CC Staff Report 9-14-20CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Monday, September 14, 2020 Subject Consider an Appeal of the Bluff Creek Overlay District Boundary Determination Made by a City Administrative Officer for Property Located at the Southeast Corner of Highway 212 and Powers Boulevard Section NEW BUSINESS Item No: H.2. Prepared By Bob Generous, Senior Planner File No: Planning Case No. 2020­13 PROPOSED MOTION City Council affirms the staff delineation of the Bluff Creek Primary Zone Boundary and adopts the Findings of Fact and Decision. Approval requires a Simple Majority Vote of members present. SUMMARY Pursuant City Code Section 12­55 (b) The community development director shall make a determination to maintain the officially designated watershed zone boundary or if the boundaries need to be corrected on city plans and maps based upon the data that is supplied. The applicant may appeal the community development director's determination of the watershed zone boundary and type to the City Council. The applicant requested an adjustment in the Bluff Creek Overlay District (BCOD) Primary Zone boundary.  Staff denied the boundary adjustment and the applicant is appealing that decision. BACKGROUND The Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 18, 2020 to hear and decide appeals where it is alleged that there is an error in any order, requirement, decision or determination made by a city administrative officer in the enforcement of the zoning ordinance regarding the Bluff Creek Primary Zone boundary.  A motion to affirm the staff determination of the Primary Zone failed with a vote of 2 ­ 3.  The Planning Commission did not feel they were the appropriate body to make that determination. The Planning Commission minutes of August 18, 2020 are in the City Council Consent Agenda for this meeting. As part of the discussion, the Commission believed that if the boundary change request came as part of a development proposal, then the boundary change or approval of an encroachment variance may  provide more validity to justify the change.  It was suggested that it would  easier to evaluate the change  in the context of a specific development.  Historically, that has been when the Primary Zone boundary has been evaluated. However, as part of the development review process, developers like more certainty, i.e. it is either 10 or 13 acres of developable land. As part of the development review process, the city looks at trade­offs to provide the owner with a value for the CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORTMonday, September 14, 2020SubjectConsider an Appeal of the Bluff Creek Overlay District Boundary Determination Made by a CityAdministrative Officer for Property Located at the Southeast Corner of Highway 212 andPowers BoulevardSectionNEW BUSINESS Item No: H.2.Prepared By Bob Generous, Senior Planner File No: Planning Case No. 2020­13PROPOSED MOTIONCity Council affirms the staff delineation of the Bluff Creek Primary Zone Boundary and adopts the Findings of Factand Decision.Approval requires a Simple Majority Vote of members present.SUMMARYPursuant City Code Section 12­55 (b) The community development director shall make a determination to maintainthe officially designated watershed zone boundary or if the boundaries need to be corrected on city plans and mapsbased upon the data that is supplied. The applicant may appeal the community development director's determination ofthe watershed zone boundary and type to the City Council.The applicant requested an adjustment in the Bluff Creek Overlay District (BCOD) Primary Zone boundary.  Staffdenied the boundary adjustment and the applicant is appealing that decision.BACKGROUNDThe Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 18, 2020 to hear and decide appeals where it is alleged thatthere is an error in any order, requirement, decision or determination made by a city administrative officer in theenforcement of the zoning ordinance regarding the Bluff Creek Primary Zone boundary.  A motion to affirm the staffdetermination of the Primary Zone failed with a vote of 2 ­ 3.  The Planning Commission did not feel they were theappropriate body to make that determination. The Planning Commission minutes of August 18, 2020 are in the CityCouncil Consent Agenda for this meeting.As part of the discussion, the Commission believed that if the boundary change request came as part of a developmentproposal, then the boundary change or approval of an encroachment variance may  provide more validity to justify thechange.  It was suggested that it would  easier to evaluate the change  in the context of a specific development. Historically, that has been when the Primary Zone boundary has been evaluated. However, as part of the developmentreview process, developers like more certainty, i.e. it is either 10 or 13 acres of developable land. As part of the development review process, the city looks at trade­offs to provide the owner with a value for the preservation of the Primary Zone through density transfer or hard surface increases in the developing area with preservation of the green space in the Primary Zone. The Commission felt that the technical analysis did not provide a definitive determination of the appropriate Primary Zone boundary. While  the boundary may not be quantifiable there may be factors that would warrant an adjustment to the boundary.  There is sufficient doubt as to where the line should be drawn. Based on the information, there are several different locations that could be the Primary Zone boundary. DISCUSSION The site is located within the BCOD. This district was created in 1998 based upon the findings and recommendations of the 1996 Bluff Creek Watershed Natural Resources and Management Plan. The Bluff Creek Primary Zone does not only include land adjacent to Bluff Creek but also all those areas within the Bluff Creek Watershed which drain to the creek and contain significant natural areas.  The corridor extends to the northeast from Erhart’s property to Highway 101. The applicant did not provide sufficient data as to why this specific area should be excluded from the BCOD. The city hired WSB to review the proposed boundary change. While their report dated December 19, 2019 recommended a change to the boundary to exclude the land east of the top of the ridge, this adjustment does not include the area requested by the applicant. The applicant proposes that the 3+ acres adjacent to the 9­acre area guided for commercial use be removed from the Primary Zone and be combined with that area for development purposes. This area is readily developable. More similar to the 9­acre site, the site is ideal for commercial use in that it is at the intersection of Highway 212 and Powers Boulevard, and when combined creates a large enough site to attract a high­end user. The proposed boundary is where the steep slopes begin and are maintained over a substantial distance and support natural vegetation consisting of trees, shrubs and underbrush, yet allows reasonable and best use of the property that is flat or gently sloping. The site's drainage path to Bluff Creek in no way resembles a natural­undisturbed connection to these waters. The 3+ acres contain no wetlands. The site, while containing mature trees, also has a grassland or hay field which is harvested annually. The site is relatively flat compared to areas directly to the north and southeast. The site will provide more value for Chanhassen residents as a commercial site than as open space. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the motion affirming staff's determination of the Bluff Creek Primary Zone boundary and adoption of the Findings of Fact and Decision. Should City Council wish to direct staff to revise the Primary Zone boundary as requested by the applicant, then Council should approve the motion approving the applicant's boundary delineation and adoption of the corresponding Findings of Fact and Decision. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORTMonday, September 14, 2020SubjectConsider an Appeal of the Bluff Creek Overlay District Boundary Determination Made by a CityAdministrative Officer for Property Located at the Southeast Corner of Highway 212 andPowers BoulevardSectionNEW BUSINESS Item No: H.2.Prepared By Bob Generous, Senior Planner File No: Planning Case No. 2020­13PROPOSED MOTIONCity Council affirms the staff delineation of the Bluff Creek Primary Zone Boundary and adopts the Findings of Factand Decision.Approval requires a Simple Majority Vote of members present.SUMMARYPursuant City Code Section 12­55 (b) The community development director shall make a determination to maintainthe officially designated watershed zone boundary or if the boundaries need to be corrected on city plans and mapsbased upon the data that is supplied. The applicant may appeal the community development director's determination ofthe watershed zone boundary and type to the City Council.The applicant requested an adjustment in the Bluff Creek Overlay District (BCOD) Primary Zone boundary.  Staffdenied the boundary adjustment and the applicant is appealing that decision.BACKGROUNDThe Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 18, 2020 to hear and decide appeals where it is alleged thatthere is an error in any order, requirement, decision or determination made by a city administrative officer in theenforcement of the zoning ordinance regarding the Bluff Creek Primary Zone boundary.  A motion to affirm the staffdetermination of the Primary Zone failed with a vote of 2 ­ 3.  The Planning Commission did not feel they were theappropriate body to make that determination. The Planning Commission minutes of August 18, 2020 are in the CityCouncil Consent Agenda for this meeting.As part of the discussion, the Commission believed that if the boundary change request came as part of a developmentproposal, then the boundary change or approval of an encroachment variance may  provide more validity to justify thechange.  It was suggested that it would  easier to evaluate the change  in the context of a specific development. Historically, that has been when the Primary Zone boundary has been evaluated. However, as part of the developmentreview process, developers like more certainty, i.e. it is either 10 or 13 acres of developable land.As part of the development review process, the city looks at trade­offs to provide the owner with a value for thepreservation of the Primary Zone through density transfer or hard surface increases in the developing area withpreservation of the green space in the Primary Zone.The Commission felt that the technical analysis did not provide a definitive determination of the appropriate PrimaryZone boundary. While  the boundary may not be quantifiable there may be factors that would warrant an adjustmentto the boundary.  There is sufficient doubt as to where the line should be drawn. Based on the information, there areseveral different locations that could be the Primary Zone boundary.DISCUSSIONThe site is located within the BCOD. This district was created in 1998 based upon the findings and recommendationsof the 1996 Bluff Creek Watershed Natural Resources and Management Plan. The Bluff Creek Primary Zone doesnot only include land adjacent to Bluff Creek but also all those areas within the Bluff Creek Watershed which drain tothe creek and contain significant natural areas.  The corridor extends to the northeast from Erhart’s property toHighway 101. The applicant did not provide sufficient data as to why this specific area should be excluded from theBCOD. The city hired WSB to review the proposed boundary change. While their report dated December 19, 2019recommended a change to the boundary to exclude the land east of the top of the ridge, this adjustment does notinclude the area requested by the applicant.The applicant proposes that the 3+ acres adjacent to the 9­acre area guided for commercial use be removed from thePrimary Zone and be combined with that area for development purposes. This area is readily developable. Moresimilar to the 9­acre site, the site is ideal for commercial use in that it is at the intersection of Highway 212 and PowersBoulevard, and when combined creates a large enough site to attract a high­end user. The proposed boundary iswhere the steep slopes begin and are maintained over a substantial distance and support natural vegetation consistingof trees, shrubs and underbrush, yet allows reasonable and best use of the property that is flat or gently sloping. Thesite's drainage path to Bluff Creek in no way resembles a natural­undisturbed connection to these waters. The 3+acres contain no wetlands. The site, while containing mature trees, also has a grassland or hay field which is harvestedannually. The site is relatively flat compared to areas directly to the north and southeast. The site will provide morevalue for Chanhassen residents as a commercial site than as open space.RECOMMENDATIONStaff recommends approval of the motion affirming staff's determination of the Bluff Creek Primary Zone boundaryand adoption of the Findings of Fact and Decision.Should City Council wish to direct staff to revise the Primary Zone boundary as requested by the applicant, then Council should approve the motion approving the applicant's boundary delineation and adoption of the corresponding Findings of Fact and Decision. ATTACHMENTS: Findings of Fact and Decision Affirm Findings of Fact and Decision Adjusting Boundary Staff Report Findings of Fact and Decision Development Review Application Applicant's Narrative Existing Conditions Map Hydric Rating Map Letter to Tim Erhart dated February 5, 2020 regarding Bluff Creek Primary Zone Boundary Email from Jerry Reugemer Affidavit of Mailing Erhart Concept Plan Erhart Concept Map 1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION IN RE: Application of Timothy A. & Dawne M. Erhart appealing staff’s determination of the Bluff Creek Primary Zone boundary on property zoned Agricultural Estate District, A-2 – Planning Case #2020-13. On August 18, 2020, the Chanhassen Planning Commission, acting as the Board of Appeals and Adjustments, met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed appeal preceded by published and mailed notice. The Board of Appeals and Adjustments motion to affirm staff’s determination failed on a vote of 2 – 3. City Council received and reviewed the Planning Commission report and minutes from the public hearing. City Council held a hearing on September 14, 2020 to review the proposed boundary appeal. City Council makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Agricultural Estate District, A-2. 2. The property is guided in the Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan for Office Use. 3. The legal description of the property is Outlot A, Butternut Ridge Addition, Carver County, Minnesota. 4. The City of Chanhassen established the Bluff Creek Overlay District by ordinance in 1998 to protect the Bluff Creek Corridor, wetlands, bluffs and significant stands of mature trees through the use of careful site design and other low-impact practices. 5. The Primary Zone boundary is located on the subject property. 6. The Primary Zone includes the forested area of the site and the wetlands contained therein. 7. The Bluff Creek Primary Zone does not only include land adjacent to Bluff Creek, but also all those areas within the Bluff Creek Watershed which drain to the creek and contain significant natural areas. 2 8. Boundaries as established by officially adopted city maps shall be prima facie evidence of the location and type of watershed zone. The official maps shall be developed and maintained by the planning department. 9. The applicant shall provide appropriate technical information, including but not limited to a topographical survey, flora and fauna survey and soil data deemed necessary for the city to determine the exact watershed zone boundary. 10. The community development director shall make a determination to maintain the officially designated watershed zone boundary or if the boundaries need to be corrected on city plans and maps based upon the data that is supplied. 11. The information provided by the applicant does not show that the boundary should be amended. 12. The planning report #2020-13, dated August 18, 2020, prepared by Robert Generous, et al and the WSB report dated December 19, 2019 are incorporated herein. DECISION The City Council denies the Bluff Creek Overlay District Primary Zone boundary appeal and affirms staff’s boundary determination. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen City Council this 14th day of September, 2020. CITY OF CHANHASSEN BY: Elise Ryan, Mayor g:\plan\2020 planning cases\20-13 bluff creek overlay district appeal - erhart\findings of fact and decision - appeal.doc 1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION IN RE: Application of Timothy A. & Dawne M. Erhart appealing staff’s determination of the Bluff Creek Primary Zone boundary on property zoned Agricultural Estate District, A-2 – Planning Case #2020-13. On August 18, 2020, the Chanhassen Planning Commission, acting as the Board of Appeals and Adjustments, met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed appeal preceded by published and mailed notice. The Board of Appeals and Adjustments motion to affirm staff’s determination failed on a vote of 2 – 3. City Council received and reviewed the Planning Commission report and minutes from the public hearing. City Council held a hearing on September 14, 2020 to review the proposed boundary appeal. City Council makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Agricultural Estate District, A-2. 2. The property is guided in the Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan for Office Use. 3. The legal description of the property is Outlot A, Butternut Ridge Addition, Carver County, Minnesota. 4. The City of Chanhassen established the Bluff Creek Overlay District by ordinance in 1998 to protect the Bluff Creek Corridor, wetlands, bluffs and significant stands of mature trees through the use of careful site design and other low-impact practices. 5. The Primary Zone boundary is located on the subject property. 6. The Primary Zone includes the forested area of the site and the wetlands contained therein. 7. Boundaries as established by officially adopted city maps shall be prima facie evidence of the location and type of watershed zone. The official maps shall be developed and maintained by the Planning department. 2 8. The applicant shall provide appropriate technical information, including but not limited to a topographical survey, flora and fauna survey and soil data deemed necessary for the city to determine the exact watershed zone boundary. 9. The community development director made a determination to maintain the officially designated watershed zone boundary. 10. This area of the Primary Zone adjustment is readily developable. The site is ideal for commercial use in that it is at the intersection of Highway 212 and Powers Boulevard, and when combined creates a large enough site to attract a high-end user. 11. The proposed boundary is where the steep slopes begin and are maintained over a substantial distance and support natural vegetation consisting of trees, shrubs and underbrush. 12. The information provided by the applicant creates a consensus that the Primary Zone boundary should be adjusted. 12. The planning report #2020-13, dated August 18, 2020, prepared by Robert Generous, et al, is incorporated herein. DECISION The City Council approves the Bluff Creek Overlay District Primary Zone boundary appeal and directs staff to make the boundary adjustment. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen City Council this 14th day of September, 2020. CITY OF CHANHASSEN BY: Elise Ryan, Mayor g:\plan\2020 planning cases\20-13 bluff creek overlay district appeal - erhart\findings of fact and decision cc - approval applicant's change.doc CITY OF CHANHASSEN PC DATE: August 18, 2020 CC DATE: September 14, 2020 (if necessary) REVIEW DEADLINE: September 14, 2020 CASE #: 2020-13 BY: RG, EH, MU SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant is appealing staff determination that the Bluff Creek Primary Zone boundary remain in its current location. LOCATION: Southeast Corner of Highway 212 and Powers Boulevard APPLICANT: Timothy A. & Dawne M. Erhart 9611 Meadowlark Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 PRESENT ZONING: Agricultural Estate District, A-2 2020 LAND USE PLAN: ACREAGE: Three Acres on Parcel of 114.5 Acres DENSITY: NA LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING: To hear and decide appeals where it is alleged that there is an error in any order, requirement, decision or determination made by a city administrative officer in the enforcement of the zoning ordinance. The board shall be empowered to decide appeals when the decision of the board is by an affirmative vote of three-fourths of the members present. A vote of less than three-fourths of the members present shall serve only as a recommendation to the City Council, who shall then make the final determination on the appeal. This is a quasi-judicial decision. Notice of this public hearing has been mailed to all property owners within 500 feet. PROPOSAL/SUMMARY The applicant requested an adjustment in the Bluff Creek Overlay District (BCOD) Primary Zone boundary. Staff denied the boundary adjustment and the applicant is appealing that decision. The Planning Commission as the Board of Adjustments and Appeals may make a decision on the appeal. PROPOSED MOTION: “The Chanhassen Planning Commission, acting as the Board of Appeals and Adjustments, affirms the staff delineation of the Bluff Creek Primary Zone Boundary.” Planning Commission Bluff Creek Primary Zone Boundary August 18, 2020 Page 2 g:\plan\2020 planning cases\20-13 bluff creek overlay district appeal - erhart\staff report bcod appeal.doc APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Chapter 20, Article II, Sec. 20-28. - Board of appeals and adjustments. Chapter 20, Article XXXI, Bluff Creek Overlay District https://library.municode.com/mn/chanhassen/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=CICO_CH20ZO_A RTXXXIBLCROVDI BACKGROUND On February 10, 2020, the City Council adopted the 2040 City of Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan, which guided an additional three acres of the site for office use, which corresponds to the area being requested to move out of the Bluff Creek Primary Zone. On May 26, 2009, the Chanhassen City Council approved (Planning Case #2009-06) the following: A. “Rezoning of Lot 1, Block 1, from Agricultural Estate District, A2, to Office & Institutional District, OI.” Please note that the rezoning of the parcel is only effective with the final platting of the subdivision; Planning Commission Bluff Creek Primary Zone Boundary August 18, 2020 Page 3 g:\plan\2020 planning cases\20-13 bluff creek overlay district appeal - erhart\staff report bcod appeal.doc B. “Conditional Use Permit with Variances to encroach into the Primary Zone and required buffer for development in the Bluff Creek Corridor; C. “Subdivision (Preliminary Plat) creating one lot, two outlots and dedication of public right- of-way, plans prepared by Westwood Professional Services, Inc., dated April 1, 2009; D. “Site Plan with Variances (Powers Crossing Professional Building) for building height and Bluff Creek Primary Zone setbacks for a two-phase, three-story, 160,000 square-foot professional office building, and up to a 731-stall, five-level parking ramp on Lot 1, Block 1 of the development, plans prepared by Pope Associates, Inc. and Westwood Professional Services, Inc., dated April 1, 2009; and E. “A sign size Variance request to permit an eight (8) foot tall sign with up to 64 square feet of sign display area. (This project never went forward for development.) Fairview Chanhassen Medical Center (Planning Case #2008-16) As part of the city’s review of the Medical Center, a two-phase, three-story, 160,000 square-foot medical center, and a 731-stall, five-level parking ramp, and signage, the city proposed granting significant relief from the zoning regulations. • The city revised the Primary Zone boundary to remove that portion impacted by grading north of the pond and that portion impacted by the construction of TH 212. • Allowed encroachment into the Primary Zone, a Conditional Use Permit with a Variance, which made the site more developable. • Approved a setback variance from the Primary Zone boundary as part of the site plan review. • Used the green space within the Primary Zone to meet the majority of the pervious surface for the office development. • Prior to the development, the city approved a land use map amendment to the area encompassing Lot 1, including the proposed right-of-way turn back area, from Residential Low Density to Office (total area 10 acres). While the Primary Zone must be retained as permanent open space, it may be used to meet a development’s required green space. Additionally, for residential purposes, this area may be included in calculating permitted density, provided it is not excluded by being undevelopable due to wetland or bluff. (This project became Planning Case #2009-06) On October 23, 2006, the Chanhassen City Council approved the Wetland Alteration Permit #06-32 for the construction of an access and stormwater pond. Planning Commission Bluff Creek Primary Zone Boundary August 18, 2020 Page 4 g:\plan\2020 planning cases\20-13 bluff creek overlay district appeal - erhart\staff report bcod appeal.doc The Bluff Creek Overlay District (BCOD). This district was created in 1998 based upon the findings and recommendations of the 1996 Bluff Creek Watershed Natural Resources and Management Plan. SITE CONSTRAINTS Bluff Creek Corridor This parcel is encumbered by the Bluff Creek Overlay District. The City of Chanhassen established the Bluff Creek Overlay District by ordinance in 1998 to protect the Bluff Creek Corridor, wetlands, bluffs and significant stands of mature trees through the use of careful site design and other low-impact practices. Section 20-1255 of the Chanhassen City Code requires a conditional use permit for all development within the Bluff Creek Corridor. The Bluff Creek Corridor Primary Zone is located on the property. The Primary Zone is designated open space. All structures must meet a 40-foot structural setback from the Primary Zone boundary as required by Chanhassen City Code. In addition, no grading is allowed within the first 20 feet of the Primary Zone. Bluff Protection There are bluffs on the property. Floodplain Overlay This property is not within a floodplain. Shoreland Management The property is not located within a Shoreland Protection District. Wetland Protection There is a wetland located in the development site. At this time, no development proposal has been submitted. BLUFF CREEK OVERLAY DISTRICT The Bluff Creek Overlay District was created in conjunction with the Bluff Creek Watershed Natural Resources Management Plan in December 1996 to provide protection for Bluff Creek from the deleterious effects of urbanization through the promotion of “innovative development techniques such as cluster development...to measurably reduce the amount of impervious cover compared to traditional development...” Another primary plan goal was the provision of educational Planning Commission Bluff Creek Primary Zone Boundary August 18, 2020 Page 5 g:\plan\2020 planning cases\20-13 bluff creek overlay district appeal - erhart\staff report bcod appeal.doc opportunities for the students of Bluff Creek Elementary School and others. The Bluff Creek Natural Resources Management Plan identifies the preservation of a continuous greenway from Minnewashta Regional Park to the Minnesota River to provide a continuous corridor from Minnewashta to the Minnesota River providing habitat, a greenway corridor and recreational opportunities as a goal. The preservation of a greenway will also protect Bluff Creek from the effects of increased runoff volume and rates. Lastly, the preservation of a greenway will help meet the requirements of the Total Maximum Daily Load Implementation. The City of Chanhassen established the Bluff Creek Overlay District, BCO, by ordinance in 1998 to protect the Bluff Creek Corridor, wetlands, bluffs and significant stands of mature trees through the use of careful site design and other low-impact practices. This parcel is partially encumbered by the Bluff Creek Overlay District. A conditional use permit shall be issued by the city for all subdivisions, site plans, and prior to the erection or alteration of any building or land within the BCO. The Primary Zone is designated open space. All structures must meet a 40-foot structural setback from the Primary Zone boundary as required by Chanhassen City Code. The first 20 feet of the setback are required to remain buffer. ANALYSIS The site is located within the Bluff Creek Overlay District (BCOD). This district was created in 1998 based upon the findings and recommendations of the 1996 Bluff Creek Watershed Natural Resources and Management Plan. The District was intended to have several functions. The primary function of the District is to protect the geomorphology and hydrology of Bluff Creek, a 303d listed impaired water, and to preserve the natural corridor from the Minnesota River Valley to Lake Minnewashta Regional Park for aesthetic, recreational and wildlife benefits. Planning Commission Bluff Creek Primary Zone Boundary August 18, 2020 Page 6 g:\plan\2020 planning cases\20-13 bluff creek overlay district appeal - erhart\staff report bcod appeal.doc Bluff Creek Primary Zone The Primary Zone includes the forested area of the site and the wetlands contained therein, which included the wetland that was filled as part of the approved wetland alteration permit in 2006. The Bluff Creek Primary Zone does not only include land adjacent to Bluff Creek but also all those areas within the Bluff Creek Watershed which drains to the creek and contain significant natural areas. The corridor extends to the northeast from Erhart’s property to Highway 101. Bluff Creek itself is truncated by many four-lane roadways along its path including Galpin Boulevard (CSAH 117), Highway 5, Coulter Boulevard, Lyman Boulevard (CSAH 18), Pioneer Trail (CSAH 14), Highway 101 and Flying Cloud Drive (CSAH 61). The drainage map for this portion of the Bluff Creek Watershed is shown below: Planning Commission Bluff Creek Primary Zone Boundary August 18, 2020 Page 7 g:\plan\2020 planning cases\20-13 bluff creek overlay district appeal - erhart\staff report bcod appeal.doc As can be seen, this area contributes to Bluff Creek. At one time, this area drained overland to Bluff Creek. With urban development, the drainage has been confined in certain areas to pipes and culverts. The drainage pattern on top of the bluff takes local drainage and directs it west towards Powers Boulevard. It also serves as the EOF for the large water body immediately east of the wooded area. Lastly, there is a mitigation area located northerly on the property. Planning Commission Bluff Creek Primary Zone Boundary August 18, 2020 Page 8 g:\plan\2020 planning cases\20-13 bluff creek overlay district appeal - erhart\staff report bcod appeal.doc Part of the discussion should be about the effects of urbanization on channel characteristics and flow hydraulics. As the area tributary to Bluff Creek is converted from prairie and woodland conditions to urbanized conditions, the following occurs: 1. Base flow is decreased which leads to a failure to support aquatic vertebrates. 2. The flashiness of the flows increase as water is directed to the creek faster than under natural conditions. 3. The duration of the elevated flows is increased. Even with the installation of detention ponds, it still leads to a longer duration of peak flows even if the peak flow is decreased from an urbanized condition without ponds. 4. All of this leads to increased scouring, head cutting, escarpment formation and sediment loading and deposition. 5. This increased sediment load falls out of suspension downstream and leads to an embedded condition meaning there is a diminished fish habitat as the small riffles formed in the cobbled substrate disappear. This also leads to an increase in water temperature and a decrease in transitivity of light and reduced plant and plankton production. It is for this reason that we look at the entire watershed and not just that which is immediately adjacent to Bluff Creek. To facilitate the preservation of the natural resources on this property, the city proposed as part of Planning Case #2009-06 the dedication of a conservation easement over the Primary Zone north of the proposed access road and east of the office building. Planning Commission Bluff Creek Primary Zone Boundary August 18, 2020 Page 9 g:\plan\2020 planning cases\20-13 bluff creek overlay district appeal - erhart\staff report bcod appeal.doc City Code specifies how the Primary Zone boundary is determined: Section 20-1555 (b) Boundaries; maps. The primary and secondary zones include land that is generally defined in this ordinance and in the Bluff Creek Watershed Natural Resources Management Plan. Boundaries as established by officially adopted city maps shall be prima facie evidence of the location and type of watershed zone. The official maps shall be developed and maintained by the planning department. The applicant shall provide appropriate technical information, including but not limited to a topographical survey, flora and fauna survey and soil data deemed necessary for the city to determine the exact watershed zone boundary. The community development director shall make a determination to maintain the officially designated watershed zone boundary or if the boundaries need to be corrected on city plans and maps based upon the data that is supplied. Data for watershed zone delineation shall be generated and provided by a qualified professional specializing in watershed management, environmental science or other related profession. The applicant may appeal the community development director's determination of the watershed zone boundary and type to the city council. (Emphasis added) Per Sec. 20-1555 of the City Code, in order to make an accurate boundary determination for the Bluff Creek Overlay district, “the applicant shall provide appropriate technical information, including but not limited to a topographical survey, flora and fauna survey and soil data deemed necessary for the city to determine the exact watershed zone boundary.” While the applicant provided both a topographic survey and a tree survey, none of these materials sufficiently show that Planning Commission Bluff Creek Primary Zone Boundary August 18, 2020 Page 10 g:\plan\2020 planning cases\20-13 bluff creek overlay district appeal - erhart\staff report bcod appeal.doc the boundary should be amended. The topographic survey shows a number of areas on the site with slopes greater than 25%, and a review of the Web Soil Survey shows that highly erodible soils exist on site. These are key factors when considering areas for boundary revision as both can more easily result in drainage and erosion issues that would ultimately lead to Bluff Creek. In addition, the tree survey shows that many native, mature trees exist on the site, including red oak, bur oak, aspen, basswood, eastern red cedar, and elm. Along with the trees, there are grasses and prairie habitat in this area. This combination of native trees and grasses provides valuable habitat that serves to limit erosion, promote infiltration, and decrease runoff on that landscape that eventually leads to Bluff Creek. In their most recent submittal dated June 18, 2020, the applicant states that because the factors listed above (native trees, steep slopes, etc.) exist in other parts of the city that might be developable, that they also should be allowed to be developable. While it is true that these factors exist throughout Chanhassen, each time they are reviewed for proposed development, they should be evaluated and considered on an individual basis. This is especially true when within an environmentally sensitive corridor such as the Bluff Creek Overlay District. The area in appeal has a quality mix of native tree species including oaks, basswood, maples, aspen, elm and more. A tree survey was completed in 2019 and shows that the parcel contains a range of sizes and species indicating a healthy, regenerating native woodland. A number of large oaks exist on the parcel indicating a historically wooded environment. This significant stand of mature trees is the type of cover specifically intended for protection by the BCOD. The area is also separated by a natural topographic break from the adjacent property that received an adjustment of the BCOD line. The area currently within the boundary contains a steep knoll and adjacent low area that are naturally occurring topographic features of the site. Like the existing vegetation, these significant topographic features meet the criteria for inclusion within the overlay district and remain protected. In conclusion, given that the applicant did not provide sufficient data as to why this specific area should be excluded from the Bluff Creek Overlay District, staff recommends that the proposed boundary revisions should be denied. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Planning Commission, acting as the Board of Appeals and Adjustments, affirm staff’s Bluff Creek Overlay District Primary Zone boundary determination. ATTACHMENTS 1. Findings of Fact and Decision 2. Development Review Application 3. Narrative 4. Existing Conditions Map 5. Hydric Rating Map 6. Letter to Tim Erhart dated February 5, 2020 regarding Bluff Creek Primary Zone Boundary 7. Email from Jerry Ruegemer to Bob Generous dated August 7, 2020 8. Affidavit of Mailing of Public Hearing Notice 1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION IN RE: Application of Timothy A. & Dawne M. Erhart appealing staff’s determination of the Bluff Creek Primary Zone boundary on property zoned Agricultural Estate District, A-2 – Planning Case #2020-13. On August 18, 2020, the Chanhassen Planning Commission, acting as the Board of Appeals and Adjustments, met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed appeal preceded by published and mailed notice. The Board of Appeals and Adjustments makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Agricultural Estate District, A-2. 2. The property is guided in the Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan for Office Use. 3. The legal description of the property is Outlot A, Butternut Ridge Addition, Carver County, Minnesota. 4. The City of Chanhassen established the Bluff Creek Overlay District by ordinance in 1998 to protect the Bluff Creek Corridor, wetlands, bluffs and significant stands of mature trees through the use of careful site design and other low-impact practices. 5. The Primary Zone boundary is located on the subject property. 6. The Primary Zone includes the forested area of the site and the wetlands contained therein. 7. The Bluff Creek Primary Zone does not only include land adjacent to Bluff Creek, but also all those areas within the Bluff Creek Watershed which drain to the creek and contain significant natural areas. 8. Boundaries as established by officially adopted city maps shall be prima facie evidence of the location and type of watershed zone. The official maps shall be developed and maintained by the planning department. 9. The applicant shall provide appropriate technical information, including but not limited to a topographical survey, flora and fauna survey and soil data deemed necessary for the city to determine the exact watershed zone boundary. 2 10. The community development director shall make a determination to maintain the officially designated watershed zone boundary or if the boundaries need to be corrected on city plans and maps based upon the data that is supplied. 11. The information provided by the applicant does not show that the boundary should be amended. 12. The planning report #2020-13, dated August 18, 2020, prepared by Robert Generous, et al, is incorporated herein. DECISION The Board of Appeals and Adjustments denies the Bluff Creek Overlay District Primary Zone boundary appeal and affirms staff’s boundary determination. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Board of Appeals and Adjustments this 18th day of August, 2020. CITY OF CHANHASSEN BY: Steve Weick, Chairman g:\plan\2020 planning cases\20-13 bluff creek overlay district appeal - erhart\findings of fact and decision - appeal.doc Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 TREE TAG SPECIES SIZE (DBH)NOTES TREE TAG SPECIES SIZE (DBH)NOTES TREE TAG SPECIES SIZE (DBH)NOTES TREE TAG SPECIES SIZE (DBH)NOTES 5001 Bur Oak 25 Dead 5002 Bur Oak 38 Dead 5003 Red Oak 12 Biologically Damaged 5004 Colorado Spruce 10 5005 Colorado Spruce 11 5006 Colorado Spruce 10 5007 Colorado Spruce 11 5008 Colorado Spruce 13 5009 Colorado Spruce 10 5010 Colorado Spruce 11 5011 Colorado Spruce 10 5012 Colorado Spruce 10 5013 Colorado Spruce 10 5014 Colorado Spruce 12 Biologically Damaged 5015 Colorado Spruce 13 Biologically Damaged 5016 Colorado Spruce 10 5017 Colorado Spruce 11 5018 Colorado Spruce 10 5019 Colorado Spruce 12 5020 Colorado Spruce 10 5021 Colorado Spruce 10 5022 Eastern Red Cedar 12 5023 White Pine 17 5024 Red Pine 12 5025 Red Pine 13 5026 Red Pine 11 5027 Red Pine 13 5028 Colorado Spruce 10 Biologically Damaged 5029 Red Pine 11 Biologically Damaged 5030 Colorado Spruce 12 5031 American Elm 10 Physically Damaged 5032 Bur Oak 10 5033 Eastern Red Cedar 16 5034 Eastern Red Cedar 12 5035 Eastern Red Cedar 10 5036 Eastern Red Cedar 11 Biologically Damaged 5037 Eastern Red Cedar 11 5038 Colorado Spruce 10 5039 Colorado Spruce 11 5040 Colorado Spruce 10 5041 Colorado Spruce 12 5042 Boxelder 14 5043 Siberian Elm 20 5044 Siberian Elm 10 Dead 5045 Eastern Red Cedar 15 5046 Eastern Red Cedar 11 5047 Eastern Red Cedar 11 5048 Eastern Red Cedar 14 5049 Black Cherry 11 5050 Eastern Red Cedar 13 5051 American Elm 14 5052 Basswood 12 5053 Basswood 14 5054 Ironwood 15 5055 Basswood 15 5056 Basswood 16 5057 Hackberry 11 5058 Eastern Red Cedar 16 5059 Bur Oak 10 5060 Black Cherry 10 Dead 5061 Eastern Red Cedar 15 5062 Bur Oak 12 5063 Black Cherry 11 5064 Basswood 16 5065 Hackberry 12 5066 Basswood 13 5067 American Elm 14 Dead 5068 Basswood 36 5069 Bur Oak 32 5070 Basswood 12 5071 Basswood 13 5072 Basswood 10 5073 Basswood 13 5074 Red Oak 15 5075 Basswood 13 5076 American Elm 10 Dead 5077 Bur Oak 20 Dead 5078 American Elm 11 5079 Basswood 10 5080 Basswood 11 5081 Paper Birch 10 5082 Eastern Red Cedar 15 Biologically Damaged 5083 Eastern Red Cedar 16 Biologically Damaged 5084 Red Oak 12 5085 Paper Birch 10 5086 Basswood 10 5087 Ironwood 17 5088 Ironwood 10 5089 Ironwood 10 5090 Basswood 11 5091 Basswood 12 5092 Basswood 11 5093 Basswood 11 5094 Siberian Elm 10 5095 Bur Oak 30 5096 Bur Oak 32 5097 Bur Oak 24 5098 Bur Oak 30 5099 Basswood 11 5100 Basswood 10 5101 Basswood 11 5102 Eastern Red Cedar 11 Biologically Damaged 5103 Eastern Red Cedar 13 5104 Basswood 11 5105 Basswood 10 5106 Aspen 11 5107 Aspen 10 5108 Aspen 12 5109 Aspen 10 5110 Aspen 10 5111 Ash 10 5112 Bur Oak 18 5113 Black Cherry 10 5114 American Elm 10 5115 American Elm 10 5116 American Elm 12 5117 Bur Oak 33 Dead 5118 Bur Oak 44 5119 Yellow Birch 10 5120 Ash 10 5121 Aspen 10 5122 Aspen 12 5123 Aspen 12 5124 Aspen 12 5125 Aspen 10 5126 Aspen 10 5127 Aspen 11 5128 Aspen 10 5129 Eastern Red Cedar 10 5130 Aspen 10 5131 Aspen 12 5132 Aspen 10 5133 Aspen 10 5134 Aspen 12 5135 Aspen 12 5136 Aspen 11 5137 Aspen 10 5139 Aspen 10 5140 Eastern Red Cedar 9 5141 Red Oak 13 5142 Aspen 12 5143 American Elm 13 Dead 5144 Aspen 10 5145 Basswood 11 5146 Basswood 10 5147 Basswood 11 5148 Basswood 11 5149 Basswood 12 5150 Basswood 16 5151 Bur Oak 26 Dead 5152 Red Oak 11 5153 Red Oak 13 5154 Red Oak 12 5155 Bur Oak 23 5156 Sugar Maple 30 5157 Bur Oak 29 5158 Bur Oak 20 5159 Bur Oak 26 5160 Bur Oak 36 5161 Red Oak 11 5162 Bur Oak 26 5163 Bur Oak 39 5164 Bur Oak 20 5165 Bur Oak 25 5166 Eastern Red Cedar 11 5167 Bur Oak 32 Dead 5168 Red Oak 10 5169 Eastern Red Cedar 10 5170 Eastern Red Cedar 11 5171 Bur Oak 39 5172 Bur Oak 27 5173 Bur Oak 29 5174 Bur Oak 30 5175 Basswood 15 5176 Basswood 10 5177 Bur Oak 34 5178 Bur Oak 26 5179 Eastern Red Cedar 17 5180 Eastern Red Cedar 19 5181 Siberian Elm 16 5182 Eastern Red Cedar 17 5183 Bur Oak 30 5184 Bur Oak 26 5185 Bur Oak 29 5186 Bur Oak 30 5187 Bur Oak 24 5188 Bur Oak 31 5189 Bur Oak 32 5190 American Elm 12 Dead 5191 Basswood 16 5192 Bur Oak 40 5193 American Elm 10 Dead 5194 Bur Oak 28 5195 Black Cherry 11 5196 Bur Oak 30 5197 Bur Oak 28 5198 Sugar Maple 10 5199 Bur Oak 25 5200 American Elm 13 5201 Bur Oak 28 5202 Bur Oak 31 5203 Siberian Elm 12 5204 Red Oak 12 5205 Red Oak 13 5206 Hackberry 12 5207 Hackberry 12 5208 Bitternut Hickory 10 5209 Black Cherry 13 5210 American Elm 13 Dead 5211 Eastern Red Cedar 15 5212 Red Oak 14 5213 Red Oak 12 5214 Red Oak 12 5215 Red Oak 17 5216 White Pine 15 5217 Eastern Red Cedar 15 5218 Eastern Red Cedar 11 5219 Eastern Red Cedar 10 5220 Red Pine 11 5222 Red Pine 14 5223 Eastern Red Cedar 14 5224 Black Walnut 10 5225 Red Pine 15 5226 Black Cherry 10 5227 Black Cherry 10 5228 Black Cherry 10 5229 Black Walnut 13 5230 Basswood 10 5231 Bur Oak 24 5232 Eastern Red Cedar 11 5233 Red Oak 11 5234 Red Oak 11 5235 Bur Oak 28 5236 Eastern Red Cedar 19 Biologically Damaged 5237 Sugar Maple 10 5238 Eastern Red Cedar 13 Biologically Damaged 5239 Sugar Maple 15 5240 Bur Oak 32 5241 Ironwood 12 5242 Bur Oak 19 5243 Bur Oak 29 5244 Bur Oak 20 5245 Bur Oak 29 5246 American Elm 10 5247 Bur Oak 21 5248 Bur Oak 24 5249 Bur Oak 25 5250 Bur Oak 18 5251 Ironwood 10 5252 Ash 10 5253 Ash 10 Dead 5254 Bur Oak 32 5255 Aspen 14 5256 Aspen 15 5257 Aspen 14 5258 Aspen 12 5259 Aspen 15 5260 Bur Oak 32 5261 Bur Oak 30 5262 Bur Oak 26 Dead 5264 Bur Oak 31 5265 American Elm 13 5266 Ironwood 13 5267 Bur Oak 29 5268 Black Cherry 12 5269 Basswood 13 5270 Ironwood 10 5271 Bur Oak 23 5272 Bur Oak 20 5273 Bur Oak 14 5274 Bur Oak 36 5275 Eastern Red Cedar 10 Biologically Damaged 5276 Bur Oak 18 5277 Eastern Red Cedar 10 5278 Bur Oak 17 5279 Bur Oak 21 5280 Bur Oak 20 5281 Bur Oak 31 5282 Red Oak 10 5283 Bur Oak 26 5284 Bur Oak 27 5285 Bur Oak 29 5286 Bur Oak 23 Dead 5287 Bur Oak 12 5288 Bur Oak 26 5289 Bur Oak 27 5290 Bur Oak 16 5291 Bur Oak 24 5292 Bur Oak 21 5293 Bur Oak 61 5294 Eastern Red Cedar 10 Biologically Damaged 5295 Bur Oak 17 5296 Bur Oak 17 5297 Bur Oak 16 5298 Bur Oak 18 5299 Bur Oak 13 5300 Bur Oak 20 TREE TAG SPECIES SIZE (DBH)NOTES TREE TAG SPECIES SIZE (DBH)NOTES Hydric Rating by Map Unit—Carver County, Minnesota Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 5/28/2019 Page 1 of 5496414049642104964280496435049644204964490496456049646304964700496414049642104964280496435049644204964490496456049646304964700456350456420456490456560456630456700456770 456350 456420 456490 456560 456630 456700 456770 44° 50' 4'' N 93° 33' 9'' W44° 50' 4'' N93° 32' 48'' W44° 49' 44'' N 93° 33' 9'' W44° 49' 44'' N 93° 32' 48'' WN Map projection: Web Mercator Corner coordinates: WGS84 Edge tics: UTM Zone 15N WGS84 0 100 200 400 600 Feet 0 40 80 160 240 Meters Map Scale: 1:2,960 if printed on A portrait (8.5" x 11") sheet. Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest (AOI) Area of Interest (AOI) Soils Soil Rating Polygons Hydric (100%) Hydric (66 to 99%) Hydric (33 to 65%) Hydric (1 to 32%) Not Hydric (0%) Not rated or not available Soil Rating Lines Hydric (100%) Hydric (66 to 99%) Hydric (33 to 65%) Hydric (1 to 32%) Not Hydric (0%) Not rated or not available Soil Rating Points Hydric (100%) Hydric (66 to 99%) Hydric (33 to 65%) Hydric (1 to 32%) Not Hydric (0%) Not rated or not available Water Features Streams and Canals Transportation Rails Interstate Highways US Routes Major Roads Local Roads Background Aerial Photography The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:12,000. Warning: Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil line placement. The maps do not show the small areas of contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: Coordinate System: Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator projection, which preserves direction and shape but distorts distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more accurate calculations of distance or area are required. This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: Carver County, Minnesota Survey Area Data: Version 15, Sep 13, 2018 Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales 1:50,000 or larger. Date(s) aerial images were photographed: Sep 12, 2010—Aug 2, 2016 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. Hydric Rating by Map Unit—Carver County, Minnesota Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 5/28/2019 Page 2 of 5 Hydric Rating by Map Unit Map unit symbol Map unit name Rating Acres in AOI Percent of AOI GL Glencoe clay loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes 100 0.8 1.7% HM Hamel loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes 90 10.2 22.1% KB Kilkenny-Lester loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes 0 3.3 7.2% KB2 Lester-Kilkenny loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes, eroded 0 2.5 5.3% KC Lester-Kilkenny loams, 6 to 12 percent slopes 0 7.2 15.6% KC2 Lester-Kilkenny complex, 6 to 10 percent slopes, moderately eroded 5 4.0 8.7% KD2 Lester-Kilkenny complex, 10 to 16 percent slopes, moderately eroded 5 3.6 7.9% KE2 Lester-Kilkenny complex, 16 to 22 percent slopes 5 8.8 19.0% KF Lester-Kilkenny complex, 22 to 40 percent slopes 0 0.5 1.0% MK Muskego and Houghton soils, 0 to 1 percent slopes 100 3.3 7.2% TB Terril loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes 8 2.0 4.2% Totals for Area of Interest 46.3 100.0% Hydric Rating by Map Unit—Carver County, Minnesota Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 5/28/2019 Page 3 of 5 Description This rating indicates the percentage of map units that meets the criteria for hydric soils. Map units are composed of one or more map unit components or soil types, each of which is rated as hydric soil or not hydric. Map units that are made up dominantly of hydric soils may have small areas of minor nonhydric components in the higher positions on the landform, and map units that are made up dominantly of nonhydric soils may have small areas of minor hydric components in the lower positions on the landform. Each map unit is rated based on its respective components and the percentage of each component within the map unit. The thematic map is color coded based on the composition of hydric components. The five color classes are separated as 100 percent hydric components, 66 to 99 percent hydric components, 33 to 65 percent hydric components, 1 to 32 percent hydric components, and less than one percent hydric components. In Web Soil Survey, the Summary by Map Unit table that is displayed below the map pane contains a column named 'Rating'. In this column the percentage of each map unit that is classified as hydric is displayed. Hydric soils are defined by the National Technical Committee for Hydric Soils (NTCHS) as soils that formed under conditions of saturation, flooding, or ponding long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part (Federal Register, 1994). Under natural conditions, these soils are either saturated or inundated long enough during the growing season to support the growth and reproduction of hydrophytic vegetation. The NTCHS definition identifies general soil properties that are associated with wetness. In order to determine whether a specific soil is a hydric soil or nonhydric soil, however, more specific information, such as information about the depth and duration of the water table, is needed. Thus, criteria that identify those estimated soil properties unique to hydric soils have been established (Federal Register, 2002). These criteria are used to identify map unit components that normally are associated with wetlands. The criteria used are selected estimated soil properties that are described in "Soil Taxonomy" (Soil Survey Staff, 1999) and "Keys to Soil Taxonomy" (Soil Survey Staff, 2006) and in the "Soil Survey Manual" (Soil Survey Division Staff, 1993). If soils are wet enough for a long enough period of time to be considered hydric, they should exhibit certain properties that can be easily observed in the field. These visible properties are indicators of hydric soils. The indicators used to make onsite determinations of hydric soils are specified in "Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States" (Hurt and Vasilas, 2006). References: Federal Register. July 13, 1994. Changes in hydric soils of the United States. Federal Register. September 18, 2002. Hydric soils of the United States. Hydric Rating by Map Unit—Carver County, Minnesota Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 5/28/2019 Page 4 of 5 Hurt, G.W., and L.M. Vasilas, editors. Version 6.0, 2006. Field indicators of hydric soils in the United States. Soil Survey Division Staff. 1993. Soil survey manual. Soil Conservation Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 18. Soil Survey Staff. 1999. Soil taxonomy: A basic system of soil classification for making and interpreting soil surveys. 2nd edition. Natural Resources Conservation Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 436. Soil Survey Staff. 2006. Keys to soil taxonomy. 10th edition. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. Rating Options Aggregation Method: Percent Present Component Percent Cutoff: None Specified Tie-break Rule: Lower Hydric Rating by Map Unit—Carver County, Minnesota Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 5/28/2019 Page 5 of 5 CITY OT CHAI'IHASSXN Chanhassen is a Community for Life - providing for Today and Planning for Tomonow February 5, 2020 Mr. Tim Erhart 961 I Meadowlark Lane Chanhassen, MN 553 I 7-8695 Re: BluffCreek Primary Zone Boundary Dear Mr. Erhart I am writing to respond to your request to modifl the BluffCreek Overlay District primary zone boundary map as it relates to your property east ofPowers Boulevard (PID 251550022\. The city hired WSB to review your property to determine ifa primary zone boundary adjustment was appropriate. Based on their review ofthe information you supplied, City Code, applicant request, and city and Riley Purgatory BluffCreek Watershed District documents, and rules regarding the definition and determination for a bluffoverlay district and available GIS mapping and information, the consultant recommended that a small portion ofthe site be removed from the primary zone from the east side ofthe primary zone, but the westem boundary not be modified. (See attached Memorandum from WSB dated December 10, 2019.) This recommendation is consistent with the city's review dated May 19,2016 (attached). Ifyou do not agree with this interpretation, then you may appeal this decision to the Board ofAppeals and Adjusments pursuant to Section 20-29 ofthe Chanhassen City Code. A development review application and $ 100.00 appeal fee must be submifted for an appeal. Ifyou have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at (952) 227 -1139 or kaanenson{7 c i.chanhassen.mn. us. Si v Kate AICP Community Development Director Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Bob Generous, Senior Planner Charlie Howley, City Engineer/Public Works Director Matt Unmacht, Water Resources Coordinator Andi Moffatt, WSB The city will implement the revision of the Bluff Creek Overlay District primary zone boundary removing the area shown in green and correcting the map to show the area shown in blue, which is within the subwatershed zone draining west ofthe ridge top, on the attached Map 3, Potential Exclusion Area. Enclosures PH 952.227.1 I 00 . www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us . FX 952.227.1110 3lblro\bluff.re.k\.rlwt btdff cr..l primrry roo. r.tporE. btt.r:dod 77OO MARKET BOULEVARD .PO BOX I47. CHANHASSEN .MINNESOTA 55JI7 E.*WSbo g:\pl.n\bluff creet\erhan bluff cr.€l primary lone response lett€r.door r It,d Ef *rr*r ErrnoE -acr- or.rE tr6 !euat"rl-cEtoctt 116 !a1r':sEr*ri-Bla-rrac- { u r ri, t$ ,, 4 -/7 E ;rr .)t) )I a / rEe i:r I t T 'l s ( iii I.p s - Potd t l Erotura.rn &!. t tn trEL Ct d Ch.rtEl. ir i WSb Memorandum To: Fron: Date: Re:Review of BCOD br Erhart Property \rtBB Project No. 15183-{D0 On behalf of the Gity of Chanhassen, please see the review and determination of the Erhart Property adiustment requesl as it pertains to the City's Blufi Creek Overlay District ordinance d. Foster the creation of a greenway conn€c{ing Lake Minnewashta Regional park and the Minnesota River Valley. The greenway will serve as an unintenupted pedestrian hail, bikeway system, and wildlib conidor afioding opporhrnities for recreation, education, physical fitness and nonmotorized transportation. Bob Generous, Cig of Chanhassen Oecember 10, 2019 =oo oz lrl @ = ! z =6 o o- u,z2 = UJF IUDz ul s2 u, Background lnformrtio0 The Citfs Blufi Creek Overlay Disfict (BCOD) was developed in March 1997 as the end product of the Blufi Creek Watershed Natural Resources Management plan. The purpo€e of the BCOD is to: Protecl the Blufi Creek Conirlor, weflands, bluffs, and significant stands of mature fees through the use of careful site design, probctive @venants, sensitive alignment and desbn of roadways and utilities, incorporation of natural batures, landscaping, techniques outlined in the cit/s surface mter management plan, and the praciices delineated in the civs surhce water managemer plan. b. Encourage a development patbm that allows peopb and nature to mix spanning multiple ecosystems. Development in the coridor should be ecologir=lly desened and built around natural featurE suct as fees, wethnds, and blufrs. SEnificant natural batures should impac-t devslopment ralher han development impac{ing significant nafural Eahlr€s. The natural qualilies of the conidor should be preserved to ensure suffcient habitat area br wildlib. c. Promote innovative developrn€nt tecfiniqu€s sudl as duster development and open space subdivisions to measurably reduce the arnount of impervious cover compared to traditional de\relopment practices resulting in s(rnificant portions of a site being retained as pemanent, protecied open spsce. a e ,. lmphment the polft:ies and recommenddions bund in the Blufr Creek Watershed Nafural Resources Management Plan. Encourage cost efiective site development. Op€n space design practices can reduce infrastructure engineering and construction costs because of lot configurations, shortened strBets, and reduced utility runs. Long term cost savings can also be realized by the City of Chanhassen associated with infrastructure maintenance costs. Kr015183& .ffiDoc.tr/Euo - 120a19 - BCOO R4i(!* Coiduadt .doc( tuidi Mofiatt, WSB lratt Unmac-ht, WSB December 10, 2019 Page 2 3. ThemapoftheBcoDiscurren0ymaintainedbythecityasa.Glslayer.Alandownerdeveloper, ;,ty ;t;;il"&", or offrer may present eviden-ce as.to why the boundary should be placed in a specifi; bcation. This argument must consider the following: l.Drainageboundaries-ifthesitedoesnotdrainintotheBluffCreekthenitshouldnotbe inciuOel in he BCOD. Drainage does not need to be a direc't connection but must simpty have a hydraulic nerus _ cuMert, ditch, overland, sheet llotv or other @nveyance. Existence of natiye communities - does the area have a unque or potected nafural ,"*rra"t"ta"t"stomeettheobiec{ivesoffreBlufrCreekNaturalResourc6 Management Plan?'-'-'a."-wenanos provide surface wdar dstention, watef quality, fiood abatement habitat and educdional opPorhinities O. Wooatanos provid absbaction and decreas€ runofi to Blufi Creek They limit- "noi* ""0'p.t*e infibaton whidl can bonefit bas€ iox's within the deek' They abo provue habitat and a€!fiGtic velue' c. Praiirle and meadow areas also prornote infilffiion thereby decreasing runofi'- td;, ;."i.", and llashiness within the ctannel and other beneffis sucfi as bse flor within Blufi Creek. Topography - are blufrs, sGep slop€s defned as areas with av-erage slopes exceeding ZS'pe-dnt, or o$er hnd mat'are iuscedible to erosion and mass soil movernent presenO 2 Findlngs Drainage boundaries: The City's subwabrshed mapping is attacfied in X'p {' This ;hil"tt-p",1i"" ort," pat"ir rt"t It within thG Blufi Creok vrdershed, Bc-As' 12 iru;".riii. it e topolraprry uased on LiDAR datBd 2012 h6 et o been reviewed and [-Jt,i" "" tr.p i. rfis-subv;tgrshcd appea]s b drain to l co .nstuded pond adjacent to Fowers Boulevard and then overllow t6 the south, wtri*r then b direc'ted under a curveri unoer ure rcao b ur€st. Ther€fore, th€re is a hydrologic connection to Blufi creek. i;;;;;;ih". t a srnal .edion within 6,€ BCOD th;t does not drain to Blufi Creek and 166r"i O.iinjto ne east to Lake Rilsy, and is within the Riley Creek Subqratershed. This small area that drains east is highlighted on th€ f.P 3' The findings br the drainage boundary-a]e thet the P9OP and the portion of.this parcel n&J in Ol ACOO do€s dAin to Btuftoro€k, except br the small erea that drains to Lake Riley. Thb area could be removed from the BCOD' Native communitbs:---'". -w"una": Based on National Wotlind lnventory, city mapdng' and aif .plgtog'- t "r" i.i r.rg" wefland on the east of the efea in quGtion within the PlD, but ttra ls not w#rin tre Blufi Cre€k drainage area' There appeas to be a storm . ffid ulat;;-a*at"d imrnadiately a-diacent to Porcrs Boulevard - this area b h& consltered yr€[anO. There Oo-not Lppsar to be any other wetlands within the abr Creek suhmte|Ehed within Orb piriet. Aas€d on $is infomatbn' here do naappeartoUeweUandswithinslbper6l'ssubu'atershedthatprovUebenefit to Blui Cteek, so this land cover is not apPlicable' 1 2 K\015183{00\AdminEocs\tulEMo-'l2O41S-BCODReviewConclusionsdocx December 10, 2019 Page 3 b. Woodlands: Air photos show various areas of wooded areas or scattered trees. The landowner provided a tee inventory dabd August 2, 2019. Based on the hee inventory within the existing blufr overhy disfbt there are difiering tree specbs within the parcel. Th6e trees primarily include red oak, bur oak, aspen, basswood, easEm r6d cedar, and elm. Thes€ are native species to Minnesota. Based on the inbrmation proviled in the tee survey, it appears there is suffcient native rvoodlands that would provide valuable habitrat wilhin the Blufi Creek watershed. c. Grasslands: Ba6€d on a review of aerbl phob6, there arc grasslands in the BCOD arBa. These areas promote infiltration and reduce runofi creating benefits within the BCOD. The findings fur the presenoe d native mmmunitbs are that the area within Ore BCOD does contain native woodhnd phnt communiti€s, as well as grassland areas hat provide ben€fits to fl€ BCOD. 3. Topography: The ordinance states that slopes exceeding 25 percent shall be preseNed in a nafural state. map 2 shows arEas that have slopes greater than 25olo Addibonally, soils that are erosive in nature should be consirered. rp 4 shou6 the soils categorized based on their erodibility. There are erodible soils and steep slopes within the BCOD area within the parcel. Scils infumation uas also reviersd from the County Soil Surwy. Th€ soils wihin the exbting BCOD are a8 bllow5: . HM - Hamel Loam. KB - Kilkenny-L€sbr loems The findings regarding topography and eoils show that there are highly erodible or pobntially highly erodible soils and sGep slopes within the BCOD area wihin the parcel. Protecning and defining tfi6e areas wihin the BCOD b appropriate per the BCOD ordinance. Goncluslona The property in questbn was revieryed wih respect to tle above criterie. The PID contains a numb€r areas that uould qualiry it to b€ indud€d in the Blufi Creek Overlay Disfict. The majority of the aree in question drains to Blufi Cre€k. Of th€se ar€as, the majodty contain ether excessively steep slopes, erodible soils, or u/oodland or grasshnd habitat. There is one small area that is within the parcel but not within the Bluff Creek Suhratershed, and topography shows this area would not drain to Blufi Creek. As su€fi, thb area can be consUered for exclusion ftom the BCOD. The remaining areas appear to qualify to remain in the BCOD. lf you have any questions, please call fiE al76!287-7196 or email me al amo fat@ 6beno.corn. K1015183-000\Admin\Docs\t\rEMO - 12U19 - BCOD Review Conclusions.docx tapl -PrclectLocatlon E{h.ft PmPCttY Clty dCh.nhet, tlt{ t N A 0I 1 ind /IRflOA/ [M8,00 [ffifl [na8p trlG-,l&C2 BSflA{@il60ts+83 B0c"\a00 &M&3B&tua!{ [Rfl84 -Z L-.utdgffi&€rB @dE@ &*tuftrd&B@4ei8 &130 B@45,(7 @.AA{0 BCd5.{3 m46,{5 ftinEastEs E@4e{84 //,,l _//ru I % a3 I \ @ \ ,//,'# -@ @ @ 856 I' @@ @ e8c €@.--,----- ) €FT , 7/ -@- ,.@ @ 8S EBBS ID ) .c9d \"*- - \,'-@ --€@ n 7/ Z @sBm l I a j a,'r;l @r ,/---=-J --- - \l'----: t.-. - ', ) . EP d3.H'/p \t/ / @ I I "(9.-. i. I BBB / ili ,,i 1 {V===_-_-tl ----=----,--------- Z \ti \ll @ llt>I [nilg{ ) "o g"" Z %,ri 928, str' il't a' eo" $s6 A. i. 89?, a-:, I sp 886 ,2,./t , /:ni/ \\\\F"* @ sN@ @ q @ @ @ ,7-- 856 % @ '2 ..f,O w --r-{I €03@ SEBE z II @ '/ :.= ',;i'$1Y I tl @ 67 I7/ lt- ,-- May 19, 2016 Mr. Tim Erhart RE: Bluff Creek Overlay District Dear Mr. Earhart, This letter is meant to be illustrative of the purpose and delineation of the Bluff creek overlay District' especially as it pertains to your property located east of Powers Boulevard and north of Pioneer Trail' The Bluff creek overlay District first came into existence in March of 1997 as the end product of the Bluff Creek Watershed Natural Resources Management Plan. The plan identified five primary goals and these goals were further resolved based upon a variety of factors' They are as follows: 1. protection, restoration and enhancement of natural resources. This goal sought to divide the watershed into regions and set management goals and techniques for these regions to protect habitat and water quality. 2. Acquire and develop a continuous greenway corridor for aesthetics, recreation, water quality protection and wildlife habitat preservation' 3. Minimize and/or avoid the impacts of development pressures' 4. Provide educational opportunities for all ages' 5. Development of a Natural Resources Management Plan that spans multiple jurisdictions' These realizations were supported and/or expounded upon in the 1997 Bluff Creek Corridor Feasibility study and then again in the 2oo9 Bluff creek TMDL BioloSical stressor ldentification Report, the 2013 Bluff creek watershed Total Maximum Daily Load Report: Turbidity and Fish Bioassessment lmpairments and lmplementation Plan. Allthese reports supported the basic underlying premise that the cause for the degradation of Bluff creek is the urbanization of the contributing watershed and subsequent alterations to the flow regime. The last identified The map currently maintained by the city as a Gls layer as well as contained within the Bluff creek Natural Resources Management Plan is prima facie evidence but is not considered the definitive boundary.Alandowner,developer,cityrepresentativeorothermaypresentevidenceastowhythe boundary should be placed in a specific location. This arSument must consider the following: 1. Drainage boundaries. lf the site does not drain into the Bluff creek than it should not be included in the BcoD. Drainage does not need to be a direct connection but must simply have a hydraulic nexus - culvert, ditch, overland sheet flow or other conveyance' 2. Existence of native communities. Does the area have a unique or protected natural resource that serves to meet the objectives of the Bluff creek Natural Resources Management Plan? a.Wetlandsprovidesurfacewaterdetention,waterquality,floodabatement,habitatand educational oPPortunities. b. Woodlands provide abstraction and decrease runoff to BluffCreek. They limit erosion and promote infiltration which can benefit base flows within the creek' They also provide habitat and aesthetic value' c. Prairie and meadow areas also promote infiltration thereby decreasing runoff, scour, erosion, flashiness within the channel and other benefits such as base flow within Bluff Creek. 3. Topography. Are bluffs, steep slopes or other land that are susceptible to erosion and mass soil movement present? 4. Connectivity. Will this site serve continuation of the green corridor, a trail corridor or other recreational or educational purpose? With the original 1996 plan, the BCOD was approximately as show in red in Figure 1. The shaded green shows the current BCOD per the proposed Fairview limits. These boundaries are overlaid upon the 1991 aerial photoSraph showing the conditions that existed at the time the BcoD was created. Figure 7. Site conditions io 1997 with cufient BCOD oreo in green, oiginalwestem limit oI BCOD in red ond proposed boundory lrom Westwood exhibit in yellow. Figure 2. Site conditions in 2014 with curreot BCOD oreo in gteen, originol westem limit ol BCOD in red ond prcWed boundory lrom westwood exhibit in yellow. Given the criteria set forth for establishing the boundary, I do not see the justification for moving the western boundary as shown. A i'\Si flID [ir.9, / J -t7 s\d \J \c -qd ,L. oJ ,o I t lht+zl,,r- 4c e1r o -)"'f F\ c,ll ItrI/'o 2 '*,..J arvi tcFl) City of Ghanhassen 4 o i t Bluff Creek Overlay District I ol C3 Pdmary Corrtoor I so' eurer secondary corddor rr,- Bluff cre6k f,, g,..rr# { \u, 4 February 27 ,2012 (cB Oqt rr+rg -_Jl)LiL,()! - r__-__-____--tF11rE +l--{- Lffi --trt-r ==r+ffiI UL-I LIE-' I t ,g EsdI iPaiIo ru t a "*- ?FAIRVIEW M ED ICAL CENTER REVIEED BCOD 20O8 AERIAL 7 i ffi ',\ --tt^r o . .":- J- '9'_ r r, -#:..,-,OA'18 Ll i I I t: I '-*t"- " 'b=tr ) 'l i & \ .2.- 1 F.{.tq#*t F \ J If;E +r L *.*I Approximate Area of Conservatlorr Easement grJ sld lv,.tlrft ) I dfirr? A aittER:luT t*\lrl,.tt',\ F! ,gL* \ -.tllt Aa i {-lE f IITJt i E I x ttl, 3J0 .J" Pt n A: Com.ct d Bhnftqqtycm,SLPbE Cr, d C!riel'. I{ ftlnt E E H-l !ItI z-- -x I l -/1 Preservcd Land a,/ l 7/ 7 qlail :':t " :.1 t N IITTITI --I-Ir-ll Minor Arteaial Mirlo Collec6. Sfeet Co.Yr€<tio.r Trdil Vr6Y Conidot N Mlnor Arta.ial Minoa Collector Prir.ata Stect T.all Yre Co.ridor ffi" Pb B: Conn cbdffi4dtu:.rrEfti Prqqly Ccr.?td Sft Hdrs A N IIIIIII -t----rr F$n 2 l N o 3d 60(y PlJl A: hd.parxhfit Eltt Prqrtc@tc Sr! PbsClrcri !,rffi III tI 4 : I tIIIE ,J tandPrer+rved t.-1\ { / IIt l" ,]f- 7 l A-- \ \ Zr f.r, t..Iv\. t' 1 - ?' I ! It tl Mirb. Arterhl Minc CdL<tor Privfie Sreet Trail vl6, Corrido. IIIIIII r-r----I Fei,l I Iz"*,-!9PGO() ru'E= o+rU I9,Q> IdoA,qt e.! mgfl6 tIEi'IiiiEUr!II,i : I 'I e t1 \ trl I r t!l r!\. _- .\:. 'ii:'. r- It t d :r:l r, f' I I) r, ll '; €l J-iJL l*I { I \ It v#. \ ) I it )J \-I i'i!l EIiIPooo y'E =; o, I,, .:YXLOOL5g3aeasE08> : Lo: o 9c'rriO *"z !; 59 tz"8TE ix ,i E! :! 5 $ a P II ts T <€ €EgE P 6 b,L \fr ..t .1 ( I ,,i I n --E:En POITEPS BLVO' -- -.t'-&' --'€:)t ST {z I t 7 : I I :a I -t a k_ .? \ ;i r :t \\ ::!"\ L L. i L 4 I7\ aE-. CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ( ss. COUNTYOFCARVER ) I, Kim T. Meuwissen, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on August 6,2020, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk ofthe City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy ofthe attached notice of a Public hearing to consider a boundary appeal of the Bluff Creek Overlay District boundery determination made by a city administrative officer for property located at the southwest corner of Highw ay 212 end Powers Boulevard; Tnned Agriculture (A2)' Planning Case File No.2020-13 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy ofsaid notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage firlly prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records ofthe County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. Kim . Meuwissen, D eputy Subscribed and s m to befo nle (Seal) JEAII I'SIECKLING t{oaary Hflodl,h.to8da thisLff dayof ,2020 No tary Public 90#t Er.5a,z}2 ut Ae*' Subiect Area Otschl.|Er This map is neither a legally re@rded map no. a survey and is not intended to te used as one. This map is a compilation of records, informalion and data located in various city, county, gtate and federal ofices and other sources regarding the area shown, and is to be osed for reierence purF,oses only. The City does not warant that the Geographic lnlomatjon System (GlS) Data us€d to prepare this map are enor free, and the Cfty does not rcpresent thal the Gls Data can be used for navigational. tracking or any other purpose aequiring exactng measurement oI dBtance ol directlon or precrsiofl in the depiclion of geogEphic features. The p.eceding disdaimer is Povided pursuant to Minnesota StaMes y66.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowledges that the Crty shall not be liable for any alamages. and expressly waives all daims. and agaees to delbnd. indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and alldaims b.ought by User. its employees or agents, or third padies whidr adse out of the usefs acaess or use of data provided. Dilcbim€r This map is neither a legally €coded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one This map is a @mpilation of recods. inlormatiofl and data located in various city. county, state and federal ofrces and othea sources regarding the area shown. and is lo be used lor refeEnce puDoses only. The City does not wanant that the Geographic lnformation System (GlS) Data used to prepare thas map are enor free, and the Cfty does not repres€nt that the Gls oata can be used for navigatronal. Itacling or any other pupose requ'ring exacting measu€menl oI clistance or direction or preosion in the deprction of gpographic Ieatures. The precedang dasdaamer is provided pu6uant to Minnesota StaMes 5{66.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map actnowledges hat the Crty shall not be liable for any alamaO6. and epressly waiv* all daams, and agrees to deiend, jndemnify, and hold harmless the city from any and all daims brought by User, its employees or agents, or thid partles which arise out of lhe usefs a@ess or use of data provrded. Subject Area \" .. d) x* = 4 I ll -+-scmo- I i I ,_. <TAX_NAMET ITAX_ADD_L1> tTAX_ADD_L2> (Next RecordxTAX_NAMET tTAX_ADD_L't r tTAX_ADD_L2r il hrl GGffiI u -v* r .$ = ' :.:.:a i ' , ,. ! 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APPEARS AREA MAY HAVE BEEN EXCAVATED IN 2011 OR 2012? TRAILHEAD PARKING 10 6 5 8 9 3 2 55 54 CLASS A OFFICE CLASS A OFFICE INF/POND INF/PO N D INF/PONDTRAIL TRAILCLASS A OFFICE POND LIFT STATION TRAIL TH 212 RAMP ERHART PROPERTY CHANHASSEN, MN