Warranty Deed3 lnchos Ra!6rv€d for DEED lndlvldurl(c) io Jolnt Tan.nt! Mln conveyanilry )Forfl 10.1.5 (20'l 3) DEED TA( DUE: $ 1.006.50 DATE: Mav 5.2m0 FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION_, Jqg=l4ofrlson, -tl,!d B€rn?detb Monison. marled to 6ach oth€r (,cmnto/), hereby conveys and wananb to Mhhee. I sylvlg and Marii@i, realproperty ln Carver County, Mlnnesota, legally described aB follows: eCRV number: Lot 12, Block 5, Settlerr Worg Carver County, Mluerota. /4,<n'lta Joe Monison Ctbk hero if all or part of the dessiiE/d reat p,oprly ls Reglstered (Tonens) E bgether with all heredlhmenb end r.ppurtenanca8 balonglng hereto, subreci b the followlng exc€ptlons:(a) building and zonlng laws, odlnancee, and sbto and-frdaral regulitlona;(b) restdcUons rehtlng to use.or lmpmvem€nt of th€ Proparty wihout efhcivs forfeiture provblons; (c) reservation or any mlnerat righb by the State of Minrieso-ta: (d) utillty and dralnage easements whlch do not lnterbr€ wl$ exis0ng lmprovemenb. Check applicable box: E The seller certifies that the seller does not knoirr of any wdb on he describ€d real property,tr A $€ll disclosure cefficab accompanles this document or has b€en eleclronlcally filed. (li elec-bonically flled, insert IAIDC numben _.)tr I am familiar with tho property doscribed in this lnsbum€nt and I certtfy hat he sbtus and number of urellg on the described roal prop€(y have not changed slnco he last previously fited wett disclosur€ certificate. PTAIINING DEPT Eemad€tb Mo.rbofl clTy oF cHANHAssEN BECEIVED I)EC I 8 2020 Page 2 ol2 M,nnelot Unlfom Eank! Fom 10.1.5 Texas County of DallasState of This-instrument was acknowladged by use of communication technology on O5/O4/2O2O _ by {oe Morriso! ?nd B+rnadptte lloniqpn. m?rrbd ro each other. wtro aiiareol@EEEi]n-_ coudenav; British qolumbia. cBnadq, and ttrat thia record is to be iiled with or r€laE8- 67 nuti"i uefor" "court govamm€ntal on[ty, publlc offcial, or other entty locaEd in he tenrrortatJu*araon * tri uniteuStates' orinvolved a property loc€ted ln the tanitorialJurlsdlc,tton of, or a ransaitton sulicn&lfv coni"a"awith, the Unit€d States. (Stamp)1".- / noatE R, GLEIT{ !,|$asa"o ^rllf! 11 ,ora (slgnaturo o, nohnal Tltl€ (end R!nk):Notary Public My commbslon €pllts: (nrodrir$phr, Notarized online using audio-video communication THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTEO BY: BURNET TITLE 11455 Viklng Dr Sto 310 Edsn Pratrla, MN 55344 21210204412Aft26W TAX STATEMENTS FOR THE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIEED I}I THIS INSTRUMET,IT SHOI'LD BE SENT TO(b...t lot.l tr &d (til.di.l ab&o rddr. ot(laoo) Granbea: Mlchael Sylvla Marla Jullana Sylvh 9607 Sky Lane Eden Prakle, MN 55347 o4/12/2024