5.0 Galpin - Special Provisions 070220SPECIAL PROVISIONS – The Bluffs at Lucy Lake TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION TITLE PAGE 1. SCOPE OF WORK SP-1 2. GENERAL CONDITIONS SP-1 3. OWNER SP-1 4. CONTRACT DRAWINGS SP-2 5. BIDDING SP-2 6. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE & COMPLETION DATE SP-2 7 INSURANCE SP-3 8. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES SP-3 9. PAYMENT TO CONTRACTOR SP-3 10. WORKMANSHIP AND CLEANUP SP-4 11. MISCELLANEOUS SP-4 12. TREE REMOVAL SP-4 13. SITE GRADING SP-4 14. SITE DRAINAGE SP-6 15. SANITARY SEWER SP-6 16. WATERMAIN SP-7 17. STORM SEWER SP-7 18. UTILITY TRENCH COMPACTION SP-7 19. STREET CONSTRUCTION SP-8 20. SAFETY SP-9 21. PERMITS SP-9 22. GUARANTEE SP-9 23. CORRECTIONS SP-9 SP-1 SPECIAL PROVISIONS The Bluffs at Lucy Lake 1. SCOPE OF WORK 1.1 The WORK to be performed under the provisions of these Contract Documents includes all WORK necessary to construct The Bluffs at Lucy Lake as shown on the PLANS. The WORK is divided into three (3) sections. 1.2 Section I "Site Grading, Erosion Control and Restoration" shall consist of all site grading work necessary to establish the finished grades as established on the Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plans, and as specified in these SPECIFICATIONS or as directed by the ENGINEER. The WORK shall include the following: Clearing and Grubbing of all areas necessary to complete grading and utility WORK; Street and lot grading; rough grading for trails, Subgrade correction within the fill areas of the public streets and building pads; Pond Excavation; Implementation and maintenance of soil erosion control measures; installation of drainage culverts; and respreading of topsoil and seeding disturbed areas outside the curb to curb portion of the street right of ways, as directed by the ENGINEER. This work may be completed under a separate contract. 1.3 Section II "Utility Construction" shall consist of the construction work required to complete all utilities as shown on the PLANS or as described in these SPECIFICATIONS. The work shall include construction of the following: Sanitary sewer mains and services; Watermains and services; Storm Sewers; Related appurtenances, backfilling, required pipe bedding, returning disturbed areas to grade, and respreading topsoil and seeding disturbed areas outside the curb portion of the streets. 1.4 Section III "Street Construction and Restoration" shall consist of all construction work to build the streets and restore the boulevard areas as shown on the PLANS or as described in these SPECIFICATIONS. The WORK shall include construction of the following: Final shaping; Concrete curb and gutter; Crushed rock base; Bituminous Base; Bituminous wearing surface; Bituminous trail; Concrete walks; Backfilling of Curb; Striping; Signage; Spreading of topsoil; seeding and mulching or sodding all disturbed areas as directed by the ENGINEER. 2. GENERAL CONDITIONS 2.1 The GENERAL CONDITIONS are general in scope and may contain provisions or refer to conditions not relevant to the WORK to be performed. GENERAL CONDITIONS provisions pertaining to a non-existent condition or which conflict with any provision of the SPECIAL PROVISIONS, shall have no meaning in the CONTRACT and shall be disregarded. 3. OWNER 3.1 The term OWNER means - CHAN THREE DEVELOPMENT, INC. 10850 Old County Rd 15 Suite 200 Plymouth, MN 55441 Contact: Craig Allen Email: Craig@GonyeaCompany.com Ph: (952) 270-4473 SP-2 4. CONTRACT DRAWINGS 4.1 The CONTRACT DRAWINGS or PLANS on which the Proposal and CONTRACT are based, consists of 29 sheets. These sheets bear the general title: The Bluffs at Lucy Lake, CHAN THREE DEVELOPMENT, INC. The sheets are specifically identified as: Sheet No. Description 1 Title Sheet 2-4 Street Plans 5-7 Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Plans 8-12 Storm Sewer Plans 13-15 Grading Plans 16 Erosion Control Plan 17-23 Construction Details 5. BIDDING 5.1 Section I – Site Grading – may be completed under a separate contract, bidders must specify if their bids are tied together. Section II – Utilities, and Section III - Streets will be awarded to one (1) successful bidder and will be completed under one (1) contract, for the on- site utility work. The OWNER may choose to remove one section of the contract or complete items under a separate contract. 6. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE & COMPLETION DATE 6.1 The projected construction start for The Bluffs at Lucy Lake is Fall 2020, after City Council approval. 6.2 The OWNER and CONTRACTOR shall determine and agree upon a construction schedule prior to signing of the contract. This schedule shall be used to determine the completion date for the work. 6.3 The Completion Date for all WORK will be set as follows: The completion date shall be established by adding the number of calendar days listed below to the date of issuance of the Notice to Proceed or to the date that WORK is started on the project, whichever comes first. All Grading Work 20 Working Days All Utility and Street Work through the Bituminous Base Course - 30 Working Days Final Bituminous Wear Course (2021 Construction) - 10 Working Days Prior to signing of Contract Documents a meeting with all Contractors, the Owner and Engineer in attendance will be held to work out a detailed Construction Schedule and Completion Dates on this project. The above listed Working Days are approximate and final schedules will be determined at the above referenced meeting. All Street Work must be Completed By October 31, 2017 thru the bituminous base course. 6.4 No WORK shall be performed, nor shall any material or equipment be stored at the WORK site prior to receipt of the Notice to Proceed. SP-3 7. INSURANCE 7.1 Insurance requirements shall be in accordance with section GC 24 except as modified in 7.2 below: The Contractor shall obtain the stated minimum insurance coverage and maintain it at all times throughout the life of the Contract. 7.2 Insurance Requirements Liability Insurance: Contractor shall maintain general liability insurance coverage, in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate and apply on a per project basis and include a waiver of subrogation. Contractor’s insurance carrier must be rated at least an A minus by A.M. Best. Owner shall be named as an Additional Insured on a primary basis on Contractor’s general liability policy. Additional Insured coverage shall include both work in progress (ongoing operations) and completed work (completed operations). Additional Insured status shall be provided on the CG2010 11/85 or its equivalent (combination of the CG2010 07/04 & CG2037 07/04). Additional Insured coverage shall be maintained for at least one year upon completion of the project. The General Aggregate on the Contractor’s General Liability policy shall apply on a per project basis. Contractor’s policy shall provide that Owner receive at least thirty (30) days written notice prior to cancellation, nonrenewal or alteration in the terms of the policy. Contractor shall provide to Owner a Certificate of Liability Insurance evidencing such coverage and provide replacement Certificates as needed. Indemnification: Contractor shall indemnify and hold Owner and Owner’s customer harmless from any and all claims arising out of or relating to Contractor’s Work or arising out of or relating to any act or omission of Contractor. Indemnification shall include all expenses, including, without limitation, attorney fees incurred by Owner and Owner’s customer in the investigation or defense of a claim. Additionally, to the fullest extent allowed by law, Contractor agrees to purchase insurance providing for such indemnification. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS – List OWNER as additional insured. Subcontractors shall procure and maintain, at its sole cost and expense, the insurance requirements listed above. 8. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES 8.1 The sum of Five Hundred and No/100 Dollars ($500.00) shall be deducted from any monies due the CONTRACTOR for each and every calendar day that the WO RK remains uncompleted beyond the completion dates as established in these SPECIFICATIONS. The CONTRACTOR shall note that the liquidated damages shall pertain to each of the completion dates as specified in these SPECIFICATIONS. This deduction of monies shall not be assessed as a penalty, but rather as predetermined liquidated damages to be sustained by the OWNER. 9. PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTOR 9.1 The time required for the OWNER shall be revised to require the OWNER to make payment on the approved partial and final payment estimates within thirty (30) days of the approved City of Chanhassen resolution reducing the financial guarantee that is in force guaranteeing said work to the City. The amount of each payment to the CONTRACTOR shall not exceed each reduction approved by the City of Chanhassen for work completed. These reductions will be scheduled for approval at the City of Chanhassen Council meetings SP-4 convening each month. A five (5%) percent retainage will be held on all work completed until all or a portion of the work has been accepted, and the financial guarantee is reduced to zero (0) by the City of Chanhassen. 10. WORKMANSHIP AND CLEANUP 10.1 It is the intention and purpose of these SPECIFICATIONS to obtain good workmanship throughout the project and to complete the WORK in full working order. WORK shall be performed fully in accordance with the PLANS and SPECIFICATIONS. The site of the WORK shall be left in an equal to or better than cleanliness condition upon completion of the WORK. 11. MISCELLANEOUS 11.1 The ENGINEER and the CITY shall be notified, in writing, 48 hours prior to commencement of the WORK. CONTRACTORS shall be subject to shut down if proper prior notification is not given. The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the CITY has given the Notice to Proceed, prior to any site work. 11.2 The CONTRACTOR shall immediately repair or replace, at his own expense, any defective materials or workmanship including embankment settlements of which he is notified during the construction period, or within one year after the date of Final Acceptance of the WORK by the OWNER and the City of Chanhassen. 11.3 City streets that are utilized for access to or egress from the site shall be kept free of dirt and other debris resulting from the construction. The CONTRACTOR shall clean the streets with a skidloader/skidsteer and a street sweeper as necessary, if the tracking is by the CONTRACTOR and/or one of their sub-contractors/vendors, it shall be the CONTRACTOR’S responsibility; this shall be incidental to the site work. 11.4 The CONTRACTOR will be given notice when an unsatisfactory condition exists. The CONTRACTOR shall perform the necessary clean up or repair WORK within 48 hours or the WORK will be completed by others and any costs incurred by the OWNER will be deducted from any monies due the CONTRACTOR. 12. TREE REMOVAL 12.1 Clearing and grubbing limits shall be marked in the field by the Engineer prior to any tree removal. Trees marked to be saved shall be protected by the CONTRACTOR against damage from equipment or workers. Any trees damaged by the CONTRACTOR shall be replaced inch per caliper inch measured four (4) feet above ground at the CONTRACTOR'S expense. All dead trees within ten feet of the clearing limits shall also be removed. 12.1 A site walk will be conducted prior to tree removal with the CONTRACTOR, OWNER, ENGINEER, and City of Chanhassen Forester. 12.3 No burial of any tree parts or any type of rubble will be permitted on site. 13. SITE GRADING 13.1 The grading CONTRACTOR shall grade the site to the contours shown on the Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan, allowing for the specified hold downs. The street areas shall be held down to the subgrade elevation as shown on the Standard Details. The building pad areas shall be held down as shown on the Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan. SP-5 13.2 A subsurface exploration has been done for this site by a Soils Engineer and is available for your review; please contact the ENGINEER for a copy if needed. The CONTRACTOR shall thoroughly examine the site and the existing soil conditions to determine the extent of the WORK. 13.3 All silt fence required on the PLANS shall be installed and checked prior to commencement of any grading WORK. The silt fence to be installed in areas that are graded shall be installed immediately after topsoil has been respread. No payment shall be released, to the CONTRACTOR, for any silt fence not properly installed. Upon the completion of the site grading, a site walk-thru will be completed with the OWNER and the ENGINEER to add additional silt fence and silt fence j-hooks to help eliminate potential erosion issues, payment will be made under the – silt fence after grading line item. 13.4 The CONTRACTOR shall notify the ENGINEER when a portion of the grading work is within tolerance for approval. All areas shall be checked and approved prior to the CONTRACTOR leaving the PROJECT site. 13.5 The grading CONTRACTOR shall be required to install drainage ways, ditches with rock checks or have installed the temporary drainage culverts shown on the Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan to maintain drainage throughout the site during grading operations and upon site grading completion. 13.6 The Contractor doing the utility and street construction will be required to accept the responsibility of maintaining the accepted site as approved with the uniform 6" layer of topsoil. Any areas disturbed by the utility or street construction will have to be rechecked and verified at both the subgrade and top of topsoil prior to acceptance and final payment of the utility and street work. 13.7 The Contractors shall be required to stockpile on site at a location determined in the field by the Owner all boulders 12" or larger in diameter that are found on site. 13.8 The Contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance of all the silt fence and the costs for the maintenance and inspection will be paid for at the bid unit price. 13.9 The Contractor (Grading, Utility, and Street) will be responsible for maintaining all erosion control, BMP’S, and other storm water management items listed in the SWPPP through the completion of the grading, utility construction, street construction, installation of the minor utilities, and the establishment of the turf. The contractor shall sign the NPDES Permit as the co-permitee (Contractor). After the establishment of all turf, the contractor shall sign over the NPDES Permit to the Owner. Any Contractor or Contractor’s Subcontractor will be considered a co-permitee and required to meet the NPDES Permit requirements and the SWPPP requirements. The Contractor shall be responsible for the SWPPP Inspections as part of the project Scope of Work. (see 13.11) 13.10 The Contractor shall be responsible for the cleaning of the sedimentation pond(s) two times. Once after the bituminous base course has been installed, and again after the wear course has been installed, prior to final acceptance. This item will be paid as a lump sum for cleaning all the ponds. The amount will be paid at the bid price regardless of the amount of sediment in the ponds. 13.11 The Contractor shall fill out the Inspection and Maintenance Report (Project Log) each week and/or within 24 hours after any rainfall greater than 0.5 inches. The Contractor shall submit the log (electronic copy, be email) to the Engineer each week and a monthly summary SP-6 and with any payment request. One copy of the Report must remain on site at all times, in accordance with the rules outlined in the storm water permit. Payment will not be authorized for any work until these forms are complete and reviewed by the engineer. 13.12 The Contractor shall provide the Engineer the Original Report and a copy prior to final acceptance or transfer of ownership to a different permitee. 13.13 All restoration shall be done in accordance with MnDot seeding specifications. Prior to restoration, all seed mixtures shall be verified to be the proper seasonal mixture. 14. SITE DRAINAGE 14.1 The CONTRACTOR shall be required to provide for drainage throughout the site during his construction operations. The CONTRACTOR shall leave the site at the end of each construction day in such condition that in the event of rain there will be no water ponded within the building pads and/or street areas of the site. 14.2 The CONTRACTOR shall be required to maintain the site in such a condition that no water ponds within the street area for a period of time exceeding 24 hours. In the event that water is ponding within the street areas for a period of time longer than 24 hours the CONTRACTOR shall be penalized a sum of $500.00 per day that water is ponding beyond the initial 24 hour period. This penalty shall be applied to each individual area of the site where ponding is evident. This money shall be deducted from monies due the CONTRACTOR for work previously completed and shall be used to offset extra costs incurred by the OWNER for street subgrade correction work due to soft subgrades. 15. SANITARY SEWER 15.1 All sanitary sewer shall be constructed in accordance with the City of Chanhassen Standard Details. 15.2 The pipe used for Sanitary Sewer Mainlines and service lines deeper than 26 feet below finished centerline shall be ductile iron pipe, as specified in the Standard Sewer Construction Specifications. The pipe used for Sanitary Sewer Mainlines and service lines between 15 and 26 feet deep shall be polyvinyl chloride SDR 26. The pipe used for Sanitary Sewer Mainlines and services lines less than 15 feet deep shall be polyvinyl chloride SDR 35 as specified in the Standard Sewer Construction Specifications, unless otherwise noted on the Construction Plans. 15.3 The CONTRACTOR shall be paid at the Bid Price for Trench Stabilization Rock for the actual amount of rock used as ordered by the ENGINEER. The quantity listed in the Proposal is approximate; the ENGINEER may order the CONTRACTOR to use as little or as much rock as is required to complete the PROJECT. 15.4 The CONTRACTOR shall install the sewer services to Nine (9) feet past the property line, with the tracer wire and fence post, as shown on the STANDARD DETAILS. 15.5 The CONTRACTOR shall be required to perform in accordance with the Standard Sewer Construction specifications the following tests: 1. Low Pressure Air Test 2. Deflection Test 3. Lamping of lines with City and Engineer present. 4. Television inspection of all lines. 15.6 The CONTRACTOR shall submit the original and one copy of the television inspection report to the ENGINEER. SP-7 15.7 Manhole Frames and Covers - Manhole frames and covers shall be Neenah R-1642-B with B type solid lid, or approved equal, unless otherwise noted on the Construction Plans or City of Chanhassen Specifications. 16. WATERMAIN 16.1 All watermain shall be constructed in accordance with the City of Chanhassen Engineering Guidelines and Standard Details. 16.2 All water services shall be one (1.0) inch or (1.5) inch ID PE or HDPE SDR-9, as noted on the Construction Plans and shall be located in the field by the ENGINEER. The water services shall be extended to ten (10) feet past the property line as shown on the STANDARD DETAILS. 16.3 All watermain fittings, valves, and hydrants shall be furnished with mechanical joints and megalug connectors meeting the latest A.W.W.A. Specifications. 16.4 The CONTRACTOR shall be required to perform a hydrostatic pressure test and connectivity test in accordance with the Standard Watermain Specification's on all watermain constructed on this project. 16.5 Curb stop boxes shall have a one and a quarter inch upper section. 16.6 All hydrants are to be installed with eight foot bury length from the finished ground line at the hydrant to the bottom of the branch pipe connection. 16.7 Stainless Steel Bolts only. No other type bolts will be allowed. 16.8 Resilient seat wedge valves shall be used on all sizes of watermain. 17. STORM SEWER 17.1 All storm sewer shall be constructed in accordance with the City of Chanhassen Standard Details. 17.2 All Storm Sewer shall be reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) Class 5 or better unless another class is noted on the PLANS. Joints shall be type R-4. 17.3 Temporary drainage culverts shall be Corrugated Metal Pipe or HDPE Pipe meeting MnDOT Specifications. The Utility Contractor shall be responsible for the Removal of any Temporary Drainage Pipes, Ways, or Swales, when Utilities are installed in that area of the Site, no direct compensation will be made for this WORK. 17.4 Storm Sewer materials and construction shall be in conformance with the latest MnDOT Standard Specifications for Construction. 17.5 The CONTRACTOR shall install wimcos, circle “h” inlet protection, Haybales, or other approved BMP devices at all storm sewer inlets to prevent eroding soils from entering the storm sewer system. Haybales shall be maintained until the turf has been established. 18 UTILITY TRENCH COMPACTION 18.1 Fill placed below three feet of subgrade elevation should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of standard Proctor density (ASTM D 698). This fill should not be more than 3 percentage points over the soil's optimum moisture content as determined by the standard Proctor. Fill placed within the upper three feet of subgrade and the aggregate base and within the entire utility trench adjacent to building pad areas should be compacted to a minimum of 100 SP-8 percent of the standard Proctor density. This fill should not be more than 1 percentage point over the soil's optimum moisture content as determined by standard Proctor. 18.2 If the existing moisture content of the backfill material below three feet of subgrade is greater than 3 percentage points above the optimum moisture content, the soil shall be compacted to a minimum density of 3 pounds per cubic feet less than the standard Proctor curve at that moisture content. At no time shall the density be less than 90 percent of the standard Proctor density. This modification of the compaction specification shall at no time be used or applied to the upper 3 feet of the subgrade or the aggregate base. 18.3 In areas where the sewer is installed adjacent to building pad areas the CONTRACTOR will be required to meet site grading compaction specifications for building pad construction in the utility trench. 19. STREET CONSTRUCTION 19.1 All street work shall be completed in accordance with the City of Chanhassen Standard Details. 19.2 Following utility installation, and prior to placement of aggregate base, the CONTRACTOR shall be required to reshape the street subgrade to provide for positive drainage so that water does not pond in any areas prior to placement of the granular base. The subgrade shall be graded to within +/- .1 ' of the proposed subgrade. The contractor will be required to perform a test roll prior to placement of Select Granular (MNDot 3149.2B2) and the Class 5 base (MNDot 3138 A1). 19.3 The aggregate base shall be class 5 base made up of 100% crushed virgin quarry stone meeting MnDOT Specification 3138 A1 and installed in accordance with MnDOT Specification 2211 with compaction by the specified density method. The Contractor may use recycled class 5 base material if approved in writing by the City of Chanhassen, prior to placement of any recycled material the CONTRACTOR shall provide the ENGINEER with a copy of the written approval letter. A manual plate tamper shall be used along the face of the curb. 19.4 The Bituminous Base Course shall be in accordance with MnDOT Specification 2360. A manual plate tamper shall be used along the face of the curb. 19.5 The Bituminous Wear Course shall be in accordance with MnDOT Specification 2360. A rubber tired roller is to be used on all wear course installed. 19.6 Prior to placement of the granular base, the CONTRACTOR shall notify the Engineer that the subbase is prepared. The subgrade shall then be toleranced to within +/- 1/4 inch of design grade. Upon approval of the grade the CONTRACTOR shall perform a test roll of the approved area. The test roll shall be done using a tandem truck with gross weight of 25 tons. A Soils Engineer shall be present during test rolling and provide written certification to the City that the test passed or necessary corrections or recommendations if the test failed. 19.7 Prior to placement of the aggregate base, all manhole and valve box castings shall be removed or lowered below the bottom of the aggregate level. Following construction of the first bituminous lift the CONTRACTOR shall adjust all the castings .5" below the first lift. Immediately prior to the construction of the final bituminous lift, the CONTRACTOR shall adjust all castings to their final elevation of one (1) inch below the final surface. The bid items for "Adjust Manhole Castings" and "Adjust Valve Box Castings" shall be compensation for all adjustments required to establish the finished grades for the tops of these structures. Ramping of manholes for snow plow protection will not be allowed. 19.8 The aggregate base, curb and gutter, and bituminous base surface shall be constructed by the CONTRACTOR during the 2020 Construction Season, following completion of the utility SP-9 WORK. The bituminous wear course shall be installed in the 2021 construction season, as directed by the OWNER. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the necessary street cleaning prior to placement of final Bituminous Surface. The CONTRACTOR shall be aware that the OWNER or Companies working for the OWNER will be building houses and or performing other construction activities in the immediate area and that the streets may need additional cleaning. The CONTRACTOR will also have to coordinate their work with the other people working in the area. 19.9 Following completion of the curb and gutter construction, the CONTRACTOR shall backfill the curb and spread a minimum of 4" of topsoil on the boulevard area. Following the installation of the minor utilities (NSP, Northwestern Bell, Gas, ... etc.) the CONTRACTOR shall reshape the boulevard areas and sod three (3) feet behind the curb, between the curb and walk (trail) plus one roll outside of the walk/trail and install silt fence behind the blvd. sod, and seed and mulch all other disturbed areas as specified in the site grading section of the SPECIFICATIONS. 19.10 Following completion of the curb and gutter construction and the installation of the minor utilities (XCEL, Qwest, Minnegasco, Comcast, Electric, Cable TV, Gas, etc.) the CONTRACTOR shall regrade the boulevard areas and shall also reshape the overflow areas and EOF”s as designated on the Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Plan. 19.11 The City of Chanhassen requires Neenah Foundry Company, East Jordan Works charcoal grey coated cast iron truncated dome panels for all pedestrian ramps. 20. SAFETY 20.1 The CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for the safe protection of the work and shall perform the work in accordance with the latest guidelines set forth by O.S.H.A. and the Department of Labor and Industry. 21. PERMITS 21.1 The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for obtaining any required permits from the City for connections to existing municipal utilities or excavations in public right of way. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for all fees, bonding and proof of insurance required by the City. 22. GUARANTEE 22.1 The CONTRACTOR shall be required upon City Council acceptance of the work or a portion thereof to submit a maintenance bond in the amount of the work being accepted to the City of Chanhassen guaranteeing that work to the City of Chanhassen for a period of two (2) years from the date of acceptance. 23. CORRECTIONS The following are corrections to the general specifications and supercede the specification in question. 23.1