10-20-20-pc-sumCHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING SUMMARY MINUTES OCTOBER 20, 2020 Chairman Weick called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Steven Weick, Mark Randall, Michael McGonagill, Doug Reeder, Laura Skistad, Eric Noyes, and Mark Von Oven STAFF PRESENT: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director; Bob Generous, Senior Planner; George Bender, Assistant City Engineer; and Matt Unmacht, Water Resources Coordinator PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR SUBDIVISION APPROVAL TO CREATE THREE LOTS (BERROSPID ADDITION) WITH A VARIANCE FOR THE USE OF A PRIVATE STREET ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 7406 FRONT TRAIL. Bob Generous, George Bender and Matt Unmacht presented the staff report on this item. Chairman Weick asked if the subdivision could support a turn around for fire vehicles, lot coverage, and poor soils in the area. Commissioner Reeder asked about a maintenance agreement between the 3 property owners for the private road and construction standards for the private drive. Commissioner McGonagill asked about the possibility of future subdivision of Lot 3 and if there will be maintenance agreements for annual inspection of the underground infiltration systems. Commissioner Von Oven asked for clarification regarding the concerns of the neighbor at 7404 Frontier Trail. The applicant Luis Berrospid discussed his plans for developing his property at 7406 Frontier Trail and conversations he has had with his neighbor at 7404 Frontier Trail. Chairman Weick opened the public hearing. No one spoke and the public hearing was closed. After comments from commission members the following motion was made. Randall moved, McGonagill seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve a three-lot subdivision with a variance for the use of a flag lot and private street subject to the following conditions and adopts the Findings of Fact and Recommendation: Building 1. A building permit must be obtain prior to beginning work at the property. Engineering Planning Commission Summary – October 20, 2020 2 1. All driveways shall have direct access only to the proposed private street. 2. Calculations supporting the 7-ton private street design shall be submitted by a professional engineer for review and approval prior to grading operations. 3. The applicant shall submit updated designs for the private street utilizing either a crowned street or a uniform and continuous cross-sloped street to adequately direct stormwater to the proposed stormwater conveyance system prior to grading operations. 4. The final plat shall be updated prior to recording to include public drainage and utility easements as follows: a 10’ wide D&U on the west property line of Lot 2 and 10’ wide D&Us centered over all newly proposed public utilities including stormwater, sanitary sewer, and water mains. 5. An updated existing condition survey shall be submitted prior to grading operations that includes all existing utilities within and surrounding the property. 6. An encroachment agreement for all existing structures within public drainage and utility easements shall be filed concurrently with the recording of the final plat. 7. Updated grading plans shall be submitted that illustrate drainage arrows and adequate grading to drain stormwater away from structures, specifically the proposed home on Lot 1, prior to grading operations. 8. Updated utility plans shall be submitted illustrating draintile locations for Lot 1. 9. Updated grading plans shall illustrate the location, width, and grades of the driveway to Lot 1. 10. The applicant shall conduct a soil boring near the proposed structure on Lot 1 to ensure groundwater elevations are a minimum of 3 feet below the lowest floor elevation. 11. An erosion and sediment control plan, a stand-alone document (separate sheet), in accordance with CCO Sec. 19-145 shall be included with updated plan submittals prior to grading operations. 12. All newly installed sanitary sewer, water, and stormwater mains and appurtenances shall be publicly owned and maintained by the city after acceptance of the public improvements by the City Council. 13. Construction plans shall be updated to show the 25’ D&U located on 7404 Frontier Trail, the means of how utility work in the D&U will not encroach onto private property, and a note prescribing restoration methods of the disturbed areas within the D&U. 14. All applicable permits required by Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District shall be obtained and adhered to. CONSTRUCTION PLANS 1. On sheet 1.0, Title Sheet: show hydrant symbol at end of leader for benchmark call-outs; update contact information for City Engineer to “Jason Wedel”. 2. On sheet 2.0, Grading Plan: all references to “shared driveway” or “driveway”, as it pertains to the private street, shall be updated to read “private street”; show tree protection methodology on plans; show stockpile locations, including required topsoil; reference detail plate #5202A for street patching where Frontier Trail and private street meet; update the symbol for “proposed silt fence” as it closely resembles “existing retaining wall”, for clarity; on the private street profile section call-out 10% grade as “maximum”. Planning Commission Summary – October 20, 2020 3 3. On sheet 3.0, Utility Plan: provide profile views for all public utilities; call-out detail plate #2204 for insulated pipe section; relocate sanitary MH-2 within the private drive hard surface area; relocate curb box for Lot 2 to be and within the drainage and utility easement over the water main; update material type for public water main to be C900; call-out for “ex. curb stop damaged” shall add note to remove and abandon service and lateral; call-out for FES-1 should note that no guard shall be installed; all sanitary service sewer laterals shall be updated to be 6”; extents of removal of existing services shall be illustrated to go from where the new sanitary service and water service are being connected to Lot 2 down to the curb stop for Lot 1’s water service and the property line for Lot 1’s sewer service; use a darkened line type for proposed storm sewer within the “Legend”; add a note regarding coordination with Public Works 48-hours prior to any work on public utilities; add a note that the governing specifications for utility work shall be the City Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. 4. On sheet 4.1, Construction Details; remove detail plate #3101 and replace with detail plate #3102; add a note to detail plate #3108 that no trash guard shall be installed on FES-1 (outlet). 5. On sheet 4.2, Construction Details; Add detail for tree protection, street patching detail plate #5202A, and pipe crossing insulation detail plate #2204. Fire 1. Private road will need to follow City of Chanhassen Code for Private Roads – including a turnaround for emergency vehicles. Parks 1. Full park fees in lieu of additional parkland dedication and/or trail construction shall be collected at the rate in force upon final plat submission and approval. Planning 1. The front lot line for Lot 1 shall be the northerly property line. 2. The front setback for Lot 1 shall be from the point at which the lot measures 100 feet. 3. An access and maintenance agreement for the private street shall be recorded with the plat. All voted in favor except for Chairman Weick who opposed. The motion carried with a vote of 6 to 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Noyes noted the verbatim and summary Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated October 6, 2020. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS. Kate Aanenson provided an update on action taken by the City Council at their last meeting and future Planning Commission agenda items. Planning Commission Summary – October 20, 2020 4 Von Oven moved to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. The Planning Commission meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Submitted by Kate Aanenson Community Development Director Prepared by Nann Opheim