07-08-20 MIN1
Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting via Zoom Online Meeting
6:00 pm
July 8, 2020
Members Present: Bill Chappell, Kristin Fulkerson, Jeff Harken, Greg Hawks, Don Vasatka, Lucy
Rehm and Markus Fischer
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist
Minutes: June minutes were approved.
City updates:
• Heather Johnston is the new interim city manager. She started on Monday.
• The city could use a few more election judges for the primary election on Aug. 11
• The senior center is opened on 7/7 for limited events.
• The Rec Center is also open now for limited classes.
Fall Event Planning: Jeff had forwarded emails from the Zero Waste group. They couldn’t attend the
meeting tonight but are willing to meet with the commission at a future date. They request that no
recordings be made of their presentation. The length would be about 2.5 hrs. The cost is $10/person or
$300, based on participation. The commission wondered what the fee was exactly and if Zero Waste
West Metro would help advertise the event. The commission asked Jeff to find out if there’s a minimum
participation number. The commission discussed whether to have people register or post the access
code for everyone. The majority wanted the city to pay the speaker fee and make it free to anyone to
attend. Jeff said he will talk to the group and get back to the commission with eth information. Possible
event dates include Oct 7,8,21, or 22.
Recycling Communications: Markus presented his Communication Plan for Recycling starting with
the SWOT analysis. He said this is a starting point where the commission can take inventory and decide
where to optimize. The Problem Statement was chosen because the common problem that all haulers
faced was contamination in the recycling stream. The Plan Details uses the city/commission content and
spreads it through all media at the right time. The commission wondered if a calendar should be created
for the whole year. Everyone agreed that it should. Then event dates could be added to the commission
web page. Kristin directed Jill to add the media calendar plan for 2020 and 2021 to the October agenda.
Markus offered to take the full year plan and drop in the commission work plan.
General Discussion:
• Greg reported that St Huberts was moving forward on their project withteh watershed district to
reduced runoff from the site and fix a catch basin. There is a watershed meeting tonight.
• Mountain bike trail is open at Pioneer and Audubon. Don has ridden it.
• Markus will write the winter connection article. Jeff will get him past articles.
Meeting adjourned at 7:20 pm
Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair
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