06-10-20 MIN1
Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting via Zoom Online Meeting
6:00 pm
June 10, 2020
Members Present: Bill Chappell, Kristin Fulkerson, Jeff Harken, Greg Hawks, Don Vasatka, Lucy
Rehm and Markus Fischer
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist
Minutes: May minutes were approved after agreeing that all acronyms will be spelled out.
City updates: Jill let the commission know that city hall is still closed to the public but will probably be
opening in June. The 4th of July will be a flyover and fireworks only. Road projects are still moving
ahead – Minnewashta Parkway reconstruction, Powers/Lake Lucy pedestrian crossing, Hwy 101.
2020 Focus Topic Approach – Recycling: The commission discussed how to provide public education
on their 2020 focus topic in light of public events being cancelled for the year. The commission will try
to plan a fall event with the Zero Waste group. Lucy and Jeff are working on an article with the group
for the fall city newsletter. The event could take place in a park so that there’s space for everyone. Greg
says The Blue Couch group is also available. Could there be a virtual meeting perhaps? Could both be
planned at once? Or should the event be postponed until winter 2021. The decision will need to be made
by mid-July. It would be beneficial to do a virtual event so that it could be archived and available for
viewing in the future. Jeff will ask Ashley and Greg will ask The Blue Couch to see if there’s interest
from either group. The commission also discussed asking the watershed district to do a promotional
video on the adopt-a-drain program. Perhaps Sharon M could do a video to tie in with the fall leaf clean
up event. Jill will check with the city manager to see if the fall event could be a go.
Fall Connection Article: Reduce/Reuse will be the winter connection article. Markus volunteered to
write it. Jeff said he would send past articles to him. Markus said he looked through the recycling
online content for the city, haulers, and neighboring communities. He wonders if there’s a way to
improve the recycling communication. DSI has a great recycling page. Could the EC review existing
city info and improve upon it? Markus found that all haulers communicate 3 basic pieces of
information: What to/not to recycle, No plastic bags, Don’t put recycling in plastic bags.
Contamination is a big issue. The EC could focus on reducing contamination. He suggested
commissioners check out the DSI website. Waste Management has good videos too. Maybe the
commission could partner with Carver County to leverage resources. Hennepin County has a great site
with lots of good resources. Markus will put together a PowerPoint and communicate objectives. He’ll
send it out the commission. Discussion of it will be added to the July agenda.
GreenStep Cities Updates: Jill had no updates at this time.
General Discussion:
• Greg reported that Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District granted Avienda a waiver.
• The commission suggested sharing the Arbor Day poster on Facebook and twitter.
• The commission suggested making an agenda item each month to decide what to post on
fb/twitter. Could post the same on both sites.
• The commission suggested submitting the posters to the Villager.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm
Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair
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