October 16, 2020
Crouch, Lisa Lyons, Ruth Lunde.
MEMBERS PRESENT via ZOOM: Bhakti Modi, Dorina Tipton, Linda Haight.
STAFF PRESENT: Sharmeen Al-Jaff, Jake Foster
GUESTS via Zoom: Dawn Plummer, Patrick Lund
Approval of Agenda:
Commissioner Haight moved to approve the Agenda. Commissioner Lunde seconded
the motion. All voted in favor to approving the agenda.
Senior Commission Minutes:
Commissioner Lyons moved to approve the Minutes. Commissioner Modi seconded
the motion. . All voted in favor to approving the minutes.
Age Well at Home: Pat Lund from Habitat from Humanity presented Habitat’s
mission, demographics, how Habitat helps homeowners live longer in their homes,
types of modifications and average cost per project. Pat identified the Healthcare
Partnerships and hoped Habitat could be embedded with other Healthcare providers in
future. Habitat can only consider recommendation from current Healthcare partners at
this time and only from individuals whose income does not exceed $40K+ per annum.
Habitat's Age Well at Home program serves those whose incomes are up to 60% of
Area Median Income.
Commission Task Force report on recommendations for driving the
“Information, Education and Outreach” goal.
Commissioner Crouch, Modi and Lyons have created a first pass model for Senior
Services redesign. Commissioner Modi identified the various categories seniors can
search to obtain information, resources, or activities of interest. All commissioners
were asked to consider any additional categories or points of interest for seniors and to
provide this information to the task force.
Aging in Place Planning:
Individual binders on this topic are available for each commission member. Contact
Sharmeen Al-Jaff to obtain or Jerry Cerchia for those who may have difficulty
obtaining from City Hall. All commissioners are to read the information and be
prepared for discussion at next Senior Commission Meeting on November 20.
Aging with Gusto workshop:
Workshop attendees discussed their takeaways from this workshop. All found the
workshop worthwhile, but recommended future workshops be condensed to two
sessions vs. three. A SHIP grant has been approved and this workshop will be offered
more broadly at the Chanhassen Senior Center in 2021.
Checking in with high-risk seniors in our community:
Senior Commissioners were asked for feedback on their connections with at risk
seniors. Names of those who need extra help during this winter are to be sent to Mary
Blazanin and Jerry Cerchia.
Senior Commission Comments:
Commissioner Cerchia gave an overview of Senior Commission accomplishments to
the Chanhassen City Council on September 28. Senior Commissioners were
complimented on their actions, activities, and hard work.
Commissioner Lunde identified the recent article in the Chanhassen Villager by Deb
Taylor, “For Senior, COVID is the mother of innovation.” She recommended we
connect with Minnetonka CARENEXTION to identify how our community and other
local communities can benefit from the ideas and work already being done.
Dawn Plummer advised that Carver County was rated 4th in the state for healthiest and
1st for happiest.
Commissioner Tipton mentioned the Caregiving Research 2020 workshop she
attended on October 15. The focus was mainly on adult caregiving and the increasing
number of Americans providing unpaid care over the past 5 years. During COVID,
caregivers are more financially and emotionally stressed than ever.
Chairman Cerchia called for meeting adjournment. Commissioner Lunde moved to
adjourn; Commissioner Lyon seconded the motion. All voted in favor of adjournment.
Prepared and submitted by Sharmeen Al-Jaff