Aboretum Business Park 7th Addn Approval Letter ter" 17---dttg,„4 May 30, 2007 Mr. Joe Smith Chaska Gateway Partners, LLP do Steiner Development, Inc. 3610 County Road 101 Wayzata, MN 55391 Re: Arboretum Business Park 7th Addition—Planning Case 07-10 Dear Mr. Smith: This letter is to confirm that on May 29, 2007, the Chanhassen City Council approved the following: A. Preliminary and final plat for two lots and one outlot(Arboretum Business Park 7th Addition),plans prepared by Schoell &Madson, Inc., dated April 16, 2007, subject to the following conditions: 1. Submit 1:200 scale plan of proposed lots (required for addressing purposes). 2. A 10-foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants, i.e., street lamps, trees, shrubs, bushes, Xcel Energy, Qwest, cable TV and transformer boxes. This is to ensure that fire hydrants can be quickly located and safely operated by firefighters. 3. No burning permits shall be issued for trees to be removed. Trees and shrubs must either be removed from site or chipped. 4. The developer shall be responsible for planning, engineering, and constructing the"wetland trail." Connection points for this new trail shall be the terminus of the Trotters Ridge trail, the intersection of Century Boulevard and West 82nd Street, and the intersection of Century Boulevard and Water Tower Place. Bid documents, including plans and specifications, shall be approved by the Park & Recreation Director and City Engineer prior to soliciting bids. Project bidding shall occur in a competitive environment with a minimum of three bids being received. The results of the bidding process shall be reviewed with the Park & Recreation Director and City Engineer prior to award. Cash payment for trail construction shall be made from the City of Chanhassen to Steiner Development upon completion, inspection, and acceptance of the trail. 5. Trail easements within Lots 1 and 2 and Outlot A, Arboretum Business Park 7th Addition (formerly Outlot C, Arboretum Business Park) shall be dedicated to the City to accommodate the"wetland trail". 6. The developer shall pay trail fees in the amount of$10,190.00 prior to the recording of the final plat. • Mr. Joe Smith Arboretum Business Park 7th Addition '`4 Planning Case 07-10 May 30, 2007 *4-- P Page 3 of 4 shall be installed within 24 hours. Inlet protection shall be maintained on a regular basis. The plans and SWPPP shall be revised to include standard details for all inlet protection devices. 14. Manholes with two-foot sumps shall be installed as the last road-accessible structures prior to discharge into the stormwater pond. 15. Chanhassen Type 2, Heavy Duty silt fence shall be installed around all wetlands and stormwater ponds; Chanhassen Type 1 silt fence shall be used around the remaining areas. All areas of silt fence shown on the plan that are not parallel to the proposed contours of the property shall to have J-Hooks installed every 50 feet. 16. The existing stormwater pond and areas downstream of the pond shall be protected from sediment produced by the construction site. For example, if turbid water is found in the stormwater pond, a plug could be placed in the flared-end section(FES) of the outlet structure so sediment does not go off-site. Once settling of the sediment occurs, the water could be slowly released. 17. Street cleaning of soil tracked onto public streets shall include daily street scraping and street sweeping as-needed. Provisions for street cleaning shall be included in the SWPPP. 18. Drainage and utility easements (minimum 20 feet in width) shall be provided over all existing and proposed storm water infrastructure. 19. The total SWMP fee, due payable to the City at the time of final plat recording, is $102,838. 20. The developer may dedicate Outlot A, Arboretum Business Park 7th Addition to the City. 21. The developer's engineer must submit hydrology calculations that verify that the site design is consistent with the preliminary plat assumptions, and that the pond meets NPDES requirements for this site. 22. When a site plan for Lot 2 is submitted for approval, the applicant must submit calculations verifying that the proposed design meets the pond design assumptions and meets other agency requirements (e.g. NPDES Phase 2 permit). 23. Upon approval of the site plan for Lot 2, the applicant must post an escrow for the street repair required for the utility service extension. B. Conditional Use Permit for development within the Bluff Creek Corridor subject to the following conditions: 1. All structures shall be set back at least 40 feet from the primary zone. The first 20 feet of the setback from the primary zone cannot be disturbed. The plans shall be revised to show the sloaiuoo palm `aogld saNEj sialut 30 2u9sgo soup •pasn oq Aeuz Janoo IMO Jano roJ q3u!-/f 3o«Z I g3tM soWld pais Aq uMop ppq ouge3 Jailed lugsuo o3 loud uotigpeisui pp!jo smog iZ ui4IIM pallgisut oq pegs pug ioafoad agi 3nogpnoJg3 sia'ui pe Jo3 ppm am s[otiuoo 3a[uI '£i •Ja3uM a3g3Jns a o3 aaJugostp imp suta3s cs ppm mu Jo [eJnieu 10410 Jo goiip aEuretp 3uauuuuod Jo£u uoduiai `ialut Jamas uuo3s `uiaasics Jaiin$ pug (Imo a se lions `uta3sAs aouuiCanuoo JaWWM uuo3s u o3 ado's anWsod a giPM S 0JJ ltos pasodxa Auu puu `sadols ams puod 3uama2gugux Ja3CM uuois paptuisuoo opn[out SBOIR osou j &CEP 1Z I:OI mil JafE[d (•palaoM 2uiaq A[ant3ou iou st &Cup jI I:£ 0) 1:01 ga.re 041 uagM uado umuiai sAup L j:£ trap Jadaa3S um gam ue auii3 umunxeys[) ouii j adoiS 3o adACZ :saumg amp pug sadols jo algal guiMo[io3 agi 03 2uip2oo3g `puna aeaX JOAOO 3u011guu0d Jo 110113010A uotsoaa kJmJoduiai aneg[legs sgaag 'ios pasodxa [[y '1:E 03 [gnba so uugp aa3gaa sadols pe uo pallgisut oq pegs 03luglq loJiuoo uoisoig •saxtuu coos 3uauguuad pug£mloduxa3 se Tam se Vim l ad/Clio isIsuoo iCeui ioJ3uoo uotsoJO Amioduia j •sugld alp ut papnloui oq pugs sump pug sug[d lo13uoo uoisoaa 3uauguuad pug£mioduia j •Z I •suoi1gogtoads guigo'nua pug guipaas pug 3oafoad alp jo Suiouanbas `slm3op ire apnioui putts dddMS ag.L •a3!S qaM JOIRM uuo3S y3dIN alp g4nan4 paureigo oq MO s3uauiaambaa dddAS 2uipiaaa uopeutr03ui Iuuoi3IPPy •puuad S3QdN 3143 Jo3 2up(lddg o3 Joud weld ut oq[legs dddMS au j •a3Ts agi Jo3 aaauii?ua agi i(q pado'Onap oq[[Elis dddmS Mau y •ala[du.mout are sloJ3uoo 3uaunpas pug uoisola uo sa3ou[gaoua2 aUZ 1 I •i(mpunoq auoz£mwud 0415uoju 333.3 00£J(J3n3 iseal iu paisod oq"'nous 3ouisIQ itepanp paJD33nlg alp Jo3 aSuu tS 'OI •paambai oq"inn aouuLmEA a `auoz Antuud alp 03 ivaogfpu EaJE Ja33nq 3oo3-OZ alp utg31M pasodoad si uot3uJa2luJi 'auoz£miuud alp 03 3uaogfpe gage Ja33nq ioo3 -0Z aril pug auoz£reuiud alp wag loggias 3003-0173143`,( epunoq auoz£teuiud alp MOTs 01 pasinaa oq pugs sug'd ouj •paginisip oq iouueo auoz kJgutud agi tuoJ3 loggias alp jo 103J OZ lug au .auoz£mutud raaD Bum agi uioJ3 3333 017 isgai ig rug Sas oq pugs saJn3otuis Ily •6 •sueid agi uo uMogs oq pegs)ioEgias as inq puepaM agi •o pa aajjnq pug[3aM alp uiog 3o3 Ob Tsai[3u jo loggias a ureiureut[legs sam4otuis jy •ui?ts Jad OZ$ki!D agi 1(gd'legs pug sui2aq uogoiuisuoo aaojaq`gels A3t)3o uogoaitp agi Japan`suds 0 p0 Jaljnq puepaM llgisut pugs 3UEoi'ddE ata •aoueutpJo puel3aM s‘iC2ID agi g3IM aouepJoo3e ui palms puc paAanans `panaasaad oq pugs seam Ja33nq puupaM •spuel1aM uggi( y pr puna paureiureui oq Reqs 3003 g•91 3o giptM wntuiutui g g31M Jajjnq pue[3aM y •g •laid mug alp guipJooaJ o3 Joud Hull OPIM 3003-01 g Jog uogaas SSOJO u0tiofJ3suoo [uoid,C3 pug utssoao a2puq paimba i e Jo3 slrepp pue 3uautuSilg pan uodn-paaa u uu Sutioidap suu'd amdaad isnui aado'anap alis •L 1,3o Z aged LOOZ 'OE XRIAL 0I-LO asgj 2uiuug[d uoi3ippy q,L [Jed ssautsng um3aaogay g3tuxS 00f 'ayAI Mr. Joe Smith Arboretum Business Park 7th Addition Planning Case 07-10 May 30,2007 Page 4 of 4 primary zone boundary,the 40-foot setback from the primary zone and the 20-foot buffer area adjacent to the primary zone. If alteration is proposed within the 20-foot buffer area adjacent to the primary zone, a variance will be required. 2. Signage for the Bluff Creek Overlay District should be posted at least every 300 feet along the primary zone boundary. C. Site Plan for a 51,800 square-foot office/warehouse building(Mamac Systems)with a variance to permit only 32 percent building transparency on the western building elevation and with a 20-foot setback variance for the drive aisle in the southeast corner of the site for development within the Bluff Creek Corridor on Lot 1,Block 1,Arboretum Business Park 7th Addition,plans prepared by Clark Engineering Corporation and Mohagan Hansen Architectural Group,dated April 13,2007. Two signed mylar copies of the final plat shall be submitted to our office for signatures. Two 1"=200'scale mylar reductions of the final plat and one 1"=200' scale mylar reductions of the final plat with just street names and lot and block numbers shall be submitted. In addition, a digital copy in .dxf format and a digital copy in .tif format(pdf compatible)of the final plat shall be submitted. You will also need to submit trail easement(s) and a warrantee deed conveying the Outlot A to the City to be recorded. Finally, a check payable to the City of Chanhassen in the amount of$113,088.00 shall be submitted to cover the GIS fee($60.00),park fees($10,190.00) and SWMP fees($102,838.00). The City will submit all the necessary documents to Carver County for recording of the subdivision. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at (952) 227-1131 or bgenerousAci.chanhassen.mn.us. Sincerely, Robert Generous, AICP Senior Planner RG:ktm ec: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director Alyson Fauske, Assistant City Engineer Jerry Mohn, Building Official g:lplan12007 planning cases\07-1 0 arboretum business park 7th addition-mamac systems\approval letter plat and cup.doc kithfffikil /J7 (