Design_Storm B - 092320"Storm Sewers for AutoCAD Civil 3D 2015" "Project Name = ","" "SI Units? ",#FALSE# "Total No. Lines = ",18 "Starting HGL = ",965.2702 "Return Period Index = ",10 "Min Cover = ",4 "Zero Min Cover at outfalls = ",#FALSE# "Design Vel = ",3 "Min Slope = ",0.2 "Max Slope = ",10 "Min Pipe Size = ",12 "Max Pipe Size = ",96 "Default Pipe n-value = ",0.012 "Omit 21-inch pipes = ",#TRUE# "Omit 27-inch pipes = ",#TRUE# "Omit 33-inch pipes = ",#FALSE# "Design Alignment = ",0 "Allow smaller downstream pipe sizes = ",#FALSE# "N-Value of Inlets = ",0.016 "Grate Design Depth = ",0.3 "Composite C1 = ",0.2 "Composite C2 = ",0.5 "Composite C3 = ",0.9 "Min. Starting Depth = ","" "Accumulate Known Qs = ",#TRUE# "Use Inlet Captured Flows in System = ",#FALSE# "Auto Compute Junct. Loss Coeff. = ",#TRUE# "Allow Supercritical Depth = ",#TRUE# "Supress Pipe Travel Time = ",#FALSE# "Minimum Tc used to calc Intensity",5 "Check for Inlet Control? = ",#FALSE# "Correct for EGL discrepancy = ",#FALSE# "Using HDS-5 Method? = ",#FALSE# "Curb Opening = ","" "LINE DATA =============================" "Network Name = ","Storm B" "Line No. = ",1 "Line ID = ","1-2" "Downstream Line No. = ",0 "X,Y Coord Dn = ",551894.778010977,186557.410082826 "X,Y Coord Up = ",551867.4309972,186644.825828265 "Deflection Angle = ",-107.3717 "Bearing = ",-107.3717 "Known Q = ",0 "Sub Drainage Area 1 = ",0 "Sub Drainage Area 2 = ",0 "Sub Drainage Area 3 = ",0 "Drainage Area = ",0.51 "Runoff Coeff. = ",0.4 "Inlet Time = ",15 "Line Length = ",91.59351 "Invert Elev Dn = ",964 "Line Slope = ",0.002183694 "Invert Elev Up = ",964.2 "Rise = ",2.5 "Span = ",2.5 "No. Barrels = ",1 "N-Value = ",0.013 "Line Type = ","Cir" "Line Part ID = ","30921980-2D9B-493A-88C5-6D10AEA8B835" "Line Part Description = ","AeccCircularConcretePipe_Imperial" "Junction Loss Coeff = ",1.06 "Ground / Rim Elev Dn = ",966.88 "Ground / Rim Elev Up = ",984 "Junction Type = ",3 "Junction Part ID = ","D1F70D20-48EA-459E-BEE3-33EEB7274DE0" "Junction Part Description = ","AeccStructCylSlabTopCylFrame_Imperial" "User def. 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