Development Review ApplicationY// *crTYotcumuAssrtl 6lrx! e: APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW A ' I sr.F:*ar Dare.'*-'E!+*ilo- "" *"-j.:9."- ;;;-ggEi-t 6GDav Re,ie* *teg=4- (Refer to lhe awo$iele Applicdbh chccmst lot E,quiad submital i,:/o,,7r|allm thel mud a&omparly lhis adication) ! Comprehensive Plan Amendment... E Minor MUSA line for failing on-site sewers ... E Conditional Use Permit (CUP) E SingleFamily Residence.............................. E All Others......... fl lnterim Use Permit (lUP) E ln coniunction with Single.Family Residence E A[ others......... fl Rezoning lRez;! Planned Unit Development (PUD) ................ E Minor Amendment to existing PUD............... ! A orhers........ E Sign Plan Review................... D Subdivision (SUB) E create 3 lots or less E create over 3 lots ... D Site Plan Review (SPR) ! Administrative. ....... .. ..'.... $100 D Commerciaulndustrial Districis'...............-...... 5500 Plus $'10 per 1,000 square feet of building area:( thousand square feet) 'lndude number ofglELtq employees: - 'lndude n8ber of 49q emPloYees: E Residential Oistricls............................ ............ $500 Plus $5 per dwelling unit ( units) E Notitication Sign (city to irEtalland remove).........-....... " ' E Property Owners' List within 500' (City to generab anet preapplicstion rEeing) ( lots) D Metes & Bounds (2 lots)............ E Consolidate Lots..... . ........ . D LotLineAdiustmen1............ ........ D Final P|at......... (lncludes S45O escrow for attomey costs)' ;Additonal es6ow may b€ required for other apdicaUons through ttle develoPment contrad. ! Vacation of Easements,/R€ht-of-way (VAC) (Additronal recordirE fees may apply) E Variance (VAR) ! Wetland Alteralion Permit (WAP) E Single-Family Residence ..... ........ . .... E Att others........ E Zoning Appeal. E Zoning Ordinance Amendment (ZOA)......... $3 per address ( ?z addresses) ..................,.... $50 per document D Site Phn Agreement n Wetland Atteration Permit E Deeds TOTAL FE !q!Ei Yl,ihen mulupl€ .pplications a,e proco+ted coicu,rendy, the approp.ids lre shall be ch.rgod for each application. $600 $100 $325 9425 $325 $425 $750 $100 sso0 $1s0 s300 $200 s150 $275 $100 $500 $200 E] Esffow for Recording Oocuments (check allthat apply) . .. -fl conditional Use Fermit D lnterim Use Permit Ei vacation fl Variance I u*es a Bounds subdivision (3 docs.) ! Easements 1- easements)l<r e (check all that aPPIY)Section 1: Application TYP Section 2: Required lnformation Description of P.oposal: Replace / Reconfigure Existing Boulder Retaining Wall variance 6609 Horseshoe Curve, Chanhassen, Minnosota 55317 Parcel #: Residential250550010Legal Description Present Land Use Designation 0.64 Wetlands Present? Single Family Rssidential Districl (RSF) Select One Requested Land Use Designation Select One Total Acreage: Present Zoning EYes ENo Requested Zoning Select One Existing Use of Property:Residential Echeck box if separate nanative is attached COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ptannino Division - 7700 Market Boulevard i,taiting -Aaoress - p.O. Box 147. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phonet (952\ 227-1100 I Fax. 1952\ 227-1110 Property Address or Location: Owner and APP|icant lnformationSection 3: Property APPUGANToTHERTHANPRoPERTYowNER:lnsigningthisaPplication.|.asapplicant.representtohaveobtained aurhorization ftom ," p.p"rty o*nriti, or" itriilipil*ti'"n. iagree io be bound bv conditions of approval' subiect only to the right to object at tne nearings onl appii"ation or ouring th; appeal oeriod. lf ihis application has not been signed by the property owner. r nare aracneo'se;;i;;;;.;"i;iioriot full ligal ;apacitv to file the application This application shourd be processed in ,y n"r" "n-o-iJ,r-it'. prrtv "t". tt'" city s[ould tontia regarding any matter pertaining to this aootication. I wi1 keep mysetf int"#J "i tf'"-6i"-"Oiines for submilsion oimaeriat an-a tne progress of this application' I furiher understand rt "t "aoirion"r r*!lri;;;;E; k; ";nsuhing.fees feasibility studies' etc with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceeO w1;r tnliirJi.-Ljiiifi tfr"t rf'L informition and exhibit! submitled are true and correct' Name -7. Enr.v1.a-- t Es- Address:uuDq V th-l c M N ,f! r-7 Cell: Fax: (.lL'L.r'r1 q City/State/zip t Email glbran,r PA -l-v-ra.'l. (.../t Signature:Date:tz-/rsk z- PROPERTY OWNER: ln signing this application, l, as property owner, have full legal capacity to' and hereby do' authorize the fiting of tnis appticationl t ['nO""t"nO'tt "i "oi1ditions of approval are 6inding and.agree to be bound by those conditions, subject onty to the right i; ;d; ;i th; heirlngs or Ouring.i# appeal penods: I will keep mysetf informed of the deadtines for suumission ot matJriatlno tt'" p.G"J; thi" appiication. l further understand thal additional fees mav O. "n"id for *nsutting fees, feasiOir,tyiirii*i"iJ- *irr, an estimlte prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. icerlify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and conect' Name EI;v'u Contact: Address: U o rh,, a Phone: City/Statezip c ^^ Aal Y<.^lvlN ,t3 r'1 Cell: Fax: 1S L- 1r7-LL./ j Email: e rn \ri a-1 h6+Jw!-i ( - Co t,".-. Date:I z_l tq/t t. PROJECT ENGINEER (if applicable) Name: Address: Contact: Phone: City/Statezip: Email: Cell Fax Who should receive copies of staff reports?'Other Contact lnformation: Property Owner Via:AppllEnt Via:Engineer Via:Othef Va: aa Email Email Email Email E Mailed Paper copy Name Travis Van Liere atr Mailed Paper Copy Maaled Paper Copy Address 21 1 N 1st St #350 City/Slatefzip: Email: INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT:Complete all necessary form fields, then select SAVE FORM to save a coPy to your device. PRINT FORit and deliver to city along with required documents and payment. SUBMIT F ORM to send a digital copy to the city for processing. SAVE FOR PRINT FORiIi SUB ]T FORH A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A writien notice ot applicaiion deliciencies shall be mailed to the applicanl within 15 business days of application. nformation appropriate redandlansallberequed bymandStpuaccompanlbyicationUmbestThsapp istheckCtheloreferApplicationfithSrovtstonSBeforelingapplicationp raluleordandnancermdeteneprocedthetoapplicabrtmentspecificn9Depa applicable City Ordinance and confer with lhe Plann requirements and Ees. tra A Mailed Paper copy MN 55401 Contact: Phone: n^7 Pr-- Signature: Section4: Notificationlnformation Za UZ fu llin