Storm A - My Report 091620Hydraflow Storm Sewers Extension for Autodesk@ Civil 3D@ Plan 9 21 5 20 8 4 6 7 2 3 2 10 13 14 15 11 16 12 17 18 19 Project File: Storm A - 083120.stm Number of lines: 23 Date: 9/16/2020 Storm Sewers 02.00 Storm Sewer Inventory Report Page 1 Line Alignment Flow Data Physical Data Line ID No. Dnstr Line Def! Junc Known Drng Runoff Inlet Invert Line Invert Line Line N J -Loss Inlet/ Line Length angle Type Q Area Coeff Time EI Dn Slope EI Up Size Shape Value Coeff Rim EI No. (ft) (deg) (cfs) (ac) (C) (min) (ft) M (ft) (in) (n) (K) (ft) 1 End 61.583 24.892 Comb 0.00 0.36 0.40 15.0 973.00 0.16 973.10 30 Cir 0.013 1.36 981.37 18-19 2 1 29.500 30.959 Comb 0.00 0.22 0.40 15.0 973.10 0.34 973.20 27 Cir 0.013 1.83 981.37 19-20 3 2 173.207 -86.787 Comb 0.00 0.19 0.40 15.0 977.10 2.19 980.90 15 Cir 0.013 0.50 985.17 20-31 4 3 114.012 15.834 Comb 0.00 0.19 0.40 15.0 980.90 2.37 983.60 15 Cir 0.013 1.49 988.20 31-32 5 4 113.644 14.363 Comb 0.00 0.48 0.40 15.0 983.60 2.29 986.20 15 Cir 0.013 1.48 990.83 32-33 6 5 274.945 12.103 Comb 0.00 0.82 0.40 15.0 986.20 3.09 994.70 15 Cir 0.013 1.50 999.32 33-34 7 6 29.250 -89.587 Comb 0.00 1.08 0.40 15.0 994.70 1.03 995.00 15 Cir 0.013 0.74 999.27 34-35 8 7 79.842 26.013 Comb 0.00 0.38 0.40 15.0 995.00 5.64 999.50 15 Cir 0.013 0.50 1005.50 35-36 9 8 53.379 5.183 Comb 0.00 0.60 0.40 15.0 999.50 0.37 999.70 15 Cir 0.013 1.00 1004.00 36-37 10 2 55.625 -51.261 Comb 0.00 0.01 0.40 15.0 973.20 0.36 973.40 15 Cir 0.013 1.01 978.75 20-21 11 10 97.703 38.583 Comb 0.00 0.15 0.40 15.0 973.40 0.41 973.80 15 Cir 0.013 1.43 978.00 21-22 12 11 85.414 -70.657 Comb 0.00 0.12 0.40 15.0 973.80 0.70 974.40 15 Cir 0.013 0.50 981.50 22-23 13 12 73.582 10.601 Comb 0.00 0.20 0.40 15.0 974.40 0.41 974.70 15 Cir 0.013 0.65 979.00 23-24 14 13 80.668 22.222 Comb 0.00 0.12 0.40 15.0 974.70 2.48 976.70 15 Cir 0.013 0.50 981.00 24-25 15 14 85.417 5.053 Comb 0.00 0.24 0.40 15.0 976.70 2.34 978.70 15 Cir 0.013 0.50 983.00 25-26 16 15 90.087 -0.686 Comb 0.00 0.46 0.40 15.0 978.70 3.33 981.70 15 Cir 0.013 0.50 986.00 26-27 17 16 270.814 6.599 Comb 0.00 0.26 0.40 15.0 981.70 3.32 990.70 15 Cir 0.013 0.50 995.00 27-28 18 17 90.519 -10.277 Comb 0.00 0.13 0.40 15.0 990.70 2.21 992.70 15 Cir 0.013 0.50 997.00 28-29 19 18 136.656 -14.248 Comb 0.00 0.15 0.40 15.0 992.70 2.20 995.70 15 Cir 0.013 1.00 1000.00 29-30 20 5 29.265 -80.952 Comb 0.00 0.63 0.40 15.0 986.20 1.03 986.50 15 Cir 0.013 1.00 990.81 33-39 21 4 29.250 -82.807 Comb 0.00 0.32 0.40 15.0 983.60 1.03 983.90 15 Cir 0.013 1.00 988.21 32-38 22 1 8.000 62.585 Comb 0.00 0.24 0.40 15.0 977.10 1.25 977.20 15 Cir 0.013 1.00 981.53 19-19A 23 2 8.000 91.791 Comb 0.00 1.18 0.40 15.0 977.10 1.25 977.20 15 Cir 0.013 1.00 981.53 20-20A Project File: Storm A - 083120.stm Number of lines: 23 Date: 9/16/2020 Storm Sewers 02.00 Storm Sewer Summary Report Page 1 Line Line ID Flow Line Line Line Invert Invert Line HGL HGL Minor HGL Dns Junction No. rate Size shape length EL Dn EL Up Slope Down Up loss Junct Line Type (cfs) (in) (ft) (ft) (ft) M (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) No. 1 18-19 14.33 30 Cir 61.583 973.00 973.10 0.162 974.27 974.70 0.39 975.09 End Combination 2 19-20 13.32 27 Cir 29.500 973.10 973.20 0.339 975.09 975.13 0.38 975.52 1 Combination 3 20-31 7.88 15 Cir 173.207 977.10 980.90 2.194 977.96 982.01 n/a 982.01 2 Combination 4 31-32 7.56 15 Cir 114.012 980.90 983.60 2.368 982.01 984.69 n/a 984.69j 3 Combination 5 32-33 6.70 15 Cir 113.644 983.60 986.20 2.288 984.69 987.24 n/a 987.24 j 4 Combination 6 33-34 4.84 15 Cir 274.945 986.20 994.70 3.092 987.24 995.59 n/a 995.59 j 5 Combination 7 34-35 3.46 15 Cir 29.250 994.70 995.00 1.026 995.59 995.75 n/a 995.75 j 6 Combination 8 35-36 1.65 15 Cir 79.842 995.00 999.50 5.636 995.75 1000.01 n/a 1000.01 j 7 Combination 9 36-37 1.01 15 Cir 53.379 999.50 999.70 0.375 1000.01 1000.12 0.12 1000.24 8 Combination 10 20-21 3.09 15 Cir 55.625 973.20 973.40 0.360 975.52* 975.64" 0.10 975.74 2 Combination 11 21-22 3.07 15 Cir 97.703 973.40 973.80 0.409 975.74* 975.96* 0.14 976.10 10 Combination 12 22-23 2.82 15 Cir 85.414 973.80 974.40 0.703 976.10* 976.27* 0.04 976.31 11 Combination 13 23-24 2.62 15 Cir 73.582 974.40 974.70 0.408 976.31* 976.43* 0.05 976.48 12 Combination 14 24-25 2.28 15 Cir 80.668 974.70 976.70 2.479 976.48 977.30 n/a 977.30 j 13 Combination 15 25-26 2.08 15 Cir 85.417 976.70 978.70 2.341 977.30 979.28 n/a 979.28 j 14 Combination 16 26-27 1.68 15 Cir 90.087 978.70 981.70 3.330 979.28 982.21 n/a 982.21 j 15 Combination 17 27-28 0.91 15 Cir 270.814 981.70 990.70 3.323 982.21 991.07 n/a 991.07 j 16 Combination 18 28-29 0.47 15 Cir 90.519 990.70 992.70 2.209 991.07 992.97 n/a 992.97 j 17 Combination 19 29-30 0.25 15 Cir 136.656 992.70 995.70 2.195 992.97 995.89 n/a 995.89 j 18 Combination 20 33-39 1.06 15 Cir 29.265 986.20 986.50 1.025 987.24 986.90 n/a 986.90 5 Combination 21 32-38 0.54 15 Cir 29.250 983.60 983.90 1.026 984.69 984.19 n/a 984.19 4 Combination 22 19-19A 0.40 15 Cir 8.000 977.10 977.20 1.250 977.30 977.45 0.09 977.45 1 Combination 23 20-20A 1.98 15 Cir 8.000 977.10 977.20 1.250 977.55 977.76 0.22 977.76 2 Combination Project File: Storm A - 083120.stm Number of lines: 23 Run Date: 9/16/2020 NOTES: Return period = 10 Yrs. ; *Surcharged (HGL above crown). ; j - Line contains hyd. jump. Storm Sewers 02.00 MyReport Page 1 Line Inlet Area Area Drng Capac Flow Invert Invert Line Line Line Inlet i Junct Known Rim-Hw Runoff Tc Vel Gutter No. ID Dn Up Area Full Rate Dn Up Length Size Slope Time Inlet Type Q Coeff Ave Spread (sqft) (sqft) (ac) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (in) (%) (min) (in/hr) (cfs) (ft) (C) (min) (fUs) (ft) 1 19 2.51 3.32 0.36 16.52 14.33 973.00 973.10 61.583 30 0.16 15.0 4.20 Comb. 0.00 6.28 0.40 41.1 5.01 8.47 2 20 3.73 3.63 0.22 18.03 13.32 973.10 973.20 29.500 27 0.34 15.0 4.20 Comb. 0.00 5.85 0.40 41.0 3.62 3.27 3 31 0.91 1.15 0.19 9.56 7.88 977.10 980.90 173.207 15 2.19 15.0 4.20 Comb. 0.00 3.16 0.40 19.1 7.78 1.99 4 32 1.14 1.14 0.19 9.94 7.56 980.90 983.60 114.012 15 2.37 15.0 4.20 Comb. 0.00 3.51 0.40 18.8 6.61 3.13 5 33 1.09 1.09 0.48 9.77 6.70 983.60 986.20 113.644 15 2.29 15.0 4.20 Comb. 0.00 3.59 0.40 18.4 6.02 4.96 6 34 0.94 0.94 0.82 11.35 4.84 986.20 994.70 274.945 15 3.09 15.0 4.20 Comb. 0.00 3.73 0.40 17.2 4.80 5.22 7 35 0.77 0.77 1.08 6.54 3.46 994.70 995.00 29.250 15 1.03 15.0 4.20 Comb. 0.00 3.52 0.40 17.1 4.10 5.97 8 36 0.47 0.47 0.38 15.33 1.65 995.00 999.50 79.842 15 5.64 15.0 4.20 Comb. 0.00 5.49 0.40 16.1 2.83 5.01 9 37 0.47 0.37 0.60 3.95 1.01 999.50 999.70 53.379 15 0.37 15.0 4.20 Comb. 0.00 3.76 0.40 15.0 2.45 7.05 10 21 1.23 1.23 0.01 3.87 3.09 973.20 973.40 55.625 15 0.36 15.0 4.20 Comb. 0.00 3.01 0.40 40.6 2.52 0.42 11 22 1.23 1.23 0.15 4.13 3.07 973.40 973.80 97.703 15 0.41 15.0 4.20 Comb. 0.00 1.90 0.40 40.0 2.51 2.37 12 23 1.23 1.23 0.12 5.41 2.82 973.80 974.40 85.414 15 0.70 15.0 4.20 Comb. 0.00 5.19 0.40 39.4 2.30 2.00 13 24 1.23 1.23 0.20 4.12 2.62 974.40 974.70 73.582 15 0.41 15.0 4.20 Comb. 0.00 2.52 0.40 38.8 2.14 3.02 14 25 0.59 0.59 0.12 10.17 2.28 974.70 976.70 80.668 15 2.48 15.0 4.20 Comb. 0.00 3.70 0.40 38.1 2.88 2.00 15 26 0.55 0.55 0.24 9.88 2.08 976.70 978.70 85.417 15 2.34 15.0 4.20 Comb. 0.00 3.72 0.40 37.2 3.66 3.51 16 27 0.48 0.48 0.46 11.78 1.68 978.70 981.70 90.087 15 3.33 15.0 4.20 Comb. 0.00 3.79 0.40 36.1 3.29 5.79 17 28 0.31 0.31 0.26 11.77 0.91 981.70 990.70 270.814 15 3.32 15.0 4.20 Comb. 0.00 3.93 0.40 30.0 2.43 3.74 18 29 0.19 0.19 0.13 9.60 0.47 990.70 992.70 90.519 15 2.21 15.0 4.20 Comb. 0.00 4.03 0.40 26.1 1.99 2.09 19 30 0.12 0.12 0.15 9.57 0.25 992.70 995.70 136.656 15 2.20 15.0 4.20 Comb. 0.00 4.11 0.40 15.0 1.70 2.37 20 39 0.34 0.34 0.63 6.54 1.06 986.20 986.50 29.265 15 1.03 15.0 4.20 Comb. 0.00 3.91 0.40 15.0 2.02 5.89 21 38 0.21 0.21 0.32 6.54 0.54 983.60 983.90 29.250 15 1.03 15.0 4.20 Comb. 0.00 4.02 0.40 15.0 1.51 5.59 22 19A 0.13 0.17 0.24 7.22 0.40 977.10 977.20 8.000 15 1.25 15.0 4.20 Comb. 0.00 4.08 0.40 15.0 2.76 2.35 23 20A 0.40 0.53 1.18 7.22 1.98 977.10 977.20 8.000 15 1.25 15.0 4.20 Comb. 0.00 3.77 0.40 15.0 4.37 7.60 Project File: Storm A - 083120.stm Number of lines: 23 Date: 9/16/2020 NOTES: Intensity = 4.20 /(inlet time + 0.10) A 0.00 - Return period = 10 Yrs. ; "" Critical depth Storm Sewers