Letter from Sylvia FamilyDear Community Development Deparunent and City of Chanhassen,12n4t2020 My name is Michael Sylvia, and my wife is Juliana Sylvia. We have three sons, Mateo (l l), Sebastian (9), and Cam (5). Our family purchased 10029 Trails End Road in Chanhassen (Lot 12, Block 5, Settlers West) on May 5, 2020. Since then, we've been designing our dream home for our family of five, with living space above our garage for my parents, Barbma and Michael. Currently, we are renting a home where my parents live in the finished basement, and have been for the last l6 months. Living in the basernent is certainly not the ideal living arranganent for any aging parent/grandparent, and this was never our long term plan. It has always been their dream to have an inlaw apartment in a home with us. This lot not only provides an excellent opportunity for this setup, as well as an incredible neighborhood and community that is Settlers West. My mother is 70 years old, and my father is 7l , and they are both retired teachers. In 2013, my father was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, a neurological degenerative condition that impacts all aspects of his life. As expected, his condition continues to deteriorate steadily. Their lives revolve around our sons, their only grandchildren. My mother is his primary caregiver, but ultimately this is a family effort as my father needs assistance and supervision constantly. The one thing they cherish the most is spending time with their grandchildren' Given these circumstances, the easier we can make that for thern, the better it will be for our family; especially for our children, who absolutely love Grandma and Grandpa. On behalfofour entire family, thank you for your time and consideration of this very important matter, that's dear to our hearts, and the happiness of our family. We are grateful for the opportunity to have shared our special case with you, and look forward to working with the City of Chanhassen. Thank you. Sincerely, The Sylvia family