Affidavit of MailingCITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ( ss. COUNTYOFCARVER ) I, Kim T. Meuwissen, being first duly swom, on oath deposes that she is and was on December 21,2020, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk ofthe City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy ofthe auached notice ofa Public Hearing to consider a request for a Wetland Alteration Permit and Interim Use Permit for excavation of existing wetland along with excavated borrow being placed on a location within the parcel. Zoned Agricultural Estate (A2), Planning Case No.202l-03 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy ofsaid notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses ofsuch owners were those appearing as such by the records ofthe County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesot4 and by other appropriate records. Subscribed and thisl$ day o m to before me Kim T. M euwlssen-Depu JEAil u <t-,2020. Notary Public (Seal) l$r.b!t.!!. Subject Area DltcblnEr This map is neither a lega,ly ccorded map nor a guNey and is not iniended to be used ar one. illi3 map is a co-mpilbtion ot rEcords. anloamation and data located in varioss city. "orrnw state ano teoeratifrces and olher sourceg regBrdlng the area 3hown and ls lo be u;d br rcfe.eoce purposes or y The C y does not wanant that trle Geog6phic tnbmalbn Sy3Em (GlS) Data used to Prepa.e thls map are ero.lree, and the city does not reoreseni rrat ure Gls Dala can be used lo. navQatonal tracking or any other purpose lequrnng e)6ctng rneasurement ol dstance or drreclion or preoson n the ikd,aion ot seoe6 ,c batures ttre preceding alEdaimer ls povided pu6uanl lo Mi;nesota SdM;s aas6.o3. subd. 21 (2ooo), end the user of his map acrno*ledges mat fre Crty snatt n6t te liable for any damagE3. and e)Qressly waiv6 all daims and aorees lo d;End, ndemn y, and hold harmle$ the City ttom any and alldaim3 bmught d User. lts employees o( agents. or thlrd partes which anse out ot the users access or uEe of dal,a Provided. <TAX-NAMET tTAX-ADD-Ll r <TAX-ADD-L2r (Next RecordD(TAX-NAMEtt ITAX-ADD-LI r ITAX_ADD_L2r Subject Area DLchim€r This map 6 ncither a legally recotded map nor a sun ey anal is nol inlended to be lr3ed as one. itris map is a compihtion of recods info.mation and data loaated in variqls crty. counlv. state and ledeaal 6fices and other soorces regardlng th€ area shown. and rs to be u3ed br releleoce purposes only. The Ciy does not war.anl that the GeograPhc lnbrmatbn SFtem (GlS) Oata used to prepare this map are etro( fee, and the Crty does not reorereni rlat the GIS Data can be used lo. neugattonal kackrng or any other pu,poie ,equitlng exactng measuaemenl of d6tance oI drrection or p.eosion n he ddion ot g€o!6Phrc Eature3. The preceding disdairner is provrded pu6uant to Mi;n6otra Statljtas !a66.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknodedg€s thd a|e City shan not be liable for any dameges. and erpessly waaves all daims, and aore€ to dehnd. indemn Y. and hold hamlegs $e city ftom any and alldaims brought d user. its employees or igenls. or thrrd partes whrch adse oul of the usefs access or use of dalia provided. l "x 1, -r$r tt a. \\ ,F- il,/ nI Ff 5s I l \ cA-' E tfal ..1 F vt \ \;- 15 I : E I ,/1 ;*:r fl I r.I a\ ,Jt- B.l - .1 "t t'I \ lEistrii iE;t:I;Eg .EIEfIiIEEi BEliBiigii .a o ([ o, o, c;E.F (, o) E o)E Eo o)-o c(! -o- C)E 0.,(l) o co; lo = E., C' E .9o ,9 E Eoo G o. <,ooi o TE<g -u)o- .c (o5o,3i do2rOEtP 6E(Lo (E=E6OE $O,oo;Eo< =6 .)o o o o o '6 (l, an o o {,.E o .9. c .9 Goo t* U!? _o,fi 85 E e i-E€ .gE E aEiEEEE! eEeg EEif; eE€E E="EI€rEI SiHe iTEE 9EE:gEEE Ep E=o.!2 -c ! (,(rF(JtL P-aBEso.Foc(Jar-N(Y)S o)-c a c; . d i E .C .0 F E cioo a- o oloN o .o c(!., ;oE ()lF o E2dl () (! 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