Exhbit D_IrrigationAreas_092420Parcel BoundaryLot LinesProposed imperviousProposed law n (decompacted area)Proposed pondsProposed sidewalks and trail (exempt impervious)Irrigation Areaswww.ae2s.com | Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc.Information depicted may include data unverified by AE2S. Any reliance upon such data is at the user’s own risk. AE2S does not warrant this map or its features are either spatially or temporally accurate.Coordinate System: NAD 1983 HARN Adj MN Carver Feet | Edited by: lwehr | C:\Users\LWehr\AE2S\Sathre - Galphin\GIS\Fig4_IrrigationAreas.mxd Date: 9/24/2020 Figure 4 ChanhassenCarver County, MN Locator Map Not to Scale ¯ 1 inch = 15 0 feet 0 15075 Feet SAT HRE -BERQU IST, INC IRRIGATIONAREAS THE BLUFFSAT LAKE LUCY