06-19-2020CHANHASSEN SENIOR COMMISSION MINUTES June 19, 2020 MEMBERS PRESENT via ZOOM: Jerry Cerchia, Bhakti Modi, Ruth Lunde, Mack Titus, Lisa Lyon, Dorina Tipton, Linda Haight, David Crouch. MEMBERS ABSENT: none STAFF PRESENT: Sharmeen Al-Jaff, Mary Blazanin. GUESTS PRESENT: none Approval of Agenda: Commissioner Titus moved to approve the Agenda. Commissioner Lyon seconded the motion. All singly voted in favor. Senior Commission Minutes: Commissioner Titus moved to approve the Minutes. Commissioner Lyon seconded the motion. All singly voted in favor. Election of Officers: Mack Titus nominated Commissioner Cerchia as Chair. Commissioner Tipton seconded the motion. All singly voted in favor. Commissioner Tipton nominated Commissioner Lunde for Vice Chair; Commissioner Cerchia seconded the motion. All singly voted in favor. Appointment of Advisory Board Representative: Current Commissioner Lunde stated that she wanted to give another Commissioner the opportunity to work with the Advisory Board. Commissioner Height expressed interest in the position. Chairman Cerchia appointed Commissioner Height as the Advisory Board Representative. 4th of July Bingo Event: Sharmeen Al-Jaff provided explanation due to COVID 19 pandemic 2020 Bingo Event was cancelled. Decision was primarily due to popularity and difficulty in social distancing. Additionally, it would be impossible to sanitize all bingo cards and keep public safe. ACT on Alzheimer’s Update: a. July 3rd Promotional Table Cancelled – same reasons mentioned for cancellation of 4th of July Bingo Event, the promotional table where significant interaction with the public occurred and Alzheimer’s material sanitation would be difficult to be contained. b. Dementia Friends Training – Commissioner Tipton stated that she had conducted two Dementia Friends Training sessions 1. March 12 at Union Place, Excelsior MN where 10 people participated 2. March 25 via ZOOM where 3 people from Centra Pro Painters participated. c. Memory Café – The Maple Corner Café officially cancelled all future meetings during COVID 19 to ensure our vulnerable senior population was kept safe. Mary Blazanin has been creating activity kits to distribute to caregivers and other vulnerable seniors to ensure they are not suffering distress during their isolation. Connecting with Caregivers and Vulnerable Seniors has been a high priority and all Senior Commissioners have been involved in maintaining this connection. Commissioner Tipton mentioned that The Maple Corner Café was now listed in the national Memory Café Directory. This will enable caregivers and anyone with memory loss to attend/join meeting in person when memory cafés re-open when it is safe following COVID 19. 2020 Goals and Objectives: Commissioner Cerchia provided overview on how the senior commissions sets annual goals and presents them to Chanhassen City Council where they are reviewed and approved. He also spoke directly as to what our major focus will be ,,,Aging in place.. Draft Onboarding Document: Sharmeen Al-Jaff distributed the draft Onboarding Document to ensure all new Senior Commissioners are aware of Commission By Laws, how we operate together as a team, how decisions are made collectively, the projects the commission members participates in, and how we develop the annual strategic plan. Senior Commission Comments: None Adjournment: Chairman Cerchia called for meeting adjournment. Commissioner Titus moved to adjourn; Commissioner Lyon seconded the motion. All singly voted in favor. Prepared and submitted by Sharmeen Al-Jaff