CC Minutes 11-9-20 - Tietz Agreement ConsentCHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 9, 2020 Mayor Ryan called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was opened with the Pledge to the Flag. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ryan, Councilwoman Tjornhom, Councilman McDonald, Councilman Campion, and Councilwoman Coleman STAFF PRESENT: Heather Johnston, Jake Foster, Kate Aanenson, Charlie Howley, Kelly Strey, Andrea Poehler, Richard Rice and Matt Kerr PUBLIC PRESENT: Mark Webster 6527 2nd Avenue South Luis Berrospid 7406 Frontier Trail Mayor Ryan: Good evening again everyone. Thank you for joining us tonight. For the record we have all of our council members present tonight with two of them attending via Zoom. Since we are operating with City Council members both present and online I will be taking roll call votes this evening. Our first action is our agenda approval. Council members are there any modifications to the agenda as printed. Please with respond with yeah or nay. After the roll call vote there were not changes to the published agenda. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mayor Ryan: There were no public announcements that were posted but I did want to bring something up for public consumption and to share with City Council. Although there’s no action item related to this it was something that I think we all received today as part of, or on an email and it has to do with some lock down measures that Governor Walz is going to take and I just wanted to bring it to council’s attention as well as a public. There was an article in the Star Tribune that was released just before noon today and it states that Governor Walz will be speaking with legislators on Tuesday and unveil some plans for a more targeted approach to lockdown due to rising Coronavirus numbers. The point that I wanted to bring up and share with council is that Walz also stated today that the State is looking closely at the use of mobile devices that can record the movements of people and their proximity to other people and this just jumped out and was alarming to me so I wanted to share with council that I did forward that onto our legislators so Senator Osmek and Jensen as well as Representatives Morris and Boe to let them know of the concern about tracking the movements that we have so there’s no action from council but I did want to make that public comment and share that with council as well as the public. I did hear back from Senator Jensen and he is going to be discussing it with his Chanhassen City Council – November 9, 2020 2 colleagues as well in preparation for his meeting with the Governor tomorrow so I just wanted to share that as part of the public announcements. Are there any questions from council? Councilman McDonald: How are they going to track us? Mayor Ryan: Well that’s what I don’t know and so that’s what I asked for them to follow up on to get some clarify around a statement like that was concerning to me so I asked to make sure that there is some questioning and clarity provided to you know the folks of Minnesota on what exactly that means. Councilman McDonald: Thanks. Thank you. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman McDonald moved Councilman Campion seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the Interim City Manager’s recommendations: 1. Approve City Council Minutes dated October 26, 2020 2. Resolution #2020-61: Adoption of Livable Communities Act 3. Approve Contract for Lakeridge Road Stormwater Pond Repair 4. Tort Liability Waiver 5. Approve Access Easement Agreement with John and Carrie Tietz All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS. None. REQUEST FOR RENAMING TH5/AUDUBON ROAD/MCGLYNN ROAD. Charlie Howley: Thank you Mayor, council. No prepared power point here. This is a two part agenda item. One would be to consider passing a resolution of support and the other one is more informational feedback from council to staff if we want to proceed down the path of potentially renaming two of our local roads. So we’ll do, I’ll talk about all of it and then you can take the motion for the resolution and then the direction as you wish. So if you remember at a council meeting on August 22nd I believe it was we received a citizen action request form from Mr. Bob Finn requesting potentially renaming two local streets in honor of Prince Rogers Nelson. So those streets would be Audubon Road essentially between Lyman and Trunk Highway 5 and the McGlynn what is it Drive, and I’ll show a little map here in a second. And then other ask was the Trunk Highway 5 itself potentially renaming the highway as a memorial so on that front that that’s not anything the City can do. That’s has to be done by the State and the State Legislature