MN WCA Notice of Decisionmi OARD OF WATER ND SOtt RESOURCES Minnesota Wetland Conseruation Act Notice of Decision WCA Decision Type - check all that a Replacement Plan lmpacts (replacement plan decisions only) Total WcA Wetland lmpact Area: Bank Account Number(s): Technical Evaluation Panel Findings and Recommendations (attach if any| Local Government Unit: City of Chanhassen County: Carver County Applicant Name: Timothy A & Dawne M Erhart c/o Dan Blake Project Name: Erhart Property Wetland Delineation LGU Project No. (if any): 2020-07 Date complete Application Received by LGU. 07 /o7 /2020 Date of LGU Decision: O8/O7 /2O2O Date this Notice was Sent: 08/07 /2O2O E Wetland Boundaryflype E Sequencing ! No-Loss (8420.0415) Part:!AtrB trCtrDtrE DF trC trH E Replacement Plan E Bank Plan (not credit purchase) E Exemption l8/.zO.O42Ol Subpart:f)2 tr 3tr4tr5 tr 6 !7 tr8tr9 X Approve I Approve w/Conditions EDeny E NoTEP Recommendation LGU Decision X Approved with Conditions (specify below)1 List Conditions: E Approvedl Decision-Maker for this Application: I Staff E Governing Board/Council ! other Decision is valid for: X 5 years (defauh) tr other (specify): 1 wetlond Replocement Plon opprovotis not volid untilBWSR confi.ms the withdtowolof ony rcquircd wetlond bonk ctedits. Fot project- specific replacement o finonciol assuronce per MN Rule 8420.0522, Subp. 9 and evidence thot oll requircd forms hove been recorded on the title of the Wopefty on which the rcplocement wetlond is locoted must be provided tothe LGU Jot the opptovolto be volid. LGU Findin - Attach document(s) and/or insert narrative providi the basis for the LGU decisionl 1 Findings must considet any TEP rccommendotions Attached Project Documents BWSR NOD Form - November t2,2Ot9 1, X Attachment(s) (specify) : X Summary: Four wetlands were delineated on the property. The wetland types are as follows: Wetland 1- Type 1, Seasonally flooded basin; Wetland 2-Iype 6/2/3, Shrub-carr, wet meadow, shallow marsh; Wetland 3 - Type 2/3/5, Wet meadow, shallow marsh, open water; and Wetland 4 - Type 6/3/5, Shrub-carr, shallow marsh, open water. ln addition to those wetlands, one constructed stormwater basin was delineated along with a small tributary that connects Wetland 2 and Wetland 3. The delineation boundary and type will be approved upon receipt of the wetland boundary shapefile. Applicant Representative: The Pemtom Land Company Wetland Replacement Type: E Project Specific Credits: E Bank Credits: ! Denied X Site Location Map E Project Plan(s)/Descriptions/Reports (specify): Appeals of [GU Decisions lf you wish to appeal this decision, you must provide a written request within 30 ca lenda r da vs of the date vou received the notice. All appeals must be submitted to the Board of Water and Soil Resources Executive Director along with a check payable to BWSR for 5500 unless the LGU has adopted a local appeal process as identified below. The check must be sent by mail and the written request to appeal can be submltted by mail or e-mail. The appeal should include a copy of this notice, name and contact information of appellant(s) and their representatives (if applicable), a statement clarifying the intent to appeal and supporting information as to why the decision is in error. Send to: Appeals & Regulatory Compliance Coordinator Minnesota Board of Water & Soils Resources 520 Lafayette Road North St. Paul, MN 55155 travis.rermundson@state.mn.us Does the LGU have a local appeal process applicable to this decision? I Yest E No 1[ yes, oll appeals must fitst be considered vio the locol oppeols process. Local Appeals Submittal Requirements (LGU must describe how to appeal, submittal requirements, fees, etc. as applicable) Send S50.00 to 7700 Market Boulevard, PO Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Notice Distribution (include name) R uired on oll notices: tionol or As ble Signature: 'lhrt (hn4* Datei 08/07 /2O2O This notice and accompanying application materials may be sent electronically or by mail. The LGU may opt to send a summary of the application to members of the public upon request per 8420.0255, subp. 3. 2 X SWCD TEP Member: Aaron Finke E BWSR TEP Member: Ben Carlson ! l-GU TEP Member (if different than LGU contact): X DNR Representative: Melissa Collins X Watershed District or Watershed Mgmt. Org.: Terry Jeffery, Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District B Applicant: Timothy A & Dawne M Erhart Company c/o Dan Blake; Adam Cameron X Agent/consultant: The Pemtom Land X Corps of Engineers: D BWsR Wetland Mitigation coordinator (required for bank plan applicat ions only): D Members of the Public (notice only):n other BWSR NOD Form - Novembet 12,2Ot9