CC Minutes 7-27-20CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JULY 27, 2020 Mayor Ryan called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. The meeting was opened with the Pledge to the Flag. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ryan, Councilwoman Tjornhom, Councilman McDonald, Councilman Campion, and Councilwoman Coleman STAFF PRESENT: Heather Johnston, Jake Foster, Kate Aanenson, Charlie Howley, Jerry Ruegemer, City Attorney Andrea Poehler, Kim Meuwissen, Matt Kerr, Jodi Sarles, Mary Blazanin and Priya Tandon PUBLIC PRESENT: Ray Mikkonon 6781 Penamint Lane Mayor Ryan: Good evening again everybody. Thank you for joining us tonight. For the record we have all of our members present tonight so our first action is our agenda approval. Council members are there any modifications to the agenda as printed? If not we will proceed with the published agenda. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT: TODD HOFFMAN RETIREMENT PROCLAMATION. Mayor Ryan: First up we have a public announcement and tonight our public announcement, we are going to have a brief ceremony for our long time Parks and Recreation Director Todd Hoffman. It didn’t seem fitting to have the ceremony within the walls of City Council since his impact was felt in and around the community so we are going to adjourn briefly and read a proclamation and have a quick ceremony outside for him at the Veteran’s Monument and then we will be returning to the chambers for the continuation of our meeting at 7:30. So for those of you watching at home there’ll be a brief break and then we will return at 7:30 so we will entertain a short recess. The City Council meeting was recessed at this point. Mayor Ryan: We will resume our meeting. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilwoman Coleman moved, Councilman Campion seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: 1. Approve City Council Minutes dated July 13, 2020 Chanhassen City Council – July 27, 2020 2 2. Approve City Center Park Paver Replacement Project 3. Authorize a Cooperative Agreement with RPBCWD for the Silver Lake Water Quality Improvement Project 4. Approve an Amendment to the Chaparral Planned Unit Development (PUD) Ordinance to Correct a Typographical Error 5. Approve 2021 Service Agreement of Joint Assessment with Carver County Assessor 6. Amendment to the Development Contract for Boylan Shores All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS. Mayor Ryan: Next we have visitor presentations. Visitor presentations are included with each of our regularly scheduled council meetings. Anyone wishing to address the council on a matter that is not specifically on the agenda may step to the podium. Please provide your name and address for the record and then please address the council. You will have 5 minutes to present your item. If your request includes an action item from staff or council please complete a Citizen Action Request form so we appropriately follow up with your item. However if you’re simply making a comment you do not need to fill out a form. We had one submitted and please come forward. Thank you for joining us tonight. You may take it off, yes. Gretchen Piper: That was my question. Thank you, how fun to show up at a council meeting with, that includes cake so you’re the only city. I’m just saying. Thank you. Thank you to the Mayor and members of the council for having me here. I just wanted to take two minutes of your time to introduce myself. My name is Gretchen Piper and I am candidate for Minnesota Senate in our district, District 33 so that includes part of Chanhassen so I wanted to make sure I’m visiting every city, every school district in Senate District 33 and to hear what’s on the agenda. Fun to come for a big retirement ceremony and learn that to bring everybody along I’ve got to have a big wing span so that was fun to be here for this. I grew up in Hamel on a farm in Maple Plain and I live in Wayzata now so I’m on the A side, the north side of the district. I went to Orono public schools and also the University of Minnesota where I did my MBA so I spent most of my life here living in Senate District 33 and my family’s here. My kids are here in public school and I’m running for State Senate to represent our values. Our community values and to get some important things done for high quality public education. For accessible health care. Protecting our beautiful lakes and waters and the environment and critical infrastructure investments that we are frankly waiting for right now with a bonding bill that’s stuck in part because of partisan gridlock and I’d to be somebody who consistently, as I’ve done in my career reaches across the aisle and gets things done and just goes to work for our communities. I have