associs&d $ith rcbuildiqg a rtainirg walls md rc.ladscapirg thc bac.k yrd. The dcrnand trar thc walls be ikmolishcd is unresollablc as it daies thc Syn elien Furily tre reasonable use of thsh propcrty and imposes urduc expenses tbd ae punitive in ndr:rc' The city can eccom$odslc ib nceds md rccomruodatc &e $ynstdiem Funlly by simply agreebg o inckde tlc two walb io t* requestad ErstscMent Ag$@q!ot. tn thc unlikcty avciltat$c city svertss *eod to ms ftc Draina6o mdtlility a8tcm8tt, aodlqnovs same, it do so laudrlly. .rl AP?ELLANTS SYNSTEI,II,N ( For reference a copy of the 09/07/18-.Synstelien Lot survey is attached as Exhibit "E". R Dusd: CITY OT CIIAI,IHASSXI{ Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tornonow February 12,2020 Larry Synstelien 6893 Higbover Drive Chanhassen,MN 55317 RE: We have intemally reviewed thc submitted plan requesting encroachment agreements for various areas at 6893 Ilighover Drive. Dear Mr. Synstelien: After reviewing the survey dated 3/19119 that was submitted as part of your request to have multiple improvements on your property be allowed to stay in-place, t-e will support granting encroachments for the improvements in the areas labeled *A, B, C, D, G, H & .P'' We would like to note that these areas were constructed without permits and do encroach in drainage and utility easement areas. Item *E ' (the future fence) which has not been constructed will require a building fence permit and separate encroachment agreement showing the location on a fi:ll size survey meeting all the requirements for fences in Chanhassen. Item "F" (block wall) is denied and will need to be rcmoved' Item .T" (portion of block wall within the easement area) is denied and will need b be removed. This area wlfl also necd to te gradtng to direct drainage witrin tbe msement and not onto &e neighboring proPertY. The drainage inlets and drain tile located along the southerly lot line needs more information ,no*n oo ,i" survey showing piping runs and sizes. The area wilhin the easement will need to be regraded to not adversely shed water onto the neighboriug property' '-Z/ Charles J. Howley,E, LEED AP Director of Public Works/City Engineer c: Stwe Ferraro, Corstrrction Managcr, Enginecr Tcd IV Steve Lenz, Engineering Technician III PH 952.2fr.1 I O0 . www.ci.chanhass€n.mn.us' FX 952.227.111 0 *qlili A _ 700 MARKET B0ULEVARD 'P0 BOX 147'CHANHASSEN 'HINNES0TA 55317 Address:lrt Legal: Permil for: Home Other RESIDEN TIAL T/SURVEYROUTING FORM La h3 Dare Receivea ) Addition Detached Structure t)0>0 Explain:, Route permi*/Survevs r.ngin eering wlll order in the fotlowhrg order. nole eny charges you require and forward to next departmenr.new s*rvcys as requested ard route for approvak ir rcyerse ortrer. egal descri ptiop,building footpriut,building lype matehes survey (walhouq lookoug etct t', t Approved @lN Dare.ra1r:Lbe_ By,,T Required corrcctions: Revi sed suwey/plans approved Y/N Date:_ By:--.-- Setbacks,trce presewation, wetlaads,zone heigbt,area, bluff setbacls. Appoved y,@ Dde Required comctions: By: h..A,^ or-- z*./ EA lecJct f. at* 'l a*R i,t. d.tt;"ap u.l uulttye$enr4- By: ?'tl-tt-za Elevation, building typq grading/drairuge easemerts. By: "tri,Y,i;ffi #f, *Iivi#tffi #$r##trN*xm S,ttT r^al/s' "U*q, Erosion Coatol Appoved lvrN Date: ',' ,)'j'1" L,'By: ExHrBrr.:.B- ttt/ Deck eareilyo.N'oo 7)'1 surface I Revised sruvey/pians approyed Y /N Date: Approved YIN Date;_ Bf...- Approved Y/@ D*a-bfi:ltl By:-ll!l3=-_ , ,, Revised survey/plans approved Y/N Date:- Reguired cdrcc{ions; irla)^fdnbarEodra