2020-1030 - CBA Chanhassen Comment Response LetterPage 1 October 30, 2020 Sharmeen Al-Jaff Senior Planner City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard, P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 RE: Kimley Horn and Associates- Case No. 2020-21 Dear Ms. Al-Jaff, Kimley-Horn has reviewed the comments provided by City of Chanhassen, dated September 30, 2020, and has modified the plans accordingly. The comments and responses are listed below. Responses to comments are in bold italics. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES 1. The applicant shall plant a minimum of six trees in the parking lot. Two trees have been provided within the parking lot islands to provide screening of the garage doors as well as 5 additional trees throughout the rest of the site. In addition to the two trees provided in the parking lot, and to provide additional screening, tall shrubs have been placed along the east property line and southwest of the parking lot to screen the parking area and service garage doors. Please refer to Landscape Plan for details. 2. The applicant shall meet the minimum 10’ interior width for all landscaped islands and peninsulas. Island widths have been revised to provide a minimum interior wid th of 10’. Please refer to Sheet C2.0. 3. The applicant shall include landscaping along the eastern property line that screens the parking area and garage door. Tall shrub landscaping has been provided along the east property line to provide screening of the garage service doors. Please refer to Sheet LP-1. 4. The applicant shall include a minimum of two over story trees to be planted along Crossroads Boulevard. Two over story trees have been provided along Crossroads Boulevard. Please refer to Sheet LP-1. 5. All existing trees on site to be saved during construction shall be protected at all times by tree preservation fencing. Trees that are damaged or dead will be replaced. Existing trees on site and within the limits of disturbance are to be protected in place through the duration of construction. Please refer to Sheet C1.0 for tree protection location and Sheet C1.1 for tree protection detail. Page 2 ENGINEERING 1. The applicant shall provide a traffic control plan for review and approval for the remo val and restoration of the original access had from Crossroads Boulevard prior to commencement of construction activities on-site. Traffic control plans shall be prepared by the Contractor for work completed within the public right-of-way. The Contractor shall submit a traffic control plan to the City for review prior to construction activity onsite. 2. The applicant shall provide analysis that the proposed north driveway location is adequately spaced as to not create adverse impacts to Crossroads Boulevard and that the largest design vehicle accessing the site can turn into the north driveway access from Crossroads Boulevard (from both northbound and southbound movements) prior to permits being issued. The northern access to the proposed project is aligned with the curb line with the existing gas station, and is spaced approximately 55 feet from Crossroads Blvd. Vehicles entering the site will have a free right turn movement into the site, so impacts on Crossroads Blvd from cars entering the site shall be minimal. The preliminary PUD plans show a direct access to Crossroads Blvd, to us direct access to Crossroads Blvd would have a greater impact to traffic flow on Crossroad Blvd. By moving the access to the north side of the property, vehicles will only enter and exit the development in three locations, allowing Crossroads Blvd to have a better traffic flow pattern. Additionally, by removing the parking from the southerly access road that was shown in Preliminary Plans, the southern drive to Crossroads Blvd functions much better as well. A vehicle access exhibit (EX-1) included in the proposed civil documents is provided displaying the vehicle access route for a design vehicle entering the site from Crossroads Boulevard. 3. The water service lateral located on the existing condition survey near the southeast corner of the site shall be abandoned by removing the stub to the main and capping per City Standards. Noted. The existing water service on the southeast corner of the property shall be removed to the main and capped per City Standards and Specification. Please refer to Sheet C1.0. 4. The water service lateral shall meet current City specifications, which shall include a 1” plastic service lateral. Noted. The proposed water service lateral shall be a 1” plastic service lateral per City Standard Plate 1005. Please refer to Sheet C4.0 and C4.1. 5. The sanitary service lateral shall connect to the existing manhole via a core and boot connec tion. Noted. A note on the utility plan has been added to direct the contractor on how to make this connection. 6. The applicant shall pay the appropriate sanitary sewer and water trunk hook-up fees at the time of building permit issuance. These fees are based on the number of SAC units assigned by the Met Council and are due at the time of building permit issuance. The 2020 rates are $2,302.00/unit and $7,974.00/unit for sanitary sewer and water, respectively. Noted. Applicable fees shall be paid prior to permit issuance. CONSTRUCTION PLANS 1. Sheet C0.1: Page 3 a. Grading and drainage note 5 shall be updated to require placement of 6” of topsoil, and not 4”, in accordance with City Standards This note has been modified on Sheet C0.1. b. Note 10 shall be updated to also require coordination with the City’s Water Resources Coordinator (952-227-1168) This note has been modified on Sheet C0.1. 2. Sheet C1.0: a. Add note that any construction outside the property limits of the site shall be coordinated with the other owners of the PUD (typ.) This note has been added on Sheet C1.0. b. Add note to remove stub to main for existing water service stub near southeast corner of the site This note has been added on Sheet C1.0. c. Update erosion control plan note 7 to “remove” and not “removal” This note has been updated on Sheet C1.0. d. Update erosion control plan note 10 requiring the use of bio logs in the event of frozen soils as a temporary measure and requires approval from the City’s erosion control inspector This note has been updated on Sheet C1.0. e. Update erosion control note 11 to eliminate “at City Hall” and replace “City Engineer” with “Water Resources Coordinator” This note has been updated on Sheet C1.0. f. The sequencing of construction indicates the use of wheel washes, Porta-Pottys, trailers, etc. and all proposed locations shall be located on the plans, update accordingly An area for these construction-related items has been added to the Erosion Control Phase 1 and Phase 2 plans, please refer to Sheets C1.0 and C3.0. g. Add to notes the requirement that a traffic control plan shall be adhered to during the removal and replacement of the driveway access off Crossroads Boulevard an d coordination shall be had through the City’s Public Works Department (952-227-1300) prior to commencement of construction operations This note has been added on Sheet C1.0. 3. Sheet C1.1: a. Add concrete washout detail (#5304) as the use of a concrete wash-out was called out for on subsequent plan sheets Concrete washout detail (5304) has been added to sheet C1.1. b. Verify all details are the most recent versions (typ.) The most recent versions of City standard details are incorporated into the civil plan set. Page 4 4. Sheet C3.0: a. Call out for BP-1 indicates storage volume of 1,645 square feet, update unit of measurement accordingly The volume now has a unit of CF, cubic feet. b. Existing stormwater conveyance system is showing incorrect flow directions, adjust accordingly for clarity The conveyance direction of existing infrastructure has been updated to reflect correct flow direction. c. Update grading plan note 13 to require 6” of topsoil This note has been updated on Sheet C3.0. 5. Sheet C3.1: a. Note 5 discusses that no excavation equipment shall travel within underground infiltration system area; it is recommended that this area be called out on all plan sheets that will require construction equipment to travel near the underground system or add a note to applicable sheets Underground BMP limits have been added to construction sheets. 6. Sheet C4.0: a. Verify the call-out for the existing 27” storm sewer is HDPE as City records indicate it as RCP Existing 27” storm sewer callout has been revised to reflect RCP material. b. Consider adding insulation where water services cross existing and proposed storm sewer pipes Minimum 4” thick rigid polystyrene installation has been added between proposed and existing storm sewer and proposed water main. Please refer to sheet C4.0. c. Relocate the curb stop to the property line, update plans accordingly The curb stop has been relocated to the property line. Please refer to sheet C4.0. d. Update note for sanitary sewer service connection to be “core and boot” We are proposing to connect to the existing sanitary sewer service using an 8”x6” reducer; a “core and boot” connection is not needed for the sanitary sewer service connection e. Clarify the method for the removal of the existing 8” sanitary stub either on the call -out or in the notes Since the stub is already in place, we are proposing to install an 8” X 6” reducer connection right outside of the manhole to preserve the watertight connection to the manhole and then extend the service. f. In the upper left corner of the plan sheet there is a call out for “Water” and “Sanitary” with contact information for Ashley McGovern the City Finance Clerk responsible for billing; however, the Public Works Department or the Engineering Department would be the departments to assist with construction, specifications, and detail questions as it relates to build-out, update accordingly This note has been updated to reference the correct City of Chanhassen contacts for construction. Page 5 g. Utility plan note 3 shall be updated as to eliminate the use of type “k” copper tubing and reflect current City Standards, see detail #1005 for water services or the City’s Standard Specifications The note has been updated to use PE/HDPE or PEX piping per City Standard detail 1005. Please refer to Sheet C4.0. h. Update keynote legend to eliminate the use of type “K” copper tubing and ¾” sizing, see detail #1005 for water services or the City’s Standard Specifications The keynote has been updated to use PE/HDPE or PEX piping per City Standard detail 1005. Please refer to Sheet C4.0. 7. Sheet LI-1 a. No private irrigation lines shall be located within public ROW, adjust plans accordingly Irrigation design is diagrammatic. All piping, valves, and other equipment shown within paved areas or out of property boundaries are for design clarification only, and shall be installed in planting areas within the property lines or limits indicated on plan. Please see Irrigation Disclaimer on Sheet LI-1. WATER RESOURCES 1. The applicant has provided an erosion and sediment control plan as required by Chapter 19-145 of the City Code. The applicant shall update the plans to include the City’s Water Resources Coordinator as the contact on the plans (Matt Unmacht, Water Resources Coordinator, 952-227- 1168). The point of contact has been updated and provided on Sheets C1.0 and C3.0. 2. The applicant shall evaluate and analyze that the impervious surface from this site will not inundate or negatively impact the downstream MnDOT facility based on new rainfall requ irements (TP-40 vs. NOAA Atlas 14). This analysis must be provided to the City under separate cover. It is our understanding the downstream MnDOT facility was designed utilizing the TP -40 rainfall data. The stormwater report has been revised to analyze the proposed development using Atlas-14 rainfall data in comparison to the originally designed MnDOT drainage facility using TP-40. Based on this analysis, the stormwater retention BMPs proposed for the project release stormwater at a rate that is less than the rate that is assumed to be accounted for in the previous TP-40 event. This project does not adversely impact the downstream stormwater system. PLANNING 1. Approval of the site plan shall be contingent upon approval of the Planned Unit Development amendment to allow Automotive Repair shops. Noted. It is understood that amendment of the Planned Unit Development to allow for automotive repair use is required for site plan approval. 2. All rooftop and ground equipment must be screened from views. Noted. All rooftop and ground mechanical equipment shall be screened from public view. Any roof-mounted mechanical equipment is screened by proposed building parapet. Additionally, the pad-mounted transformer is proposed to be screened to the extent feasible with plant materials. 3. Sign illumination and design shall comply with ordinance. Page 6 The proposed monument sign meets the required ordinance of a maximum of 24 square feet and maximum 5’ height and set back a minimum from all property line. The building mounted signage meets the required ordinances for both the street frontage and internal road view. The building mounted signs comply with the maximum allowed percentage of wall area. All sign illumination and sizing comply with the city ordinances, please see included monument sign design plans. 4. The exterior material for the trash enclosure must be of the same exterior material as the building. Recycling space and other solid waste collection space should be contained within the same enclosure. Recycling and trash shall be located within the same enclosure. The trash enclosure attached to the building utilizes the same materials as the building for uniformity. 5. The design of the building shall be modified to complement surrounding buildings. The design of the building has been modified to complement surrounding buildings . Colors, materials and textures, and key design elements have been incorporated to complement the surrounding buildings within the Planned Unit Development. Please refer to Architectural Elevations. 6. The applicant must prepare a lighting plan and include photometrics. Light levels for site lighting shall be no more than one-half foot candle at the project perimeter property line. This does not apply to street lighting. The applicant has not submitted a light fixture design. This fixture must meet the light fixture specified in the Planning Unit Development governing the subject site. A photometrics plan has been included within the architectural plans. Light levels ar e less than one-half foot candles at the project perimeter property line . 7. The monument sign may not exceed 24 square feet in area nor be higher than 5 feet. The sign shall be located 10 feet from the property line. A sign permit is required before constr uction of the sign. Sign design conforms to the maximum 24 square feet in area and height restriction of 5 feet. The sign is located 10 feet from the western property line. Please refer to Monument Design sheet included in this submittal and Sheet C2.0 for monument sign location. A sign permit shall be obtained prior to construction. 8. Recycling space and other solid waste collection space should be contained within the same enclosure as the trash. Recycling and trash shall be contained within one enclosure located on the north side of the building. 9. Any prior approvals for a bank building on the subject site shall be null and void. Noted. Prior approvals for a proposed bank building as part of the initial planned unit development 10. No unlicensed or inoperable vehicles shall be stored on-premises except in appropriately designed and screened storage areas. Inoperable or unlicensed vehicles shall be stored indoors or screened storage areas. Vehicles which are inoperable, or while being prepared for multiple consecutive days shall be stored indoors. 11. All repair, assembly, disassembly and maintenance of vehicles shall occur within closed building except minor maintenance including, but not limited to, tire inflation, adding oil and wiper Page 7 replacement. Noted. Repairs, assembly, disassembly and maintenance of vehicles shall all occur within closed building. 12. No public address system. A public address of 8941 Crossroads Boulevard per Carver County GIS is assigned to the subject property. 13. No sales, storage or display of used automobiles or other vehicles such as motorcycles, snowmobiles, or all-terrain vehicles. Noted. The proposed Christian Brothers development does not sell, store, display used automobiles or other vehicles such as motorcycles, snowmobiles, or all-terrain vehicles. 14. Disposal of vehicle fluids shall comply with PCA regulations. All vehicle fluids are collected interior to the building and disposed of in accordance with MPCA guidelines and regulations. 15. Facilities for the collection of waste oil must be provided. All vehicle oil is collected interior to the building and disposed of in accordance with MPCA guidelines and regulations. 16. All service/garage doors shall be screened. Service/garage doors are screened from neighboring development view utilizing trees within the parking lot and perimeter landscaping along the east property line and southwest of the proposed parking lot. 17. The building architecture shall complement surrounding buildings." The design of the building has been modified to complement surrounding buildings. Colors, materials and textures, and key design elements have been incorporated to complement the surrounding buildings within the Planned Unit Development. Please refer to Architectural Elevations. Thank you for the thorough review of the layout. Please contact me with any questions regarding the responses. Sincerely, KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Christian Jones – Project Manager