CC Staff Report 9-14-20CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Monday, September 14, 2020 Subject The Bluffs at Lake Lucy Final Plat Approval (The Park 4th Addition) Section OLD BUSINESS Item No: F.1. Prepared By Erik Henricksen, Project Engineer File No:  PROPOSED MOTION “The City Council approves The Bluffs at Lake Lucy, Final Plat, Development Contract and Plans and Specifications”. Approval requires a Simple Majority Vote of members present. SUMMARY The Bluffs at Lake Lucy (The Park 4th Addition) will not be developed by U.S. Home Corporation (dba Lennar). With the preliminary plat of The Park, Comerica Bank & Trust held this portion of the property, approximately 30 acres, with an option for Lennar to purchase. This summer, Lennar passed on the purchase and Chan Three Development, Inc. is now pursuing the final plat. The Bluffs at Lake Lucy is bound by the conditions of the preliminary plat and The Park PUD. The applicant, Chan Three Development, Inc., is requesting approval of The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. The subdivision will create 31 lots, two outlots, and right­of­way for public streets for the property. BACKGROUND On March 11, 2019, the Chanhassen City Council approved the following: The Rezoning of 191 acres from Rural Residential District, RR, to Planned Unit Development ­ Residential, PUD­R; including the PUD ordinance 'Galpin Design Standards';  The Wetland Alteration Permit of 1.28 acres of wetland impacts subject to conditions in the staff report; and The Subdivision Preliminary Plat creating 169 lots, three outlots and dedication of public right­of­way as shown in plans prepared by Pioneer Engineering dated February 28, 2019, to be modified to match the site plan presented on March 11, 2019, with the reduction of four lots, subject to the following conditions:  Stated in the Conditions of Approval section. On April 5, 2019, Lennar submitted a revised preliminary plat that was consistent with the Conditions of Approval of the March 11, 2019 City Council action. Those plans were modified on May 24, 2019. On July 7, 2019, the City Council reviewed the changes in the preliminary plat and approved a grading plan. The 8­ stall parking lot has being relocated to the south side of the street from its current location. The approved PUD governs the standards for the development including the maximum of 31 Villa homes.  On August 12, 2019, the Chanhassen City Council approved the final plat for The Park which included 50 lots and the CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORTMonday, September 14, 2020SubjectThe Bluffs at Lake Lucy Final Plat Approval (The Park 4th Addition)Section OLD BUSINESS Item No: F.1.Prepared By Erik Henricksen, Project Engineer File No: PROPOSED MOTION“The City Council approves The Bluffs at Lake Lucy, Final Plat, Development Contract and Plans and Specifications”.Approval requires a Simple Majority Vote of members present.SUMMARYThe Bluffs at Lake Lucy (The Park 4th Addition) will not be developed by U.S. Home Corporation (dba Lennar).With the preliminary plat of The Park, Comerica Bank & Trust held this portion of the property, approximately 30acres, with an option for Lennar to purchase. This summer, Lennar passed on the purchase and Chan ThreeDevelopment, Inc. is now pursuing the final plat. The Bluffs at Lake Lucy is bound by the conditions of the preliminaryplat and The Park PUD.The applicant, Chan Three Development, Inc., is requesting approval of The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. The subdivision willcreate 31 lots, two outlots, and right­of­way for public streets for the property.BACKGROUNDOn March 11, 2019, the Chanhassen City Council approved the following:The Rezoning of 191 acres from Rural Residential District, RR, to Planned Unit Development ­ Residential,PUD­R; including the PUD ordinance 'Galpin Design Standards'; The Wetland Alteration Permit of 1.28 acres of wetland impacts subject to conditions in the staff report; andThe Subdivision Preliminary Plat creating 169 lots, three outlots and dedication of public right­of­way as shownin plans prepared by Pioneer Engineering dated February 28, 2019, to be modified to match the site planpresented on March 11, 2019, with the reduction of four lots, subject to the following conditions:  Stated in theConditions of Approval section.On April 5, 2019, Lennar submitted a revised preliminary plat that was consistent with the Conditions of Approval ofthe March 11, 2019 City Council action. Those plans were modified on May 24, 2019.On July 7, 2019, the City Council reviewed the changes in the preliminary plat and approved a grading plan. The 8­stall parking lot has being relocated to the south side of the street from its current location. The approved PUD governs the standards for the development including the maximum of 31 Villa homes.  On August 12, 2019, the Chanhassen City Council approved the final plat for The Park which included 50 lots and the dedication of 50 acres of public park. On January 27, 2020, the City Council approved the plat for The Park 2nd Addition subdivision. The Park 2nd Addition will create 57 lots, four outlots, and right­of­way for public streets for the property. RECOMMENDATION The City Council approves The Bluffs at Lake Lucy, Final Plat, Development Contract and Plans and Specifications. ATTACHMENTS: Staff Report Development Contract Application Final Plat PUD Ordinance Landscaping Plan Carver County Letter Lot Tabulation CITY OT CIIAI'IIIASSXN Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for T0m0rrow MEMORANDUM TO:Heather Johnston, Interim City Manager FROM:Kate Aanenson, AICP Community Development Director Erik Henricksen, EIT, Project Engineer Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Coordinator Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director DATE: September 14,2020 SUBJ:Approve the Final Plat, Development Contract and Pians and Specifications for "The Bluff at Lake Lucy" - Planning Case No. 2019-01 PROPOSED MOTION "The Chanhassen City Council approves The Bluffs at Lake Lucy, Final Plat, Development Contract and Plans and Specifications". Approval requires a simple majority vote of City Council. PROPOSAL SUMMARY The Bluffs at Lake Lucy ("The Park 4th Addition") will not be developed by U.S. Home Corporation (DBA Lennar). With the preliminary plat of The Park, Comerica Bank & Trust held this portion of the property, approximately 30 acres, with an option for Lennar to purchase. This summer Lennar passed on the purchase and Chan Three Development Inc. is now pursuing the final plat. The Bluffs at Lake Lucy is bound by the conditions ofthe preliminary plat and The Park PUD. The appticant, Chan Three Development [nc. is requesting approval ofThe Bluffs at [,ake Lucy. The suMivision will seate 3l lots, 2 outlots, and rightof-way for public streets for the property. On March I l, 2019. the Chanhassen City Council approved the following: The Rezoning of l9l acres from Rural Residential District, RR, to Planned Unit Development - Residential, PUD-R; including the PUD ordinance 'Galpin Design Standards'; I/OO I4ARKET BOULEVARD.PO BOX I4T.CHANHASSEN .MINNESOTA 55317 BACKGROUND o The Wetland Alteration Permit of 1.28 acres of wetland impacts subject to conditions in the staff report; and PH 952.227.1 I 00 . www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us . Fx 952.227.1110 The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page 2 a The Subdivision Preliminary Plat creating 169 lots, three outlots and dedication ofpublic right- of-way as shown in plans prepared by Pioneer Engineering dated February 28, 2019, to be modified to match the site plan presented on March I 1, 2019, with the reduction of four lots, subject to the following conditions: Staled in the Conditions of Approval section. On April 5, 2019, Lennar submitted a revised preliminary plat that was consistent with the Conditions of Approval of the March 11, 2019 City Council action. Those plans were modified on May 24,2019. On July 7, 2019, the City Council reviewed the changes in the preliminary plat and approved a grading plan. The 8-stall parking lot has being relocated to the south side of the street llom its current location. The approved PUD govems the standards for the development including the maximum of 3l Villa homes. On January 27 ,2020, the City Council approved the plat for The Park 2nd Addition suMivision. The Park 2nd Addition will create 57 lots, four outlots, and right-olway for public streets for the properfy. SUBDI\ISION REVIEW The Bluffs at Lake Lucv t a. - On August 12,2019, the Chanhassen City Council approved the final plat for The Park with included 50 lots and the dedication of 50 acres of Public Park. ( \ 1il vv-v The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page 3 /./ I - t! I OLlL(II A THE BLUFFS AT LAKE LUCY I I 6 I 3=::<"', tI \ I I I 6t i r7tfrirE!:rttltt El (\ \) I tZ' I The Bluffs at Lake LucY September 14,2020 Page 4 T. DOC. NO.THE BLUFFS AT LAKE LUCY R '-€,taiiL t2* ta eg.-**E_ ---4!Sr- 9 8 f-a- 89 6 it ! l'. Ei I 2 5 46,:RAC; OUTLOT B '--lGtall. OUTLOT I INSET CINSET B l- - ier-J. \I ,--l I INSET A ? 5 2 2 The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page 5 Auached is a spreadsheet demonstrating that all lots meet the standards of the PUD. These lots will have custom homes built on them. These lots have a minimum area of 15,000 square feet with at 90-foot frontage. See attached lot tabulation. The outlots areas and intended uses are outlined below and will be dedicated to the City. Outlot A is the remaining dedication of parkland conditioned upon the preliminary plat, and Outlot B is the location ofa surface water management feature and wetland. Outlot A 12.67 aues Parkland, trail, wetland & stormwater pond Outlot B Wetland & stormwater pond REVIEW CONDITIONS PRELIMINARY APPROVAL Park and Recreation 2.17 acres l. Dedication of 100+/- acres ofwooded open spaces and wellands in the eastem half ofthe property to the City of Chanhassen for parkland in exchange for a housing density transfer and fulfillment of a nine +/- acre parkland dedication requirement. Outlot A was dedicated to the city with the l't Addition The remaining parkland (Outlot A) will be dedicated with this plat 2. Acknowledgement that the dedicated land may be developed at the city's discretion as parkland for public use and may include, but is not limited to trails, boardwalks, bridges, structures, and signage. W l C)eeurred with the Develepnrent €entraet fer the lst phase. Will be added to the Development Contact. l. ThePadc-All trails and sidewalks shall be constructed as shown on the street plan or as modified by construction plan redlines. 4. All trails shall meet all city standards for trail construction. Condition te-be was added to the Development Contract for The Park 5. The east/west trail shall maintain a minimum lo-foot setback from outside edges oftrail to private properry and be designed to minimize encroachment of wetland buffers. Condition te-be was added to the Developmetrt Contract for The Park 6. if,eas The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page 6 7. The eas/rvest trail shall be designed and eenstrueted se as net te require retaining rvalls, 8. The entirety efthe easUwest trail and asseeiated bu{fers shall be eenstrueted within t}re 9. The planning, engineering and construction of the l0-foot wide bituminous trails connecting both Street "Z" and Topaz Drive/Ridge Lane to the planned trail at the western edge of Lake Lucy including trail ezrsements. Condition te*e was added to the Development Contract for The Park. Plannine 1. All 191 acres must be included in the PUD. condition to be added to the Development Contract for The Park Engineerinq L Any requircments set by the MCES to work within the MCES's sewer and utility easement shall be addressed by the applicant. Condition does not apply for The Park Final Plat; Condition does apply for The Park 2od Additional Final Plat; condition does apply for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 2. An executed agreement between the developer and the MCES allowing work within the MCES's easement shall be provided to the city prior to the issuance of grading permits. Condition does not apply for The Park Final Plat; Condition does apply for The Park 2od Additional Final Plat; Condition does apply for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy- 3. The width ofthe public right-of-ways shall be called out on the final plat prior to acceptance and recording, this includes radii cul-de-sac bulbs. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2nd Addition Final Plat and The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 4. Thirty-foot (30-foot) wide drainage and utility easements, for the purpose of accessing utilities and basins, shall be provided tretween bulne*limited-te Lots l30and-lll abutting Public Streetq "2" prior to acceptance and recording. Condition has been 4{![99! for clarity and has been met for The Park Final PIat and The Park 2o'r Addition Final Plat and The Bluffs at Lake L,rcy, 5. Right-of-way dedication in conformance with the Carver County Development/Access Review Comments, subject to review and approval by the county and city prior to acceptance and recording ofthe final plat. Condition has been met for The Park Finat Plat and The Park 2ud Addition Final PIat and The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 6. Ongoing coordination with the county and city regarding future improvements to Galpin Boulevard. The aoplicant shall address all conditions associared with the County's review. Also see Condition ?5 20. Condition has been gqsdlfgd for clarity and still applies. 2. All lots and homes must be developed consistent with the standards in the Compliance Table. Condition to be added to the Development Cotrtract for The Park The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page 7 7. The developer shall locate on the existing condition survey all existing wells and septic fields. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2'd Addition Finat Plat and The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 8. The developer shall abandon all existing wells and septic fields in accordance with all federal, state, and local regulatory agency standards, and obtain all necessary permits for said abandonments. Prior to commencement of abandonment activities, a copy of all required permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies shall be provided to the city. Condition still applies. g. Provide an updated existing condition survey that illustrates the MCES sanitary and utility easements on parcels 25.0100400 and 25.7580040. Condition no longer applies. 10. The applicant shall submit a mass grading plan or a phased grading plan (as applicabte) for review and approval by the city prior to issr.aneeof grading pemi+s. Condition has been 4!!1fu! for clarity and has been met for The Park Final PIat and The Park 2trd Addition Final PIat and The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 11. Proposed spot elevations shall be shown on the grading plans at the center ofthe proposed driveway at the curb line for review prior to issuaneeef grading pemits. Condition has been 4!![9! for clarity and has been met for The Park Final PIat and The Park 2od Addition Final Plat and The Bluffs at Lake LucY. 12. Proposed spot elevations shal! be shown on the gading plans at top of curb for review prior to issua,r€€-€f $ading pemi+s. Condition has been 4g!![9! for clarity and has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2od Addition Final Plat and The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 13. Drainage anows for all EOF routes shall be included on the grading plans prior to issuaneeef gading permi+s. condition has been 4!i[gg! for clarity and has been met for The Park Final Plat and stitl apptied to The Park 2od Addition Final Plat and has been met for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 14. Grading within bluff setbacks is subject to review and approval by the city prior to issl*asee ef grading pemi+s. Condition has been modified for clarity. Condition does not apply for The Park Final Plat or The Park 2od Addition Final Plat; Condition applies for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 15. All existing buildings and structures within the city's Well House #3 property abutting Galpin Boulevard shall be included on the $ading plans. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2nd Addition Finat Plat; Condition does not apply for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 16. Grading plans shall be updated to include the location and grade ofthe improved and relocated access driveway to Well House #3 offGalpin Boulevard. Condition no longer applies. 17. Grading plans shall be updated to include the location and protection methodology ofthe significant oak tree on the Well House #3 site. Condition does not apply for The Park Final PIat or The Park 2od Addition Final Plat or The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 18. The applicant shall submit revised grading plans and stormwater plans so that no stormwater runoffflowsdirect1yontothepubtictrail@.Conditionhas The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page 8 been 4g!!Sg{ due to updated plans and has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2od Addition Final PIat; Condition still applies for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 19. An updated geotechnical report assessing slope stability immediately east ofLot I l0 abutting Street "A" shall be submitted for review and approval prior to the issuance ofgrading permits. Condition no longer applies. 20. Final grading plans, including pond locations, sizing and analysis, along with right-of-way dedications offGalpin Boulevard, shall conform to the future Galpin Boulevard reconstruction project. Cross reference of grading plans, profiles, and respective cross sections are to be provided at key locations such as intersections, ponds, or other special features required by the county and city for review prior to acceptance and recording ofthe final plat. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and stilt applies for The Park 2od Addition Final Plat; Condition still applies for The Blufrs at Lake Lucy. 21. All retaining walls exceeding four (4) feet in height shall have plans and details prepared by a registered engineer or landscape architect prior to issuance ofbuilding permits. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2od Addition Final Plat; Condition still applies for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 22. The retaining wall south ofLots 108-l l1 abutting Street "A" shall be adjusted to accommodate a 1.5:1 buffer from the bottom ofthe proposed stormwater line to the bottom ofthe proposed retaining wall foundation. Condition no longer applies. @Conditionisthesameas#l4andisnotnecessary. 24. All newly constructed streets and the extension ofany existing streets shall be public streets, owned and maintained by the city, after acceptance ofthe public improvements by the City Council. Condition still applies. 25. All newly constructed public streets shall be designed to meet the current standard specifications and detail plate for residential streets (Detail Plate #5200), unless otherwise directed by the City Engineer. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and Tbe Park 2od Addition Final Plat; Condition still applies for The BIuffs at Lake Lucy. 26. Any and all conditions associated with the alignment and configuration of ::Mati+€ireler "Della Drive" set by the Planning Commission or City Council shall be addressed by the applicant prior to acceptance and recording of the final plat. Condition does not apply for The Park Final Ptat or The Park 2nd Addition Finel Plat; Condition has been modified for clarity and met for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 27. The developer shall abandon the existins access. construct a new access and provide aD eurb euland access easement for parcel 25.0100400 onto Street "2" "Della Drive". Condition no longer apptied to The Park l't Addition Final Plat and The Park 2od Addition Final Plat; The condition has been 4g!![g! for clarity and still applies for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 28. A water service lateral shall be stubbed off the of ,:Ma*ie€i+eld.: "Della Drive" water main for the future connection to parcet 25.0100400. Condition does not apply for The Park Final Plat The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page 9 or The Park 2od Addition Final Plat; Condition has been 4g!!!9{ for clarity and still applies for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. i€* A eeotechnical eneineerine shall be on-site durine eradine ooerations. If qroundwater is encoun tered during grading, grades shall be adiusted to maintain a foot seoaration from the ttom floor elevation and s to the recommendations of the soil ensineer on site. C ses to srades shall be submitted to the citv for revlew aooroval Condition has been modified due to updated plans and still applies. 30. Sidewalks shall be extended along the cul-de-sacs Lane and-:Z: and shall be constructed in accordance with detail plates for concrete sidewalks. Condition has been appty for The Park Final Plat or The Park 2nd Additio The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 31 . All curb ramps shall be constructed to meet ADA standards and the city's Detail Plates #5215-521 5D. Condition still applies. 32. Intersection improvements to provide pedestrian access at the intersection of Galpin Boulevard and StreeraEr Pearl Drive shall be constructed in accordance with MUTCD best management practices. Condition has been 4!![9g[ for clarity. Condition does not apply for The Park Final Plat; Condition applies to The Park 2od Addition Final Plat; Condition does not apply for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 33. A detail of the proposed street lights shall be provided prior to the issuance ofbuilding permits. Condition still applies. 34. An enumerated list ofall street lights and their proposed locations shall be provided for review and approval prior to the recording of the final plat. Condition has been met for The Park Final PIat and The Park 2nd Addition Final Plat and The Blufrs at Lake Lucy. 35. Street lights within the develooment shall be owned and bv the electric utility companv. be installed at all intersections and at the end ofeach cul-de-sac subject to review and approval by the city prior to issuance of building permits. Condition has been 4!![9! for clarity and still applies. 36. The site plan shall be updated to provide proposed street grades (centerline gradients). Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2od Addition Finat Plat and The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 37. All newly constructed water mains shall be public water mains, owned and maintained by the city, after acceptance ofthe public improvements by the City Council. Condition still applies. 38. Water mains located on Drive. and Paislev Path shall be tied into the hi gh-pressure zone located on Galpin Boulevard. Water main extensions on Topaz Drive and Lucy Ridge Lane shall be tied into the existing water main stubs (low-pressure zone). Condition has been 4g!![99! for clarity and still applies. 39. The water main located on St+eeFZz Maeie€irele Della Drive shall be tied into the existing stub off Ruby Lane and a gate valve near the connection point shall be installed. The gate valve shall located off S+ree*r9-r;:tGi Lucy Ridge the city's standard specifications and mod1Egd for clarity. Condition does not n Final Plat; Condition has been met for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page l0 be closed to separate the pressure zones. Condition has been modified for clarity. Condition does not apply for The Park Final Plat; Condition applies to The Blufrs at Lake Lucy. 40. The developer shall field verify the location ofall water main taps to the existinq public mains off Gal in Boulevard prior to @ commencement of any utilitv construction and update the plans accordingly. Condition has been 4g!![g! for clarity and still applies. 41. The developer's contractor shall schedule a preconstruction meeting with Engineering and Public Works Utilities departments prior to the commencement of any work to the water main installation and tapping from Galpin Boulevard. Condition has been modified for clarity and still applies. 42. Updated plans indicating the location ofall underground utilities on the east and west side of Galpin Boulevard, along with plans and profiles ofany utility crossings on the east and west side of Galpin Boulevard, shall be submitted for review and approval prior to the issuanee-eFbuiklhg pemits commencement of any utility construction. Condition has been 4!!!9g[ for clarity and still applies. 43. An agreement that lists the conditions and required improvements for the land swap between the developer and the city regarding Lot 163 and a portion ofthe Well House #3 site, shall be executed and recorded prior to the acceptance and recording ofthe final plat. Condition no longer applies. 44. All utility crossings ofpotable water and sanitary and/or storm mains will require l8 inches ofvertical separation and 10 feet of horizontal separation. The developer shall submit construction plans with profiles and plan views of the utilities for review and approval prior to th€jssnaaeesf Uuilgingpemits the commencement of anv utility construction. Condition has been 4!![9! for clarity and stilt applied for The Park lst Addition and The Park 2nd Addition; Condition has been met for The Bluffs at Lake LucY. 45. All utility crossings ofpotable water and sanitary sewer that do not meet vertical seoaration requirements will require that the sanitary sewer main at that crossing be constructed of PVC C900 water main material. The developer shall submit construction plans indicating material type at these locations for review and approval of the city prior to issuanee<#br*ldi+gpemi+s the co ent of anv utiliw on. Condition has been g!![9! for clarity and still applied for The Park l.t Addition and The Park 2od Addition; condition has been met for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 46. The developer shall submit construction plans indicating that pipe lengths of sanitary sewer mains are centered over potable water crossings. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2od Addition Final Plat and The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 47. Water mains shall be constructed at a minimum of 7.5 feet below grade, or insulated, and constructed in conformance with the city's standard specifications and detail plates. Condition has been modified for clarity and still applies. 48. Cluster valves located around water main tees shall be installed at a minimum of five feet from the tees to the valves, where feasible. All valve locations and any other water main The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page I I appurtenances shall be reviewed and approved by the Engineering and Public Works departments prior to issuanee-efbuilding:pemirs the commencement of any utilitv construction. Condition has been ryg!![g! for clarity and still applies. 49. All comments and conditions regarding fire appurtenances, spacing, and location set forth by the Fire department shall be addressed by the applicant. Condition still applies. 50. All newly constructed sewer mains shall be public sewer mains, owned and maintained by the city, after acceptance ofthe public improvements by the City Council. Condition still applies. 51. A 30-foot utility easement shall be recorded over the existing public sewer line, within Outlot A located near the south-central area ofthe preliminary plat, prior to acceptance of final plat' Condition no longer applies. 52. All conditions set forth by the MCES for the direct connection and installation of an access manhole to their trunk line shall be addressed by the applicant, and all permits required for the connection and installation of the manhole shall be obtained prior to the commencement of construction. Condition does not apply for The Park Final Plat or The Park 2od Addition Final PIat; Condition applies for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 53. The applicant shall ensure the city's sanitary sewer nomenclature is incorporated in the construction plans. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2nd Addition Final Plat; Condition still applies for The Blufrs at Lake Lucy. 54. Profile sheets for all public utilities, including sanitary sewer, shall be required for review and approval by the city prior to issuaaeeof$uilding..pemie the commencement of anv utilitv construction. Condition has been modified for clarity and has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2'd Addition Final Plat and The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 55. PVC sanitary sewer pipes that will be constructed at a burial depth of0-16 feet shall be constructed ofpipe class SDR 35, burial depths of 16-26 feet shall be of pipe class SDR 26, and burial depths of greater than 26 feet shall be of pipe class C900. Condition still applies. 56. Inverts that have a 2O-inch or greater differential shall be supplied inside drops per city standards and be constructed per the city's Detail Plate No.2104. Condition still applies. 57. No roadway connection shall be made to Topaz Drive. Condition does not apply for The Park Final PIat or The Park 2nd Addition Final Plat; Condition applies The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. Ensineerins: New Conditions B ased on Review of The Park Preliminary Plat Revisions 1. The developer shall underground all overhead utilities from the southem property line to the northern property line of the development per City Ordinance Sec. 18-78(12). A $364,400.00 cash escrow for the construction of this public improvement shall be fumished to the city prior to recording of final plat. If the public improvement is not completed by January I , 2023 or upon commencement of the future Galpin Boulevard Improvement Project, whichever occurs first, the security will be used by the city for these improvements. Condition no longer applies. 2. Untreated or stormwater from lots not captured and routed to treatment facilities, particularly in backlots, require a conveyance system to be installed to route storrnwater to treatment basins. Additional condition does not apply to The Park Final Plat; Condition does apply to The Park 2nd Addition Final PIat; Condition does apply to The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 3. No sump stuctues shall be installed in backyard pickups. Additional condition applies. 4. Access routes to storm basins shall have a slope no geater than 3: L Additional condition does not apply to The Park Final Plat; Condition does apply to The Park 2od Addition Final Plat; Condition does apply to The Bluffs at Lake Lucy' 5. Access had Ilom Galpin Boulevard to Outlot E shall be abandoned. Additional condition does not apply to The Park Final Plat or The Park 2od Addition Final Plat or The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 6. All public sanitary sewer utilities and sanitary sewer services shall have tracer wire installed. Detail plates and specifications shall be provided to the developer to meet this requirement and shall be defrned in the supplemental provision for The Park Utility and Street Construction Project Manual. Additional condition applied to The Park Final Plat, however this condition will be met for all future additions due to updated City Standard Specifications and Detail Plates (2020). 7. All public streets' base course shall utilize an asphalt binder grade of"C" in accordance with MnDOT asphalt grades (Table 2360-2), plates and cross-section details shall be updated accordingly. Additional condition applied to The Park Final Plat, however this condition will be met for all future additions due to updated City Standard Specifications and Detail Plates (2020). Ensineerin N ew Conditions Based on Review of The Park Final P lat 1.DrivewaysshallbeSetback@flinesinaccordancesection 20-1122 of City Ordinances. Condition has been modilied for clarity; The condition still applies. 2. All driveways shall be located outside side lot drainage and utility easements. Condition still applies. 3. A $300 fee per light shall be collected with the development contract for electricity costs for the first year of operation. Condition still applies. 4. The developer shall coordinate with the Building Department and Public Works Utility Depafiment to determine which homes shall be required to install pressure reducing valves prior to the issuance ofbuilding permits. Condition still applied for The Park lst Addition and The Park 2od Addition; Condition does not apply for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 5. The contractor shall contact the city inspector for inspection ofall insulated pipe crossings Condition still applies. 6- On Sheet I .3, provide a separate, enlarged inset detail of the proposed connection to the 24" DIP water main at the intersection of Galpin Boulevard and Hunter Drive/"Paisley Path" that includes plan and profile views ofthe location ofall existing utilities. lnclude a note to coordinate The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page 12 this work with the Public Works Utility Deparfiient and city inspector 48 hours prior to wet tap. Condition has been met. 7. On Sheet 1.5 of the sanitary sewer and water main plans: DIP tees for risers on "Purple Parkway" shall be updated to be C900 wyes; the 20' DIP stubbed out of MH 16-078 shall be PVC, also add note to address proper pipe support (compaction) under influence zone ofpipe. Condition has been met. 8. For all storm sewer plans: any HDPE pipe shall be called-out as'N-l2" in accordance with city standard specifications. Condition still applies. Ensineering: New C onditions Based on Review of The Park 2nd Addition Final Plat l. The final plat shall be updated to include Outlots C & D to be encumbered in their entirety by a drainage and utility easement. Condition has been met. 2. All plans, specifications, project manuals, and submittals shall be in conformance with the most recent version of city Standard Specifications and Detail Plates ://www.ci.c n.mn.us/436/Standard-S lio l-Plates . Condition still applies. 3. On Sheet 3 ofthe Grading Plans: The emergency over flow for the low point near station l8+00 along Pearl Drive is routed between Lots 2 and 3, Block 6, the plans shall be updated to show swale between the lots to direct the EOF towards Basin 300. Condition has been met. 4. On Sheet 4: The emergency overflow locations for the low point near station 4+00 along Purple Parkway shall be illustrated on updated plans, currently it appears water would overflow between Lots 5 and 6, Block 4 on the northeast side ofthe road; grading is proposed on the city's property where well #3 is located, a temporary construction easement shall be executed prior to commencement of grading operations; grading is proposed to impact a MCES utility easement, an executed agreement with MCES shall be secured and provided to the city prior to commencement of grading operations; the grades on the south side oflot 2, Block 5 are 2:1 and shall be adjusted to maintain slopes no steep€r than 3:1 . Condition has been met. 5. On Sheet 5: An updated erosion control plan shall be submitted that meets the requirements of Sec. 19- 145 of City Ordinances, no gpding operations shall commence prior to review and approval of the updated submittal. Condition has been met. 6. On Sheet 7: In the "Grading Sequence" notes the minimum topsoil depth shall be adjusted to 6"; in the "General Notes" ltem 3 shall be updated to state a copy of the grading and erosion control plans must be on site at all times; Item 10 shall add the requirement of topsoil (6" minimum) required for all permanent turf areas; Item 12 shall indicate the requirement ofa vacuum sweeper truck is required to clean tracking. Condition has been met. The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page 13 The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page 14 7. The Utility & Street Construction Plans sheet numbers must be updated to reflect the proper sequencing ofsheets for clarity, e.g. Sheet 1.1 of28 does not have a Sheet 28 within the set. Condition has been met. 8. On Sheet I .1 of the Utility & Street Construction Plans: Provide a separate, enlarged inset detail of the proposed connection to the 14" HDPE water main at the intersection of Galpin Boulevard and Longacres Drive/"Pearl Drive" that includes plan and profile views ofthe location of all existing utilities. The updated plan is required prior to the commencement ofany construction activities in this location, pending review by the city. The newly installed 8" C900 water main shall be installed with a casing pipe with no bends, any conflicting utilities shall be lowered. Condition has been met. 9. On Sheet 1.1: An air release valve and manhole shall be located near the high point ofthe water main, pending revisions from Condition 8 (above); construction note 5 shall indicate "l" I.P.S. PE'; the gate valve located near station 5+ 15 along "Pearl Drive" over the sanitary main shall be offset 5' to the east; the irrigation service stubbed near station 0+95 along "Pearl Drive" must be PE and not DIP and shall be 1"; ifa larger diameter service line is required, ajustification must be submitted to the city for review; all water main within 7.5' of catch basins shall be insulated, e.g. at stations 1+60 and 4+75 along "Pearl Drive"; all hydrants shall be located l0' away from light poles, e.g. at the intersection of "Pearl Drive" and "Purple Parkway"; on the profile, the future water main shall be called out as such and the plug should be illustrated for clarity. Condition has been met. 10. On Sheet 1.2: Lower water main to avoid the conflicts with storm sewer catch basins and to minimize the required drops/bends/fittings, up to a maximum of 10' below grade water main will be accepted, pending review and approval; all sanitary sewer shall have a minimum slope of 0.50%, e.g. pipe runs between MH 16-085 to 16-094 maintait 0.40Yo; where "see water main offset detail" is called out on plans indicate the page number for clarity. Condition has been met. I I . On Sheet I .3: MH 16-084 shall be lowered to maintain a 4% grade between MH 16-084 and MH 16-083; water main shall be lowered to avoid conflicts and to maintain a consistent grade past station 4+00; water and sanitary services to Lot 6, Block 4 and Lot 9, Block 3 shall be adjusted away from catch basins and be insulated if necessary; a gate valve shall be installed near the connection to the existing C900 off"Purple Parkway" near station 9+75; the note calling out "connection to existing 8" DIP" shall be adjusted to 8" C900, for clarity. Condition has been met. 12. On Sheet I .4: The hydrant located between Lots 20 and 21 , Block 4 shall be relocated between Lots 21 and 22, Block 4; water and sanitary services to Lot 4, Block 5 shall be adjusted away from catch basin and be insulated if necessary. Condition has been met. 13. On Sheet 1.5: The submitted temporary traffic control plan indicates the use of MnDOT Traflic Control Layout 6K-17, however the provided proposal does not adhere to this standard and must be adjusted accordingly, e.g. the required buffer space is well below the standard; where CL-5 aggregate is called, a note is to be added identiffing that the aggregate shall be rolled and compacted prior to opening the bypass; note 3 shall clearly state this work is to be conducted by the contractor and/or their subcontractor(s); the scale provided should be updated to a typical engineering scale; The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page 15 review and approval ofthe temporary traffrc control plan by the county shall be provided to the city prior to any work on County Road 117. Condition has been met. 14. On Sheet 1.6: Add "Road Work Ahead" sign 600 feet before the "One Lane Road Ahead" signage; add additional "Flagger Ahead" sign south of Wynsong Lane. Condition has been met. 15. OnSheet2.l: "Storm Sewer Construction Notes" indicate usage of Neenah casting R- 3067VB at catch basin low points, however the structue table does not indicate any "VB" structures, update accordingly; the formatting under "Storm Structue Table Notes" is not clear, it appears the notes are all related to water tight structures, if this is the case offsetting the sub-bullets (A-D) may make this clearer, update accordingly. Condition has been met. 16. On Sheet 2.2: Ensure all storm sewer conveyance pipe is entirely below road sections, e.g. between CBMH426 arrd CBMH-425 the pipe would encroach into the road section as the cover from top ofpipe to proposed grade is 36", adjust storm sewer accordingly; profile shall be updated to include stationing; FES-433 shall include trash guard; all catch basins throughout the plan set shall be located perpendicular to each other when on opposing sides of the road, e.g. CBMH-43 I and CBMH-430 should be updated accordingly. Condition has been met. 17. On Sheet2.3: Update plan view to show entire pipe run as CB-351 onplan view is not shown. Condition has been met. 19. On Sheet 2.6: CBMH-303 shall have a 4-foot sump with SAFL baffle and the detail sheets shall be updated accordingly; update plans to indicate type ofplug identified east of CBMH-306; remove trash guard from FES-300. Condition has been met. 20. OnSheet3.l: The pedestrian mmp t)?e called out in the legend (MnDOT 7036F) is a 2004 detail plate and has been discontinued, update accordingly; maintain a l0' separation from pedestrian ramps and catch basin castings at all times, e.g. in front ofLot 5, Block 6; a sidewalk detail should be included as typical either on the plan sheets or within the detail sheets and called out accordingly; construction notes regarding street sign locations and installations should be included, coordination with Public Works is required; plans shall be updated to incorporate the pedestrian improvements at the intersection of Longacres Drive and Galpin Boulevard as conditioned upon approval of preliminary plat. Condition has been met. 21. On Sheet 3.2: There is a call-out "???" over Lot 8, Block 6, either remove or clarif,. Condition has been met. 22. On Sheet 3.4: The "eyebrow", or half cul-de-sac bubble, between stationing 3+00 and 4+00 should be constructed so that the flow line for street drainage is to be maintained t 5.5' from centerline of"Alphabet Streef', this is required in order to minimize the amount of street drainage 18. On Sheet 2.4: CBMH-336 and CBMH-335 should be relocated to achieve a perpendicular alignment per condition 16 (above). This may be accomplished by locating it near station 1+20 to avoid conflict with Lot 1, Block 2 driveway, furthermore this would allow for a recommended 2'x3' catch basin rather than a catch basin manhole. Condition has been met. The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page 16 being routed around the eyebrow and creating a "bird bath" or drainage issues abutting Lot 20, Block 4. Condition has been met. Engineering: New Conditions Based on Review of The Bluffs at Lake Lucv Final Plat l. As the property is within the Lake Ann Sewer District, a sewer interceptor charge and a sub- trunk charge will be due at the time of building permit issuance for each lot. For 2020, the Lake Ann Interceptor Fee and Lake Ann Subtrunk Fee are $1,970.00 and $2,068.00, respectively. 2. All retaining walls within the development shall be owned and maintained by a Homeownen Association. 3. All sidewalks not abutting plaued Lots (e.g. on Della Drive abutting Outlot B) within the development shall be owned and maintained by a Homeowners Association. 4. Any retaining wall located within a public drainage and utility easement shall enter into an encroachment agreement with the City. 5. The "specifications for The Bluffs at Lucy Lake" prepared by Sathre-Berquist, Inc. provide Special Provisions that are not in accordance with the City's Standard Specifications or Detail Plates. These Special Provisions shall be updated to either amend any modification that would conflict with the City's Standard Specification and Detail Plates or be removed entirely. Ifthe Developer and their Engineer elect to modify the Special Provisions, the City will provide redlines to assist with their modifications, however in accordance with previous conditions, all plans, specifications, project manuals, and submittals shall be in conformance with the most recent version of city Standard Specifications and Detail Plates (htto://www.ci.c mn.us/436/Standard- Specific ations-Detail-Plates) and their conformance is ultimatel y the responsibility ofthe Developer. 6. On sheet 4 of4 on the Final Plat: Block 3 Lot 4's ten (10) foot drainage and utility easement located in the middle of the lot shall be twenty (20) feet wide to accommodate maintenance activities for the designed drainage on the lot; the right-of-way shall be extended at the end of "Topaz Drive", between Block 3 Lots 5 and 6 to reflect the approval of the Preliminary Plat for "The Park"; Block 3 Lot 8's southerly drainage and utility easement is illustrated at ten (10) feet wide which is oversized, it is possible to lessen this width to five (5) feet. 7 . On sheet I of 23: In the zoning index, cul-de-sacs are called out to have a 45' radius, this shall be updated to 48' per Detail Plate #5205; the "City Project No." is 2020-12, update accordingly. 8. On sheet 2 of23: It is recommended that detail plates remain on the sheets specified as "Detail Sheets" (sheets l7-23) and not be incorporate on random sheets thoughout the plan set for clarity which will also allow for larger plan views on the corresponding sheets; the remnant driveway entrance north of "Della Drive" shall not be removed in association with the development, the City will assess its removal upon commencement of the Galpin Boulevard improvement project; throughout the Street and Storm Plans it was found that draintile does not extend on both sides and the full extents ofthe streets, the plans shall be updated to ensue draintile is installed on both sides of the street per Detail Plate #5200 and extend the full length of the proposed streets; street lights shall be located more closely to hydrants at the end ofcul-de-sacs (where applicable) in order to allow for better snow storage practices; in addition to changing the castings at the end ofRuby Lane, a note shall be added to coordinate with the City to assess ifadditional repairs are required to the catch basins; Street Note #2 should be updated to clarifi sidewalks are 6" thick and curb ramps shall be constnrcted in accordance with Detail Plate 5215-5215D; it is recommended that Street Note #4 be updated to eliminate the use ofplastic rings as the City prefers concrete rings; add to Street Notes the requirement that all work outside platted areas are to be coordinated with the City and Residence, which includes R&D of Ruby Lane and Laky Lucy Ridge, prior to construction activities commencing; add to Street Notes that all signs associated with the development are to be fumished and installed by the contractor in coordination with City review, and that signs within County right- of-way will require coordination with the County; ensure that all trail intersections have a 20' radius as required by Detail Plate #5216; add to Street Notes that cluster mailboxes shall be installed at the throat ofcul-de-sacs, this is required to facilitate better snow storage practices at cul-de-sacs. 9. On sheet 3 of23: Horizontal scales shall be provided on all profiles within the plan set; while driveway gJades are provided, the general location and layout ofproposed driveways and building pads are not illustrated, the plans shall be updated to illustrate proposed driveway and building pad locations for review and approval by the City; the newly proposed sidewalk along "Della Drive" shall terminate at the north side ofthe cul-de-sac throat; an exhibit illustrating the proposed driveway location and grades to parcel 25.0100400 shall be submitted for review and approval prior to the commencement of grading, the location ofthe driveway entrance, in accordance with Carver County's review memo, shall be no closer than 100' to Galpin Boulevard and grades along the proposed driveway shall meet City Standards, lastly the water service should align with the newly proposed &iveway location. 10. On sheet 4 of23: The dimensions of the cul-de-sac bubble at the end ofTopaz Drive shall be illustrated; the R&D note for the area ofLucy Ridge Lane calling out "Restore Yards: irrigation and sod" shall also include all privately owned underground improvements (e.g. invisible dog fences); plans to be updated to illustrate clearly that the sidewalk along Lucy Ridge Lane shall comect between the newly proposed alignments to the existing "R&D" areas; the newly proposed sidewalk along Lucy Ridge Lane shall be extended to and terminate at the east side ofthe cul-de-sac throat; the sidewalk along Topaz Drive shall be removed; the plan and profile stationing for Topaz Drive shall begin from the end of the cul-de-sac (reverse stationing); there appears to be an erroneous call out near Topaz Drive profile C'CL-CL Lucy fudge Lane Sta: 06+48.90"), update accordingly; the extension ofpublic trait dead-ends with no tumaround provided, a tumaround shall be shown on the plans for review and approval. I l. On sheet 5 of23: As no sanitary mains are proposed to be C900 note I is unclear, clarification is required; note 2 shall be updated as sewer services shall be 6" SDR 26 solvent, non- gasketed weld joints; note 4 should be eliminated as no DIP will be allowed or is proposed in the sanitary sewer system, only PVC C900 when required (e.g. at the inside drop connection); note 11 shall be updated to state that all services shall extend to the property line (per Detail Plates #1005 The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page 17 The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page l8 and 2001) unless otherwise noted as services may extend past the property line where sidewalk is located; note 13 shall be updated to correctly call out the city's standards as "Standard Specifications and Detail Plates"; note 13 shall be updated to state that the exception is for sanitary and water services past the property line or curb stop which is in-line with City Ordinances, for clarity; note 17 shall be updated to state all watermain shall be PVC C900 DR 18; note 19 should be updated to provide the contractor the City's Utility Department phone number 9 52-227 -1300; a note should be added that Rieberlok gaskets on all C900 PVC shall be used in accordance with City Standards. 12. On sheet 6 of23: The plan view shall be adjusted or an inset provided illustrating the water main connection required ofthe proposed water main between Lots 3 and 4 and the existing water main off Ruby Lane; the water main shall be located on the southem side of Della Drive to facilitate separation from CBMH l9's sump stnrcture, limit the depth of any possible water main lowering, and ensure that the water main does not go lower than the sanitary sewer main's grade; a detail shall be provided specific to MH I which should account for the compactior/fill around and up to the 8" PVC C900 connection for the inside drop; show all utility crossings, including water main, in all profile views including the inset for the inside drop MH connection; all existing utilities need to be identified in the profile views, especially under, east and west of Galpin Boulevard to ensure no conflicts are present; due to the complexity ofnotes and existing utilities near around Galpin Boulevard where the proposed water main will tie-in to the existing water main. a separate inset should be provided; the call-out for connect to existing should be updated to "connecl to" and not "wet tap" and include reference to the high pressure zone; casing is required for the extents of water main proposed under Galpin Boulevard; a gate valve shall be installed on the east side ofthe tee located near 8+60; certain areas of sanitary sewer e called out at less than 0.5% grade, it is highly recommended that grades be adjusted to maintain a minimum of 0.5% for constructability as any sanitary sewer mains below the minimum allowable grade will be required o be removed and re- installed; where grades e greater than 16' sanitary sewer main shall be PVC SDR 26, i.e. at locations east of MH 2 or north of MH 8; clarifo the nomenclature "HBOE"; update line work for proposed storm sewer in profile to follow the color style consistently (appears grey when it should be green). 13. On sheet 7 of23: There is a yellow line identified in the plan view for Topaz Drive, ctarifr accordingly; it is unclear where hydrant assemblies transition fiom 8" water main to 6" in plan view, clarify accordingly; gate valves shall be installed north and west ofthe tee located at the intersection of Topaz Drive and Lucy Ridge Lane; update call-out in profile view of Topaz Drive for the removal ofplug and add removal of hydrant as well, for clarity; maintain ten foot separation between Block 4 Lot 7's sanitary and water services and MH 9; update call-out in profile view of Lucy Ridge Lane where existing stub is located to "8" PVC SDR 26", per as-builts. 14. On sheet 8 of23: Add note that trash guards are only to be installed on inlets or FES 24" or gleater; castings on catch basins at low points shall be "V8", update accordingly. 15. On sheet 9 of 23: It is unclear what the low opening elevation is from the grading detail to the plans due to the use ofdouble parentheses, e.g. when evaluating if lowest opening is I foot above emergency overflow on Block 3 Lot 4 the EOF elevation is 1013.0 adjacent to the lot while the call- The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page 19 out of((1013.8)) appears to indicate the "adjacent grade to low opening" per grading plan, which is out of compliance, update plans accordingly and/or clarifr; catch basin 7 needs to be relocated to a minimum of l0 feet away from the curb ramp; catch basin 12 and 13 shall be relocated to achieve a 90 degree connection; there is a portion ofnew impervious area on Lucy Ridge Lane that will not be captured by the proposed stonn system, verif, that the new impervious area will not inundate the existing storm sewer system north of Lucy Ridge Lane; Block 4 Lot 7's backyard drainage sheet flows over the trail, no private drainage shall flow over the public trail system and needs to be accounted for in the storm plan (grading, back-yard storm conveyance, etc.); relocate CBMH 2 to the east in order to eliminate the double crossing of the public trail; relocate CBMH l0 to be centered on the property line (typ. ofall backyard CBMHs); show all utility crossings on profiles (typ); add suffrcient depth between CBMH 4 and CBMH 2 to decrease velocities below 12 fos, all RCP laid at slopes gteater th an 5Yo grade shall be tied; clearly illustrate where 86 curbing locations are for review and approval; add note that all FES shall have a witness post installed, the City will fumish witness posts; the outlet structue detail for Pond #2 should be updated and drawn to reflect proper elevations (i.e. the outlet pipe is above the inlet pipe as drawn); add note to ensure outlet structures meet Detail Plate #3109A. 16. On sheet 10 of23: Update profile to ensure inverts connecting to in structures match crown elevations (HGL), typ; the RCP pipe between CBMH 20 and CMBH 19 shall be CL. 5. 17. On sheet 12 of23: Profile from approximately l+50 to 0+00 shows inadequate cover over 27" RCP pipe, adjust accordingly. 18. On sheet l3 of23: The indentation and spacing ofall notes should be updated for clarity; note 2 discusses removal of sand/silt in ponds, a decompaction note should accompany this requirement as infiltration is a proposed surface water management technique; note 5 should reference the street detail and/or should be accompanied by a cross-section; note 6 should be updated to allow for a minimum of 0.5% slope on driveways per Ordinance; notes referencing MnDOT seed numbers appear to be obsolete and should be reviewed and updated accordingly; note 13 should be updated from "the retaining walls" to "all retaining walls"; notes or the plan shall be updated to incorporate locations ofbench marks, stockpiles, haul routes, staging areas, and dewatering plan, and typical lot benching detail; add note that all walls over 6' in height require fencing or other barrier; adjust all retaining walls to be located wholy on private property and not City owned Outlots and/or wetland buffers. 19. On sheet 14 of 23:. swales between lots shall be graded to ensure drainage is routed along property lines and within drainage and utility easements, e.g. between Lots 3 and 4 of Block 2 drainage would be routed more or less onto Lot 4, adjust for all lots accordingly' 20. On sheet 16 of23: The provided erosion control plan does not fully meet the requirements of Sec. 19-145 of City Ordinances, and shall be updated accordingly, furthermore no SWPPP has been provided meeting the requirements of NPDES General Construction Permit and shall be provided prior to the issuance of the fught to Proceed. The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page20 21. On sheet 17 of23: Details appear illegible or difficult to read as printed on full size plan sheets, the detail pages shall be updated to a maximum of 8 per page, or to achieve legible details, for clarity. Stormwater Conditions & Wetlands 1. Wetland permitting is required due to the proximity of and proposed impacts to wetlands on site. . Grading permits will not be issued until approved wetland permits have been received. Condition has been modified for clarity and has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2od Addition Final Plat and The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 2. Wetland review will include ensuring hydrology is maintained to all wetlands to be preserved as well as review of proposed stormwater impacts. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2od Addition Final Plat and The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 3. Storm sewer sizing calculations should be provided to confirm storm sewer is sized to convey the l0-year storm event. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2od Addition Final Plat and The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 4. An NPDES permit and accompanying Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) will be required prior to the start of eenstfl*etien gradine. Condition has been gqgg!![gg[ for clarity and has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2od Addition Finat PIat; Condition still applies for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 5. An operations and maintenance plan for the proposed stormwater management system will be required prior to approval. Condition has been met for The Park Finat Plat and The Park 2nd Addition Final Plat; Condition still applies for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 6. Provide infiltration test results per MPCA requirements in the location ofeach proposed infiltration area. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2nd Addition Final PIat and The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 7. All comments and conditions set forth by the fuley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District shall be addressed by the applicant. Condition still applies. 8. Show all existing storm sewer and other water resource-related features in plans. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2'd Addition Final Plat and The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 9. Adjust and show all easements over the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services' sanitary sewer on the preliminary and final plat. Condition has been met for The Park Final PIat and The Park 2od Addition Final Plat and The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 10. Clearly indicate what storm sewer will be private and what will be public. All public storm sewer will be required to be shown in profile view. Applicant should confirm there are no conflicts The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page 2l with the water main or sanitary sewer throughout the site. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2od Addition Final Plat and The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 11. The following comments pertain to all proposed ponds that include an infiltration bench (Basins 100,200 and 300): Infiltration test results will be required in the location ofall proposed infiltration benches and infiltration basins. Infiltration test results have not been submitted in the location of proposed Basin 100. If filtration is to be used, the applicant will need to provide a specification for amended soils. Condition does not apply for The Park Final Plat or The Park 2nd Addition Final Plat; Condition has been met for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. a The exhltration above the piped outlet elevation should be included in the HydroCAD model and the exfiltradon rate should correspond to what is presented in the infiltration test results. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2od Addition Final Plat and The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. . The proposed infiltration benches will be required to meet the 48-hour drawdown ,.qui."..rt. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2od Addition Final Plat and The Blufrs at Lake Lucy. o Outlets from the pond should be moved out ofthe permanent pond area and should be moved away from the inlet to minimize the risk of short circuiting. Condition has been met for The Park Final PIat and The Park 2od Addition Final Plat and The Blufrs at Lake Lucy. 12. The proposed piped outlet being modeled for Basin 400 is not shown in the plans. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2od Addition Final Plat; Condition does not apply for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 13. Access routes for all proposed stormwater basins are required for maintenance purposes. Applicant should call out access locations for all proposed stormwater basins. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 20d Addition Final Plat and The Blufrs at Lake Lucy. 14. A defined riprap EOF spillway will be required for all stormwater basins per details provided on Sheet 33. Applicant should include location and elevation of all EOF spillways on the storm sewer plans. Condition stilt applied to The Park Final Ptat and The Park 2od Addition Finat Plat; Condition has been met for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 15. The soil borings provided show that there are clay soils throughout the site. Modeling should be updated to reflect the D soils present. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2od Addition Final Plat and The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. a The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page22 16. Proposed and existing HydroCAD models should be modeling the salne area' There is roughly 120 acres included in the existing conditions model that is not included in the proposed conditions model. All offsite drainage should be included in the models. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2'd Addition Finat Plat and The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 17. Existing and proposed conditions drainage area maps should be updated to show the location and boundaries ofall subcatchments included in the models. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2od Addition Finat Plat and The Blufrs at Lake Lucy. 18. Time of concentrations should be calculated in HydroCAD and not directly entered to confirm accuracy. Provide supporting calculations for all directly entered times of concentrations. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2od Addition Final Plat and The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 19. From the drainage area maps, it appears that P'LU 2-6 (P.E. Edit) in the existing model corresponds to Pond 500P in the proposed conditions model. The modeled storage for the wetland differs between the existing and proposed conditions models but no wetland impacts are shown on Sheet 37 for this wetland. Applicant should update the models so that they have the same storage modeled for the wetland. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat rnd The Park 2od Addition Final Plat and The Blufrs at Lake Lucy. 20. There is a proposed piped outlet from this wetland that is over four feet lower than the current natural spillway outlet. The applicant will be required to show that this does not change the hydrology ofthe existing wetland as part ofthe wetland permit requirements. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2od Addition Final Plat and The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 21. The onlv remainine inconsistencv to uodate is the we in OCS 4008 should be chan ln HvdroCAD from a four -foot weir to a five-foot weir. Condition has been modified due to updated plans and has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2od Addition Final Plat; Condition does not apply for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 22. The same total area should be modeled in P8 as in HydroCAD. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2ud Addition Final Plat and The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 23. The model should be run for at least 50 years and should include the most recent precipitation data included in the precipitation file to get accurate removal efficiencies. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2od Addition Finat Plat. 24. The modeling ofthe proposed stormwater ponds with filtration benches is incorrect and is overestimating the removal efficiencies of the basins. The applicant should update the model for the stormwater basins in the following way: The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page23 The design infiltration rate should be added to the flood pool section ofthe stormwater pond devices where applicable. This will model infiltration above the outlet elevation. The design infiltration rate should match what is being modeled in HydroCAD. Condition has been met for The Park Finat PIat and The Park 2nd Addition Final Plat and The BIuffs at Lake Lucy. The infiltration basins should be removed from the model (except for Device 600i). Condition has been met for The Park Final Ptat and The Park 2nd Addition Final Plat and The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. . Applicant should confirm total phosphorus and total suspended solids removal requirements are still being met after the model has been updated. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2nd Addition Final PIat and The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 25. Watersheds 201 and 600 are only modeling the impervious area. The pervious area in these watersheds should be added to the model. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2nd Addition Final Plat and The Bluffs at Lake Lucy, 26. Watershed 300 in the P8 model has 25%o impervious while the corresponding HydroCAD subwatershed has 4570 impervious modeled. Applicant should update the models to be consistent with one another and representative ofthe plans. Condition has been met for The Park Final PIat and The Park 2od Addition Final Plat and The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 27. The total areas listed in the table in Section III.A of the Stormwater Management Plan are inconsistent with the total area called out in the plans and the total area being modeled. Applicant should include the entire site in the areas shown in the table. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2'd Addition Final Plat and The BIuffs at Lake Lucy. 28. Any projects seeking a wetland alteration permit subject to this article will also be required to submit the following: Existing and proposed drainage areas to wetlands; Buffer strip plan meeting the criteria of subsections 20-411(c) and (d). Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2od Addition Final Plat and The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 29. Sec. 20-416. Mitigation. Wetland mitigation shall be undertaken on site. If this is not feasible, then mitigation may occur locally within the subwatershed. If this is not possible, then mitigation may occur outside the subwatershed, elsewhere in the city. If mitigation cannot be accomplished on site, or if the city deems it necessary to perform mitigation offsite, then the applicant shall be responsible for providing off-site mitigation within the major subwatershed, as designated by the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act, or purchasing wetland credits from the state wetland bank. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2nd Addition Final Plat; Condition does not apply for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 30. Stormwater runoff shall not be discharged into wetlands without water quality pretreatment as prescribed by City Code. Condition still applies. The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page24 31. If a Wetland Alteration Permit is issued allowing wetland alteration, the following standards shall be followed: (l) The alteration will not have a net adverse effect on the ecological and hydrological characteristics of remaining wetland, (2) It shall be located as to minimize the impact on vegetation, (3) It shall not adversely change water flow, (4) The size of the altered area shall be limited to the minimum required for the proposed action, (5) The disposal of any excess material is prohibited within remaining wetland areas, (6) The disposal ofany excess material shall include proper erosion control and nutrient retention measures, (7) Alterations to any wetland area are prohibited dwing waterfowl breeding season or fish spawning season, unless it is determined by the city that the wetland is not used for waterfowl breeding or fish spawning, and (8) Alterations to wetland areas shall be mitigated in accordance with the requirements of this article if the activity results in a loss of wetland area and/or function and value ofthe wetland. Condition has been met for The Park Finat Plat and The Park 2od Addition Final Plat; Condition does not apply for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 32. The alteration shall not alter the hydrological pattems in the remainder ofthe wetland, ifa portion of the wetland remains, unless exempted under Sec. 20-417. Show how hydrologic pattems will not be altered for the remaining wetlands. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2nd Addition Final Plat; Condition does not apply for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 33. Sec. 20-405. Wetland delineation. An electronic copy ofthe delineated wetland boundaries must be submitted in a format compatible with the city's GIS database. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2nd Addition Final Plat and The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 34. Sec. 20-406. Wetland classification. All wetlands delineated under Sec. 20-405 ofthis article that have not been previously classified shall be classified using the results from the Minnesota Routine Assessment Method for Evaluating Wetland Functions (MnRAM Version 3.0), or future versions. A MnRAM shall be completed by the property owner or applicant for each previously unclassified wetland. An electronic version of the MnRAM evaluation must be submitted to and approved by the city to establish the classification ofeach wetland prior to any alteration or impact to the wetland. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2nd Addition Final Plat and The Bluffs at Lrke Lucy. 35. Staff review will be conditional upon the approved Wetland Replacement Plan. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2od Addition Final Plat and The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 36. A grading permit cannot be issued until the applicant has completed the WCA process. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2od Addition Final Plat and The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 37. Wetland Buffers. Wetland buffers and buffer monumentation will be required adjacent to the wetlands on site. Please indicate wetland buffer widths and locations where signage will be placed on a plan sheet. Please find additional information on signage placement in the city's guidance document. The WMO provides signs and sign posts for the cost of materials. Altemative signs (by the city or applicant) are also acceptable provided they contain similar information. Wetland buffers The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page 25 and buffer set backs oursuant to section 20-4 consistent with the preli Dlat must be memorial with a recorded wetland buffer agreement with the countY recorder 's office. Condition has been modified from updated plans and still applies. 38. Sec. l9-146. Wetland elements. o Water level fluctuations (peak elevation and duration) for wetlands shall be limited to two feet and duation not to exceed 48 hours so as to prevent the destnrction of wildlife habitat and wetland vegetation. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2nd Addition Final Plat and The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. . Sedimentation basins or sediment removal devices shall be provided prior to discharge into wetlands. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2od Addition Final Plat and The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. o Variable bottom contours should be considered to provide deeper holes and flat shallow benches. This feature will provide habitat for diversity ofplants and wetland inhabitants for wetland mitigation sites and stormwater basins. Condition has been met for The Park Finat Plrt and The Park 2od Addition Final Plat and The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. New Stormwater and Wetland Condi tio ns based on the review of The Park Final Plat I . The storm sewer calculations provided match The Park plans. The storm sewer calculations for future phases were inconsistent with the storm sewer shown in the preliminary plans. The applicant shall ensure storm sewer calculations match what is shown in the plans for fuure submittals. Additional condition does not apply for The Park Final Plat and has been met for The Park 2'd Addition Final Plat; Condition does not apply to The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 2. Where possible, the applicant shall update all storm sewer so the maximum pipe velocity is 12 feet per second. Ifnot possible, pipe velocities should not exceed l5 feet per second per MnDOT guidance. Additional condition applies for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2od Addition Final Plat; Condition does not apply to The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 3. Storm sewer from CB-241 to CB-240 is missing in the storm sewer calculations. Additional condition does not apply for The Park Final Plat or The Park 2od Addition Final Plat or The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 4. Add pipe and structure callouts for storm sewer between CBMH-343 and CBMH-345. Additional condition does not apply for The Park Final Plat; Condition has been met for The Park 2nd Addition Final Plat; Condition does not apply to The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. 5. The 15" outlet pipe from CB-490 should be included in the HydroCAD model to ensure the pipe does not restrict flow and back up water at the low point. The 19" horizontal orifice should be iouted to the 15" pipe. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2nd Addition Final Plat; Condition does not apply to The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page26 6. The slope of the outlet pipe from Wetland 12 should be updated in the HydroCAD model to match what is illustrated on the plans. Condition has been met for The Park Final PIat and The Park 2'd Addition Final Plat; Condition does not apply to The Blufrs at Lake Lucy. 7. For the basins where filtration is proposed, the infiltration in P8 should be routed to the downstream waterbody instead of out of the system for accuracy. It appears the proposed $ormwater system will still meet water quality requirements after the updates. Condition has been met for The Park Final Ptat and The Park 2od Addition Final Plat; Condition does not apply to The Blufrs at Lake Lucy. 8. Grading permits will not be issued until a USACE permit for impact to Wetland 14 has been issued and received by the city. Condition has been met for The Park Final Plat and The Park 2nd Addition Final Plat; Condition does not apply to The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. New Sto r and Wetland Conditions on the review of The at Lake Lucv Final Plat l. It appears the applicant is showing contours within the filtration areas under the final surface elevation ofthe filtration areas. It is recommended the applicant callout the final surface elevation within the filtration areas and that the applicant add in cross sections (across the pond and filtration basins) to clariff the critical elevations within the basins. 2. Applicant shall confirm drainage from the hill west ofthe proposed home on Lot I along Della Drive is not being directed to the home, adjust grading accordingly. 3. Inlet protections are to be added to catch basins 6, 10, I I and the catch basin to the west of the Topaz Drive cul-de-sac. 4. The applicant is using a constant 0.4 coeflicient value for the rational method storm sewer calculations. Previous additions within the development used varying coefficients determined by the impervious/pervious percentages of each catch basin drainage area. The applicant shall either modify the storm sewer sizing calculations to use varying coefficients determined by the impervious/pervious percentages similar to how the previous storm sewer was sized or provide calculations demonstrating the use of a consistent 0.4 coefficient is valid. 5. The applicant shall update all storm sewer so the maximum pipe velocity is 12 $s. 6. The Stormwater Management Plan shall be updated to ad&ess the needs of additional volume for the future Galpin Boulevard Improvement Project outlined in Kimley-Hom's memorandum date d May 29, 20 | 8. 7. Applicant is showing at catch basins 4, 18, and 19 the spread at the inlet will extend over l0 feet into the street. The applicant shall add additional catch basins at these points to reduce the spread into the roadway. The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page27 8. In the overall plans for the Park development dated 5/20/19 the proposed outlet for Wetland 2was a24" pipe but in the The Bluffs at Lake Lucy plans the outlet is an 18" pipe. It is noted that the existing outlet for Wetland 2 is an 18" CMP pipe. However, the HydroCAD modeling suggests the proposed lS" wetland outlet will cause an increase in the 100-year HWL within Wetland 2 when compared to overall development proposed conditions model and when compared to existing conditiors (see table below). Applicant should confirm a larger outlet pipe is not needed and/or that the increase in the wetland HWL will not have any negative impacts on Galpin Avenue or any adjacent structues. Existing Conditions Wetland 2 HWL Overall Development Model Wetland 2 HWL (5/16/19) Proposed Wetland 2 HWL in 4'h Addition Model 973.39 974.06 g. In the Pond t OCS detail the outlet pipe is shown as an 18" but is being modeled as a 27" in the proposed HydroCAD model (assumed to be Device #l). Applicant shall update the plan and/or HydroCAD model to be consistent with one another. 10. The HydrocAD model uses an exfiltration rate of 0.35 in/lr within Pond I but the stormwater narative and the P8 model both have an infiltration rate of 0.8 in/tr. Applicant shall confirm the appropriate infiltration rate and update all references to be consistent I t. The following updates to the P8 model need to be confirmed: a. It is unclear why for both ponds a 12" orifice outlet is being used for the normal outlet directed to either the adjacent filtration or infiltration bench. Applicant should change the normal outlet to a weir outlet based on the berm sepamting the pond and the infiltration/filtration bench or should provide reasoning behind using a 12" orifice b. The flood pool elevations/volumes for Pond I and 2 should be calculated a1979 &d 968 respectively based on the EOF elevations noted on the plans. The infiltration outlet for the Pond 2 hltration bench should be routed to the downstream waterbody instead ofout of the system for accuracy' Similarly, in the P8 model where Pond I is being modeled as a filtration bench, the infiltration outlet should be routed to the downstream waterbody. Applicant should clariff what the wetland boundary infiltration device is that is being modeled in the proposed condition P8 models and confirm it should not also be included in the existing conditions P8 model for accuracy' e. The bottom surface area for Pond 2 should be updated to 0.008 ac (or 0.01 if needed) to be representative ofthe plans. c d 973.05 The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page 28 Landscap ine and Tree Preservation 1. The developer shall conduct a walk-through ofthe grading limits on site prior to removals with city staff to inspect for oppornrnities for additional tree preservation. This condition still applies. 2. Tree preservation fencing shall be installed around existing trees to be saved prior to any construction activities and remain installed until completion. This condition still applies overall and to each addition. @Thisconditionhasbeenmodified.Anywellhouseaccess road shall avoid removals of any significant trees in the outlot. No significant oaks may be removed. This{odditioD-s epplies. This condition has been met. 7 . Autumn Blaze maples shall be eliminated from the plant schedule. This-ceaditien+as+ee* @ This condition has been met. 8. Northem Pin Oak shall be reptaced with White, Bur, Red or Bicolor oak species in the plant schedule. This eenditien still opplies ererall ead te eaeh additien- This-esaditien-has-been-met @ This condition has been met. 9. Additional selections of tree species shall expand the breadth of tree types and take into consideration soil conditions and future hardiness zone changes. This condition has been met. 10. No tree Genus shall comprise of more than 20% ofthe total number oftrees and no tree species shall comprise of more than 10% ofthe total number oftrees. The applicant shall add 2 selections of trees to the landscape plan to reduce maple quantities. +niseeng*iea-se'+applies e+erelFr*+te-eoetseddi*ieo. This condition has been modified. 1 I . The applicant shall revise the plans to show the bluff impact zone on both bluffs and eliminate grading within these areas. This condition has been met. 3. All trees shall be planted outside of the street right-of-way. This condition still applies overall and to each addition. 4. els9}+rees. This condition has been modified. The applicant shall meet the minimum requirement of 461 trees for the development. All required trees must meet minimum size requirements for deciduous and evergreen species. This condition has been met. 5. Buffer plantings shall be added to the east of the city well building. Five evergteen trees shall be planted to the east ofthe well house. M This condition does not apply 6. The dlr'ee eal<s en eity prep€rty (not inventoried) te tlre soutlr ofthe eity well bEilding shall The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page29 12. Private lot boundaries shall not encroach into bluff areas. This condition has been met. 2. The Tree Preservation Easement legal description for Block 3 shall be corrected to include the correct lots: Lots l, 4, and 5, Block 3. 3. The restored slope on Lots I and 2, Block I shall be planted with trees in a random pattem from top to toe ofslope. Trees shall be acceptable if one year from planting there is a75o/o survival rate ovet 75%o of the slope area. +. The landscape plan shall be updated to include a sheet on seeding specifications for slopes and outlots. Seed mixes shall be MNDOT native mixes approved by the city. RIGHT.OF.WAY AND EASEMENTS There is an existing 20-foot wide Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) sewer and utility easement located on the property as illustrated on the submitted plans. Generally, the easement traverses from the northwest comer to the southeast comer ofThe Park PUD, bisecting the site diagonally. The PUD proposed to impact the easement at two locations. The first location is within the northwest corner of the site where grading and construction of "Della Drive" and Basin 200 (Pond # I ) are proposed, which are associated with The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. The second location is to the east of "Visionary Court" where grading is proposed behind Lots I l9-120 and not associated with The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. The MCES has been supplied the applicant's site plans and all comments and conditions set forth by the MCES shall be addressed by the applicant. An agreement to construct any of the proposed improvements over the MCES's easement must be executed and supplied to the city for review prior to the issuance of grading permits. The applicant is proposing standard drainage and utility easements (D&U's) around the majority of the lots on the provided final plat. Additional 20-foot wide D&U's have been provided within Lots 3-11 abutting "Della Drive" and Lots 2-3 abutting Topaz Drive. However, Lot 4 will also require a 20-foot wide D&U to facilitate proper maintenance ofthe proposed overland drainage improvements in the area. These 20-foot wide D&U's are provided for stormwater collection and conveyance systems located in backyards that fall outside the standard D&U's. Furthermore, 30-foot wide 13. I €ts with signifiearlt E€e e f,ets 50t;504;505 *re let eentaining existing ferest, Speeifieally; the rear 40 feet eftet 501;tlre rear 100 feet eftets Lots I and 2, block I shall have Tree heservation Easements over the easterly 300' of Lot 1, Blk I and the westerly 200'oflot 2, block l. Lots 1,4 and 5, block 3 shall have Tree Preserveation Easements in their rear yards. This condition has been modified. New Landscapinq and Trge Preservation Conditions based on review of Bluffs at Lake Lucv 1. Park property boundary signs shall be installed at prop€rty comers on Lots 1-6, Block 4 and Lots 1-l 1, Block 2. The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page 30 D&U's between Lots I and 2 abutting Lucy Ridge Lane's cul-de-sac have been proposed to provide access to proposed utilities and stormwater ponds. Also, a 30-foot wide D&U's between Lots 3-4 abutting ,bella Drive" have been proposed to provide access for a water main extension to Ruby Lane. Righrof-way dedication will be required along the east side of Galpin Boulevard per Carver county's review and comments (see "Carter County Development / Access Review comments" attached), the Highway 117 Corridor Study, and the typical roadway sections identified in the county's Draft 2040 Comprehensive Plan. The Conidor Study identifies specific right-of-way needs and the plat will be required to follow and be consistent with the preferred roadway altemative. The right-of-way shall tie into the existing highway right-of-way north the proposed development. The final plat proposal shall be reviewed and approved as to form and content by the county surveyor and city. After review by the city ofthe proposed final plat for The Park, it appears adequale right- of-way has been dedicated (17 feet). The applicant will be required to underground all overhead utilities within the development. Underground utilities reduce the risk ofaccidents, such as vehicles colliding with poles and service impacti such as storms knocking down limbs on lines. It also improves the overall esthetics of roadway corridors and neighborhoods, which improves and promotes livability. Lastly, as experienced during the construction ofThe Park (l't Addition), Galpin Boulevard was utilized as a staging area for construction tmffic. This method of staging on a collector road causes a hazard to motorists utilizing the corridor, especially as Galpin Boulevard adjacent to the development has poor sight lines. In an effort to mitigate this occurrence during The Bluffs at Lake Lucy build-out, the developer and their contractors shall submit a plan to ensrre that no construction traffrc stages on Galpin Boulevard or obstructs any travel lanes. EXISTING CONDITIONS SURVEY No water wells or septic fields have been identified on the existing conditions survey provided in association with The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. However, ifdiscovered during the course of construction, the abandonment of all existing wells shall be in accordance with the Minnesota Department of Health's review and regulations, and the abandonment ofall existing septic systems shall be in accordance with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's review and regulations. All required permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies shall be obtained prior to the commencement of any abandonment(s). GRADING The applicant is proposing to construct two stormwater ponds to serve the development. Through the preliminary grading plan and grading details, drainage from individual lots will be routed away from buildings into a series of catch basins and HDPE pipe located within drainage and utility easements in backyards. Drainage from proposed public streets will be collected through catch basins located next to curbs, and routed to stormwater ponds around the site. The applicant has The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page 3l provided an overall grading plan but not a phased grading schedule and should be provided. Generally the grading plans conform to city ordinances and standards for grading, with minor changes required. The applicant shall meet all the conditions that impact grading and enumerated with the development contract prior to commencement of grading operations. There are proposed driveways that approach the maximum 10%o gtade (e.g. Lot 5 abutting "Della Drive" is at 9.1% erade) allowed by city ordinance. Staff recommends limiting maximum grades in order to achieve a higher level of constnrctability. eny constructed street or driveway that exceeds maximum allowable grades upon final inspection will be required to be removed and replaced. There are two bluffs within the site. One bluff is located west of Lots 3-7 abutting Lucy Ridge Lane, and a second bluff is located south of Lots 2-3 abutting "Della Drive". The grading plans indicate the locations and extent of the bluffs and their appropriate buffers and setbacks. All grading operations have been proposed to be outside the bluff impact zones except for a small area near Lots 3-7 abutting Lucy Ridge Lane. Staff has evaluated the impacts ofthis topographic alteration and finds that it is within the bounds of City Ordinance. The grade changes will decrease the rate of drainage entering the bluffwhile lessening the likelihood ofconcentrated flows within the bluff area. The plat's final grading plans, ponds, and right-of-way along Galpin Boulevard shall be reviewed and approved by the county and the city to show how they conform to the potential future Galpin Boulevard reconstruction. A cross reference of grading plans, profiles, and respective cross sections should be provided at key locations such as intersections, ponds, or other special featwes for review by the county and city prior to acceptance. SHORELAND MANAGEMENT This phase is not in the shoreland management area. RETAINING WALLS There are multiple retaining walls proposed within The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. All retaining walls are being proposed at a height greater than 4 feet. All retaining walls shall be constructed in accordance with the plans prepared by the applicants registered engineer (Trevor Axner, License No. 45470 with The Hanson Group Structuml Engineers). All retaining wall will be required to be owned and maintained by the Developer or a Homeowners Association. Walls exceeding 6' in height shall be required to install a fencing over the top of wall, or some other barrier. STREETS The applicant is proposing construction ofone new street ("Della Drive") and the extension ofone existing sfieet (Lucy fudge Lane which will include Topaz Drive cul-de-sac) that shall be owned and maintained by the city after acceptance of the public improvements by the City Council. All newly constructed street sections shall be designed to meet the current standard specifications and detail plates for residential streets. These new streets and extensions will result in three cul-de-sacs with The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page32 two of the three proposed cul-de-sacs meeting current city code and standard specifications. "Della Drive", a proposed street and cul-de-sac in the development, exceeds the maximum length for a cul- de-sac per city ordinance; however, it was approved in the preliminary plat by City Council. Access to "Della Drive" is from Galpin Boulevard, a collector road. There is an existing driveway 30 feet south of "Della Drive" providing access to Parcel 250100400. This spacing does not meet Carver County's requirements for access points offof collector roads, as addressed in their review memo. The parcel's access from Galpin Boulevard will be abandoned and realigned to tie into "Della Drive" in accordance with Carver County's requirements. Thus, the applicant shall update plans to "Della Drive" to ensure proper grades are constructed along this portion of "Della Drive", along with the grades associated with the new driveway access, for review and approval. Additionally, a water stub for future connection shall be installed to serve the property near the location ofthe future driveway connection. The city has had discussions with the resident ofthis property and has obtained verbal agreeance ofsuch a realignment and water service connection. The applicant has supplied a geotechnical evaluation report that was completed by Braun Intertec Corporation on June 29, 2018. The report discussed and explored desiga and construction recommendations for roadway sections, amongst other topics. It will be required of the developer to have a geotechnical engineer onsite during grading operations. If groundwater is encountered during grading, grades shall be adjusted to maintain a 3-foot separation from the bottom floor elevation of proposed buildings. Subsequent changes to grades shall be submitted to the city for review and approval. Sidewalks and pedestrian access points have been proposed on a majority ofthe streets throughout the development with the need for minor amendments addressed during the preliminary construction plan review. Sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with city standard specifications and detail plates. All curb ramps shall be constructed to meet ADA standards and the city's detail plates. Street lights have been proposed throughout the development. Street lights will be required at all intersections and at the end of each cul-de-sac, but shall be placed in harmony with fire hydrants to maximize available snow storage within cul-de-sac bubbles, i.e. approximately 10 feet from each other. The developer will need to work with Xcel Energy on the installation of city-approved street lights. A $300 fee shall be collected with the development contract for each street light for the purpose of electricity costs for the first year ofoperation. The applicant is proposing to constnrct 8" PVC C900 water main throughout the development that shall be owned and maintained by the city after acceptance of the public improvements by the City Council. The development is located beween two pressure zones in the city; a high pressure zone and a low pressure zone. To the west, in the Longacres neighborhood, is a high pressure zone' To the north in the Ashling Meadows neighborhood is a low pressure zone. The city has modeled the impact of the development based on the proposed usage. It was found that in order to provide adequate pressures and fire flows, water mains serving "Della Drive" shall be tied into the high WATER The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page 33 pressure zone located on Galpin Boulevard. This will result in some areurs ofthe development experiencing pressures above 90 PSI. Therefore, a portion of the homes will likely require individual pressure reducing valves. The developer will need to work with the Building Department and Public Works Utility Department to determine which homes will require pressure-reducing valves. In the northwest area of the development where Lucy fudge Lane will be extended, the developer is proposing to tie into the low-pressure water system via the existing 8" PVC water mains. Engineering does not anticipate any extraordinary impacts to the water system's pressrre or fire flow for the proposed 15 connections. As "Della Drive" will be tied into the high pressure zone via the existing water main offGalpin Boulevard and is an approved cul-de-sac by way of acceptance ofthe preliminary plat, the water system would have created a long dead end system. The Public Works Utility Department required the preliminary plat applicant (Lennar) to tie in the proposed water main on "Della Drive" to the existing water main stub located off Ruby Lane, to the north, which is now being proposed with the updated preliminary plans for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. Because "Della Drive" will be within the high-pressure zone, and the north tie-in location on Ruby Lane (Ashling Meadows neighborhood) is within the low-pressure zone, updated construction plans shall call out a gate valve to be installed where the system ties in. This gate valve will remain closed in order to separate the two zones, and will be opened by city forces during any maintenance or repair work in order to "back feed" the system, as necessary. Since water main connections will be tied into the high zone water system off Galpin Boulevard, the applicant shall verifu and illustrate the location of the connections on the construction plans. All mainline water main connections and required water main testing shall be witnessed by the city. A pre-construction meeting prior to the commencement of any work shall be scheduled by the developer's contractor with the city. Additionally, all underground utilities on the east and west side of Galpin Boulevard have not been illustrated on the plans. Thus, prior to the commencement of public utility construction, all underground utilities in this area (east and west of Galpin Boulevard) shall be surveyed and illustrated in the profile sheets in order to identift any potential conflicts. From the proposed preliminary water plans, there are multiple areas where water main and sanitary sewer mains will cross. All crossings of water and sewer utility mains are required to have I 8" of vertical separation and 10' of horizontal separation, measured from the edge of pipe. Where water mains cross sanitary sewer mains and do not meet vertical or horizontal separation requirements, the sanitary sewer shall be constructed ofC900 water main material and shall also be approved by the Minnesota Departrnent of Health, and all crossings shall be required to have the sanitary sewer pipe length centered over the water main crossing. The preliminary plans delineate areas where water main will run closely adjacent to, or under, stormwater catch basins. This may cause a potential for freezing ofthe water main at these locations due to inadequate ground cover from catch basin bottoms (sumps) to the water main. Water mains shall be constructed at 7.5' below grade, or be insulated, and constructed in conformance with the The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page 34 City's Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Plan and profile sheets provided with the construction drawings of the water main shall include the location and depth of catch basins and their sumps for review and approval prior to issuance of a notice to proceed. The applicant shall ensure all fire hydrant spacing meets fre codes and are subject to the review and approval of the Fire Department. SANITARY SEWER The applicant is proposing to construct 8" PVC sanitary sewer main throughout the development that shall be owned and maintained by the city after acceptance of the public improvements by the City Council. The entire sanitary sewer system will operate as a gravity system and connects to existing sanitary sewer mains at two locations; Lucy fudge Lane and a direct connection to the MCES sanitary sewer trunk line via an existing manhole from "Della Drive." All conditions set forth by MCES shall be addressed by the applicant for the direct connection to their system, and all permits required shall be obtained prior to the commencement of construction. The preliminary plans submitted do not utilize a nomenclature for identifying proposed manholes that aligrrs with the city's. The city will provide a list of appropriate manhole identifien to be incorporated prior to acceptance of final construction plans. This will ensure an e{ficient transition of the newly constnrcted public improvements into the city's asset management system for sanitary sewer manholes. Profile sheets for all public utilities, including sanitary sewer, shall be required for review and approval by the city prior to issuance of building permits for all phases. Based on the provided profile and plan sheets for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy, the applicant is proposing sanitary sewer that reaches a maximum depth requiring PVC SDR 26. PVC sanitary sewer pipes that have a burial depth of0-16 feet are required to be class SDR 35 and burial depths of 16-26 feet requires class SDR 26. The applicant shall update the proposed sanitary sewer pipes falling within these burial depths to have the appropriate class ofPVC. Article VII, Chapter l9 of City Code describes the required stormwater management development standards. Section 19-141 states that "these development standards shall be reflected in plans prepared by developers and/or project proposers in the design and layout of site plans, subdivisions and water management features." These standards include abstraction of 1.0 inch of runoff from the new impervious surfaces created by the project and water quality treatrnent resulting in the removal of90% total suspended solids (TSS) and 60% total phosphorous (TP). The applicant's initial stormwater managemenl proposal generally meets the standards set forth in Chapter 19 for TSS and TP removals and abstraction. The applicant submitted a preliminary Stormwater Management Plan (SMP) produced by Justin Thomas Klabo, P.E. (MN No. 48701) with Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page 35 The applicant proposed treatrnent of stormwater runoff with the use of an infilEation and./or filtration ponds located around the development. Based on the information and analysis provided regarding treatment of stormwater for TS and TPP, the infiltration/filtration method proposed was sufficient to meet the quality requirements of the city. Furthermore, rate controls have been shown to reduce post-construction flows from pre-existing flows, meeting City Code, along with adequate ibstraction. It appears Pond #1, adjacent to Galpin Boulevard, is adequately sized to accommodate additional stormwater from future public improvements (an additional 140,000 cubic feet of storage is available between the HWL and the EOF elevations). As it was a requirement of The Park PUD approval to provide additional storage, which was incorporated based on analysis Kimley-Hom (nremo dated May 29,2018), the SMP shall be updated to specifically address this requirement. An operations and maintenance plan for the proposed stormwater management systems must be entered into with the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District (RPBCWD) and the applicant. Once stormwater ponds have been constructed and are approved and accepted by the City, the City will enter into the agreements to take ownership. All comments and conditions set forth by the RPBCWD shall be addressed by the applicant. WETLAND ALTERATION The plan set shows no intent to impact wetlands on site. A Wetland Replacement Plan application was iubmitted to the city and reviewed per the WCA during the preliminary plat phase' A Notice of Decision and Approval for the Wetland Replacement Plan was sent on June 6, 2019 for wetlands impacted in the build-out of The Park l't Addition, 2nd Addition and 3'd Addition. wetland miiigation was approved through the purchase of wetland credits with wetlands beiag replaced at a ratio of 2: I . Wetland 14, proposed to be impacted during The Park f i Addition, required a lJnited States Army Corps of Engineering (USACE) permit as it was determined to be a USACE jurisdictional wetland. The approved permit was submitted to the city. Wetland buffers using bufler averaging have been applied to the project. Wetland buffers and buffer setbacks pursuant to section 20-411 and consistent with the preliminary plat must be memorialized with a recorded wetland buffer agreement filed with the county recorder's ofhce. EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL The proposed development will exceed one (1) acre ofdisturbance and will, therefore, be subject to the General Permit Authorization to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity Under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination/State Disposal System (NPDES Construction Permit). The applicant has yet to prepare and submitted a Surface Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to the city and obtain an NPDES Construction Permit. An updated erosion and sediment control plan meeting the requirements of City Ordinance Sec. 1 9- 145 shall be submitted for review and approval prior to the commencement of any grading operations. The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page 36 LANDSCAPING AND TREE PRESERVATION The applicant has submitted a landscape plan that meets city code requirements and was previously approved when first proposed as The Park, however a few minor changes are needed. The quantity of maple trees proposed exceeds the maximum percentage allowed by city code. A new species or two will need to be added to the plant schedule to bring the quantities into line with city requirements. The applicant has proposed a tree preservation easement over Lots 1, 2 and 5, Block 3, but needs to correct the legal description which incorrectly lists the Lots as 1, 4, and 5. The applicant also needs to add tree preservation easement to Lots I and 2, Block l. FINANCIAL ASSURANCE STORMWATER UTILITY CONNECTION CHARGES Section 4-30 of City Code sets out the fees associated with surface water management. A water quality and water quantity fee are collected with a subdivision. These fees are based on land use type and are intended to reflect the fact that the more intense the development tyfle, the greater the degradation of surface water. This fee will be applied to the new lot of record being created. It is calculated as shown in the table below: SURFACE WATER DEVELOPMENT FEE AREA PER ACRE FEE ACRES FEE GROSS AREA s8,490 32.4t s 275,160.90 OUTLOT A s8,490 12.67 $ (107,568.30) OUTLOT B $8,490 2.t7 $ ( 18,423.30) RIGHT OF WAY s8,490 s (32,346.90) NET AREA 13.76 $ l r6,822.40 To guarantee compliance with the grading plan, and related remedial work, a cash escrow or letter of credit, satisfactory to the city, shall be fumished to the city before a fught to Proceed is issued for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. The escrow amount shall be $2,157,627 .12, which is I l0% of the estimated costs of construction for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy. The city may use the escrow or draw upon the letter of credit to reimburse the city for any labor or material costs it incurs in securing compliance with the plan or in implementing the plan. The city shall endeavor to give notice to the owner or developer before proceeding, but such notice shall not be required in an emergency as determined by the city. The assurance shall be maintained until final stabilization and removal of erosion and sediment controls and acceptance of dedicated public streets and public utilities. 3.81 The total estimated SWMP Fee is $116,822.40 for the entire subdivision at rates in affect for 2020. The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page 37 ASSESSMENTS Water and sewer partial hookups are due at the time of final plat. The partial hookup fees will be assessed at the rate in effect at that time. The remaining partial hookups fees are due with the building permit. As the development is within the Lake Ann Sewer District the Lake Ann Interceptor Fee and Lake Ann Subtrunk Fee will be due at the time of building permit issuance in accordance with City Ordinance Sec. 4-30. The 2020 rates for the Lake Ann Interceptor Fee and Lake Ann Subtnmk Fee are $1,971.00/unit and $2,068.00/unit, respectively. FEES Based on the proposal, the following fees would be collected with the development contract: o Administration Fee: Ifthe improvement costs are between $500,000 and $ 1,000,000, 2% of the improvement costs. If the improvement costs exceed $1,000,000, 2.5% of the first $1,000,000 plus L5% of the remainder. r Surface Water Management Fee for the entire subdivision at 2020 rates: $l 16,822.40 o A portion of the water hook-up charge: $2,392lunit (@ 3 l units : $74,1 52.00) o A portion ofthe sanitary sewer hook-up charge: $691/unit (@ 31 units = $21,421.00) . GIS fees: $25 for the plat plus $10 per parcel r Street light operating fee for one year: $300 per light r Final plat process (attomey fee for review and recording ofPlat and DC): $450.00 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR THE BLUFFS AT LAKE LUCY FINAL PLAT Dedication of Outlots 1. The remaining parkland (Outlot A) will be dedicated with this plat 2. Acknowledgement that the dedicated land may be developed at the city's discretion as parkland for public use and may include, but is not limited to trails, boardwalks, bridges, structures, and siguge. 3. All trails and sidewalks shall be constructed as shown on the street plan or as modified by construction plan redlines. Outlot A 72.67 acres Parkland, trail, wetland & stormwater pond Outlot B 2-17 acres Wetland & storrnwater pond 4. All trails shall meet all city standards for trail construction. Park and Recreation The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page 38 Plannine l. All l9l acres must be included in the PUD. 2. All lots and homes must be developed consistent with the standards in the Compliance Table. En 1. Any requirements set by the MCES to work within the MCES's sewer and utility easement shall be ad&essed by the applicant. 2. An executed agreement between the developer and the MCES allowing work within the MCES's easement shall be provided to the city prior to the issuance of grading permits. 3. Ongoing coordination with the county and city regarding future improvements to Galpin Boulevard. The applicant shall address all conditions associated with the County's review. Also see Condition 7. 4. The developer shall abandon all existing wells and septic fields in accordance with all federal, state, and local regulatory agency standards, and obtain all necessary permits for said abandonments. Prior to commencement of abandonment activities, a copy of all required permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies shall be provided to the city. 5. Grading within bluff setbacks is subject to review and approval by the city prior to grading. 6. The applicant shall submit revised grading plans and stormwater plans so that no stormwater runoff flows directly onto the public trail. 7. Final grading plans, including pond locations, sizing and analysis, along with right-of-way dedications offGalpin Boulevard, shall conform to the future Galpin Boulevard reconstruction project. Cross reference of grading plans, profiles, and respective cross sections are to be provided at key locations such as intersections, ponds, or other special features required by the county and city for review prior to acceptance and recording ofthe final plat. 8. All retaining walls exceeding four (4) feet in height shall have plans and details prepared by a registered engineer or landscape architect prior to issuance ofbuilding permits. 9. All newly constructed streets and the extension ofany existing streets shall be public streets, owned and maintained by the city, after acceptance ofthe public improvements by the City Council. 10. All newly constructed public streets shall be designed to meet the current standard specifications and detail plate for residential streets (Detail Plate #5200), unless otherwise directed by the City Engineer. 11. The developer shall abandon the existing access, construct a new access and provide an access easement for parcel 25.0100400 onto "Della Drive". 12. A water service lateral shall be srubbed offthe of "Della Drive" water main for the future connection to parcel 25.0100400. The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page 39 13. A geotechnical engineering shall be on-site during grading operations. If groundwater is encormtered during grading, grades shall be adjusted to maintain a three foot separation from the bottom floor elevation and adhering to the recommendations ofthe soil engineer on site. Changes to grades shall be submiued to the city for review and approval. 14. All curb ramps shall be constructed to meet ADA standards and the city's Detail Plates #5215-5215D. 15. A detail of the proposed street lights shall be provided prior to the issuance ofbuilding permits. 16. Street lights within the development shall be owned and maintained by the electric utility company, be installed at all intersections and at the end of each cul-de-sac subject to review and approval by the city prior to issuance of building permits. 17 . All newly constructed water mains shall be public water mains, owned and mainlained by the city, after acceptance ofthe public improvements by the City Council. 18. Water mains located on Della Drive shall be tied into the high-pressure zone located on Galpin Boulevard. Water main extensions on Topaz Drive and Lucy Ridge Lane shall be tied into the existing water main stubs (low-pressure zone). 19. The water main located on Della Drive shall be tied into the existing stub offRuby Lane and a gate valve near the connection point shall be installed. The gate valve shall be closed to separate the pressure zones. 20. The developer shall field verifo the location ofall water main taps to the existing public mains off Galpin Boulevard prior to commencement of any utility construction and update the plans accordingly. 21. The developer's contractor shall schedule a preconstruction meeting with Engineering and Public Works Utilities departrnents prior to the commencement of any work to the water main installation and tapping from Galpin Boulevard. 22. Updated plans indicating the location ofall underground utilities on the east and west side of Galpin Boulevard, along with plans and profiles ofany utility crossings on the east and west side of Galpin Boulevard, shall be submitted for review and approval prior to the commencement ofany utility construction. 23. Water mains shall be constructed at a minimum of 7.5 feet below grade, or insulated, and consructed in conformance with the city's standard specifications and detail plates. 24. Cluster valves located around water main tees shall be installed at a minimum of five feet from the tees to the valves, where feasible. All valve locations and any other water main appurtennnces shall be reviewed and approved by the Engineering and Public Works departments prior to the commencement of any utility constnrctiort" 25. All comments and conditions regarding fire appurtenances, spacing, and location set forth by the Fire department shall be addressed by the applicant. 26. All newly constructed sewer mains shall be public sewer mains, owned and maintained by the city, after acceptance ofthe public improvements by the City Council. The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page 40 27. All conditions set forth by the MCES for the direct connection and installation of an access manhole to their trunk line shall be addressed by the applicant, and all permits required for the connection and installation ofthe manhole shall be obtained prior to the commencement of construction. 28. The applicant shall ensure the city's sanitary sewer nomenclature is incorporated in the construction plans. 29. PVC sanitary sewer pipes that will be constructed at a burial depth of0-16 feet shall be constructed of pipe class sDR 35, burial depths of 16-26 feet shall be ofpipe class SDR 26, and burial depths of greater than 26 feet shall be ofpipe class C900. 30. Inverts that have a 20-inch or greater differential shall be supplied inside drops per city standards and be constructed per the city's Detail Plate No. 2104. 31 . No roadway connection shall be made to Topaz Drive. 31. Untreated or stormwater from lots not captured and routed to treatment facilities, particularly in backlots, require a conveyance system to be installed to route stormwater to treatment basins. 32. No sump structures shall be installed in backyard pickups. 33. Access routes to storm basins shall have a slope no greater than 3: I ' 34. Driveways shall be setback in accordance section 20-1122 ofCity Ordinances. 35. All driveways shall be located outside side lot drainage and utility e.rsements. 36. A $300 fee per light shall be collected with the development contract for electricity costs for the first year of operation. 37. The contractor shall contact the city inspector for inspection ofall insulated pipe crossings. 38. For all storm sewer plans: any HDPE pipe shall be called-out as "N-12" in accordance with city standard specifications. 39. All plans, specifications, project manuals, and submiuals shall be in conformance with the most recent version of city Standard Specifications and Detail Plates chanhassen.mn.,+6/Standard-S -Detail-Plates 40. As the property is within the Lake Ann Sewer District, a sewer interceptor charge and a sub- trunk charge will be due at the time ofbuilding permit issuance for each lot. For 2020, the Lake Ann Interceptor Fee and Lake Arur Subtrunk Fee are $1,970.00 and $2,068.00, respectively. 41. All retaining walls within the development shall be owned and maintained by a Homeowners Association. 42. All sidewalks not abutting plafied Lots (e.g. on Della Drive abutting Outlot B) within the development shall be owned and maintained by a Homeowners Association. The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page 41 43. Any retaining wall located within a public drainage and utility easement shall enter into an encroachment agreement with the City. 44. The "specifications for The Bluffs at Lucy Lake" prepared by Sathre-Berquist, Inc. provide Special Provisions that are not in accordance with the City's Standard Specifications or Detail Plates. These Special Provisions shall be updated to either amend any modification that would conflict with the City's Standard Specification and Detail Plates or be removed entirely. Ifthe Developer and their Engineer elect to modiry the Special Provisions, the City will provide redlines to assist with their modifications, however in accordance with Engineering Condition 39, all plans, specifications, project manuals, and submittals shall be in conformance with the most recent version of city Standard Specifications and Detail Plates (htto://www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/436/5tandard- Soecifications-Detail-Plates) and their conformance is ultimatel y the responsibility ofthe Developer 45. On sheet 4 of4 on the Final Plat: Block 3, Lot 4's ten (10) foot drainage and utility easement located in the middle of the lot shall be twenty (20) feet wide to accommodate maintenance activities for the designed drainage on the lot; the right-of-way shall be extended at the end of "Topaz Drive", between Block 3, Lots 5 and 6 to reflect the approval ofthe Preliminary Plat for *The Park"; Block 3, Lot 8's southerly drainage and utility easement is illustrated at ten (10) feet wide which is oversized, it is possible to lessen this width to five (5) feet. 46. On sheet I of23: In the zoning index, cul-de-sacs are called out to have a 45' radius, this shall be updated to 48' per Detail Plate #5205; the "City Project No." is 2020-12, update accordingly. 47. On sheet 2 of23: It is recommended that detail plates remain on the sheets specified as "Detail Sheets" (sheets 17-23) and not be incorporate on random sheets throughout the plan set for clarity which will also allow for larger plan views on the corresponding sheets; the remnant driveway entrance north of "Della Drive" shall not be removed in association with the development, the City will assess its removal upon commencement of the Calpin Boulevard improvement project; throughout the Street and Storm Plans it was found that draintile does not extend on both sides and the full extents ofthe streets, the plans shall be updated to ensure draintile is installed on both sides of the street per Detail Plate #5200 and extend the fulI length of the proposed streets; street lights shall be located more closely to hydrants at the end ofcul-de-sacs (where applicable) in order to allow for better snow storage practices; in addition to changing the castings at the end ofRuby Lane, a note shall be added to coordinate with the City to assess ifadditional repairs are required to the catch basins; Street Note #2 should be updated to clarify sidewalks are 6" thick and curb ramps shall be constructed in accordance with Detail Plate 5215-5215D; it is recommended that Street Note #4 be updated to eliminate the use ofplastic rings as the City prefers concrete rings; add to Street Notes the requirement that all work outside platted areas are to be coordinated with the City and Residence, which includes R&D of Ruby Lane and Laky Lucy fudge, prior to construction activities commencing; add to Street Notes that all signs associated with the development are to be fumished and installed by the conractor in coordination with City review, and that signs within County right- of-way will require coordination with the County; ensue that all trail intersections have a 20' radius as required by Detail Plate #5216; add to Street Notes that cluster mailboxes shall be installed at the throat of cul-de-sacs, this is required to facilitate better snow storage practices at cul-de-sacs. 48. On sheet 3 of23: Horizontal scales shall be provided on all profiles within the plan set; while driveway grades are provided, the general location and layout ofproposed driveways and building pads are not illustrated, the plans shall be updated to illustrate proposed driveway and building pad locations for review and approval by the City; the newly proposed sidewalk along "Della Drive" shall terminate at the north side ofthe cul-de-sac throat; an exhibit illustrating the proposed driveway location and grades to parcel 25.0100400 shall be submitted for review and approval prior to the commencement of grading, the location ofthe driveway entrance, in accordance with Carver County's review memo, shall be no closer than I00' to Galpin Boulevard and grades along the proposed driveway shall meet City Standards, lastly the water service should align with the newly proposed driveway location. 49. On sheet 4 of23: The dimensions ofthe cul-de-sac bubble at the end ofTopaz Drive shall be illustrated; the R&D note for the area ofLucy fudge Lane calling out "Restore Yards: irrigation and sod" shall also include all privately owned undergromd improvements (e.g. invisible dog fences); plans to be updated to illustrate clearly that the sidewalk along Lucy Ridge Lane shall connect between the newly proposed alignments to the existing "R&D" areas; the newly proposed sidewalk along Lucy Ridge Lane shall be extended to and terminate at the east side ofthe cul-de-sac throat; the sidewalk along Topaz Drive shall be removed; the plan and profile stationing for Topaz Drive shall begin from the end ofthe cul-de-sac (reverse stationing); there appears to be an erroneous call out near Topaz Drive profile C'CL-CL Lucy Ridge Lane Sta: 06+48.90"), update accordingly; the extension ofpublic trail dead-ends with no tumaround provided, a turnaround shall be shown on the plans for review and approval. 50. On sheet 5 of23: As no sanitary mains are proposed to be C900 note I is unclear, clarification is required; note 2 shall be updated as sewer services shall be 6" SDR 26 solvent, non- gasketed weld joints; note 4 should be eliminated as no DIP will be allowed or is proposed in the sanitary sewer system, only PVC C900 when required (e.g. at the inside drop connection); note 1 I shall be updated to state that all services shall extend to the property line (per Detail Plates #1005 and 2001) unless otherwise noted as services may extend past the property line where sidewalk is located; note 13 shall be updated to correctly call out the city's standards as "Standard Specifications and Detail Plates"; note 13 shall be updated to state that the exception is for sanitary and water services past the properry line or curb stop which is inJine with City Ordinances, for clarity; note 17 shall be updated to state all watermain shall be PVC C900 DR 18; note 19 should be updated to provide the contractor the City's Utility Department phone number 952-227-1300; a note should be added that Rieberlok gaskets on all C900 PVC shall be used in accordance with City Standards. 5 l. On sheet 6 of 23: The plan view shall be adjusted or an inset provided illustrating the water main connection required ofthe proposed water main between Lots 3 and 4 and the existing water main off Ruby Lane; the water main shall be located on the soutlem side of Della Drive to facilitate separation from CBMH 19's sump structure, limit the depth of any possible water main lowering, and ensure that the water main does not go lower than the sanitary sewer main's grade; a detail shall The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page 42 The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page 43 be provided specific to MH 1 which should account for the compaction/fill around and up to the 8" PVC C900 connection for the inside drop; show all utility crossings, including water main, in all profile views including the inset for the inside drop MH connection; all existing utilities need to be identified in the profile views, especially under, east and west of Galpin Boulevard to ensure no conflicts are present; due to the complexity ofnotes and existing utilities near around Galpin Boulevard where the proposed water main will tie-in to the existing water main, a separate inset should be provided; the call-out for connect to existing should be updated to "connect to" and not "wet tap" and include reference to the high pressure zone; casing is required for the extents of water main proposed under Galpin Boulevard; a gate valve shall be installed on the east side of the tee located near 8+60; certain areas of sanitary sewer are called out at less than 0.5%o grade, it is highly recommended that grades be adjusted to maintain a minimum of 0.5% for constructability as any sanitary sewer mains below the minimum allowable grade will be required o be removed and re- installed; where grades are greater than 16' sanitary sewer main shall be PVC SDR 26, i.e. at locations east of MH 2 or north of MH 8; clarify the nomenclature "HBOE'; update line work for proposed storm sewer in profile to follow the color style consistently (appears grey when it should be green). 52. On sheet 7 of23: There is a yellow line identified in the plan view for Topaz Drive, clarifr accordingly; it is unclear where hydrant assemblies transition from 8" water main to 6" in plan view, clariff accordingly; gate valves shall be installed north and west of the tee located at the intersection of Topaz Drive and Lucy Ridge Lane; update call-out in profile view of Topaz Drive for the removal ofplug and add removal of hydrant as well, for clarity; maintain ten foot separation between Block 4 Lot 7's sanitary and water services and MH 9; update call-out in profile view oflucy Ridge Lane where existing stub is located to "8" PVC SDR 26", per as-builts. 53. On sheet 8 of23: Add note that trash guards are only to be installed on inlets or FES 24" or greater; castings on catch basins at low points shall be "VB*, update accordingly. 54. On sheet 9 of23:lt is unclear what the low opening elevation is from the grading detail to the plans due to the use ofdouble parentheses, e.g. when evaluating if lowest opening is I foot above emergency overflow on Block 3 Lot 4 the EOF elevation is 1013.0 adjacent to the lot while the call- out of((1013.8)) appears to indicate the "adjacent grade to low opening" per grading plan, which is out ofcompliance, update plans accordingly and/or clarifu; catch basin 7 needs to be relocated to a minimum of l0 feet away from the curb ramp; catch basin 12 and 13 shall be relocated to achieve a 90 degree connection; there is a portion ofnew impervious area on Lucy Ridge Lane that will not be captured by the proposed storm system, verifu that the new impervious area will not inundate the existing storm sewei system norrh of Lucy Ridge Lane; Block 4 Lot 7's backyard drainage sheet flows over the trail, no private drainage shall flow over the public trail system and needs to be accounted for in the storm plan (grading, back-yard storm conveyance, etc.); relocate CBMH 2 to the east in order to eliminate the double crossing of the public trail; relocate CBMH 10 to be centered on the property line (typ. of all backyard CBMHs); show all utility crossings on profiles (typ); add sufficient depth between CBMH 4 and CBMH 2 to decrease velocities below 12 fps, all RCP laid at slopes greater than 5% grade shall be tied; clearly illustrate where 86 curbing locations are for review and approval; add note that all FES shall have a witness post installed, the City will fumish The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page 44 witness posts; the outlet structure detail for Pond #2 should be updated and drawn to reflect proper elevations (i.e. the outlet pipe is above the inlet pipe as drawn); add note to ensue outlet structues meet Detail Plate #3109A. 55. On sheet 10 of23: Update profile to ensure inverts connecting to in stnrctures match crown elevations (HGL), typ; the RCP pipe between CBMH 20 and CMBH 19 shall be CL. 5. 56. On sheet 12 of23: Profile from approximately l+50 to 0+00 shows inadequate cover over 27" RCP pipe, adjust accordingly. 57. On sheet 13 of23: The indentation and spacing ofall notes should be updated for clarity; note 2 discusses removal of sand/silt in ponds, a decompaction note should accompany this requirement as infiltration is a proposed surface water management technique; note 5 should reference the street detail and/or should be accompanied by a cross-section; note 6 should be updated to allow for a minimum of 0.570 slope on driveways per Ordinance; notes referencing MnDOT seed numbers appear to be obsolete and should be reviewed and updated accordingly; note 13 should be updated from "the rctaining walls" to "all retaining walls"; notes or the plan shall be updated to incorporate locations ofbench marks, stockpiles, haul routes, staging areas, and dewatering plan, and typical lot benching detail; add note that all walls over 6' in height require fencing or other barrier; adjust all retaining walls to be located wholy on private property and not Ciry owned Outlots and/or wetland buffers. 58. On sheet 14 of23: swales between lots shall be graded to ensure drainage is routed along property lines and within drainage and utility easements, e.g. between Lots 3 and 4 of Block 2 drainage would be routed more or less onto Lot 4, adjust for all lots accordingly. 59. On sheet 16 of23: The provided erosion control plan does not fully meet the requirements of Sec. 19-145 of City Ordinances, and shall be updated accordingly, furthermore no SWPPP has been provided meeting the requirements of NPDES General Construction Permit and shall be provided prior to the issuance ofthe Right to Proceed. 60. On sheet 17 of 23; Details appear illegible or difficult to read as printed on full size plan sheets, the detail pages shall be updated to a maximum of 8 per page, or to achieve legible details, for clarity. Stormwater Conditions & Wetlands 1. An NPDES permit and accompanying Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) will be required prior to the start of grading. 2. An operations and maintenance plan for the proposed stormwater management system will be required prior to approval. 3. All comments and conditions set forth by the Riley Purgatory BluffCreek Watershed District shall be addressed by the applicant. The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page 45 4. Stormwater runoff shall not be discharged into wetlands without water quality pretreatment as prescribed by City Code. 5. Wetland Buffers. Wetland buffers and buffer monumentation will be required adjacent to the wetlands on site. Please indicate wetland buffer widths and locations where signage will be placed on a plan sheet. Please find additional information on signage placement in the city's guidance document. The WMO provides signs and sign posts for the cost of materials. Altemative signs (by the city or applicant) are also acceptable provided they contain similar information. Wetland buffers and buffer setbacks pursuant to section 20411 and consistent with the preliminary plat must be memorialized with a recorded wetland buffer agreement filed with the county recorder's office. 6. It appears the applicant is showing contours within the filtration areas under the final surface elevation ofthe filfiation areas. It is recommended the applicant callout the final surface elevation within the filtration areas and that the applicant add in cross sections (across the pond and filtration basins) to clarifu the critical elevations within the basins. 7. Applicant shall confrm drainage from the hill west of the proposed home on Lot I along Della Drive is not being directed to the home, adjus grading accordingly. 8. Inlet protections are to be added to catch basins 6, 10, 1l and the catch basin to the west of the Topaz Drive cul-de-sac. 9. The applicant is using a constant 0.4 coeffrcient value for the rational method storm sewer calculations. Previous additions within the development used varying coefficients determined by the impervious/pervious percentages ofeach catch basin drainage area. The applicant shall either modify the storm sewer sizing calculations to use varying coeffrcients determined by the impervious/pervious percentages similar to how the previous storm sewer was sized or provide calculations demonstrating the use of a consistent 0.4 coefficient is valid. 10. The applicant shall update all storm sewer so the maximum pipe velocity is 12 fos. 11. The Stormwater Management Plan shall be updated to address the needs ofadditional volume for the future Galpin Boulevard Improvement Project outlined in Kimley-Hom's memorandum dated May 29,2018. 12. Applicant is showing at catch basins 4, 18, and 19 the spread at the inlet will extend over l0 feet into the street. The applicant shall add additional catch basins at these points to reduce the spread into the roadway. 13. In the overall plans for the Park development dated 5/20119 the proposed outlet for Wetland 2 was a24" pipe but in the The Bluffs at Lake Lucy plans the outlet is an 18" pipe. It is noted that the existing outlet for Wetland 2 is an 18" CMP pipe. However, the HydroCAD modeling suggests the proposed 18" wetland outlet will cause an increase in the 100-year HWL within Wetland 2 when compared to overall development proposed conditions model and when compared to existing conditions (see table below). Applicant should confirm a larger outlet pipe is not needed and/or that the increase in the wetland HWL will not have any negative impacts on Galpin Avenue or any adjacent structures. Existing Conditions Wetland 2 HWL Overall Development Model Wetland 2 HWL (5/16/19) Proposed Wetland 2 HWL in 4th Addition Model 973,39 973.05 974.06 14. In the Pond I OCS detail the outlet pipe is shown as an l8" but is being modeled as a27" in the proposed HydroCAD model (assumed to be Device #1). Applicant shall update the plan and/or HydroCAD model to be consistent with one another. 1 5. The HydroCAD model uses an exfiltration rate of 0.35 in/hr within Pond 1 but the stormwater narrative and the P8 model both have an infiltration rate of 0.8 in/hr. Applicant shall confirm the appropriate infiltration rate and update all references to be consistent 16. The following updates to the P8 model need to be confirmed: a. It is unclear why for both ponds a 12" orifice outlet is being used for the normal outlet directed to either the adjacent filtration or infiltration bench. Applicant should change the normal outlet to a weir outlet based on the berm separating the pond and the infiltration/filtration bench or should provide reasoning behind using a 12" orifice b. The flood pool elevations/volumes for Pond 1 and 2 should be calculated at 979 and 968 respectively based on the EOF elevations noted on the plans. The infiltration outlet for the Pond 2 filtration bench should be routed to the downstream waterbody instead ofout of the syslem for accuracy. Similarly, in the P8 model where Pond I is being modeled as a filtration bench, the infiltration outlet should be routed to the downstream waterbody. d. Applicant should clari! what the wetland boundary infiltration device is that is being modeled in the proposed condition P8 models and confirm it should not also be included in the existing conditions P8 model for accuracy. e. The bottom surface area for Pond 2 should be updated to 0.008 ac (or 0.01 if needed) to be representative ofthe plans Landscaoins and Tree Preservation l. The developer shall conduct a walk-through ofthe grading limits on site prior to removals with city staff to inspect for opportunities for additional tree preservation. 2. Tree preservation fencing shall be installed around existing trees to be saved prior to any construction activities and remain installed until completion. c The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page 46 The Bluffs at Lake Lucy September 14,2020 Page 47 3. All trees shall be planted outside of the street right-of-way. 4. No tree Genus shall comprise ofmore than 20% ofthe total number oftrees and no tree species shall comprise of more than 10% of the total number oftrees. The applicant shall add 2 selections of trees to reduce maple quantities to meet ordinance requirements. 5. Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 shall have Tree Preservation Easements over the easterly 300'oflot l, Block I and the westerly 200' oflot 2, Block 1. 6. The Tree Preservation Easement legal description for Block 3 shall be corrected to include Lots l,4, and 5, Block 3 7 . Park property boundary signs shall be installed at property comers on Lots l -6, Block 4 and Lots 1-l l, Block 2. 8. The restored slope on Lots I and 2, Block 1 shall be planted with trees in a random pattem from top to toe ofslope. Trees shall be acceptable if one year from planting there is a75Vo survival rale over 75Yo of the slope area. g:VlanUol9 planning clses\1941 galpin site preliminary plat and rczoning pud\_the bluffs at lalie lucy (the padi 4lh addn)\staffreport c{ 9.l4.20.docx 9. The landscape plan shall be updated to include a sheet on seeding specifications for slopes and outlots. Seed mixes shall be MNDOT native mixes approved by the city. CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA THE BLUFFS AT LAKE LUCY DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT (Developer Installed Improvements) i TABLE OF CONTENTS SPECIAL PROVISIONS PAGE 1. REQUEST FOR PLAT APPROVAL ............................................................................ SP-1 2. CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL ........................................................................ SP-1 3. DEVELOPMENT PLANS ............................................................................................ SP-1 4. IMPROVEMENTS ........................................................................................................ SP-2 5. TIME OF PERFORMANCE ......................................................................................... SP-2 6. SECURITY .................................................................................................................... SP-2 7. NOTICE ......................................................................................................................... SP-3 8. OTHER SPECIAL CONDITIONS................................................................................ SP-3 9. GENERAL CONDITIONS ........................................................................................... SP-5 GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. RIGHT TO PROCEED ................................................................................................. GC-1 2. PHASED DEVELOPMENT ........................................................................................ GC-1 3. PRELIMINARY PLAT STATUS ................................................................................ GC-1 4. CHANGES IN OFFICIAL CONTROLS ..................................................................... GC-1 5. IMPROVEMENTS ....................................................................................................... GC-1 6. IRON MONUMENTS .................................................................................................. GC-2 7. LICENSE ...................................................................................................................... GC-2 8. SITE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL ......................................................... GC-2 8A. EROSION CONTROL DURING CONSTRUCTION OF A DWELLING OR OTHER BUILDING ......................................................................................... GC-2 9. CLEAN UP ................................................................................................................... GC-3 10. ACCEPTANCE AND OWNERSHIP OF IMPROVEMENTS .................................... GC-3 11. CLAIMS ....................................................................................................................... GC-3 12. PARK DEDICATION .................................................................................................. GC-3 13. LANDSCAPING .......................................................................................................... GC-3 14. WARRANTY ............................................................................................................... GC-4 15. LOT PLANS ................................................................................................................. GC-4 16. EXISTING ASSESSMENTS ....................................................................................... GC-4 17. HOOK-UP CHARGES ................................................................................................. GC-4 18. PUBLIC STREET LIGHTING..................................................................................... GC-4 19. SIGNAGE ..................................................................................................................... GC-5 20. HOUSE PADS .............................................................................................................. GC-5 21. RESPONSIBILITY FOR COSTS ................................................................................ GC-5 22. DEVELOPER'S DEFAULT ......................................................................................... GC-6 22. MISCELLANEOUS A. Construction Trailers ........................................................................................ GC-6 B. Postal Service .................................................................................................... GC-7 C. Third Parties ...................................................................................................... GC-7 D. Breach of Contract ............................................................................................ GC-7 E. Severability ....................................................................................................... GC-7 ii F. Building Permits ............................................................................................... GC-7 G. Waivers/Amendments ....................................................................................... GC-7 H. Release .............................................................................................................. GC-7 I. Insurance ........................................................................................................... GC-7 J. Remedies ........................................................................................................... GC-8 K. Assignability ..................................................................................................... GC-8 L. Construction Hours ........................................................................................... GC-8 M. Noise Amplification .......................................................................................... GC-8 N. Access ............................................................................................................... GC-8 O. Street Maintenance............................................................................................ GC-8 P. Storm Sewer Maintenance ................................................................................ GC-9 Q. Soil Treatment Systems .................................................................................... GC-9 R. Variances........................................................................................................... GC-9 S. Compliance with Laws, Ordinances, and Regulations ..................................... GC-9 T. Proof of Title ..................................................................................................... GC-9 U. Soil Conditions................................................................................................ GC-10 V. Soil Correction ................................................................................................ GC-10 W. Haul Routes ......................................................................................................... GC-10 X. Development Signs .............................................................................................. GC-10 Y. Construction Plans ............................................................................................... GC-10 Z. As-Built Lot Surveys ........................................................................................... GC-11 SP-1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT (Developer Installed Improvements) THE BLUFFS AT LAKE LUCY SPECIAL PROVISIONS AGREEMENT dated September 14, 2020 by and between the CITY OF CHANHASSEN, a Minnesota municipal corporation (the "City"), and, CHAN THREE DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Minnesota Corporation (the "Developer"). 1. Request for Plat Approval. The Developer has asked the City to approve a plat for The Bluffs at Lake Lucy (referred to in this Contract as the "plat"). The land is legally described on the attached Exhibit "A". 2. Conditions of Plat Approval. The City hereby approves the plat on condition that the Developer enter into this Contract, furnish the security required by it, and record the plat with the County Recorder or Registrar of Titles within 30 days after the City Council approves the plat. 3. Development Plans. The plat shall be developed in accordance with the following plans. The plans shall not be attached to this Contract. With the exception of Plan A, the plans may be prepared, subject to City approval, after entering the Contract, but before commencement of any work in the plat. If the plans vary from the written terms of this Contract, the written terms shall control. The plans are: Plan A: Final plat approved September 14, 2020, prepared by Sathre-Berquist, Inc. Plan B: Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan dated July 29, 2020, prepared by Sathre- Berquist, Inc. Plan C: Plans and Specifications for Improvements dated July 24, 2020, prepared by Sathre- Berquist, Inc. Plan D: Landscape Plan dated August 11, 2020, prepared by Nordby and Associates. SP-2 4. Improvements. The Developer shall install and pay for the following: A. Sanitary Sewer System B. Water System C. Storm Water Drainage System D. Streets E. Concrete Curb and Gutter F. Street Lights G. Site Grading/Restoration H. Underground Utilities (e.g. gas, electric, telephone, CATV) I. Setting of Lot and Block Monuments J. Surveying and Staking K. Landscaping L. Erosion Control 5. Time of Performance. The Developer shall install all required improvements except for the wear course on public streets by November 15, 2020. The Developer may, however, request an extension of time from the City Engineer. If an extension is granted, it shall be conditioned upon updating the security posted by the Developer to reflect cost increases and the extended completion date. 6. Security. To guarantee compliance with the terms of this Contract, payment of special assessments, payment of the costs of all public improvements, and construction of all public improvements, the Developer shall furnish the City with a letter of credit in the form attached hereto, from a bank acceptable to the City, or cash escrow ("security") for $2,157,627.12. The amount of the security was calculated as 110% of the following: Site Grading/Erosion Control/Restoration $ 391,530.20 Sanitary Sewer $ 178,367.50 Watermain $ 148,225.00 Storm Sewer, Drainage System, including cleaning and maintenance $ 414,014.50 Streets $ 667,385.00 Sub-total, Construction Costs $ 1,799,522.20 Engineering, surveying, and inspection (7% of construction costs) $ 125,966.55 Landscaping (2% of construction costs) $ 35,990.44 Sub-total, Other Costs $ 161,957.00 TOTAL COST OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS $ 1,961,479.20 SECURITY AMOUNT (110% of 1,961,479.20) $2,157,627.12 This breakdown is for historical reference; it is not a restriction on the use of the security. The security shall be subject to the approval of the City. The City may draw down the security, without notice, for SP-3 any violation of the terms of this Contract. If the required public improvements are not completed at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the security, the City may also draw it down. If the security is drawn down, the draw shall be used to cure the default. With City approval, the security may be reduced from time to time as financial obligations are paid, but in no case shall the security be reduced to a point less than 10% of the original amount until (1) all improvements have been completed, (2) iron monuments for lot corners have been installed, (3) all financial obligations to the City satisfied, (4) the required “record” plans have been received by the City, (5) a warranty security is provided, and (6) the public improvements are accepted by the City. 7. Notice. Required notices to the Developer shall be in writing, and shall be either hand delivered to the Developer, its employees or agents, or mailed to the Developer by registered mail at the following address: Craig Allen Chan Three Development, Inc. 10850 Old County Road 15, Suite 200 Plymouth, MN 55441 Phone: 952-270-4473 E-mail: caig@gonyeacompany.com Notices to the City shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the City Manager, or mailed to the City by certified mail in care of the City Manager at the following address: Chanhassen City Hall, 7700 Market Boulevard, P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317, Telephone (952) 227-1100. 8. Other Special Conditions. A. FEES 1. Prior to release of the plat for recording and prior to scheduling a pre-construction meeting, Developer shall submit to the City $252,273.23 for the following City fees: Administration fee (based on estimated construction cost of $1,799,522.20, 2.5% for the first $1,000,000 + 1.5% of the remainder) $ 36,992.83 GIS fee: 31 parcels @ $10/parcel + $25 for the plat $ 335.00 Partial payment of City sewer and water hookup fees: 31 units @ $691/unit (sewer) + $2,392/unit (water) $95,573.00 Street light operating fee: 7 lights @ $300/light $ 2,100.00 Attorney Fee for Review and Recording of Plat and DC $ 450.00 Surface Water Management Fee $116,822.40 Total $252,273.23 B. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL SP-4 Conveyance of Outlots At the time of recording the final plat, the following outlots must be conveyed to the City free and clear of any encumbrances: Outlot A 12.67 acres Parkland, trail, wetland & stormwater pond Outlot B 2.17 acres Wetland & stormwater pond Park and Recreation 1. All trails and sidewalks shall be constructed as shown on the street plan or as modified by construction plan redlines. 2. All trails shall meet all City standards for trail construction. Planning 1. All property within the plat must be included in The Park PUD (“PUD”). 2. All lots and homes must be developed consistent with the standards in the Compliance Table. 3. Documents establishing a homeowners association for the plat must be submitted by the Developer with application for final plat approval and recorded with the final plat against the property within the final plat, except for Outlots A and B. The HOA documents are subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. Engineering 1. Any requirements set by the MCES to work within the MCES’s sewer and utility easement shall be addressed by the Developer. 2. An executed agreement between the developer and the MCES allowing work within the MCES’s easement shall be provided to the City prior to the issuance of grading permits. 3. Developer shall continue to coordinate with Carver County (“County”) and the City regarding future improvements to Galpin Boulevard. The Developer shall address all conditions associated with the County’s review. Also see Condition 7. 4. The Developer shall abandon all existing wells and septic fields in accordance with all federal, state, and local regulatory agency standards, and obtain all necessary permits for said abandonments. Prior to commencement of abandonment activities, a copy of all required permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies shall be provided to the City. 5. Grading within bluff setbacks is subject to review and approval by the City prior to grading. 6. The Developer shall submit revised grading plans and stormwater plans so that no stormwater runoff flows directly onto the public trail. SP-5 7. Final grading plans, including pond locations, sizing and analysis, along with right-of- way dedications off Galpin Boulevard, shall conform to the future Galpin Boulevard reconstruction project. Cross reference of grading plans, profiles, and respective cross sections are to be provided at key locations such as intersections, ponds, or other special features required by the County and City for review prior to acceptance and recording of the final plat. 8. All retaining walls exceeding four (4) feet in height shall have plans and details prepared by a registered engineer or landscape architect prior to issuance of building permits. 9. All newly constructed streets and the extension of any existing streets shall be public streets, owned and maintained by the City, after acceptance of the public improvements by the City Council. 10. All newly constructed public streets shall be designed to meet the current standard specifications and detail plate for residential streets (Detail Plate #5200), unless otherwise directed by the City Engineer. 11. The Developer shall abandon the existing access, construct a new access and provide an access easement for parcel 25.0100400 onto “Della Drive”. 12. A water service lateral shall be stubbed off the of “Della Drive” water main for the future connection to parcel 25.0100400. 13. A geotechnical engineering shall be on-site during grading operations. If groundwater is encountered during grading, grades shall be adjusted to maintain a three foot separation from the bottom floor elevation and adhering to the recommendations of the soil engineer on site. Changes to grades shall be submitted to the City for review and approval. 14. All curb ramps shall be constructed to meet ADA standards and the City’s Detail Plates #5215-5215D. 15. A detail of the proposed street lights shall be provided prior to the issuance of building permits. 16. Street lights within the development shall be owned and maintained by the electric utility company, be installed at all intersections and at the end of each cul-de-sac subject to review and approval by the City prior to issuance of building permits. 17. All newly constructed water mains shall be public water mains, owned and maintained by the City, after acceptance of the public improvements by the City Council. 18. Water mains located on Della Drive shall be tied into the high-pressure zone located on Galpin Boulevard. Water main extensions on Topaz Drive and Lucy Ridge Lane shall be tied into the existing water main stubs (low-pressure zone). 19. The water main located on Della Drive shall be tied into the existing stub off Ruby Lane and a gate valve near the connection point shall be installed. The gate valve shall be closed to separate the pressure zones. 20. The Developer shall field verify the location of all water main taps to the existing public mains off Galpin Boulevard prior to commencement of any utility construction and update the plans accordingly. SP-6 21. The Developer’s contractor shall schedule a preconstruction meeting with Engineering and Public Works Utilities departments prior to the commencement of any work to the water main installation and tapping from Galpin Boulevard. 22. Updated plans indicating the location of all underground utilities on the east and west side of Galpin Boulevard, along with plans and profiles of any utility crossings on the east and west side of Galpin Boulevard, shall be submitted for review and approval prior to the commencement of any utility construction. 23. Water mains shall be constructed at a minimum of 7.5 feet below grade, or insulated, and constructed in conformance with the City’s standard specifications and detail plates. 24. Cluster valves located around water main tees shall be installed at a minimum of five feet from the tees to the valves, where feasible. All valve locations and any other water main appurtenances shall be reviewed and approved by the Engineering and Public Works departments prior to the commencement of any utility construction. 25. All comments and conditions regarding fire appurtenances, spacing, and location set forth by the Fire department shall be addressed by the Developer. 26. All newly constructed sewer mains shall be public sewer mains, owned and maintained by the City, after acceptance of the public improvements by the City Council. 27. All conditions set forth by the MCES for the direct connection and installation of an access manhole to their trunk line shall be addressed by the Developer, and all permits required for the connection and installation of the manhole shall be obtained prior to the commencement of construction. 28. The Developer shall ensure the City’s sanitary sewer nomenclature is incorporated in the construction plans. 29. PVC sanitary sewer pipes that will be constructed at a burial depth of 0-16 feet shall be constructed of pipe class SDR 35, burial depths of 16-26 feet shall be of pipe class SDR 26, and burial depths of greater than 26 feet shall be of pipe class C900. 30. Inverts that have a 20-inch or greater differential shall be supplied inside drops per City standards and be constructed per the City’s Detail Plate No. 2104. 31. No roadway connection shall be made to Topaz Drive. 31. Untreated or stormwater from lots not captured and routed to treatment facilities, particularly in backlots, require a conveyance system to be installed to route stormwater to treatment basins. 32. No sump structures shall be installed in backyard pickups. 33. Access routes to storm basins shall have a slope no greater than 3:1. 34. Driveways shall be setback in accordance section 20-1122 of City Ordinances. 35. All driveways shall be located outside side lot drainage and utility easements. SP-7 36. A $300 fee per light shall be collected with the development contract for electricity costs for the first year of operation. 37. The contractor shall contact the City inspector for inspection of all insulated pipe crossings. 38. For all storm sewer plans: any HDPE pipe shall be called-out as “N-12” in accordance with City standard specifications. 39. All plans, specifications, project manuals, and submittals shall be in conformance with the most recent version of City Standard Specifications and Detail Plates (http://www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/436/Standard-Specifications-Detail-Plates). 40. As the property is within the Lake Ann Sewer District, a sewer interceptor charge and a sub-trunk charge will be due at the time of building permit issuance for each lot. For 2020, the Lake Ann Interceptor Fee and Lake Ann Subtrunk Fee are $1,970.00 and $2,068.00, respectively. 41. All retaining walls within the development shall be owned and maintained by a Homeowners Association. 42. All sidewalks not abutting platted Lots (e.g. on Della Drive abutting Outlot B) within the development shall be owned and maintained by a Homeowners Association. 43. Any retaining wall located within a public drainage and utility easement shall enter into an encroachment agreement with the City. 44. The “Specifications for The Bluffs at Lucy Lake” prepared by Sathre-Berquist, Inc. provide Special Provisions that are not in accordance with the City’s Standard Specifications or Detail Plates. These Special Provisions shall be updated to either amend any modification that would conflict with the City’s Standard Specification and Detail Plates or be removed entirely. If the Developer and their Engineer elect to modify the Special Provisions, the City will provide redlines to assist with their modifications, however in accordance with Engineering Condition 39, all plans, specifications, project manuals, and submittals shall be in conformance with the most recent version of City Standard Specifications and Detail Plates (http://www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/436/Standard-Specifications-Detail-Plates) and their conformance is ultimately the responsibility of the Developer. 45. On sheet 4 of 4 on the Final Plat: Block 3 Lot 4’s ten (10) foot drainage and utility easement located in the middle of the lot shall be twenty (20) feet wide to accommodate maintenance activities for the designed drainage on the lot; the right-of-way shall be extended at the end of “Topaz Drive”, between Block 3 Lots 5 and 6 to reflect the approval of the Preliminary Plat for “The Park”; Block 3 Lot 8’s southerly drainage and utility easement is illustrated at ten (10) feet wide which is oversized, it is possible to lessen this width to five (5) feet. SP-8 46. On sheet 1 of 23: In the zoning index, cul-de-sacs are called out to have a 45’ radius, this shall be updated to 48’ per Detail Plate #5205; the “City Project No.” is 2020-12, update accordingly. 47. On sheet 2 of 23: It is recommended that detail plates remain on the sheets specified as “Detail Sheets” (sheets 17-23) and not be incorporate on random sheets throughout the plan set for clarity which will also allow for larger plan views on the corresponding sheets; the remnant driveway entrance north of “Della Drive” shall not be removed in association with the development, the City will assess its removal upon commencement of the Galpin Boulevard improvement project; throughout the Street and Storm Plans it was found that draintile does not extend on both sides and the full extents of the streets, the plans shall be updated to ensure draintile is installed on both sides of the street per Detail Plate #5200 and extend the full length of the proposed streets; street lights shall be located more closely to hydrants at the end of cul- de-sacs (where applicable) in order to allow for better snow storage practices; in addition to changing the castings at the end of Ruby Lane, a note shall be added to coordinate with the City to assess if additional repairs are required to the catch basins; Street Note #2 shall be updated to clarify sidewalks are 6” thick and curb ramps shall be constructed in accordance with Detail Plate 5215-5215D; it is recommended that Street Note #4 be updated to eliminate the use of plastic rings as the City prefers concrete rings; add to Street Notes the requirement that all work outside platted areas are to be coordinated with the City and Residence, which includes R&D of Ruby Lane and Laky Lucy Ridge, prior to construction activities commencing; add to Street Notes that all signs associated with the development are to be furnished and installed by the contractor in coordination with City review, and that signs within County right-of-way will require coordination with the County; ensure that all trail intersections have a 20’ radius as required by Detail Plate #5216; add to Street Notes that cluster mailboxes shall be installed at the throat of cul-de-sacs, this is required to facilitate better snow storage practices at cul-de-sacs. 48. On sheet 3 of 23: Horizontal scales shall be provided on all profiles within the plan set; while driveway grades are provided, the general location and layout of proposed driveways and building pads are not illustrated, the plans shall be updated to illustrate proposed driveway and building pad locations for review and approval by the City; the newly proposed sidewalk along “Della Drive” shall terminate at the north side of the cul-de-sac throat; an exhibit illustrating the proposed driveway location and grades to parcel 25.0100400 shall be submitted for review and approval prior to the commencement of grading, the location of the driveway entrance, in accordance with Carver County’s review memo, shall be no closer than 100’ to Galpin Boulevard and grades along the proposed driveway shall meet City Standards, lastly the water service must align with the newly proposed driveway location. 49. On sheet 4 of 23: The dimensions of the cul-de-sac bubble at the end of Topaz Drive shall be illustrated; the R&D note for the area of Lucy Ridge Lane calling out “Restore Yards: irrigation and sod” shall also include all privately owned underground improvements (e.g. invisible dog fences); plans to be updated to illustrate clearly that the sidewalk along Lucy Ridge Lane shall connect between the newly proposed alignments to the existing “R&D” areas; the newly proposed sidewalk along Lucy Ridge Lane shall be extended to and terminate at the east side of the cul-de-sac throat; the sidewalk along Topaz Drive shall be removed; the plan and SP-9 profile stationing for Topaz Drive shall begin from the end of the cul-de-sac (reverse stationing); there appears to be an erroneous call out near Topaz Drive profile (“CL-CL Lucy Ridge Lane Sta: 06+48.90”), update accordingly; the extension of public trail dead-ends with no turnaround provided, a turnaround shall be shown on the plans for review and approval. 50. On sheet 5 of 23: As no sanitary mains are proposed to be C900 note 1 is unclear, clarification is required; note 2 shall be updated as sewer services shall be 6” SDR 26 solvent, non-gasketed weld joints; note 4 shall be eliminated as no DIP will be allowed or is proposed in the sanitary sewer system, only PVC C900 when required (e.g. at the inside drop connection); note 11 shall be updated to state that all services shall extend to the property line (per Detail Plates #1005 and 2001) unless otherwise noted as services may extend past the property line where sidewalk is located; note 13 shall be updated to correctly call out the City’s standards as “Standard Specifications and Detail Plates”; note 13 shall be updated to state that the exception is for sanitary and water services past the property line or curb stop which is in-line with City Ordinances, for clarity; note 17 shall be updated to state all watermain shall be PVC C900 DR 18; note 19 must be updated to provide the contractor the City’s Utility Department phone number 952-227-1300; a note must be added that RieberLok gaskets on all C900 PVC shall be used in accordance with City Standards. 51. On sheet 6 of 23: The plan view shall be adjusted or an inset provided illustrating the water main connection required of the proposed water main between Lots 3 and 4 and the existing water main off Ruby Lane; the water main shall be located on the southern side of Della Drive to facilitate separation from CBMH 19’s sump structure, limit the depth of any possible water main lowering, and ensure that the water main does not go lower than the sanitary sewer main’s grade; a detail shall be provided specific to MH 1 which should account for the compaction/fill around and up to the 8” PVC C900 connection for the inside drop; show all utility crossings, including water main, in all profile views including the inset for the inside drop MH connection; all existing utilities need to be identified in the profile views, especially under, east and west of Galpin Boulevard to ensure no conflicts are present; due to the complexity of notes and existing utilities near around Galpin Boulevard where the proposed water main will tie-in to the existing water main, a separate inset shall be provided; the call-out for connect to existing shall be updated to “connect to” and not “wet tap” and include reference to the high pressure zone; casing is required for the extents of water main proposed under Galpin Boulevard; a gate valve shall be installed on the east side of the tee located near 8+60; certain areas of sanitary sewer are called out at less than 0.5% grade, it is highly recommended that grades be adjusted to maintain a minimum of 0.5% for constructability as any sanitary sewer mains below the minimum allowable grade will be required o be removed and re-installed; where grades are greater than 16’ sanitary sewer main shall be PVC SDR 26, i.e. at locations east of MH 2 or north of MH 8; clarify the nomenclature “HBOE”; update line work for proposed storm sewer in profile to follow the color style consistently (appears grey when it must be green). 52. On sheet 7 of 23: There is a yellow line identified in the plan view for Topaz Drive, clarify accordingly; it is unclear where hydrant assemblies transition from 8” water main to 6” in plan view, clarify accordingly; gate valves shall be installed north and west of the tee located at the intersection of Topaz Drive and Lucy Ridge Lane; update call-out in profile view of Topaz SP-10 Drive for the removal of plug and add removal of hydrant as well, for clarity; maintain ten foot separation between Block 4 Lot 7’s sanitary and water services and MH 9; update call-out in profile view of Lucy Ridge Lane where existing stub is located to “8” PVC SDR 26”, per as- builts. 53. On sheet 8 of 23: Add note that trash guards are only to be installed on inlets or FES 24” or greater; castings on catch basins at low points shall be “VB”, update accordingly. 54. On sheet 9 of 23: It is unclear what the low opening elevation is from the grading detail to the plans due to the use of double parentheses, e.g. when evaluating if lowest opening is 1 foot above emergency overflow on Block 3 Lot 4 the EOF elevation is 1013.0 adjacent to the lot while the call-out of ((1013.8)) appears to indicate the “adjacent grade to low opening” per grading plan, which is out of compliance, update plans accordingly and/or clarify; catch basin 7 needs to be relocated to a minimum of 10 feet away from the curb ramp; catch basin 12 and 13 shall be relocated to achieve a 90 degree connection; there is a portion of new impervious area on Lucy Ridge Lane that will not be captured by the proposed storm system, verify that the new impervious area will not inundate the existing storm sewer system north of Lucy Ridge Lane; Block 4 Lot 7’s backyard drainage sheet flows over the trail, no private drainage shall flow over the public trail system and needs to be accounted for in the storm plan (grading, back-yard storm conveyance, etc.); relocate CBMH 2 to the east in order to eliminate the double crossing of the public trail; relocate CBMH 10 to be centered on the property line (typ. of all backyard CBMHs); show all utility crossings on profiles (typ); add sufficient depth between CBMH 4 and CBMH 2 to decrease velocities below 12 fps, all RCP laid at slopes greater than 5% grade shall be tied; clearly illustrate where B6 curbing locations are for review and approval; add note that all FES shall have a witness post installed, the City will furnish witness posts; the outlet structure detail for Pond #2 shall be updated and drawn to reflect proper elevations (i.e. the outlet pipe is above the inlet pipe as drawn); add note to ensure outlet structures meet Detail Plate #3109A. 55. On sheet 10 of 23: Update profile to ensure inverts connecting to in structures match crown elevations (HGL), typ; the RCP pipe between CBMH 20 and CMBH 19 shall be CL. 5. 56. On sheet 12 of 23: Profile from approximately 1+50 to 0+00 shows inadequate cover over 27” RCP pipe, adjust accordingly. 57. On sheet 13 of 23: The indentation and spacing of all notes shall be updated for clarity; note 2 discusses removal of sand/silt in ponds, a decompaction note must accompany this requirement as infiltration is a proposed surface water management technique; note 5 must reference the street detail and/or must be accompanied by a cross-section; note 6 shall be updated to allow for a minimum of 0.5% slope on driveways per Ordinance; notes referencing MnDOT seed numbers appear to be obsolete and shall be reviewed and updated accordingly; note 13 shall be updated from “the retaining walls” to “all retaining walls”; notes or the plan shall be updated to incorporate locations of bench marks, stockpiles, haul routes, staging areas, and dewatering plan, and typical lot benching detail; add note that all walls over 6’ in height require fencing or other barrier; adjust all retaining walls to be located wholy on private property and not City owned Outlots and/or wetland buffers. SP-11 58. On sheet 14 of 23: swales between lots shall be graded to ensure drainage is routed along property lines and within drainage and utility easements, e.g. between Lots 3 and 4 of Block 2 drainage would be routed more or less onto Lot 4, adjust for all lots accordingly. 59. On sheet 16 of 23: The provided erosion control plan does not fully meet the requirements of Sec. 19-145 of City Ordinances, and shall be updated accordingly, furthermore no SWPPP has been provided meeting the requirements of NPDES General Construction Permit and shall be provided prior to the issuance of the Right to Proceed. 60. On sheet 17 of 23: Details appear illegible or difficult to read as printed on full size plan sheets, the detail pages shall be updated to a maximum of 8 per page, or to achieve legible details, for clarity. Stormwater Conditions & Wetlands 1. An NPDES permit and accompanying Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) will be required prior to the start of grading. 2. Developer shall enter into an operations and maintenance plan for the proposed stormwater management system with Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District prior to the City issuing a right to proceed. 3. All comments and conditions set forth by the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District shall be addressed by the Developer. 4. Stormwater runoff shall not be discharged into wetlands without water quality pretreatment as prescribed by City Code. 5. Wetland Buffers. Wetland buffers and buffer monumentation will be required adjacent to the wetlands on site. Wetland buffer widths and locations where signage will be placed on a plan sheet must be identified in accordance with the City’s guidance document. The WMO provides signs and sign posts for the cost of materials. Alternative signs (by the City or Developer) are also acceptable provided they contain similar information. Wetland buffers and buffer setbacks pursuant to section 20-411 and consistent with the preliminary plat must be memorialized with a recorded wetland buffer agreement filed with the County recorder’s office. 6. It appears the Developer is showing contours within the filtration areas under the final surface elevation of the filtration areas. It is recommended the Developer callout the final surface elevation within the filtration areas and that the Developer add in cross sections (across the pond and filtration basins) to clarify the critical elevations within the basins. 7. Developer shall confirm drainage from the hill west of the proposed home on Lot 1 along Della Drive is not being directed to the home, and shall adjust grading accordingly. SP-12 8. Inlet protections are to be added to catch basins 6, 10, 11 and the catch basin to the west of the Topaz Drive cul-de-sac. 9. The Developer is using a constant 0.4 coefficient value for the rational method storm sewer calculations. Previous additions within the development used varying coefficients determined by the impervious/pervious percentages of each catch basin drainage area. The Developer shall either modify the storm sewer sizing calculations to use varying coefficients determined by the impervious/pervious percentages similar to how the previous storm sewer was sized or provide calculations demonstrating the use of a consistent 0.4 coefficient is valid. 10. The Developer shall update all storm sewer so the maximum pipe velocity is 12 fps. 11. The Stormwater Management Plan shall be updated to address the needs of additional volume for the future Galpin Boulevard Improvement Project outlined in Kimley-Horn’s memorandum dated May 29, 2018. 12. Developer is showing at catch basins 4, 18, and 19 the spread at the inlet will extend over 10 feet into the street. The Developer shall add additional catch basins at these points to reduce the spread into the roadway. 13. In the overall plans for the Park development dated 5/20/19 the proposed outlet for Wetland 2 was a 24” pipe but in the The Bluffs at Lake Lucy plans the outlet is an 18” pipe. It is noted that the existing outlet for Wetland 2 is an 18” CMP pipe. However, the HydroCAD modeling suggests the proposed 18” wetland outlet will cause an increase in the 100-year HWL within Wetland 2 when compared to overall development proposed conditions model and when compared to existing conditions (see table below). Developer shall confirm a larger outlet pipe is not needed and/or that the increase in the wetland HWL will not have any negative impacts on Galpin Avenue or any adjacent structures. Develoepr shall provide a larger outlet pipe if necessary. 14. In the Pond 1 OCS detail the outlet pipe is shown as an 18” but is being modeled as a 27” in the proposed HydroCAD model (assumed to be Device #1). Developer shall update the plan and/or HydroCAD model to be consistent with one another. 15. The HydroCAD model uses an exfiltration rate of 0.35 in/hr within Pond 1 but the stormwater narrative and the P8 model both have an infiltration rate of 0.8 in/hr. Developer shall confirm the appropriate infiltration rate and update all references to be consistent. 16. The following updates to the P8 model need to be addressed: SP-13 a. It is unclear why for both ponds a 12” orifice outlet is being used for the normal outlet directed to either the adjacent filtration or infiltration bench. Developer should change the normal outlet to a weir outlet based on the berm separating the pond and the infiltration/filtration bench or should provide reasoning behind using a 12” orifice. b. The flood pool elevations/volumes for Pond 1 and 2 should be calculated at 979 and 968 respectively based on the EOF elevations noted on the plans. c. The infiltration outlet for the Pond 2 filtration bench should be routed to the downstream waterbody instead of out of the system for accuracy. Similarly, in the P8 model where Pond 1 is being modeled as a filtration bench, the infiltration outlet should be routed to the downstream waterbody. d. Developer should clarify what the wetland boundary infiltration device is that is being modeled in the proposed condition P8 models and confirm it should not also be included in the existing conditions P8 model for accuracy. e. The bottom surface area for Pond 2 should be updated to 0.008 ac (or 0.01 if needed) to be representative of the plans Landscaping and Tree Preservation 1. The Developer shall conduct a walk-through of the grading limits on site prior to removals with City staff to inspect for opportunities for additional tree preservation. 2. Tree preservation fencing shall be installed around existing trees to be saved prior to any construction activities and remain installed until completion. 3. All trees shall be planted outside of the street right-of-way. 4. No tree Genus shall comprise of more than 20% of the total number of trees and no tree species shall comprise of more than 10% of the total number of trees. The Developer shall add 2 selections of trees to reduce maple quantities to meet ordinance requirements. 5. Developer shall provide tree preservation easements to be recorded with the final plat over Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 and Lots 1, 4 and 5, Block 3 as follows: easterly 300’ of Lot 1, Block 1, the westerly 200’ of Lot 2, Block 1, the northerly 100’ of Lots 4 and 5, Block 3 and the westerly 40’ of Lot 1, Block 3. 6. Park property boundary signs shall be installed at property corners on Lots 1-6, Block 4 and Lots 1-11, Block 2. 7. Landscaping shall be installed consistent with the approved landscape plan. SP-14 9. General Conditions. The general conditions of this Contract are attached as Exhibit "B" and incorporated herein. SP-15 CITY OF CHANHASSEN BY: Elise Ryan, Mayor (SEAL) AND: Heather Johnston, Interim City Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA) (ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 20__, by Elise Ryan, Mayor, and by Heather Johnston, Interim City Manager, of the City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. NOTARY PUBLIC SP-16 Chan Three Development, Inc.: BY: Craig Allen, President STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 20__, by Craig Allen, President of Chan Three Development, Inc., a Minnesota Corporation, on behalf of the company. NOTARY PUBLIC DRAFTED BY: City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952) 227-1100 EXHIBIT "A" TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: Tract C, Registered Land Survey No. 89, files of Registrar of Titles, Carver County, Minnesota. AND That part of Tract B, Registered Land Survey No. 89, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota, lying northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the North Quarter corner Section 10, Township 116, Range 23, said Carver County; thence on an assumed bearing of South 00 degrees 45 minutes 14 seconds East, along the North-South Quarter line of said Section 10, a distance of 515.00 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 87 degrees 48 minutes 41 seconds East, along a line parallel with the North line of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 10, a distance of 1661 feet plus or minus to the east line of said Tract B and the shoreline of Lake Lucy and there terminating. Torrens Property Torrens Certificate No. 40268.0 That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 10, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the North Quarter corner of said Section 10; thence South along the North-South Quarter line of said Section 10 a distance of 409.69 feet; thence West along a line parallel with the South line of the North Half of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter a distance of 435.76 feet to the centerline of the Excelsior-Shakopee Road; thence Northeasterly along said centerline a distance of 419.39 feet to the North line of said Section 10; thence East along the North line of said Section 10 to the point of beginning, all according to the U.S. Government Survey thereof. Torrens Property Torrens Certificate No. 27048.0 MORTGAGE HOLDER CONSENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT , which holds a mortgage on the subject property, the development of which is governed by the foregoing Development Contract, agrees that the Development Contract shall remain in full force and effect even if it forecloses on its mortgage. Dated this day of , 20 . STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 20___, by . NOTARY PUBLIC DRAFTED BY: City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952) 227-1100 FEE OWNER CONSENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT , fee owners of all or part of the subject property, the development of which is governed by the foregoing Development Contract, affirm and consent to the provisions thereof and agree to be bound by the provisions as the same may apply to that portion of the subject property owned by them. Dated this day of , 20 . STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 20___, by . NOTARY PUBLIC DRAFTED BY: City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952) 227-1100 IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT No. ___________________ Date: _________________ TO: City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard, Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Dear Sir or Madam: We hereby issue, for the account of (Name of Developer) and in your favor, our Irrevocable Letter of Credit in the amount of $____________, available to you by your draft drawn on sight on the undersigned bank. The draft must: a) Bear the clause, "Drawn under Letter of Credit No. __________, dated ________________, 2______, of (Name of Bank) "; b) Be signed by the Mayor or City Manager of the City of Chanhassen. c) Be presented for payment at (Address of Bank) , on or before 4:00 p.m. on November 30, 2______. This Letter of Credit shall automatically renew for successive one-year terms unless, at least forty- five (45) days prior to the next annual renewal date (which shall be November 30 of each year), the Bank delivers written notice to the Chanhassen City Manager that it intends to modify the terms of, or cancel, this Letter of Credit. Written notice is effective if sent by certified mail, postage prepaid, and deposited in the U.S. Mail, at least forty-five (45) days prior to the next annual renewal date addressed as follows: Chanhassen City Manager, Chanhassen City Hall, 7700 Market Boulevard, P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317, and is actually received by the City Manager at least thirty (30) days prior to the renewal date. This Letter of Credit sets forth in full our understanding which shall not in any way be modified, amended, amplified, or limited by reference to any document, instrument, or agreement, whether or not referred to herein. This Letter of Credit is not assignable. This is not a Notation Letter of Credit. More than one draw may be made under this Letter of Credit. This Letter of Credit shall be governed by the most recent revision of the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, International Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 600. We hereby agree that a draft drawn under and in compliance with this Letter of Credit shall be duly honored upon presentation. BY: ____________________________________ Its ______________________________ GC-1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT (Developer Installed Improvements) EXHIBIT "B" GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. Right to Proceed. Within the plat or land to be platted, the Developer may not grade or otherwise disturb the earth, remove trees, construct sewer lines, water lines, streets, utilities, public or private improvements, or any buildings until all the following conditions have been satisfied: 1) this agreement has been fully executed by both parties and filed with the City Clerk, 2) the necessary security and fees have been received by the City, 3) the plat has been recorded with the County Recorder's Office or Registrar of Title’s Office of the County where the plat is located, and 4) the City Engineer has issued a letter that the foregoing conditions have been satisfied and then the Developer may proceed. 2. Phased Development. If the plat is a phase of a multiphased preliminary plat, the City may refuse to approve final plats of subsequent phases if the Developer has breached this Contract and the breach has not been remedied. Development of subsequent phases may not proceed until Development Contracts for such phases are approved by the City. Park charges and area charges for sewer and water referred to in this Contract are not being imposed on outlots, if any, in the plat that are designated in an approved preliminary plat for future subdivision into lots and blocks. Such charges will be calculated and imposed when the outlots are final platted into lots and blocks. 3. Preliminary Plat Status. If the plat is a phase of a multi-phased preliminary plat, the preliminary plat approval for all phases not final platted shall lapse and be void unless final platted into lots and blocks, not outlots, within two (2) years after preliminary plat approval. 4. Changes in Official Controls. For two (2) years from the date of this Contract, no amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan, except an amendment placing the plat in the current urban service area, or official controls shall apply to or affect the use, development density, lot size, lot layout or dedications of the approved plat unless required by state or federal law or agreed to in writing by the City and the Developer. Thereafter, notwithstanding anything in this Contract to the contrary, to the full extent permitted by state law the City may require compliance with any amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan, official controls, platting or dedication requirements enacted after the date of this Contract. 5. Improvements. The improvements specified in the Special Provisions of this Contract shall be installed in accordance with City standards, ordinances, and plans and specifications which have been prepared and signed by a competent registered professional engineer furnished to the City and approved by the City Engineer. The Developer shall obtain all necessary permits from the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services and other pertinent agencies before proceeding GC-2 with construction. The City will, at the Developer's expense, have one or more construction inspectors and a soil engineer inspect the work on a full or part-time basis. The Developer shall also provide a qualified inspector to perform site inspections on a daily basis. Inspector qualifications shall be submitted in writing to the City Engineer. The Developer shall instruct its project engineer/inspector to respond to questions from the City Inspector(s) and to make periodic site visits to satisfy that the construction is being performed to an acceptable level of quality in accordance with the engineer's design. The Developer or his engineer shall schedule a preconstruction meeting at a mutually agreeable time at the City Council chambers with all parties concerned, including the City staff, to review the program for the construction work. 6. Iron Monuments. Before the security for the completion of utilities is released, all monuments must be correctly placed in the ground in accordance with Minn. Stat. § 505.02, Subd. 1. The Developer's surveyor shall submit a written notice to the City certifying that the monuments have been installed. 7. License. The Developer hereby grants the City, its agents, employees, officers and contractors a license to enter the plat to perform all work and inspections deemed appropriate by the City in conjunction with plat development. 8. Site Erosion and Sediment Control. Before the site is rough graded, and before any utility construction is commenced or building permits are issued, the erosion and sediment control plan, Plan B, shall be implemented, inspected, and approved by the City. The City may impose additional erosion and sediment control requirements if they would be beneficial. All areas disturbed by the excavation and backfilling operations shall be reseeded forthwith after the completion of the work in that area. Except as otherwise provided in the erosion and sediment control plan, seed shall be certified seed to provide a temporary ground cover as rapidly as possible. All seeded areas shall be fertilized, mulched, and disc anchored as necessary for seed retention. The parties recognize that time is of the essence in controlling erosion and sediment transport. If the Developer does not comply with the erosion and sediment control plan and schedule of supplementary instructions received from the City, the City may take such action as it deems appropriate to control erosion and sediment transport at the Developer's expense. The City will endeavor to notify the Developer in advance of any proposed action, but failure of the City to do so will not affect the Developer's and City's rights or obligations hereunder. No development will be allowed and no building permits will be issued unless the plat is in full compliance with the erosion and sediment control requirements. Erosion and sediment control needs to be maintained until vegetative cover has been restored, even if construction has been completed and accepted. After the site has been stabilized to where, in the opinion of the City, there is no longer a need for erosion and sediment control, the City will authorize the removal of the erosion and sediment control, i.e. hay bales and silt fence. The Developer shall remove and dispose of the erosion and sediment control measures. 8a. Erosion Control During Construction of a Dwelling or Other Building. Before a building permit is issued for construction of a dwelling or other building on a lot, a $500.00 cash escrow or letter of credit per lot shall also be furnished to the City to guarantee compliance with City Code § 7-22. GC-3 9. Clean up. The Developer shall maintain a neat and orderly work site and shall daily clean, on and off site, dirt and debris, including blowables, from streets and the surrounding area that has resulted from construction work by the Developer, its agents or assigns. 10. Acceptance and Ownership of Improvements. Upon completion and acceptance by the City of the work and construction required by this Contract, the improvements lying within public easements shall become City property. After completion of the improvements, a representative of the contractor, and a representative of the Developer's engineer will make a final inspection of the work with the City Engineer. Before the City accepts the improvements, the City Engineer shall be satisfied that all work is satisfactorily completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and the Developer and his engineer shall submit a written statement to the City Engineer certifying that the project has been completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. The appropriate contractor waivers shall also be provided. Final acceptance of the public improvements shall be by City Council resolution. 11. Claims. In the event that the City receives claims from laborers, materialmen, or others that work required by this Contract has been performed, the sums due them have not been paid, and the laborers, materialmen, or others are seeking payment out of the financial guarantees posted with the City, and if the claims are not resolved at least ninety (90) days before the security required by this Contract will expire, the Developer hereby authorizes the City to commence an Interpleader action pursuant to Rule 22, Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure for the District Courts, to draw upon the letters of credit in an amount up to 125% of the claim(s) and deposit the funds in compliance with the Rule, and upon such deposit, the Developer shall release, discharge, and dismiss the City from any further proceedings as it pertains to the letters of credit deposited with the District Court, except that the Court shall retain jurisdiction to determine attorneys' fees. 12. Park Dedication. The Developer shall pay full park dedication fees in conjunction with the installation of the plat improvements. The park dedication fees shall be the current amount in force at the time of final platting pursuant to Chanhassen City Ordinances and City Council resolutions. 13. Landscaping. Landscaping shall be installed in accordance with Plan D. Unless otherwise approved by the City, trees not listed in the City’s approved tree list are prohibited. The minimum tree size shall be two and one-half (2½) inches caliper, either bare root in season, or balled and burlapped. The trees may not be planted in the boulevard (area between curb and property line). In addition to any sod required as a part of the erosion and sediment control plan, Plan B, the Developer or lot purchaser shall sod the boulevard area and all drainage ways on each lot utilizing a minimum of six (6) inches of topsoil as a base. Seed or sod shall also be placed on all disturbed areas of the lot. If these improvements are not in place at the time a certificate of occupancy is requested, a financial guarantee of $750.00 in the form of cash or letter of credit shall be provided to the City. These conditions must then be complied with within two (2) months after the certificate of occupancy issued, except that if the certificate of occupancy is issued between October 1 through May 1 these conditions must be complied with by the following July 1st. Upon expiration of the time period, inspections will be conducted by City staff to verify satisfactory completion of all conditions. City staff will conduct inspections of incomplete items with a $50.00 inspection fee deducted from the GC-4 escrow fund for each inspection. After satisfactory inspection, the financial guarantee shall be returned. If the requirements are not satisfied, the City may use the security to satisfy the requirements. The City may also use the escrowed funds for maintenance of erosion control pursuant to City Code Section 7-22 or to satisfy any other requirements of this Contract or of City ordinances. These requirements supplement, but do not replace, specific landscaping conditions that may have been required by the City Council for project approval. 14. Warranty. The Developer warrants all improvements required to be constructed by it pursuant to this Contract against poor material and faulty workmanship. The Developer shall submit either 1) a warranty/maintenance bond for 100% of the cost of the improvement, or 2) a letter of credit for twenty-five percent (25%) of the amount of the original cost of the improvements. A. The required warranty period for materials and workmanship for the utility contractor installing public sewer and water mains shall be two (2) years from the date of final written City acceptance of the work. B. The required warranty period for all work relating to street construction, including concrete curb and gutter, sidewalks and trails, materials and equipment shall be subject to two (2) years from the date of final written acceptance. C. The required warranty period for sod, trees, and landscaping is one full growing season following acceptance by the City. 15. Lot Plans. Prior to the issuance of building permits, an acceptable Grading, Drainage, Erosion Control including silt fences, and Tree Removal Plan shall be submitted for each lot for review and approval by the City Engineer. Each plan shall assure that drainage is maintained away from buildings and that tree removal is consistent with development plans and City Ordinance. 16. Existing Assessments. Any ex isting assessments against the plat will be re-spread against the plat in accordance with City standards. 17. Hook-up Charges. . At the time of final plat approval the Developer shall pay 30% of the City Sewer Hook-up charge and 30% of the City Water hook up charge for each lot in the plat in the amount specified in Special Provision, Paragraph 8, of this Development Contract. The balance of the hook-up charges is collected at the time building permits are issued are based on 70% of the rates then in effect, unless a written request is made to assess the costs over a four year term at the rates in effect at time of application. 18. Public Street Lighting. The Developer shall have installed and pay for public street lights in accordance with City standards. The public street lights shall be accepted for City ownership and maintenance at the same time that the public street is accepted for ownership and maintenance. A plan shall be submitted for the City Engineer's approval prior to the installation. Before the City signs the final plat, the Developer shall pay the City a fee of $300.00 for each street light installed in GC-5 the plat. The fee shall be used by the City for furnishing electricity and maintaining each public street light for twenty (20) months. 19. Signage. All street signs, traffic signs, and wetland monumentation required by the City as a part of the plat shall be furnished and installed by the City at the sole expense of the Developer. 20. House Pads. The Developer shall promptly furnish the City "as-built" plans indicating the amount, type and limits of fill on any house pad location. 21. Responsibility for Costs. A. The Developer shall pay an administrative fee in conjunction with the installation of the plat improvements. This fee is to cover the cost of City Staff time and overhead for items such as review of construction documents, preparation of the Development Contract, monitoring construction progress, processing pay requests, processing security reductions, and final acceptance of improvements. This fee does not cover the City's cost for construction inspections. The fee shall be calculated as follows: i) if the cost of the construction of public improvements is less than $500,000, three percent (3%) of construction costs; ii) if the cost of the construction of public improvements is between $500,000 and $1,000,000, three percent (3%) of construction costs for the first $500,000 and two percent (2%) of construction costs over $500,000; iii) if the cost of the construction of public improvements is over $1,000,000, two and one-half percent (2½%) of construction costs for the first $1,000,000 and one and one-half percent (1½%) of construction costs over $1,000,000. Before the City signs the final plat, the Developer shall deposit with the City a fee based upon construction estimates. After construction is completed, the final fee shall be determined based upon actual construction costs. The cost of public improvements is defined in paragraph 6 of the Special Provisions. B. In addition to the administrative fee, the Developer shall reimburse the City for all costs incurred by the City for providing construction and erosion and sediment control inspections. This cost will be periodically billed directly to the Developer based on the actual progress of the construction. Payment shall be due in accordance with Article 21E of this Agreement. C. The Developer shall hold the City and its officers and employees harmless from claims made by itself and third parties for damages sustained or costs incurred resulting from plat approval and development. The Developer shall indemnify the City and its officers and employees for all costs, damages, or expenses which the City may pay or incur in consequence of such claims, including attorneys' fees. GC-6 D. In addition to the administrative fee, the Developer shall reimburse the City for costs incurred in the enforcement of this Contract, including engineering and attorneys' fees. E. The Developer shall pay in full all bills submitted to it by the City for obligations incurred under this Contract within thirty (30) days after receipt. If the bills are not paid on time, the City may halt all plat development work and construction, including but not limited to the issuance of building permits for lots which the Developer may or may not have sold, until the bills are paid in full. Bills not paid within thirty (30) days shall accrue interest at the rate of 8% per year. F. In addition to the charges and special assessments referred to herein, other charges and special assessments may be imposed such as, but not limited to, sewer availability charges ("SAC"), City water connection charges, City sewer connection charges, and building permit fees. G. Private Utilities. The Developer shall have installed and pay for the installation of electrical, natural gas, telephone, and cable television service in conjunction with the overall development improvements. These services shall be provided in accordance with each of the respective franchise agreements held with the City. H. The developer shall pay the City a fee established by City Council resolution, to reimburse the City for the cost of updating the City’s base maps, GIS data base files, and converting the plat and record drawings into an electronic format. Record drawings must be submitted within four months of final acceptance of public utilities. All digital information submitted to the City shall be in the Carver County Coordinate system. 22. Developer's Default. In the event of default by the Developer as to any of the work to be performed by it hereunder, the City may, at its option, perform the work and the Developer shall promptly reimburse the City for any expense incurred by the City, provided the Developer is first given notice of the work in default, not less than four (4) days in advance. This Contract is a license for the City to act, and it shall not be necessary for the City to seek a Court order for permission to enter the land. When the City does any such work, the City may, in addition to its other remedies, assess the cost in whole or in part. 23. Miscellaneous. A. Construction Trailers. Placement of on-site construction trailers and temporary job site offices shall be approved by the City Engineer as a part of the pre-construction meeting for installation of public improvements. Trailers shall be removed from the subject property within thirty (30) days following the acceptance of the public improvements unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. B. Postal Service. The Developer shall provide for the maintenance of postal service in accordance with the local Postmaster's request. C. Third Parties. Third parties shall have no recourse against the City under this Contract. The City is not a guarantor of the Developer’s obligations under this Contract. The City GC-7 shall have no responsibility or liability to lot purchasers or others for the City’s failure to enforce this Contract or for allowing deviations from it. D. Breach of Contract. Breach of the terms of this Contract by the Developer shall be grounds for denial of building permits, including lots sold to third parties. The City may also issue a stop work order halting all plat development until the breach has been cured and the City has received satisfactory assurance that the breach will not reoccur. E. Severability. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph, or phrase of this Contract is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Contract. F. Building Permits. Building permits will not be issued in the plat until sanitary sewer, watermain, and storm sewer have been installed, tested, and accepted by the City, and the streets needed for access have been paved with a bituminous surface and the site graded and revegetated in accordance with Plan B of the development plans. G. Waivers/Amendments. The action or inaction of the City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Contract. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the City Council. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Contract shall not be a waiver or release. H. Release. This Contract shall run with the land and may be recorded against the title to the property . After the Developer has completed the work required of it under this Contract, at the Developer's request the City Manager will issue a Certificate of Compliance. Prior to the issuance of such a certificate, individual lot owners may make as written request for a certificate applicable to an individual lot allowing a minimum of ten (10) days for processing. I. Insurance. Developer shall take out and maintain until six (6) months after the City has accepted the public improvements, public liability and property damage insurance covering personal injury, including death, and claims for property damage which may arise out of Developer's work or the work of its subcontractors or by one directly or indirectly employed by any of them. Limits for bodily injury and death shall be not less than $500,000 for one person and $1,000,000 for each occurrence; limits for property damage shall be not less than $500,000 for each occurrence; or a combination single limit policy of $1,000,000 or more. The City shall be named as an additional insured on the policy, and the Developer shall file with the City a certificate evidencing coverage prior to the City signing the plat. The certificate shall provide that the City must be given ten (10) days advance written notice of the cancellation of the insurance. The certificate may not contain any disclaimer for failure to give the required notice. J. Remedies. Each right, power or remedy herein conferred upon the City is cumulative and in addition to every other right, power or remedy, expressed or implied, now or hereafter arising, available to City, at law or in equity, or under any other agreement, and each and every right, power and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so existing may be exercised from time GC-8 to time as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by the City and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at any time thereafter any other right, power or remedy. K. Assignability. The Developer may not assign this Contract without the written permission of the City Council. The Developer's obligation hereunder shall continue in full force and effect even if the Developer sells one or more lots, the entire plat, or any part of it. L. Construction Hours. Construction hours, including pick-up and deliveries of material and equipment and the operation of any internal combustion engine, may only occur from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekdays, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays with no such activity allowed on Sundays or on legal holidays. Contractors must require their subcontractors, agents and supplies to comply with these requirements and the Contractor is responsible for their failure to do so. Under emergency conditions, this limitation may be waived by the written consent of the City Engineer. If construction occurs outside of the permitted construction hours, the Contractor shall pay the following administrative penalties: First violation $ 500.00 Second violation $ 1,000.00 Third & subsequent violations All site development and construction must cease for seven (7) calendar days M. Noise Amplification. The use of outdoor loudspeakers, bullhorns, intercoms, and similar devices is prohibited in conjunction with the construction of homes, buildings, and the improvements required under this contract. The administrative penalty for violation of construction hours shall also apply to violation of the provisions in this paragraph. N. Access. All access to the plat prior to the City accepting the roadway improvements shall be the responsibility of the Developer regardless if the City has issued building permits or occupancy permits for lots within the plat. O. Street Maintenance. The Developer shall be responsible for all street maintenance until streets within the plat are accepted by the City. Warning signs shall be placed by the Developer when hazards develop in streets to prevent the public from traveling on same and directing attention to detours. If streets become impassable, the City may order that such streets shall be barricaded and closed. The Developer shall maintain a smooth roadway surface and provide proper surface drainage. The Developer may request, in writing, that the City plow snow on the streets prior to final acceptance of the streets. The City shall have complete discretion to approve or reject the request. The City shall not be responsible for reshaping or damage to the street base or utilities because of snow plowing operations. The provision of City snow plowing service does not constitute final acceptance of the streets by the City. P. Storm Sewer Maintenance. The Developer shall be responsible for cleaning and maintenance of the storm sewer system (including ponds, pipes, catch basins, culverts and swales) within the plat and the adjacent off-site storm sewer system that receives storm water from the plat. The Developer shall follow all instructions it receives from the City concerning the cleaning and GC-9 maintenance of the storm sewer system. The Developer's obligations under this paragraph shall end two (2) years after the public street and storm drainage improvements in the plat have been accepted by the City. Twenty percent (20%) of the storm sewer costs, shown under section 6 of the special provisions of this contract, will be held by the City for the duration of the 2-year maintenance period. Q. Soil Treatment Systems. If soil treatment systems are required, the Developer shall clearly identify in the field and protect from alteration, unless suitable alternative sites are first provided, the two soil treatment sites identified during the platting process for each lot. This shall be done prior to the issuance of a Grading Permit. Any violation/disturbance of these sites shall render them as unacceptable and replacement sites will need to be located for each violated site in order to obtain a building permit. R. Variances. By approving the plat, the Developer represents that all lots in the plat are buildable without the need for variances from the City's ordinances. S. Compliance with Laws, Ordinances, and Regulations. In the development of the plat the Developer shall comply with all laws, ordinances, and regulations of the following authorities: 1. City of Chanhassen; 2. State of Minnesota, its agencies, departments and commissions; 3. United States Army Corps of Engineers; 4. Watershed District(s); 5. Metropolitan Government, its agencies, departments and commissions. T. Proof of Title. Upon request, the Developer shall furnish the City with evidence satisfactory to the City that it has the authority of the fee owners and contract for deed purchasers to enter into this Development Contract. U. Soil Conditions. The Developer acknowledges that the City makes no representations or warranties as to the condition of the soils on the property or its fitness for construction of the improvements or any other purpose for which the Developer may make use of such property. The Developer further agrees that it will indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City, its governing body members, officers, and employees from any claims or actions arising out of the presence, if any, of hazardous wastes or pollutants on the property, unless hazardous wastes or pollutants were caused to be there by the City. V. Soil Correction. The Developer shall be responsible for soil correction work on the property. The City makes no representation to the Developer concerning the nature of suitability of soils nor the cost of correcting any unsuitable soil conditions which may exist. On lots which have no fill material a soils report from a qualified soils engineer is not required unless the City's building inspection department determines from observation that there may be a soils problem. On lots with fill material that have been mass graded as part of a multi-lot grading project, a satisfactory soils report from a qualified soils engineer shall be provided before the City issues a building permit for the lot. On lots with fill material that have been custom graded, a satisfactory soils report from a qualified soils engineer shall be provided before the City inspects the foundation for a building on the lot. GC-10 W. Haul Routes. The Developer, the Developer’s contractors or subcontractors must submit proposed haul routes for the import or export of soil, construction material, construction equipment or construction debris, or any other purpose. All haul routes must be approved by the City Engineer X. Development Signs. The Developer shall post a six foot by eight foot development sign in accordance with City Detail Plate No. 5313 at each entrance to the project. The sign shall be in place before construction of the required improvements commences and shall be removed when the required improvements are completed, except for the final lift of asphalt on streets. The signs shall contain the following information: project name, name of developer, developer’s telephone number and designated contact person, allowed construction hours. Y. Construction Plans. Upon final plat approval, the developer shall provide the City with two complete sets of full-size construction plans and four sets of 11”x17” reduced construction plan sets and three sets of specifications. Within four months after the completion of the utility improvements and base course pavement and before the security is released, the Developer shall supply the City with the following: (1) a complete set of reproducible Mylar as-built plans, (2) two complete full-size sets of blue line/paper as-built plans, (3) two complete sets of utility tie sheets, (4) location of buried fabric used for soil stabilization, (5) location stationing and swing ties of all utility stubs including draintile cleanouts, (6) bench mark network, (7) digital file of as-built plans in both .dxf & .tif format (the .dxf file must be tied to the current County coordinate system), (8) digital file of utility tie sheets in either .doc or .tif format, and (9) a breakdown of lineal footage of all utilities installed, including the per lineal foot bid price. The Developer is required to submit the final plat in electronic format. Z. As-Built Lot Surveys. An as-built lot survey will be required on all lots prior to the Certificate of Occupancy being issued. The as-built lot survey must be prepared, signed, and dated by a Registered Land Surveyor. Sod and the bituminous driveways must be installed before the as-built survey is completed. If the weather conditions at the time of the as-built are not conducive to paving the driveway and/or installing sod, a temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be issued and the as-built escrow withheld until all work is complete. Rev. 3/31/06 AND Pailsey Park Facilities, Inc Andrea Bruce , CEO CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES,MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 640 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 20 OF THE CHANHASSEN CITY CODE, THE CITY'S ZONING ORDINANCE BY REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN ORDAINS: Section 1. Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code,the city's zoning ordinance, is hereby amended by rezoning all property described within Exhibit A from Rural Residential District, RR, to Planned Unit Development Residential, PUD-R. Section 2. The rezoning of this property incorporates the following development design standards: The Park Zoning Standards a. Intent The purpose of this zone is to create a Planned Unit Development(PUD)for single-family detached housing. The use of the PUD zone is to allow for more flexible design standards while creating a higher quality and more-sensitive proposal. The development will preserve 50 acres of woods adjacent to Lake Ann. There are a number of housing collections with a variety of housing styles and exterior materials within each collection serving different life stages. Except as modified by this PUD ordinance, the development shall comply with the requirements of the Residential Low and Medium Density District, RLM. The property shall be developed in accordance with the following plans. 1. Preliminary Plat(revised plan dated April 4, 2019) 44 im, S sem,, ,, 2.. r l .R i ._... a I 1 2. Landscaping Plan (revised plan dated April 4, 2019) I1 mmolomo cureoszerreammememin e— --- III co:I=casmim 7 Z:' ate,,. - 41tot4e4kt ' l -•'. n. r F s x'n:4 #Win: 91 i" Y iii*k D CC7 -s:...w• e- _fir Is:ew I._--_ i ,,.auan.. I .--4'''...-- i .-___ . i"I 3. Tree Preservation Plan 1 4. 4:1;„.,,,...44. 41 l 4\„.„........._ yam 1 y i rt J '• 4+p', 40 to;; 7.40;t07",,,, %, S 3:5' V 9 44 4. House Plans b. Permitted Uses 1. The permitted uses in this zoning district shall be single-family detached houses and their accessory uses. House plans include the Lennar Lifestyle, Luxury, Landmark, Classic, and 31 Villa home plans or similar or equivalent plans. c.Design Standards 1. Development-Amenities Design 2 Integrate pathways with the local street system to maximize access and flexibility of use. 2. House designs There shall be a mix and a variety of housing materials. Linear repetitive streetscape appearance and building facades shall be avoided by providing variation between the front elevations. No two identical facades shall be located next to each other. The same front or rear elevations shall not be located directly across from one another. No similar material/colors shall be located adjacent to each other. There shall be articulation of wall planes, a variety of roof forms, variation in roof heights or other architectural treatments. If side loaded garages are incorporated into the development, the front facing wall must be architecturally integrated with the design of the home (no blank wall). d. Lot Requirements and Setbacks The PUD ordinance requires setbacks from roadways and exterior property lines. The following table displays those setbacks: THE PARK COMPLIANCE TABLE The PUD ordinance requires setbacks from roadways and exterior property lines. The following tables displays those setbacks. Lots with a minimum 90 feet of frontage Minimum Lot Dimensions and Maximum Lot Cover Lot Area(SF) Lot Width(Feet) Lot Depth (Feet)Max Lot Cover(SF) 15,000 90 125 5,500 Lot Setbacks Front Setback Rear Setback Side Yard Setback Corner Setback CR 117 Setback 20 feet* 25 feet 7.5 feet 20 feet 50 feet 25 feet with sidewalk Bluffs: 30-foot setback,20-foot impact zone. Wetland Buffer Setback: 20 feet. Lots with a minimum 65 feet of frontage Minimum Lot Dimensions and Maximum Lot Cover Lot Area(SF) Lot Width(Feet) Lot Depth(Feet)Max Lot Cover(SF) 8,450 65 125 4,400 Lot Setbacks Front Setback Rear Setback Side Yard Setback Corner Setback CR 117 Setback 25 feet 25 feet 7.5 feet 20 feet 50 feet Bluffs: 30-foot setback,20-foot impact zone. Wetland Buffer Setback: 20 feet. 3 Section 3. The zoning map of the City of Chanhassen shall not be republished to show the aforesaid zoning, but the Clerk shall appropriately mark the zoning map on file in the Clerk's Office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this ordinance, and all of the notations,references,and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this ordinance. Section 4. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 11th day of March, 2019 by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota. Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Elise Ryan, Mayor Published in the Chanhassen Villager on June 6, 2019) 4 EXHIBIT A Legal Description: Tract A, Registered Land Survey No. 89, files of Registrar of Titles, Carver County, Minnesota. Tract B, Registered Land Survey No. 89, files of Registrar of Titles, Carver County, Minnesota. Tract C, Registered Land Survey No. 89, files of Registrar of Titles, Carver County, Minnesota. That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 10, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the North Quarter corner of said Section 10; thence South along the North- South Quarter line of said Section 10 as distance of 409.69 feet; thence West along a line parallel with the South line of the North Half of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter a distance of 435.76 feet to the centerline of the Excelsior-Shakopee Road; thence Northeasterly along said centerline a distance of 419.39 feet to the North line of side Section 10; thence East along the North line of said Section 10 to the point of beginning, all according to the U.S. Government Survey thereof. That part of the South half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 10, Township 116, Range 23 Carver County, Minnesota lying easterly of the centerline of County Road No. 117, also known as Galpin Boulevard, and lying North of the South 186.00 feet of said South half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter thereof. Together with: That part westerly 183.00 feet of each of the following two tracts: 1) That part of the South 186.00 feet of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 10, Township 116 North, Range 23 West of the 5th Principal Meridian, lying Easterly of the centerline of County Road No. 117 (also known as Galpin Lake Road and formerly known as Chaska and Excelsior Road and as Excelsior and Shakopee Road). 2) That part of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 10, Township 116 North, Range 23 West of the 5th Principal Meridian, lying Easterly of the centerline of County Road No. 117 (also known as Galpin Lake Road and formerly known as Chaska and Excelsior Road and as Excelsior and Shakopee Road). 5 Which lies northerly of lines described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter; thence on an assumed bearing of North 89 degrees 49 minutes 08 seconds West, along the North line of said South half of the Northwest Quarter a distance of 588.71 feet, to the beginning of the lines to be described; thence South 65 degrees 37 minutes 15 seconds West a distance of 98.69 feet; thence Northwesterly a distance of 141.37 feet along a non-tangential curve concave to the Southwest having a radius of 180.00 feet and a central angle of 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds, the chord of said curve is 137.77 feet in length and bears North 46 degrees 52 minutes 45 seconds West; thence North 69 degrees 22 minutes 45 seconds West, tangent to said curve a distance of 40.00 feet and said line there terminating. 6 FMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRBBOBOBOBOBOBORMRMRMRMRMRMRMRMRMRMRMRMRMRMRMRMRMRMRMRMAEAEAEAEAEAEAEAEAEAESOSOSOSOWPWPWPWPWPWPWPWPWPWPWPWPWPWPWPWPBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHFMAEAEAEAEAEAEAEAE123451235478691011123544123567123Removing 5203 - 10" ashSaving 3872 - 13" oakRemoving 5353 - 10" elmRemoving 5463 - 15" oakRemoving 5464 - 21" oakRemoving 5468 - 21" oakRemoving 5439 - 21" OakRemoving 5470 - 24" oakSaving 5161 - 23" oakSaving 3868 - 24" oakSaving 3871 - 24" oakSaving 3869 - 27" oakSaving 3870 - 11" elmSaving 3800 - 10" elmSaving 3798 - 16" ashSaving 3799 - 11" ashSaving 3791 - 10" ashSaving 3787 - 14" ash3788 - 15" ash3789 - 10" ashRemoving 5022 - 10" mapPONDACCESS102010181016101410121014 101 4 10 1 2 101410121010 1010 100210081006100410021000998996990988986984982980978976974972970968966964962962960 958 95696496296696896896696496296099899699499299098898698498298097 8 976 97 4 972 9709681 0 1 0 10061000 1 0 0 2 100610041002 1008101010121014101610 1 2 1010100810061004 1002992994996998100010021004100610081010101210141016101810201020986984982980978 976 974 972972970968966964990988980978976974978 978980980 97697497297298297897497 0 9689669 6 4 9929909889869789769749729709689669641002 1000998996994992990988986984982980101010081006100410021000998996994992990980978976974972970LUCY RIDGE LANETOPAZ DRIVEDELLA DRIVEGALPIN BLVD (CR 117) RUBY LANE ASHLING MEADOWS 2NDASHLING MEADOWSWetland 28080FT PRESERVE WETLAND BUFFERPER WATERSHED D IST ICT ( 40FT M IN . )Pond #2NWL-964.0HWL-967.1Filter #2NWL-964.0HWL-967.1(21" Sand/3" Compost B962.0)Bluff 30' Bl u f f S e t b a c k 30' Bluff Setback30' B luff SetbackBluffx 1 010 .8x 1010.7x 1 020 .4 x 1021 .2x 1022 .4 x 1020 .7x 1021 .6x 1022 .3x 1019 .8x 1019 .8 x 1 0 2 5 . 6 x 1 0 2 8 . 9 x 1 0 2 7 . 8 x 1026.7STUBINV:994.17Pond #1NWL-973.0HWL-976.0Filter #1NWL-973.0HWL-976.0(21" Sand/3" Compost-B971.0)x 10 2 0 . 2x 1020.2x 1 0 2 1 . 4x 1021.8x 1 0 1 9 . 1x 1019 .1ASHLING MEADOWS 2nd ADDASHLING MEADOWS 2nd ADDOUTLOT BOUTLOT A5' WALK5' WALK5' WALK5' WALK5' WALK10' TRAIL10' TRAIL10' TRAIL10' TRA IL R&D 475 lf curb, 175 lf of walk,8,500 sf of pavement and streetsection. Restore Yards:irrigation and sod.F u t u r e 1 0 ' T r a i lWetland 1(Preserve)Buffer Reduction to 40 ft (14,760 sf)Buf fer Increase to 100 f t (14 ,840 s f)SAN MH 53TC:984.32PLAN INV.948.82 +/-Bld: 35.5'INV. 968.64INV.968.14EX. 30"RCPSawcut 80 lf - R&D andgrade out existing drivewayChange Castingto R4342Change Castingto R4342EX 20" WMEX 20" WM x 985.4x 985.5x 988.0x 987.4x 987.4x 992.7x 992.2x 989.4x 990.5x 992.5985.1 X990.1 Xx 989.8x 989.1x 987.7x 988.9993.7 X992.4 X991.2 XCTV E 991.2 X992.9 X993.8 X993.4 X991.5 XCTV B 991.2 X1000.8 X1000.3 Xx 1002.21001.4 Xx 1001.0 WCSx 1001.5x 999.2x 998.9998.6 X995.3 X995.9 X996.0 X995.4 X995.2 X996.1 X996.2 Xx 995.0x 995.3x 995.2x 995.1x 995.1x 994.7FOPFOPRAW WTR RAW WTRGASTEL TELGASELCSAN HPLPAEBORMRBFMSOBHWPDRAWN:CHECKED:L1I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATIONOR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MYDIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULYREGISTERED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDERTHE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTAKEVIN NORBY REGISTRATION #: 20144GENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES:1)THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT THE SITE AND BECOME FAMILIAR WITH THE EXISTINGCONDITIONS RELATING TO THE NATURE AND SCOPE OF THE WORK.2)THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY PLAN LAYOUT AND BRING TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT DISCREPANCIES WHICH MAY COMPROMISE THE DESIGN OR INTENTOF THE LAYOUT.3)THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLYING WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES,REGULATIONS, AND PERMITS GOVERNING THE WORK.4)THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT EXISTING ROADS,CURBS/GUTTERS, TRAILS, TREES, LAWNS AND SITE ELEMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION.DAMAGE TO SAME SHALL BE REPAIRED AND/ORREPLACED AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER.5)VERIFY ALL UTILITIES, INCLUDING IRRIGATION LINES, WITH THE OWNER FOR PROPRIETARYUTILITIES AND GOPHER STATE ONE CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE DIGGING. CONTRACTOR SHALL BERESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROTECTION AND REPAIR OF ANY DAMAGES TO SAME. NOTIFY THELANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF ANY CONFLICTS TO FACILITATE PLANT RELOCATION.6)THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION AND PLANTING INSTALLATION WITH OTHER CONTRACTORS WORKING ON SITE.7)THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW THE SITE FOR DEFICIENCIES IN SITE CONDITIONS WHICH MIGHT NEGATIVELY AFFECT PLANT ESTABLISHMENT, SURVIVAL OR WARRANTY. UNDESIRABLE SITE CONDITIONS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TOBEGINNING OF WORK.8)THE PLAN TAKES PRECEDENCE OVER THE LANDSCAPE LEGEND IF DISCREPANCIES EXIST. QUANTITIESSHOWN IN THE PLANTING SCHEDULE ARE FOR THE CONTRACTOR'S CONVENIENCE. CONTRACTORTO VERIFY QUANTITIES SHOWN ON THE PLAN.9)THE SPECIFICATIONS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER THE PLANTING NOTES AND GENERAL NOTES.10)EXISTING TREES AND SHRUBS TO REMAIN SHALL BE PROTECTED TO THE DRIP LINE FROM ALLCONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC, STORAGE OF MATERIALS ETC. WITH 4' HT. ORANGE PLASTIC SAFETY FENCING ADEQUATELY SUPPORTED BY STEEL FENCE POSTS 6' O.C. MAXIMUM SPACING11)LONG-TERM STORAGE OF MATERIALS OR SUPPLIES ON-SITE WILL NOT BE ALLOWED.CONTRACTOR SHALL REQUEST IN WRITING, A FINAL ACCEPTANCE INSPECTION.PLANTING NOTES:1)TREES AND SHRUBS SHALL BE FRESHLY DUG AT TIME OF DELIVERY UNLESS CONTAINER GROWN, IF CONTAINER GROWN, PLANTS SHALL BE WATERED EVERYDAY AND KEPT IN A PARTIALLY SHADED AREA UNTIL PLANTED.2)TREES TO BE PLANTED EXCEPT MULTI-STEM TREES SHALL HAVE A SINGLE STRAIGHT LEADER AND TAPERED TRUNK. ALL TREES SHALL BE FREE OF GIRDING ROOTS THAT HAVE ENCIRCLED THE TREE, TREES MUST BE IN GOOD HEALTH AND FREE OF DISEASE.3)ALL TREES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 6" HARDWOOD BARK MULCH 6' DIAMETER RING AROUND THE BASE OF THE TREE. KEEP MULCH OFF TREE TRUNK.4)THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY PLANTS WHICH ARE DEEMED TO BE UNSATISFACTORY BEFORE, DURING OR AFTER INSTALLATION5)PLANTING HOLES SHALL BE FREE OF WEEDS, ROCKS, SOD, CLAY CLUMPS, CLASS V AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS.6)TOPSOIL FOR BACKFILLING PLANTING HOLES SHALL BE A MIXTURE OF NATIVE ANDTOPSOIL AT A RATIO OF 1:1.7)CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE 8" OF SOIL IN ALL LANDSCAPE BEDS, REPLACE WITH 8" OF UNSCREENED TOPSOIL, ENOUGH ESTABLISH A POSITIVE GRADE FROM STRUCTURES, FOUNDATIONS, PATIOS, ETC..8)PLANTING BEDS PROPOSED WITH ROCK MULCH SHALL BE LAID OVER MIN. 6 MIL. BLACK POLY.9)PLANTING BEDS PROPOSED WITH BARK MULCH, A PRE EMERGENT HERBICIDE SHALL BE SPREAD AT PRODUCT RECOMMENDED RATIOS BEFORE BARK MULCH IS SPREAD. POLY AND FABRIC UNDERLAYMENTS ARE NOT TO BE USED UNDER BARK MULCH.10)ALL VINYL EDGING TO BE STAKED 7' ON CENTER, HORIZONTALLY.11)NO PLANTS SHALL BE INSTALLED UNTIL FINAL GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION HAS BEENCOMPLETED IN THE IMMEDIATE AREANORTHTHIS PLAN SET AND THE CONCEPTSREPRESENTED HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OFNORBY AND ASSOCIATES LANDSCAPEARCHITECTS. CHANGES TO OR USE OF THISPLAN SHALL REQUIRE PRIOR WRITTENAPPROVAL BY NORBY ASSOCIATESLANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, LLC.CLANDSCAPE ARCHITECT:CLIENT:PROJECT LOCATION:CERTIFICATION:COPYRIGHT:DATEMKKNISSUED:RE-ISSUED:REVISIONS:BY:DATE:REMARKS:PROJECT #:CITY #:8/6/20208/11/2020PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN THE BLUFFS AT LAKE LUCY8/11/2020200806------------------------------------------------MKREVISE PER CLIENTTREE PLANTING DETAILPROVIDE RODENT/ANIMAL PROTECTIONROOT FLARE AND ROOT BALLSHALL BE EXPOSED 1" ABOVE GRADE(NO SOIL SHALL COVER ROOT FLARE)NO MULCH SHALL TOUCH TRUNKSHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH 6" DEPTHEXPOSE TOP OF ROOT BALL FROM WIREAND BURLAP4" HIGH EARTHEN BERM AT EDGE OF ROOT BALL50/50 TOPSOIL MIXED WITH NATIVE SOILSCARIFY HOLE EDGESSET ROOT BALL ON UNDESTERBED OR COMPACTEDSUBGRADEPLANTING PIT4-6" DEEPERTHAN ROOT BALLUNDISTERBEDSUBGRADE2x DIAMETER OFROOT BALLCONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE TREES REMAIN PLUM ,DURING WARRENTY PERIOD. IF STAKES ARE TO BE USED,USE THE 2/3 STAKE METHOD WITH TRUNK WEBBING.(NO WIRE IS TO BE USED ON TRUNK)30" MULCHRINGCITY NOTES:108 TOTAL TREES PROPOSED/ REQUIRED PER PRE APPROVED LANDSCAPE PLANREFORESTATION TREES TO BE PLANTED AS BARE ROOT WHIPS, PLANTED 10' O.C.TREES ON PRIVATE LOTS TO BE PLANTED AFTER HOMES ARE BUILTCONIFERS TO BE A MINIMUM OF 6' IN HEIGHT WITH AN AVERAGE OF 7'FRONT YARD DECIDUOUS TREES MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 2.5"ALL OTHER DECIDUOUS TREES TO BE A MINIMUM OF 1.5" WITH AN AVERAGE OF 2.5" Carver County Public Works 11360 Highway 212, Suite 1 Cologne, MN 55322 Office (952) 466-5200 | Fax (952) 466-5223 | www.co.carver.mn.us CARVER COUNTY December 28, 2018 Review of Preliminary Plat Letter against Final Plat for The Park 4th Addition/The Bluffs at Lake Lucy (August 21, 2020 review appears in blue italics font) City of Chanhassen, c/o Paul Oehme, P.E. Public Works Director/City Engineer 952-227-1169 poehme@ci.chanhassen.mn.us c/o Kate Aanenson Community Development Director 952-272-1139 kaanenson@ci.chanhassen.mn.us Re: Development / Access Review Comments: Nelson Property Preliminary Plat on CR 117/Galpin Blvd. Thank you for the opportunity to review the subject development in the City of Chanhassen. Consistent with the County Comprehensive Plan and County Codes, the following are comments and recommended conditions of approval and as potential requirements for any necessary permits to be issued for the project: 1. The subject plat and development has been reviewed against several other major planning and infrastructure projects, with the result that several changes and/or cross-checks of the subject plat will be required. CR 117/Galpin Blvd. is planned as turn back project and studied as part of a Highway 117 Corridor Study. Galpin Blvd is also identified in the County’s Comprehensive Plan as an Urban/Urbanizing Collector, with a guided access spacing of 1/4-mile full access and 1/8-mile secondary access. In addition, a draft master stormwater and pond management was developed, based on planned development and road design elements. a. Information 2. In terms of access management, the proposed accesses across from Hunter Dr. and Longacres Dr. meet the guideline for full access. These two access points are also identified in the Highway 117 Corridor Study for full access. a. Information 3. In terms of access management, the access across from Wynsong Ln. meets the 1/8 spacing guideline for a secondary access. Note that this access could be restricted to a right-in/right-out access in the future. As such, it is recommended the City and developer consider a local through road connection instead of the proposed cul-de-sac. As a condition 2 | P a g e of the secondary access across from Wynsong Ln, the driveway from parcel no. 250100400 will need to be removed from CR 117/Galpin Blvd. and connect to the proposed new local road. a. Condition still applies. Revision needed to connect driveway from 7011 Galpin Blvd. (parcel no. 250100400) to the proposed new local road (Della Dr.), removing the existing driveway connection from CR 117/Galpin Blvd. Driveway connection to new roadway (Della Dr.) is recommended to be set back a minimum of 100 ft. from new intersection for safe traffic operations. 4. Exclusive left turn and right turn lanes should be required at all full access points across from Hunter Dr. and Longacres Dr., and if full access allowed at Wynsong Ln. Left turn lanes are preferred over right turn lanes if space is a premium. These are shown conceptually in the preferred alternative from the Highway 117 Corridor Study. The Hunter Drive location looks like it will need additional right of way and / or special design transitions to the south to fit the recommended turn lane lengths and transition tapers. a. Condition has been modified. A right turn lane is required at the Wynsong Lane/Della Drive intersection to serve the new roadway connection on the eastern leg of the intersection. This is consistent with the preferred alternative for CR 117 at other similar intersections. 5. Right of way dedication will be required along the east side of CR 117/Galpin Blvd. per the above considerations, the Highway 117 Corridor Study, and the typical roadway sections identified in the County’s Draft 2040 Comprehensive Plan. The Corridor Study identifies specific right of way needs and the plat will need to follow and be consistent with the preferred roadway alternative. The right of way will need to tie into the existing highway right of way north and south of the proposed development. The preliminary and final proposal will need to be reviewed and approved as to form and content by the County Surveyor. Specifically, given that most all of the existing corridor is platted at approximately 100-ft total now, this new plat’s right of way could also be a total of 100 ft total or 50-ft on center. The typical roadway section for a 2-lane urban undivided with continuous left turn lane (intersection) should be followed and revised to fit in the 100-ft right of way planned, with an exact cross-section to be reviewed and approved by the County and City. The recommended cross-section could run as follows from west to east: 1’-offset; 8’-trail- 5’-blvd; 2’-gutter; 4’-bike lane; 12’-right turn lane; 12’-thru lane; 12’-left turn lane; 12’-thru lane; 12’-right turn lane; 4’-bike lane; 2’-gutter; 5’-blvd; 8’-trail; 1’-offset (with variations in offset and/or blvd). Potentially, the right turn lanes could be shared Thru/Right Turn Lanes as exclusive left turn lanes are preferred over right turn lanes if space is a premium. It could be that the left turn lane or center left turn lane could be left out of the section where Pond “C” Wetland is existing to keep the road narrower in this section. From the Corridor Study centerline stationing reference numbers, it looks like the typical left turn lane is about 600-800-feet long, such that the LT lane at Hunter Drive falls at Sta 32+00 to Sta 40+00; and the LT lane at Longacres Dr falls at Sta 40+00 to Sta 48+00; and so on 3 | P a g e to the north. More exact design layouts can verify some of these details. a. Condition has been modified and met. Final Plat meets right of way requirement for dedication of 50 ft. from roadway centerline. 6. The technical details of the plat, its boundaries and form(s) will need to be reviewed and approved by the County Surveyor. a. Condition still applies. 7. The plat’s final grading plans, ponds, and right of way along CR 117/Galpin Blvd. will need to be reviewed and approved to show how this is set up for the potential future CR 117/Galpin Blvd. reconstruction. A cross reference of grading plans, profiles, and respective cross sections should be provided at key locations such as intersections, ponds, or other special features. a. Condition still applies. 8. A new a draft master stormwater and pond management will need to be developed for this plat and area, based on planned development, road design elements, and the draft ponds planned from the Corridor Study Storm Drainage Plan. Ponds “D”, “C”, and potentially “B” will need to be verified accordingly. a. Condition has been met. 9. Prior to any work affecting or on County highways or in County right of way, the applicant shall coordinate plans with the County Engineer and obtain a Utility or Excavating/Filling/Grading Permit(s) from Carver County Public Works: (http://www.co.carver.mn.us/how-do-i/apply-for/a-permit). Final details of locations, grades, and profiles affecting County roads as well as any utility connections will need to be reviewed and approved prior to any permits. a. Condition still applies (future requirement). 10. Any damages, modifications, or changes incurred on County highways from current or approved conditions will need to remedied or updated at development expense, including costs incurred by the County. a. Condition still applies (future requirement). These are comments at this time. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at dmccormick@co.carver.mn.us or by phone at (952) 466-5208. Sincerely, 4 | P a g e Dan McCormick, P.E. PTOE Transportation Manager Carver County Public Works These are the County’s comments at this time (August 21, 2020). If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact staff noted below: Joan Guthmiller Administrative Technician Carver County Public Works 952.466.5201 jguthmiller@co.carver.mn.us Angie Stenson AICP Sr. Transportation Planner Carver County Public Works 952.466.5273 astenson@co.carver.mn.us Dan McCormick, P.E. PTOE Traffic Services Supervisor Carver County Public Works 952.466.5208 dmccormick@co.carver.mn.us s.f. 0.98 acres s.f. s.f. 0.98 acres +/- l.f. s.f. 1.11 acres s.f. s.f. 1.11 acres +/- l.f. s.f. 0.39 acres s.f. s.f. 0.39 acres +/- l.f. s.f. 0.38 acres s.f. s.f. 0.38 acres +/- l.f. s.f. 0.63 acres s.f. s.f. 0.63 acres +/- l.f. s.f. 3.50 acres s.f. s.f. 3.50 acres s.f. 0.50 acres s.f. s.f. 0.50 acres +/- l.f. s.f. 0.36 acres s.f. s.f. 0.36 acres +/- l.f. s.f. 0.36 acres s.f. s.f. 0.36 acres +/- l.f. s.f. 0.35 acres s.f. s.f. 0.35 acres +/- l.f. s.f. 0.35 acres s.f. s.f. 0.35 acres +/- l.f. s.f. 0.35 acres s.f. s.f. 0.35 acres +/- l.f. s.f. 0.35 acres s.f. s.f. 0.35 acres +/- l.f. s.f. 0.36 acres s.f. s.f. 0.36 acres +/- l.f. s.f. 0.36 acres s.f. s.f. 0.36 acres +/- l.f. s.f. 0.36 acres s.f. s.f. 0.36 acres +/- l.f. s.f. 0.36 acres s.f. s.f. 0.36 acres +/- l.f. s.f. 4.06 acres s.f. s.f. 4.06 acres s.f. 0.42 acres s.f. s.f. 0.42 acres +/- l.f. s.f. 0.40 acres s.f. s.f. 0.40 acres +/- l.f. s.f. 0.35 acres s.f. s.f. 0.35 acres +/- l.f. s.f. 0.47 acres s.f. s.f. 0.47 acres +/- l.f. s.f. 0.57 acres s.f. s.f. 0.57 acres +/- l.f. s.f. 0.42 acres s.f. s.f. 0.42 acres +/- l.f. s.f. 0.41 acres s.f. s.f. 0.41 acres +/- l.f. s.f. 0.37 acres s.f. s.f. 0.37 acres +/- l.f. s.f. 3.41 acres s.f. s.f. 3.41 acres s.f. 0.55 acres s.f. s.f. 0.55 acres +/- l.f. s.f. 0.44 acres s.f. s.f. 0.44 acres +/- l.f. s.f. 0.38 acres s.f. s.f. 0.38 acres +/- l.f. s.f. 0.38 acres s.f. s.f. 0.38 acres +/- l.f. s.f. 0.35 acres s.f. s.f. 0.35 acres +/- l.f. s.f. 0.35 acres s.f. s.f. 0.35 acres +/- l.f. s.f. 0.37 acres s.f. s.f. 0.37 acres +/- l.f. s.f. 2.81 acres s.f. s.f. 2.81 acres s.f. 12.67 acres s.f. s.f. 10.45 acres s.f. 2.17 acres s.f. s.f. 2.17 acres s.f. 14.84 acres s.f. s.f. 12.62 acres 17,877 Total Lot 7 0 The Bluffs at Lake Lucy Chanhassen, Minnesota 15,514 15,574 15,761 15,882 15,440 15,300Lot 5 3120-079 Date September 8, 2020 Contact: Nate Herman Sathre-Bergquist, Inc. 150 Broadway Ave. S. Wayzata, MN 55391 10850 Old County Rd 15 #200 Plymouth, MN 55441 97.2 97.4 Project # 15,300 Chan Three Development, Inc.Prepared by:Prepared for: WIDTH @ SETBACK Lot 5 Block 3 GROSS AREA WETLAND AREA NET AREA 94 Lot 6 tel:tel: 952-476-6000 Block 1 WIDTH @ SETBACK 90.9 90 Total 176,797 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 15,761 15,882 15,440 91 101.7 Contact: Jared Averbeck 0 176,797 105 105 21,667 GROSS AREA WETLAND AREA NET AREA WIDTH @ SETBACK 16,257 148,343 48,444 16,791 95 15,300 Lot 2 0 B 94,684 0 94,684 Total 646,414 96,492 549,922 Lot 3 0 16,751 93 Lot 4 16,405 0 16,405 Lot 1 Lot 8 Lot 1 18,092 Block 4 15,576 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 WETLAND AREA Lot 2 Lot 3 42,893 GROSS AREA NET AREA Lot 1 42,893 0 0 16,749 27,425 Lot 4 Lot 7 Lot 8 0 Lot 5 Lot 1 0 0 Block 2 Total 152,302 0 Lot 3 Lot 4 0 0 0 GROSS AREA WETLAND AREA Lot 6 Lot 2 15,300 100 100 27,425 21,667 0 0 0 0 0 48,444 16,791 16,749 0 90 90 90 152,302 NET AREA WIDTH @ SETBACK 15,300 15,482 0 15,300 90 0 18,092 90.1 24,768 0 24,768 23,800 18,363 93.7 17,877 92 18,363 0 0 23,800 20,501 90 148,343 16,257 90.70 0 92.4 16,751 Lot 5 15,032 0 15,032 90 Lot 6 15,030 0 15,030 90 A 16,237Lot 7 0 16,237 99.8 Total 122,226 0 122,226 OUTLOT GROSS AREA WETLAND AREA 0 15,576 90.2 551,729 96,492 455,237 18,971 95.618,971 94.9 15,482 15,514 15,574 NET AREA 17,455 0 17,455 90 15,030 0 15,030 90 20,501 0 s.f. 3.81 acres s.f. s.f. 3.80 acres s.f. 32.41 acres s.f. s.f.30.20 acres1,411,887 96,492 1,315,395 TOTAL GROSS AREA WETLAND AREA NET AREA R/W 165,805 323 165,482 GROSS AREA WETLAND AREA NET AREA