Development Review Applicationt Sets* Section 1: Application Type (check all that apply) subnirarDate: fSIq IAa Pc ode: (Refer to ttl€ a,4]rcofiate Applicdirt Checuisr tor ! Comprehensive Plan Amendment......................... E Minor MUSA line for failing on-site sewers ..... E Conditional Use Permit (CUP) ! Single-Family ResidenceE Atl others................ E lnterim Use Permit (lUP) ! ln conjunction with Single-Family Residence. n Att others E Att others 2l cc Date: I :<6GDay Revie{, Date: rre,qui,ed subrifrd lnfo,r,,€l*n that nrus, a@opny this aNi@li,l) $600 E subdMsion (SUB)$100 E create 3 tots or less ........................................ $300 n Create over 3 |ots.......................$600 + $15 per lot( tots) $325 $425 $325 $425 app tr ETtr ! Metes & Bounds (2 lots) n Consolidate Lots............. fl Lot Line Ad.iustmentE rinal P|at......... (lncludes $450 'Additimal escrow escrow for attomey costs)' may be rcquirBd ,or ottler applications ..........$300 ..........$1s0 ....$150 ....$700 ! Rezoning (REZ) thtough th€ devdopmont cootracr I etanned Unit Development (PUD) .-..... .... .. .. $750 E Vacation of Easements/Right-of-way (VAC)........ $300 E Minor Amendment to existing PUD_................ $100 (Additin€l recoding fees may apply) E Sign Plan Review ........ $1s0 E Site Ptan Review (SPR) E Administrative .................-... $100 n Commercial/lndustrial Districts'.........-....-....... $500 Plus $10 per 1,000 square feet of building area:( thousand square feet) 'lndude number of g!S!@ employees: 1ndude numb€r of Ig! 6mdoyees: El Residential Districts......................................... $500 Plus $5 per dwelling unit ( units) A Notilication Sign lcity to instatt and rBmove) .......................... ........ $200 f] Wetand Alteration Permit (WAP) n Single-Family Residence................... E at oters... ! zoning Appeal.. ! Zoning ordinance Amendment (zoA)................. $500 llqlE: Wher multiple appllcations are processed concurtently, the appropriate fee sh8ll be charg€d for each appllcatlon. ....... $2oov4b $3 per address addresses) ... $50 per document " ""$500 E1"ri"n""(vAR)........... ........ $150 ........ $27s ................... $100 E property Owners' List within 500' (city to gererdte afier pre.applicatioo rn€et ng) . (Escrow for Recording Documents (check all that' ' E ConOitional Use Permit E Vacation I Metes & Bounds Subdivision (3 docs.) lv)........... lnterim Use Permit Variance Easements L_ easements) E Site Plan Agreement E Wefland Alteration Permit! oeeos TOTAL FEE: CITT OT CHAI{HASSIII APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Section 2: Required lnformation Description of Proposal:3r\ LE* 9-"1 C.l-.P',^t P"^JProperty Address or Location: Parcef #: Z5 LLo ee I O Legal Description:+t Rrf OL Total Acreage:-1,l,DL +Wetlands Present?EYes E tto Present Zoning:Selecl One Requested Zoning Select One Present Land Use Design "1;on. Select One )Requested Land Use Designation:Select One {2.r M Itr Existing Use of Property:a e)iJz-L-.,,.2 lcheck box if separate nanative is attached COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTTENT Planning Division - 7700 Ma*et Boulevard Mailing Address - P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: (952) 227-1 100 / Fax: (952) 227-1110 pplicant lnformationSection 3: Property Owner and A APPLIGATT OTHER THAN PROPERJY-.OWNER: h signing this application, t, as apptbant, represent to have obtainedauthorization from the propertv owner to fite this applicatiin. ia*. t" p u"rnd by conditions of approvat, subjecl only tothe right to objeci at the hearings on tne application'or drri"g Gi' "pp""r p.rioo. tt'trts apptilton-tiJs not teen signed uythe property owner, I have attacfied separaie documentaiiriorrrrr'r"o"r capacity to file the application. This appticationshould be processed in my name and iam tne partv wtr-om ir,l i-ity .norro -ntact regarding any matter pertaining to thisapplication l will keep mr6elf informed of the cteaoiines tor su-oiri6sion of material and the progress of this application. Iturther unde$tand thal additional fees ,av oe *'iised for -nrriiing r*., t"asioiriv stuoL!, Jrc -with an estimate prior toany authorization to proceed with the stuoi. t certiri tnaGe-inifrarion ano exhitits submitted are true and conect. Name:Contacl: Phone:Address: city/stareizip: Email: Cell: Fax: DateSignature PRoPERTY owNER: In signrng this apprication, r, as property own-er, have ful regar capacity to, and hereby do,authorize the filing of this application. I understand that conoiti6ni ot approval are binding and agree to be bound by thoseconditions, subiect only to the riqhtloobject at the trearingroi ouri-ng the appeat periods. I wilt keep m)rser informed ofthe deadlines for submission of materiatLnd the p.gr*""; thriipirication. rfurther understanoliat aooitionar rees maybe charged for consulting fees, feasibitity studies: eti. with an estiriate prtor to any authorization to proceed with thesludy. I certify that the information and exhibits submitteo ire tru" ano "or,"a.Name' Pa* Czl,-D-:^\ LLc cortact\arr, M'.\i,,. Address:z3 al ,^t o.J Pho'le.45z 231 Bzll Co\S rl'/ts)s3i Cell: Fax:Emait: th a\.,..ateLQ a.lne. a*.- Signature:t>a.n Tfuti*Date: 1Il 1t2020 This application must be completed in full and must be applicable City Ordinance prcvisions. BeforB filing this and confer with the planning Department to deteririne rsquirements and fues. accompanied by all information and plans required by application, refer to the appropriate Apptication Checitist the specific ordinance and applicable procedural A determination of compreteness of the apprication shal be made within 1s business dayswritten notice of apprication deficiencies sh;I be maired to treilpiicant wrthin 1s business of application submittat. A days of application. PROJECT ENGINEER (if appticabte) Name Address City/Statezip Email: Cell: Fax: Who should a€celye clpies of staff reports? ElaProperty Owrer Ma: SEmait E t,taiteo paoer Coov! Appticant Via: D Emait E ttaieO paier Co",jH*%r* H EEil:;i Euffi;:rgii 'Other Contac-t n Name:c Address: t Email IJ r.vs, Section 4: Notification lnformation INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANToevrce. and deliver Com plete all n ecessary form fields then lect s ^ E save a copy to you rwithrequiredandpaymenttosendacopytothedtvlorprocessins to crty a long SAVE FORU d ocumenls PRINT FOAM v I to SUBiIIT FORM digital f city/state/zip: Contact: Phone: