Approval LetterCITY OT CHAI'IIIASSXI'I Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow December 16,2020 Mr. Joe Jablonski Lennar 16305 36"' Avenue N, Ste. 600 Plymouth, MN 55446 Re: The Park 3'd Addition Approval Letter - Planning Case No. 2019-01 Dear Mr. Jablonski: This letter is to formatly notiry you that on Monday, December 14,2020, the Chanhassen City Council adopted the following motion: "The Chanhassen City Council approves The Park 3'd Addition Final Plat, Development Contract and Plans and Specifications". SUBDIVISION FINAL PLAT The plat dated October 22, 2020 includes 31 lots and right-of-way for public streets for the property. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR THE PARK 3Nd ADDITION FINAL PLAT Plannine 1. All 191 acres must be included in the PUD. 2. All lots and homes must be developed consistent with the standards in the Compliance Table. Eneineerine 1. Any requirements set by the MCES to work within the MCES's sewer and utility easement shall be addressed by the applicant. 2. Ongoing coordination with the county and city regarding firture improvements to Galpin Boulevard. 3. The developer shall abandon all existing wells and septic fields in accordance with all federal, state, and local regulatory agency standards, and obtain all necessary permits for said abandonments. Prior to commencement of abandonment activities, a copy of all required permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies shall be provided to the city. PH 952.227.1100. www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us. Fx 952.227.1110 77OO I'4ARKET BOULEVARD .PO BOX I4T.CHANHASSEN .MINNESOTA 55517 Mr. Joe Jablonski The Park 3'd Addition Approval Letter December 16,2020 Page2 4. All newly constructed streets and the extension of any existing streets shall be public streets, owned and maintained by the city, after acceptance ofthe public improvements by the City Council. 5. A geotechnical engineer shall be on-site during grading operations. If groundwater is encountered during grading, grades shall be adjusted to maintain a three-foot separation from the bottom floor elevation and adhere to the recommendations of the soil engineer on site. Changes to gmdes shall be submitted to the city fior review and approval. 6. All curb ramps shall be constructed to meet ADA standards and the city's Detail Plates #5215- 5215D. 7. A detail of the proposed street lights shall be provided prior to the issuance of building permits. 8. Street lights within the development shall be owned and maintained by the electric utility company, be installed at all intersections and at the end ofeach cul-de-sac subject to review and approval by the city prior to issuance of building permits. 9. All newly constructed water mains shall be public water mains, owned and maintained by the city, after acceptance ofthe public improvements by the City Council. 10. All utility crossings of potable water and sanitary and/or storm mains will require I 8 inches of vertical separation and l0 feet ofhorizontal separation. The developer shall submit construction plans with profiles and plan views ofthe utilities for review and approval prior to the commencement of any utility construction. 11. All utility crossings ofpotable water and sanitary sewer that do not meet vertical separation requirements will require that the sanitary sewer main at that crossing be constructed ofPVC C900 water main material. The developer shall submit construction plans indicating material type at these locations for review and approval ofthe city prior to the commencement ofany utility construction. 12. Water mains shall be constructed at a minimum of 7.5 feet below grade, or insulated, and consructed in conformance with the city's standard specifications and detail plates. 13. Cluster valves located around water main tees shall be installed at a minimum of five feet from the tees to the valves, where feasible. All valve locations and any other water main appurtenances shall be reviewed and approved by the Engineering and Public Works departments prior to the commencement of any utility construction. 14. All comments and conditions regarding fire appurtenances, spacing, and location set forth by the Fire department shall be addressed by the applicant. 15. All newly consfiucted sewer mains shall be public sewer mains, owned and maintained by the ciry, after acceptance of the public improvements by the City Council. 16. PVC sanitary sewer pipes that will be constructed at a burial depth of 0-16 feet shall be constructed ofpipe class SDR 35, burial depths of 16-26 feet shall be of pipe class SDR 26, and burial depths of greater than 26 feet shall be ofpipe class C900. 17. Inverts that have a 20-inch or greater differential shall be supplied inside drops per city standards and be constructed per the city's Detail Plate No. 2104. Mr. Joe Jablonski The Park 3'd Addition Approval Letter December 16,2020 Page 3 I 8. Untreated or stormwater from lots not captured and routed to treatment facilities, particularly in backlots, require a conveyance system to be installed to route stormwater to treatment basins. 19. No sump structures shall be installed in backyard pickups. 20. Access routes to storm basins shall have a slope no greater than 3: L 21. Driveways shall be setback in accordance Section 20-l122 ofCity Ordinances. 22. All driveways shall be located outside side lot drainage and utility easements. 23. A $300 fee per light shall be collected with the development contract for electricity costs for the first year of operation. 24. The developer shall coordinate with the Building Department and Public Works Utility Department to determine which homes shall be required to install pdva1g pressue reducing valves prior to the issuance ofbuilding permits. 25. The contractor shall contact the city inspector for inspection of all insulated pipe crossings. 26. On Sheet 3 of 20: The water main shall be lowered sufficiently to avoid bends and the engineer of record shall consult with city staff to evaluate connection methodologies in an effort to avoid redundant valves within the newly construction segment of water main; a third gate valve may be added to the intersection of Pearl Drive and Visionary Court, pending the consultation with city staff previously discussed; insulation may be added under the storm crossing and water main near 9+10, pending the consultation previously discussed; add to noteVcall-outs that existing sanitary sewer stubs' grades shall be verified. 27. On Sheet 7 of20: Relocate the draintile and/or proposed light pole near T+25 to maintain at least 5' separation; provide justification to the downgrading ofreinforced concrete pipe from class 5 to class 4, including segments located under streets; centet the storm main between CBMH 370 and CBMH 311 within the abutting easements of Lots 6 and 7, Block 1. 28. On Sheet 9 of 20: illustrate street light called out at intersection of Pearl Drive and Fathers Song. 29. On Sheet I 1 of 20: The engineer of record shall consult with city staff regarding the grades and intersection design of Pearl Drive and Visionary Court; staff has concerns regarding the spacing ofcatch basin in relation to the pedestrian ramp and grades in the area routing surface drainage. Stormwater Conditions & Wellands All comments and conditions set forth by the Riley Pugatory Bluff Creek Watershed District shall be addressed by the applicant. 2. Stormwater runoff shall not be discharged into wetlands without water quality pretreatment as prescribed by City Code. 3. Wetland Buffers. Wetland buffers and buffer monumentation will be required adjacent to the wetlands on site. Please indicate wetland buffer widths and locations where signage will be Mr. Joe Jablonski The Park 3'd Addition Approval Letter December 16,2020 Page 4 placed on a plan sheet. Please find additional information on signage placement in the city's guidance document. The WMO provides signs and sign posts for the cost of materials. Altemative signs (by the city or applicant) are also acceptable provided they contain similar information. Wetland buffers and buffer setbacks pursuant to section 2041 I and consistent with the preliminary plat must be memorialized with a recorded wetland buffer agreement filed with the county recorder's office. Landscaoins and Tree Preservation l. Tree preservation fencing shall be installed around existing trees to be saved prior to any construction activities and remain installed until completion. 2. All trees shall be planted outside of the street right-of-way. DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT "The City Council approves the development contract for the Park." CONSTRUCTION PLAIIS "The City Council approves the construction plans dated "Received October 23, 2020". Enclosed is a list of items required for recording of the plat and the Development Contract for you to sign and retum with the security and cash fees in order for the documents to be recorded. Adjustments to the plat may be required pending findings of the Title Commitmenl. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 952.227.1139 or e-mail at kaanenson@ci.sen.mn.us. Sincerely, 1u-a4tM\ Kate Aanenson Community Development Director, AICP Encl. Erik Henricksen, Project Engineer Paul Cherne. Pioneer Engineering ilhb ec glplanuol9 planning cases\19-01 galpin site preliminary plat and rezoning puduinal plat 3 addirion\approval letter.docx RECORDING FOR:Date: Enclosed are the folloling: tr Final Plat Mylars no largerthan 22" x34". Per Andrea Poehler, do not mark "Official Copy''on the County copy, or they may reject the mylars ! Three, l" = 2@'scale paper copy of the final plat (Carver County Auditor, Assessor and Surveyor) tr Signed Development Contract E Mortgage Holder Consent to Plat ! Mortgage Holder Consent to the Development Contract trWarrantydeed(ifdeedinganoutlottothecity) ! Easements: ! Other: !Arecentcopyofthetitlecommitmentenclosed/emailed(date:-) ! lf there isn't a development contract, a copy of the resolution approving final plat The City of Chanhassen has: ! Final Plat Mylars ("City Copy'') ! 1" = 200' scale mylar reduction of the final plat n 1" = 20d scale paper reduction of the final plat (with street names and lot and block numbers only) E Security: S , from -(bank name) ! Cash fee:5- ! Digital copy of the final plat in .dxf and .tif formats (.pdf compatible) in Carver County coordinates ! Electronic Copy of Drainage Model ! Area, in square feet, of D&U Easement and ROW dedication f, Notified the developer that the current year property taxes must be paid in full and any delinquent property taxes or Sreen acres taxes must also be paid before the plat can be filed. f Emailed the developer, city planner and building official regarding the status of filing the plat Provide confirmation that the documents have been submitted for recording by email or fax to952-221-Ll7O. NOTES: G:\€NG\FORMS\plat recordin8 checklist 20180515.docx Additional instructions on reverse? Yes/No