Variance Description7645 Lyndole Avenue Soulh, Suife 100 Minneqpolis, MN 55423 612.86r.9636 Chonhossen lndependent Senior 1361 Loke Drive w, Chonhossen, MN Height Vorionce Description (5) Wdtten descriplion of vorionce requesl. Apprrcont nesponse: Projec, leom hos been odvise d the ollowoble height for the Noject 35' meosured from the firsl floor lo the overoge height of the tollest goble roof . Curently, the proposed building hos o totol height of 1l '-9" when rneosure d in this monner. We ore requesting o voionce lo exceed rhe ollowoble height for this proiect ossocioted with fhe Powers Rrdge Plonned Unit Development. (6) Wdtlen Justlficolion of how requesl complles wlth lhe ffndlngs for gronling o vorlonce (pursuont lo Sectlon 20-58) os follows: o. Vorlonces sholl only be permllled when they ore ln hormony willr lhe generol purpose3 ond lnlent of thls Chopler ond when lhe vorionces ore conslslent wllh lhe comprehenslve plon. Apprrcont Response: 7he vononce request tot oddilionol height is rn homony with the other consrrucled buildings rn lhe previoudy opproved Plonned Unit Developrnenl ond consislen, wilh ,he cornprehensive plon. Ihe proposed srrucrure ris ,hree sron'es toll, with o pitched roof , over on underground potking goroge, which is consislent with the olreody conslructed multi-fomily sfrucrures included in the PUD. b. When lhere ore procticol dlfficultles In complylng wllh lte zoning ordinonce. "Procllcol dltrlcullles," os used ln conneclion wilh lhe grontlng of o vodonce, meons lhotlhe property otvner proposes to use the property in o reosonoble monner not permltled by this Chopter. Proclicol dfficullles include, but ore not llmlled to, inodequote occess to dlrect sunllghl tor solor energy systems. Appricont Response: lhe proctcol difficulties to be considered ore pdmoily reloted to providing o new multi-unit residenliol bu/ding which is equivolent and competitive with cunent design, construction ond energy stondords while olso ochieving City Guidelines. The following notes provide odditionol commentory on ,he regues, for odditional height. o. As lh,s prol'ect is o pad of o PUD, we ore proposing o lhree-story, pitched roof structure, consistent wifh lhe mossing ond roof style of the other l struclures within the PUD. wilh the vorying grodes ond retoining wolls sunounding lhe orher properl,'es, our mossing ond height will be compolible with the other PUD structures. The odded height will not olter the exisling chorocter ot the PUD. b. Chonhossen Potdng dimensiono, stondords req uie o 26' dive lone ond 18' porking slol,t which is 2-4' wider thon other locol munic,po,iries. Ihe odded building wlCfh increoses lhe totol height of the pitched roof by l -2' . c. Our firms Best Practices for energy efficiency include providing on 18" Energy Heel ot pirched roofs,n our climote. Ihis lS" heel exceeds typlbol code minimums bul increoses totol height of pitched roof by 8-12". d. Ihe proposed structure hos o pimory roof pitch of 6:12, with shed roof feotures at o 4:12 pirch. As we do nol design below o 1:12 pitch in ,his climofe. fo ochieve the desired roof Poge 1 ond foeode oi'tculdtion the pimory roof is best des,gned with o 6:12 pitch, which increoses totol height of the pitched root by 3'-0' of height over o 4:12 roof . e. The proiect intends to utilize 18" floor ,russes which ore besl proclice for rnechonicol des,gn, which increoses totol height by 14" over smoller slructure. f . Ceiling Heighh: Ihr3 prolecl infe nds to provide I0' cei,r,ngs of ,he first floor, ond 9' ce,lrngs on levels 2 ond 3. Ihe 9' ceilings ore lorgely considered stondord with new consrruction of fhr's product type. 7he fi'st Floor is des,gned ot l0' due to rhe srgnificont omount of communily omenity spoce on level l. Ihese f,n,shed ceilrng heights, stondord for new construction, increose the totol height by 1', over o proiecl with 8'ceilrngs. Appltcont Response: Ihe vorionce regues, b nol reloled lo economic considerofions. Ihe odditionol building height will octuolly increose the ,orol cost of conslruction bu, is necessory for lhe reosons sfored obove. d. The pllght ot the londowner is due lo clrcumslronces unlque to lfie property nol creoted by the londowner. Apprrcont Response: The vorionce requesf ,! nol creoted by the londowner but rother by the necessity to de,iver o product thot is comporoble ond competitive to other similor product being constructed in the morket, while olso deliveing o thoughtf ul orchitecluro, design which willimprove upon the existing condifions. e. The vorlonce, ll gronled, wlll nol oller lhe essenliol chorocler ol lhe locollty. App,icon, Response: Ihe proposed building is consisfenl wilh lhe exisling slructures ond will not o,ler lhe essenliol chorocter of the locolity. t. Vorlonces rholl be gronled tor eodh shellered conslruclion os defined in Mlnnesolo Stofuler Secllon 216C.06. subdlvbion 14, when ln hormony wllh lhls Chopter. Appriconl Response: Noi Applicoble Poge 2 c. Ihol the purpose of the voriolion is nol bosed upon economic conslderolion3 olone. TUSHIE MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS