RE Bluffs at Lucy Lake Updated SWPPPErik, See below responses to your comments. We will get you updated plans for your review. Thanks, Eric Eric Johnson, PE Engineering | Sathre-Bergquist, Inc. | 150 Broadway Ave S. | Wayzata, MN 55391 | Ph 952.476.6000 | Fax 952.476.0104 | ejohnson@sathre.com <mailto:ejohnson@sathre.com> The electronic data conveyed by SATHRE-BERGQUIST, INC. is sent for the recipient's reference only. This material is copyright protected. The recipient agrees, by his receipt of electronic information, to not alter the electronic data. The recipient agrees by his receipt of this data that the information contained in the transmission may be changed without notification of the recipient. This electronic information is not the certified version of a plan. Recipient agrees to hold SATHRE-BERGQUIST, INC. harmless from any and all claims. SATHRE-BERGQUIST, Inc. makes no representation or warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to the reuse of the data provided herewith, regardless of its format or the means of its transmission. There is no guarantee or representation to the user as to the accuracy, currency, suitability, or reliability of this data for any purpose. The user accepts the data “as is” and assumes all risks associated with its use. By acceptance of this data, the user agrees not to transmit this data or provide access to it or any part of it to another party unless the user shall include with the data a copy of this disclaimer. SATHRE-BERGQUIST, Inc. assumes no responsibility for actual or consequential damage incurred as a result of any user's reliance on this data. From: Henricksen, Erik <EHenricksen@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> Sent: Thursday, October 8, 2020 9:42 AM To: Eric Johnson <ejohnson@sathre.com> Cc: Craig@gonyeacompany.com; Mike Vanguilder <MVanguilder@sathre.com>; Bob Molstad <molstad@sathre.com>; Unmacht, Matt <MUnmacht@ci.chanhassen.mn.us>; Pinkalla, Ryan <RPinkalla@ci.chanhassen.mn.us>; Aanenson, Kate <kaanenson@ci.chanhassen.mn.us>; Sinclair, Jill <jsinclair@ci.chanhassen.mn.us>; Bender, George <GBender@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> Subject: RE: Bluffs at Lucy Lake Updated SWPPP Eric, Review of the updated SWPPP, grading plans and erosion and sediment control plans (ESCP) have been complete. Once the following are addressed the plans will be considered 100% from the City’s review perspective but only after a final review and approval: Grading Plan: 1. Note 10.B shall be updated – for areas within the City’s Outlots where seed mix 25-141 was scheduled, update to seed mix 35-241 (mesic prairie seed mix). The first 2-year maintenance schedule required for 35-241 will coincide with the wetland buffer mix and pond slope/detention mix while also requiring less maintenance long-term (no need to mow multiple times a year). The roadside mix (25-141) may still be used in all other areas other than what is described above (City Outlots). Note has been revised. ESCP: 1. Drainage boundaries and direction of drainage pre- and post-development are required per Sec. 19-145 of City Ordinance. See attached for the existing/proposed drainage boundaries. Let me know if you would like us to add to the ESCP sheets. a. This also ties into the need to have initial grading (mass) and post grading erosion control plans. For example, inlet protections cannot be installed prior to grading, sediment fences differ in location from pre/post, concrete washout will not be located until post, etc. Notes have been added to plans clarifying pre/post development BMPs. b. This also ties into the need to address locations and design of temporary sediment basins as required by SWPPP if 5-acre or more of a common drainage area is prevalent during grading operations. Note 3. states that “temporary sediment basin locations to be determined by grading contractor” – this is required to be located and designed prior to a grading contractor being secured as certain elements need to be designed by the SWPPP designer (area, rate/volume into temp. sed. Basin (either using rainfall data or the SWPPP assumptions), design of a faircloth skimmer and dewatering scheme, etc.). Per the CSW permit requirements (Section 14 – Temporary sediment Basins ) – 14.2 Where ten (10) or more acres of disturbed soil drain to a common location, permittees <https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php?title=MN_CSW_Permit_Section_25_Definitions#25.23> must provide a temporary sediment basin to provide treatment of the runoff before it leaves the construction site or enters surface waters <https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php?title=MN_CSW _Permit_Section_25_Definitions#25.34> . Permittees may convert a temporary sediment basin to a permanent basin after construction is complete. The temporary basin is no longer required when permanent cover <https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php?title=MN_CSW_Permit_Section_25_Definitions#25.22> has reduced the acreage of disturbed soil to less than ten (10) acres draining to a common location. Our site does not have an area 10 acres or greater draining to a common location. Other sediment control devices (silt fence) are to be installed to prevent sediment runoff. The proposed stormwater pond/basin can be used in the interim as a sediment basin. SWPPP: 1. The dewatering plan needs more clarification once the ESCP has been updated, e.g. description of how and/or where water will leave the site. We can have Enebak construction have the dewatering contractor put together a dewatering plan and update the Erosion Control plan accordingly. Will this suffice? We look forward to review of the final revisions. Don’t hesitate to reach out with questions. Thank You, Erik Henricksen, EIT Project Engineer CITY OF CHANHASSEN PH. 952.227.1165 FX. 952.227.1170 www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us <http://www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/> <https://www.facebook.com/City-of-Chanhassen-Minnesota-Government-74951569087/> <https://twitter.com/CityofChanMN> From: Eric Johnson <ejohnson@sathre.com <mailto:ejohnson@sathre.com> > Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2020 10:42 AM To: Henricksen, Erik <EHenricksen@ci.chanhassen.mn.us <mailto:EHenricksen@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> > Cc: Craig@gonyeacompany.com <mailto:Craig@gonyeacompany.com> ; Mike Vanguilder <MVanguilder@sathre.com <mailto:MVanguilder@sathre.com> >; Bob Molstad <molstad@sathre.com <mailto:molstad@sathre.com> >; Unmacht, Matt <MUnmacht@ci.chanhassen.mn.us <mailto:MUnmacht@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> >; Pinkalla, Ryan <RPinkalla@ci.chanhassen.mn.us <mailto:RPinkalla@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> > Subject: RE: Bluffs at Lucy Lake Updated SWPPP Erik, Below is the link to download the updated SWPPP, Erosion Control Plan, and grading plan for your review. https://sathre.sharefile.com/d-s0d00d8de5cb405fa Let us know if you need anything else for your review. Thanks, Eric Eric Johnson, PE Engineering | Sathre-Bergquist, Inc. | 150 Broadway Ave S. | Wayzata, MN 55391 | Ph 952.476.6000 | Fax 952.476.0104 | ejohnson@sathre.com <mailto:ejohnson@sathre.com> The electronic data conveyed by SATHRE-BERGQUIST, INC. is sent for the recipient's reference only. This material is copyright protected. The recipient agrees, by his receipt of electronic information, to not alter the electronic data. The recipient agrees by his receipt of this data that the information contained in the transmission may be changed without notification of the recipient. This electronic information is not the certified version of a plan. Recipient agrees to hold SATHRE-BERGQUIST, INC. harmless from any and all claims. SATHRE-BERGQUIST, Inc. makes no representation or warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to the reuse of the data provided herewith, regardless of its format or the means of its transmission. There is no guarantee or representation to the user as to the accuracy, currency, suitability, or reliability of this data for any purpose. The user accepts the data “as is” and assumes all risks associated with its use. By acceptance of this data, the user agrees not to transmit this data or provide access to it or any part of it to another party unless the user shall include with the data a copy of this disclaimer. SATHRE-BERGQUIST, Inc. assumes no responsibility for actual or consequential damage incurred as a result of any user's reliance on this data. From: Henricksen, Erik <EHenricksen@ci.chanhassen.mn.us <mailto:EHenricksen@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> > Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 10:34 AM To: Eric Johnson <ejohnson@sathre.com <mailto:ejohnson@sathre.com> > Cc: Craig@gonyeacompany.com <mailto:Craig@gonyeacompany.com> ; Mike Vanguilder <MVanguilder@sathre.com <mailto:MVanguilder@sathre.com> >; Bob Molstad <molstad@sathre.com <mailto:molstad@sathre.com> >; Unmacht, Matt <MUnmacht@ci.chanhassen.mn.us <mailto:MUnmacht@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> >; Pinkalla, Ryan <RPinkalla@ci.chanhassen.mn.us <mailto:RPinkalla@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> > Subject: RE: Bluffs at Lucy Lake Updated SWPPP Eric, Please see attached City comments and noted updates. Don’t hesitate to reach out with questions. We look forward to receiving the ESCP updates next. Once the final grading plan, ESCP and SWPPP are complete we will be able have the grading pre-construction meeting. Thank You, Erik Henricksen, EIT Project Engineer CITY OF CHANHASSEN PH. 952.227.1165 FX. 952.227.1170 www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us <http://www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/> <https://www.facebook.com/City-of-Chanhassen-Minnesota-Government-74951569087/> <https://twitter.com/CityofChanMN> From: Eric Johnson <ejohnson@sathre.com <mailto:ejohnson@sathre.com> > Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2020 3:08 PM To: Henricksen, Erik <EHenricksen@ci.chanhassen.mn.us <mailto:EHenricksen@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> > Cc: Craig@gonyeacompany.com <mailto:Craig@gonyeacompany.com> ; Mike Vanguilder <MVanguilder@sathre.com <mailto:MVanguilder@sathre.com> >; Bob Molstad <molstad@sathre.com <mailto:molstad@sathre.com> > Subject: Bluffs at Lucy Lake Updated SWPPP Erik, Attached is the most current SWPPP for your review. (contractor has been added) Take a look and let us know if you need anything else. Thanks, Eric Eric Johnson, PE Engineering | Sathre-Bergquist, Inc. | 150 Broadway Ave S. | Wayzata, MN 55391 | Ph 952.476.6000 | Fax 952.476.0104 | ejohnson@sathre.com <mailto:ejohnson@sathre.com> The electronic data conveyed by SATHRE-BERGQUIST, INC. is sent for the recipient's reference only. This material is copyright protected. The recipient agrees, by his receipt of electronic information, to not alter the electronic data. The recipient agrees by his receipt of this data that the information contained in the transmission may be changed without notification of the recipient. This electronic information is not the certified version of a plan. Recipient agrees to hold SATHRE-BERGQUIST, INC. harmless from any and all claims. SATHRE-BERGQUIST, Inc. makes no representation or warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to the reuse of the data provided herewith, regardless of its format or the means of its transmission. There is no guarantee or representation to the user as to the accuracy, currency, suitability, or reliability of this data for any purpose. The user accepts the data “as is” and assumes all risks associated with its use. By acceptance of this data, the user agrees not to transmit this data or provide access to it or any part of it to another party unless the user shall include with the data a copy of this disclaimer. SATHRE-BERGQUIST, Inc. assumes no responsibility for actual or consequential damage incurred as a result of any user's reliance on this data. ᒝ欱쮋腊追紿갶祫룥㫍⨛㧽썧◰ᬹ释貺晆癃衶굮텳㓸뎕揷�ꕚ食ᶖ揳ꓱ퟇겡ꎖ虡颽䧝잧ﹺ娂﷐䬑큛幥῏ầ⟢쮩宣䎡螬绳뇑내뇅癹뫼깜靶�롮㕴돑싨퉼灰尗ୋ슓Ṟᐝ텖�䲕⦙ꫳⱒ㵽Ṕ䯋癩楋肎ﱨ�㌘栺鏙猬̣ពᶞ솊盏皳㲊症�ᒦ緺춎㢏ⷚ閭弸Ꚗ䇰⩰ᔭ涉鏗㻳䔯폢Ꙟ㫃៍툭㴭厮ꮼ㊌텨폃쪔ꗡ�ꈨ⋐⊃ꔦో�鞛弭튧燂痒Ꝝꋥᅅ�槛Ꝟꁃ㢘䡁뺠缽鬭ꖇ䷕圝길꓋進ꭧ઼拝ꆧ⛲��泸啕訃죹䀽厳ﷱ㋳댵挔쩞枑犫�닞 紷詠呑�튁㳋㚱숆藪넭퐩즱낳湆쪷社靰큯㫤瞪띝泰�椘튥匂�乖얞ᨈ滹띟䃲฽棖轨껾㋙㑨쨄벾ᥒᇅ�Ẇᴕ씳䃘ྐྵ퟇䒺ﳀ뮹⪘䱻疕꙯କ켇뱂ᰬ碦⪶叓蔶㽥呙㞱ފ疥ആ䡸ⶽ燴❛ㆷﻼࣖ᭡쏂孯踐孰둯뉸妭∹埴펹秛൤廄ꃨ䇼㲻뜃煈綝턐ﻔ괊ꍣꃵꅊڣ흾㥝蔢蘺鄏复種别挘�㦚驅㥠놎樓鴟웶䧴�అ䖂듎✺⮴좊뀮⯏颰盳ሴ⎫枓㎡⿕裤�宥廨�텣鉉裾ᵑ୻ꃋ堮糷ᚅ㠳�洱�퇑뒬奄笳하탕룛䪅鋙ꍮ㜺迺ἳ�㏶㨫ប輼ⴎ䞭㿔ﱿ濛勵绛 Ⲗꌶ珅㑏ꔳ톔䉂孬蒶០紗縘�⟔㆏ࣥ뗸祘鼹ᇇ穵劄븿��蘷禱Ṟᡏ껵顓킂墨슝蚘永ጔ椹躙୧볇㖜䄱�ౖꅡ춧㨄殭쮘婌妆嬞␢毗뢶珹旒�쁯鑇ᓩ隸샭﨤ྐྵ㺎枎駯♂媞쒡婜묞꾊铬�棳ꔤהּᓅ偣䲺᧜匳뀡哬簬옙⽆䑓ḏὭ暔獿癨Ƽ嫣ﳕ줘㸈蚄増➮ꏗ⅏筮譸熠檅馎ꈯ쭝盇烒켲氡ꝟ泲蚫釢ᴢ낡询筥䢄枆ặ롣➼蟝室춱ꆡ�腨肅놷쯄㭂䁄땆ꆃⶕ룸䬌أᙾ⬢ୢ⍓홲巙休䱺ᛏ㵔颠뜃圛꫇ᒳ킃꜁꫑渞⽴ﲄ艾눋橮놛蠑䒵컟旊手쮫 ⦳渀숗⻢ל밬詘찡勪ȣ멘ꪻ኉ᚥ닢᥃ꛯᘆ⽽ꫭ蝤黸ු䟆ᕑ쐳嫧燦⟐ణ輿ᦍ┑䷷䞔�饥맇䥋䒹屹륌欏쌙暤絏⦠眒踶푹䓙ⅇ陰⠍㳏툨ṓ籰凜튈ꏣ期䯐֞媅铰᯻Ꞙᦩ籛掲蚞ๆ痱릎㑽䬾輱炭⯢伷⿊ྋ䓢ꌝ⟪鶾輳쭏ଝ骝楧僶㒻拿ᬑ뇦旙뮠猊둤途稔삚出㸠ਚ䗣奷鑁뮳ꤴ寐�顣冧负랯窤⣑쬺思褊銃ꉧ奶礂ᄼЮݖ迆ق�ប�읂鴨鞘�ርࡹ럥熍㓹絩ᣛ偕�ㆊ뽮䆞앲鲱ἒﻣ᧬扚㫧ෆ㏜얐ꗂ䅾л险ꔐ⢽謵⢽惵蜩斷긜컞♓ഺᾖ㮍枵蛸赛ꈪ怳 ᴭ匸猿姛ꀴ鹍멂皀漡힥栘㪃헆᳤䬮䈆婠떤䵌頗뮢㒠ꢡ驝搻갊౞趂춑明眓龓藢䆁㒸葇Ꝗ⧡ﱌ㥧컝�颫并﹵Ʞ㭴잎熕ꄏ獏魸⩱뤧숵ꀫ૟䂍ы잏䰽婺讏枮㛠단孏挃伆㵧㺢辺㛓㑜ꈢ퍳Ѭ⋝ꕌ⡝枫跤⸕譟⸱麟궲惴ẽ웝㠈⴪셧숵옞ⴿ跛ꙴ苾挮쿄淢㻇뺝㮅化婭㒟壂䇏�•铹턘ꌜ䋸⃺象劓옟夈멇孋葴ᅭ庝箧娟䞽쭿洉흜晴燰㋒疶ℐ샙멖尰ರ�먛嵾磏䭙�奢暛႗닃ꨴ੠䖵깄귨克ሜ�ᄟ᷐�伭瓫룑フ뒞滈瓝汨ᢐ匚舌ዩ㭚鈭嶛�倅⻮롨槣骙 썶仱䷋傎欥概驕竓⋬簾Ѩ䫆酣徣뭷ꕑ軅婡펇䂚ਖ਼硫玜널䶬�丘脬뫓䌴婓쮜䃚⺘謷曮糇୷ꎝ柤퍥㣽텡捎燏꧛틘ꍱළ箭銗褘ᣒϐ줋㷯ܥ餐쟀쩺⵫ᙴろ獥₎竹嶺륏档叁漝镒㣍鞯ꭴ츹犓ꚬ㈫┇妝瞈憍�쮨ꅟ뻻獮Ó쬨ⴑ쩸갭覡셽ﷴ愸숙쳞㧉₊뷖挖�聁炲嚙䣧嚔ꈯ✴횅㏉⷇枲쥿톷�雴筘὆췳鎘�᬴—ꊓ獣ꚸᦽ浃ᴎ᩠跉齵둯�ㅅ౜後ᓆʾ㋭扝潏ᜳᳵᣭꘘ栐‭䐡榰鹚㘦⮅嫟뙙됐友皪䶁Ⲭ䔼쌊狍䳋꟝ガꆣ̘칄聣礘ဌ躣躬憁학騦凫ꍚ㕠ⷜ䪼鬻 甉渟﷐姫ꀽﶈ퇳Ժ뙐⢄嫚ꦏ묱ꌨ蜪㕨◑깊嚒平㲢㵫ᮖ䈭ᨸ볷竛西뤲�鳕튉阨ನ㫚フ᤺޿挌戚Ợ몇稃뤷骼㑺ᚋ⫉픎뫓툷ꧦ쨏吭娥⏈窍涭畐支ᵝꆷ䦙楄䂽ᘃꪲઢ筬㫬▬삪䞶舣颥ᱎ漚鹴䞷頣誔㞭輂ꔺ㇭쨶誉➤㜥콅绒�辅⺠㾐삲㐰碕膊⁛吽灯蹗ö宬낢䧫࡙ⷨޫ喽�啺뭲㭑㶸Ꚏ甏Ⱀ㱱⹊䑍㴃஠ᬬ⸖懓厽䆈鯵�寅᫨⫵죛⡃9儚抁㝥쑚㸰굷㳋쭭쭅있该᭄ࣖ汢㍣覩⪒窢�曆큎მ⃚虤㏶꼅䃸꾟茺wᜎ迣ꬡᅱ藞纤䋧롒丱職훿맽ꟼ�쐱䂧裆쾿深 쟈䙱蘻본呇͋ꍾ顲㸹㇘黋�隓皵濛筴ᘃ諳혏㟇ṒDZ隳�瓐䀔ᝫ邲桜촭⺛籫闣빋ꊕ礪䪼鷆ʰ�셰䫳쁒㱹ꎖ埩蝌䵣챚橲ၻ옛㳈괩඲瞇쬼싫㴳㠮쟌帺貰븫⾍耽磆匄耔涍옏團킅캻䢹䈗ꃸ�茆熫接ᡙ瀝还颫衾닚㓸㲨鞚ꐏ볕⁻ꡚ᩷롤Ⱬᄼ닓穇뉖┑궕鷡ጣ윳킗윞㔶ଣ箏譬貎鐬샆슏뤖볙ꀦ졝ɫ࠺ꬼ졢啶�혇걮읆㜲轊ﮝ꒱黄�㋺釈瘻ᬷ嫕㮬䧱ྦパ膋夅�踘騚柂뻱6跋נּ떱췝年㻮轫⚋釖퉱떢烸࢞帬自᎙梄㵕ጊڣ�構븯ﵽ溍葋ỡ类凞㜩喐 緾纊ୱ䅰屙�裊棚᨝玛藖ꏫ起뵱겹ꘞ꺴୍ꤱ伅薩뙚嘫䭓ⳙ渇돩妤ⅆ紴䄦䵚銈ହᎭ⢂닩⑖崇揦鮛醡풍琺轵쪑랙盖漲ﳍ篍䊢텋먬֛틲⵮澅돩婔쁛䉭䠡᮴쵣ﴢ蒢剭ꍊ◠뫩ꅮᾎ⁢ቝꖥ→볬霊ᓧ쀺ᘦ耧ᢧ剩⚑᭟튴쌜䍇轡䋜೵䘤駲䘤娝芎⯽硓ᘜ�酌ს랥罩枳ᑾ떤╺鱀뵋ꉴҒ挥됨鎰�욗ﱐ᫞⑯馽孖狤뷦�撑䰂퉡㲠㖊⵨鐊ધ豓名뙻명琜嶁鼀⍃⎗쇂Ⴓ଺⦇薞㴲ƥ釯覌☪籑扄儞ꈸ苏㮝ⵁ䩸뷽㴮뽨竲䪄⼡둘뢴ꏹⅭ荒陋늡诉樛鄢鱛ꦏ 帱䬼ካ斚膏뀮ꃝ䲻㐱俲ࡕ൞᧤犌޴萹ꄏ륬ᖑ薋푟텲ᙛᇣ䎎�렣械풫儁㟲ꭂ꬟銭発ꬪ쌆柢ȡⷑࡤ稿沗⫴쬎륑暆詣癄樥咶酣衯⻺�ꤞ뢫⃁縎ᑂ覈�蜣┘�蝝䠀ﴖ쵢괰葓Ԩ퀭洬ꦬ됇�氣쒲Ⳋ烇�ඈ䔼᱆쨠듙焋羊娮驐✢䂟ⅶ葳桮Ȑީ⦁锄煗掀ﻳ唊ᗞ﯂溱洱ݠ岬鿴ට쀤ጶ靡ᨨﭗ撂蹩攐Ϸ☔㏾剝衃㬧⟰क揽ʩ⋜琞䘖ፖ�峉蟇ꖮ輄輰蓽鮑�斳뙖輹등⎮䇹㣠踴ꓧ븻�鎽歭䵼蹹챒탸슨ﰡ姙⨊齰朞㔑貚闟Ḙ�ᛪ㭱㸣ﱁ辄㸽ⴇ묰곎 썊黂訴ᶭ좃縭拾鱻댥鱛ᗥ轲ꈈᗯ瞖稘䫙䤀ै쿏ᴅ⢋븣㹓윟ꋵᱩ乣갳곽눣ﳃ时㣒戮笳⛇⶞狰箕➜燆賳軤壗꿈행豽妠₃⬞㣾ꫫ잴넉뒱뎏㵶苶᧣蚯�」鸾疡ᠼ퉱儥ᛠ感䡖경䞐ꜞ熝㫚ミ逜ᤆ蝧퉱�朞旛앀ꪩ瑱䇉ࡖ恱ጥ醹劂죬䑑츶쯍ﭣゖ离ۄ屸灄ᡠ數ꄬ涻ޔ慣휝㨃㼒뵭ꮏ㇨ꁾ⸶殦扯糵⡂縷럻痼쟓鍘症仕黆屢엫�䴤穲鸒縰룦粼众鞈⿇ⳬ䞂᫼祱㪹侨赆⧑渎툳볒憝柭暕丏寱徭橶ળ岞璡鸲垂掘⤗ユ࡯�땞䊡⟎䧡䶩 䴸㭒ঔ�‣꾵琲辶☩䚐�叇㒚Ыꓦ⌒ザ㢭웣⻯Ủ쉹�䎴撀୳⹜饶䍗㻝㋮ʱ딖췭≑鲮옿ꝝ큖��⮼ᴒ껣殓鱸댮怫獱㜑鵅픥돳鴰얠쌺ந焴䚂冚ᣧ堍趞탔㛘䤛熯騻〮睅炫㒻鵍삻䛭喹ⱶ逧舎מּꍲة夕뗙ᑟ꡽槺麄拏燂颻汱ꐍ㫡騈汳汹鄸㫵샓捬纑ꔼꄷõ嘧쬿柙씻飲෍都枼簽轌釩䎟퟼뽒塝⥎謓ﮣ米睠횝迹铬ᰳ롡�予媱쟍⧹挈쩜ॆ鯴◐뺼쐷ᆰ劼㐯籋⻜螖헧胛뫋᷄ʹ律漺ห汇䏏卞犏湐ᛨ汞ᨼ螺俥뭭뷱뷹蚍��ﳱ�㤑 뮚౐⦂ឩᫎ枳᪜왁緷榎�ᓆ匽㺺㚯蔋㑓㡋᱇陟妸㈨崃׃殌싓笚燡�璦鼘쬽鈴缑勻굌鉬ᰎ퐙Ἐ祱㈪㩣�듭�▖㪾ꇗא춿繓葛霯훸絒䏶㕨胔摅돛攋缃㍞娍癄꧑縉쁳�뙟ၶ⹱屣徱輜⟳욗楃汷趞䥣佼㘯�╞蒸ᬯᚶ뻖왖蠒텬뚲˒뾥䚱擮澉즽혆�딆ꆖ贎ꨜ衒뇫∵絔እ㢦鿠男斏멯鱰௟㩮⅛か㵎㻋ࢨ夀睚⥻㡴葃捇쏟㨙瘽ĝ퉑烬쳖�꜒ꇀ毽怫劉뀕斠재탖퇁倴뼡ꌟ铲Շ춚҆❢Ჾ㰲�㮎韷膮ࢧ熶豽꾤㙨䟖䖣ꦡ楅싀㕱ﳼ悈蚝嗥姣 㼲錴㱳ܯ錌훚ᙸ쟝㳧幘姣㾠춬拋룇㨎秂달䘔욿㫇䫊鵈厅➧ັꍆ祇⇿⃫龿⍬녮ທ�ꏆ查每쌓艥뭁저薝筤洴㩃膀瞝丱捱〡ꎍ叒䨉С�㾼䂵聝롪碷ꬔ㜨쨀⃅੉㍬鐬쟌˳ꃌ达鵡낣ଙ�伿너팬쏿쓮㿧鶹ዸᦷ玆떓쩅縠쯣園ꙣ魳䊷㟣霥Ӹ廅욖⦲⸹涺띉㳹㇪쮜洮ጿ敝凵癞辜ﬞ晾镭�槸旍딙焋恧칛鮟᩠礿ᬝ⎲ꛮ轞䟮敼㼒먄Ꞔí裏퉱ꈭﯭ㧹廘냔�褹竈쯩켶荳⫐補꾞鳻燴ⴤ휇ϳꆠ㊞�䬙ꨗ擒먃ᣧ旸ꏱ쮼㞴껴郵籘烊 辉圈簩뒜胬뭣잼羱㼿᱙⢴⠭ⱷ嫪ୋ襏홞擸닟춎锧繃嘕푄ớ级롩籫⯜ᔔ坍软�뉭훎懸꒜�긡눺蹢齱흰놑튑櫙�ﱬﭖ㬒ﱂﮬ빹䆐姠䊖ꬶ붲›蒊√닼敍쑛僩⃋�ᩪ䴾䊩Ė塤槾韞棆衄苐�˒뛬픘㽣麯潲掳랶衳뛋ـ✟ਬ牼캘䗳숏绳ꏱ⩰倭䄞䃭늇ꇍ伅궋ળ校ꉱ瑱蒊뫠环륃䓩㷯槥鼞㰳榏〬낆㗄�㔶ୖ닡뎅䛙Ə௣冘—�๚쭯ڒ锪ꗵ뜩弐蹡௲꒶詭ᰡ籤溪꘹ⴛ㡃幔Ⲁꅚ畵䨡世Ꚕ킈좪譂ῡ鑸㘖᠙잛弖屯 ䷶敽얡�뇫鏬븭顱窴ⶊ銾泸⦁ꋮ�ᣮ똦㜟䱚ꋬꅨ贎蘥∆翽끆巣㩥鯬瑂ᚖᨢ冷᩻縬牉寙훽�樔㲳큵넅弒뎩쟅辷�⍭㸈 ၵﬡ졅蝐ƅ퇠뛸단鬷鈵좟鐸슦뮴宩춥Ͱ럆霅兣뇯쟅켉衰냈ㅒ▄곖�䒑䨝띩쒵相ꎤ㥛പⶍ掗離켔埆휼퓇瑌뉐૛ၥ驚䵭助⎙㲠꘴뇜�챿垍읁嗘쁠囬ᰠᙾ杂胡돲饕Ṷ姾燱﫟켸ꕬ䂼薠ꔎ䛾虱력筧돔ꞝ陴呃ἥ⭫㊜蚗퇵긨購襣䩰�죘챞䧿站⳱ꚻ⻚ך䶑뛶힁�䄳崈費呶㤈辄슆轶ﲲ⤾℉쳼铴�畁壶㪞 柣枍䘔藚꧖䈏쮫䨡貞◚ꁅ䤷Ⓖ㪲焴Ⴑ䔷컆⻴棞⽷狓ꚝꉦ⩔ῆ苁巸隃ꆖ쵍㔮猊沣膭ᵣඛ儇俖ዙ꡸ꇇ↗ƈ阨ί쿙퀔쎢絻鿕啔῭쒻℧⢖ấ᳉뺇訡䀔ᖿ弚赪蜪숱轝봳瀘቞♸餾磂賾㺊᧣ෳẺ桑촡㖖Ȧ�ࢁ賹뷱ꄡ꯱✬먌┖Ⅵᆡ᧝ᯣ鈁쌢ꆽ酑鸾좿琐鋚㐸謝ছᕣ㇂텅뺍븬ᮣ⠵썊㵛쭥]⻥྄늋롂叽�础熫멫焐憺훜᝛鴚렗㾝ᆌ誟㶩䬈葟땱ᄇ篾⣒Ήꞇ쬢䨫캍쪗ᖘ諻✏ꭉ鉰È蚔鶻怿ἑ﹊텱饵䯢ᄱⱟ撞㰼ᑩᒧ�貌ᆌጃ 옸⾧蔙籗镶��ꉺ嗔熢戋�窸ำ璃ꬂ鐀Ḕ⁷鳎쬈牅溥謙잵郯皞쨄聂쐝슕쳱솯ꉢ睖휜恦콌⑏�慧풳זּ篥켛㾞㊰綰鱿뇴䍌쭣率⮳磃쮣諶Ჲ楁퐔伇睡胔㒅箚쌙謉骃蔖縑ẝཻ齲鿪졛괣蕐홲裋鸙媿ళ얍ꢲ奁鹙巢濧ഗ⺫煷랕궼衵Ⲡ둀⧠Ⴗタ贳漼丿䙚껑弛ᴛ愣莪邨孅ﬡ艃�ማ铄㓞㮩䆣憑⁄ᩱ歵㜐쨺㢲낷썌汱贚悟욙єꜸ퉱雅斚䍻頏俆䳎臱蚮儖箏娳谌۟㋊뭄⍌㸂侍北뤎㍣脈ԩꡞ蔠꒸ู䗛䣗ꮏ嬨騆릥ຄ新顅⧸ꕅ艥룭첕萾ᣲ焠О඿肃甔 ᡨ팅袲궏⴬摌�밳כֿﴋ㩢䟝䄞榷䥢㤖ᇬ鱋䚦䒒ౡ줄冦䚦弚⮵欯瀼叄㚊ᮏ̭籉⻪杊儚枲㲢袆促퓳�剂᭽蘨섖槵㱮丁轤躤⒅㜓왷䪳敄ℋ劀퀃薣�슈뉍ૹ䞕⼜ⶾ쾨튂䆂砭뷊삍籥僉ᙇ뷑텩䛞瓨阖캱悭ߢꙺ�웾�䧡㍙ᯱ팰ꢼꊷ楧伓鋭ꂯ쀾䔱戔辈ꩢᒸࢦ橺㺨⣁�늃췀㑼郸揔⤊뮠鲪㣹ꮻ墰틍襬䀢㰳섇닍퇎倅㤖㤨樶ᖗ㺁炰睪䈕ꀑ☰濕蛊炻溗䞡壼듊횱萾෇掣滚⳰๨ᖸ㹳痟뇄㸺⥾薱褈파厪ₚ⇩엪枧㐃訮c⦒憙峽ƿ糷ᅰ৺깡㸵〪⤯쵇ꕋ 쳣뽌贉숚峵횴㡇旼䭠㟩鹭�㎆ᴢ럅呓꿭㷧ꂅᇣ묟柖黃⋣�뛂୦�掊ᩙ딚ﭩ잫跷䚙칺ꃔ濬젹⌼㳒ﰴ鰺罃編鱽鈙ꉈ돳붏⑫铇캃鏃ꎘ㊅迗䛡⻑箺夦隢�츝䀴똤먚䤏쁹㘹ᤖ衚횪공赵䩭枳ꇸᣤ率☕淺ṯ⤯⢍堩㕨鈆ᑣ껀�豈ᅪ嫌酄ᓃ蟷교ㆽꕞ⃗ᨾ雈ڇ㦎ቲ䘪殞⌐ഏ킃䅧ᰡⷐ㍾�ꣴ⨢ጥﻡ枢ᑾ嫐烼뛙堽↺墆䜪湐ᘶ궚⧹痭梈籵子衛짒擸튻簨辌ꭤ鹙ᆗ軯澏䔫룏䪅쇙쑡䪞⋏띈΍︩ꓣퟧ푾䕧澔ᨛ㯏ⶔ᥁후庘䔄憷㶽᣻憶��剟 廘嬄憷崖ᆎ�꧆꬏왺⮈럇얻贍紑๼嶗䘋⋆⎯ݣ捉柠藍න⎭る鏲ὒ좆淯�囎䞊㑕곙㜊삻蒚�恟幨䢇ሶ꬯滧꨷뒴࿒け膋अ๿凃掚땓䎍ඪ囏ዕ珩滯㠌㖊ꦷᡱѣ똨馹䐾컉⣇�ꦦ祇鹭�㢦漅퍋⦳텎틛㊸撢풧Ꞃ䢰햁伝응㖵畳誊涯㱮磃ᣄ曦ᐿ☿汷盳뙻リ곜挿梄禷⻑괈Nڐ䘶棼ꞛ픮鍦ᝪ及⢒῏致⑍쨢Ǐ볓鄤չ炓�욃潙祛ἔꥂ县转ꊓ裝氜㍫꟟Ộ탐ᖈ䭭戩䥅뛱쐨雜놽袜洠鍑滋麚⦥ⓒ㺦糐ﺧ澒ᆠ돳ຐꉹ츩�邧�텮푦퍷嬆虞啙옻蟫Ȍ䋏䰌爣ᓸ眙ꈡ� 㚲观ꂬ啇ꤿ픉쩰궜툌胅⋕㙓⬴멈㥬沠眣纛嬾㿬⟣휽맧梵밴맿佅涱谍�┖叞᫜蝛ꆥ썱ᵬ讶뇎桅ᰆ�歭傎婡ﻡ訛栖䤓捯짏ਔ鎊鏯⺒궶覭顄孮軛⥕窰戈Ѡ症츋友Ⲵᘙ뛸쎯瓚楋♙键洱洛䔳홬ﻸ냊쾋趈㾽䍧N蕇籃넥鿐ﹿ��ﺋ⚟﹯ퟲﲿᅤ鄋ꀾૂ湥獤牴慥੭湥潤橢ㄊ㔶〠漠橢㜊㈸㔱攊摮扯੪㘱‶‰扯㱪⼼畎獭せ㰼匯䐯㸾ㄠ㰼匯䐯匯⁴㸲崾㸾攊摮扯੪牸晥《ㄠ㜶《〰〰〰〰‰㔶㌵‵⁦《〰〰〰㄰‵〰〰‰《〰〰〰㈳′〰〰‰《〰 〰〰㤳‷〰〰‰《〰〰〰㐴‷〰〰‰《〰〰〰ㄵ‷〰〰‰《〰〰㄰㤲‷〰〰‰《〰〰㄰㜴‸〰〰‰《〰〰㈰ㄱ‸〰〰‰《〰〰㈰㤲‹〰〰‰《〰〰㈰ㄹ‸〰〰‰《〰㄰㠳㐵‶〰〰‰《〰㄰㠳㘵‹〰〰‰《〰㈰㜷㠱‹〰〰‰《〰㈰㜷ㄲ′〰〰‰《〰㐰〳㐵″〰〰‰《〰㐰〳㘵‶〰〰‰《〰㔰㜹㘱‹〰〰‰《〰㔰㜹㤱′〰〰‰《〰㜰㘷〶″〰〰‰《〰㜰㘷㈶‶〰〰‰《〰㤰㘳㘲′〰〰‰《〰㤰㘳㠲‵〰〰‰《 〰〱㈹ㄳ′〰〰‰《〰〱㈹㌳‵〰〰‰《〰㈱㌵㠸‴〰〰‰《〰㈱㌵〹‷〰〰‰《〰㐱ㄲ㈱‷〰〰‰《〰㐱ㄲ㔱‰〰〰‰《〰㘱㄰㜹′〰〰‰《〰㘱㄰㤹‵〰〰‰《〰㜱ㄸ〴‹〰〰‰《〰㜱ㄸ㌴′〰〰‰《〰㜱ㄸ㜵‶〰〰‰《〰㜱ㄸ㠷‰〰〰‰《〰㜱㈸〰‹〰〰‰《〰㜱㈸㤱‸〰〰‰《〰㜱㈸㜴‷〰〰‰《〰㜱㈸㌷‱〰〰‰《〰㜱㈸㠸‰〰〰‰《〰㜱㌸㈰‴〰〰‰《〰㜱㌸㠱″〰〰‰《〰㜱㌸㌳‷〰〰‰ 《〰㜱㌸ㄵ‱〰〰‰《〰㜱㌸㘶‵〰〰‰《〰㜱㌸㌸‹〰〰‰《〰㜱㌸㤹″〰〰‰《〰㜱㐸〱′〰〰‰《〰㜱㔸㘲‱〰〰‰《〰㜱㔸㐴‰〰〰‰《〰㜱㜸ㄶ‰〰〰‰《〰㜱㜸㌶‱〰〰‰《〰㜱㜸㔶′〰〰‰《〰㜱㜸㠷″〰〰‰《〰㜱㜸〸‷〰〰‰《〰㜱㠸ㄲ‴〰〰‰《〰㜱㠸〴‷〰〰‰《〰㠱㜱㐹‹〰〰‰《〰㠱㜱㜹‱〰〰‰《〰㠱㜱㤹″〰〰‰《〰㠱㠱㌱″〰〰‰《〰㠱㠱㔱′〰〰‰《〰㠱㠱㈲‰〰〰‰ 《〰㠱㠱ㄵ‴〰〰‰《〰㠱㠱㌵‴〰〰‰《〰㠱㤱㘰‵〰〰‰《〰㠱㤱㠰‵〰〰‰《〰㠱〲㔲‶〰〰‰《〰㠱〲㌴‹〰〰‰《〰㠱〶㌴‱〰〰‰《〰㠱〶㔴‴〰〰‰《〰㠱〶㜴‶〰〰‰《〰㠱ㄶ㔶″〰〰‰《〰㠱ㄶ㌸‶〰〰‰《〰㠱㐹〴‵〰〰‰《〰㠱㐹㈴‷〰〰‰《〰㠱㐹㐴‹〰〰‰《〰㠱㔹㈶‵〰〰‰《〰㠱㔹ㄸ‷〰〰‰《〰㤱〳㜹‹〰〰‰《〰㤱ㄳ〰′〰〰‰《〰㤱ㄳ㈰‴〰〰‰《〰㤲㘱〲‸〰〰 ‰《〰㤲㘱㌲‱〰〰‰《〰㤲㜱㌰‵〰〰‰《〰㤲㜱ㄲ‸〰〰‰《〰㤲㜱㔸‹〰〰‰《〰㤲㠱㐰′〰〰‰《〰㤲㠱㘶′〰〰‰《〰〳㐵㤲‱〰〰‰《〰〳㐵ㄳ‴〰〰‰《〰ㄳㄹ㤶‷〰〰‰《〰ㄳㄹ㈷‰〰〰‰《〰㌳㌴㠸‸〰〰‰《〰㌳㌴ㄹ‱〰〰‰《〰㔳〱㜲‰〰〰‰《〰㔳〱㤲″〰〰‰《〰㘳㤸㤰‱〰〰‰《〰㘳㤸ㄱ‴〰〰‰《〰㠳㤴㈱‵〰〰‰《〰㠳㤴㐱‸〰〰‰《〰㤳㤹㈸‱〰〰‰《〰㤳㤹㐸‵〰 〰‰《〰ㄴ〶㤳‵〰〰‰《〰ㄴ〶ㄴ‹〰〰‰《〰㌴㈲㐵‷〰〰‰《〰㌴㈲㜵‱〰〰‰《〰㔴㌰㐱‸〰〰‰《〰㔴㌰㜱′〰〰‰《〰㘴㌸㌶‶〰〰‰《〰㘴㌸㘶‰〰〰‰《〰㘴㌸〸‵〰〰‰《〰㘴㐸㈰‵〰〰‰《〰㘴㐸㔲‵〰〰‰《〰㘴㐸㐴‵〰〰‰《〰㘴㐸ㄶ‰〰〰‰《〰㘴㐸㤸‰〰〰‰《〰㘴㔸㐰‰〰〰‰《〰㘴㔸㠱‵〰〰‰《〰㘴㔸㐳‵〰〰‰《〰㘴㔸〵‰〰〰‰《〰㘴㔸㜶‵〰〰‰《〰㘴㔸㌸‰ 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