Development Review Application for Final PlatCOTTUNIrY DN'ELOPTIENT DEPART El{T Phnning Division - 7700 Market Boulevad Mailing Address - P.O. Box 147, Chanhasssn, MN 55317 Pl]onet (95212Zl-1100 / Fax (9!52) 27-1110 CNYMCH,II{HASSIil APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW sub,'htd o.r"?94-J!Za- pc Dar6: - cc oadt1lLll-Lalz>@{JilrR6vi6y, Dato: Section 1: Application Type (check all that apply) (Referbthe ewwi. e A.4ic5dp.l Ch6r,uld lq tqulBd suffitt l h1//,lltdhn tr/l,rud a@W€,ty iig @iu6on) E) SubdMsion (SUB)E Comprshensive Plan Amondment......................... $600E Minor MUSA line for failing on-site eewers ..... il00 E Conditional Use Permit (CUP) E SinglsFamily Residenc€................................ i325E ltourers........ .................. $425 D lnterim Use Permit (lUP) E ln conjunaion with Single-Family Residenco.. $325E ettoorers........ .................. 5425 E Rszonins (REZ) E Planned Unit Developmont (PUD).................. 0750I MinorAmendment to exisling PUD................. $100E AI oh€rs........ .................. S500 E Sign Plan Review............................ E Slte Plan Reviffi (SPR) CrBate 3 lots or less Cl€ate owr 3 |ots.......................t600 + $15 Per lol( 31 tc) Lot Lin6 AdJustnent.........................................$150 Final P1e1................ ...........$700 (lncludes $450 escmw for attomey costs)' 'Addttqd .lcrory may b! r€quilrd ior c,tl€f spdlcatiotls UnuIh tr datlopl'r€nt con0act E Vacanm of Eas€montslREhtd-way (VAC)........ S300 (Addt d rEo.dkrs lbd rnay gpty) E Varlanc. (VAR)...............................--.-.............. $200 $.l50 D weoend Altsraton P€rmit (wAP) trtrAdministsati\re........ ....,......3100 Commsrciaylndustial Dbtids'...................... 3500 Plus $10 per 1,000 squaro fe6t of building aroa:( thousand squate fo€t) 'lndude numb€r ofgtrtlhg rnPloy!€: - 'lndu(b nunbgr d@i sndotoe: E Residential Districts......................................... $500 Plus $5 per dwslling unit ( untts) ( addr€$es) E Escrow for Recotding Documents (check all that ,............ $50 p6r dodlment trtr trtrtr E ZonlngAppeal. ......--............ S100 E Zoning Ordinance Amendmont (ZOA)......--...... 3500 llglE: Wnfi ltlllltFL lplcdoo. r! F!c....d cqrqr rty, ir..pprollld'! rldl D. cf}]i.d tc.dr .'9lcdort. Conditional Use Psrmit Vacaton Mot6s & Bounds SubdMdon (3 docs.) Permit ( eas€mBnts) Site Plan A0rsemont Weiand Alteration Permit De€ds !trtr Section 2: Required lnformation Descdption of Proposal: Final Plat bt dsvolopment of 29 Acres ofi of GalPln Blvd' 6921 Galpin BlvdPrcperty Address or Location: parcet #: 1iu:dz Torens Cert'ficate No. 40268.0, 27048.0L€g6l Dessiption: Total Acreage:29.E8 Welands pr""ont? PrBsent Zoning:Mixsd Low Density Residantial Present Land Use Oesignation Z Ye8 ENo Raquesbd Zonlng:Mixod Low Densiv Residential Distict . Residenlial Low Requsstsd Land Use D€signation . Resldontial Lour Exlsting Uso of Property:Undevolop€d Ectreck box if separate nanawe ls attadted. TOTAL FEE: - Distsifl Section 3: Properly Owner and Applicant lnformation APPUCAT{T OTHER THAI PROPERTY OWNER: ln signing this appllcation, l, as applicant, repre$nt to have obtalned auhotization from the prop€rty owner to fils this applicaton. I agrea to b€ bound by conditions oi approval, subj6c,t only to the right to ob,ect atthe hearings on the appll5tion or during the app6al period. lf this application has not been sBned by the proPorty owner, I havs attached saparate documentation of full l6gal c€pacity to file the application. This appl&tion ' should ba processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contac{ rogarding any matter p€rtaining to this application. I will k6€p m)rsetf informed of tho deadlines for submission of material anl the ,rogress of this applicition. I furthor understand that additional fsos may be charged for consutting te€s, feasibility studies, etc. with an osti;ate prbr lo any authorization to proc€€d with tho study. I cortify that lhs information and exhibits submitted arE true and coneit. N"r"' Ci..* {h""- D.^.-l *,C*h (-- Addrsss , /08tr0 otJ eo\.",.r T,,L l! rr,or1 \, il^l {{Y.1t Gro '{6r Gr?r$r ,Gr..r 150 South Broadway City/Statezip:WalrzaE molstad@sathr6.comEmail: Cell: Fax: Cell: Fax: (612) 247-7W5 Contact:Cperc A"r-e*r Phone:1{z- zzo - Yy1 3 5r+r.g Signature: Name: Date:7 lL'ttz. PROPERTY OW}{ER ln signing this application, l, as property own€r, havo fu legal capacity to, and heI€by do, authorizo the filing of this apPlication. I understand that conditiorc of approval ar. binding and agre€ to b€ bound by those conditions, subject only to the right to obrsct at the hearings or during the appeal poriods. I will ke6p mlrs€tf informed of tho doadlinos for submlssion of matsrial and the piogress of this application. I furth€r understand that additional fe€s may be charyed for consulting fe€s, feasibility studies, eic. with an estimate prior to any authodzation to prccood with tte stJdy. I certify that the informafbn and sxhibits submitted are tluo and conocl. Addr6ss: Conb61: Phone: City/Statezip: Email: Signetur€: Dat6: Thb aPplicatiorl must be completed in lill and must b€ accompani€d by all infomation and plans requircd by applicablo City ffiinance provisions. Bsfor€ filing his application, rafer to lh6 appropriate Applicati Checidiqt aM confor with ths Planning DoParttnont to dstermino tho spectfic odinanco and applicable procedural r€quiremenb and fe€s. A determination of completenass of the application shall bs mad€ within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notlce of application deilciencies shall be mailod to th6 applicant within 15 business da)6 of application. PROJECT E GINEER (if applicable) Name: Sathre-BeEquist, lnc. Address: roth.r Contac't lnfomauon: Namo:Prop€rty Owner Ma: E EmailApplicant Via: E EmailEngineer Vn: I EmailOttlef" Ma: ! Email D uEiteo Paper copytr Dtr Maibd Paper Copy Mailed Paper Copy Mailed Paper Copy City/St8t6/Zip: Address: Email: INSTRUCTIOT{S TO APPLICAI{T:Completa all necossary form felds, then select SAVE FORM to sava a copy to your device. TRTNTTORM ano iver to city abng with r€quired doorments and payrnent. SUBMTT FORI{ to send a digital copy to the city for proc6ssing SAVE FORX PRINI FORX SUE lT FORT Email: Coll: Fax: gon6"1. Bob Molstrad Phone. (952) 4766000 Section4: Notification lnformation YUho ehould rrc.lvc cople. of.tafr rrports? traZtr