Affidavit of PublicationAffidavit of Publication Southwest News Media CITY OT CEANEASTIEN CAXtr'ER & EENNEPIN CTOITNTIES NOrICE OT PIJBIIC EBA. NG PLAI ING-Cil*i N(I 2!r2}l2 NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN that the Chanhassen City Council will bold a public hearing or1 Monday, July 27, 2020 at lioo D-m. in the Council Cbambers in Chanhassen CitY HaI, 7?oo Market Blvd. The Pulpose of this hearing is to coDsider a r€quest for apprcva.l of a Metes sltd Boulrds subdivision of 2-,{} acr€s into tso siDglefamily lots forproFrtr l@ted 8t gll Carver Beacb Road in the ChaParral develoDment. Zoned Planned Unit D;velopEent.Residential GUD-R). Applicant: Mary Jane Broern. MeEber Beach Road' Lt-c. A Dlan showing the location of tha Droposal is available for public rcvlew oD the city's web site at ryr.ci.Chrnh,rrcB. tun.!s/2.U2GL2 or at CitY Eall during regular business hours. A.tl iltd€st€d Dersons ar€ iDvited to attend tbis Dublic heariDg and erDress their opildons with r€8Dect to this pmposal. Robert Cenerous, AICP Senior PiannerEmail: rgenerousr. ci.chanhassen.mn-us Phone 952-22? 1131 Laurie A. Hartmann, being duly swom, on oath says that she is lhe General Managcr the rws- papers known as tlrc Chaska Herald and the Cha asset Villager and has full ho\dedge ofthe facts herein slated as follows: (A) These newspapers have complied with th€ rcquircments conslituting qualification as a legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.07, ard other agplicable laws, as amended- (B) The p,i ed public notice that is anached to this Affdavit and identin"a ^ f.ro. ?( ? ? was published on the date or dates atd in the rcwspaper stated in 0E attached Nolice and said Noti& is hercby ircorporated as pa( ofthis Affdavit. Said noticc was cut fiom the columns of the newspaper specified. Prinred below is a copy ofthe lower case alphabel from A lo Z, both ilclusive, ard is herEby acknowledged as being the ki[d and size oflype used in the composition and publication ofthe Notice: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvl,xyz State of Minnesota) )ss. County ot Carver ) Subscribed atld swom beforc me oo oi, /Alho,yor PY tLu,-,,wt h 14\- I -eurie A. Hartmann 2020 Public RATE ]NFORMATION lrwest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space.... $31.20 per colum[ inch Maximum rate slloq€d by law for lhe above mattet................................ $31.20 percolumn inch Rare actually charged fortlE above matler....... ...$14.03 p€.columninch JYMME JEAI'II{ENE BARK NOTAFY PUBI]C. MSITIESOTA MY Co$rflSsrofi DOTBES 0r B12B