Statement of ComplianceWalterc, MacKenzie From: Sent: lo: Subject: Dcc. I - Jer" ll Mm 10u - 8po. Tuc-Fri 9ra - 8po Sa-Sua 8a - 8pn Statement of compliance with 12 general standards for an interim use permit. a. The proposed use will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health or safety. The health and safety of the public, our employees, and neighboring communities is our number one priori$ b. While the proposed use is not consistenl with the Citys comprehensive long term plan for the area, the Citys zoning ordinance does allow for the proposed and does not require different level of use until after municipal services become available. c. We will be using the existing facility whlch has been operated for years without an issue. d. This property will be used as a positive, non{isturbing, non-hazardous facility for the existing and future neighboring uses. e. The proposed use will be served by adequate public streets, private well and septic system. f. The use is temporary until municipal services are brought to the site. The use of the existing facility will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. g. Will maintain the pre-existing level of use, which operated for years without issue. h. The existing vehicular approach to the parking lot will be assisted by east and west roundabouts and double lanes which will not interfere with traffic or sunounding public thoroughfares. i. The existing facility does not cause any loss or damage of solar access, natural, scenic or historic features of major significance. j. We will be using the existing facility which has been operated for )rears without an issue. k. The property and business will be kept to the highet standard and will not depreciate sunounding property values l. We intend on maintaining the pre€xisting level of use, that wes operatd for )rears without any issues. Sec. 20-259- Gof driving ranges 1. Meets this standard. 2. tr'inding: Hours are: Scptl-Nw.3l Mo lOu - 7po. Tuc-Fri 9ro - ?po Sef-Suo 8aa - Tpor Feb, l-Mey3l I\[m 10ao - 9po Tuc-Fri 9u - 9po S{r-Sua 8a - 9!@ Jorcl-Au93l ldo 10ro - 9po Tue-Fri 9ro - 9p. 1 brian colvin < brcolvinT@yahoo.com > Thursday, December 3, 2020 'l 'l:00 AM Walters, MacKenzie golf zone final statement of compliance 3. Meets this standard 4. Meets this standard 5. The existing facility exceeds 800 square feet which a pr@xisting varianoe was grantd from this standard. 6. We are cunently in the process of applying for a 3.2 malt liquor license and we plan on selling pre,packaged pizza's only which both meet this standard. 2