Friday, July 17, 2020
10:00 A.M. TO 11:30 P.M.
Chanhassen Senior Center and Zoom
1. Approval of agenda.
2. Approval of minutes dated June 19, 2020.
3. Onboarding Document (20 minutes).
4. Act on Alzheimer’s Update (10 minutes).
Memory Café
5. 2020 Goals and Objectives/Joint Session with the City Council.
6. a. Discussion on V.A.N. info on Ageism (20 minutes).
b. Aging with Gusto introduction session.
7. Discussion on V.A.N. info on New Habitat For Humanity direction as it pertains to
our Ageing in place/Universal design initiative (10 minutes).
8. Commission Task force ( Dave, Linda & Bhakti ) report on their recommendation for
driving the “Information, Education and Outreach” goal (20 minutes).
9. Resource Guide
10. Senior Commission Comments.
Next meeting August 21, 2020