Approval LetterRe CITY OI CIIANHASSIN December 16,2020 John Wicka 2547 Bridle Creek Trail Chanhassen, MN 55317 Rezoning of Property located at 1601 Lake Lucy Road, Chanhassen Planning Case 2020-23 Dear Mr. Wicka: This letter is to formally notifr you that on December 14,2020, the Chanhassen City Council adopted the following motions: PUD D EVELOPMENT DESIGN STANDARDS a. Intent The purpose of this zone is to creale a Residential Low Density Development. The use of the PUD zone is to allow for more flexible design standards while creating a higher quality and more sensitive development. Except as modified by these development standards, the standards of the Residential Low Density District, RSF, shall apply. Ifthere is a question asto whether or not a use meets the definition, the Community Development Director shall make that interpretation. Each structue proposed for development shall proceed through building permit application based on the development standards outlined below. b. Uses l The permiued uses within the development shall be one single-family home and one accessory dwelling unit. 2. The accessory dwelling unit may not be sold separately from the main single-family structure. PH 952.227.1100. www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us. FX 952.227.1110 77OO MARKET BOULEVARD .PO BOX I4T.CHANHASSEN .MINNESOTA 55317 Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomonow REZONING The City Cormcil approves rezoning the Property described in the attached Exhibit B *Property" with an approximate area of9.03 acres to Planned Unit Development-Residential, incorporating the following standards: Mr. John Wicka 160l Lake Lucy Road December 16,2020 Page 2 Safety Inspector. The O&M Plan and Inspection Reports shall include applicable information conceming Timber structures. The Owner of the Property shall submit to the city routine inspections ofthe bridge every 24-months per the MnDOT Bridge and Structure Inspection Program Manual. Upon results ofthe initial Inspection Report, the bridge load limit shall be clearly posted at the site entrance on Lake Lucy Road per applicable Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MnMUTCD) requirements except for the size ofthe sign which must be no less than 12 inches x 18 inches as shown in Exhibit A. If at any time a routine Inspection Report indicates the posted load limit is no longer valid, the signage shall be revised to reflect current conditions. As the bridge is privately owned WEIGHT LIM IT 1) tE T T T Exhibit A 3. Short-term lease ofthe Accessory Dwelling Unit is prohibited. A short-term lease is defined as a lease of less than three months. 4. The accessory dwetling unit shall have a maximum of two bedrooms and may not exceed 1,600 square feet of footprint area. 5. Due to the unique access and lack ofa viable water source to support fire suppression activity, the city strongly encourages the petitioner to install a fire suppression system for the residential buildings on the property. The design and installation should be done by a qualifi ed fi re suppression engineer. 6. The two homes must utilize one access driveway into the homes which must be shared access until the driveway comes within 50 feet of the first dwelling unit at which point they can split. 7. Prior to any site clearing, a walk+hrough of the grading limits with the city forester to review opportunities for tree preservation is required. 8. The total footprint area of all detached accessory buildings excluding the accessory dwelling unit, must not exceed 2,000 square feet collectively and no individual detached accessory structue shall exceed 1,000 square feet of foot print area. 9. All water-oriented structures must comply with applicable City ordinances. 10. The Property shall have a maximum of two docks. 11. Prior to issuance ofany building permit on the Property, an Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Plan for the existing bridge and a Bridge Safety Inspection Report shall be submiued to the city. The O&M Plan shall be prepared by a registered Professional Engineer in the state of Minnesota and the Inspection Report shall be prepared by a MnDOT Certified Bridge Weight Limit with Symbols T,' T,' T Sign - Reflective Aluminum - .l2" x]8 and maintained and does not cross a public right-of-way, the city assumes no responsibility in reviewing or approving the O&M Plan and/or inspection reports, and takes no Mr. John Wicka 1601 Lake Lucy Road December 16,2020 Page 3 responsibility for the O&M of the bridge. The Property owner is solely responsible and shall comply with all applicable findings and recommendations ofthe routine inspection reports' c. Setbacks The PUD ordinance requires setbacks from roadways and exterior property lines. The following table displays those setbacks: Ifyou have any questions, please contact me at (952) 227-1134 or saljaff@ci.chanhassen.mn.us Sincerely,I Sharmeen Al-Jaff Senior Planner g:\planuo2o planning c.sesu0-23 l60l lal(e lucy road (island)\approval letter.doc Boundary Building Setback Lake Lucy Ordinary HiCh !ry4!9l !44Ik 75 feet Bluff Setback 30 Hard Surface Coverage _25 0h Maximum Residential Building/Structure Height 35 feet or 3 stories, whichever is less