Existing Conditions Survey 113020LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 1, Block 1, RED CEDAR POINT, Carver County, Minnesota. SCOPE OF WORK & LIMITATIONS: 1. Showing the length and direction of boundary lines of the legal description listed above. The scope of our services does not include determining what you own, which is a legal matter. Please check the legal description with your records or consult with competent legal counsel, if necessary, to make sure that it is correct and that any matters of record, such as easements, that you wish to be included on the survey have been shown. 2. Showing the location of observed existing improvements we deem necessary for the survey. 3. Setting survey markers or verifying existing survey markers to establish the corners of the property. 4. This survey has been completed without the benefit of a current title commitment. There may be existing easements or other encumbrances that would be revealed by a current title commitment. Therefore, this survey does not purport to show any easements or encumbrances other than the ones shown hereon. 5. Showing and tabulating impervious surface coverage of the lot for your review and for the review of such governmental agencies that may have jurisdiction over these requirements to verify they are correctly shown before proceeding with construction. 6. Showing elevations on the site at selected locations to give some indication of the topography of the site. We have also provided a benchmark for your use in determining elevations for construction on this site. The elevations shown relate only to the benchmark provided on this survey. Use that benchmark and check at least one other feature shown on the survey when determining other elevations for use on this site or before beginning construction. ?. i`vGte that all UU,1ldiiig dimenSIGriS and building tic dliiieiiS1kJ11N tG the property 11iieS, are taken iii"Gii Lite Siding and or stucco of the building. STANDARD SYMBOLS & CONVENTIONS: "0" Denotes iron survey marker, set, unless otherwise noted. LEGEND WW = CATCH BASIN GM = GAS METER 951.2 X92 X = FIRE HYDRANT 0 - POWER POLE ® = MANHOLE ® = TELEPHONE PED. ® = ELEC. TRANSFORMER VCD – WELL 949.2 = GATE VALVE = LIGHT POLE �/�� v—^ 0 = TREE X—X— = FENCE LINE —S — = SANITARY SEWER LINE 'N— - WATER UNE — G — = GAS UNE — ST— = STORM DRAIN UNE —E— – OVERHEAD UTILITY UNE <®' a – CONCRETE SURFACE I DATE 1 REVISION DESCRIPTION EXISTING HARDCOVER House 774 Sq. Ft. Existing Deck 114 Sq. Ft. Bituminous Road 7 Sq. Ft. Concrete Surfaces 120 Sq. Ft. TOTAL EXISTING HARDCOVER 1,015 Sq. Ft. AREA OF LOT TO OHW 7,206 Sq. Ft. PERCENTAGE OF HARDCOVER TO LOT 14.1% DRAWING ORIENTATION & SCALE SCALE - 1" = 20' N 0 20 40 CLIENT NAME / JOB ADDRESS ADOR BESPOKE HOMES 3616 RED CEDAR POINT ROAD CIIANHASSEN, MN Laky 944.5 946.3 946.2 X door shoo 9,52 1 951.2 X92 X Q) it g5N ,. 946.1 X 946A-' / / 947,7 X 947,7 947 ,+ 1 X 947,5 X 948.5 $bs �rL 1 QI •-0 { 11i 1ti �� e X 950,3 9saY k + Ben chPn ark: .Red Ceda1', Top of rmnhole 950.4 Advance Surveying & Engineering, Co. 17917 Highway 7 Minnetonka, Minnesota 55345 Phone (952) 474-7964 Web: www.advsur.com X 949,3 gh9 9 9,1 L X e— �� "au X 949.2 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN. SURVEY OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE WS OF E S OF MINNESOTA. Thomas M. Bloom # 42379 LICENSE NO. FEBRUARY 27, 2020 DATE X 9492 X 949,3 Edge of bit, d X 949.3 DATE SURVEYED: FEBRUARY 27. 2020 DATE DRAFTED: FEBRUARY 27, 2020 cls t (mrd wry , fpG,r h�; 9h �y 94A6 44,5 fifer 4 9443 % 946.4 X 946, 946.0 S 4 ti �b C 947.7 946.99 X 947.6 `^J ` v� Y 7� �W X 950,9 door shoo 9,52 1 951.2 X92 X Q) it g5N ,1 950,8 4" 0950,3 9.7 15. q 951.?r-+, 12' 4 , 950 6» /V 8`j 25 „ XJ` 948,9 4j X 9492 X 949,3 Edge of bit, d X 949.3 DATE SURVEYED: FEBRUARY 27. 2020 DATE DRAFTED: FEBRUARY 27, 2020 cls t (mrd wry , fpG,r h�; 9h �y 94A6 44,5 fifer 4 9443 % 946.4 X 946, 946.0 S 4 ti �b C 947.7 946.99 X 947.6 `^J ` v� Y 7� 6' X 949,9 cq' X 947.5 rn X 947.5 X 949.7 95 4 50,9 950.1 8» X 947.6 X 949.8 947.9 9�;D-- _g49- 8,4 48, X 948.4 X 948.1 X 948,3 NEFT TITLE EXISTING CONDITIONS SURVEY 200126 TB SHEET SIZE 17 X 221 SHEET NO. S1 SHEET 1 OF 1 �W Ip � ti Q) it s 9,9 q 9.7 15. q XX 947 949.7 949.2 < 9485 )C 947.5 6' X 949,9 cq' X 947.5 rn X 947.5 X 949.7 95 4 50,9 950.1 8» X 947.6 X 949.8 947.9 9�;D-- _g49- 8,4 48, X 948.4 X 948.1 X 948,3 NEFT TITLE EXISTING CONDITIONS SURVEY 200126 TB SHEET SIZE 17 X 221 SHEET NO. S1 SHEET 1 OF 1