NarrativeALMA HOMES DESTGN I BUILD I RENOVATE The Applicants recently purchased this property with the hopes of updating the house and structure to accommodate their family's needs. They come into this at a great disadvantage as they are starting out with an existing structure that is noncompliant with utility easements, front yard setbacks, side yard setbacks and OHW setbacks. They are currently compliant, albeit marginally, with the impervious surface requirements for this neighborhood at 24.4% hardcover. ln light of these obstacles, the applicant has worked hard to achieve a plan to remodel the home in such a manner as is allowable without a variance requirement. lnevitably the resounding conclusion is that it is almost impossible to achieve the desired additional living space without seeking variance approval. This variance request is in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this Chapter and also consistent with the comprehensive plan. We are starting with a structure that is non-compliant with numerous setbacks. The existing structure is dilapidated and in need ofserious major updating or complete demolition. We are looking to maintain the existing footprint and add on to the structure vertically to accommodate our clients' living needs for their family. The Applicant's intent is to improve the quality ofthe Lake Riley Blvd neighborhood, updating a neglected 1979 home with a home that is in harmony and consistent with current style homes on the street. The requested variance is to allow a second story to be added which would mirror the same footprint as the main floor footprint. This approved variance would allow the homeowner to maximize the potential square footage while respecting the intent of other stated variances. lt is also allowin8 the Applicant to execute a comprehensive renovation plan that fits well other homes on the lake. The practical difficulties leading to this requested variance is directly correlated to the small size of lot which limits the flexibility to improve the property to a level equal to similar homes on lake Riley 8lvd. Mfi Litr:nx #8C72fi)74 612-790-7t\61)rr* rr .alntahorttcsnt n.tlnt Applicant owns a home on Lake Riley that is a late 70s built, rambler style home with a crawl space under the main house foundation. Applicant is seeking a variance to remodel their home and add a second story to the existing structure following the existing structural footprint of the home. Numerous expert opinions and design options have led us to the conclusion of this beinB the least invasive method to meet the client's spatial needs in light ofthe existing zoning restrictions in place. ALMA HOMES DESICN I BUILD I RENOVATE While this variance request is not based on economic considerationt it is b€lieved that this approved variance would greatly improve the essential character ofthe locality and be an additional catalyst to increasing home values for the neighborhood. The restrictions that we are facing in the proposed project are not a result of a condition caused by the property owner. These are pre-existing conditions that existed when the property owner acquired the property. We are askinS for consideration in this matter as the practical difficulties inherent to the location, size and shape of the lot, combined with the existing structural footprint in relation to the easements and setbacks make any sort of footprint expansion impossible leaving the only reasonable alternative to expand the structure up. The proposed plans are intended to compliment the other existing homes in the neighborhood and in no way alter the essential character of the locality. Ethan Kindseth Alma Homes, LLC MN Licerrsc #ts(]72fi )7,1 612-790-7t\60 www.ahrahomcsnrn.colr