Variance JustificationSeptember 8k, 2O2O City of Chonhossen Regording 6915 Highover Drive Chonhossen, Minnesoto Written Justificotion of how requesl complies with the findings for gronting o vorionce os follows: o. Vorionces sholl only be permitted when they ore in hormony with the generol purposes ond intent of this Chopter ond when lhe vorionces ore consislenl with the comprehensive plon o. Yes, b. When lhere ore proclicol difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinonce. "Procticol difficulties," os used in connection wifh gronting of o vorionce, meons lhot the property owner proposes lo use the property in o reosonoble monner nol permitted by this Chopter. Proaicol difficulries include, but ore not limiled ro, inodequote occess lo direct sunlight for solor energy systems. o. Multiple procticol difficulties exist c. Thot the purpose of the voriotion is not bosed upon economic considerolions olone. o. The voriotion is not due to economic circumslonces d. The plighr of lhe londowner is due to circumstonces unique to the property not creoted by the londowner. o. The circumslonces ore nol due to the londowner e. The vorionce, if gronted, will not olter the esseniiol chorocler of the locolity. o. The proposed vorionce will noi olter the essenliol chorocter of the locolity. f. Vorionces sholl be gronted for eorth sheltered conslrucfion os defined in Minnesoto Sfotufes Section 2l 6C.06, subdivision I 4, when in hormony with this Chopter. o. This does not dpply