Galpin Approval Letter - SBI Responses 072820 March 13, 2019 Responses: July 28, 2020 SBI/Chan Three Development, Inc. Mr. Joe Jablonski U. S. Home Corporation, DBA Lennar 16305 36th Street NE, Suite 600 Plymouth, MN 55443 And, Mr. Gerard Snover, V.P. Comerica Bank & Trust 3551 Hamlin Road Auburn Hills, MI 48326 Re: Planning Case #2019-01, Galpin Development Dear Sirs: This letter is to confirm that on March 11, 2019, the Chanhassen City Council approved the following: · The Rezoning of 191 acres from Rural Residential District, RR, to Planned Unit Development - Residential, PUD-R; including the PUD ordinance 'Galpin Design Standards'; · The Wetland Alteration Permit of 1.28 acres of wetland impacts subject to conditions in the staff report; and · The Subdivision Preliminary Plat creating 169 lots, three outlots and dedication of public right-of-way as shown in plans prepared by Pioneer Engineering dated February 28, 2019, to be modified to match the site plan presented on March 11, 2019, with the reduction of four lots, subject to the following conditions: Parks & Recreation 1. Dedication of 100+/- acres of wooded open spaces and wetlands in the eastern half of the property to the City of Chanhassen for parkland in exchange for a housing density transfer and fulfillment of a nine +/- acre parkland dedication requirement. Galpin Site Development – Planning Case 2019-01 March 14, 2019 Page 2 of 21 Response: Lennar approval item 2. Acknowledgement that the dedicated land may be developed at the city's discretion as parkland for public use and may include, but is not limited to trails, boardwalks, bridges, structures, and signage. Response: Okay 3. The planning, engineering, grading, and placement of aggregate and bituminous base for construction of a 10-foot wide bituminous east/west trail connection between Galpin Boulevard and a location east of Street “D”, and a 10-foot wide bituminous trail adjacent to Galpin Boulevard between Street “E” and Street “A”. Response: Lennar approval item 4. All trails shall meet all city standards for trail construction. Response: The trail construction within the 31 lots of The Bluffs at Lake Lucy will meet the City standards for trail construction. 5. The east/west trail shall maintain a minimum 10-foot setback from outside edges of trail to private property and be designed to minimize encroachment of wetland buffers. Response: Lennar approval item, our trail construction stops at the future trail. 6. The east/west trail crossing of Street “A” shall be relocated from a midblock crossing as shown to the intersection of Street “A” and Street “D”. Response: Lennar approval item 7. The east/west trail be designed and constructed so as not to require retaining walls. Response: Lennar approval item 8. The entirety of the east/west trail and associated buffers shall be constructed within the dedicated public outlots. Response: Lennar approval item, our proposed trail construction is within the outlot. 9. The planning, engineering and construction of 10-foot wide bituminous trails connecting both Street “Z” and Topaz Drive/Ridge Lane to the planned trail at the western edge of Lake Lucy including trail easements. Response: See The Bluffs at Lake Lucy grading plan for the proposed trail layout for the development and the proposed connection to the future Lake Lucy trail. 10. A parking lot shall be constructed for access to the park with a minimum of eight stalls. Response: Lennar approval item Planning 1. All 191 acres must be included in the PUD. Response: Lennar approval item Galpin Site Development – Planning Case 2019-01 March 14, 2019 Page 3 of 21 2. All lots and homes must be developed consistent with the standards in the Compliance Table. Response: Okay Engineering 1. Any requirements set by the MCES to work within the MCES’s sewer and utility easement shall be addressed by the applicant. Response: SBI will be completing the MCES Direct Connection application form and a right of entry for the construction work. 2. An executed agreement between the developer and the MCES allowing work within the MCES’s easement shall be provided to the city prior to the issuance of grading permits. Response: See Item 1 above. 3. The width of the public right-of-ways shall be called out on the final plat prior to acceptance and recording, this includes radii cul-de-sac bulbs. Response: Please review the enclosed final plat and construction plans for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy, if you need any additional dimensions, please let us know and we can prepare any exhibit needed. 4. Thirty-foot (30-foot) wide drainage and utility easements, for the purpose of accessing utilities and basins, shall be provided between but not limited to Lots 120 and 121 abutting Street “Z” prior to acceptance and recording. Response: Please review the proposed final plat and construction plans for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy, we have provided 30’ easements and 20’ easements, based on pipe depths. 5. Right-of-way dedication in conformance with the Carver County Development/Access Review Comments, subject to review and approval by the county and city prior to acceptance and recording of the final plat. Response: The final plat and construction plans will be submitted to the County (by the City and the developer) for review and approval. 6. Ongoing coordination with the county and city regarding future improvements to Galpin Boulevard. Also see Condition 25. Response: Okay Galpin Site Development – Planning Case 2019-01 March 14, 2019 Page 4 of 21 7. The developer shall locate on the existing condition survey all existing wells and septic fields. Response: Lennar Item. 8. The developer shall abandon all existing wells and septic fields in accordance with all federal, state, and local regulatory agency standards, and obtain all necessary permits for said abandonments. Prior to commencement of abandonment activities, a copy of all required permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies shall be provided to the city. Response: Lennar Item. 9. Provide an updated existing condition survey that illustrates the MCES sanitary and utility easements on parcels 250100400 and 257580040. Response: Assuming Lennar addressed this item, but within our plat area we have shown the MCES easements. 10. The applicant shall submit a mass grading plan or a phased grading plan (as applicable) for review and approval by the city prior to issuance of grading permits. Response: Please see the attached grading and erosion control plan for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 11. Proposed spot elevations shall be shown on the grading plans at the center of the proposed driveway at the curb line for review prior to issuance of grading permits. Response: SBI can add spots, but would like to stay with the driveway grades, as shown on the grading plan. The driveway grades are a Civil3D slope label, that is calculated based on the street corridor and garage pad elevation. 12. Proposed spot elevations shall be shown on the grading plans at top of curb for review prior to issuance of grading permits. Response: Please see comment response to #11, if you require additional spot elevations, please send over an example and we can create another exhibit with additional spot elevations. 13. Drainage arrows for all EOF routes shall be included on the grading plans prior to issuance of grading permits. Response: The EOF routes are shown on the final grading plan for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 14. Grading within bluff setbacks is subject to review and approval by the city prior to issuance of grading permits. Galpin Site Development – Planning Case 2019-01 March 14, 2019 Page 5 of 21 Response: Okay, please let us know if any revisions are necessary. 15. All existing buildings and structures within the city’s Well House #3 property abutting Galpin Boulevard shall be included on the grading plans. Response: Lennar Item. 16. Grading plans shall be updated to include the location and grade of the improved and relocated access driveway to Well House #3 off Galpin Boulevard. Response: Lennar Item. 17. Grading plans shall be updated to include the location and protection methodology of the significant oak tree on the Well House #3 site. Response: Lennar Item. 18. The applicant shall submit revised grading plans and stormwater plans so that no stormwater runoff flows directly onto the public trail south of Lots 164-174 abutting Street “A”. Response: Lennar Item. 19. An updated geotechnical report assessing slope stability immediately east of Lot 110 abutting Street “A” shall be submitted for review and approval prior to the issuance of grading permits. Response: Lennar Item. 20. Final grading plans, including pond locations, sizing and analysis, along with right-of-way dedications off Galpin Boulevard, shall conform to the future Galpin Boulevard reconstruction project. Cross reference of grading plans, profiles, and respective cross sections are to be provided at key locations such as intersections, ponds, or other special features required by the county and city for review prior to acceptance and recording of the final plat. Response: Upon City and County review, we can make any necessary plan revisions to address any County comments. 21. All retaining walls exceeding four (4) feet in height shall have plans and details prepared by a registered engineer or landscape architect prior to issuance of building permits. Response: The wall contractor will be submitting engineering plans for any retaining walls over 4 feet. Galpin Site Development – Planning Case 2019-01 March 14, 2019 Page 6 of 21 22. The retaining wall south of Lots 108-111 abutting Street “A” shall be adjusted to accommodate a 1.5:1 buffer from the bottom of the proposed stormwater line to the bottom of the proposed retaining wall foundation. Response: Lennar Item. 23. Grading and construction within bluff setbacks are subject to review and approval by the city prior to issuance of grading permits. Response: Okay. 24. All newly constructed streets and the extension of any existing streets shall be public streets, owned and maintained by the city, after acceptance of the public improvements by the City Council. Response: Okay. 25. All newly constructed public streets shall be designed to meet the current standard specifications and detail plate for residential streets (Detail Plate #5200), unless otherwise directed by the City Engineer. Response: The streets will be designed to meet the City Standard Detail Plate #5200, within the final plat of The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 26. Any and all conditions associated with the alignment and configuration of Street “Z” set by the Planning Commission or City Council shall be addressed by the applicant prior to acceptance and recording of the final plat. Response: Please review the proposed final plat and construction plans for the Bluffs at Lake Lucy to ensure we have addressed the PC and CC approval items. 27. The Developer shall provide a curb cut and access easement for parcel 250100400 onto Street “Z”. Response: The plan is to install surmountable curb within the development, with B6 curb at the intersection radii and the storm sewer low point structure locations. The plans show a possible revision to the retaining wall for parcel 250100400 to access the public street, if this location is acceptable to the City, we will prepare an access easement to the ROW for 250100400. If the City would allow a retaining wall within the public ROW, we could revise the ROW to run along the north property line of 250100400 to the MCES easement and then back north to the existing 60’ proposed ROW. 28. A water service lateral shall be stubbed off Street “Z’s” water main for the future connection to parcel 250100400. Response: A water service has been proposed for 250100400. Galpin Site Development – Planning Case 2019-01 March 14, 2019 Page 7 of 21 29. An updated geotechnical report with additional soil borings shall be provided for review and approval prior to the commencement of construction. Response: Lennar Item. 30. Sidewalks shall be extended along the cul-de-sacs located off Streets “D”, “G”, and “Z” and shall be constructed in accordance with the city’s standard specifications and detail plates for concrete sidewalks. Response: Please review the construction plans for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy to see the proposed sidewalk and trail layouts and locations. 31. All curb ramps shall be constructed to meet ADA standards and the city’s Detail Plates #5215-5215D. Response: The pedestrian ramps will be constructed to meet the ADA requirements and the City Standard Detail Plats #5215-5215D. 32. Intersection improvements to provide pedestrian access at the intersection of Galpin Boulevard and Street “E” shall be constructed in accordance with MUTCD best management practices. Response: Lennar Item. 33. A detail of the proposed street lights shall be provided prior to the issuance of building permits. Response: Chan Three Development will install the street lights that have already been approved for the Lennar development work. 34. An enumerated list of all street lights and their proposed locations shall be provided for review and approval prior to the recording of the final plat. Response: The street light locations are shown on the construction plans for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy, please provide us a numbering system and we will add that to the street plans. 35. Street lights shall be installed at all intersections and at the end of each cul-de-sac subject to review and approval of the city prior to issuance of building permits. Response: See response to Item #34. 36. The site plan shall be updated to provide proposed street grades (centerline gradients). Response: The street grades are shown in the profile views on the street sheets. Galpin Site Development – Planning Case 2019-01 March 14, 2019 Page 8 of 21 37. All newly constructed water mains shall be public water mains, owned and maintained by the city, after acceptance of the public improvements by the City Council. Response: Okay. 38. Water mains located on Streets “A”-“H” and Street “Z” shall be tied into the high-pressure zone located on Galpin Boulevard. Water main extensions on Topaz Drive and Lucy Ridge Lane shall be tied into the existing water main stubs (low-pressure zone). Response: Please review the proposed watermain layout shown on the construction plans for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 39. The water main located on Street “Z” shall be tied into the existing stub off Ruby Lane and a gate valve near the connection point shall be installed. The gate valve shall be closed to separate the pressure zones. Response: The gate valve will be closed once it is installed and the City operates all gate valves. 40. The developer shall field-verify the location of all water main taps prior to the issuance of building permits and update the plans accordingly. Response: The existing watermain location within Galpin Blvd is located on the west side of the roadway under the existing trail, we would propose to pothole this at the time of the watermain wet tap. The existing raw watermain line on the east side was potholed on July 23rd and the notes are on the construction plans. 41. The developer’s contractor shall schedule a preconstruction meeting with Engineering and Public Works Utilities prior to the commencement of any work to the water main installation and tapping. Response: Okay. 42. Updated plans indicating the location of all underground utilities on the east side of Galpin Boulevard, along with plans and profiles of any utility crossings on the east side of Galpin Boulevard, shall be submitted for review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits. Response: Please see the construction plans for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy for existing utility and minor utility locations. 43. An agreement that lists the conditions and required improvements for the land swap between the developer and the city regarding Lot 163 and a portion of the Well House #3 site, shall be executed and recorded prior to the acceptance and recording of the final plat. Response: Lennar item. Galpin Site Development – Planning Case 2019-01 March 14, 2019 Page 9 of 21 44. All utility crossings of potable water and sanitary and/or storm mains will require 18 inches of vertical separation and 10 feet of horizontal separation. The developer shall submit construction plans with profiles and plan views of the utilities for review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits. Response: Please see the construction plan set for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 45. All utility crossings of potable water and sanitary sewer will require that the sanitary sewer main at that crossing be constructed of PVC C900 water main material. The developer shall submit construction plans indicating material type at these locations for review and approval of the city prior to issuance of building permits. Response: Please see the construction plan set for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 46. The developer shall submit construction plans indicating that pipe lengths of sanitary sewer mains are centered over potable water crossings. Response: Please see the construction plan set for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 47. Water mains shall be constructed at 7.5 feet below grade, or insulated, and constructed in conformance with the city’s standard specifications and detail plates. Response: Please see the construction plan set for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 48. Cluster valves located around water main tees shall be installed at a minimum of 5 feet from the tees to the valves, where feasible. All valve locations and any other water main appurtenances shall be reviewed and approved by Engineering and Public Works prior to the issuance of building permits. Response: Please see the construction plan set for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy, let us know if any gate valve locations need to be adjusted. 49. All comments and conditions regarding fire appurtenances, spacing, and location set forth by the Fire Department shall be addressed by the applicant. Response: Please provide the Fire Department review letter, if those items pertain to the construction of the proposed public streets within the plat of The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 50. All newly constructed sewer mains shall be public sewer mains, owned and maintained by the city after acceptance of the public improvements by the City Council. Response: Okay. 51. A 30-foot utility easement shall be recorded over the existing public sewer line, within Outlot A located near the south-central area of the preliminary plat, prior to acceptance of final plat. Galpin Site Development – Planning Case 2019-01 March 14, 2019 Page 10 of 21 Response: Lennar Item. 52. All conditions set forth by the MCES for the direct connection and installation of an access manhole to their trunk line shall be addressed by the applicant, and all permits required for the connection and installation of the manhole shall be obtained prior to the commencement of construction. Response: All conditions provided by the MCES for the direct connection, as well as work within their easement will be met. 53. The applicant shall ensure the city’s sanitary sewer nomenclature is incorporated in the construction plans. Response: Please provide the necessary nomenclature and we will include that with the record plans. 54. Profile sheets for all public utilities, including sanitary sewer, shall be required for review and approval by the city prior to issuance of building permits. Response: Please see the construction plans for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 55. PVC sanitary sewer pipes that will be constructed at a burial depth of 0-16 feet shall be constructed of pipe class SDR 35, burial depths of 16-26 feet shall be of pipe class SDR 26, and burial depths of greater than 26 feet shall be of pipe class C900. Response: Please review the proposed material types for the sanitary sewer mainline on the s&w construction plans. 56. Inverts that have a 20-inch or greater differential shall be supplied inside drops per city standards and be constructed per the city’s Detail Plate No. 2104. Response: An inside drop is proposed on the first manhole after the MCES connection, this drop will be an inside drop and be constructed per detail plate #2104. 57. No roadway connection shall be made to Topaz Drive. Response: No roadway connection is proposed to Topaz Drive, see proposed construction plans and the final plat. Stormwater Conditions & Wetlands The 2019 SWMP Fee is $432,183.23, pending any plan revisions. This fee will be applied to the new lots of record being created. It is calculated as shown in the table below: SURFACE WATER DEVELOPMENT FEE AREA PER ACRE FEE ACRES FEE GROSS AREA $8,320 191.0465 $1,589,506.88 Galpin Site Development – Planning Case 2019-01 March 14, 2019 Page 11 of 21 ROW $8,320 16.79 $(139,692.80) OUTLOTS $8,320 122.3114 $(1,017,630.85) NET AREA 51.9451 $432,183.23 Response: Please provided updated amounts for the proposed 31 lot plat of The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. Assessments Water and sewer partial hookups are due at the time of final plat. The partial hookup fees will be assessed at the rate in effect at that time. The remaining partial hookups fees are due with the building permit. Response: Okay. Fees Based on the proposal, the following fees would be collected with the development contract: · Administration Fee: If the improvement costs are between $500,000 and $1,000,000, 2% of the improvement costs. If the improvement costs exceed $1,000,000, 2.5% of the first $1,000,000 plus 1.5% of the remainder. · Surface Water Management Fee: $432,183.23 · A portion of the water hook-up charge: $2,311/unit · A portion of the sanitary sewer hook-up charge: $691/unit · GIS fees: $25 for the plat plus $10 per parcel · Street light operating fee for one year: $300 per light Response: Please provide updated fees, for the proposed 31 lot plat of The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. Conditions of Approval 1. Wetland permitting is required due to the proximity of and proposed impacts to wetlands on site. A wetland permit application has not yet been received by the city from the applicant. Grading permits will not be issued until approved wetland permits have been received. Response: Lennar item, no wetland impacts are proposed within the 31 lot plat of The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 2. Wetland review will include ensuring hydrology is maintained to all wetlands to be preserved as well as review of proposed stormwater impacts. Response: Okay. 3. Storm sewer sizing calculations should be provided to confirm storm sewer is sized to convey the 10-year storm event. Galpin Site Development – Planning Case 2019-01 March 14, 2019 Page 12 of 21 Response: Storm sewer design calculations have been submitted with the application. 4. An NPDES permit and accompanying Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) will be required prior to the start of construction. Response: An NPDES permit will be obtained, prior to any site grading activities. 5. An operations and maintenance plan for the proposed stormwater management system will be required prior to approval. Response: Does the City have a the template O&M plan that we should use? 6. Provide infiltration test results per MPCA Requirements in the location of each proposed infiltration area. Response: Please see the SWMP for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy for the stormwater and infiltration design parameters. 7. All comments and conditions set forth by the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District shall be addressed by the applicant. Response: The Bluffs at Lake Lucy have made a separate watershed application for the development of these 31 lots. 8. Show all existing storm sewer and other water resource-related features in plans. Response: The plans show the existing storm sewer that we were able to locate within the development are of the proposed 31 lots. 9. Adjust and show all easements over the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services’ sanitary sewer on the preliminary and final plat. Response: The MCES line and easements are shown within our plat area. 10. Clearly indicate what storm sewer will be private and what will be public. All public storm sewer will be required to be shown in profile view. Applicant should confirm there are no conflicts with the water main or sanitary sewer throughout the site. Response: The storm sewer is proposed to be public, the draintile would be private. 11. The following comments pertain to all proposed ponds that include an infiltration bench (Basins 100, 200 and 300): a. Infiltration test results will be required in the location of all proposed infiltration benches and infiltration basins. Infiltration test results have not been submitted in the Galpin Site Development – Planning Case 2019-01 March 14, 2019 Page 13 of 21 location of proposed Basin 100. If filtration is to be used, the applicant will need to provide a specification for amended soils. b. The exfiltration above the piped outlet elevation should be included in the HydroCAD model and the exfiltration rate should correspond to what is presented in the infiltration test results. c. The proposed infiltration benches will be required to meet the 48-hour drawdown requirement. d. Outlets from the pond should be moved out of the permanent pond area and should be moved away from the inlet to minimize the risk of short circuiting. Response: The Bluffs at Lake Lucy has a new proposed SWMP, this plan has been submitted to the watershed for review and is part of this application to the City. 12. The proposed piped outlet being modeled for Basin 400 is not shown in the plans. Response: Lennar item. 13. Access routes for all proposed stormwater basins are required for maintenance purposes. Applicant should callout access locations for all proposed stormwater basins. Response: The access route for pond 1 is from Galpin Blvd. The access for pond 2 will be from the public trail. 14. A defined riprap EOF spillway will be required for all stormwater basins per details provided on Sheet 33. Applicant should include location and elevation of all EOF spillways on the storm sewer plans. Response: The construction plans show cable concrete overflows, these overflows have been set at 3 feet above the HWL for pond 1 and 1 foot above the HWL for pond 2, to provide additional stormwater storage. 15. The soil borings provided show that there are clay soils throughout the site. Modeling should be updated to reflect the D soils present. Response: See the proposed SWMP for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 16. Proposed and existing HydroCAD models should be modeling the same area. There is roughly 120 acres included in the existing conditions model that is not included in the proposed conditions model. All offsite drainage should be included in the models. Response: See the proposed SWMP for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. Galpin Site Development – Planning Case 2019-01 March 14, 2019 Page 14 of 21 17. Existing and proposed conditions drainage area maps should be updated to show the location and boundaries of all subcatchments included in the models. Response: See the proposed SWMP for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 18. Time of concentrations should be calculated in HydroCAD and not directly entered to confirm accuracy. Provide supporting calculations for all directly entered times of concentrations. Response: See the proposed SWMP for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 19. From the drainage area maps, it appears that P-LU 2-6 (P.E. Edit) in the existing model corresponds to Pond 500P in the proposed conditions model. The modeled storage for the wetland differs between the existing and proposed conditions models but no wetland impacts are shown on Sheet 37 for this wetland. Applicant should update the models so that they have the same storage modeled for the wetland. a. There is a proposed piped outlet from this wetland that is over four feet lower than the current natural spillway outlet. The applicant will be required to show that this does not change the hydrology of the existing wetland as part of the wetland permit requirements. Response: See the proposed SWMP for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 20. There are numerous inconsistencies between what is shown in the plans on Sheet 35 for the outlets of the stormwater basins and what is being modeled in HydroCAD and P8. Applicant will need to update the models so that they are representative of what is being shown in the plans. Response: See the proposed SWMP for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 21. The same total area should be modeled in P8 as in HydroCAD. Response: See the proposed SWMP for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 22. The model should be run for at least 50 years and should include the most recent precipitation data included in the precipitation file to get accurate removal efficiencies. Response: See the proposed SWMP for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. Galpin Site Development – Planning Case 2019-01 March 14, 2019 Page 15 of 21 23. The modeling of the proposed stormwater ponds with filtration benches is incorrect and is overestimating the removal efficiencies of the basins. The applicant should update the model for the stormwater basins in the following way: a. The design infiltration rate should be added to the flood pool section of the stormwater pond devices where applicable. This will model infiltration above the outlet elevation. The design infiltration rate should match what is being modeled in HydroCAD. b. The infiltration basins should be removed from the model (except for Device 600i). c. Applicant should confirm total phosphorus and total suspended solids removal requirements are still being met after the model has been updated. Response: See the proposed SWMP for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 24. Watersheds 201 and 600 are only modeling the impervious area. The pervious area in these watersheds should be added to the model. Response: See the proposed SWMP for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 25. Watershed 300 in the P8 model has 25% impervious while the corresponding HydroCAD subwatershed has 45% impervious modeled. Applicant should update the models to be consistent with one another and representative of the plans. Response: See the proposed SWMP for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 26. The total areas listed in the table in Section III.A of the Stormwater Management Plan are inconsistent with the total area called out in the plans and the total area being modeled. Applicant should include the entire site in the areas shown in the table. Response: See the proposed SWMP for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 27. Any projects seeking a wetland alteration permit subject to this article will also be required to submit the following: Existing and proposed drainage areas to wetlands; Buffer strip plan meeting the criteria of subsections 20-411(c) and (d). Response: The Bluffs at Lake Lucy are not proposing any wetland alterations. Galpin Site Development – Planning Case 2019-01 March 14, 2019 Page 16 of 21 28. Sec. 20-416. Mitigation. Wetland mitigation shall be undertaken on site. If this is not feasible, then mitigation may occur locally within the subwatershed. If this is not possible, then mitigation may occur outside the subwatershed, elsewhere in the city. If mitigation cannot be accomplished on site, or if the city deems it necessary to perform mitigation off site, then the applicant shall be responsible for providing off-site mitigation within the major subwatershed, as designated by the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act, or purchasing wetland credits from the state wetland bank. Response: Lennar item - The Bluffs at Lake Lucy are not proposing any wetland mitigation work. 29. Stormwater runoff shall not be discharged into wetlands without water quality pretreatment as prescribed by City Code. Response: See the proposed grading plan for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 30. If a Wetland Alteration Permit is issued allowing wetland alteration, the following standards shall be followed: (1) The alteration will not have a net adverse effect on the ecological and hydrological characteristics of remaining wetland, (2) It shall be located as to minimize the impact on vegetation, (3) It shall not adversely change water flow, (4) The size of the altered area shall be limited to the minimum required for the proposed action, (5) The disposal of any excess material is prohibited within remaining wetland areas, (6) The disposal of any excess material shall include proper erosion control and nutrient retention measures, (7) Alterations to any wetland area are prohibited during waterfowl breeding season or fish spawning season, unless it is determined by the city that the wetland is not used for waterfowl breeding or fish spawning, and (8) Alterations to wetland areas shall be mitigated in accordance with the requirements of this article if the activity results in a loss of wetland area and/or function and value of the wetland. Response: The Bluffs at Lake Lucy are not proposing any wetland alterations. 31. The alteration shall not alter the hydrological patterns in the remainder of the wetland, if a portion of the wetland remains, unless exempted under Sec. 20-417. Show how hydrologic patterns will not be altered for the remaining wetlands. Response: See response to item #30. 32. Sec. 20-405. Wetland delineation. An electronic copy of the delineated wetland boundaries must be submitted in a format compatible with the city's GIS database. Response: Already provided by Lennar. 33. Sec. 20-406. Wetland classification. All wetlands delineated under Sec. 20-405 of this article that have not been previously classified shall be classified using the results from the Minnesota Routine Assessment Method for Evaluating Wetland Functions (MnRAM Version Galpin Site Development – Planning Case 2019-01 March 14, 2019 Page 17 of 21 3.0), or future versions. A MnRAM shall be completed by the property owner or applicant for each previously unclassified wetland. An electronic version of the MnRAM evaluation must be submitted to and approved by the city to establish the classification of each wetland prior to any alteration or impact to the wetland. Response: Already provided by Lennar. 34. Staff review will be conditional upon the approved Wetland Replacement Plan. Response: The Bluffs at Lake Lucy are not proposing any wetland impact or any replacement plans. 35. A grading permit cannot be issued until the applicant has completed the WCA process. Response: See response to item #34. 36. Wetland Buffers. Wetland buffers and buffer monumentation will be required adjacent to the wetlands on site. Please indicate wetland buffer widths and locations where signage will be placed on a plan sheet. Please find additional information on signage placement in the city’s guidance document. The WMO provides signs and sign posts for the cost of materials. Alternative signs (by the city or applicant) are also acceptable provided they contain similar information. Response: The grading plan for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy show the proposed wetland buffers and the wetland buffer sign locations for the City review and approval. Upon the completion of the site grading the wetland buffer posts will be installed. 37. Sec. 19-146. Wetland elements. a. Water level fluctuations (peak elevation and duration) for wetlands shall be limited to two feet and duration not to exceed 48 hours so as to prevent the destruction of wildlife habitat and wetland vegetation. b. Sedimentation basins or sediment removal devices shall be provided prior to discharge into wetlands. c. Variable bottom contours should be considered to provide deeper holes and flat shallow benches. This feature will provide habitat for diversity of plants and wetland inhabitants for wetland mitigation sites and stormwater basins. Response: Lennar items. Landscaping and Tree Preservation 1. The developer shall conduct a walk-through of the grading limits on site prior to removals with city staff to inspect for opportunities for additional tree preservation. Galpin Site Development – Planning Case 2019-01 March 14, 2019 Page 18 of 21 Response: The developer and grading contractor will walk the site with the City, prior to any tree clearing activities. 2. Tree preservation fencing shall be installed around existing trees to be saved prior to any construction activities and remain installed until completion. Response: The developer is proposing to install a caution tape and ribbon to mark the clearing limits, prior to tree clearing and then install the silt fence once the clearing a grubbing is completed. The caution tape and ribbon can be reviewed with the City on the walk-thru. 3. All trees shall be planted outside of the street right-of-way. Response: Okay. 4. The applicant shall increase tree planting in the development to meet minimum requirements of 590 trees. Response: Lennar item, but assuming 590 trees on 169 lots = 3.5 trees per lot, the developer will be requiring the builder to install 4 trees per lot. 5. Buffer plantings shall be added to the east of the city well building. Response: Lennar item. 6. The three oaks on city property (not inventoried) to the south of the city well building shall remain and the grading limits be adjusted to provide for preservation by avoiding any grading within the critical root zone areas of the trees. Response: Lennar item. 7. Autumn Blaze maples shall be eliminated from the plant schedule. Response: Autumn Blaze Maples will not be planted on the 31 lots within The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 8. Northern Pin Oak shall be replaced with white, bur, red or bicolor oak species in the plant schedule. Response: Lennar item. 9. Additional selections of tree species shall expand the breadth of tree types and take into consideration soil conditions and future hardiness zone changes. Response: Please provide a list of approved trees that the developer can provide to the builders. Galpin Site Development – Planning Case 2019-01 March 14, 2019 Page 19 of 21 10. No tree Genus shall comprise of more than 20% of the total number of trees and no tree species shall comprise of more than 10% of the total number of trees. Response: The certificates of survey for each of the lots will show the approximate tree locations (4 on each lot) and will label the type, for review with each building permit issuance. 11. The applicant shall revise the plans to show the bluff impact zone on both bluffs and eliminate grading within these areas. Response: The bluff and bluff setback (light tan line) are shown on the grading plan and are for the City to review. 12. Private lot boundaries shall not encroach into bluff areas. 13. Response: The lots only extend up to the bluff line. 14. Lots with significant tree cover contain conservation easements to protect the wooded areas. Lots 501, 504, 505, 530 and 531 should have protective easements over parts of the lot containing existing forest. Specifically, the rear 40 feet of Lot 501, the rear 100 feet of Lots 504 and 505, the westerly 200 feet of Lot 530, and the easterly 250-300 feet of Lot 531. Response: The 100-foot and 40-foot tree preservation easements are shown on the attached tree preservation exhibits and descriptions and will be recorded after the final plat is recorded. Galpin Site Development – Planning Case 2019-01 March 14, 2019 Page 20 of 21 As soon as possible, provide a revised preliminary plat showing 169 lots with the engineering plans in conformance with the lot configuration. In addition, provide a revised landscaping plan, tree preservation, and lot compliance table as represented in your March 11, 2019 City Council presentation. Response: Lennar item. Final plat documents and application must be submitted to the city 35 days prior to the City Council meeting in which you wish to have your final plat approved. Conditions of the preliminary plat approval must be addressed for final plat approval. Enclosed is the list of items required for submittal for final plat approval. A unique plat name must be included with the final plat submittal. The rezoning of the residential lots shall not be official until approval of the final plat and execution of the project development contract. Should you have any questions, please contact me at (952) 227-1139 or by email at kaanenson@ci.chanhassen.mn.us. Sincerely, Kate Aanenson, AICP Community Development Director Enclosure ec: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Erik Henricksen, Project Engineer Todd Hoffman, Parks & Recreation Director Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resource Specialist Eric Tessman, Building Official Paul Cherne, Pioneer Engineering g:\plan\2019 planning cases\19-01 galpin site preliminary plat and rezoning pud\city council 3-11-19\approval letter.docx ITEMS REQUIRED FOR FINAL PLAT CONSIDERATION The following items are required to be submitted a minimum of 30 days prior to City Council meeting and payment of a $250.00 final plat review fee: 1. Submit three (3) sets of full size, 50 scale construction plans and specifications for staff review and redline. · Utility plans shall show both plan view and profiles of all utilities (sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer lines). The plan view must show all drainage and utility easements. · Grading and drainage plans shall show dwelling type and elevations, wetlands and wetland buffer areas, stormwater pond NWL and HWL, EOF and catch basin and storm manhole numbers. · The construction plans and specifications shall be in accordance to the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications & Detail Plates. · The plans shall include traffic signage and street light placement. 2. Drainage calculations for water quantity and quality ponding with maps showing drainage areas for pre-and post-development conditions and contributing areas to catch basins. 3. Hydraulic calculations and drainage map for the storm sewer design. 4. Tree Preservation Easements (if applicable). 5. Trail Easements (if applicable). 6. Engineer's Cost Estimate of Improvements: a. Sanitary sewer system. b. Water system. c. Storm sewer drainage system including cleaning and maintenance. d. Streets, sidewalk and trails. e. Erosion control. f. Site restoration (seeding, sodding, etc.). g. Site grading h. Street lights & signs i. Engineering, surveying & inspection j. Landscaping 7. Five (5) sets (folded) of final plat, one (1) set of reductions (8½" x 11"), and a digital copy in .tif format. 8. Digital copy of the legal description of the property in a .doc format. 9. Lot tabulations. Failure to provide any of the above items by the required deadline will result in delaying consideration of final plat before the City Council.