Friday, October 16, 2020
10:00 A.M. TO 11:30 P.M.
Chanhassen Senior Center and Zoom
1. Approval of agenda.
2. Approval of minutes dated August 21, 2020.
3. Age Well at Home –Pat Lund with Habitat for Humanity (30 minutes).
Brenda Lano, Community Development Manager, Carver County CDA
4. Commission Task force (Dave, Linda & Bhakti) report on their recommendation for driving
the “Information, Education and Outreach” goal (25 minutes).
5. Aging in place Planning (5 minutes).
6. Aging with Gusto (5 minutes).
a. Recap of Aging with Gusto workshop
b. SHIP grant request to provide Aging with Gusto in the Time of COVID for 2021 at the
Chanhassen Senior Center
7. Revisit the checking in on high-risk seniors program for the winter period (5 minutes).
8. Senior Commission Comments.
Upcoming meetings:
Next Senior Commission meeting November 20, 2020